Solving a MURDER MYSTERY case with 100 twitch viewers

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[Music] he has something really important to say to the chat shut up he just realized that he doesn't have a mouth so he can't speak is it yeah he's here he wants to solve a mystery he feels like being a detective all right okay so today we are going to be solving this professional over here yeah multiple camera angles we call this the cold case files i originally wanted to buy a hunter color box except that the 100 killer box is it was 40 usd with 40 usd shipping the shipping price was as much as the thing itself and i was like well no so i said i buy this instead because i heard that the reviews are also pretty good so what is this this is a case files where we solve the murder of this person so let's take a look on may 8th 1998 a small indiana town of riverdale was shocked by the brutal murder of one of its most beloved citizens on the night before her wedding yada yada the victim is harmony ashcroft murder in the parking lot behind a restaurant during her own wedding rehearsal dinner bowen's mcbride local vagrant was framed for the murder and he spent over two decades behind us despite 100 innocent your job is to prove his innocence and convict the real killer but who was it anyone to make bets i'm going to bed that is like the husband or something these are like stock photos right all right let's go opening screws oh bonus envelopes this is cool wow wow this is the entire file okay let's take a look and there's a few case files is a game that lets you solve a fictional crime using evidence and documentation from the code case file when you prove bones is it isn't visit this webpage to verify it after proving bones could not be the killer you may open bonus envelope a okay objective one proof is innocent all right so contains photographs relevant to the investigation what is a huge picture of her this is so random oh wow this is a lot of people oh my god and newspaper clippings what is a lot of stuff whoa we have their wedding photo their wedding invitation okay oh my oh wow this is a lot of stuff in this case we should look through the evidence slowly oh wait is it is it entire whoa that's a lot of stuff yeah this is all the suspects right okay okay let's read this this is really realistic i i'm impressed what do you guys think a 28 year old woman was killed last night in our altercation it took place uh in the parking lot behind khali's restaurant around 9 30 p.m mitch ashcroft was attending the rehearsal dinner for her wedding to christian peterson police investigators have determined her death to be the result of a blunt impact to the head wait should we get like a piece of paper and write down our guys you seem to have misunderstood this is not zeji mine or this is actually major because he's a big boy zejc miner is sitting on the chair relaxing right now because he sees camera shy peters continue reading according to reports ashcroft and peterson left the restaurant to get some gifts out of the car and never returned what did you get she and her fiance she and her fiance yeah left the restaurant to get gifts out of the car i never came back yeah her fiance is the about fiance murderer was apprehended by the police at his residence at 10 pm so yeah they arrested the fiance okay wait give me a second peterson claimed that he drove home and forgotten the presence and left harmony alone in the parking lot where someone else might have attacked him okay so fiance drove off beyonce drove off i forgot her yeah basically academic success she also have a 3.9 gpa whoa that's pretty cool so she was attacked but someone's stronger than her she's pretty athletic this lady confrontation okay we have this here yeah yeah scar factor oh there's more yeah okay so we have a few people we are suspecting right now right obviously the the fiancee but the fiance would be too obvious wouldn't it the person that was falsely charged is bones mcbride we haven't even heard of that person in the newspaper clipping yet so our first objective to prove that bones is innocent her weight is one two five pounds yo she's very light false angle impact indicated that the murderer will need to be a left-handed ambidextrous person is left-handed is the entire model important probably so we need to change something to check where was all these people doing this date um the fiance was actually with her right before the murder but he said that he left and forgot her you forgot her and drove home this is the parking lot this is outside tully's because she died at least right that's a lot of people you know why does this look like liners it's sinus tips what are these okay so this is their wedding it is the person who was arrested as you yeah this is bones was found with the ring wow this is a lot of work which evidence we start with first this okay we look we look at the map this is traveling on the ring stingy and poor fiance wanted the ring back he wanted the ring back but if he wanted the ring back right it wouldn't be with this random person walking on the street so what was the date that she was killed the date she was killed was fifth fifth to nine time wait so they got the ring the day before she was murdered he was wrong with the ring on the eight that's weird yeah okay then he can't be the murderer if she was alive the ring was obtained okay on the eighth on the so half an hour later they found him yes she got at 9 48 it seems let's still get over the case phones first arrested for the murder of a local child psychologist harmony aircraft it appears that the assailant's motive for the attack was monetary and struck her in the face of a powerful blow in a cave but the thing is that we don't have a weapon why is the weapon okay is there anything written in the back oh no just random stuff all right so let's see this oh person of interest prior arrest he has too many to list nothing violent though several death convictions and has plenty of street fight experience the whereabouts okay this is important i was at rambo's bar right after 9 00 pm from there i went to grand park to get some rest and fell asleep the next thing i remember is being surrounded by 20 officers shining lights in my eyes someone put a ring on my hair while i was sleeping oh so it looks like this guy is being framed witness statement form so he has an alibi if he has a witness though so why did he charge him but then he was found at 10 o'clock so that half an hour period has nobody saw him witness statement form oh ken grayson wrote this he's not his bones mcbride has been spotted many times sleeping in grand park of various public places having drinking and deserving a place so it was 10 o'clock when i approached the suspect with intention of waking up and telling him to move along but i saw something unusual in his hand by the time mr mcbride had woken up the backup had arrived he seemed quite disorientated he was then told that he was under arrest for the murder of harmony ashcroft the next one is here oh wow that's quite a few pieces of paper okay so this is a fully recorded interview so this is this is rambo's park this is tully's and where was he found grant's park right so he was found here right okay so this is where he was kicked out from and this is where the murder took place yeah the murder was at 9 30 p.m so bones was kicked out at 9 pm 9 15 9 15. this is all the info we have so far let's focus on making sure that he's innocent so we have his witness statement form basically this entire interview is saying that uh he's innocent he's repeating whatever we know which is that he woke up the ring with his hand and the detective doesn't believe him that he woke up with a ring in his hand okay so let's read what his alibi said i confirmed wooden bones mcbride was removed from about okay so he was at the bar at 9 30 right was did i right nine oh 9 15. he was kicked out at 9 15. this is a man i've seen on a number of occasions in my place of employment rambo's bar so the end of happy hour was 9 pm bones missed the last call for happy hour drinks and was upset because he was broke and was yelling at the bartender for ignoring him the bartender signaled for me to escort him out so i did by then things had come down and bones was on his way out ready to leave on his own he said something like i'll just go get some money and be back in an hour as bones left me and jt the bartender looked back at each other and smiled we expected him to go out to the front of the bar and panhandle like he had done in the past but he didn't he walked out the door and kept walking i figured he had some other way of finding money i haven't seen him since okay so he just all it does is confirm that he was at the bar and he was kicked out everything written about bones does not prove a single thing yeah it makes him look suspicious actually this is probably why the police arrested him not gonna lie i can see why so let's look at the next thing we can look at let's take a look at the map okay so he was found in this part this was where the bar was and this is the murder the guy was kicked out from the bar at 9 15. he reached this place he walked half a mile in 15 minutes he walks 0.8 kilometers in 15 minutes 15 minutes we'll walk 1 km it's not very long it's about 10 you can walk in 10 minutes oh there's a bridge here dale bridge it's probably open the entire time wouldn't it is it possible to see the newspaper article yeah we can take a look at it again is there something at the back there's still more info on the back of the newspaper this is a random stuff i think but this is yeah this is random stuff [Music] wait temporary road closure where temporary road closure the dale bridge for one hour friday night to clear a down line according to reports on the scene at 8 45 and traffic resumed at 9 45. that means that it wouldn't have been wait was the map he couldn't have gone to tully's so we have the temporary road closure so this was uh the dale bridge the dale bridge animals what time 8 45 pm to 9 45. let's take a look bones was kicked out about at 9 15. and when was he found by the police ring found at 10 05 pm the murder was at 9 9 30 ish but if the road was closed at 8 45 too how did bones manage to cross the bridge to get to the the murder area so we know that he couldn't have done it because he means that he has to cross through the bridge but the bridge was closed so guys should we open these envelopes do you guys think we've managed to reach the objective have we proved that bones is innocent which two newspaper article local child psychologist murdered and then we have the mecca riverdale right is it right all right correct okay okay we got it right guys okay okay okay we're making progress making progress all right let's take a look we opened up the file and we got this one of the five suspects in the case has lied about his alibi your job is to find the proof i suspect the major line about his alibi visit the p this page to prove it after cracking the fake alibi you can open bonus envelope b with additional evidence and the final objective three you're looking for an obvious and unmistakable lie in the suspect's alibi so we have to look through the five suspects let's read the newspaper clipping first mcbride cleared off all charges in 1999 riverdale murder oh that's because we are the ones who did it so those were the two things we had got to find who was lying in their alibi on one of the five suspects put away everything related to bones because he's cleared already we know we don't need to look at bones case file either because his alibi is accurate we need to find out who which one of these four people are lying the guy the big bear looks like a hipster who owns a vape store i'm not gonna lie he looks exactly like that this guy let's look through all the evidence slowly it's gonna take a bit he has like a bald spot on his eyebrow whoa that kind of sucks parking lot to check the land rover for my parents presence but they weren't there so i drove home to get presents and left harmony in the parking lot to return to the party she was 50 feet away from the door when i left police apprehended me at my home when i was picking up the present there's as much on the statement bottom right okay let's take a look at the this here this alibi by jenny rogers you know all these kind of looks like you see the report yeah this is all incident reports oh like i know how that looks like okay here we go harmony has been my friend since college we have always been very close and that's why her mother was such a devastating event in my life i was there on the night of that harmony and christian burst met comedy and i were at a nightclub enjoying the a rare night on the town they were in the bar no this is where they met oh nobody asked it's not irrelevant she kind of said let's be wrong it was certain that she lived in the car they weren't screaming but they getting angry each other everyone they left the party together in the car you got the feeling that i will probably continue if they left we told the police christian killed her but nobody actually saw what happened so you can meet someone else told me about a few weird guys at work a soccer and some dead beat there you should check them out to office manager cheryl i don't even know what i think right now why would they pick the prizes at night i think this this is because it was the day before the wedding so they were rehearsing i needed to get the presents for the day tomorrow the reason why he left her maybe he was because he was pissed off yeah maybe okay so this is the the police interviewing christian the fiance christian cory patterson how do you know harmony she's my fiance supposed to get married tomorrow morning oh that's why they went to rush to get a present because the wedding is the next day the very next day i know two or three people you need to talk to yeah why l'oreal so smart see if he got arrested how would he pass the ring to bones all right he was in this home how did he pass the ring to bones at home at 10 pm where was it written uh the newspaper he quite passed it to bones on the way home though so it was written in newspaper that he was apprehended at around 10 pm uh fiance was at home yes he drove home and the ring was found at 10 05 and she died at 9 30. oh his head is at home that's really far would he ha no he would have to take a detour to the park that was where uh bones was this rules are christian actually i don't think he's a murderer if their home was so far away oh the guy says that the killer is ratcliffe he's the stalker okay so we know the stalker the stalker is radcliffe okay we'll take a look at him later the cycle navy guy who lost his kid i don't know his name but he blames harmony for losing custody over his kid he was a dead beat but i told her not to testify and the other guy with the son he's a psychopath it has ptsd or something probably i can't believe i did that okay oh this guy is broken i don't think he's the murderer his witness was really sketchy because she was talking about everything else but it seems that everything about he said she said it's not reliable but just by looking at the mat it would not have been possible that he was at this home and passed the ring to bones at the park and kill her here all in that span of one hour that would be two also the bridge was closed and the bridge was also closed actually yeah he wouldn't have been able to make it actually okay we're looking at radcliffe next this is the stalker right yep he's also left-handed he's also left-handed he is a car oh that's very short what does he say i was at home the whole time i got home from work around 9 00 pm and stay in my apartment online okay so he has a alibi called mrs mccoy so fiance and the stalker are both left-handed but the fiancee is rudolph he lives it where oh wait he lives here oh man has a nice handwriting i have had contact with mr racket in my job and office manager of helping hence mental health clinic can vividly remember his face and that look on his face where i would describe his look as predatory i then tried to work with him on a few other options i mentioned that i could possibly refer him to another clinic but once again this made him upset he told me that it was important that he see harmony before it was too late i then asked what he meant by that and he hung up oh my god oh there's a lot but does this say anything about anything this it only proves that he was where he doesn't prove that he was home though yeah it took place in the parking lot on the day of the murder so he'll say during the day of the murder yeah okay let's look at his landlord the first time i met mr ratcliffe was when he came to arrange renting the apartment above me i immediately noted that he seemed very uneasy but i did not find any problem with him asked that he would have made him ineligible for rent he didn't have much of a mental history but at least we were not made aware of any prior on outstanding voices warrants from for his arrest prior to this situation we had never had any major problem with mr ratcliffe doesn't say anything on the night of the murder may 8th i observed him coming into the building a little before 9pm i know it was then because it happened night at the end of the ex-files when the whistling comes on then a little over an hour after that i heard crying and screaming it was during the first story on 2020 to it must have been sometime between 10 and 10 15. i couldn't make out any of the words but it sounded really dreadful his car didn't leave where he parked it when he got home at nine okay so the alibi says that he was home i think he's pretty legit though so that was a bit after the murder wait wait wait no i think he tried calling remember wow if he was in his apartment he should be innocent yeah yeah that's a lot of calls but the thing is that someone's lying right there was a car that was seen near the crime scene there was another incident that took place in the parking lot on the day of the murder someone in the parking lot reported a car coming by and a man screaming from the car okay this is not adding up why did he say what car though no he didn't say which which parking lot hey this is suspicious okay we we will book the stalker and suspicious he works at gym okay he stays silent he doesn't know why he's here he says that he doesn't know who cheryl is she says that she's dead and he has to let her go this guy is really suspicious day before murder you caught 10 times he waited in the parking lot outside tules he did he claims that he didn't okay he's denying that he was at the parking lot okay so he just says the only person that can confirm his alibi is the landlady stalker guy right he seems really suspicious okay so this is all evidence so far there's a picture with a restaurant okay yeah let's take a look at the pictures then oh there's a lot of cars in this picture oh yeah yeah the guy's car is white the soccer guy his car is white in color but there's a few colors here though i mean this is this might be white no we can't i don't think they use carpet numbers here oh there's a white car there too this is a silver car the stock of it is 34 v 12 89 okay let's see yeah so this is a chevette a white chevy right so i don't think we see that in the photo yeah let's not shiv it yeah let's look at the fiance's car first his car is a discovery it's all the way he has two cars they're silver and white oh this looks like it might be a car inside the picture okay let's take a look first this looks like it might be the car a visible car platinum this car is six four four four three five and it doesn't match with either of the numbers here so the fiance's car is out stalker's car is out and let's take a look at this guy's car this other guy the one that looks like a fake dealer 74871 and it's a broco it's a ford wow he has a ford car this car does not match what's inside the pictures at all can we just roll him out okay let's look at the other suspect so we're gonna look at this guy's car oh wait this is his car six four four four three five yeah it's great is this guys this guy's here we've got him boys okay we checked this guy's alibi we screwed a vape troll owner he's we probably found our guy already okay let's bring his personal interest why is he related he's a friend is this guy left-handed he's right-handed fixing breaks on my car all evening i went to bed around 11 pm but at 2 am i received a phone call from harmony's mother she explained to me that harmony was murdered at the party my neighbor jason can confirm i was fixing my car when the crime happened but he was if he was at home fixing his brakes on his car what is his car why was his car in the image on the night of the murder at 9 40 p.m and he said the time of incident he wrote this was at 9 30. he couldn't have reached the area of murder in 8 minutes okay where is his house his house is here look how close it is to the park yeah it's really close to the park but then how did he manage to get here though because the bridge is closed the bridge is closed how do you get here and have taken around the route to the other side he could have taken this this bridge right i think he said his car was already here so it means that he didn't actually reach home let me check my evidence the bridge was only opened at what time 9 45 and then when was the ring found 10 o'clock so he had time to go from here to here oh my god within 10 minutes i think he's this dude the jason guy is like jason guys dying okay i think we found our guy we found our guy hey how do you guys even notice about the car thing are you cheating hey this might say his car is grey but let's just double check with his alibi real quick anyway he came over to borrow a tool that friday night around 10 p.m that's a lie yeah that's a lie no he could have he could have actually not lied and went over at 10 p.m he planted the evidence before 10 o'clock and it reached home at 10. since the ring was fun he broke something at 10 o'clock this happened after the murder he spent hours on the drawing just about done listen something breaks and you can't finish he told me he's been fixing his brakes for the past few hours which i don't doubt because he was kind of sweaty in our breath hmm he's a big guy oh this is only one page very concise yeah i agree not wishy-washy at all i have known andy for three years and he's one of the nicest guys i've ever met i've never seen him violent or angry when i heard about the murder i wasn't sure what to think i remember being disturbed by the news and surprised that this kind of thing would happen randomly it immediately reminded me of something my father said to me when i was a child most murderers are really more about love than hate at the time i didn't understand what he meant by that but as i've gotten older i understand it even more i was aware of how close she and andy were i know they have been close friends since childhood she and andy were together so this is what the photo was about right that childhood baseball photo so this guy killed her because he was jealous of the fiance yeah here we go the photo he's right-handed though but he could have backhanded the titan there was one occasion we were joking about how hard it is to be just friends of a woman at one point he began staring off into distance and said i guess it can work out as long as you never fall in love i laughed but he didn't and even asked who he was talking about he talked about harmony a lot it was apparent that he had strong feelings for her this guy wasn't written in his alibi right he's just some extra is his friend i see after harmony and christian got engaged i recall andy joking but how funny would be if he got drunk at a rehearsal dinner and told her how he really felt i could sense that this was something he was seriously considering the subject was dropped immediately i asked him what he saw at the party because he couldn't go because he had to fix his brakes i remember him saying something about how he took a while to do because he wasn't very experienced and had to borrow a tool to finish the job and by the time it was too late to go to the party he's probably the kindest guy i know and he loved harmony okay you know what we don't even need to look at the vape guys profile i think this is dying okay so this is his report he couldn't go but his car was there exactly okay he's a paralegal how do you know victim we're friends best friends yeah he sure knows a lot for some reason and he seems a bit suspicious so the detective is really questioning him about his feelings but things that he only borrowed the wrench at 10 pm so it doesn't add up he can still have been at the murder area at the time of the murder so this guy he's us i think we got our guy person of interest andy allen and the photo of the cars hey okay we did it we did it guys we did it guys hey we got him we didn't even look at the third guy so yeah we're opening the third envelope right now yes oh whoa there's a lot of stuff inside the second envelope oh wow this is a letter oh more baseball photos why don't the suspect lied about something that seriously implicates him in the murder your job is to find it you have to find the other line visit the page to prove that you cracked the case after finding the evidence you need to convict the killer you may open envelope c the information does not prove he is the killer but it's very suspicious and will help the prosecution secure a conviction so one of the suspects lied about something that seriously implicates him in the murder i want to thank you for the help with my daughter's case it's been decades since it happened but i can't describe how difficult it has been some days are better than the others but a day has yet to pass that i didn't wish i could wake up from my nightmare i heard you're also investigating andy allen and i just want to respectfully say that i think your efforts might might be better spent on other suspects i've known andy since he was six and he'd never heard harmony they've been inseparable since t-ball in 1976 i included one of my favorite pictures from that team it was one of the few times i even get between them i'm afraid false accusations against him could cause a lot of harm i think he still blames himself for what happened but i won't question your judgment the mother has sent a letter to us saying that it is possible that andy is not a killer and we should look at christian again and the other suspects we have two pictures so they'll be nice to see them since that's their connection i mean the two baseball pictures i assume this is her i don't think it has it doesn't show much does it it's just a picture who's the top person in the picture though the mother she said that it was the only time she managed to come in no no but there's three people so we know that one of them is the girl the other one is another friend and then who's the other person then i don't know man probably uh this is andy if you're right-handed you're holding your left hand if you're left-handed holding your right hand yeah so this person is left-handed that person is right-handed i see yeah this one's the yandy oh wait no this is andy this is andy yeah if you're if you're right-handed you hold the baseball glove on your other buttons you between them all right wait what i was boating okay so he was boating i think he's completely clear i think he's definitely he was on a boat with another guy he looks like the kind of guy that would act tough and want to go to the military about being right-handed yes i think he's the one lying we solve that one pretty quick he looks like he's dying you're not gonna look through the this guy no screw it the other guy looks like he's lying about his handedness let's test first i think we found our murderer uh i think he's the guy can we check the answer he passed me yeah he's minor he wants to solve the case too he's a detective expect the detective oh that's so cute he's trying to understand what's happening ellie is left-handed yeah you solved it oh here we go oh this is a video oh there's 68 000 views 58 000 people were trying to solve this case that's so cool let's take a look at this guys [Music] in a shocking turn of events today 48 year old riverdale man andy allen has confessed to a murder that happened over two decades ago so he's a murderer authorities mr allen confessed to murdering harmony ashcroft in the parking lot behind tully's restaurant in riverdale on may 8 1998. the murder happened on the night before miss ashcroft was to be married and drew national media attention at the time allen's confession comes just days after the surprising release of another man william mcbride who had been wrongfully convicted of the same crime according to his confession allen approached the victim in the parking lot to tell her that he loved her and after responding that she did not feel the same he became enraged and struck her in the head crushing her skull and killing her instantly allen admits to then stealing her engagement ring and leaving the scene of the crime while driving home he placed the ring in the hand of a homeless man sleeping in grant park that man william mcbride was found by police with the victim's ring and was convicted of murder mcbride spent over 20 years behind bars for a crime that he did not commit allen originally told police that he was at home on the night of the murder but an independent investigation uncovered photographs showing a vehicle with his license plate at the crime scene allen also lied to police about being right-handed because investigators were looking for a left-handed killer an independent investigator also uncovered evidence revealing that mr allen had lied to police and had been left-handed his entire life he switched to riding with his right hand while under investigation for the murder and has continued living as a right-hander for over two decades wow he apparently broke down and confessed i will have more on this story later in the broadcast that's interesting let's open the third envelope guys all right what's this okay let's take a look congratulations detective you solved the case oh okay that's it so we have finished it completely voluntary statement i'm not sure where i came from i've never been violent in my entire life how many went down instantly and i immediately oh it's his confession oh is this confession all right oh we should have raised before i watched the video whoops as it's still an excellent shot i know it's the engagement ring on the head i noticed how christian caused all this in here a moment i said i take the arrangement ring thinking that he didn't deserve to see on hand ever again i heard it back to my car but i was too rattled to drive away after about 10 minutes after the police arrived i realized i better get out of here and drove home taking the bridge near riverdale marina oh so he did he did manage to drive from all the way around about groud that's interesting okay about halfway i realized that i had to get rid of the engagement ring so i stopped at grant park oh so he was he's trying to get home right he lives about here then he drove here then he drove home yeah i see hey monkey streams are you guys really that interested in watching us sell cases is it fun we did it yes i'm so sorry for what i've done to how many christian effects well this is such an empty apology guys holy freaking empty wow i'm not sure if my nightmare is finally or just beginning no he caused so much pain and yeah he can say i'm so sorry and my nightmare is just beginning well this guy's playing victim okay so i think that's it for today's stream guys it was a really long airstream but i had a ton of fun i hope you guys had fun too i feel like this could have been a kind of everywhere stream but i hope you guys liked it i had so much fun i think i might do this more in the future what do you guys think we managed to solve it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: tokaku
Views: 30,933
Rating: 4.9916754 out of 5
Keywords: cold case files, cold case, murder case file, solving a mystery, solving a crime, twitch crime, twitch murder mystery, crime mystery, tokaku, osu tokaku, tokaku osu, osu! tokaku, tokaku osu!, tokaku cold case mystery, tokaku murder mystery, solving a murder mystery case with 100 twitch viewers, solving a murder with twitch, fun murder mystery game, hunt a killer, murder mystery game, cold case files game, crime solving game, crime solving
Id: XU_ww8KQR9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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