Solo Playthroughs' Top Solo Games List: 2022 Edition!

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It's that time of year again...time for the third annual Solo Playthroughs' Top Games List! And, unlike most of the top lists on this channel, Greg expanded the field to 24 of his favorite solo games!* The last 12 months have included LOTS of new games for the channel...and there are even more on the way. So, which ones made the list this year? Are there any risers and fallers from the 2021 Top 10? Will Greg make it through all 24 games without passing out from excitement?! You're gonna have to watch to see!

Happy Gaming!

*=Three games (and four expansions) mentioned in this video were given to Solo Playthroughs as review copies and this is mentioned in the video in ALL circumstances in which this is the case.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SoloPlaythroughs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can someone just put the list in a comment. Gave up after the second false start where they explain what a top 10 list is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PhanSiPance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello it's time again for another top 10 which is insane now this is only my third top ten top ten like not just like top ten solo arkham investigators or top damn true solo spirits i've done probably eight or nine top ten at this point right we have the top ten questions for mrs playthroughs which is super fun really have to get sarah back in the channel at some point really enjoyed that time but the top 10 like my top games this is the one right and it's only the third time i'm doing this but no joke once i finish one year i start thinking about the next year immediately and all year long here i am like trying to figure out what my rankings look like and learning new games as i have for the channel i've learned a ton of new games in this last year this list has a ton of new content and literally i couldn't do a top 10 because there were too many new games plus like at the top i mean there's not that much suspense anymore at this point if you've watched my channel at all you probably can predict the top three after that gets a little fuzzy but so i'm gonna do the top 24 why not 20. i don't know 24 is better why not 25 i don't know 24 is better for me when i looked at my list it just made sense and besides there are 24 spirits in spirit island at least from the officially released products so maybe that's a sign of what number one is i don't know we'll get to it eventually because we got 23 before number one and it's gonna be super awesome some caveats look my list my opinion blah blah blah i'm not trying to rain on anybody's parade if your favorite game is not on this list it is what it is dude i'm not even sorry it's just whatever however if there's a game you think i'm missing that i would really love put that in the comment section below last year i found out about a couple of games at least a couple of games from comments on my top 10 video last year that i picked up and i played over the last year i'm like yep that's now on the top 24. would they have made my top 10 i don't know but they're going to be on the top 24 and you'll see how that falls a little bit i'll probably mention that so i don't want to belabor this too much let's get into it number 24 okay i jumped the gun i can't get into it just yet i do need to say one more thing so for me when i think about what makes a top game it's really like what do i want to play right now when time's not an issue and i can just play games like this is pretty much the order of games that i want to play with the higher games of lesbian the ones i want to play more often than the ones that are lower than it that's pretty common sense so these are the games that are capturing my imagination right now these are the games that i want to explore more these are the games that i have explored a ton and they keep me coming back because i just love some of the things that they do alright so this is a snapshot in time top 24 2022 solo play throughs let's get to it for real this time number 24 is scythe now scythe had been on my prior to top 10 so 24 is quite the fall for this guy it's just how life goes scythe was where i started my solo journey i said that in both the previous top tens this was the first game i really sank my teeth into from a solo perspective and i loved it no regrets there but the reality is that i played it so much solo that my friends rarely want to play it with me anymore so it just doesn't get to the table very often the puzzle's cool but you know it is what it is like alright i'll get my six stars it's gonna be pretty close at the levels i play at and i really like the atomos system but there are other games that just have atomic systems that are just better to me and more fun to me and more engaging to me and more of a challenge and deeper and all of it so scythe obviously great game it's just no longer the game it once was for me but number 24 on this list number 23 street masters so this is a weird inclusion on my list because i like this game and i really want to like it so much more and i really feel like i should like it so much more but it's just kind of like hovering there for me so i want to play it more i need to explore more i do have a video of a playthrough i recorded for street masters that should be on the channel pretty soon so look out for that in the next month or so but there's something about this game that hasn't come together for me now but i do like a lot of what it does i find it interesting i find it engaging i just feel like there's something missing but that might change but obviously this is still an excellent game it did make me realize that sentinels on the multiverse and i really aren't friends anymore because this game just does what sentinels does and it just does it better so i have like moved on from sentinels and now i'm engaging with this and at the end of the day it might just be this modular deck kind of thing just isn't for me but for now when i want to play games this is still the game that has my attention in a pretty big way so number 23 street masters number 22 aeons and now ann's end was number seven in my 2021 list so obviously quite the fall off for me i like it it's a great deck builder i like the market it's one of those games that has so much freaking content out there that i'm just like i have all wave one i have all of wave two i haven't felt the urge to go beyond that but it does mean that since i'm not getting the latest and greatest like there's only so much i can do with amazon on the channel and that does drive how much i play games if it's something that i can really get on the channel like it's a lot of views i'm more likely to put it on the channel it's just common sense i enjoy it more that way and things are happening and there's excitement about the game and then it's fine wave 1 and 2 f2 are very good if you like deck builders and you like cooperative games i don't think there's another place that you should go but ann's end the solo mode is really tight it definitely is a super hard challenge to play this solo by the original rules i never two handed this solo i do still occasionally play it with mrs playthroughs although she's kinda still wants to go back to dominion or clank she loves deck builder games but really loves kicking my ass as a part of that so you know aeon's end is kind of just sitting there on the shelf a little bit gathering some dust but i will enjoy bringing it out from time to time getting that quick gameplay in setting that market up the more expansions you have setup does become a little bit more of a drag but the randomizers kind of help that and you just kind of throw something out there and see what works but look there's some really cool combos in this game i love the variety of mages i really really love the variety of the nameless although they all have names which still makes no sense to me but what a but i digress it is what it is one day i'll get over it that day is not today and one day anne's end might not be in my top games list but that day is also not today because here it is sitting at number 22. number 21 imperium legends i guess you're seeing the kind of a theme in the bottom part of this list where it's like all these like deck driven games like these deck builders and the modular deck game of street masters look i don't know there's a lot that can happen with those mechanics they're great they just don't sing to me like the games at the top of this list do but imperium legends is a fantastic experience there was definitely a time where i was like texting my friends i was like yeah it's good is it fun i'm not sure i'll get back to you and it's fun it's fun when you know what's going on the rule book is awful as advertised and i kid you not like some of the choices they made it was almost like a clinic in how to not be player friendly the way the box came the insert was absolutely garbage some of the choices they made with the tokens are just mind-blowingly weird and i don't understand some other parts of the production however the game itself is solid i think with mike delecio that said like hey this is a deck builder that doesn't feel like a deck builder that resonates with me a lot there's something very very cool about this i still have several factions to explore with it i am not going to be getting the imperium classics box the legend box all i need it has the most complicated factions it has the most interesting factions from everything i've read and i'm good with that again there's eight factions there's eight atomas it's great i'm gonna be getting this on the channel soon super super excited about it so if it wasn't there already imperium legends is definitely a game for you to check out and put on your radar and here it is at number 21. number 20 is pavlov's house which is designed by david thompson and was sent to me by dvg games dan bierson games as a review copy still really appreciate them sending me that review copy i got it on the channel a couple of times and i really really liked it at this point in my gaming life i don't keep every game i like i just can't i live in a row home in a city my basement is what it is you can see the back wall i got a shelf of games there i got a table filled with games i got a table over there with games stacked on it i got another shelf over there i don't have enough room to keep all these games and i am getting rid of games that i like and i think are good and pavlov's house was one of those games that i just knew i was not going to get it to the table much at all with everything else clamoring for table time and other games that i felt i wanted to explore more something i'll say now is that for me some games are just like a great book that i really enjoyed but i'm not going to read it again because i already read it maybe i'll see the movie when it comes out and pavlov's house is one of those for me was super great to really experience that to see the powers that was there but i kind of felt like i had gone as far with that game as i wanted to and i'll always have my playthroughs to go back on and check them out maybe i'll reacquire it down the road what a really cool game the history in there is really cool the gameplay is really smooth and some of the moments that that game creates were without question top notch as a gaming experience so number 20 pavlov's house number 19 space hulk death angel and this little game i mean it's my new travel buddy that's for sure every time i go on a trip i'm going to be throwing this in the suitcase because it's just easy to throw in there it's a quick enough game that if i'm up later than everybody else and i want to get my gaming itch in here we go i got death angel the card game now look if you're going to buy this um it's hard to find and don't do what i did and buy the italian version from overseas because that was a giant nightmare to return and was not a good financial choice but i was lucky to get a second hand copy of bgg this game is definitely overpriced for what it is that is without question but if you're interested and it's worth it to you great i don't have any affinity to the warhammer ip and i still really really like this game i like the puzzles when i play this game now i am playing with more and more space marines and acting like i am more and more people so i can experience more of the locations in the base game i will not be hunting down the expansions for this game they are insanely priced for about 12 cards no we're good so it's not that game where i need everything for it but what this game is the little puzzle that it presents yeah it's a die roller you're gonna get unlucky sometimes it is what it is it can be super frustrating but it will make you feel alive so i really like what this game does i like having to get your marines in their right place so we can attack the right gene sealers and the powers of the various marines that really come to fruition over the course of a game are super super cool and now as i'm seeing new locations in a wide a variety of locations at higher player accounts the replayability is really really nice what a cool little idea i love seeing these small box games with these really streamlined ideas as a nice change of pace from these giant behemoths that we're normally playing it is nice to have something like space hulk death angel to throw in the table in between those games right so here we go number 19 space hulk death angel number 18 is death may die yeah it is oh my gosh i just adore this game and i just wish it was harder and if it was harder i'd probably play it more because i would feel this urge for a challenge because it doesn't scratch that part of me which just wants to feel like i'm going in for a challenge every time because i just find that this game isn't hard enough for me i mean it's still a dice roller you can still get super unlucky and things can happen but there's a little bit of like all right you know what the scenario is you know what you need to do yeah you're gonna find some loot the first time you go through things that you don't know were there and there's crazy things that could happen and that event that can be brutal and some of the old ones are harder than the others and it's great i like the variety but for the most part you're gonna win more often than not if you're used to heavier games for sure but what this game does is this really really fun it's really really nice it did nothing on this channel i put two videos up they both bombed so the tribe has spoken i get it you don't want any more cthulhu deathmate dive videos it's fine i have other things i can feature and i will just play this one on my own but a cool game love the minis love the table presents this is really what i wanted mansions of madness to be that game did not work for me at all but you give me those minis you give me a cool map you give me a nice little puzzle that i can engage with and figure out how to win each scenario and you give me a freaking giant monster that i can kill by chucking some nice and that's a good night for me give me some bourbon give me a beer we'll call it a day so cthulhu death may die sitting there at number 18. number 17 thank god it's friday and if you're watching this it's probably not friday because i'm not going to release this on a friday and maybe it is a friday because you're watching this later and that's great and i meant every word thank god this friday and thank god for this friday because this game is really cool another travel companion of mine man let's load that puppy up with friday we got some space hulk death angel this is without a doubt the best value on this list a hundred percent no argument the best value this game is crazy cheap it's also crazy small so maybe relative to weight it's expensive i don't know i have to do the math but a fun game here for sure easy to play out the setup is like instantaneous it's so quick and it's just a really nice little deck builder kind of experience this is definitely going to be one of those books that i'm going to read multiple times and eventually i might be tired of reading it but that time is very far from now especially because i'm going to keep bringing it on vacations until i'm sick of it and that is going to be a long time from now i assure you the way the cards come out in the order they come out really does change up the experience from game to game and you are going to be challenged every time you play there are no magic tricks when you're playing this at the highest level that's recommended in the rulebook the pirate tips are all different and could force you to have to change strategies a little bit and trying to manage those life points as you go and take on the higher challenges to get more powerful cards in your deck and still thinning your deck as fast as you can but that's costing you life points it's just a great little puzzle and i'm super glad i picked it up considering what i've spent on games in the last two three years since i've really taken this deep dive into solo games it still makes me wonder why it took me so long just to buy this little box but it did take me a long time i guess better late than never because i have really enjoyed kind of diving into friday which is just one of those little games that comes up in a solo gaming world a fair amount so i was dead it was my turn to see what this was all about love this little game it's super cool highly recommend it that's friday number 17. number 16 by far the newest game on this list return to dark tower i like this game a lot i really do the early and mid game parts of return of the dark tower present a really nice puzzle and it's super engaging especially with the alliance's expansion which i highly recommend playing with and playing on grading mode really ups the difficulty but woof the end of this game is such a huge miss for me that to have it where i have it now i'm still questioning whether i should have it lower but for now i'm still exploring the game enough and i like so much of this game enough i like the app integration i like the tower i like so many of the mechanics i like the production quality i like that experience so much and i'm kind of overlooking the end because i find the final adversary way too easy i find some of the rules way too game breakingly exploitable and yeah you could house rule stuff and that's fine but i don't like house ruling things i want you to give me a game and at least give me like hey if you're playing on easy mode play this way playing on standard we'll play this way or playing a hard mode play this way don't make me like at the house rule to make this the game i want it to be especially doesn't work on the channel when i'm creating content and i'm trying to teach people how they're supposed to play it at least as far as the designer and the publisher are concerned look if you all want to house with your games that's great when you're a content creator it's a little different right because i'm making videos of playthroughs and reportedly knowing how to play the game as it was intended to be played so this one's a tough one for me i really really like so much of it and i hope that the feedback that is out there that there is a chance that there will be some fine-tuning with the app and maybe a rule set to address some of the things that have been found now that they have data for thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of games from everyone playing since they've gotten their copy of return to dark tower so maybe this ranking is more reflective of what i hope this game continues to develop to become more than what it is in this moment in time but even with that what it is at this moment in time is a really really interesting and unique puzzle and i have no regrets of getting this game the ease that you can get this to the table and teach someone yes set up could be a bit of a pain i'm not going to lie there are definitely worse though i'll set up return to dark tower a lot quicker i will a lot of games on this list it can definitely be a bit involved but the ease of getting to the table and teaching people and having some fun nights with friends it's really really cool i just hope they do something to give this game an ending that is as high quality as the rest of the stages of the game so that's my perhaps too early ranking of return to dark tower and my perhaps two early thoughts on this subject but this is definitely one of those games and i'm curious to see what if any comments we get about this one here on this video so return to dark tower it's sitting there for now at number 16. number 15 darkest night second edition and speaking of games that feel to me like really really great books some of which i'm not sure i'm going to want to read again this game is kind of there for me but i adore this game i adore the level of attention to detail that went into this game no other game in this basement makes me feel the way that this game makes me feel because when i'm playing this game i just feel like i am playing through someone's labor of love like somebody's life work that to me just oozes out of this game there's just such a care that went into crafting each one of these cards and there's so many heroes there's so many cards for all the heroes there's so many different blights there's so many different ways you could arrange the blights that might come out from game to game there's an insane amount of relics there's an insane amount of darkness cards i mean if you could stick with absolute randomness and you play this game three times a day for the rest of your life i still think it's highly probable that you will not see every card that comes in this box i know some of the comments on my last darkest night video where that some people they just don't ever shuffle until they get to the end of each of their decks and that's a really cool idea it's something that i might actually do myself if i were to go through another step where i'm playing this game a lot which i just haven't been playing it a lot in the last few months but we'll see i mean it's on the edge for me of how much i want to keep it but make no mistake this is a great game and it was a great experience this is one of those games that was recommended to me by a patron that i looked into it and thought that this was something i wanted to check out it falls into that victory point genre we might see another victory point game later in this video but we'll leave that for the future that game that you might see i can just tell you now isn't nemo's war i still have not gotten my copy of the nemo's war ultimate edition but i did just get the shipping notification that nemo's war is on its way soon so stay tuned for that maybe for the 2023 list but for now we got darkest night second edition what a great game with a ton to explore and a ton to love darkest nights second edition number 15. number 14. i hope you could see that that's his final girl this is the core box it's really dark but it's cool the rest of the boxes have lots of murderous color on them so that's great and i do mean murderous color it's a lot of blood and gore and stuff but this game's crazy and i really like it i had never played hostage negotiator when final girl hit the social media blitz it was unbelievable i cannot remember my personal facebook and twitter feeds ever being as full with the game as things were when final girl finally got to people's hands what a crazy crazy game and aj porforio and van ryder games were kind enough to send me a review copy of the core box as well as two of the three feature films that i do own i have put one on the channel already i have another one filmed that will be on the channel pretty soon lots to explore with this game in total there are 10 feature films so i only on three of them still a ton more content out there to explore and perhaps get my hands on in the future and each feature film comes with its own murderer it comes with a different setting it comes with two final girls the mix and match capability is phenomenal and it's super fun every game kind of plays different some games just really snowball out of control to your detriment sometimes everything goes your way but the puzzle will change up it depends on what items are available it depends on what location you're in it depends on what events you pull depends what killer you're up against it's just a lot of crazy shenanigans that happen in this game and i do mean shenanigans oh yeah so this game is just fun it's just one of those games easy to set up get going get the right cards try your luck with some dice see if you can't defeat the killer before well you know he defeats all the victims and then you because you're the final girl you're the final one to go that's just how it works i guess final girl been really fun having this one number 14. number 13 space empires 4x the biggest surprise by far in two and a half years doing this is what happened when i posted my first playthrough of this game unbelievable how many views that that playthrough got i mean it was up there with my spirit on the video it was my maze night videos i mean those are my bread and butter right those are my main games those are what i feature the most those are games you'll hear me talk about later of course but space empires 4x the love for this game that is out there really surprised me and i see why this is a very very cool game it's definitely a new experience for me to be like i'm going to play a game let me get my pencil out because i gotta do a bunch of math but it works i don't know why it works it just works the puzzle that this game presents in trying to manage your resources trying to explore in the calculated risk taking that it requires is very very very cool and very addictive there's something about this game that when i finish playing i just want to play again and i just really like how it comes together i like how the rules are kind of stacked on as you go in the rulebook and no doubt one of the reasons i'm so high in this game is because that rule book in this game is really really good and i rarely say that so thank you gmt games thank you i do need to correct the record if you did not see in the comments i did say that the designer of this game is roger mcgowan because i couldn't find the designer's name while i was recording and i read it in the rulebook and i read the name for the lead artist so roger's a great guy i'm sure but he's not the designer of space not buyers for rx which yeah the names right there somehow i don't know man i just missed it so jim throne is the designer of space empire x thank you jim for this great game now i only have space empires 4x and i have close encounters so we have a lot more to explore we're just those two boxes though we have a ton to do with the alien empires scenario especially i'm still trying to get my hands on replicators and i know there's another expansion coming out for space top rs4x which is supposed to complete the series and hopefully that will be produced sometime by jmt games either this year or next but for now space empire 4x the base game close encounters what a cool experience what a very different kind of game really really love it number 13 on this list number 12 madara well i should say the whole name let's be official let's be formal here we have madara unintentional marlon act 1 or madara it's excellent this game gets in my head and will not get out because i love so much in the mechanics of this game look i've done a lot of campaign games i've done dungeon crawlers there was something about this game that is very special and i'm really grateful to succubus publishing for sending me a review copy it's been a tremendous addition to my solo gaming and i'm very much looking forward to getting this on the channel soon now uh why is it only 12 because i'm a little bit gushy for number 12 right like i know it's hard i'm trying to pace myself and how excited i get about some of these games because i got a little bit of a ways to go right there's only so much higher i can go up and you know eventually i'll just be talking in falsetto and busting out all of your eardrums look madara's got some hurdles that really took me a while to start really engaging with it the rulebook is terribly organized at least as far as the way i learn games this rulebook did mean no favors i could not for the life of me get certain things down and flipping through that rulebook is an absolute nightmare because things just aren't where you think they should be the game needs more player aids than it has for sure and someone could really go into that rulebook and really rearrange it to it actually makes more sense for someone just trying to learn how to play for sure but the good news is there are tons of board game being threads about maduro and brooklyn lundberg has been very active in there making sure people had answers to their questions there have also been a lot of errata so if you get this game you're going to need to get the errata i spent like two hours going through all the errata and making notes in my rulebook to make sure i had the right rules that i was working from right so that's another thing another thing about this game that was just a mystery at first was the theme just did not grab me this is an anime game in an anime inspired universe i get some of that i'm not an anime guy so i might not be saying the exact right words here so i apologize for that if i'm saying anything wrong but this world did not grab me as much as i thought it should because it's a super interesting idea a place where no one ages and they're born on earth and they go to this place and they have to learn how to survive and all this stuff crazy stuff and i love wacky off-the-wall stuff to some extent so i really wanted to be engaged but i just found the narrative so like adolescent angsty for that first chapter that i was like what is this i just don't care about these characters and i don't care about the story like i wanted to that does get better the deeper you get in and i'm really really glad for that another thing that took me a moment an amusing moment very liberally to really kind of be okay with be okay with also like a weird phrasing there's no great way to say it and i'm gonna sound like a super prude and that's fine i guess or it's not fine or you don't think it's fine i think it's fine whatever the art in this game for the female characters is just unnecessary in a lot of ways and that's not what i'm looking for as a gamer and that might be what a lot of people are looking for and that's great for them i just found it gratuitous to a level that was like okay i do love the arts style and i think you can differentiate that i think the presentation for so much of this game is just eye candy and it's really cool the terrain is awesome some of the landscapes are awesome there's so much to the pictures that i just absolutely love and i'm intrigued by it i'm captivated by it i'm drawn in and then it's like whoa that's a girl in a position that i just don't need to see and that's speaking as a middle-aged dude who's just in a different stage of life than i'm guessing the design team was and that's fine so i think there is a place for it in our hobby i just wish that some of the art for the women characters was toned down a bit and that's just a personal preference it was a barrier for me to really engage with this game on a deeper level because i just found it was so unnecessary to the extent that i did now that i have the rules and i've muddled through that rulebook and now that i've engaged with the narrative now that we're in that chapter two or moving on and things are getting more interesting and now that i feel like i can play for several minutes at a time a whole several minutes without having to stop and look up a page and google something because i got more of the keywords and it's more in my bones so to speak i am really really digging this game and love what it does and love how the combat system works and i love how the various characters can really be made into whatever you want them to be and it's mind-blowing to me just how much content there is i love that freaking little red screen like the decoder i think it was a brilliant design choice the fact that they give you the foreteller app to read all the narrative because there are pages of narrative that if i just sit there and read it all there's no way i would take the time to do all of that but i can now listen to the foreteller app read the story for me while i'm cleaning up a scenario and setting up the next i love the minis i just love so much of the thoughtfulness that went into this game and it's a lot i mean that rule structure is probably several degrees more complicated than it really needed to be but this is the game that brooklyn and his team wanted to make and that's cool and i'm digging it i'm really really into the mandara world and the fedora universe and the mechanics that came out and i am very grateful that this was sent to me now i do need to get this video on the channel i've had this game for a while now and it was one of those games that had i made a video of madara a couple of months ago it just wouldn't have been very good because i was still working through like is this game for me is this game a game i really like is this game a game that i want to invest a lot more time in and i wasn't sure about that until the last few weeks when i've been able to come back and had time to like all right let me go through that rulebook again let me really get this down and let me really engage with the second chapter and the rest of the material that's there and see what this game has in store and it's just great it's really really good super high madara would not be surprised if this moves up in my rankings in future years but right now 12 seems about spot on so i'm gonna leave it right there number 12 madara unintentional malam act one number eleven knocking on the door of that top ten but here we go with dissent legends of the dark for any of you who saw jeremy howard's top solo game a 2021 video i had a little bit of a cameo in there with a whole bunch of other content creators and non-content creators super thankful for jeremy howard for putting that together if you don't know who jeremy is go check out man versus meeple he's on there all the time really cool dude in the industry so here we have the scent legends of the dark was my number one game from 2021 for solo gamers and i really really loved this game i loved it more every time i played through the campaign and that to me says something there was a depth there that i really liked and finding the ways to really level your character up the way you need so they'll be where they need to be so you have a chance to kind of win it it's a big challenge i was playing a heroic with two characters when i played solo i played through this campaign with two friends i'm in the middle of another campaign with another friend of mine who really just adores it so my gaming group really took to descent legends of the dark and that's a huge sign for me and one of the reasons why i love it personally so much there are definitely quirks at least as far as a couple weeks back there is a scenario in the game that is just broken there's a bug that hasn't been fixed for a game from fantasy flight that you can fix this this is an app the fact that it doesn't seem to be the support that i would want for a game like this that cost this much it does give me a little bit of pause about the descent series going forward i'm not sure if i'm going to be looking to get act 2 or the mini expansions that they've already announced but i don't think have hit market yet and there was something at the end and not getting into spoilers but there was a way they handled the end that i was like what like come on man it just kind of left a bad taste in my mouth but knowing that it's there going through it again i'm sure i will play this entire campaign multiple times from here on out i'd like it that much and i do find that experience so engaging this game was really divisive when it came out i know it got a lot of bad press from some notable content creators all i can tell you is that when you get into this game and you get five six seven scenarios in that's really where it comes to life now i could totally see someone saying hey that many hours of gameplay for this price point i don't want to have to wait five six scenarios before i'm in a more engaging way to play this game to me the early scenarios of this game are pretty similar to the early scenarios of jaws of the lion in that you have like this stacked way of being introduced to the game before the complexity really starts to ramp up and the challenge really goes from there some of the scenarios probably should have been shorter early on because of that there were definitely some times i felt like the game tried to do too much and there were definitely some scenarios that i feel like the designer aired on the side of an unreasonably long scenario for what some of them are but the good thing is you could always save you can come back there are things that you can do to kind of make this fit into your life but of course like having to put everything away and take it back out remember how much fatigue you had on what cards that's not always doable right so this is not a game without its flaws i just really love the gaming system and that app is smooth really amazing app but the back button being what it is and the way it just crunches all the numbers for you so you can do a really complicated attack that if you had to figure out all the math would take you 15 20 seconds or more every time you did an attack on an enemy and hear the abs like there you go that's how much damage you did based on how many successes you rolled and based on what you were equipped with at the time and based on any traits that were active both from you and from the enemy that you're up against and i love the way that just streamlines the dungeon crawl experience for a solo gamer especially and honestly it's just cool the terrain's cool so much about the production quality in this game is super super cool and i'm very glad to own it and i will certainly be playing that campaign again so number 11 just on the outside looking in might get into the top 10 probably never will if i'm gonna be honest but really really love this game for what it is descent legends of the dark and here we are the top turn the topless of tens and we're starting with number 10. resident evil 3 the board game yeah this game i did not think i was gonna like this game nearly as much as i do so i reached out to steam forged games about both resident evil 3 and bardsong and steamforged games they did not have any retail copies yet of bardsong but they did have retail copies of resident evil 3 now note this is the expansion box because me and my infinite wisdom i am using the base box to store sleeves and i wrote sleeves and big sharpie on it i was like oh wait now i can't even take a picture of the cover for when i do a play through so here we are with the expansion box yes the expansion box is actually bigger than the base game was so it was a lot easier to fit everything in this box than the base game and uh yeah space is at a premium here in this basement of mine so when i can combine boxes i do resident evil 3 what a cool way to approach a dungeon crawly kind of thing because you are so forced to really be careful about every gunshot you take and every stab attempt that you make every gunshot you take every stab you make no i'm telling you this game is freaking so cool it was so cheesy but i'm literally going around these maps and i'm like oh my gosh if i was running from zombies in this crazy house or down this crazy street i would feel probably you know incrementally way more so but it does give you that anxiety it's like oh my gosh the zombies are after me and this freaking zombie dogs and these other crazy creatures that are kind of roaming about and you're just trying to be careful about how you open doors and when you close them and it's so so so cool i play two-handed i understand that's probably a little bit easier way to play because of the way the tension deck works and all that other stuff so maybe i'll play it more players in the future but two-handed is a challenge man especially if those dice rolls are not going your way the funny thing is when i first started playing i didn't totally understand all the symbols look the rule block for this one is good very much not great but good but i didn't understand the symbols and i was misunderstanding what a certain symbol did i thought it was killing things it wasn't it was just pushing them whoa radically different game once i realized that it's like that's really hard i was actually on my patreon page for those who don't know if i do a weekly blog on my patreon page and i'm like i like it but it feels a little easy no not easy very very difficult very very cool yet to be very very strategic about every single thing you do i am super excited to get a playthrough of this on the channel sooner rather than later i have already recorded a playthrough of a specific scenario but this game is basically 12 scenarios and you're basically trying to find some stuff and then there's the expansion which adds some scenarios at the end of the campaign which i have not explored fully yet but i am super excited to do that in the future but that base game alone is sweet the production quality is fine the map tiles are great most of the components are great there's a couple of choices they made and i'm like that could have been a little bit better the cards feel a little bit thin definitely sleeve those up right away because i felt like it was a necessary thing to do but the gameplay is just great i mean i'm really really jazzed about this game as much as i love other zombie games which you might hear about in the future i am not a zombie movie guy so the fact that i am like here loving game like this the way i do was not totally expected so it's funny to me this is not a game i would have purchased but really thankful to see forge games for getting the review copy out my way so i could find this gem of a game because it just makes you approach a game in a very different way this is not a sea enemy kill enemies the enemy killing me it's like see enemy maybe i try to kill enemy or maybe i just see if i can open door but oh my gosh there's fire and another enemy and a dog that is also a zombie and some of the moments that are in this game are just top-notch right out of a movie fantastic and i love it so highly highly recommend resident evil 3 what a way to start the top 10 of this list number nine champions of horror champions of horror is not the champions of view counts because the tribe has spoken again and said no greg we don't care what games you like this one not for us fine i'll play this on my own along with cthulhu death may die this one is so cool though i love the world that built i love how zany the characters are i wish it was better supported by the publisher as i mentioned in my video that none of you watched but that's fine this game just has a lot to love and engage with and talk about eye candy just freaking colors everywhere and this and that and just zaniness and it's great it's super interesting i love how you're managing your spirit i love the way the cards work again a card has two sides there's an on-board side and then in hand side someone's in your hand guess what side you use right the in hand side and then you play it it goes where on the board and then you can use that ability and it flips and that mechanic is so simple but it's so satisfying and so the way you're managing your hand of cards and managing your skills and managing your abilities along with trying to get your spirit up to get that ultimate ability and along with trying to follow the various objectives of whatever scenario that you're playing on these huge world titles and as enemies and allies and all these other quests start going up around you it's just cool and fun and zany and i enjoy the puzzle that it presents so much so maybe watch my video if you didn't already and maybe i'll get another scenario on the channel in the future and try again probably not but this one's really good and i really recommend it number nine champions of horror number eight oh how the maria fallen arkham horror the card game now this is the first game on the list that had been on a previous list since all the way back at number 22 with anne's end arkham horror went from number one in my 2020 list and that was from all my favorite games right that wasn't just a solo list and it was number four last year and now here it is at number eight and there's a lot of reasons for that one of them is that i've just enjoyed playing this game so much multiplayer recently that when i play solo it's just not the same for me that it used to be when i just played this solo a ton or i play it with my friend steve we played two-handed a ton i've been playing a lot more three-handed and seriously my bgg stats the most played game i have on there is arkham horror the card game and i don't keep track of my solo plays i don't think i'd want to see that number it's really high so i just keep track of when i play with my friends and arkham horror of the card game is by far my most played game since i started keeping track years ago but there are two reasons why arkham has fallen for me one is a question of the growing card pool for me and how i experience the game hasn't increased my enjoyment for me i find cards fall into three categories one they're duplicative they already do something i have another card that already does i don't really need the new card two they're just useless for how i play the game or three they're very useful but they're really useful like just cheese to the level that i don't want anything to do with and i will not put you on my deck because i just find you make the game too easy and that's fine for the game i think there's a place in every game for something that might be overpowered if you don't like it just don't play with it great i mean especially a deck builder like this you can build whatever deck you want no one's saying you have to use the card even if it is the optimal play i don't build my decks optimally i basically do drafts a lot and i will intentionally avoid cards that i think are just too strong so the extra cardboard isn't enhancing gameplay for me it's just giving me more to store and it's just giving me more work to go through when i'm trying to build a deck and now i have to cycle through a hundred cards when there was just 50 not that long ago right so that's one problem i have the real problem though if i'm gonna be honest is that out of the last four full cycles i only really loved one azimuth is great it's such a good campaign it's so interesting it's really well put together every scenario there just delivers but the two cycles before that and the cycle since uh okay circulating is weighted down with so many rules and this and that exceptions and stuff to check i just don't enjoy that play especially solo where it's really not scaled for solo very well dream meters b is amazing dream meters a is broken for solo play notoriously broken or solo play hopefully they'll fix that and then return to and make dream readers a a really fun part of that campaign because the way it is there's some problems with it i mean even with two or three players it's just not that fun of a campaign it's also not that great that you only have three periods in between scenarios for you to level up and play with the xp card so it's a shorter experience and it's something i really had a hard time engaging with and just didn't find the replayability as fun as i did when i played through carcosa a million times or forgotten age or dunwich love those campaigns they still deliver for me so then we have is worth which is great but after ensmith what we have edge of the earth with the beginning was awesome the end ugh i mean i find those scenarios underdeveloped and just weak the very end of that campaign is so unsatisfying and anti-climactic that i'm just like what was that how why i don't understand why the quality is more hit and miss for me than it ever was in those early cycles and maybe it's just i just played so many scenarios i know what i love and when a scenario comes in that is like different it just isn't hitting but sometimes it's like a scenario that's similar to previous scenarios so it's like i know you can design this well why is this not as good why is this not as interesting why is it so cheesed that it doesn't even feel like a challenge like there's a part of edge of the earth and i'm like oh so we just walked down the hallway that's it yay what just happened so i just don't love that and i just don't find continuing to expand my collection has been great for how much i love this game so i'm done with arkham other than side scenarios which continue to be very good the vel is because i like the novellas because it's nice to have alternate cards and it's nice to have a different investigator and i'll get the return twos for the cycles i already have to complete those cycles but that's it for me and that's fine and i think with me stopping to invest more in a direction that the game has gone that i haven't loved i think i'll go back to enjoying arkham again more once i know this is my game this is my collection and i'm no longer investing in this game and i can stop evaluating new purchases and i can start just enjoying the game like i used to because i still really will enjoy this game more for sure i mean what's calling to me now is going back to forgotten age and playing that campaign again i haven't played that campaign true solo in forever i love that campaign it's my favorite one go back to gracosa play that true solo again start playing a hard mode now because the pool is bigger and the cards options are better and some of the newer investigators are really freaking good compared to what you used to be dealing with i mean it's a joke some of these investigators now compared to what we started with it's like um we went from skits o'toole to tris scarborough it's like um one of there's a lot better than the other dude we went from daisy walker to amanda sharp i mean the upgrades there are undeniable in how good out of the box some of these new investigators are and then you have a better card pool to go with it it's just crazy but it has been fun to see some of the new investigators it has been fun to engage with some of the new cards it has been really fun playing this game with my friends so this is the top games list perhaps arkham is still higher as it used to be but you know on the solo games list it's just not that game for me anymore and that's crazy to me because it was that game for me for a long time but other games have just surpassed it for me and let's go talk about them now so arkham horror number eight number seven gaia project that's right here we are guy project was number five in 2020. it was number five in 2021 and it's number seven in 2022 and there's no good reason for it unlike arkham where i basically just have a litany of complaints and why it's falling for me guy just got bumped out by other great games man gaia is so freaking good i love that atoma so much oh my gosh that atomic system just really sings for me and the fact that you have seven different atoms that all play differently that make you feel like you're playing against a different kind of opponent the way it does and the variability of the board and the variability of the round boosters and the variability of the scoring tiles all of it just makes such a rich unique experience every time you play and i still will have games where i'm like oh my gosh i am terrible at this game because of that because it makes you think it makes you have to reconsider what you would normally do because the game state this time well that's different so can you adjust to it can you get the 150 to 175 that you normally score greg or or you're going to do what you did when you play as the best gods and you had a terrible decision in the first round and you couldn't really get that game back after it fell off the rails and i love the fact that that video happened on the channel i mean love i mean i would have liked to have you know had that feather in my cap that i won with the best gods but man that game just does it to you just is going to humble you and make you realize that oh there is another level of this game that i haven't reached yet cool i love a game that does that for me all my games from here on out do that for me on some level and gaia project was definitely one last year that i was in the middle of that in a huge way and seeing the past year and how i've been able to kind of work my way through the different factions seeing how my subscribers have engaged with those videos has been super rewarding easily one of the most rewarding things from the last year with this channel i was really happy to go through that series not sure what i'm gonna do with gaia project going forward for the channel definitely taking a break from it for now but i have a feeling it'll be back because i do love this game i'm going to sure be playing this with friends and for sure be playing this on my own at times as well because it's such a great great game so gaia project number seven number six too many bones here we go chip theory games descended upon gaia project emma's log you get out of the way because we have other things that are gonna go in front of you so i had just gotten my chip theory games shipment right before or right after i filmed this top 10 last year just had not had the time to explore the goodies that i got so here we are i've had a lot of time to explore but whoo i remember the first time i opened up this stupid rulebook and i was like what the heck is going on i've got 12 pages in had no clue what i just read called my friend dave and i was like dude what how he goes i'll be over we'll figure it out together because he had already played and dave really helped get me straight on this game because oh my gosh that rule book it's so good i mean it's the best rule book ever i know there's some people who swear by how great that rubric is i don't see it i've read it again i still find it terrible and it is what it is but love the game so much i love the zaniness i love the gear locks i love the world it is just a game that always has the potential of delivering some really epic experiences in the way that most games don't that said i've been very vocal that one of my complaints about the game is how uneven the game experience can be where sometimes everything goes right you're just cruising you get leveled up super quick there isn't any challenge you just kind of mow through baddies left and right and you just get where you want to get you get to the tire and you one-shot them game over and there are times that it's like oh my gosh i can't get out of day two and you just know that if you don't do well early there is going to be this runaway loser problem so that balancing does get out of whack and you do need to play multiple games to have that variety of experience where it's like oh my gosh every battle came down to the end it was super interesting i really had to figure that out i had to think through that and that puzzle was so awesome and you barely beat the tire and it's really satisfying or you barely lose and it's still really satisfying and it was still really fun it was still really good to play so i wish there was more of a predictability to what's going to happen when i put too many bones on the table and i start on the adventure and i go out after return now i should say that i did get a review copy of splice and dice from chip theory games so thank you so much to everyone at tip theory games for providing me with that review copy so i could further enhance my gameplay the splice and dice baddies whew they add a lot of curveballs and i've been very serious on those videos with this place nice baddies that when i said it was the first time that i saw some of those baddies i've never lied about that it's like oh interesting what the heck is this thing and how am i going to deal with it and that experience is fun for me so i've really enjoyed having those baddies infused in my game looking forward to the other content that's coming with the hop of maka's victorian kickstarter to add more of those experiences for the gameplay of too many bones a bunch more gear locks coming it's going to be a lot and it's going to be a lot of fun this game has a way of delivering the fun for sure so number six too many bones number five is cloudspire perhaps it's fitting that last year gaia project was my number five and that game was still kicking my butt all the time because this is where i'm at with classifier this year that i am just starting to feel like i get it that i'm actually playing the game at a somewhat high level and understanding what's going on and every time i'm sure as i'm going through the factions slowly but surely because that's how i like to experience games that are sprawling i'd like to take it slow that i'm going to be humbled again and again and again but at least i feel like i get the systems i get what's going on i understand the keywords and i'm going to make less rules mistakes and do i wish that this rule book was a little bit better the same way i feel about the too many bulls real book coincidence i think not however thank you so much to the comments on my classifier videos that have really helped push me along again very similar to where i was at with gaire project only a year ago just to see the growth that's possible as you play through games like this as you really get beyond just knowing the rules of really understanding the gameplay really understanding the mechanics and being able to look at game state and know all the little rules and all the little permutations that are at play on a moment-to-moment basis this game is just absolutely great i really loved the puzzles of the various scenarios i've really loved the variety of the various scenarios even within the same faction a lot of scenarios seem to be like no there's a solution here are you going to be able to discern it are you able to figure it out are you going to be able to understand what units to recruit on what wave are you going to be able to use the market to your advantage are you going to be able to use the earthscapes that are available to you are you going to be able to use the various relics that you might be able to find that can help you along your way are you going to be able to strategically explore and take the risk when you need to at the right moment to give you a chance to get to that three renown to finish that third objective successfully this game really delivers for me on a consistent basis so really a lot of the consistency from game to game that i feel is lacking from too many bones that kind of keeps it back for me i get with cloud spire i know that the consistency is going to be there i know that when i put it out on the table i take the time to set up a map that i'm going to be engaged with a really interesting intricate involved meaty puzzle every time and i love that i love the execution of this game i love the variety i love the thoughtfulness of the eastern factions and their abilities and their skills the different heroes i love the joking nature of some of it and some of the really fun narrative moments that come out as you go through a scenario of classifier so i don't know if this is like a thing if there's like a team classifier versus team too many bones like i'm definitely team classifier but obviously love them both five and six kind of where they fit for me in my gaming life if either one of those two were to go up in future years even with this insane amount of content that's coming for too many bones i think the smart money is on cloud fire to continue to move up in my personal rankings as i engage with this game more and more and go back to snares i already beat and see if i can still figure out how to do it or maybe do it better than i've ever done and really explore the depths of what's possible in cloud spire so that's it number five cloud spire number four gloomhaven jaws of the lion this is the one for me if i'm playing solo keep the big box away it's like this is what it is i'm getting frosthaven i'm probably going to say the same thing we're frosthaven but we'll see i will be playing that campaign first and foremost with my three friends we're all really excited for when that box finally arrives but gloomhaven draws it alive from a solo perspective it's just so nice to have the book and to be able to settle up and get a couple scenarios out of the way and put it back away without all that comes with the big box of gloomhaven joe's online is fantastic i have played through this campaign multiple times i did it again over the christmas holiday where i was like you know what i want to play it again boom let me try it this time and up the difficulty one because you can mess with the enemies and make them one level higher than you're supposed to be and i played with hatchet and the demolitionist and it had been a long time since i tried the demolitionists that i could not get them to work for me but with the hatchet they were awesome first time players with the void board and i couldn't get that to go now i'm really anxious to try the void warden maybe i'll put her with the red guard and see what happens i love the replayability of this campaign because it's so accessible because it's only 15 to 20 scenarios and none of the scenarios are all that long relative to what you get with some of these other games it's such a great package it's interesting the scenarios are unique and different and i just really love how this game feels like a step up for me in so many ways from gloomhaven which i found sprawling in meandering and a lot of the scenarios seen me and just not as engaging this one was like here's a tight story about this dude who's got some crazy ideas and some blood zealots and you just kind of know where the bad guy is and you know why you're doing what you're doing and you're going down certain directions that you at least have some conception of what the meta story going on is about and that was something that really was lost to me in gloomhaven and yeah the mechanics were always good but i never loved gloomhaven the way i love jaws of the lion and i love the solo experience it provides i think the characters are all super awesome it still blows my mind that isaac childress is like here's this side thing i'm going to do and i want to make one even more accessible but here's these four characters and i'm going to throw these 25 scenarios together and boom let's go to target and see what happens and it's bam this is like such a hit for me yeah going back when i play this campaign again i probably will just take the shortcut rules and just bypass the first five scenarios i do find that a little cumbersome because you already know how to play so to be you know handheld through all that but scenarios three four and five are actually interesting good scenarios so i kind of hate to do it but either way what a great campaign what a great achievement i love what it did for the hobby and getting to the big box stores and really helping people see whether a sprawling campaign dungeon crawler kind of game might be for them it's such a relatively affordable price point for what you normally see in the hobby so that's cool to me this game will sit in my top 10 for a long time to come no doubt and here it is at number four number three dawn of the zed's third edition still love this game i said that last year i love this game i meant it i mean it now this game is so freaking good there are very few games that i just think about and i smile the way that donna says makes me smile not even my one or two dawn of the zeds is just an amazing amazing game and another game just like space empires 4x and space hulk death angel and darkest night second edition that i learned about through this channel and i'm so appreciative that i did this game is so freaking good and herman lutman's a class act he's often engaging on the forums on facebook he often replies to this video when i post it on boardgamegeek and i so appreciate that what a game it's so fun it's so wacky it's really hard to win with any kind of consistency but that's part of what i love about it because every time though it feels like you get this puzzle and you just have to figure out is there a way i can make it work and sometimes it's a super weapon sometimes there's going to be a bunch of hand-to-hand combat and managing your infection level sometimes it's going to be colonel kingman in his barricade sometimes there's going to be a freaking horse to the rescue sometimes there's going to be a dog whose bark just scares the zombies away and now that i've thrown in everything with the rumors and rails expansion there's just all these little nuggets that every game is different it's a different movie every time and i do mean movie because this game really is just a zombie movie that you're playing out and sometimes you succeed and sometimes the zombies win and all forming dale just falls into utter zombie chaos and either way it's just a blast this game just delivers for me every time i love the zaniness i love the flavor i love the art i love the characters and i love the tropes and yes again i don't love zombie movies i just love this game and resident evil 3 and maybe i should watch zombie movies i don't know but it's more fun to play the games that are inspired by them as far as i'm concerned so here we go picture point games with a huge home run with this one i do not know where they go with this in the future i personally hope there's not a deluxe edition that comes out like they did with nemo's war because i would probably buy it and i really don't need it but for the sake of everyone who's looking for this game who cannot find an affordable copy i genuinely actually hope that there is a new addition in the future so more people can get a hand on this one who really want to try it but i know it can be super hard to find for some people depending on where they live et cetera et cetera et cetera but this game is absolutely fantastic my number three two years in a row if you watch last year's video are my number one and two different no they're not but if you didn't you're gonna be surprised let's go on to it number two is maze night always surprise made never the bride and that is just the fate of mage knight when it comes to solo play-throughs but woo still 1b really i mean it's not even 2 it's 1b it's so good i love this freaking game i have loved exploring more scenarios like i have in the last year all these scenarios that just really give you a different experience and a different puzzle and really seven different puzzles because everything is significantly different depending on which major you're playing with and that's amazing that's an amazing part of this game and how the skills really do color what a game feels like and how you need to approach it to go along with the two unique cards to each maze that is in the game but mine's liberation and dungeon lords and life and death and realm of the dead and hidden valley and all these various scenarios that give you a way to experience this game beyond the big three ripple carriage quest vocare's return and obviously solo conquest which is you know where you start because it's awesome and where you come back to because it's awesome because this game always delivers what doesn't it deliver on well okay it has really no narrative and that's a huge drawback and i totally get when someone's like i just found the game dry and overly complicated and it wasn't for me yes i understand you but it's so good i mean the mechanics just sing to me like when you're in it and you're in that huge battle with that huge garrison and you have to figure out how to not get necked out how to pick off a couple of guys so you can come back again or maybe you have you know the right card in your hand and you can just one shot that entire garrison but you have to still figure out every single block and every single point of attack matters and using your units and disbanding units because they're going to take the paralyzed wound not you unless of course that stupid freaking enemy not only is paralyzed but they have assassin too and oh that's the worst and how do you make that work and you have to figure out the resistances do you have the elemental attack to get that guy do you oh my gosh i love that puzzle and i just absolutely adore going through that work over and over again they're putting those wounds out and saying oh my gosh there's 30 wounds on the table but all right well if i do that i can take those away and if i do that i can take those about if i do that it's coming together wow why does it always happen this way like every game there's a moment like i don't know if this is going to work out i didn't get the right artifact i wanted i didn't get that spell before it got cycled out i wasn't able to really get an advanced action that works for me the unit offers terrible but so many times you can just piecemeal something together that works and then there's times you can't and it's still super engaging to try and i just absolutely love the puzzle in this game and the depth of this game it'll always deliver and anyone who has bounced off this game in the past i always just encouraged to maybe try it again because there's something there and yet there's not the great overarching narrative there's not the understanding of why you're doing what you do and i know it really is something that draws people into their games and makes it a more immersive experience that maids night you have to do a little bit more of that work to get there because the stories of maze night is not the story of maze night it is the individual story of every game of maze night that comes to the forefront as you have your mage and they start as a little weak nothing that can barely defeat that cursed hag who happens to be chilling in the countryside tile right next to you but then by the end you're defeating not just the cursed hag man you're defeating three draconian two garrisons from the city and five other orcs in vulcara's army because it's bananas how it just happens and it's crazy and the character development in every single game amaze night is so freaking good and i absolutely love that experience and it will never ever ever get old for me because it's maze night but still not number one and number two sorry dude but it's time number one's coming up and say it with me class number one spirit island it's good that's it i mean there's part of me that's really tempted just to be like it's good done it's really good i don't even know like i've already said everything there is to be said i have feature spirit island more than every other game on my channel and i don't even think it's that close anymore i mean maids night and arkham were up there for a while the spirit line just really blew past it with the 24 different spirits and all the various scenarios and the strength versus strength series and the like i mean there is still so much more to do with this game when i was talking to the guys from the kindred spirit podcast check them out everywhere you can find podcasts we just lied about how much content you can make out of this freaking game i could easily run my entire channel with spirit island i just love too many other games i like the variety but spirit island's the one that i know i can come back to whenever and just have a ridiculously fun game i'm looking forward to doing more two-handed challenges i'm looking forward to combining adversaries i still have all of the aspects to go through for the basic spirits and i know that eric royce is going to drop some amazing expansion not that far from now so i best get on it right because there's going to be more spirits and more more more always more right this game is good and if there's any designer that i trust to keep that consistency of good from what i've already seen it is eric royce because branch of claw is awesome jacket earth is the best expansion ever published it's just that good every spirit in there adds something to this game makes you see this game from a different angle they're not all my favorite i don't love playing as all of them but i'm glad i have played as all of them i've learned i've taken a deep dive to some level or another with all of them because they've all enhanced my love for this game this feeling that i have of this world that i'm exploring that just exists and eric rice is slowly letting us see more and more and more of it through this game that is just absolutely fantastic spirit island easily my most played game in the last year and a half two years if you can buy solo play plus playing with friends just so much game there so much absolutely love so many experiences to be had and it's good we'll go back full circle kids start it it's good i end is good nothing else can possibly be said that i haven't already said between last year and this year to be clear for those keeping track at home spiriton was number three in 2020 it was number one in 2021 and is now number one again in 2022 so i guess the only climber that we have in recent years is going to be jaws of the lion if you went to my original top 10 video with the production quality is still garbage so don't go there or do i don't know whatever you want to do with your time your time not mine but i had gloom even at number eight on that one that was pre-jaws of the lion and then jaws of the lion was six in my 2021 list of just solo games and now has moved up to four we'll see if there are going to be any climbers next year because any other overlap i had was going down in some places like scythe or anne's end they went down quite a bit obviously but this was super fun these lists are just meant to be fun please remember that in your comments sometimes man it is what it is they're just games there's a broken meatball it's only a game yeah dude it's only a freaking game we're just out here to have a good time if you're new to the channel i hope you learned about a gamer or two that you might want to check out for yourself every single one of these games has either been on my channel at some point or will be on my channel at some point soon to navigate my channel i do have a playlist a separate playlist for every single game that i have ever featured so you go on my channel go to playlist find the game you're looking for they're all there by title i know really crazy idea i went by title because i felt that would be best for you so you could find every game there when all the videos for that game are there i also have a playlist for my top 10 list that i've done in the past where i've done two for maze night one for arkham one for spirit island and there's a couple others knocking around in there there are a bunch of games that are not on this top 24 that i have featured you can see what else is out there under falling skies i did a video of a long time ago there was a bunch of robert crusoe back in the day when i thought that game was good don't hate me i'm sorry it is what it is i can't help myself it's not good no okay crusoe again if i go to the book analogy crusoe is just a book that i really enjoyed for a very short time then i was like yeah not the series for me i'm gonna move on it's like harry potter i read the first two books and then i was done i didn't have any interest in continuing it's very similar to me with crusoe right it just needed to go and it went and it's now in a home for someone who will like it more than i ever will going forward i'm sure so it's good for everybody win-win thank you so much to all my patrons who have dealt with my craziness and the new games who have kept this channel growing in a very real way through some technology upgrades with a new microphone with a new camera through some editing experiments through some new games some games that i featured that i'm like ah that wasn't that great probably could have saved that week for something else but it just allowed me to experiment and explore and have still supported this channel through it all and i really do appreciate all that support if you are interested in supporting this channel if you want to see more of my content if you like the content of mine that you have already seen please go on my patreon page i will put a link to my patreon page in the description below see if there is a tier of support that makes sense for you either way the likes the comments the subscriptions telling your friends who are solo gamers who are might be interested in solo gaming how awesome solo playthroughs is that'd be really really appreciated by me as i continue to grow this channel and try to expand in the months and years to come so that's really it thank you so much this was fun for me i hope it was fun for you and until next time happy gaming
Channel: Solo Playthroughs
Views: 12,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best solo board games, top 10 board games, greatest solo board games, solo board games for one player, favorite solo board games, solo playthrough, board games for one, greatest board games for one players, playthroughs of solo board games, one person board games, spirit island, mage knight, jaws of the lion, chip theory games, how to play solo board games
Id: yvnyrWTSZjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 2sec (4622 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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