Solo Hot Tent Camp - Dutch Oven Beef Wellington

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[Applause] so hello welcome back um as you can probably see behind me here i'm trying out a new tent today it's the pamoli um stove hut i believe is the name it's kind of like a baker tent style with like a an area for the stove on one end and kind of a extra entrance on the other so i've just got the tent up itself first time putting it up so kind of filling around and stuff and yeah time to put the stove in now [Music] also trying out a new stove here as well which is the dweller from pamoli also um it's not a collapsible one like most of theirs that's kind of quite a nice case though but uh it's got a nice kind of vertical space and glass on the front apparently it's for a nice ambiance so uh we'll try this out today [Music] so ah so here you can see the vestibule for the stove you can use a net or you can close the whole thing off you could just use it as a vestibule if you wasn't hot tenting as well now if i'd used a different stove the opening would have been closer to me here so i'm gonna have to lean in a little bit it's no hardship um but yeah this uh dweller stove not really one for cooking on you could boil a cup on but uh there's not much room on there for cooking so yeah i'll be cooking on the campfire tonight i've got some of that oak and stuff from the um last time i hot tented here last week now so just have to process some of that down and yeah because light is already failing got out quite late today i must admit i thought i'd try out the bed in this tent looks like uh it's long enough and everything so we'll give that a little go oh it's one of them big old bits of oak that i couldn't break down before it's just too knotty and hard so that can go on starting to chill down now the sun's going down looks darker under here than it is out there but uh it is getting dark quickly not even four o'clock it has been so cold this last week or so probably a colder week than we had all last winter it was quite mild last winter but uh yeah the north had quite a lot of snow unfortunately we didn't quite get it but uh yeah it was into the minus figures i didn't get out because it was very windy a little bit dangerous seen quite a few trees come down and stuff so wait till that passed and it's a little bit milder today still going to get pretty cold tonight um pretty sorted with firewood and everything now i did a little more off camera and uh you know i'm kind of uh clucking for a cup of tea really so i'm just gonna wait for it to get a little bit darker and then light the fire i think but uh yeah bed fit in here just fine um i could have put the extra legs on this bed and got a bit higher but it was no real need um with an area in front here yeah you won't have anything on your face or anything you've got this porch area i didn't bring a chair with me because i had so much other stuff but uh quite like it i've not actually got like a baker style tent so this is a first for me i've got the baker style um whelan tarp but not an actual kind of baker style tent obviously it's not canvas so not going to be having a fire directly under the porch area but um just outside of it will be fine i've just put a couple of bits of oak on including that massive bit try and get a better coals for doing some cooking i've also moved the bed right to the front of the floor here so i can just sit with my legs outside it rather than dragging debris in every time i sit down and just about feel warm for the fire from here but uh i'm liking this setup liking it quite a lot actually i have to do a rainy one in this good ventilation at the back and side if you want it to i'll close down that later i've got the stove going i've actually got my um stove fan as well um because the stove's at one end i thought it might come in handy for pushing that heat down along the tent but uh yeah it's nice [Music] well that was a much needed cup of tea absolutely pitch black now uh fire's burning nicely getting some nice coals from them oaks for cooking on the hours have been going off quite a lot and the fox has come to visit he's a bit early for scraps but he's quite used to me he comes right up to the tent now hard to catch him on video um i did a little bit on the last camp but yeah he's pretty used to me so this is pretty the last camp you're gonna see me do uh this year i'll get out and do a cooking video before christmas but uh i will be camping it's gonna be off camera um and i'm gonna have a couple of weeks off because i really need it it's just been pretty solid this year and last year i guess so be good to have a break make sure i don't get burnt out and come back fresh for the new year with some big plans yeah let's tend to this fire right i'm being pretty ambitious today with uh dinner so we'll see how this goes but i'm making a um beef wellington obviously this will be just a beef wellington for one just for me so the cooking time is going to be a tricky one so the first thing i've got to do is uh cut up some onion and some mushrooms okay so i'm just gonna put that in the pan for now and prepare some mushrooms now the onion's starting to sweat i'm going to add in some of that mushroom now i have to sear this piece of philips stake i'm just letting that steak and mushroom and onion mix uh cool down for a bit in this cool air and then i'm gonna wrap it in some pancetta or palmer ham i can't remember what it is i've got and then wrap it in um pastry and then we'll see what's what i've just layered some pancetta on the pastry there i'm gonna put on some of our mushroom and onion mix which is cooled down so the pastry doesn't kind of melt into a buttery mess put on the steak wrap it like so and try and crimp it so i might be trying to be too clever for my own good here but trying to do a lattice on this see how it goes oh not too bad for free hand okay i can tidy that up with a knife that doesn't look too bad right i'm gonna egg wash it and shove it in the dutch oven okay here we go on with the lib and on the top with some coals [Music] put my asparagus on now the wind's picking up it's time to have a little look would you reckon was it a risk worth taking oh that is not looking bad get the coals off this and just let it sit a minute okay i've been waiting because i'm scared well it's time to get it out here we go that looks pretty good and it's not bad on the bottom i'm not gonna lift it now okay i'm gonna open a ghost ship very nice indeed i open my open can you tell i'm stalling because this doesn't work i've got nothing else i mean it looks good luckily i'm not too fussy with steak so here we go oh that's pretty hard for you to see and you're pretty steaming up but that is lovely and pink and juicy in the middle oh my god it's just a crumbly mess but oh wow i can't believe that let's give it a go wow it's hot but it's delicious that is so good i have never even cooked one of these in an oven before so oh that was delicious a lot of pastry could have been a bit thinner but delicious that was delicious i'm really proud of that one i've cooked a few things in the woods but i didn't think i'd manage a beef wellington i've been wanting to do it for a while but you have to do it in the winter because of the pastry obviously oh dear that's filled me up good i'm gonna chill out with my beer before i retreat into the tent properly and hunker down and light the stove so that's the stove burning away seems pretty efficient it's burning nicely um just turned it down a little bit doesn't seem to be kind of uh choking up the um glass like some do but i think that's going to be the design of it so you can really see that fire with that extra height uh so i'm just going to chill out for a bit and then probably do a hot chocolate on the stove so the wind has really picked up keeps gusting through the woods blowing the tent about we even got a bit of a sprinkling of snow i don't think anything's really gonna settle but uh i've had my hot chocolate and i think it's time for bed so i'll see you guys in the morning uh uh that was a windy night seems to have completely died down now which is probably why second half the night slept a lot better but yeah wind and rain the first half well i think it's best sleep that then turned into rain so obviously nothing's settled some cold hands though um yeah i think i'm going to cook some breakfast and kind of go over the tent really the load of spiders between the inner and the fly on this end [Music] so thank you with what i've brought in leftovers i can uh make a nice omelette so a couple of eggs got some czech paprika sausage mushroom some of that pancetta and some chives as well wind's picking up again [Applause] foreign had to halve it because of the small spatula so just thought i'd go over a couple of things about the tent before i pack it away just so you can see it properly i like these kind of um side wings which kind of helped certainly helped last night against the wind while i had it open um certainly enough room for the two people in here uh obviously i used a bed which had plenty of room for i could have it at the front or the back at the back you've got a long vent um with like a shield to stop the rain from going on to it that pegs out that you probably saw when i was setting up i did notice with the wind last night there was a few drafts some coming in through that i'm sure the top does have tie-offs for a ridgeline so you could type between trees i do think though that the chimney would get in the way if you're using it as a hot tent while doing that the tent itself is uh 2.5 kilograms which is pretty light considering what you're getting um it is 3.5 with the poles though so depending if you want to fashion your own in the woods i'd say you could take two for the tent itself and just use two um poles you find in the woods for the awning and you can have it the height that you want so you can stand under it a bit better now the hot tent aspect of it um i don't think it's pamoli's best hot tent but i can see this being useful if you're buying one tent to use as a hot tent and as like a summer tent you've got the baker style front there for sort of summertime camping having it open having a fire in front and you've got the option of the hot tent if you're using in the summer time the vestibule where the stove goes can be used to store your kit and you'll fit two people in the tent easy so thinking about the weight of it if you're using like a bug net or a bivvy bag and a tarp in the summer it's actually not too bad so it's you know okay at both um not a master of either i guess the fan did help last night pushing that heat down the tent with it being quite one-sided with the heat source so yeah that was definitely a good thing you would want to use a more standard stove i think than the dweller which i picked i'm sure it has its uses but maybe not for this tent in particular a normal one that you can cook on and stuff where the opening is going to be closer to you would be better oh [Applause] that's me basically done and packed away just a dry spot to show where i was uh thank you guys for watching as usual hope you enjoyed it still really proud of the beef wellington i shouldn't have been so shy with it i left it in the dutch oven just for a little an extra kind of five minutes and i think it would have been absolutely perfect if i didn't do that but i was just a bit worried about it cooking inside anyway i'm off now see you on the next one goodbye for now you
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 256,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot tent, tent stove, camping, wild, outdoors, kent survival, beef wellington, cooking, camp fire
Id: 8xfD9tM0eLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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