3 days SOLO CAMPING with No Food Alone In The Bush! EP 91

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[Music] i think we'll just get down to the beach and it'll be all good all right we have just arrived on destination all right if i'm not back in three days i'm going to be around here somewhere good luck we'll see you very soon three days i'll be all right all right what's going on doggies welcome back to another video and welcome to a solo camping mission mac 10 she's just dropped me off in the troopy in the boat they're going up to a camp spot way way on the other side of the coast there you and i we're going to meet mac 10 there in about three days we're on foot we've got a backpack we've got a tent we've got very limited camping gear limited cooking gear we've got one fishing rod and that's basically it for the next two to three days what i'm gonna do is we're just gonna walk along this coastline we're gonna find food we're gonna try to find water i have two liters of water in this backpack and that is basically it so for the next two to three days we're on foot we're exploring we're camping and it's going to be a bloody good time well i reckon we found home for the night this place is bloody beautiful this tiny little beach it only goes from there over to here but you've got one nice little rocky outcrop over there another rocky outcrop there one little beach here and then you've got a beautiful little nugget out there this nice little deep sort of a section in the water over there this is good the only problem is it's not very protective in any way so we might have to set up in these sand dunes or something like that this is magical but setting up camp there that's just that's just a death trap see if we can go up here and have a look oh this looks good this spot here looks incredible we're in a little bit of a gully in the sand dune like this so the wind is actually coming up and it's getting shot over us right now we're in a there is actually there's very very very little wind right now so what we'll do is we'll just make a nice little flat bed here it's only a tiny little tent that we've got it's like a one-man tent so it's not a lot of room which is a good thing we just flattened this ground out here that is bad for the night it's actually really good in here there is not a lot of wind whatsoever so [Music] look at that it's been a while since we pitched this little fella and i tell you what it is a bloody good feeling to be out here doing this kind of stuff but it's up but it's nowhere near finished yet we need to grab a couple of rocks pin the corners or pull the corners tight with some big rocks because there is no way that a tent peg is gonna do anything in this flowery sand we're gonna go pick up a couple of rocks we'll make our home into a palace and we'll start scavenging for a bit of food and we'll do all the what we've got to do but first things first gotta grab a couple of rocks pin these corners down look at her sitting pretty you wouldn't bloody believe it would ya this is the only rock i can find in the whole entire area every other rock has been wedged in between other rocks and the years of sand and waves have just wedged them in place cannot pull them out we've got one rock so what we're going to have to do is we'll make a couple of bush sand pegs very simple very effective probably more effective than rocks to be honest just grab any stick preferably a dead stick so you don't cut down a live tree just grab a stick what we're going to do with this stick is we're just going to basically make tent pegs but because they're so effective it's they're around about that thick each stick so again we're going to use this rock bash them into the ground this tent is going to go nowhere tonight so that is basically what we're dealing with sharp end on a stick that there you got a little key so the rope is going to hook into that this whole entire stick is going to drive into this super fluffy sand and um that tent is gonna go absolutely nowhere what we'll do is we'll use that rock wherever that rock's gone we use that rock to hammer these in and we'll be good to go yeah that thing is going nowhere [Music] right all right there's only two more things we need to turn this from a tent into a house number one being this thing one of the best blow up mattresses i've ever used or found this thing's incredible man just like that we've got a big juicy blind mattress that's going in there see you later mate last but not least tiny little blow up pillow another game changer when you're out here kind of doing these kind of things probably the more important thing in my in my books is pillow man this pillow makes all the difference to having to sleep in the bush if you can get him open boom just like that we've turned a tent into a house now we can start going to scavenge a little bit of food we've got somewhere to sleep we're completely not completely out of the wind but we're we're dodging about eight to the percent 80 of the wind where we are right now it's pretty calm so um that's a good thing we've got no blankets we've got nothing we've got the blanket we've got a pillow we got a mattress and the clothes on my back and we've got an old fishing rag here if we get cold we can wrap that on us but that's all we got for the night so it's going to be a little bit haggard but that's what we're here for haggard is what i like the most all right there we go bedroom is done and dusted let's see if we can go get a cut ourselves a couple of fish or whatever we can eat for dinner tonight hook them up around the tent we've got about hour and a half maybe ish of sunlight left so we've got to put our ass into gear and see if we get some food on the table let's go oh fish yeah fish on that there is oh it's not a herring you know what this is i'm about to lose my bloody footing here we go that little fella there is called a salmon trout that is a juvenile salmon but it's pretty small salmon trout we'll let him go see ya and now we'll see if we can upgrade that to a bigger one come on it's got to be a bigger one than that there's another one salmon trout he's only a baby he's going back we should i'm probably going to really stuff up here and only no not get a big one i'm going to go hungry tonight but see if i can get a big one come on all right here's another one this one's a little bit bigger i'm probably going to keep that that could be a beautiful dinner for the night there's a pack of them out there right now we'll see if we can get one more but that is beautiful dinner come on we need one more all right so this is what we're left with we've got two beautiful phillips a very very fresh fish that's going to be an incredible dinner and what i'm also doing i'm keeping the head even though these head's quite small we've got wings here there's quite a lot of meat still there and in the back there so we're going to keep the fish head and we're going to keep these two fillets let's go and cook these up that is as fresh as it gets all right what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to cook this fish down the beach it's a way more scenic place than up in that sand dune and that wind is really starting to push in now so i'm hiding behind this big rock we're going to cook the fish in the little shade and wind block of this rock we're going to use this old-school gas cooker again put him right there i'm going to go get some fresh water some salt water in this billy i'll be right back she's windy out there i'll give you the hot tip let's see if this thing starts with the ignition oh you're kidding it's worked it worked no i'll just turn it off there we go all right put that thing up full noise oh i've got a stick over there so that little frill neck thing there that actually stops the wind and it's really good except it's broken the springs are broken so i'm just going to get a stick just going to wedge that up with a stick stop this hectic hectic wind we can boil this water way faster boom all right let's go the water is on the cook that's all we needed to do we got to give that a couple of minutes let it cook she's gone that's epic it is all happening out here we've got a beautiful little tent tucked away over there in the sand dunes we've got the field day kitchen happening down here this rock is saving us from the wind a little bit of water on the boil down there so while our tent sits pretty and our and our water boils down here i need to thank each and every one of you guys out there you know why because we've just hit one million subscribers on youtube are you kidding one million subscribers man look i really really want to thank each and every one of you guys for your support over the last year and a half or two years however long we've been doing this for it is it has been a grind man it's been one of the best things i've ever done and to hit a million subscribers is like that it truly just makes me so happy so humble and i'm just frothed out about it like it really i just found out the other day while i was out here in the bush and i'm like are you kidding me man so i just really want to thank each and every one of you for the messages on instagram for the messages on youtube everybody who watches the videos the people who subscribe now i love easter pieces thank you so much without you guys this obviously wouldn't be possible but if you if you were to take anything from any of my videos i think what i would love to push the most is just to get outside and enjoy nature like what i'm doing right now a two to three three day walk through the bush by myself with a backpack you don't have to do this to extreme but just enjoy things that are free like come outside and enjoy nature go fishing just do it for a day do it for an hour it's good for the soul and seriously it's good for your mind so guys thank you so much for subscribing thank you so much for liking all the videos and thank you so much for making me reach this one not me for us you and you are the field day family man i couldn't have done this without you guys so thank you so bloody much i like love each and every one of you yeah doggies we did it thank you thank you thank you so much all right i've just had to um go and wash our dinner because it was getting absolutely sandblasted while i was saying thank you to you guys but honestly thank you so bloody much for getting us to a million subscribers i love each and every one of you to the little doggies out there yeah doggy and to everyone else watching thank you so so so so much all right let's check this water look at that she's sizzling she is proper sizzling all right we're going to dump this fish in here we go one fill it see you later let's go to the head we're chucking a fish head in there see all that meat there there's a lot of meat still on that fish head baby fish wings i've taken the gills out there's no guts it's purely just bone and meat so that's going in so is this big juicy fillet here that goes straight in boom lid back on all right we're going to give this probably about five minutes and that fish two fish fillets and the big juicy fish head is gonna be our dinner so while that boils down there we're gonna come up look at this man this is what i'm talking about like this stuff is good for your soul it's good for your mental health it's good for everything look at it even though that's pretty bloody windy right now yeah it's windy it's pretty windy but like honestly look at this it is just there's nothing better in the world right now than this look at it it's all about these simple pleasures baby that's it look at it it is absolutely beautiful nowhere else you'd want to be [Music] are you kidding that's done look at that that looks pretty bloody good it looks like a soup check that out we're about to eat dinner it doesn't look very appetizing right now but i tell you what it's gonna be good man little fish head that's what it's all about these big fillets they're gonna be delicious all right let's turn this off let it cool down we're gonna dig in pretty excited about this eye this is the best thing because you just don't know what you're gonna eat like i don't know idea what we're having for breakfast tomorrow i've got no idea what we're having for dinner tomorrow night get out dinner is served here we go check this out what's this gonna look like in here looks pretty good if you guys have never tried cooking fish like this you should definitely definitely give it a run it's probably going to be bloody hot oh that's hot man that's still boiling hot [Music] look at that the skin literally just flakes off don't need that this is what we want have a go look at that beautiful little piece of white meat no every time i don't know if it's because i've eaten nothing today or it actually tastes good but it tastes bloody good all right let's dig into this fish head this is the gills you don't need them something very very important if you're out here camping never but never throw your food where your tent is i'm throwing this food way over there it's gonna get destroyed by ants i can guarantee you there's gonna be a pile of ants there in the next half an hour and never put it where you where your floor of your tent is or you'll have a massive issue with ants during the night i've done it that many times oh look at this man see look at these big chunks of meat you get up in the fish's head that would have gone to waste that tasty as ever oh i'm not even joking right now this is 100 dead set reel i'm drinking the oil i don't you're probably never going to see it but that fish disperses oil into the salt water and it sits on the surface and if you actually slurp the oil off the top it is beautiful man i'm not even joking right now i'm actually drinking it it's got to be good for you like it's going to be full of all that goodness fish goodness you know it is beautiful actually oh i'll tell you in the morning if i wake up and have the runs or not but this tastes bloody good not bad at all [Music] oh i will get you there it is there no i missed it again all right we have a mosquito invading our home there's a little mosquito in here there's only one but he got me bloody good down here on my ankle he got me once there and he's gonna get me again if i don't catch him he's in here somewhere but it is look at this have a go at this for a view would ya this is our little home this is how we're looking in here have a look outside you probably can't see out there oh we're gonna let mosquitoes in have a look at these there's the moon beautiful out here look at that all those ants are going to be under my tent tonight let's zip up keep him out and um they're gonna be good to go time check hold up hold up hold up time check it is 8 28 at night if anything cool happens we'll be the first to know about it good bloody morning to ya what is going on doggies it's the morning it's actually really really early in the morning i've been awake for i don't know a good 40 minutes half an hour 40 minutes just laying here shivering so what i've done is i've started up the little gas cooker we've got the gas cooker down here this thing is pumping out a beautiful amount of heat in this little tent right now it's actually very very warm in here so we've had this thing running for probably since i woke up 40 minutes it's just about just that sun's just about to pop up i'm not too sure if you guys can see out there it's sort of like a little bit of a twilight right now the sun's on its way up we've got the gas cooker keeping us warm and toasty in here i wouldn't recommend doing this but man it was just the morning was so cold i had a beautiful sleep everything was good man except for the cold morning so i think i'm just gonna sit here for the next couple of minutes while it's still dark and just enjoy this enjoy this little bit of a heater that we've made and then um we'll hit the road roll up the tent start today's mission but this is beautiful look at that oh it's like having a fire when you can't have a fire beautiful oh holy moly have a look how beautiful this sunrise is right now oh man this sand is freezing cold everything's cold how beautiful is this for a place to wake up have a look at that this is incredible man look at the water there's not much wind whatsoever let's go on some fish i want to fish off this rock over here today look at that that's beautiful isn't it oh i think what we're gonna do today that's where we're fishing yesterday i want to climb up over this rock today we'll have a fish there on sunrise see if we can get a fish we've got a big big walk today right let's pack his tent up and we'll um start this journey oh it's cold man wow all right let's get this mission on the road don't leave anything but footprints we're all good to go oh i would do anything anything for a coffee right now but we didn't bring coffees which means we can't do barista sessions on this video ah we've got limited water for the next couple of days and um coffee will be waiting wasting that water supply here's our water oh it's chilly a little bit cold doggies but it is a beautiful beautiful morning look at this oh my god i'm fishing on this rock here let's go this is the exact reason why i started this youtube channel this right now look at this this beats anything ever it is nature at its finest in its finest form beautiful have a go about that i thought there was a school of herring out there so drop me lure in front of them and they're actually mullet so that's a little sea mullet and i've just jagged him in the side the hook falls straight out but they are incredible eating when they're like this size beautiful tasting little sea mullet and i'll let this one go i reckon we'll get some better fish for breakfast but that is an epic epic little sea mullet that's so dope let him go see you mate all right back with his mates let's see if we can get something a little bit bigger if we don't get anything bigger we're gonna head we're gonna start walking along this coast and we'll start picking out some bigger fish hopefully but man this is super fun just sitting here flicking this little lure around very very fun i could do this all day uh i'll tell you what we're definitely not gonna go hungry on this mission these things that's a little herring these are absolutely everywhere out there this is probably i don't know the 500th one i've caught this morning see ya mate probably won't even have breakfast this morning we'll just keep punching on but it's super fun fishing out here right now we're getting heaps of fish probably been here at 6 30 6 26 in the morning so we've been here for a little while just having fun i suppose the best thing about doing this mission is i'm in absolutely no rush i can do this walk in five days if i want to so we're just cruising man i'm just gonna keep fishing around having a fish see if we can pick up something a bit bigger than a herring nice little skippy or uh i don't know a skippy or a salmon or something to put a real bend in this rod but hey it is super super fun i can just watch this right now i'll just sit here and we'll get a fish ready watch this there's so many out there it's crazy let's go five four three two one oh they're there just full-on pack attack bang oh dropped it there we go fish on oh i dropped it so many man it is the most incredible morning out here right now just over my back here there is a big pot of dolphins maybe 20 to 30 dolphins strong there's a school of salmon way out the back there they're way out of their 100 meters off the bank or off the shore they're way out of casting distance there's dolphins there's salmon man there's no wind this right now look at it this is beautiful this is really really really nice there's a possible spool of salmon here not too sure i gotta wait for them to move in that's gonna be sick if they're fish it's gonna put this rod to work i'll give you the hot tip all right we're just gonna very quickly climb up onto this higher ground because i've got a feeling that that's a school of fish i'm not i think there's a big school of fish out here and if they are fish this rod is going to get a flogging there's a brown patch just out here pretty far off the coast if they come in close they're going to be in casting distance oh come on come in big the big school of fish out there way too far for us right now come on in oh look at it this is what it's all about i'm going to say that about 100 times in this video but there you go look at this all right there is definitely a big big school of fish off the back there the only problem that we're going to have is that i can't cast out that far they're probably sitting at about 100 meters so i'm just gonna stalk them we're just gonna wait up on this rock see if they come in but what i'm gonna do is instead of fishing the lure that i'm fishing which is quite a light lure i'm gonna drop one of these on this little thing should get the job done these are new fdys jigs that i'm making i'm making 20 grand and 30 gram of these these are called the tiny dancers they're such a sick little jig these will be available on the online shop very soon field dayshop.com if you guys don't know these little fishing lures will be available soon we're going to chuck one of them on and um see how the tiny dancer goes i reckon we're going to get a salmon on that thing i'm going to be able to cast it a lot further than this let's go tiny dancer as if that's not going to get smoked little 20 gram jig let's go well there is no shortage of fish out there they're solid looking salmon but they're just so far out the back like 100 meters there's another school which is way out the back uncastable so um we'll just keep punching up the coast this next section of coastline where i'm going to walk looks looks like it's a lot of swell and the swell's breaking really far out the back so may not even be able to fish that whole section of coast we're just going to walk it but there is a headland way out there in the um up there there's a headland we'll get to that headland we'll see if we can get a little bit of breakfast or brunch or cola whatever that's the next mission we're going to walk the flag of the coastline we're going to go see what we can find on that next rock section up there now this is a spot we're definitely going to stop for a little while we're up on top of this headland this is the next headland along and down here looks pretty bloody incredible there's some big waves coming in smashing against the rocks you can see they're all wet and slippery but we'll give this a section here a little shot fishing rod see if we can get a breakfast this is magic look at this this is where we're going we're going down here looks real good all right gonna leave this bag up on high ground just because there's a lot of waves smashing up against these rocks we lose that we lose everything so i can stay up here we'll just take the one rod down see if we can pick up a fish on this ledge that wind is coming in you can feel that wind it's picking up very very quickly that's not good i'm gonna make the most of this beautiful weather before it turns into hecticness let's go down there bus oh hubba bubba how am i supposed to bring a fish up here on this little baby thing that's going to be interesting very interesting hey see you later oh fish on that's fish is this breakfast i reckon this is gonna be breakfast if we can get it up look at the new rod that's fish on the drop as well it wasn't even really oh look at it oh no look at the waves coming how are we gonna get this up let's go let's go let's go oh wow next one next one this one this one this one this one ready we're gonna bring him up on the splash let's go oh it got air oh no we need that fish we need that fish we need that fish yes that's breakfast that is breakfast that's a good hazard beautiful little fish that's breakfast fish on fish on oh no how are we going to get it up going now oh no yes bring him up that is another cracker that's beautiful on the tiny dancer look at that the hooks just perfectly hook them every time they come out easy and that one there is going to be breakfast beautiful look at that breakfast on here get him up get him up boom breakfast to serve baby that's three now get him up get him up get him up oh no there we go that's a good herring that thing's that thing's a horse boy ah oh have a look at that that's a good little hazel has a bit of breakfast that hook has worked perfectly there look at that straighten the lip comes out easy that is a beautiful bit of breakfast beautiful all right we have four beautiful little heads down here look at this that's breakfast for the morning we've got one two the decent size little herring three and four so we're going to have a bloody good feast on these right now what i'm doing is i just ran off into the bush up there i've grabbed a couple of sticks i'm just cleaning these sticks up and um we're going to try to cook these herring a little bit of a different way just getting all the bark or the grub off these sticks making a sharp point on one end let's see if we can cook these fish up a little bit of a different way oh yeah look at that perfect also have a look at this little pool behind me here that is the ideal swimming pool crystal clear calm as anything it's gonna be a beautiful little place for a bath later on but for now i'm gonna get these sticks nice and sharp and cook a little bit of bracky all right so what we've got here is a beautiful fillet of fish skin on scales on so that's one of the fillets what i'm doing is i've got my shoe i'm using the bottom of that shoe obviously i've cleaned it i'm putting its skin down i'm just going to use that shoe and this knife just to skin the fish so you can see like that just like this there's the scales and the skin of the fish we do not want that but here we have a beautiful piece of meat no no scales no skin that's pure meat right there that's what we're going to be having for breakfast probably the most simple way of skinning a fish when you're out here when you're on the rocks you've got nothing nice and flat just use the bottom of your shoe it's actually a perfect little filleting table that's a beautiful little bit of fish right there all right that thing lit up first pop so basically what i'm going to do with this is obviously yesterday we boiled those fish in salt water which is a beautiful way to cook them but i thought we might as well make it a little bit different cook cook up a feed a bit different but we're still going to be using this gas fire like i said you're not allowed to have fires out here right now full fire restriction ban if we could have fires my goodness i'd be a happy boy but we can't so we're using this thing we've got this beautiful straight clean sharp pointy stick that we made what we'll do is we'll just grab these fillets of fish we're gonna weave the stick through the fish so we're just gonna go through it through it maybe one more through the end something like that that's how we're looking we've got little shish kebabs of fish do you mind mate right and what we're going to do is this little gas cooker's got this little frill thing so i'm going to fold up the thrill to where it should be and then we're just going to sit this fish over the top of the flame just like that there boom look at our little cooker this is gonna work it's already cooking yeah that's good man so this is basically our little makeshift makeshif for sort of cooking frying pan kind of thing every now and then we'll just rotate it but you can see that it's already cooking it's already turning white that's perfect that is delicious is there anything this little gas cooker can't do man we boiled fish last night we've actually kept our tent warm this morning with this gas cooker now we're cooking fish like we're using it as a fire and it tastes really bloody good that's the finished product and it's not bad at all quite good the only thing i don't know is how long this one we've only got one gas bottle i've got no idea how long it's going to last i'm guessing it's about half full now so we should get through we should make it oh we've got easy half a bottle still we can easily heat up our tent and still cook breakfast lunch and dinner tonight and tomorrow that's easy all right this is the these march flies the next level man this is the last piece of fish look at that mate that is bloody good it's beautiful it's nice and salty because i left it in the water that is incredible so i think what i'm gonna do is i'll probably hang out here for a little while i'm just gonna chill for a while and then um run up to the top of the rock and i'll show you guys where we've walked from and where i want to walk to so i suppose from this headland here it is a big ass walk it's just a massive walk and i'm pretty sure this is the last rock formation to where we want to get to so i'm going to spend a little bit of time here today just chilling maybe we'll even pop the tent up somewhere not here because there's big waves crashing over this rock here but try to find somewhere nice to pop the tent up and do a little bit of explore but for now it's actually it's not even breakfast it's lunch time now so we'll have some lunch and then we'll um continue on that's epic the water's coming over this rock here we aren't staying here that's for sure that was really close i got a wet ass all right let's finish this little little kebab let's get out of here oh well we're all filled up ready to hit the road we're gonna explore a little bit more of this island but just want to show you this quickly this rock pool here it's full of food man this whole entire rock pool is edible stuff inside this pool so like check this out you don't have to come far bang right there now these little edible black snails you guys know that i love eating these are beautiful little treats there's no shortage of them they're absolutely everywhere if we come down here without slipping over look at that there's a fish there was a fish just there oh oh oh a little bit about to wet my sack down there i don't know if you can see that but that's a crab eating is eating that fish skin i put in there's more crabs over there it's just endless amounts of food look at this that's edible there oh wet sac that there's an edible shell we can eat that there everywhere man we got food for days there's no way we're going hungry around here this is epic oh that's not good is the highest rock of the island and um we could probably finish this challenge today you know i could probably start walking and we could get to the finish point where i want to finish today but i don't know i really enjoyed staying in a tent last night we'll probably push it out to one more night in the tent and then we'll go see mac 10 i said i'll be three days so we'll push it out to three days but this is where we started i'll show you the starting point and the finishing point so that beach why why over there in the distance that was the starting point and the ending point is that beach way by over there in the distance so i suppose the last leg of this little journey that i'm doing is going to be this beach here which it's just one massive long straight stretch of beach there's no rocks it's quite long it's still it goes if you can follow my finger it goes all the way sort of to like where my finger ends there so tomorrow we're gonna have to walk that whole stretch looking for fish looking for schools of salmon that's going to be dope fun as long as the swell is not too big but i reckon for the rest of the arvo we're just going to go and have a play around here i'll see if we can pick up something a little bit just for fun a bigger fish on the noodle we don't want to keep a big fish because i'm only feeding myself so those little herring they are perfect for what we want right now we just want a little feed we don't want a big fish we've got no way of keeping it fresh so we catch big fish we're going to put them back it's just for fun but uh let's go see if we can have a bit of fun with the bigger fish i got no idea maybe we'll start walking this walk today look for salmon and we'll just pull up the tent halfway maybe we'll do something i don't know let's just explore this is what we do have we been on one hell of an adventure since we saw each other last which was eating that fish a little bit of time has passed it is now 4 18 in the afternoon basically what i've been doing is i've turned myself into a human sewer rat and i've been squeezing in and out of this this i haven't left this rock island where we were this morning i've been squeezing myself in and out of every little rock crevice what i'm in the in the aim of finding rock pools full of food we can eat for dinner tonight so the plan is we are not eating fish for dinner tonight we need something different we need to expand our food menu and that's what i've been doing i've been looking for things we can eat before we found that turban shell that there was two turban shell in that rock pool that i showed you guys before which made me think all right there's got to be more turban shell so roughly the last five hours four and a half to five hours i have been sewer rat style around this island trying to find more turban shells and do you reckon i can there are they are the only two turbine shell on this island i swear to god and i'm not going to eat those two turban shell because if they're the only two turbine shell on this island well just not going to eat them i'm going to let them be but they do give you this beautiful white chunk of chewy delicious meat when you boil them up take them out if you guys watch the videos from indo it's a very similar shell to the ones we used to eat over there so we're not going to be eating them hundreds and thousands of periwinkles thousands of crabs i reckon if i had a mask and snorkel i'd be able to jump out there and get a million abalone don't have a mask and snorkel but the aim of the game right now is it's not to eat fish and we're hiding from the wind that wind has come in tenfold if you go to that side of the island right now it is like a hurricane it's blowing its tits off and um i don't know i've been fishing i've got about 5 000 herring since the soyuz last but i'm just letting them all go hoping i'm getting something bigger about nothing so we'll keep exploring this island i want to find more of these turban shells but if we don't it might be a periwinkle dinner who knows anyway i'm gonna keep there's one more rock pool up here i'm gonna keep pushing on and then we'll make a plan from there if we're gonna sleep on this island or go up and push up to the sand dunes we'll sleep up there somewhere but i'm on the i'm on the hunt for food man can't eat fish we're gonna expand our menu let's get this done all right we're back at it doing the sewer rat sessions right now basically what we're doing we're on this tiny little crack in the rocks and every now and then a massive wave comes in and it's just like six foot of white water just comes through so i'm going to get rolled if we don't mess it if we mess around but this is what it's looking like in here and this is where we're gathering our dinner under this ledge it's actually full of edible food so i've got a fair bit of it in here there's enough in the ability to look at these waves coming these waves push all the way down here it's crazy so we've got enough food in here to get us through maybe one or two more i'm just gonna push up there a little bit more see if there's a couple sitting under that ledge but we've got a beautiful dinner in here i'll show you in a sec see if we can get a couple more before we get this swamped by a wave oh mosquitoes and bugs and no shortage of periwinkles look at that it is going to be a periwinkle party there's heaps of amenia but it's not what we're looking for it's right stuck in there there he is that is what we're looking for snails that look like this that is going to be a beautiful feed little it's not much of a little snail it's actually quite large a couple of them that's going to be a beautiful feed we've got a couple see if we can get a couple more the deeper you look in these crafts with these cracks the more you find this guy on a little snail hunting mission oh they're big man this is turning into a periwinkle party it's a massive don't get too excited there is a wave coming go go go oh oh this is the actual danger zone i cannot believe i'm risking my life for a handful of periwinkles look at the size of them but they are massive man i've never seen them so big they love the size of golf ball not that big but you know what i mean a little bit a little bit of exaggeration never heard anyway all right this is getting a little bit silly now oh let's go all right we've got periwinklers we've got different kinds of snails we are sorted for grub let's get out of here all right well there you go persistence pays off it took me no word of a lie probably up around five hours to find those snails but we have dinner we've got periwinkles and we've got those snails which are nice beautiful edible you get a good chunk of meat out of them so we've got two different types of snails for dinner what i'm going to do what the smart thing to do would be is go back over to that side of this rock set up the tent sleep there for the night but because we're not smart and because i want to cover a bit of ground what i'm going to do is i'm going to go and punch up the coast walk for probably about the next 45 minutes i'll use the rest of this sunlight we'll make a little bit of ground up the coast we'll just hide in the sand dunes like we did yesterday so i'll see you guys in the sand dunes when we're setting up our tent we got food baby oh we are racing that sun right now but we found a beautiful little place to set up tonight this is completely completely out of the wind the ocean is just over that hill there the sun's setting over there but this nice little gully that we're in is completely blocking us from the wind so i'm gonna quickly get that cooker on the go before that sun goes down i have a feed pretty bloody hungry boom best pillow ever hey all right next is this thing the blankie this is the game changer no the pillows the pillow's the real game changer this is the weirdest thing man you guys remember this thing from indo strange let's see if we can remember how to do this done boom and that goes in there and then you did something like this and then [Music] actually is pretty good look at that it's actually quicker using oh man it nearly hit the bloody hot hot the hot bottle it's actually quicker using this what would you call that a diaphragm what you do is you blow in the top [Applause] you fill it up with air and then you just squeeze it and the air comes out it's easy then going pretty bloody interesting anyway i'm babbling on again welcome to the field day kitchen on the menu tonight we have two different types of snails yes that's right we're eating snails for dinner and they're actually quite delicious so the first snail on the menu is gonna be this fella here this is the filler we should really start with the small ones but this will be the this will be the filler right this is what's gonna fill us up have a look at that that is four big juicy snails i've forgotten the name of this particular snail but it's a family of the turban snail so they taste similar to a turban snail they taste actually quite nice i'll show you the meat in just a minute when they're cooked but that's what they look like that's how big they are and that's the starter of our dinner so we're gonna drop four of these snails into this water which is finally boiling after half an hour of bloody bean on the flame brunch barong all right after a long long day's hunting we have finally found ourselves a little bit of grub that's not a fish so basically what we're going to do is we're going to get this leatherman i'm just going to stick it inside the snail there and this snail it should flop out like that look at that that's what we're going to eat there that shell is just an empty shell that can go i literally just threw that straight into my house all right so all i do with these snails is you just rip this back section off you don't want to eat that cut the guts out there's just this little like poo tube there get rid of that cut this tiny little bit of black stuff off are going to taste weird once again we're using the sole of our shoe as a chopping board honestly when you're out here that is a bloody good chopping board but that's what we're left with have a look at this you get this nice beautiful scallop like looking piece of meat there and that is absolutely delicious it almost just tastes like an abalone it's got a really strong taste nice beautiful all right and this one here is called a periwinkle these are those black snails that we collected off the rocks basically it's exactly the same principle stick your knife in grab him out he's oh he's just gonna slop out like this oh slippery eye oh hold on a minute there he is there look at that that's the little sloggy gooey bit on the inside get rid of that back end because the nut doesn't taste good whatsoever get rid of this little hard disk on here don't eat that and you're left with these beautiful little chewy bits of meat like that boom dinner's done took a long time to find these snails but i'll tell you what they don't taste too bad at all these big ones are the business real good here he comes look at that man all right i'm just gonna sit here destroy this whole entire billy full of snails and i'll crawl myself into bed it's actually getting pretty dark i've got a little torch over there which is getting the job done so eat the rest of these snails crawl up into bed and um i suppose the same as last night if anything cool happens i'll hit that record button if not i'll see you guys in the morning for the next adventure tomorrow's day three what is day three gonna bring what are we gonna eat on day three that's the question look at that little bit of snail beautiful all right doggies i'll seize in the morning ow all right so today is day three of the solo camping mission and um spirits are high man we're i'm feeling good i'm feeling really good how could you not feel good when you're out here waking up in a soggy little sandy tent like that all right so basically what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna roll this salty little sandy tent up chuck it in my bag and we're gonna hoof it man we're gonna walk pretty far today we're gonna go be chasing some big fish on that little noodle rod over there so it's gonna be a super fun day can't wait for this actually so i'm gonna roll the tent up and um let's start walking uh all right all right let's start this walk have a look at it this is magic all right so this is the last leg of our day three adventure and what i'm doing right now is i'm walking along this big massive coastline i'm guessing it's going to take me four hours probably four hours to get to where mac tends parked the car i'm gonna be looking in the surf here for schools of salmon if we see one we'll throw this little tiny dancer jig at them and hopefully fingers crossed we can hook ourselves a beautiful little salmon on the deck to end this mission tell you what it's going to be good to get back to the car if you guys watched the last episode we had a snake stuck in the engine bay of the car mac 10 was freaking out so this time she's actually camping in a in a known camp spot where there's people there's other people she's not alone in the bush anymore so she's safe if you guys were wondering there's a lot of comments and messages about that snake so she's all good she's in a campsite with other people and that's where we're heading today big walks hopefully we can get some big fish this is magic look at it let's go we're going to get a big fish on the deck fingers crossed if not so be it beautiful man look at this i can almost sniff the finish line if you look up there in the distance that is our end point that's where we're going to be ending up and we are very very close to getting to that point tell you what mate i've been walking for a long way now the sun's come out the cloud's gone away got blisters on me feet and things are bloody good i tell you what look i'm gonna pull the pin on this mission now couldn't get any big fish on the deck but that's okay look i truly want to thank each and every one of you mad dogs for joining me on these adventures subscribing to the channel and getting it to one million subscribers it means the absolute world to me and you guys know that it wouldn't have been possible without you so give yourself a pat on the back we did this as a team and look doggies i really really do bloody appreciate it but for now i'm going to keep walking we're going to end this episode here and i'll see you on the next adventure wherever we end up remember life is for living so get out there and live your best life much love doggies i'll see you in the next video hey you're not getting away that fast just remember we've got an online shop and we're just about to restock it with some dope threads so if you guys want to get your hats long sleeve fishing shirts hoodies we've got brand new t-shirts coming out soon we've got these fishing lures that are guaranteed to catch you fish we've got t-shirts that are guaranteed to get you the ladies anyway doggies if you guys want to check out that merch smash this button here and if you want to become part of this field day family make sure you smash this button here i'll see you in the next video much love how what am i saying i'm going crazy out here ah my goodness absolutely talking smack right now actually talking smack
Channel: Field Days
Views: 1,158,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival videos, solo survival, 3 days solo survival, how to survive, field days
Id: T9vb5Z3mUo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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