1980's vs. 2022 Trangia Comparison - what's changed?

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foreign [Music] we're going to do a comparison video my mum and Dad's old Trend here from 1980 with the transgress set I bought last year in 2022 and just have a look if anything's changed basic set is pretty much identical they look really similar there's a few differences that we'll see [Music] my mum and dad haven't used this for a couple of decades now there's a nice frying pan the pot stand is the same the kettle looks the same the first difference is the little strap you can see there it's like riveting bolted onto the side as we'll see on the newer one that's not the case there's the strap [Music] slightly different pattern on the new one but it's basically the time and works in the same way you can see there on the modern one the strap holders kind of punched out with the main body of the stand we've got two saucepans two pots and then the stand and the windshield looks pretty similar again there's a few differences on the older one it doesn't have the the kind of catch mechanism to keep it on so it just slots on in any direction [Music] but if we look at the new one you can see there are sort of three dimples and you have to line that up to put the put the top on so you see there's three bits where you have to locate it and then twist it round to lock it into position so that means you know once they're joined they're connected whereas in the old one it's just two separate pieces all the time let's have a look at the burners again they look pretty much identical but there's a few little changes foreign ER the simmering is different it's clipped on and sort of got a hinge and is sort of on or off you can unscrew that the actual fundamentals of the burner are pretty much identical again this hasn't been used for a good one where's my new one the simmering you can put it in multiple positions and it's completely detached from the actual burner but the burner itself is identical so much so that we can even take the lid from the new burner and it just screws straight on to the old one perfect fit let's have a let's have a light and see how they burn [Music] put a bit of meths in one of the advantages the old thing is it's really easy to lift the standoff so you can fit it up really easy wear it on the new one safety first you have to twist it round to get access to the burner you can see there actually the other big difference my new one's got the hole for the gas burner if you ever wanted to do that that wasn't on the old one just light them up it's a nice sunny day so bit hard to see the actual flames but they're both burning now you can see how the simmering on the old one has to kind of just flop inside [Music] but does mean it's easier to put on actually don't miss quite so often the little grab handles nearly identical I almost forgot which was which they completely similar in every respect felt the same in my hands all the holes were in the same place doesn't look like they've changed at all the kettles as well the the fundamental design is identical obviously the older one's been used a lot more but the the handle identical everything the only difference we could see was the lid on the newer one uh it's not solid on the older one it was a solid black knob on top I think the old one had the plastic handle originally that's just melted off there they are they're both burning you can see just about that the old one seems to be burning at the walls we've got it infrared temperature sensor and you see there with about 200 220 degrees bit hard to get a reliable measurement slightly cooler in the newer one probably averaging around 190. [Music] check the old one again you see it's generally 220 to 30. not an exact science but let's have a go we will just try and boil some water but the same amount of water in each kettle make sure the old kettles on the old burner again we've got the old one on the left and the new one on the right because we're looking at them and let's have a little bird the pots basically identical can see any difference really they felt the same same weight to them completely unchanged the frying pans were a little different than the modern one had more of a a lip to the rim whereas the old one was a little sharper on the edge they also quite different in their tonality so if you just hear as I clip them you see the older one there just rings out a bit more with a bit more sustain I don't know if that's actual science but seemed to be a bit different we did measure the weight and the modern one the 2022 transier 114 grams it's a pretty light the old one a lot heavier 220 grams not really much to worry about but again there's just a bit more maths there will let them boil and see which one's quicker [Music] and there we are the old one is starting to steam and boil a little bit before the new one so if you're really in a desperate rush for a cup of tea or coffee and you don't mind an extra 110 grams get an old transient [Music] but it really wasn't much difference [Music] both boiling away now but yeah the old one did did boil first so given the old one was the the winner let's have a nice drink with some water from the 1980s transient if you like this kind of content please leave a comment and subscribe to the channel we've got more cooking videos coming up thanks for watching
Channel: Forest Pot Cooking
Views: 15,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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