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so with solo leveling rise the update has finally well trth be told the update went live like an hour and a half ago but cuz I've got no internet uh yeah you can yeah the the upd took a hot minute for me to actually complete so yeah and I can't live stream so that yeah I'm not exactly happy in terms of what I wanted to do for this update but as long as well I can still record videoos so we're doing a okay so before we dive on in obviously the banner the weapon Etc everything is gone live it is all here um so first things first which I want to mention is there is a a gold Mini pack here now that you can purchase for 500 Essence to those that really need it if you head over to the level reach they've um yeah they've given out one of these so yeah make sure if you haven't already to claim that you get two of these bad boys so yeah pretty pretty handy pretty helpful so yeah with the event of course it is backup it's not the dice event but it's basically similar you know so once again um yeah uh well they've have they reduced the tickets 369 no they haven't oh wow okay so they're given us more interesting well this is going to help us um towards uh Beast himself so I've looked into Beast uh as a character and you know with my initial early build video that I did going off from what we knew I mean it still is valid but um I might lean towards more on the crit side of things boys if I'm being completely honest so let's uh yeah I mean there's nothing really crazy too much going on so um draw there we go it's going to say where do I go yes so obviously I looked into the character I mean truth be told if you want to skip him you can do so um yeah that's one thing which I would actually suggest straight away to those that are you know free to play and whatnot um but obviously with the second basic skill that's when the extreme attack Beast form comes in where we get the Beast AR sorry the super armor then the increase on attack and attack speed and then of course we take 15% increased damage as well as dot um support skill we give the user a 20% increase in an attack however we also take an increased damage of 10% so that's your tradeoff uh nothing too crazy on the QT and then just ultimate doing broad damage and then of course going into the passives um so this is why I want to kind of go down that crit route is because his first passive when the user uses extreme attack Beast form increased critical hit rate and critical hit damage by % every 1 second for 10 seconds so 30% increase yeah overall it hit 30% Mark well I say I want to build a crit build I might just play it safe and just put it in the sub stats and just kind of leave it there ah we'll have to wait and see um but yeah basic attack and core attack damage increases to affect beating targets and then the final one if the user skill damage increases proportionally to 8% of the users reduce HP ratio so yeah fairly interesting of a car character obviously we might cat a a little bit to the HP side of things cuz that's yeah we yeah we at first I was like cuz he the tradeoff from his uh percentages in his attacks is from his attack stat so we can C to that so I'll probably fall more in line into the HP side of things and not really too much in the defense but anyway so the banner is live the weapon it is the uh the What's this called Moon Shadow yep it's it's it's the more dark support kind of expected it but there you go the weapon is there I'm going to throw a quick little multi since if you did log in and did your um well if you've been logging in correctly to the correct amount of days technically then today should have been your free multi day so M throw in this three multi and we didn't get anything I tell a lie oh my God imagine if I just would have well ah you hate to see it what are the chances ehy a weapon and it's the one that we don't want all right it is what it is but that's a good way to start things off all right boys so we've got a ton of summons we're going to dive on in um truth be told I was saying to myself I'm just like oh Beast is a cool character yeah I'm going to go I'm going to go ham I'm going to spend all my summons and whatnot I might just go for the initial copy if I can um just get that crit I mean to be honest I might just go for the one copy as of right now yeah don't get me wrong I'm cool that he's here brand new character dark support will take it but I'm not like overly too like I'm more excited for Tren we'll say that we'll say that I'm I'm more excited for her um than beast but we'll see how things go plus we have to do summons so that way we can work towards the weapon so there's that but we'll see how lucky we get I mean come on Troy gave me three copies so we'll take that obviously with my P system I did reset it on accident so um yeah we have to go through the uh 50/50 first things first to see if we get lucky but so far no luck wait I need to confirm is the new weapon in the banner damn the new weapon is not in the banner cheeky son of a good okay that's fine did they give a new Sr no new Sr oh unless we're getting the new uh Sr with Tren okay yeah I think I think that's that's going to be the case on that one so we are getting a new Sr just an FY not sure who it is but cool that we're getting a lower Rarity character we'll take it could be useful in some way we'll have to wait and see what they choose to do with that all right luck right now it is bone dry but we are getting weapons which we can salvage so it's not too terrible I kind of needed all these things to salvage actually so I'll take it um all right not oh okay might have something here we might have something here what have we got any fake outs multile H nope okay all right moving along moving along just had to double check I thought I was on recording then anyway um yeah I don't think there's new no new like events anything like that not that I not that I saw it is what it is all right come on just give me what I won hopefully we win the 50/50 I'm praying we win the 50/50 no seriously I am okay there we go will the rate increase so what we looking at now let's have a look 3.5% for this son of a gun okay if I don't get him here okay I um how do I want this do I even want to try and get in AAR here I've got no choice cuz I've just pulled one oh God I got no choice in the matter I mean that's fine it resets my pity so I didn't have to spend the extra multi or two so it's not too terrible can I get two o I was going for two but give me one all right come on baby give me give me the 50/50 come on I believe in miracles 50/50 baby come on damn it this ah if I didn't ah why Choy why okay it's fine I know my luck I'm telling you right now this is probably going to be a weapon I I know my luck it it it's bound to happen come on now nope let's go wait no is that simple am I thinking on I'm always thirsting for more do you want to know what the crazy thing is I had him on my rate up and I took him off I was say you know what don't want you cuz like you're okay but it's it's not exactly needed yeah that symbol threw me off so hard I was like wait that's it and then I realized wait no it's not the single oh my god well I lost my 50/50 good news is that I've got every single character now once I pull B so that's a that's a plus yay oh come on what are the chances in that the one SSR that I pull is the one that I don't have and the one that I've now just said you know what screw it I don't want you anymore the minute I say I don't want you anymore the game gives me the SSR are you kidding me what are the chances in that oh my freaking God damn this game trolled me so hard you know what I mean I take it God damn it it gives me good coverage but I mean yeah know God damn it look on the right side it gives me good coverage for for um we actually so yeah whatever whatever I'll take it ooh one okay okay I was going to I was going to ask for maybe a double fake out but no not going to happen not going to happen Okay so we got some sr's coming in which is hey there we go wait oh that's going to reset my okay what we got who is this give me two I'm asking for it give me three let me have the first ever multi give me three SSRS and then all of them be Beast okay well you could do you I could dream I could dream hey okay okay there we go that that's the symbol that was looking Jesus Christ there he is beautiful beautiful there he is yeah you took your time you son of a gun there he is all right we got Beast okay um truth be told I can keep going for a wanted to um yeah I haven't even hit my Essence bro I only hit the amount of I had 140 tickets so you know what yeah let's go let's let's let's go to the pity let's get that dupe why not wi in Roma plus I need to cuz I need to get his weapon so we got to keep going until we get the G weapon so uh yeah let's uh let's get that out the way and then we can go for the weapon I mean for the um um what you call it uh J weapon there we go yes completely forgot nearly forgot oh hello got an SSR that came out of nowhere did it all right what we got what are the chances we get two damn it where's where's that where's that chy like gone all right who's it going to be you know what this game's going to troll me I know it no it's not keep up with wow okay Jesus Christ are you kidding me wait I haven't hit any of bro that is actually for getting two copies within the amount of tickets that I had that's actually really freaking good and have haven't hit my Essence yet we keep going what the freak is going on okay this is what I like so what am I working towards now if I get him again his HP I mean I wouldn't mind the increased HP to be honest that'll help me out a lot um okay fck out dang it nope not today all right let's do another multi oh boys oh if this was live on the stream man it would be high oh such terrible timing for my internet bro all right boys let's keep keep it going keep it going okay we're going to get our ultimate going okay um yeah let me let's let's start using some of these Essence that I got just chilling here let's see what we can do here and then I'll um oh wait I want to hit pity on the uh Jim I mean it's fine there there packs I can buy it's it's not the end of the world all right whatever let's keep her going take out damn what we got e okay those are those are not the uh uh the um sr's weapons that I want to see I'll say that at least okay no no oh okay we want Sr can we is is can we can we get a fake out though can we get a fake out is that two again what we got oh we the axe oh we got okay that's that that's that's a we'll take those we'll take those that's good that's good all right what we got uh how we looking how we looking damn didn't get anything okay let's give it oh we got the hammer that no one uses not even I use to be honest the one weapon which we don't care about CU hey that sniper is killing business in terms of the wind at rout let's be honest all right we got an Sr but will it change into a glorious SSR damn I I'm just I'm just waiting for them both to change all right boys increase rate you already know you already know come on baby give me like two give me the big error there it is that's what we needed all right come on two two two three three three four four four six six six wait come on a home row oh two baby two oh go weapon what we got o That's the final Seth I need to Max it out nice and we got another piece that is a fantastic multi that is a fantastic multi maxed out the scythe and we've got the HP increase on Beast happy days I'll take that I'll take that not too shabby not too shabby okay let's head over here this is going to be one big of a summoning video um all right do I have enough for 80 cuz I want to go at least guaranteed okay that's fine oh my God there's no freaking way imagine if I just pulled a new weapon here oh my goodness gracious me all right let's have a look what we got how many how many SSRS one one SSR so rule them all okay well my luck has been pretty fire on the Beast Banner so I I genuinely do not expect anything crazy to happen here but we shall see we shall see are we going to get lucky a weapon oh nice okay we'll take that we'll take that we'll take that we'll take that not too bad can't be sad about that we will gladly take that I'm skipping the whole goddamn multi than very much damn bro the dark support is coming out today oh wait I should a it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine okay well that was kind of unexpected so that is a beautiful Weaponry to have along with the Scythe so we'll we'll gladly take that all right we'll throw in a few more let's see if we can pick up this way I mean push come to shove we back I'll drop another summoning video this this video is coming getting a bit too long right now so let me just throw all these remaining Essence and then uh we'll get on with the show we're pulling the weapon hopefully I've got enough of the weapon fingers crossed okay uh don't think yeah nothing's here okay damn okay I mean the SRS are coming the good thing about the SRS that I'm getting is I can salvage these cuz I I've been wanting to salvage some Sr weapons to pick up a few things from the shop so now that I'm actually putting pulling Sr weapons that I can actually get rid of um yeah no this is a huge W huge huge W okay what we got any pick out damn between the BR hum oh we are popping off right now that's what I like we are popping off okay I've got enough for wait what's my okay yeah let's go ah take it there we go any Sr SSR hiding nope nope okay how am I short by all right I'll have to do this for a separate video um cuz again this one's getting way too long but anyway um right right what was I going to do right let's get over here let's go over to the capsule and then yep that's 10 20 30 40 50 halfway 60 70 80 I might be able to get the weapon to plus one cuz uh with Choice's um weapon obviously I initially got it as most did and then I had 884 left over so I was nearly there of getting him his weapon to plus one 100 damn I'm I'm I'm a multi off all right well we'll see what we can get so obviously with this as you guys can see there are some other this is more better in my opinion I prefer this over the dice as it does give you a hefty amount of rewards so yeah look at that bro this this event Loki is fire right now cuz every day you get um five draws every day for free but hell yeah I need these I need they do be doing these events right let me tell you let me tell you all right what we got what we got nice this is going to I mean here's the thing I'm down if they forever do these I hope that they keep up with these events but also make the weapon Banner as a as a choice to be like hey we'll give you the initial weapon for free for everyone but um at the same time there is a a banner for it to those that want to spend money so there's that two-way street for it damn okay this is nice I like this okay we're at how many are we at I can't even tell oh we're at 75 there we go there we go then two more multis and then that will be that beautiful we go again I'm hoping that they do an event for trian weapon oh my God what everyone's I'm going to go crazy for that damn I'm I'm literally seven uh seven off that's crazy is Troy in here now no Beast is in here wait what oh Choy is in here oh wait Troy was always in here what am I what am I going crazy for yeah okay I don't I don't know why I acted that stupid oh God damn it anyway boys there we go that is uh that is it all y we uh we we we walked away and got lucky not to say the least so um happy days so there they are there's Beast we got him to that plus HP I mean I wait what's his um next passive increases I'm tempted I'm tempted oh God I'm tempted I have to think about it I'm tempted no I must stay strong I need to I need to save for Chen now um but we got all that we needed so fantastic okay just need to work on him
Channel: Shiney
Views: 14,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Leveling, Solo Leveling Arise, Solo Leveling Arise Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise Open Beta, Solo Leveling Arise Release Date, Solo Leveling Game, Solo Leveling 2024 Game, Solo Leveling PC Game, Solo Leveling Mobile Game, Solo Leveling Mobile, Solo Leveling Global Game, 나 혼자만 레벨업: ARISE, Solo Leveling Arise Boss Fight, Solo Leveling Arise 2024, Solo Leveling Arise Dungeon, Solo Leveling Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise IOS, Solo Leveling Arise Android
Id: JA2j2Zt24dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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