SolidWorks Tutorial - Custom Lens Cap Design #3dPrinted

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this is the solid works design project for my customized lens cap cover 3D printed lens cap cover for my lenses the idea is to design a lens cap that you can put a logo on or something like that that's 3D printable that is parametric which means I'll have some dimensions in there that if you change them it'll change the whole size of the cap so it can fit big lenses and small lenses and different brands and all that kind of stuff I have an idea for a design and I've did a lot of testing on that I've I've done some 3D printing and some prototypes and that type of stuff and I think I've came up with the best design so a lot of this will be just making it parametric and I'll show you how to design at the same time if I went through all the design process in this video it would be a really long video and it's already starting to get too long so let's jump into it and design it okay we'll start by creting a new file start with an assembly we're going to do this as an assembly I'm going to change it to millimeters grams and seconds and we'll save it contrl s and we're going to save it as lens cap okay now we have an assembly called lens cap and we're going to put a sketch in the assembly I don't do a whole lot of assembly sketching but we're going to in this one and we're going to do in the top plane sketch and all this is going to be is a circle with a dimension right click drag upwards of 45.5 that's the inside of this lens right here and uh where it actually connects that's going to be the adjustable part of it that way so it doesn't really matter what we make it now but um we'll be able to adjust this and make the lens cap different sizes all right so now we'll make that construction and we'll exit that sketch so this is going to be what drives everything so now we want to go insert component new part this actually right here is asking for the front plane if you want to keep it lined up with your assembly you need to select the front plane here so we're going to do that and now if you look down here if we look at the top where our top here is actually the same as the top here so that's what we wanted so we're going to add a sketch I don't want that sketch I'm going to go ahead and delete it exit and we're going to go to the top plane sketch and we're going to convert that and make it construction all right so now we have this sketch and this part driven by this sketch so that's the setup we want so I'm going to go ahead and get out of that and now we're going to jump over to our part and start modeling from there I like modeling in the part instead of in the assembly most of the time unless I'm directly referencing things in the assembly so anyway one thing I want to do to this that we didn't do in the other is we want to go ahead and make get millimeters G and seconds also now we're going to go to top plane sketch we're going to do an offset of this and we want to make that let's just say 1 Point 8 1.7 just a little bit bigger than the actual inner diameter actually I think I like it a little bit bigger than that what does two look like 2 millimeters that's what we're going with okay so that's 2 mm that's the overall outer diameter of our lens cap so now we'll go features extrude I want to make it midplane I like doing most things about the midplane and I think we're going to make this about 3 mm not even close 8 mm that looks good okay now the next thing you want to do is put a Groove down through this that the actual Grabbers will Grabbers and slides will slide through so the front plane sketch I'm just going to start drawing here going to be on this plane it's going to be an undercut because see this way because the part's going to slide in there and get trapped which is what we want horizontal here go back to there okay I'm going to draw a Center Line about here I'm just going to make these two things symmetrical right there symmetrical now we have a part that is symmetrical about the center I want to make this a fixed Dimension no matter what size the cap is 30.3 and we'll make this 4.2 and let's make this 60 there we go let's go ahead features extrude cut and we're going to do through all on both that was already pre-selected all right that's our slot that our Grabbers are going to slide in so let's go ahead and exit this save all to the PC and it'll be back in our assembly now let's create the lighter so I go insert component new part and we're going to select the front plane again just to get started so I want to do two things one is change it to from inch pound seconds to millimeters grams and seconds and then put that reference sketch in there so we're going to go top plane sketch and then we're going to select this sketch and convert it okay I want to make sure I get the actual sketch not the sketch in here so it won't let me select it this way so let's go ahead and hit tab that'll hide the first part and now I can just select that and convert there we go and then I'll immediately select that and make it construction exit the sketch okay now we're in the same spot now we can shift Tab and in assembly wherever your cursor is whatever it's over if you hit tab it'll hide it if you hit shift tab it'll make visible anything that was in that location so anyway exit the part and we'll open the part in part mode okay so there's our reference so here we want to create a sketch on the top plane do the same thing here we're going to offset this select that offset and the other one did 2 millimeters this one we're going to do four be a little bit bigger it's a good starting point and then we'll start with a Center Line center lines and for construction of the same thing that just has that pre-selected here so same exact entity I want to do a line here and a line over to there and then something like this now let's give this some Dimensions so we want to right click drag upwards select the center line if we drag across the center line we get the symmetrical Dimension and we'll make that 29. five looks good gives us a good clearance that's some one of the things I've already figured out and this thing here will be 3.75 this here will be off of this Dimension because well come on wow that's acting weird there we go because I want it to stay a certain distance right here and I think 4.5 is good gives us some good meat and give this the same Dimension I'm holding shift down to Dimension to the outside of that and we'll make that let's try 18 that looks pretty good for now let's trim this up up here I don't need that I don't need that don't need any of that right there and we're fully defined except I want to put a radius right here so let's go ahead and do that before we mirror it and let's try 2 millimeters looks pretty good okay so if you're in a sketch and you have one Center Line and all rest entities you can select all contrl a and then just hit mirror entities and it already knows what to do so that's kind of a neat trick now we're fully defined and we're ready to go let's go ahead and give this some thickness let's go with 3 mm now let's save that crl s and we'll exit it to go back to the sketch now we have a object that slides it should slide through here but as you can notice it says it's fully defined it can't be moved well we didn't do anything well when we create a part it automatically defines it with an in place so we're just going to delete that and now we can move it around wherever so what we want to do is we want to make this face and control select this face and make them coincident and then we'll select the right plane of this and the right plane of this and make them coincident now we have a slider that slides down through here but I can tell I chose the wrong thickness so so I think that was supposed to be four not three so let's change that we'll go to this edit whoops that's not what we want to do want to go to here and we want to go edit feature not not sketch and make it four see how that looks that's that's what we wanted right there now we have an interference here we need to take care of so we made that 30° or 60° to that let's go ahead and do the same here so let's go and open that up and we'll chop the corners of this with a shamer so go ahead and features shamer and choose that and choose that and you can see they're way too big we know we are at 4 millimet so we'll go ahead and go 4 millimet here and then we'll make this 60 and you can see it's definitely going the wrong direction we have the right distance so I just need to flip this around and make it 30 and then will do it right I just had it the opposite way all right so okay there close that save it go back to our assembly now you can see we have some good amount of clearance there but that's a clearance for this surface to the surface of that and this surface to the angled surface because both those have to have a little bit of clearance once that raises up off there that'll be um a decent little slide fit that's one of the things I tested and as you can see this slides through there so the next thing we want to do is make a channel for this for the catch and a channel for the spring so let's do that right real quick let's go ahead and edit this part we're going to do it right here in this assembly we're going to select that surface and hit sketch we're going to convert the entities start by drawing a line from the center line over to there Escape out of there and now we want to because I should have started with the center line because that's what we're going to be drawing about now we'll put the line start putting lines in so we're going to the bottom of the spring Channel go up over put our little catch in that's where our catch is going to catch and this will go all the way down to parallel with that and back over to there all right we're going to do some trimming trim that trim that there we go get rid of that that that and that okay whoa that's stuck down there that was weird undo that just go ahead and delete that entity and that entity we should be good to go all right let's give this some dimensions and these Dimensions also I want to come off of the outside of this so when this diameter changes it will move with it that one's stuck to the center because it's going to just be a fill-in part so anyway let's get this started well we will make this and this code linear so they'll always stay in line with each other right click drag upwards we'll give this a to figure out which one's which it's this top one here the bottom one is for the actually I don't want to take the chance of going to the wrong one so we're just going to exit out of here we'll open this part up and now we'll get back into the sketch and edit it there okay now we're good right click drag upwards select from here shift select top of that and we'll make that just go 20 okay I notice a problem here already I shouldn't have made these cinear that needs to be on a different level here we'll do the same thing here shift select the circle come on that's ging me trouble let's make that 16.5 and now we'll Dimension this about the center line so we can do a symmetrical here make that 11.5 we'll make this 1.75 and then we'll give this a let's give this an overhang of 1 point 2ish there we go now this I'm going to go ahead and dimension it off this line but if you remember this one's tied to the circle so it will adjust also but that'll allow me to Dimension the stroke basically that I have left we'll make that 7.7 this will make it let's go 12 so that's fully defined now and we can tweak these Dimensions as we need they're pretty much all parametric off of the diameter here besides the width Dimensions so let's go ahead and control a to select everything and we'll mirror and there we go Now features extrude and we're going to go blind it looks like we might have a problem here through all we got points that aren't merged don't know why it does that sometimes but we'll just drag it off there and pop it back down now let's try it again there we go through all all right there's our geometry let's go ahead and mirror this about the front plane and we'll hit mirror okay okay there is our Channel let's see how that looks over in the assembly save it okay we're getting somewhere now now this slides it can slide in as far as this and it'll hit there and then it can slide out as far as it wants and fall out so we want to put a catch in there actually before we put the catch in there let's go ahead and put our engagement teeth in here so that means we need to open up this part and now on this surface engagement will happen right at this area here so let's go ahead and start a sketch there we will use that by converting it so let's go ahead and do the center line thing again we want to draw a line straight down here for this Edge we'll go ahead and trim the outside so now we have our little half piece and create another Circle about the same Center hook it there now we can trim that up okay think that's what our piece is going to look like let's go ahead and mirror it we'll select all hit mirror looks pretty good let's give it a width try 18 that looks pretty decent now features extrude and we got that same problem I think no maybe not blind no we don't okay let's go 3 mm that's already selected so that looks good so that'll protrude down into the lens and now we need to put some teeth that'll grab onto the inside little thread portion of the lens so we're going to do that on the right plane create a sketch and they're going to be right up here at the top here so we will draw a line out back to the same line and then close it and do a Center Line about the midpoint and drop that on there now we have a symmetrical little tooth going to make the width of it 7 and then let's make this I don't want it to be 90 I want it to be a little bit less than that let's try 80 looks good all right I think that's pretty good now this one we want to go go a revolve boss and it's asking for something to revolve it around we don't right now have anything in the center here but there's these cylinders that actually have a axis here so we can borrow that by going into the little view drop down here and say temporary aises and you see that pops these up so we'll just select one of those for that and then I think that gave it to us there we go it was on something else so now it's going 360° around so we're going to give that a smaller like 30 that's too much let's go 30 let's try 25 nope 20 there we go that looks good and do Direction two 20 also and hit enter all right there's our tooth let's create another one by doing a linear pattern of that tooth which it's already selected and then the direction is that right there and it's way down here 10 mm that was 7 so let's just go 7 and that'll be the same distance all right there's our teeth save that contrl s and exit back to the SK back to the assembly if you come into this and you want to move things around and you can't it might be because you're in part edit mode um you can move other items but the part you're editing you can't okay so the thought on this let's let's name these things over here if you select in the tree and hit shift C it collapse everything and you see we have part five and part six let's just go ahead and give those names so select it select it again go to rename we going to call this base we're going to call this slide okay now I can tell what those things are so I still need a spring and I still need some catches so the thought is is this part will slide there'll be a catch on here and this it'll be able to slide and squish wish and then pop open and get caught on that little nub there so let's put it in there so we go right here we will go edit part add a sketch right there I'll take that convert it and now I want to start draw going off of here so let's start by giving myself a little bit of distance there come off back onto it and put a little radius there and come back that just puts us in Tangent Arc mode and we're going to be about there let's go ahead and exercise this around a little bit it's getting pretty close maybe something like that I'm going to make this 4 and a half 4.5 let's let it stick out 2.8 is see how that looks um let's go ahead and do an offset here give it a thickness definitely not 10 mm8 that's what I like add that on there that's not going to be needed all right let's go ahead and drag that around and I want to make it tangent so let's go that to that tangent let's do some trimming here well first let's put a line up here so I want this to be flat all right let's do some trim in here trim that off trim that off trim that off trim that off and I think that's pretty good good let's give this a oops a dimension here5 all right it's looking pretty good give this a dimension 15 that looks pretty good that's fully defined let's extrude it now we're going the wrong way let's flip it around go through all be down to that bottom surface there is our little catch let's mirror it over to the other side so we'll take this and that plane and you notice I'm working within the part here I'm not using these planes because I want to keep Parts as selfcontained as I possibly can you only go outside of the part and reference another part or the assembly when you have a purpose for that let's go now hit mirror automatically puts it in there hit enter we're good to go all right so now we have a part that can slide whoops we're in the part so let's get out of there they can slide and hit there and it'll slide and hit there and that will be well past the engagement Point let's go ahead and get normal to this top plane here okay so now we have these two circles so that circle is the teeth that circle is the inside of the lens so you can see we're well past engaged it'll give us some room to engage that push the spring in past it needs to go past pan up here yep you can go past quite a bit and hit that and then it will go up here and engage into the thing that's a pretty good stroke right there I think we're good to go I think I like that hit contrl s to save it all rebuild and save save internally yes all right now we need a spring because right now this will just flop around in there it will not try to return and try to hold itself out so we need a spring coming off of here so let's just go let's put this thing in the fully extended area which control 8 is normal to also whatever you have selected so if I select that say I'm here and I wanted to go normal to that you just select it control 8 that's what I like to use okay we're pretty much engaged there now we'll put our spring to go way past here so it'll always be pushing up against there so let's go edit part grab this surface sketch on that surface and we're going to start drawing our spring so I'm going to go about the center so let's go ahead and put a Center Line in first so I want to start with a part that just comes out of the surface here so let's go ahead with a just going to put a circle in here I'm going to put a line in here which is convert entity and make those tangent so that's how I'm going to start it and now I'm going to go from there let select there and go kind of over to here it's going to be the outside so it'll be bigger go back to the point and off get a tangent Arc select there tangent off of there this going to be that internal one again back to the point and this one is going to be straight out this way but I'm going to do that and then we'll make it horizontal and this looks like it needs to be stretched way out a lot though I think I'm going way too small on all this stuff okay I just work on this a little bit so that and that is going to be equal right we're going to hit trim for that now I'm going to do some offsetting offset about a millimeter let's just go ahead and do select chain all right that's my spring so let's go ahead and select that or accept that draw a line in between this and this and trim this up up here okay now we have a spring but it needs to be a lot bigger than that I do want this and this to be vertical now I want this to be symmetrical so put a Center Line in there horizontal and select that that and that and say symmetric want that to be the same size as that equal now we're getting somewhere I think think we're getting somewhere so I want the outside to be limited dimension shift click that and shift click that and that did not work just going to accept that and we'll just change it over here leaders Max I want that to be nine that gives us enough clearance and now yeah we're getting pretty good here I don't want this to go away these internals to go away so let's give them a dimension um8 okay now we're getting somewhere let's give this a dimension here from Center to Center that will be our pitch I guess [Music] 8ish let's go and tie this down from there to shift select there make that eight that is it but I want it to be engaged a lot more to begin with we need to finish to finding this so looks like side to side's all we got left um let's go ahead and make this vertical with that now we have a midpoint we can play with midpoint there we go fully defined it's not nearly enough engagement there though let's go and extend that and then we'll adjust some other stuff let's go ahead and extrude that I mean looks like we got a pro oh we got a part right here let's get rid of that here we go features extrude there we go other way through all boom all right now we have a spring but I want to adjust the length of this leg here [Music] 18 I think that needs to be a couple millimeters less so let's go try 17 okay that is engaging right there I could be doing a little bit more though all right we're just going to extend the spring out a little bit 5.8 let's make it six I think that's enough engagement I don't know why I'm worried about this I could just bring this up wow you're probably yelling at the screen right now saying just change this lower surface okay so this make this 16 that's a little better okay I think I'm going to use that right there so that's our parts a couple other things we need to do real quick we need to take this corner off because I can see that I'm going to print this with this side down and that's going to blob out there and cause a little interference here so let's go ahead and take that top corner off and open that up and we'll add a shamer to there and there we're going to make it really small we'll make it 1 mm to start with and flip Direction yep gra that one flip Direction makes it a little vertical cut off there is what we end up with because it's that's 30° and we did 30 degrees off of that so we offset it let's go 0 five see what that looks like I think that looks pretty good okay save there we go see now we got some clearance there the other one is this corner right there too it's going to be printed with that piece down also so we want to go ahead and do the same there so let's go ahead and open that up and say we'll do it before the mirror put a little Sher in there there and there we know it was 05 at 30° I look at the end of it and flip Direction yep flip Direction there we go okay go ahead and bring that mirror back and it does not grab it so we'll have to edit it and then want to add that chamfer in there we go okay save all okay one other thing is I know this is only going to need to go in let's go ahead and go normal two again where this can clear that so that means this leg here can go up a little bit let's go ahead and look and see how much distance we got we see we can take a millimeter out of that I like to take that millimeter back so let's open that up go ahead and see what is so these two right here so if we change that by a millimeter we'll need to take it out of those to so we'll go 19 11 6.7 there we go now let's look at this normal to this now we're engaged stop we come back to there we're definitely clearing it looks like a good design okay one other thing I want to do is add another one of these to the assembly so it is complete so just control click and drag a new one out and then we'll do our moving it around and stuff so we want to select that and that and make them coincident I want to select this part that now let's go ahead and go this right plane and that right plane make it coincident and then wait here and then flip it there we go so now we have the other one in there so that is our let's save it contrl s save all rebuild and save okay that is our finished cap well actually no it's not I want a shamer right here little one but a little shamer so let's edit that part shamer that right there we're going to go 1 mm at 45° and I want to make A8 mm there we go I like that save it again save all okay that is the finished part now we can print that and pop it together and we hope it'll work and then we can create a logo that has a thickness and I'm going to the way I'm planning on handling this is you create a thickness a logo with a thickness and then in the slicer you just set it on top of there and line it up that way you don't have to edit the part every time so you can you should be able to download these STL files and then create your own logos lay them on top here in the slicer and print print everything with a material change in the middle of it and I'll get into that here in a second all right let's see how the parametric works so if I change this let's change it to 50 contrl B to update now it looks like everything moved and still works see if I can go to 55 all right cool just this area in the middle gets bigger and everything else changes accordingly exactly what we wanted go and change this back to 45.5 and hit contrl B to update everything all right so let's come up with a logo for the top of it first thing I want to do is look at the outside diameter that I got to deal with which is this right here and that's 47.9 okay so we'll say new part millimeters gram second do a top view just put a circle in there Dimension it 47 9 is what I said we're going to make that for construction and now we want to bring in on the top plane and select dxf drawing I'm going to grab clear bean. dxf this is a file of a logo for my son's company he has a media company that does um video and podcast video podcasts and such and I'm making him some lens caps all right so when you bring in a dxf you want to unselect import as reference and finish and it'll bring it in there and it's going to be huge I believe yeah very very huge let's make it um scale entities about just go about the center here and make it 0.02 pretty small zoom in start there way over there okay so move entities let's select everything move there over to there zoom in just using the scroll wheel to zoom in all right we're getting close so let's go ahead and all move again and we'll go from there to there and now we can scale it from there all scale about the center this time I want to make it 0.1 all right two that's getting there 0.25 23 that's pretty good right there select all control a and we'll move them again and just selecting a point out here so I can get this about the where I want it doesn't really matter actually we're going to just extrude this and then lay it on top of there so this circle is just for reference in size but one thing I do want to do is all these all this is pretty small we're going to print this with a small nozzle but still it's all pretty small so I want to offset it a little bit so let's do that to get a little um make this size in here a little bit better because it's going to get closed up a little bit by the thickness of the material anyway so let's go offset construction geometry is going to be the base geometry and we're going to go 0.1 and see what that looks like all right right there I'm GNA go 0.1 two I think that's pretty decent 15 what does that look like that looks pretty good yeah so let's go ahead and go around the whole thing and do that make sure that doesn't cause any problems with any of them we have to come back and do the inner pieces as offset to the inside all right and now we're going to do offset again reverse Direction choose that that that that and that oops and that and that there we go okay now we go features extrude base and this is going to be about .12 layer thickness [Music] .12 times let's give it at least let's give it five layers it's 6 and now it's going to want me to select Contours because it can't figure out what to actually extrude on this so I'm going to choose that and then you got to choose all the centers all right there we go so there's our logo that we're going to put on lay on top of this so save it as clear Bean logo and now I want to make all these STL files that we can bring into our slicer so we will export as if you're using an older version of solo works you just have to do a save as and then choose this and I'm going to do this is a clear Blan logo STL export okay now want to go back over to our lens cap and open up each part and Export them individually so open this and you don't have to actually save it to the hard drive as as a part you can just go export as STL base at lenscap export and one of these we'll duplicate it in the in the slicer so file export as slide yes okay now we'll bring those into the SL sper let's bring our files in this is standard the generic pla Ender 3 S1 Pro setup here and I'm just going to open files and bring all three of these in I'm going to select that and lay it lay it down using this surface take this and do the same thing here then do the same thing here did it the wrong way now do the same thing here okay now to bring this up to the level of the surface of this we just want to select the part when I lay on top of if you select scale you can see in the Z it's 8 mm so that's what we want the bottom of this to be so now we just move this it's at the bottom of this at 8 millimet whoops drop down model needs to be turned off there we go now we can just move it around until we're happy with the way it where it is and I know I want this to be 90° let's go ahead and do that and say darn it control Z to undo that want to rotate this 90 degrees so let's rotate that blue portion of it to it 90 degrees there we go now move it I think that looks works pretty good right there now you can see it's laying right on top of there now let's put this in place go ahead and put it about there right click on it hit multiply and hit one okay now we're just going to move this one around and I just like to have it rotated the same as the other one so we'll do that one at 90° also whoops that's not what we want control Z there we go okay now I think we have it now let's make some changes here since this is a pretty intricate little logo here we're going to print it with a25 mm nozzle and if you need help on changing your nozzle I have a video for that I'll link that here or here never can remember and you can see how to change your nozzle and print it at a higher quality that allow you to get more detail um so so to do that in Cura we need to change the line width so we're going to make that 0.25 and you notice all this other stuff changes to match it so we'll do that and we'll change the layer height we're just going to go 012 it just has to be less than the the nozzle so 0 2 would have worked but I'm going to say keep changes because I just changed that um and that'll make it just a little little bit nicer of a part and this a little bit cleaner so anyway now we'll want to go and do some support material I want to go to oh infill I'll make that let's make that 10% and then we'll make the build plate adhesion skirt I like that and support when going to say generate support I like tree for this one and the one thing I really want to change is this XY support distance so let me show you what it does here we're going to goe and slice this and we will preview it and you can see down here how all this tree support is going up under here I want to keep that from happening so I also want to keep that from happening too so do both of those so the first one down here is to make that come out more we're going to change this X support XY distance we're going to make that full 1 millimeter and slice it again now you see it it moves it inward a little bit so we're not getting as close to Up In the Groove here and this will all come out really easy now and it won't be dragging as much up in this corner here where most the friction is on this slide so um You probably even make it a little bit more let's try 1 point2 see how that looks I like that okay so we're going to leave that like that and now to get rid of that which actually already did but um everywhere just where it's touching the build plate we'll get rid of that it won't stack on top of each other there we go now we have no support there and we have just the support we need in around here so hopefully all these overhangs will work just fine we will see so one other thing we want do while we're here is find out what layer we need to change filament on and that's the last layer to print 67 so if we go over here I want to go to extensions postprocessing modify G-Code and this is where you add all your scripts so I want to add a script called pait layer height I like that one better than the filament change but I use BQ I've had problems with the Marlin before but um so I use a BQ and we're going to use 67 is what the layer height was and I want to park the print over to the side at zero 190 is good that'll push it all the way to the front and then retraction we're going to go ahead ahead and go 20 mm because we're going to just take the filament out and the standby temperature we're going to leave it at 200 that way everything stays warm and it won't pop off the plate and our will be ready to load the new material you just need to stay around so you can catch this though all right so close that I'll slice it again I'm going to double check my layer 67 yep that's it okay now we can save this and load it on the printer and see how it prints I'm going to create a Dan designs logo too I saved that saved the file off I already have my reference Circle in here and I'm going to put in my Dan designs logo okay so we select the top plane we'll hit dxf and grab that same dxf that I did when I did my knife handle and bring that in if you haven't seen my knife handle video check that out right finish bring it in okay and now I'll just scale this down way over there okay move enties okay now we will just move this to the dead center start scaling it up two let's see here that looks pretty good right there Center it up better a move entities and we'll just oops CR a move entities select out here and just try to center it up the best you can it needs to be moved a little bit to the left all right I think that looks pretty good let's extrude it6 millime like that now we got to select our Contours those right there all right there we go let's save that export it has an STL all right so now we just go ahead and delete this one and drop on the D designs one and to take this side of it like that move it up 8 millimeters now just Center it up here that looks pretty good slice it preview and make sure it's still 67 67 68 starts the logo we're good to go all right let's print those see how they come out I hope you enjoyed that tutorial if You' like to check out the full project video you can see that over here if you'd like to see more Sol Works tutorials you can check those out over there if you liked it consider subscribing and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Dan Designs
Views: 160
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Keywords: how to use solidworks, learn solidworks, solid works, solidworks, solidworks 2023, solidworks design, solidworks design projects, solidworks design tutorial, solidworks for beginners, solidworks tips, solidworks training for beginners, solidworks tutorial, solidworks tutorial for beginners, solidworks tutorials, solidworks tutorials for beginners, solidworks 2024
Id: h2tEYMxZcTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 15sec (4335 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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