Solving brand new Camelot puzzle box

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hey there i guess you're wondering what are these beautiful puzzles that you see on my desk you never saw them before oh i'm kidding you saw this puzzle in a video of chris ramsey and mr puzzle they solved the cambridge labyrinth puzzle designed by idventure but they didn't show you the solution of the camelot puzzle that is also a new design from id bench both puzzles are in a kickstarter campaign that you can support right now link will be in the video description this project is already fully founded but you can still support it to have a chance to get one of these or both puzzles before they hit the market the cambridge labyrinth has a little bit innovative design since it has acrylic transparent acrylic pieces on each side and it is based on a maze that you have to solve to open the box i haven't tried to solve this puzzle yet but i will do it in my next videos now i'm gonna solve the camelot puzzle it has more a traditional look for this type of puzzles i like when uh there are a lot of sliders a lot of parts that you can move in escape room in a box puzzles and this one looks really amazing so if you like how these puzzles look and you want to support the kickstarter campaign link will be in the video description and now i will show you my attempt to solve the camelot puzzle first of all i'm going to take a closer look at the puzzle since i have to find where is this start what's interesting this puzzle has six sides all of them are quite busy there is a lot going on here here here and on the bottom on this side there are four cutouts it feels like i have to put my finger inside i hope there are no razors but this side it looks empty just a couple of symbols a small part on top that i can slightly move and that's it and here on top i see there is a word start that means that i have to start solving the puzzle from here let's see there are a lot of cutouts there are sliders that i can move and i guess it's some kind of a maze that i have to solve yeah i have to put these three sliders into these cutouts with the arrows and to do so i have to move the disk but the disk is blocked by three other sliders so i have to figure out the way how to move them and move the disk so let's see what i can do [Music] all three sliders are in now i can probably lift the lead let's see nothing happens why uh i don't know why oh yeah done this part is solved and what i see here there is a small wooden kind of a box and there is a small it is a straw it is a paper straw here okay i can't remove this part let's see what is happening when i'm trying to move it this part is moving as well this one and this one so i guess i have to i have to remove this part this one and this one to lift this piece up but then something is on the bottom as well oh let's see this piece i can move it up and i can remove it okay and it has two circle cutouts oh i guess it is some kind of a jigsaw puzzle where i have to put pieces where i have to align the piece with the cutouts on the sides and maybe that's how i try to figure out something so it says across and some kind of number eight with small tails on the bottom let's see where i can find such symbols i can find them here and oh okay i got it there is a cross it is on top of this crown and then there is this symbol so i have to put this slider i guess into this line that leads to this number eight okay let's see i guess i can try to find another ways how to put this part and find other symbols let's see what i can do else here first of all maybe i have to put it back inside i don't remember how it was inside maybe it showed something as well ah no it doesn't show me anything useful okay let's see what else i can find here maybe uh yeah there are a lot of possible combinations here but only a couple of them will work this doesn't work oh maybe maybe i can put it here on top yeah okay we have this kind of a clever and this snake or something okay let's see we have this part and this part so this slider goes up here and we have to figure out two more it will be this diamond and this like a five cone piece maybe i have to cheat and just stick to the symbols and try to find a way how to put some oh i think that now now i thought it will be eat oh yeah so this one and it has some kind of a banana with a plum and what was that yeah it goes here and i have only one left and for this one it has only three possibilities oh and i guess now i can rotate this part maybe i can remove it no i can't remove it maybe it is blocked by something else yeah i can't open it i guess something else is blocking this part and something else can be i don't know maybe this this part on the bottom let's see what i can do here the middle part i can rotate just a little bit the circle around it i can rotate well that's interesting i can rotate it not all the way around but just a little bit or maybe i can align it with this one and then add the third one let's see which one it will be yeah it doesn't go all the way around as well it moves just a little bit so okay let's try this one and the last ring maybe this let's see oh okay this part is moving this disk so i have to figure out the correct combination and i will be able to remove it [Music] oh this one yeah what's next i can't remove this part oh there is a lock sign here and i can remove it okay there are already four parts out what i can do here there are three sliders here i have no idea what they are here for and there is a there is an eye with the keyhole and there is a keyhole here okay maybe when i take a look through this tiny tiny cutout in the keyhole and move these sliders i will be able to align them in some kind of a i don't know letter or symbol or something okay i don't know yet what this thing is about let's see what wha what just happened oh the straw i can remove the straw okay but what i can do with the straw um i don't know what i can do with the straw maybe i can stick it here but why just because there is a cutout i don't know um no i i'm i'm gonna put it aside i don't know why destroy is here okay uh let's try again here oh i didn't notice these wheels there are four of them here and each has a symbol four symbols one two three four and i guess when i align them in a correct way i will be able to remove this part but what how i can align them that is interesting and what are these sliders for oh there are two arrows here one goes here and other goes here feels like they're spring-loaded and there are some parts here okay i have to take a look inside of this keyhole yeah definitely the keyhole has something to do with the sliders but i can't really understand what is happening inside when i move them there are kind of i don't know symbols or something there i'll leave it for now let's see what else i can do i can't unlock this part yet i move it but i can't remove this part oh maybe i don't have to remove the part maybe i just have to remove the middle piece okay but still this part is locked since it is held by this piece and this piece okay what about this piece what i can do with it there are two other sliders i have no idea what they are for and look what i've noticed here these wheels they are connected with the cutouts with the circle cut out so this goes the chain goes up and then goes right here and when i move the sliders i move the picture inside oh maybe i have to look inside of this cutout when i align the sliders okay the one on the right that goes straight to this part it looks like letter m i don't know why but it looks like letter m if i think it like so and look inside it looks like letter m a don't move i want it to be letter m oh it feels like it is a little bit loose on this side okay the next one goes here on top let's see what we have here it looks like maybe letter z then this third one it does look like letter s a little bit but i'm not sure so it is three and now i have to think about the last one and the last one i don't know maybe it is letter x or something i can't figure out okay i i don't know about the letters i have to skip this part for now let's see what else i can do i remove this part i have to find how to unlock the top piece there are two sliders here i can move them up there are two arrows here oh let's let's check one theory if i push them yeah okay these two uh small parts with arrows they were holding these two tiny pieces and i think that i know where to put them there is a star on the piece and it goes right in this part but now i have to figure out how to put it in the correct way i guess when i put both jigsaw pieces inside and then slide these two parts up i will be able to remove this piece oh there is a there are two pictures here i have to figure out the cutouts the circle cutouts in the pieces and the picture and find which goes where so it looks like this one will be here and this one will be on the left let's try so this goes here and i have to move it to the left and then i push it up okay what will be the next one this goes inside to the right and i can push both of them up what's next uh let's try oh yeah i was right i can easily remove this part i can't remove this piece i don't need to remove it wait why what how why i was able to remove this part without opening this piece ah oh okay i guess i found the correct orientation of two of the sliders just by luck and it was just enough to release the box inside okay i guess i'm done with the box and now i can figure out what's happening inside of this part so it is a another small puzzle there is a small part that i can move here it shows two note signs with the lock opened and locked closed and i have to move this part let's see what else i can find there is a holder for the straw oh i guess this straw was inside in this holder there are two castles here the same castles as you can find on the back side of the puzzle there are four holes i have no idea why they're here what else i can find oh there is a small slider these two notes that i found here the one is locked the one okay this one is unlocked this one is locked and i can stick the straw here okay but why do i have to sing for the box [Music] no it doesn't help me to open it and there is oh there is a hint here since i have just to put the straw and let's see if my guess is correct no my guess isn't correct oh my god okay this part was removed as soon as i blew inside the box with the straw and the puzzle is soft i guess this part was opened there is some kind of a pin that locks it and using the straw i just have to blow inside and the lock will be unlocked that is a very clever way to open the box now we have three swords here they have letters they have org comb and net okay as always adventure makes all the puzzles are ended with entering some kind of a site in internet oh i think that i saw some of the symbols here let's see it is a flag then it is like a number eight and an arrow to the left so let's see this one and this one the this one on top and we will have the name of the site i guess net okay let's try to open it the trial of camelot the puzzle is solved i have only one part left i have to put everything back inside the box so the swords go here this goes inside now i have to lock everything using the straw let's try if it works again this part is locked now i have to put it back inside right here [Music] okay and the puzzle is locked again that was a fun puzzle to solve i really enjoy when this type of puzzles have a lot of sliders a lot of wheels a lot of parts that you can move remove or even reuse in order to solve the puzzle so this one was just a perfect example of such a beautiful escape room in a box puzzle if you like the camelot puzzle or you like the cambridge labyrinth and you want to have them in your collection support the kickstarter campaign link will be in the video description and that's it for me for today thank you for watching hit the like button subscribe and see you in my next video
Channel: Puzzle guy
Views: 21,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle, solution, video solution, brain teaser, puzzle solving, how to solve, puzzleguy, puzzle guy, Camelot puzzle, Camelot, Camelot puzzle box, Escape room in a box, Puzzles, Idventure cluebox, idventure puzzle, difficult puzzle, puzzle box, wooden puzzle, hard puzzle, laser cut puzzle
Id: A7LoZ8PzabM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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