Imperium: Classics - Solo Tutorial & Playthrough

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[Music] and good evening i think we're live as always please let me know in the chat if you can hear me and you can see me okay and welcome to the first of two videos that i'm doing this evening where i'm going to be playing through the solo game of imperium uh the first video which is what you're watching now is going to be imperium classics and then later on this evening hopefully in about an hour and a half time i'm going to be doing imperium legends both games are being released roughly the same time which is i think in a few weeks time published by osprey games designed by nigel buckle and david tertzy both of whom are in the chat tonight so they'll be picking me up if i make any rules mistakes um and yeah the games are coming out in a few weeks time i believe straight to retail osprey games don't do kickstarter or anything like that and both games are exactly the same rule set in fact the rule book that's included uh in both games is exactly the same but what is different is the eight nations that you get with the game so in each box you're going to get eight nations every nation plays very differently uh i say that i've only played one of them but i've seen how another one plays and just having a look at how they play yeah it tells me that they're going to play differently so this video is going to be more of a tutorial and play through quite heavy on the tutorial side of things then the video that i'm going to be doing later on which is going to be a separate video but i will post a link to it uh in this chat before we disappear and then i'll need 10 minutes to basically put this away and get the new one out and the second video tonight is going to be more of a play through um so this is the one to watch if you want to learn how to play so we are all set up and first of all i'm going to go through the setup this is a one-to-four player game uh where each player will take on the role of the nation and you're trying to score points you will score you'll add up your points at the end of the game the game can end in one of two main different ways we'll come on to that later on and you're trying to score points the cards that you'll collect uh all you probably can't see here but they've all got a victory point value in the bottom right okay so let's first talk about my player area which is here now first thing to note is i don't have this set up in the way that it suggests in the rulebook just for the purposes of this live stream i've got it laid out in a slightly different way but you will see in the bottom left these are all purple cards okay that's because these are the cards for the macedonian nation this is the nation that i've chosen to use there are different difficulty settings on each of the nations and this is one of the easiest ones to play so this is the one we're using tonight so first of all we have my power card you can see it's my power card because it's got the wiggly lines on it and the card actually has b side which is for beginners and an a side for advanced so we're playing on the b side tonight but you can you can choose which one you want to play with so this is my power card you'll notice down in the bottom right that it gives me at the end of the game one victory point for every region that i have now it doesn't matter where that region is it can be in play it can be my discard pile it can be in my deck wherever it is i'm going to get one point at the end of the game for every region that i have okay next thing we have next to it this is my development area okay all of the development cards have the star icon on here and the development cards they don't need to be shuffled because every time i develop i can choose whichever one of these i want to develop there is a cost printed on them but we'll come on to that later on i'm not going to be developing for quite a while that's my development cards the next thing we do we have my assession card this is my session card which is alexander and you can see it's the session card because it's got the circle on it and then on top of that get shuffled these moon cards okay so the i've got three of them again different nations will have a different number of cards but what happens is these get shuffled don't shuffle them face up pull shuffle them face down these get placed sideways on here this is my nation deck okay there is a lot of terminology in this game uh but you'll get used to it next to that we have this card now this is a state card it's two sided and it's the barbarian on one side uh and on the other side is the empire card at the moment the macedonians are barbarian state so it goes this way up and at some point during the game we're going to flip that card over you'll notice on the barbarian state card we have these three action markers and we have five exhaustion markers the rest of my cards and these are the cards that are my color that don't have uh the any any symbols on they get shuffled and they get placed down there in a deck and then you draw five cards okay and that is a player's setup apart from you start with one progress marker two population and three materials so if you were playing multiplayer that's what everybody would do to start the game however remember and i've said it twice already i'll say it a third time every nation is different nations have different number of uh development cars some nations have uh more of these cards yeah they all play very differently okay so i've got the cards in my hand we'll come on to them later on now let's talk about this area here okay so this area this is the market now the market is divided into five sections we've got these numbered chips below this is only for the solo games if you're playing multiplayer you don't need to put these number tokens out but we have five sections of the market this is the section for regions you can see here with the icon this is the section for uncivilized cards this is the section for civilized cards and this is the section for everything else now in setup what i do is i take all of the region cards from the game shuffle them and put six of them there six of them in a two player game and also in the solo game and then the top card goes here i do the same with the uncivilized cards six of them there one of them there i'll mention this later on the civilized cards six of them there then one of them here and then all of the rest of those three types of cards get shuffled with the tributary cards into one big deck here okay now this deck running out is one of the end game triggers so that date goes there then what we do is we take the top two cards from that deck and we put one there and one there now you'll notice some of these cards have extra cards tucked underneath these are unrest cards there's a number of unrest cards in the game based on the number of players if the unrest deck ever runs out then that is another end game trigger but the game ends if that happens the game ends in a very different way we'll come on to that later on but every time a civilized card uncivilized card or a tributary card gets added into the market you add an unrest card underneath it so these two cards don't have unrest cards underneath them because these are region cards but these three do okay that's the market set up the unrest cards go here and up here we have the fame cards so we have uh the king of kings on the a side okay and then we shuffle the eight fame cards we put them on here and in a two player game we take the top two cards off and remove them from the game uh you will play with more fame cards with with more players but in the two play game and the solo game you play with six fame cards right that is the market set up that is what you will use every time you play but what we've also got is we have the bot set up so let's cover the bot setup now uh we have we're playing games persia so persia's power card is here now in the solo game the power card doesn't do anything so we can ignore all of the text and the icons on it but we still need that card there because we're going to be talking cards underneath it we have the development cards here but unlike my development cards these are in a specific order so you have the fewest victory points on top and they basically go in ascending order if there are multiple cards with the same victory points like this one is two and this one is two you decide randomly between the two of them okay on top of that you place the accession card and then you place the nation cards shuffled sideways like that similar similar to mine but the development cards go underneath we also have a barbarian state card and then the deck for the bot is here so again like me i have a deck get rid of that cat here the bot has a deck but we shuffle it and instead of the bot having a hand of cards we actually lay out the five cards here this is effectively the bot's hand of cards okay we put one below each space in the market and that that is the bolt setup done we have a dice which we'll use on the bot's turn and i think that is the end of setup okay so the way the game plays and i'm not going to explain all of the rules as we at the start i'm going to explain them as we go along but basically the game plays in a series of rounds in each round every player will take a turn starting with the starting player and then at the end of the round there is a solstice phase um and then you carry on playing until one of the one of the end game triggers happens which is if i remember rightly this deck running out uh the the king of kings card being flipped over one player running out of all of their development cards and is that it or is there another one there was a minute let me just get solo rulebook check the game end conditions where's the game end conditions game end no more cards in the bots dynasty deck which is this this whole thing here is the dynasty deck no more cards in the main deck you've uh your development area is empty uh the king of kings has been flipped face down yeah that's it there's the four ways that the game can end in a scoring ending but if the unrest card comes out if the last unrest card is taken from the supply the game ends in a collapse and that that's quite different uh are all the card backs the same yes the card backs are the same apart from your power card and the barbarian empire state card right so in a solo game you take the first turn uh oh i need to put some progress in the market on the civilized card oh yeah thank you i forgot about that uh there you go every civilized card in the market gets a progress marker on it thank you nigel i had forgotten about that bit right so yeah what i was saying is in a solo game you take the first turn then the bot takes a turn then we get a solstice and we carry on like that so on your turn you've got three choices these are summarized on the back of the rulebook you can either activate innovate or revolt now for my playthrough this afternoon activating is what you're going to be doing most of the time you might actually never innovate in the game and you might never revolt okay but activate you're going to be doing that a lot so i'm looking at the cards that i've got in my hand and i've drawn two unrest cards now when rest cards are bad for a number of reasons um they're worth minus two victory points at the end of the game and they don't actually do anything in fact the ability on them isn't a positive ability it's how you can get rid of them so i have two unrest cards in hand i also have three other cards in hand now the first thing i wanted to mention is these cards have the battle ax symbol on and you may have seen that icon before it's the same icon on this any card with an icon here if it's got the battle likes icon it can only be played if you are a barbarian state now there is a thematic connection with this game while we're a barbarian state we are going around advancing and conquering once we become an empire we we don't do that anymore we do other stuff instead we develop technologies and things like that but right now i can play these cards because i'm a barbarian state so out of those three options i'm considering whether to revolt or not and i'm going to explain what revolt is now because with revolt you you effectively skip your whole turn but what you can do is you can remove any number of unrest cards from your hand back to the supply okay so if i had i mean i've got two cards in i've got two unrest cards in my hand right now and i'm thinking of doing that if i had if i had three or four i'd definitely be doing it but only two do i want to give up my whole turn just to get rid of these two unrest cards ah i don't think i do right so what i'm going to do and i'm not going to do i'm not going to choose the innovate action i am going to choose the activate action okay um so with the activate action i've got three actions which is what these counters are here okay and i've got five exhaustion markers now the three actions every action you've got allows you to basically play a card the exhaust tokens they are used for cards that say exhaust and some nations will use them more than others um but let's have a look at what we've got now this isn't scripted what you're seeing here is me actually looking at the cards and actually deciding what to do so this is a proper live play through unlike some of my other tutorial videos where everything is completely scripted this is very much a live video where i'm actually thinking of what i want to do and i'm not going to think too much because it is a live stream and i don't want you all to fall asleep but let's just move my cards down here because this is my hand my first action so i'm going to use one of my action markers i'm going to play this card orestes uh if that's how you pronounce it i don't know but anyway this is a region card and it's got the infinity icon on so with the infinity icon what that means is the card actually stays in play okay most of the cards when you play them they do what they say and then they go to your discard pile but anything with the infinity icon stays in play the ability is game two materials and we can get again two materials and you may garrison a card and that's what i'm gonna do i am gonna garrison one of my unrest cards now garrisoning means that i can put the card underneath and don't worry about remembering everything that i'm saying because in the rulebook there is a full list of every keyword in the game and what it means okay so you don't need to remember every single thing that i'm saying tonight you just need to get an idea of how the game plays so by garrison and a card it's still my card right i am still gonna get the minus two points for it at the end of the game but it's not considered in play uh the reason i've done that is because that card is no longer part of my deck okay there is a deck building element to this game and i have effectively temporarily removed that card from my cycle of cards whether that's the right thing to do or not i don't know i'll have david and nigel telling me later on what i should have done right the next thing i'm going to do is i am going to play conquer right and again i'm allowed to play it because i am currently a barbarian state so i spend one action and i am going to play conquer now conquer has on it a choice i can either pay to population to acquire a region or a tributary card or i can pay three population to break through for a region or tributary card right now breakthrough is a better version of acquire and you might think well paul you don't have a choice because you've only got two population well here's an important rule this progress marker here this is worth one point at the end of the game every progress token you have is one point at the end of the game but when you're paying for something you can use this as if it was one population or as if it was two materials so that's a that's a tricky choice because breaking through is actually quite good but i think i'm just going to go with the basic one so i'm going to pay two population and i am going to acquire a region or a territory okay so that goes to my discard pile and let's have a look at the market so this is a region uh this is a region this is a tributary right now when you acquire a card you basically take it and put it in your hand if there was any tokens on it like this you would get those tokens but if there is a an unrest card with it you would also get that on rest card so i could take this card here but i would get the unrest card that goes with it and i also know because i'm playing the macedonians i'm going to get one point at the end of the game for every region so is that going to influence my decision uh david is saying territory equals tributary i said tributary um yeah it sounds like a river but it's it's not um right okay what are we going to do i think oh i'm so tempted to take that okay i'm not going to take a region card i am going to take this tributary card okay so i take this that goes into my hand along with the unrest card which is bad but there you go it's in my hand now every time there is a gap in the market we refill it so because it's a gap here we take a card from the main deck and we put it here and this is a region card which means we do not add an arrest to it remember every time a civilized uncivilized or tributary card comes out it gets an unrest card okay so that's two actions i have a third action but let's just talk about this card that i've just drawn this is the assyrians it says free play what free play does is it means it doesn't cost me an action to play this card so i'm going to play this card i gain a population and the card goes to my discard pile there you go i've gained a population nice okay what am i going to do now i've still got one action left and i think well i'm tempted to take this card but it's got an empire icon on and the problem with an empire icon is i'm not going to be able to play that card for quite a while so the other option is that i get rid of one of these unrest no i know i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to go yeah i'm going to play this card here i'm going to play advance and i'm going to pay three materials okay this might be the wrong thing to do but i am going to acquire a civilized or an uncivilized card and i'm going to acquire this uncivilized card here okay now i've got a change of plan so that's going in my discount pile i acquire that and i also acquire the unrest card okay so i'm actually going to slightly undo my turn no no new information has been revealed so i'm actually going to slightly undo my turn and when i have the option of garrisoning a card i'm not going to garrison that card okay there you go rewind david's watching so i'm allowed to rewind time um and that's it that's that's the end of my turn i've used my three actions so what happens at the end of your turn well first of all i need to replenish that which is a uncivilized card so we get another unrest card on it at the end of your turn there's a few steps that you need to do but the first thing you do at the end of your turn is you take a progress token marker what they called progress markers or progress tokens tokens you take a progress token and you put it on any one of these cards and once you've done that i'm going to put it on there once you've done that the other players can then be getting on with their turn because the rest of the stuff that you do doesn't interfere with the other players okay so what happens at the end of your turn is you may discard any number of cards from hand okay now the reason why you want to discard your cards is i'm about to draw back up to my hand size and when you cycle through your deck that's a good thing but you can see what i'm planning to do here i'm saving up on rest cards so i'm actually going to discard one card which means i just draw one card okay well philip the second i will explain what happens when your date runs out when that happens but for now that's it i think that's the end of my turn let's just double check uh you do that you do that uh clean up we've done that yeah that's that's pretty much it right that's the end of my turn i've got my cards i'm ready to go now we do the bolts turn okay so what happens in the box turn we roll the dice okay roll the dice and we roll the two so i'm going to put the number two on there and we are now going to resolve all of these cards but not that one not the one that the dice is on we're going to resolve the cards one by one and let's reveal them and i'll explain what happens so when you reveal a card you ignore what's actually printed on the card itself and what you do is you look on this now this is actually in the rulebook i have printed it printed it out just for tonight and i've printed it out a bit small but this is a sheet that tells you and there's one of these for every so in the rulebook i'll show you what it looks like in the rulebook so they're all in the back of the rulebook there are all of these tables for every nation in the game as i say i've printed it out just for tonight um and you look at what state the nation is in so the persians are a barbarian state so we're using the top table and then what we do is we look down this list until we get to something which matches this card okay so is it a fame card no is it the card glory no is it a tributary card no does it have a battle axe on no is it a region card yes so it's a region cards again we ignore what's on the card itself we know the effect of the card and we just do what it says on here so what's on here is it gains a population there we go it's gained a population um and then we play this region and we exile a card from the market okay so what it's going to do is it's going to play this region so the um the bot actually has its own area for region car so i'm actually going to put it here okay so it's got a region it's taken over that area then what it does is the card um it exiles a card from the market so whenever it exiles a card from the market it always exiles the leftmost card but it will never exile a card that's got a token on it so it's going to exile this card exile there's an area here for exiled cards they're effectively out of the game but there are some effects which will allow you to get them back okay now we've got an empty space so we replenish it and it is a civilized card so we're going to take an unrest card and we're going to put it on there like that okay that's card number one resolved next card number three okay it's an unrest card now i'm going to mention this now if you do buy this game there is a very important piece of errata uh which was unfortunately missed in the rulebook so you do need to know about this if you are watching this video if you've just bought this game the the errata is on bgg whenever the bot draws an unrest card like this you put it back in the supply okay that's not in the rules but it is in the uh the thing what happens if your roller six says phil is the game explodes and you all die no when you roll a six the bot basically takes all five actions so a six is bad because the bot does five things instead of four things right next card uh advanced let's have a look at the the little sheet so is it that no is it that no is it that no right it's got the barbarian uh sorry the yeah the barbarian icon on so if able it will spend three population to break through for a tributary right it doesn't have three population otherwise if abel spends two materials to acquire a civilized ordinance civilized card nope hasn't got that otherwise gain one material and one population and put this card on top of the bot deck so there you go so it's gained a little bit of something and that card has gone back on the deck then we do card number five which is the same again does it have three population no does it have two materials no it gets materials population card goes back on the deck okay so in other words because it wasn't able to do that card it put it back into its hand which is quite clever now at the end of the bolts turn the card that it didn't use slides down and then we replenish its hand one two three four when the bot deck runs out i'll explain that when it happens but that is almost the bot's turn there's one thing i forgot to do uh the position where the card was that's where that's what gets the progress token so at the end of your turn you have to put a progress token on and at the end of the bolt's turn the bot puts a progress token on as well unless you roll a six if you roll the six uh the bot doesn't doesn't get progressed okay right that's the end of the first round off we go it's my go i should have my actions back i've got my hand of cards and you probably know what i'm gonna do because i've got four unrest cards in hand uh anthony's here in the chat hi anthony thank you very much uh so i am gonna choose the revolt action okay and basically what that means is i take these four unrest cards and i put them there and that is the end of my go nice and simple so i'm going to put this card and where am i going to put it actually i think i need to be planning my next turn so i'm going to put it here on this marsh because i quite like this marsh okay and then i can discard any number of cards from my hand how many cards have i got in my deck one two three four five okay i'm going to keep philip the second in my hand so what i'm going to do is i'm now going to draw four new cards and i still haven't emptied my deck so you've not seen that part of the game yet right now it's the bots go did that did that yeah we're good right bolts go it's a one so it's not doing that card and it's going to add a progress token there which is going to be great for me because that's what i wanted to take right okay so the first card it's resolving is conquer now this time alex it does have three population so it's going to spend that three population and you're going to see a very cool mechanic to break through for tributary okay now is there a tributary card here there is not so whenever you break through for attribute either as a bot or as a human player what you do is you look through this main deck because this is where the tributary cards are and we're looking through until we get to a tributary we found one okay if that wasn't a tributary we would keep going through and then we would reshuffle the rest of the cards okay so it's gained this tributary and what it does is this goes on top of its deck okay and then according to the little cheat sheet here the card that it used to do that this goes into history so this is another cool part of the game and the reason why we've kept this card in play is all of the cards we're going to talk under here are going into history in other words it's done the conquering that's gone down in history it's basically a way of saying that this card is no longer part of this deck cycling it's gone it's been used but the important thing is that card still counts for any victory points that it had on it okay so it's different from other game other deck building games where you can thin your deck uh when you thin your deck in those games the card is gone completely gone out of the way in this game it actually goes in your history pile and it's still your card right okay next and yes mechanism not mechanic i'll have a word with myself later on um so it's done that it's done that card next card oh it's another one right does it have three population no in which case does it have two materials it does so it has two materials two materials which means it can spend them to acquire either a civilized card or an uncivilized card now we have in the market we have civilized card we have a civilized card we have an uncivilized card okay so which one is it going to take he's going to take the one worth the most points and every token on a card counts as a points so this one is worth two plus one three this one is worth two plus one three this one is worth one so it takes the leftmost one okay so it's going to take this card here so it gets this which will be worth one point four at the end of the game it takes both of these cards it gets that one first that goes on its deck and then it gets that one i think that's what it's done yeah and then that card goes back on top nope goes to the discard pile yeah so every card it uses unless it says otherwise goes to its discard pile um yeah done we've got an empty space here so we replenish that it's a region it's a river uh and now we go to this card glory okay now glory is a special type of card it's got its own entry on the list if able abandon three regions yep it can't it's only got one and abandon is another keyword to gain the top fame card otherwise breakthrough for regions okay so what it's gonna do oh it's gonna take the region oh he's going to take the one from under me so it's basically uh it's breaking through for a region and it's going to take the most valuable one which is this one oh that's such a shame so it takes that one nice it gets that the glory card gets discarded and we replenish it's another region curses well there's the glory card had to come out at some point um fifth card is prosperity which is another named card so with prosperity we discard the top card from the bot deck there you go which means it's going through its deck faster it gains one material and one population for each region that it has in play thankfully it only has one in play okay but then i may draw a card i'm absolutely going to there you go i've drawn a card that's it prosperity gets discarded um card number one gets a token on it and then we replenish the row so for those of you just sticking around for the first half hour to see how it plays there you go you've seen how it plays i know a lot of people will probably switch off fairly early just because they wanted an idea of how it plays you've got an idea but if you do switch off now just before you do there's a lot you haven't seen you haven't seen the deck building part of it you haven't seen the nation card you haven't seen the development you haven't seen the phone cards there's a lot you haven't seen so please stick around right now i did mention that after every round there is a solstice phase but the solstice phase the only thing that happens in the solstice phase is cards with a solstice effect trigger we don't have any of those so at the moment i'm kind of just taking it alternating terms right my go what am i going to do i'm going to have a drink because this is thirsty work now my deck is empty so whenever i need to draw cards something is going to happen something is going to happen now i don't have much in the way of stuff i do have philip the second i also have that is that actually going to be any good no that's not going to be any good let's play some of these cards yeah i'm going to play some more regions so my first and second actions are to play these two regions okay pelegonia and the helicomon valley uh both of these give me a population when they come into play and they allow me to garrison a card so that's what i'm going to do i'm actually going to garrison that card under there and that card under there okay so that's my first two actions done interesting very interesting because i could break through for a tributary by going through that deck but i think i think i'm going to use philip the second to acquire this region okay because it's got a progress token on it so i acquire the region it goes into my hand and philip the second put this card into your history so similar to what the bot did that card is going underneath my power card that is it philip the second is done he's gone into history and that is my third action i have two cards in hand it's the end of my turn i will put oh we need to replenish this it is a tributary card it gets an unrest card there you go that goes there and all of these cards have special powers on them so once you're more familiar with the game you will get to know these i'm not thinking too much about it because it's a live stream but all of these cards have scoring opportunities on them he lived he conquered he died yes um right which of these cards do i want to keep if any or both let me just have a look in my discard pile okay i think i think i'm going to discard the conker and i'm going to keep the hills in my hand right so here's what happens end of my turn i get to put a progress token on one of these cards and i'm going to put it on there okay and now i get to replenish back to my hand size okay so you're now gonna see a cool part of the game i need to draw four cards i don't have any cards in my deck so what happens is i take an exhaustion marker and i put it on here and i take this card remember these are my nation cards these were shuffled i have three of them this card gets added into my discard pile and then this gets shuffled so your deck is building itself as the game goes on just by passing time okay and now i draw four cards there you go so let's have a look what we've got nice yeah i've just drawn my prosperity card which is awesome i was hoping i was hoping i got that nice right now it's the bots go yeah it's a six which is bad it's going to do all of these five cards and nothing is going to get a progress token on it right okay card number one is that so we know what that does it's ah no we don't know what that does this is actually two types of cards it's a tributary card and it's also got a battle example the tributary symbol comes first so we're ignoring the battle axe we're doing the fact that it's a tributary card so it's gained two materials and two population discard the top card from the bot deck and put this card into history so that card goes into history it gains two materials two population and it discards a card from its deck there you go next card it's unrest so that goes back over there next card is uh what type of card is that oh right now this is a type of card i've not seen before i've not seen an attack card um but it's none of these symbols on here so i think oh no no it's not so it's actually none of these so we go all the way down to the bottom which is other so if able acquire a tributary so can it acquire that yes it can so that's what it does all right so when you as a player play as persian you're incentivized to grab the tribute right okay i see so yeah so that's what it's doing it's discarding this card and it's acquiring this because it can so that goes to the discard and these basically go on top of the deck in that order because it's the tributary card first followed by the unrest card okay we get a replacement the replacement is a uncivilized town no jokes about columbine and card number four again it's another tributary card so it gains two and two and there are multipliers for these tokens if you think that it's going to get messy because it probably is and that card goes into history and it discards a card from the top of the bot deck and then finally card number five is can it spend three population yes it can so it does it spends three population it breaks through the tributary there's no tributary here so it looks through this deck for one yeah each each bot has a personality what you're seeing today is you're seeing the persian bot and it will be very different if we were to play against a different one there we go we've got a tributary card so these get shuffled that goes onto its deck and the card that it used to do that goes into history i believe yeah right and there we go and that is the end of the bot's turn it doesn't place a token because it rolled a six and now we replenish but we are now going to see what the bot does so the bot doesn't have any cards so what we do is we take the top card from here and we put that in there and then we shuffle it's very similar to what i did okay what are you all thinking of it so far let me know in the chat if you've um if you were considering pre-ordering this game or if you've already pre-ordered it or you like it or you think it's not not for you let us know in the chat what you're thinking of it so far either one is good for me because my my job here is not to convince you to buy this game the publisher obviously wants me to do that but my job is to show you a whether this is the kind of game that you like uh and b help you learn how to play the game so you can if you do buy the game you can watch this video again and it'll remind you how to play but yeah my primary objective here is just to show you what it's about to see if it's the kind of game you'd like and to go through some of the thought processes that i'm going through in the solo game to give you an idea of what it would be like for you right i think we're all done so next my go i got me five cards and i have drawn prosperity and i have three actions available to me so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to play the assyrians because that's a free play i gain a population nice and easy right the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to play the hills then their hills there's people in them the hills so i'll gain a population i may garrison a card i don't think i want to no that's one action to play the hills i don't want to hm no okay so what i'm going to do now is i am going to play prosperity so prosperity is an awesome card uh and what this is is all players may draw a card now the bot normally you would draw a card but what the bot does uh when it draws a card is i don't think it does no i had this earlier on and i can't remember i even asked about it and i've forgotten what it does uh yeah you take the top card from the bot deck and you put it in the discard pile so it's basically it's going through its deck quicker and then i can choose to either gain one material per bag symbol so you may have noticed if we just zoom in you'll notice that these cards have icons on now these icons don't do anything on their own but they are referred to by other cards so this here prosperity is i gain one material per bag icon there's one bag icon so i could gain one material or one population per region card in play i'm having that one because i've got four region cards in play so i get full population i'm gonna use one of these five tokens there you go that's prosperity done that was my second action and my third action considering i now have lots of population is i am going to play conquer and i am going to use the bottom effect so this spends three population and i am going to break through for a tributary okay now again there are no tributaries on display uh so what happens is we're gonna have a look through here nope nope nope nope nope nope oh if you don't find one you get two progress tokens instead i'm gonna find one there you go i found the hittites these get shuffled oh that's nice that card goes into my hand that is my third action done so it's the end of my turn right i'm gonna put a progress token and i'm gonna put it on there now do i want to keep any of these cards in hand i do not want to keep the shrine in hand i probably should have garrisoned it to be honest but i'm not going to have a second undo i'm keeping this card yeah i'm keeping this card so that's the end of my turn i get all my tokens back and then what happens is i draw up to a hand size of five okay i've only got two cards in my hand so i get those two cards and then i basically put this on here now you might think why am i marking this with a token before i put a card in it it's because you can only basically do it once per turn okay if you end up with a really really thin deck you might end up cycling through your deck multiple times but you only ever take one card off here each time so that's why you put an exhaustion token on it right these get shuffled i need two more cards david's one step ahead of me with what i'm thinking i'm not thinking about it like that but i know what you're saying i want to deny persia from getting tributaries and this is the interesting thing that they were telling me about this afternoon is you don't just play this game for you okay you look at who you're playing against you look at what their strengths are and you try to make sure that you deny them the cards that they want whilst also trying to get what you want so i want to get regions but i also want to get tributaries to stop persia getting them because i know they're good with them and ever so when you play it you won't just do the same thing every time you play you will adjust your strategy based on who you're playing against okay right next it is the bot how are we doing for time 8 45 not bad i want to finish this by 9 30 and then do the second video in fact i want to finish this earlier because i've advertised the second video at 9 30 and i don't think i'm gonna make that in time right card number two is what it's not doing so off we go card number one is it's a blue card we know what they do two materials two population discard the top card from the bot deck put this card in history two materials two population okay next card number three it is a region uh so we gain a population or it gains a population and then this card goes into play it's now got two regions next card unrest goes back card number five unrest goes back that was a fairly quick turn wasn't it card number two gets progress tokens on it this slides down we get four new cards one two three four his deck is empty but it does not need to draw a card so we don't do the thing okay and that's it that's the bots go done solstice again we still don't have a solstice yet but i will have to remember it at some point so what have i got now i have six population i like that i do like that but what i'm going to do is i'm going to play um is there any need to break through no i might as well just acquire i am gonna conquer we're gonna play this card i'm gonna spend two population uh and we're gonna we're gonna acquire this region here okay so that goes to my discard pile i get this look at those lovely progress tokens i get this i put it into my hand card gets replenished it is a tributary gets a rest card on it that was my first action my second action i need some materials um oh that's interesting oh that is interesting do we take another tributary or do we take another region or do we take both there are lots of choices here i have a lot of choices right i'm gonna i'm gonna use my second action bear in mind this is only the second time i played this game so certainly don't follow what i'm doing as a strategic advice but i'm going to play a river i am kind of running out of space here a little bit and later on when i play the egyptians i'm supposed to i'm going to need a bigger area uh i'm just because we only need to know the number of region cards it's got i'm just going to tuck them under there i've played a river as my second action you i may put a card from my discard pile into your history and i'm going to do oh am i yes i'm going to do that i am going to put this card into my history this card has been really good for me but sooner rather than later i'm not going to be able to play this card anymore because i'm going to evolve from a barbarian state into an empire and then i can't play the card but i'm actually going to get rid of that that has gone into history um exila card from the market well i'm going to exile the armenians because i don't want it to get them i'm going to exile that putting the unrest card back get a new card it's a region you may garrison a card so i'm actually going to garrison this shrine because i don't really want it worth a point right that was my second action my third action i think i'm gonna play another region yeah i think i am i'm gonna play conquer while i still can and i'm gonna pay two and we're gonna conquer we're gonna acquire a region and it's going to be this one that goes into my hand i've got a new one here uh it's a region so it doesn't get a card on it and that's it that is my go done which card do i want to put a token on put it on here and then which of these cards do i want to discard well i'm going to discard that one how many cards have i got in my discard ah i've got three cards in my discard so if i discard another card yeah i'm going to discard another card just so that i draw four cards okay because what that's going to do is that is going to trigger me to do it again so i draw these three i then get that one i should have got that back get that one again right alexander my accession card that is now revealed as soon as that goes into my discard that's when i become an empire check my debs what have i done uh what's nigel said paul hasn't read his companion cavalry no i know i have yeah i know i know what it does but i decided to do that anyway yeah companion cavalry is a card that i've got that allows me to still use the conquer icon uh the conquer cards but i've chosen not to do that it's fine it's fine one two three four five done right the bolts go it's a three so first card is a blue one so that goes into history it discards the top card of its deck it doesn't have a card on its deck so i don't think it does anything it gets two population and two materials next card it's that one which is the other yep so if able acquire a tributary no otherwise if abel acquire an uncivilized card which it does we're going to discard that uncivilized cards uh that one is worth two points that one is worth one point so it takes this one okay so that's going on its deck uh note card card number four is a region so it takes the region it gains a population and it plays it there you go it now has a region uh and it exiles a card from them oh we need a new card in the market which is that with an unrest card on but then it gets exiled and then we get a new card in the market which is corruption everybody needs a bit of corruption and card number five is another region it gets the population and it now has four regions and it exiles another card from the market yep yep so that's corruption gone cycling through these cards quickly uh it's a tributary card that goes on there okay right that is the bots go done we put a progress token on card number three slide this down we get four new cards we only have two but what happens is this card goes into the discard pile and then we reshuffle now unlike a human player who cannot take a card more than once per turn from their nation deck uh the the bot player can so if the bot ends up with a really super thin deck it can get multiple cards from here there you go right my go doing all right i've got five regions in play i'm happy about this because i've got my prosperity card and i have another region so this is what we're going to do we are going to spend my first action to play a region which allows me to exile a card from the market it's an uncivilized card uh i may garrison a card nope don't want to and i've got a passive effect so this is another thing we've not seen before but some of the cards on them have passive effect and you can see here that i may recall this card to effect uh to avoid the effect of an attack there are certain attack cards in the game uh you're probably not going to see them today um but some of the nations have lots of attack cards i think the romans but yeah that like that can be used to protect me from an attack okay so that was my first action my second action is to play prosperity uh and i can gain a material i could gain one two three four materials or i could gain six population i'm greedy so i'm gonna gain six population six is greater than four okay that goes to my discount pile that's my second action uh i'm going to play the assyrians which gets me another population okay and now you're going to see something new are now going to see me play for the first time my glory card now my glory card is one of the cards with the crescent moon on it which means it started out in my um nation deck but i'm now going to play it i have to abandon three regions now abandoning is a key word that we've not seen before but abandoning means i take cards that i have in play and i put them into my discard pile and if there's any garrison cards with them they go into my discard pile as well so that's what i'm going to do i'm actually going to take the orestes i'm going to abandon that i am going to abandon the pelegonia that's going to be abandoned as well along with the unrest card this is how i can get the cards back uh and i'm going to abandon the hills okay so i've abandoned those three which you might think is bad but the effect is i get to look at the top two cards of the fame deck and i take one of those cards right you are gonna see now the power of the cards in the fame deck so these have been shuffled i'm gonna look at the top two and let's see what we've got we have triumphant 11 points it's basically as long as i've got this card at the end of the game it's 11 points but it can't be played it can't be garrisoned so it takes up a slot in my deck but it is worth 11 points or notorious uh which was an excellent song by juran duran in 1984 um but also it's a card in this game so free play doesn't cost an action steal a progress token from another player anyone unable to pays on rest but after saying that you weren't going to see any attack cards in the game you might but actually if you look at the points this card is only worth one point per unrest scored by other players nah i don't want that that's going back and what i'm taking is this michaela's here expensive knight yes uh yeah right so there you go triumphant that is a card which i have taken so that goes into my hand uh and that was my third action i think was that my third action what did i do yeah i prospered i played a region then i played prosperity then i played glory so that is the end of my turn i'm gonna put a progress token on here risking it a little bit uh i am going to discard triumphant and i'm all so oh do i want to discard this no i'm going to keep this yeah i'm going to keep it right so at the end of my turn i draw back up to 5. i've only got three cards in my deck okay so it's quite exciting because what's going to happen now is i get those three cards and now instead of a nation card getting added in alexander gets added in what that means is alexander is now part of my deck i have no nation deck left so i now become an empire i am now the macedonian empire and now i can't play the cards um with those battle axe icons on but what i can now do is i can every time my deck runs out i can now develop and this is how the development cards are going to get into the game okay i get one more card and it is oh it's glory again oh that's so nice that is so nice right okay the bolts turn i should say at this point there are five different difficulty settings for the bot i'm playing on the on the the average one the medium one um but if you do find it tough you might want to drop the difficulty down uh they're all explained in the solo rulebook yeah difficulty levels so i'm playing on imperator tonight but there is two easy ones and there's two harder ones and just so you know campaign mode yes the game has a campaign mode which is awesome we are on two okay first card is glory right now when the ai player when the bot player draws glory if abel abandoned three regions to gain the top fame card which is what it does so it abandons three regions it doesn't matter which ones okay they go into the discard pile and it takes the top fame card there you go that just goes there that gets discarded and now we go on to the next card that is a battle axe card can it spend three population yes it can so it does there's three population to break through for a tributary which is that goes into history and it gets a tributary from here are there any tributaries left in this deck in fact i might as well do it this way yes there are yeah this this deck is actually running a lot shorter than it did the last time i played and this date running out is one of the end game triggers card number four is another battle axe card so it's doing it again wow okay the three more population that goes into history this game is playing very differently from the one this afternoon any tributary cards left yes so if i'm doing well i could actually try and speed the end of the game up by taking cards from this deck did i notice that some of the tributaries are actually playable nations from legends i did i did one of them is the egyptians which i'm going to be playing later on tonight and then we have an unrest card that goes back okay so card number two gets a token this slides down we get four new cards deck has still got cards in it no reshuffling nonsense going on there and now it's my go now i've drawn glory again now i can't play remember i can't play these cards now i can't play conquer because i am now an empire so i can't play that and i can't play that oh actually this is not good there is another option there is that option where you can basically take a card so yeah let's go through this because we haven't done it yet you've been watching this video for about an hour and one of the three things you can do on your turn i haven't mentioned this is innovate if you choose to innovate it costs you your entire turn you discard all of the cards from your hand but you can break through on any one type of the card and that's what i'm thinking of doing although there is a lovely glory card here that's what i'm thinking of doing right now because i don't have any way of getting this metropolis and i wants it so rightly or wrongly that's what i'm going to do i'm going to choose the innervate action i am discarding my whole hand to break through on this card so remember when you break through a card here it's almost the same as a choir but if it had an unrest card you do not get the unrest card it goes back in the pile lovely tokens that goes in my hand which i can now play because i am now an empire uh i put a token on something let's put it on the woodland i get four cards one two three four hills arresters oh right okay nice uh we need a new card here it is a civilized card so it comes with a rest and it is now the bots go we still don't have any solstice effects in play again different nations will have different cards four card number one is an unrest card card number two is a blue card so that goes into history uh it discards a card from its deck and then it gets two population and two materials card number three is another blue card it discards a card from its deck but it can't it gets another two population and two materials it's gonna score points for these at the end of the game by the way in case it doesn't need them all and we have an another card an other card uh because it's none of the things above so if able acquire a tributary no otherwise acquire an uncivilized card yes this one's worth star so they're always worth five so it's taking that one that's the card it's taking uh and this gets discarded and then we need a new one it is another uncivilized card okay right this gets a token yeah i'm remembering the bot actions this afternoon when i learned how to play i was looking at this and reading it every time and i was a bit concerned that people were gonna think oh this is really complicated um i've only played this game once okay and i'm remembering a lot of what these do but remember this is just for persia okay so i've played against persia i'm getting used to this the other ones are similar but you are gonna have to relearn it or well you're gonna have to look it up on here one two deck is empty which means we add that to there yeah the deck's getting fat it's really advancing at a slow rate whereas i'm advancing pretty quickly okay one card there one card there done solstice no solstice my go right i got three actions and i'm gonna play the metropolis so i wasn't able to play this card before for two reasons the first one it requires me to be an empire and the second one is i didn't have the card until last time but i've now got it i've played it and this has a solstice effect so at the end of every round i'm gonna get to do that i am also gonna play the orestes region which gets me two materials and i can if i want to garrison a card i'm not going to and i am then going to play pelagonia which gets me a population and again i can garrison a card now i'd love to gary some triumphant but i can't because it says cannot be garrisoned that's my go done i'm going to discard both of those cards i'm going to put a progress token in fact i'm going to change five of my progress tokens for five i'm going to put this one on here i'm going to get greedy and i'm going to try and get that right i've no cards in hand it means i draw five cards and i only have four so what happens when you need to draw a card and you can't when you are an empire is you get to develop okay so the development cards as i mentioned at the start these go in your development area uh and you can develop whichever one you want and they've all got special abilities so they're all very very cool and i'm going to choose and these are all unique for the nation oh boy i can develop any of them uh let's take oh look at that that's good we are gonna take alexander the great now i can't play it until exam alexander has gone into my history but that's going to happen soon i think but i'm going to take that card it costs me the the development cost is printed on the cards so that's four materials two population that card goes in there the rest of my development cards go back here and then i need to shuffle this deck and draw one card okay apparently i'm doing quite well that's all right okay and i've drawn conquer which is useless right that's my go done i've got five cards it is now the bots go bot there's rolled a three so first of all we'll do this card uh right that is it's a fame card right so whenever the bot does a fame card we discard the top three cards from the bot deck one two three and then this card goes into there history go done next card unrest next card region so it gets a region it gains a population and it exiles a card from the market which is always the leftmost card that doesn't have any tokens on it get a new one another region and then we have another region so it gets another population and we exile that card and it's a civilized card okay card number three that's the progress token that slides down and we replenish we are out of cards the bot deck is out of card so we get another one added there if it goes again it's going to become an empire uh what would have happened if paul didn't have the resources to develop the card i i yeah development is optional uh if you don't have the resources you can't develop so how are we doing i think we're doing okay it's my go i have a conquer card in hand that i can't play i have a prosperity card in hand that i can play well first of all i'm gonna put the assyrians out for because that doesn't cost an action uh we have alexander so i'm going to play alexander as an action i draw a card and i can break through for regions or tributaries and then put this card into history so alexander has done his thing he's gone into history and i am going to break through this region card here nom nom nom thank you very much uh i am then going to play my second action to put some woodland down oh hang on there was a solstice phase i forgot i knew i was going to forget there was a solstice phase after every time there's a box turn so i can either gain a population or a material or draw a card so i was going to gain a material i need to put that somewhere where i'll remember it like stuck to my forehead or something so my second action is to play the woodland you may draw a card of your choice from your discard pile and place it on top of your draw deck sure or want to no exile a car from the market speaking of the market i'm missing a card do i want to exile a card from the market i think i do i'm going to exile this from the market because i'm speeding the game up by doing this because i think i'm in a good position and i may garrison a card so i'm going to garrison the conquer card because i don't need it okay that was my second action my third action is to play prosperity and i am gonna gain i'm going to gain materials this time i'm going to gain one two three four materials yeah more materials one two three four there we go two cards in hand keep keeping the hittites i'm gonna use it at some point i'll discard the unrest card and i'll draw four cards one two three four i do have to put a token on something so let's put it on the coast okay what have i drawn what have i drawn drawn alexander the great excellent okay right how are we doing for time quarter past nine i think i'm going to be late with the second video i thought i might be but not too long not too long it is a two uh oh right this is a new thing it's an infinity card there isn't a region so if able acquire a region and then put this card into history that goes into history uh and if abel acquire a region it does and it acquires this one it's my fault for giving it loads of stuff that goes on top of the deck next is card number three which is a region so it puts that into play and it gets a population and it exiles a card from the market we need a replacement don't we exiles this one next card is blue so it goes to history it discards a card from the top of the deck and it gets two population and two materials i'm going to change up because we've got way too many on here there you go and finally it's the other card if able acquire a tributary no otherwise if able acquire a uncivilized card so this one is worth one this one is worth two this one is worth three this one is worth two so it takes this one gets the progress token takes those two cards and we get another civilized card out by the way this unrest deck the game is not going to end that way right that's that that's that card number two gets a token on it this slides down and we get some new cards one two three four okay solstice phase i'm gonna have a material right my go i am going to play alexander the great can only play a different empire which i am cannot be played unless alexander is in your history alexander is in my history free play so it doesn't cost an action and i can acquire regions twice including exiled cards and then i put this card into my history okay so i am going to take this region here and this region here there you go so that was a free play that didn't even cost an action that was pretty awesome wasn't it um right i'm then going to use the hittites to break through for a region putting this card into my history and i'm going to break i don't want this one so i'm going to break through to here i get that one that was an action uh how many cards are in each of the two sets there's brett i will let david or nigel answer that or anthony if he's still here um hmm i am going to play how many actions have i got left i've got two actions left i'm going to use those two actions and i'm going to play a mountain getting me three of those and i will garrison another region and then i'm going to play my third action i'm going to play a flood plane no i'm going to play an oasis garrisoning the oxians so many regions in play this is crazy okay and i can exile a card from the market which i will end of my go i will discard my two cards i will put a progress token on here i will draw five cards i do not have five cards so i draw two and then i can develop so i'm going to develop the i'm going to develop the development card this cost me four materials and one population that card goes in my discard pile and then i'm going to draw three cards one two three got quite a thin deck now yeah this is this is rocking now i just need the game to end so the bolts turn we've rolled the five so we're doing card number one which is glory so it does have three regions so it abandons those it discards glory and it takes the top fame card into its deck okay next card unrest goes back card number three is it's still a barbarian isn't it yeah it's other so can it acquire a tributary no can it acquire an uncivilized card yes it does which one that one's worth two that one's worth three so it takes that one that's there we need a new card jade mask okay card number four is a region it puts a region into play gets a population and it exiles the oracle okay we put a progress token on there that slides down we get four new cards it doesn't have four cards so finally um it's the accession card so i just need to read exactly what happens here or cleanup when the dot card is added to the bot discard the bot becomes an empire yeah okay so the bot is now an empire that card has gone on to the discard pile we flip this over and we now use a different table so the table that we've been using for the whole game we now use a different one so it's going to change its approach it's going to change what it does just like we have we're no longer going around conquering places okay and this gets shuffled and then we get one more card it should have taken the five victory point oracle should it done where's the five victory point oracle ah yes i forgot that's got a star on it okay i can i can fix that i can just take that instead what did it take yeah i made a slight mistake there i made a priority mistake it's in the exile so was it the port how how can i fix it i can just give it the oracle shall i should i just give it the oracle we'll do that instead how's that is that all right yeah i forgot any card that has a star on it is valued at five points so that's the one it should have taken instead yeah i've just given it the oracle because that will that will give it loads more points right solstice phase i'm gonna get a material yeah instead of the town but i don't know where the town is so when the town comes out we'll replace it with the with the oracle yep let's do that when the town comes out we'll replace it with the oracle okay my go um well i've got the assyrians they're always good for a life um that's not an action i can then develop which is like worth points um i can glory i probably want to glory so i think i'm going to prosperity first first action is going to be prosperity and i can either get one two three four five six materials or one two three four five six seven eight population i've got so many of both i don't really need either so do we in fact want to do that no i don't i don't want to do that because i've got enough stuff yeah i have got enough stuff so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to play glory my first action is to play glory i am going to lose three regions one two [Music] don't want that card don't want that card don't want that card three i'm going to abandon three regions to look at the top two cards of the fame deck and take one of them we have glorious and we have great we're gonna have glorious so it goes into my hand that goes back on top of the deck that's my first action second action i'm gonna play glorious um it did say that didn't it yeah take one of those cards uh if empire develop at no cost put this card into your history so i'm going to develop at no cost mosaics which goes into my hand i believe um yeah no cost and then i'm going to play the development card as my third action and i'm gonna develop for three population the companion cavalry which also goes into my hand yeah the macedonians don't want to be great no they want to be glorious they'll be great in a minute how's that done yeah this is rocking now um which of these cards do i now want because now that i've got that i can start going to conquering but i kind of just want to develop or run the fame cards down yeah how do we want to do this i think i want to discard four cards i'm going to keep mosaics in my hand i'm going to discard the other three which means that's going to go on there i draw four cards i don't have four cards so i get three which means i get to develop and i'm going to develop alexandria in ariana which costs me four materials and two population i'm starting to use these resources now and then i shuffle and i get one more card mistake alert oh developer is the only thing that goes into your discard pile right i was thinking that so apologies for that uh i have slightly cheated there i don't want to undo it too much yeah i'll just put it in my discard pile there you go okay yeah thank you very much so anytime you develop a card slight correction it doesn't go into your hand it always goes into the discard pile okay so i'm drawing two cards and that's is the end of my turn bot's turn to five so card number one remember if it reveals the town we're going to swap it so it's prosperity uh now it's now an empire so it does something else now in fact prosperity is not what it was before so now it is not that it's not that it's not that it's none of that it's down at the bottom if able acquire a region otherwise gain a progress it can acquire a region so it does why is the region discards prosperity right card number two is unrest it goes back card number three is a town infinity put this card into history oh no it's not a town it's an oracle put this card into history there you go and card number four is a fame card so it spends three population one two three to gain a progress token as many times as possible ah so that's one two three four so it gains four progress tokens i'll give it a 10 and take six off two three four five six okay interesting and then that card goes into history okay card number five i'm missing card number five that gets a progress token this slides down we'll get some new ones right we're very much near the end of the game now although the next video is not going to be live at 9 30 okay hopefully nobody's tuning in at 9 30 to watch the second video but if they are um yeah it's going to be late it's going to be late right my go i should have made it 10 o'clock uh what we want to do what indeed do we want to do so i've got my three actions i think i'm just going to put some cards into play so my first action is to play the companion cavalry oh solstice i get uh get one of those companion cavalry is going into play so my passive effect is that my conquer cards lose the battle axe icon and whenever i play a region i can exhaust this card to draw a card we've not seen the exhausting yet at all so my second action is to play a region which means i can exhaust this card to draw a card that's my second action and my third action is to play alexandria in ariana which is another solstice effect okay done yeah that's my three actions done so discard those cards draw five okay right the bots turn i felt like i'm missing something there no doubt the game it's two so card number one is edumacation uh this is one of those so it acquires that that that or that put this card into history so i guess it goes for uncivilized first or does it just go for the one with the highest points probably go for the one with the highest points which is that one because that's worth five seven so yeah it's taking that one that's the one worth seven points takes that okay card number three is glory um if abel abandoned three regions to take the top fame card yes oh no it doesn't have three regions no otherwise place the top card from the dynasty deck into the discard okay done card number four is a region but they came out in the wrong order so it exiles oh we need another card it exiles a card from there deki's running out and it gains a population uh no it doesn't gain a population now it's just exile a card from the market and play the region okay and card number five is what type of card is that it's an infinity card yeah it isn't anything else it's just an infinity card so put this card into history there you go okay card number two gets the token mistake didn't resolve the oasis into play effect exila card from the market did i forget okay i'll just take that card and get rid of it uh there we go that goes down four new cards one two three four solstice effect i have two of them i'm just going to gain a material and i'm going to gain a material yeah that's my solstice effect right my go well i've got the assyrians for a population we always like them um i'm then going to play glory as my first action i'm going to abandon three regions okay in order to take one of the two fame cards oh there's another triumphant is that right there's two triumphant cards in the game okay well there is i'll have the second one um i thought all the phone cards were unique but obviously not right that was one action you'll like this not a lot but i'm going to play mosaics as my second action i'm then going to exhaust mosaics to pay a material to draw a card from your discard pile which will be glory and then as my third action i am going to play glory i am gonna abandon three region cards to take the last fame card now that doesn't trigger the end of the game it only triggers the end of the game when somebody would take that card and flips it over but there you go that's in my hand so that is the end of my turn i am going to put a token on here not really thinking about that now i am going to discard triumphant i'm going to discard that i'm going to discard that and i'm going to keep oh in fact great is free play gaining action you may put this card into your history okay in which case i'll do that so i'll play it i gain an action with that action i will do that and i can put this card into my history there you go uh alexandria you have to discard a card okay i'll lose a material then thank you it's discard a card to do all of the to do one of the following right thank you very much fix that my go draw one two three no cards in deck i will develop armenian costs me two materials and two population that goes into there draw the remaining two cards okay my go done the bots go it's a one so first card is unrest does it go back yeah second card is it acquires a card that's the most valuable uh [Music] that one's two that one's two that one's two that one's two that one's two they're all two so it takes the one on the left even though that's actually zero because it's got an unrest card does it count unrest cards as being negative i don't think it does no it doesn't say okay we need a replacement which is another civilized card card number four is it's another empire card so it acquires another one this time it acquires this because again that's worth two which is nice uh and then that gets that goes into history yep yeah it doesn't count unrest bot isn't that bright yep uh we need a new card yeah next round will be the last round oh no because you play one more we need it to end quick and it's a region so it plays the region and it exiles a card from the market which is this one that's it the deck is empty so that triggers a scoring end to the game you finish the current round which is now and then we play one more round so literally we have one turn left each and then we're going to score so what am i going to do on my last turn of the game can i get this final development card i don't really need to um let's have a look at what we've got what can we do with three actions um well i could go a conquering so yeah let's let's do that is any of these regions any good yeah that one is so i'm going to play conquer which i'm allowed to play now because of my companion cavalry so that cost me one action i'm going to pay two population to acquire this so i've acquired that and get a new one and that's that card done um i can exhaust the mosaics spend the material to take conquer back into my hand mistake it's an attack what's an attack oh it had an attack card oh sorry yes it had an attack card breakthrough for tributary you gain okay so i'll knock two points off at the end okay so i'm going to pay that to get conquer back into my hand then i'm going to play conquer again as my third action for another two population to take that yeah i apologize for that but on this card the battering ram there is an attack icon and that has a higher priority on the persians table than the empire icons that was my mistake i would have gained two materials but i would have taken an unrest card but that's that's fine right that's my go done i don't need to do any shenanigans here yeah right the bot's final turn it's a four the first card is battle axe put this card into history second card unrest third card attack it breaks through for tributary it can't there's no tributary cards left at all so it can't do that i gain two materials but i also take unrest okay on rest i get two materials in fact shall i just take that other unrest now so that we're all done and then finally card number five is the empire card so it acquires a card worth the most two two two two two two two so he takes this one okay and we are done i believe we are all done oh it gets too progress if it can't find a tributary right yes i remember that in the rules right i think we're done scoring now scoring is a little tricky because everything scores right every card you have in play every card in your deck every card in your hand every card in your discard pile and every card in your history scores cards in your development area that you didn't develop do not score so that can go okay but what happens now is you need to remember where all of your cards are because some of them refer to cards in certain areas so we are going to add up the scores i got my trusty pencil and i got my trusty back of an envelope uh and we're going to go through the scoring so first of all um every progress token in front of you is worth a point right so i've got five six seven eight nine ten thirteen thirteen from progress tokens right and now we score every card in hand so everything with uh victory points scores for the points indicated on it so two uh five some of them say star and then you work out what the scoring is so for example this one here is one point for every two regions to a maximum of ten every card is a maximum of ten but i don't have 20 regions so i'm just going to count the ones with fixed value first the 2 5 8 11 12 uh minus four so that's eight and in my history 8 12 15 21 27 okay and my deck 27 28 39 40 38 35 38 41 52 53 54. so 54 points from cards with fixed values uh nigel is saying do the question marks and the stars first i'm doing them the other way around so now the stars uh one point for every two regions so how many regions do i have i've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve regions that card is worth six my um power card is worth twelve but it's a maximum of 10. that's 10. do i have anything else with variable victory points i did that one no i did those i think i did those okay so that's it that that's my score okay i scored uh 67 77 83 it's not bad it's more than i scored this afternoon i scored 83. right the bolt scoring is slightly different where is the bottle scoring here we go bot scoring so first of all it gets one point for every progress token so that's 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. 16 for its progress tokens every combination or every 10 stuff is worth a point so 5 6 7 8 9 10 is one point not enough for a second point so that's one and then every card in the box hand play area deck so this counts as the bot's hand so it actually scores for this one oh that's minus two um and again let's let's go through it so these don't score anything left in the dynasty deck do not score right that's the only place you don't score so minus two uh zero two four five three not looking good so far three uh the stars are always worth five for them so that's eight uh 13 18 21 question marks are always worth the higher number so 21 to 23 26 31 36 41 46 53 55 60 62 63 wow it got a lot of points there 63 so it scored 80. well that was a close game so for those people who thought i'd easily got this if i've done that scoring right it was 83 to 80. because it got so many of these star cards and they were all worth five points right i'm going to give it a minute to just check that i played that correctly and if i did then we are good to go and we are finished and then i will be back at 10 o'clock with the next video i am going to put a link in the chat right now so this video is going to finish but i do have another video all ready to go uh let me just check it's on the channel you can see it there it is imperium legends and i'm going to put a link in the chat right now so people might be there saying what's happening oh david's there yeah so i'm going to share that link and i'm going to put it in the chat and that was fantastic i absolutely loved that game that was really good really enjoyed that i hope you enjoyed it as well um but there is the link to the second video right yeah the bot punishes you for letting it take them yeah when it became an empire and it was using its empire cards to take those points that five points a time that was massive that was absolutely massive anyway we're done yes i was enjoying it i was enjoying it a lot and i was a little worried about this game because this afternoon i was struggling to learn it uh but after i'd played it and then spoken to nigel and spoken to david and then i went through the rules again and suddenly it it all clicked into place so if you're watching this video and thinking oh paul's a professional he's an expert he's played this game 10 times i've played this game once before this stream i've played this game once um just to prepare for for tonight so yeah it it is easier than it first appears when you play through it doesn't get five from the persia power card ah right yes you're right the power card i forgot i counted the persia power card that doesn't count it does not get any points from that so slaughters him you got 75 there you go live live rules corrections we're done i am now going to spend 10 minutes packing this away and i'm getting ready to set up for the next game which will be happening in 13 minutes time i've put a link in the chat that video will be going live in 13 minutes time and it will be the egyptians versus the the quinn the kin the queen however you pronounce them i'm all sort of prepared we're all good i didn't i need to lie down after that actually um yeah the next one will be a shorter video because i'm just going to jump straight in i'm not going to do the tutorial part but it will be with two factions two nations that i've not played before so anyway thank you very much for watching thank you very much to osprey games for asking me to create this video uh thank you very much to all of my patreon supporters if you like the content that i create uh please consider supporting me on patreon to help keep the channel going and i will see some of you in 10 minutes time for the next video take care thanks for watching i'll see you soon [Music] gaming rules is proudly sponsored by game toppers upgrading your gaming experience visit
Channel: Gaming Rules!
Views: 49,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgame, board game, gaming rules, paul grogan, Imperium: Classics, Instructional, How to play Imperium classics, imperium classics, solo imperium classics, imperium classics board game, imperium classics solo playthrough, solo
Id: nwXEYgE3VtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 44sec (6644 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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