Solo Bushcraft Shelter Camping in the Snow

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thank you [Applause] all right oh it's a chilly one beautiful though not quite as much snow as the other day but there's still some remaining you can see there's a lovely dry patch around the shelter here which is always good to see lovely and dry inside and um yeah I'm gonna have to sort this fire pit is job number one because some of you might have seen on Instagram it was full of water and is now frozen over [Applause] foreign well now that's a lot better still some ice in there but I think it's more Frozen coals and stuff all right onto job number two [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign prepped that's a oak behind me there that's a really nice piece of Oak to split actually I don't know if it's brutal because of the cold or whatever it was lovely and down here I've got a mixture of Chestnut and Birch and probably some other bits and Bobs as well so that plus was around the side I think I'm pretty set up when I built this shelter in the spring I said how nice it might look covered in snow and I wasn't wrong or disappointed just had a little walk down to the stream here to see what it's like on the lowlands here it's uh a lot more cold and still quite snowy compared to up on the hilltop over there anyway streams running anyway got a couple of robins flying around Camp I love it when they do that they're so inquisitive I'll try and film one if I can but as soon as I go to grab the camera they fly off if I sit here in silence they come over they'll be back in the morning after they've gone to roost right what I might do as I did get out here quite late today is process a little kindling so I've done all the jobs that I wanted to do pretty quickly um more relaxed camp this one than the last Snow Camp we was kind of up against it there and obviously I had wood stored here whereas there we had to saw it and everything for the fire and for the stoves all right some small stuff some medium stuff and some slightly bigger stuff until we move on to the logs from while we're here I've got a piece of birch bark here and a piece of fat wood so I'm just going to approach lift that down foreign that's just going to live inside the fire pit here make sure it doesn't blow away until I need it I don't think I'm going to be sitting on my bench today fancier Brew before the sun goes down become a little tranger alcohol burner in my little pouch these are by David fryers got a couple of his pouches you've seen them before lovely little canvas things foreign oh that's good oh that's warming my insides up well other than lighting the fire I've got one other job and that's my Christmasy job little surprise um I only realized just before I left the house that this is gonna be Christmas week this video so to all of you happy Christmas hope you have a great one and thanks for a great year here on the channel and all your support I hope it's uh brought you the joy that it has me um so many plans some of you don't get to some don't work out but uh yeah this year is the year of doing at least we got this completed this year a couple more shelters to do in the new year well depending on the weather [Applause] all right I'm going to put some of that oak on the bottom here followed by shavings of fat wood and I'm just going to put a brace up as well the sun's gone below the Horizon so be setting very soon so I'm gonna get this going [Applause] foreign bits of kindling all that has gone up nicely for that dry wood be different from last video foreign things here as things defrost this is one reason I built the base for the fire so any moisture melting can trip out the bottom the edges of this snow are going to melt off as well but they can go in between the rocks and the fire pit [Applause] unless the sun nearly down what do you think of the Christmas lights very last minute luckily I had some of them you now things up here so I was able to put them up I should have won my Christmas hat never mind right I'm gonna build this fire up um get some heat and get some coals all right let's build this up I'm gonna put some of that really dry Birch and Chestnut on and then that's going to help catch some of this Oak which takes a little longer to catch a couple of bits kindling I should save some for the morning really stick some more I'm actually pretty toasty I haven't got my big coat that's uh been a little bit lost in the move but I've got my um padded trousers on me like fleece lined the slog neck ones that I um reviewed God three or four years ago now but um yeah last winter I didn't even get to use on it it just was so mild but uh I predicted this winter it was going to be a cold one so yeah I'm a bit warmer than I was last week or for last week's video always been rained on by Ice fire is lovely now foreign Ed up we've got in here some dark it's actually uh vacuum formed so I'm just going to put some water in there with it get this on the Fire and heat it up really looking forward to this and I'm glad it's a quick prep one it's just kind of two stages really um because that duck is kind of pre-confied a little bit cold back from the fire here yeah because I didn't have lunch so looking forward to it I'm gonna slice my hot dog buns open actually I'm just gonna have to go all the way through really because I'm gonna stick them on the grill just to toast them gently okay that should be hot through by now so I'm just going to take that out I'm going to leave it in the bag and keep it warm next to the fire I'm going to save some of this water I'm going to save it all but save some in the pot in that pot I'm going to add to the water I can get it out some red wine Jou paste coming is coming and some festive red currant Jam with that grilling I'm putting the duck on the grill just to get a little crust on it and then we're gonna add some red currants into the sauce here while that thickens up and now I'm putting the duck meat in the sauce but not the bones and my last step here is just to toast off the buns which have been lightly oiled now just to build the dish I've got some mayonnaise and some pea shoots on there and here is that duck red currants and all very festive oh that looks magnificent and I am starving burn off some of them bits of duck that stuck foreign mat and I just stopped splinters and things and I've brought with me my amok that inflate the ball because it's got a better r value than my therm-a rest this being the the winter light and I've just got the pump sack to go with that there just plugs in there fill it there and fill I'm gonna crack a beer I've got a Munich Hills just like a Hills lager foreign [Applause] load up that fire I still thinking of dinner was an hour or so ago now but it was so good it was actually um a hello fresh meal this video is not sponsored but I told you they're good for camping oh just watching the fire I'm gonna lay back for a bit and chill out foreign built up get some heat reflecting in here at least while I go to sleep and I'll see you guys in the morning foreign foreign oh I had a quick walk to the edge of the Woodland let's get some shots see if there was a sunrise yeah very cold um colder than the last couple of camps um I think nearest town was like minus six or something like that so God knows what it was out here to do love that sleeping bag I did stoke the fire um in the night after having to pee just for a little bit of warmth oh nothing like a morning slushy come out [Music] I did have the water in sleeping bag with me but along with the batteries and that I just put it out press okay hit pause if not I could melt it by the fire or there's lots of snow about should we go in a day or two though I think the temperature's about to rise and um I think we've got some rain next week as well but I'm having the week off for Christmas foreign I've got something special for the breakfast it's bam I made spam on a camp in a while I had some sort of fault go for it so stop our slushy kettle on I'm gonna go on with the spam take long and I personally like a bit of cracked black pepper on my spam or some oil over this side [Applause] a couple of eggs [Applause] I'm also toasting a little bit of bread as well foreign well I forgot to pack any tomato ketchup but I found an emergency one in the pack hasn't got a tear strip yes it has nothing actually I'm going to like a bit of a whoops spare with egg sorry break that yolk in there hmm oh that was much needed I feel warm now and the sun's coming up above the trees foreign foreign packed away and time to get home so peaceful when it snows I guess the snow just absorbs any sound but I love it hopefully we'll get more all right very Merry Christmas to a lot of you I'll see you in the new year have a good one
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 161,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, solo, overnighter, winter, snow, bad weather, camp fire, cooking
Id: fjSH184r13Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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