[Solo Leveling: Arise] - EVERY UNIT & WEAPON DUPE LEVEL (Advancement) that matters (UPDATED)!

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what's going on boys and girls welcome back to another solo leveling arise video okay guys we're going to be talking about dupes that's right a very important part of this game dupes in this game is called advancement you guys can see here this is the advancement tab uh so I'm going to be breaking down for you guys the most important advancements for each character and I think each weapon as well too so we're going to talk about cha first now before I talk about the characters and the weapons I do want to say this real quick I've made a video in the past for this so I'm going to combine the two videos give you an allinone that way it's fully covered everything is still relevant that I spoke about the main thing I want to do discuss real quick though is the new method that they've introduced about introducing characters to the draw system now we thought before there's going to be limited rerun banners now the fact that we know and they've already explained this that when a character goes from limited eventually they will come into the custom section and be a standard Banner just like Choy is so you guys can now get limited characters if you're more patient through the standard Banner so that means you're not forced to use limited tickets just for the characters that you want that are sitting here so keep that in mind before you start going ham on all of your summons duping is up to you there's patience to it so this is for free to play mostly pay to win you can do whatever you want obviously but some Dolphins this is going to apply to you as well you don't have to get them all the way to the dupe level that I tell you is is is good you can be patient and then eventually get them in the custom standard Banner rather than spending your limited tickets and you can save there so it's up to you I never tell anybody what to do I just give you information if you look at any of my comments back to players I always say here's the data you can decide that's what I always say so my advice to you guys if you're a free-to-play player don't spend all of your tickets on cha right away save up for future limited characters because she will eventually be introduced here just like Choy was and then you guys can now son her from the regular Banner as well too in the future but it's up to you and your patience I will never tell you how to do your account so talk about cha now if I go back to my channel you guys know I did a full analysis on her gave you a full breakdown we already know where CHA stands so cha at a z is is the best hunter in the game period okay cha at A1 killed the bear with 30 seconds left cha 882 this is level 50 by the way with with gear just level 50 not max level max level she would have destroyed these even more uh so she kill the bear with level 30 seconds left with level 50 and then kill the bear at 49 seconds with A2 and then A3 was the sweet spot where you had the biggest increase in time it was 121 seconds so ideally A3 is your biggest advancement for cha and that's where you want her dupes to usually stop you don't need to go any further than that you're just increasing Time by a little bit at that point and it's up to you if you want to but again A3 is the sweet spot now I've given you that information what you do with that information is up to you you can watch the full testing on my live stream it was the first live stream I did for Global it's all there for you guys so I don't want you guys to assume I'm telling you you have to get her limited character now you could always be patient and wait a little bit and get it later right so that's the important thing to remember now all right now that we finished child we're going to talk quickly about SMC cuz I don't think I did that part for the other video or the other part of the video smck is actually going to be a little bit more expensive than cha to actually maximize and I just want to say this real quick with smck he is in fact a advanced unit now the reason why he's considered an advanced unit is he loses Health very rapidly to do more damage and there's no life steal for him so you're going to need to bring a Healer usually to help him out a little bit which kind of diminishes your DPS a little but if you bring in he does also buff everybody so you don't lose too too much now with that being said he does require a little bit more investment to see his full potential and that is going to be not A1 not A2 but all the way to A3 to really see the full damage capacity that he has now where CHA is actually good at A1 A2 or A3 or a z uh Beck takes a little bit more now he's going to be really good eventually because there's going to be a lot more bosses coming out with bigger HP bars and that bleed is going to be massive obviously at a z but the A1 is still really powerful it does take a little bit to ramp up the 82 is huge obviously because the HP and again the more HP he has the higher the ratio the more he loses the more damage he he does and then of course the 83 here is the big part here which in increases his basic attack and core attacks and you want to use a Dragon set for him to increase the bleeding uh the damage he does to bleeding targets by 40 more per. which is huge right now obviously if you push him to A5 he's actually extremely powerful at A5 but A3 is also the sweet spot for him but he won't be quite as good without that A3 versus cha who's good right from A1 okay now with that being said let's jump into the other part of the video guys and cover the rest of the units and weapons I'll see you guys shortly let's get into what matters most we're going to start off with Hunters okay we're going to talk about which ones you want to get at least A1 which ones can stay at a z which which ones you want to push the A5 again please guys remember one thing spend responsibly this is meant for Wales and freed to players alike this is an endgame goal for some whales are going to go right away for this some of you free to- play players are going to be like you know what it's not worth it paying I'm just going to keep what I have and I'm good with it and all all the while guys everything you guys want to do it's all up to you this is just opinionated and for my own testing you guys know how I test at this point I show you guys how I test so I'm pretty thorough about my decisions on everything so first off uh Choy yeah yeah okay so let's be real uh the very least A1 is what you kind of want to push him for um if you can get him obviously further than that you're in a really good spot uh just so you guys are aware he is an absolute monster when it comes down to actual skills and damage that he does so let's just take a quick look here right so his A1 in general is incredible first off okay so because number one what he does is whenever he does end of days it does the Ultima Hunter effect which resets the coold down of both of his basic skills so you want to do those first and then cast those again when that's up increases the user's attack and defense penetration by 12% you guys can see here attack and defense penetration for is super important now if you get up to A1 you're now increasing your damage threefolds specifically with rain of flames okay so this move right here uh becomes a crater and drops a giant meteor absolutely absolutely a massive damage increase and worth having okay now do you need to push any further no do you if you do though are you benefiting absolutely are you benefiting cuz the whole gameplay changes with him when you start going down the list right when you get up to A5 here with him the main thing to note is that end of days passes three times faster and recovers the power gauge which means you can now change the artifacts you have to one hit kill and make yourself cast way stronger ultimate way more often right so um is he worth is he worth it to get the A5 110% pretty much all characters are worth going to A5 but him specifically yes but A1 is is the real real hit is he useful at a z yeah he is he really is you don't have to go to A1 but A1 you just get way better way better damage output from that one basic skill um and also increasing the the duration of ultimate Hunter also helps a lot too right so yes Choy A1 for sure if you can if not a zero he's perfectly fine A5 is the ultimate for him okay that's that's pretty much it limb let's go with limb okay we're going to go through every character like I mentioned okay so first off uh a zero incredible don't you really don't need to push anymore now A1 does change things quite a bit for the better though right enhances the skill of shooting maneuver which is this skill right over here let him go left or right up and down left doesn't matter where you want to go with him either way it's a skill that he can use three times increases the user skill speed and damage speed by 25% up to three times A1 is where you really really want him to be quite honest so if you want to do basic summons you want to use him very often A1 is going to be his best increase in terms of damage everything else is nice but it's not going to be anywhere near as good as the A1 A1 is where you want to stop but at even at a z he's not bad but A1 for sure uh these two here at A1 are almost must havs okay Bora Lee or Le Bora sorry I call her Bora Le I don't know why um so first off um main thing crit damage DPS uh has the charm effect now charm effect is an azero skill right now whenever you do uh tracking uh tracking charm Tempest or quick attack Tempest you apply the charm effect which is 15 seconds essentially allowing you to do 15% more damage on the opponent it's a debuff you'll see this little charm icon on the on the debuffs underneath the health bar of the opponent now do you need A1 not really it does increase the the damage of your foxes by 50% which is nice um three foxes are summoned which is also really nice but you don't need to push the A1 really her main thing is her DPS is still fairly high at a0o and the Really the big thing for her is the charm effect that's really what you want now everything else here obviously is super super critical for her increase of damage um and you can push her to A5 and get incredible damage out of her now if you want to push her to A5 remember there's a cheap Pack where you can spend I think it's $3.50 a day uh up to 5 days to get a copy of her and it'll continue I think refreshing every month so if you take your time you can get her for very cheap uh but for those who want to stay to play you're more than more than good at this a Zer in my opinion with that charm in effect especially to help your other DPS do more damage but of course she gets way way way way stronger as you go to A5 so a z good here uh A1 not required the foxes still do pretty decent damage uh you'll just summon three instead all right Emma Emma okay um I will say this I was wrong about Emma in terms of uh endgame I'm not using her way more often she's definitely top tier so we're going to change the tier list again we're going to put her back to where she belongs which is back to the top tier list okay uh so Emma a z incredible like just such a stellar Stellar unit now I have her A2 right you guys can see increases the brake damage or burn up by 77.7% not really required increases the user breake effect by 10% again not really required uh the rest of these things are nice quite honestly perfect a z unit don't really need anything but the a Zer the a z does so many different effects here that all help out that you don't need to push her anymore she's one of the rare occasions where a z is more than enough to be viable beginning middle end game Emma is just that Stellar okay all right uh Beck Beck that's right his name is Beck not back guys I'm trying to learn my career in here uh the white Flames effect okay so this whenever the reaches Three Stacks it does violent explosion dealing damage equal to 400% of the user's defense this is very good also applies defense down also very good now this increases the damage of White Flame kick by 150% now this is very similar to saw that's right not Co apparently it's saw in Korean um so increases the break effect by 20% now he's a unit you actually do want to push if you can right over here to A5 is he good at A1 absolutely incredible breaker probably the best breaker in the game next to jho in my opinion jho just just just way too much break for him but as an SSR a z is more than enough guys if you can push him to A1 you're increasing one skill here by quite a bit 150% more damage but realistically he shines the most obviously at A5 considering what what else you get from this uh look at this in increases the light damage by A3 so A3 is a massive massive boost to him and then the crit hit rate is nice for him as well but then here when you user enters the stage recovers power of Gauge by 100% increase the damage of violent explosion by 80 so this here right away instant ultimate instant explosion 80% more damage from that alone and then all the other stuff that comes along with it including his brakes A5 Beck is crazy crazy crazy good so definitely want to push him to A5 if you can if you are a whale uh I I got to put him back on my list all right seal or saw akaa appar that's that's how he said in Korea I'm just messing up the whole time all right so uh amazing character at a z do you need A1 I highly recommend it here's the reason why it increases the damage of all of her main skills by 150% that's a Hu Sim is back but way way more right in terms of like the amount of skills that get affected by this so definitely worth it A2 is nice to increases the user's break damage also increases the user's heavy attack by another 50% for break damage so overall this will make her the ultimate breaker if you don't have Beck already as it is or jho obviously if you're not using jho the rest of the stuff honestly not really required but also does help so if you can somehow in Hell push her to A5 you have the ultimate HP crit damage user and the reason why I say this is the critical hit rate and skill damage of all these attacks go up by 32% now if you know anything about her weapon if you get her weapon you guys can see here it increases the critical damage by 5% but not only that it does every time she does one of her skills it Stacks up to 20 times uh at 1% So 20% more critical hit damage with that so if you can get her A5 which is what I'm aiming for actually to be honest uh she is going to be the ultimate crit damage HP tanky user with a shield going to be unkillable and do Insane amount of damage so a z great A1 incredible A5 Unstoppable in my opinion so A5 for her to me should be a no-brainer for me personally that's why where I would put her okay uh Min let's do Min next uh so Min here honestly A1 more than enough more than enough in my opinion uh because number one he does the disguise move and everything else gets affected by disguise now you can of course get a A1 here sorry that's a z A1 all team members critical hit rate and critical hit damage increased by 8% and then this obviously increases 12% for all light members so this is huge A1 is massive so this helps everybody okay except for except for Choy unfortunately Choy is the only one that doesn't get affected but light light damage dealers also will increase now all of their uh crit rate and crit hit damage now if you look at the light damage dealers though there aren't very many good ones that's kind of where the the problem stems the only one really that's going to affect the most is going to be Beck that's really it so when we get new ones out like cha though he and Cha are going to be made in heaven these two units together are going to be absolutely Bonkers so if you're looking to boost Chaw up you want to get him up there as well too okay so you want at least the A1 uh when lights glimmer is used the entire team instantly recovers HP not a big deal there this one's pretty big the A4 increasing your power Gauge by 10% but again not a big deal because his qte already increases it by 5% so it's not that huge and then over here you guys can see here when the user uh uses Heavenly blessing increase the damage of the next ultimate skill a team member with the highest power by 50% so this is great for uh for someone like Choy who would be my highest member but again not a necessity right cuz you can use the one hit kill option so at the very least for him he's great at a0 A1 especially if you plan to use CH with him a must have okay and that pretty much covers oh sorry I have two more SSRS here that I completely forgot um listen woo I'm not even going to like I like him at all he's not a bad unit but I don't think you need to push him any further like the A2 is nice because whenever you use Dash or extreme evasion it decreases the down mediation of power uh which is kind of cool outside of that though not necessary to go past A1 in my opinion just keep at A1 now dong Su though I'll be honest with you guys I'm really interested in this character and I want to push him even further I feel like this character here if you push him to A5 can be one of the strongest damage dealers in the game because it increases the user's merciless damage equal to 400% of his demon uh defense penetration stat and then also his defense in general just goes up like skyrockets and all of his moves increase by 100% uh this increases his D defense and defense penetration increases merciless damage by 30% so his multipliers are crazy crazy good I just don't know if he's worth going to A5 but I feel like at the very least A1 going up by an extra 100% is pretty wild so at a z he's decent uh I could imagine an A5 he might be actually one of the strongest hitters in the game so something I do have to test and summon for uh and that's going to be that all right now in regards to other characters I'm not going to do SRS here guys because SRS as you get them dup them just there's no no there's a no-brainer the biggest one really for me is park park is going to be the biggest one because she gets very similar skills um in regards to boosting all of her power look at this when power starts at A5 she gains 100% power gauge increases uh Windstorm by 30% uh whenever she has this she increases power Gauge by 10% for the entire team so overall just a absolute killer killer of a unit so she should be one of your number one goals Kang is another one which I unfortunately have not been able to get but you should be focusing on getting dupes for him too because all of his dupes will increase the amount of damage he does to bleed targets so I mean again not necessary here because you don't really care about everything else but his bleed but his bleed his A3 does do something nice which increases the damage taken by 15% uh for anyone who has a bleed on them which is crazy so not only you're doing bleed but you're now adding a 15% damage buff uh on the oppon or damage debuff on the opponent right so that's a huge one I think he's big um Anna Ruiz Nob brainer get her to A5 as soon as possible because A5 increases his poison weight by 100% versus 30% so you'll increase your damage tenfolds um another one that's really good as well too would be where is he where is he or where's yeah jno here he's easy to do because you'll summon for him plus you get a few free copies from the challenges uh he's nice because he also creates a shield for everybody also provides potions that increase attack so you get a couple different bonuses from him as a support unit so very easy to do and get up but those are the units I'd focus on from an Sr perspective I'm sure I'm missing a few more but everyone else really not a necessity uh and again you'll get them as you go up anyways uh and you'll be using them as as as you get them right so pretty straightforward now that takes care of the SR uh sorry the that takes care of the um the units now for weapons weapons weapons weapons okay the Scythe how far do you need to go with the Scythe quite honestly guys A1 is amazing that extra 25% increase in damage when you go to below 70% is incredible you don't really need to go further than this that's why they give you two free copies right but if you plan to go further and you're a good Dodger A5 is in incredibly powerful because it increases the damage You Take by 15% but also increases your attack by 15% so it's A1 or A5 really no no brain over that one A1 you get for free because you do the challenges you get two copies of this A5 you'll push okay Westwind Max it out Max it out just all the way to the max it's the only way you're going to see the full potential of it and full potential is insane as you guys as you guys have all been seeing already on my channel right uh Plum sword uh incredible so A1 already makes it that much better because you increase your chance of Landing a critical hit by 32% and also increase the damage of the skill by 32% the further you go though the better this thing becomes so A1 A5 same thing as Scythe you you can use it at a z but A1 it really does Excel uh for freeto playay players you may want to push that uh A5 for whales it's a no-brainer it Stacks up to five times for this uh Plum Plum flower effect so uh make sure you are in fact using it um and it Stacks two times right away as you get it plus you get more dark damage out of it so a no-brainer there grimore A5 get it to A5 just push it to A5 A1 is good because because A1 also increases the amount of damage uh weakness damage people take by 24% but A5 here does 50% more damage to Frozen targets that's what you want okay A5 um no brainer there A3 for this one A3 for the lightning sword because you don't have to worry about the Counterattack anymore and you just continuously do AOE plus damage if you can get it to A5 obviously it's great but a A3 for this weapon for sure for sure uh Huntsman A5 man A5 this bad boy as fast as you can benediction of the white flames is crazy oh hold not that there it is I was like wait that's not the right effect destroy the destroy effect increase damage taken by 60% stacking up to 99 times bro this is the Ultimate Weapon seriously if you get Max this out A5 uh this one A1 that's all you really need U if you can go to A3 that's great cuz you increase your user attack by 20% and attack speed so A3 is really good as well but A1 already increases your attack speed and your user attack but you can see the difference is 12 uh 12% and 6 versus 20 and 10 so A3 is probably best for this one all right everything else guys Sr weapon wise um or rivus A5 uh bow A5 uh bu is dagger A3 I believe is the only one you really really really want A5 is nice cuz it increases the critical hit rate by 40% but A3 is exactly what you're looking for uh you don't need to go any further than that um for the SR sword honestly uh I'd say A3 as well because the dragon flash does more uh more damage here with lightning uh kazaka daggers A5 just get A5 in this it's just so much better it's just so much better I got the is A5 I'm I think I'm A4 right now with with this um the uh demon Knights spere honestly man if you can A5 this you're set for quite some time increases the user attack speed by 10% you throw these things so fast uh and also increases holy damage by 10% huge huge upgrade in damage uh for the gun A5 as well so you guys can see here majority of these ones are going to be a5s um so Sr weapons A5 them thing is never melt your Sr weapons A5 A10 if you can and then you're set okay but that's pretty much it for weapons guys if you have any comments or question please let me know in the comment section this is pay hope you enjoyed the video I'll talk to you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 20,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: hyvneB4nb3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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