SubD livestream Part 4: Learning to 3D model with Rhino 7 SubD Tools

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so foreign oh so hello hello hello hello i'm just starting really quiet so that you can adjust your your headphones and your sound welcome let's get this camera on [Music] here we go or not come on camera and let's work it a little bit there we go there it is okay there's me and let me turn off the text okay i think we're we're good so hi welcome we'll continue on from where we left off this time um with this car thingy here let me turn everything off use some application settings and we will continue all right now people are gathering that's nice i guess no one you guys don't have anything else to do on sunday evening huh so now um we will i was wondering what what to do next with the car and i think um it's time to do some paneling um so basically splitting this thing up into into parts or maybe not even splitting it up um so so there are two ways of how to separate this model into into parts it's either visually by creating these kind of seams that indents into the body of the sub d surface or or or just straight up splitting it apart so i'm thinking of having this crashed no no it didn't so i'm thinking of having this 3d printed so i don't really want to separate it into into parts so i think what we're going to do and also i kind of want to continue working on it as a sub d a single sub d model just to learn uh the tool so we will continue on with indents okay let's let's start so for the bottom i won't do anything for the for the back we will con should we work on the back now or later maybe later i want to do at least one panel before we start working on on the back um so i'm thinking yeah let's do let's do let's do let's do the side here so as those of you who have seen past live streams uh i've seen me struggle with in setting these these faces for instance these faces inserting them and set uh inwards by let's say 10 trying to insert a group of faces and getting this kind of result which is not ideal because and it messes up the geometry quite a bit right instead i want to have some sort of option of group in setting and it's not it's not an option yet so i did a little bit of digging and i found this kind of website where rhino developers talk about different issues and different things that they will that needs improving or that they will add to to rhino in later stages and i did find this uh issue rh52735 inset needs a group option and basically this is what what they're talking about right because right now it does this when i try to insert multiple faces and they are working on this so at least i see that they are working on it um yeah but that's that's about it it's still it's still not implemented that sucks that sucks we will need to kind of fiddle our way through this but i i think we will manage oh the music is a little bit too loud on my end um okay actually for those of you who are interested you could check out this where you can see say all of the issues that are being currently worked on in rhino right with with different how is it called priorities with different priority values so most of them are normal some of them are major scripting fails when properties panel is hidden for instance is a major priority but it seems that it's now solved it's closed and stuff like that so this is just something that i found and a really interesting thing to dig into and see what you can expect to see in the next release of rhino and also i believe they started working on rhino eight so there are quite a few uh quite a few things here listed that will be available for instance here it will be available only in rhino eight so that's cool um just a little thing so now on to the panels i wanna i wanna wanna wanna divide or rather separate i don't know uh which part should we separate first i think [Music] perhaps this let me see how it it's moves out there perhaps this uh this this this whole part needs to be a separate panel and for that i will need to go to my subdued tools choose that i can only select the faces and just select the faces here just to see if that's a good um good area to to separate as a separate panel so that would be that it would separate like that maybe maybe not not that bad and we could kind of continue on with it until right until the end or maybe separate it here yeah let's separate it there let me just check double check yeah that's a nice seam okay so so the tricky thing now now on to the tricky thing the tricky thing is again to repeat what i said before um inset if i try to insert it and i give it like a centimeter and then tab makes this mess right so i can't do that instead i will need to separate it um by hand which is fine which is you know it's okay i already have um this this line or this edge can i actually select it yeah there we go i have this edge here that that i can work with that's good i don't have an edge in the top but i will create one so that's not a problem um and yeah everything else on the side it's creating an edge will not be a problem so let me just select this edge chain right here right here um did i say that we go until here and or until here probably that's that's my bad that that that that that that okay that's perfect like that and then we that's that's going to be a problem because that need will need to bend that's fine we will figure it out so i have that edge chain and i will say insert insert edge and rather than giving it a like a rather than just clicking i will say that offset mode yes it is absolute but i will give it a number so i'll give it um do we do a centimeter yeah let's do a centimeter so 10 like that we have now an edge here and if i take a look at it yeah it does exactly as you know what what we wanted to do i just it's an edge um so now this area right here is a little bit tricky i think i will select this guy insert edge and i will just insert it to this vertex here now that's that's good i think that's good we'll see we will see might be bad then this edge right here actually do we need more what if i insert it here then yeah that's perfect so i will insert edge here to the side 10 like that okay so now we have an issue here where an edge just arrives at the at another edge not at the point but i think we can manage it if we select these two points here and we stitch them stitch them together up to this point that looks clean right and we repeat the same process for the bottom stitch oh that's that's gonna be a problem let's see how we can solve that um [Music] i will need to insert edge oh come on no no no you yes you insert edge here by 10 trust me i know what i'm doing even though it doesn't look like i know what i'm doing i do know what i'm doing we will select these two stitch together bam okay we will solve this this part layer uh layer down the line for now i just need this perimeter to be clean and by clean i mean these two points will need to move here maybe even more that that's good and that seems okay that seems okay and then this area right here is going to be the problem so we need to solve this and the way i'm going to solve it alright well actually and we just that's a panel that will need to go in and end somewhere here maybe or do i just get rid of this and say that the panel ends somewhere here before it arrives at this edge yeah maybe let's do that that seems like a more reasonable thing to do all right so i need to is there a way of how to remove an edge right no there's not okay that's fine with this guy here insert edge sideways then it's good bam move not move sorry this point and this point stitch like that and it broke oh man really hope that in that it won't break but it did um which leaves us with a little bit of a problem let me try to delete this oh crap i can just straight up delete that edge you didn't know that okay so now this should fix it hopefully ditch yeah yeah it just fixes it okay cool cool now we know and then this hmm but wait but wait there is an issue but maybe that issue can be solved in a different way yeah we can solve that issue in a different way so for now i'll just kind of keep at it these two points pitch bam that and then let me just grab this whole edge loop here we don't need it anymore so i'll just delete it like that and we're left with these two points here that need to be stitched together into here okay okay that that is actually good enough uh that's good enough let's see um so it makes a bulge there but that's not a big problem um and we do have an inset right so it took me a while but i managed to make an inset at least um let's do one little thing here and select all of these faces can i just yeah there we go all of these faces and extrude [Music] uh subd extrude these faces uh direction along the x-axis by why not a lot actually by let's say 20 um millimeters but that fixes the bulge and also kind of gives it a little bit more uh it makes it a little bit more pronounced okay so we have that done and now on to the interesting bits which are the the panels themselves so now i will select this loop that i've just made and i will try oh crap i can't huh because of that edge right there yeah of course i can't god damn it okay so we need to do one more thing uh we will need to add add a scene there huh yeah i didn't think this is true but that's fine um we can we can work it out by just how do we do this we just simply select this whole edge and move it down by minus let's say 10 like that and then we do then we do insert edge up upwards by okay so that's a double edge there now okay what about it that doesn't help us does it because of this messed up geometry here so i need probably need this edge to go all the way through huh that's a lot of it's a lot of work needs to be done but you know it is what it is okay let's let's do one thing you will hate me for that but i i need to do it revert yes we'll do this again but this time we'll do it super fast okay so now i know for sure that i need to add i need to add an edge loop here um until come on just let me until it reaches the front and also until it reaches the back we don't do that shouldn't have done that do it again um come on bam and for the front bam bam okay so we have that and i will insert insert edge up i'll get there i promise there we go and one last try there we go okay insert edge this and this one we will insert downwards by let's say 15 actually 15 okay these two points need to be stitched together stitch m and those two points pitch bam okay so we have that done and now uh i am able to do this do i do i want to do that no i will just extrude this right as i as i did before like that uh come on just let me let me select it double click oh okay so it doesn't let me do that anymore i don't know why uh but i don't care i will just select it either way like so bam bam bam bam there we go and i will extrude sub d long x 20 okay okay so that's clean uh that's good not as good as wait yeah that's good that's fine uh so we have that going on and now for the panel sorry for that uh that was a little bit of a of a wait for for you guys but it should be fine it goes here [Music] and um oh wait uh that that edge we also want a double edge there i wonder if i can just kinda chamfer it would that work i think that would work right chamfer uh not chamfer sorry bevel level uh-huh then it would make a double edge but i would only want one segment like that perfect there's a little bit of weirdness going on there but i think that's fine i think we will solve it okay back to back to doing the thing okay that's the top is done um insert edge for the bottom collect all of the good stuff insert edge okay we are making progress so there's a lot of [Music] there's a lot of additional geometry that we will need to introduce in in this in this manner but this is what it is without actually having a proper tool to do that we are kind of stuck with we're kind of stuck with this approach manual beveling not beveling manual insetting so you you also might notice that i don't have my um what's it called reference reference images anymore and i feel like they only kind of took away from from the originality like looking at references yeah just made me less less original in in the in my approaches so instead i'm just doing it by feel i guess okay so we have our first panel here and let me um extrude sub d let me extrude it inwards so direction y by 20 two centimeters bam that is wrong side okay let's try it again so that's going to be minus 20 extrude sub d m minus 20 okay so now we have this check it with heat map yep sounds about right or rather looks about right within tag oh oh hello um so it's soft of course right of course it's soft that's because it's freaking subd right it softens everything but we will make it better [Music] we will make it less soft i'll show you how in just a second but before i do that i will actually make a panel here as well just so that we can work with two panels at once because i do need to make a panel there either way so that's kind of the same procedure oh you even have the the nice member icon now the grasshopper that's cool big supporter of the channel and there panel panel insert edge upwards by 10 and that edge third edge little bit manual work insert edge [Music] okay okay and now on to stitching stitch stitch okay that's kind of clean that's that's kind of fine and now this up come on that stitch i am not a man with a plan i have no idea what i'm doing here stitch okay tap to check the discrepancies well that gets stretched out heavily but that's fine we will we will fix it other than that i think that's it's fine so we just simply select all of this extrude subd in words 20. oh minus 20. yeah my bad keep forgetting it's true it's sub d in words minus 20. okay so we end up with that panel there am i considering experimenting with the grasshopper sub-d tools in this series press operative details not in this series but yeah i mean if it's um if if there's something cool in grasshopper in terms of sub d some additional functionality in terms of sub d for sure for sure i will right now i i'm just getting used to sub d and just getting used to seeing how it works and what can be done with it but once i have not mastered it but once i know what the hell is going on then i'll definitely check out the grasshopper part of it okay so we have two panels here and i want to sharpen them up like crazy so now we need to we need to think so this gets moved out but basically every double double uh edge will become more locked in into position so we're initially making seams by by doing that so if i for instance choose this edge right here and i do bevel on it i wonder if that's going to work so if we do bevel on this edge with more segments with two segments it's a bad angle to look at it there we go oh so it just does that huh okay so we definitely are not doing two segments we're just doing one segment like that so if i do a bevel on it bam and hit tab nothing changes um okay what if we do we'll figure it out you'll see what if we do go away that and that two edges bevel something like double bam and bam come on there we go so if we have that kind of bevel it sharpens it up interesting so how can we use this to our advantage okay so bevel sharpens things up that's what we learned um so that means if i if i want to sharpen okay okay so if i select this oh this is gonna be hell trying to select all of these huh is there a faster way there is that icon here select edge ring maybe that will help holy crap it does i just selected all of the edges here that's perfect okay so we have that um the question is do we want to bevel that probably not so i will try to unselect it that is not how you unselect it uh just let me wireframe and select and select and select shift and select now okay what if i press enter and then try to unselect it control okay we we do it manually then that zs zoom selected that uh-huh that that okay so we have that and then we find this edge that's an important edge so that needs to be beveled and i assume this will need to be beveled as well so let's just do it immediately that corner huh okay so that gets beveled that that's a lot of babbling okay i just hope there we go i just hope that it will not mess up there we go okay so we have everything selected that we want to bevel and i think i think if i just say bevel yeah and then i specify let's say five millimeters or let's say a centimeter and it will bevel everything properly so that looks good right yeah that's crisp even that is sharp now kinda sharp um i think we could go sharper though yeah let's go sharper so i will i will think now okay so let's undo the bevel and one more time if i just want one one test and set insert edge at five and then this insert edge down by five this is an experiment now just trying to see what's the best workflow to get a panel going and then these two selected zs why does zoom selected not work though come on computer don't don't burn um stitch you're here okay that's good and then you and you stitch here okay so that does this like a very flat ending that's that's good that's what i want and now did i do one centimeter now i'll do uh five millimeters so bevel whoop five that's crisp that looks fine the gap of one centimeter is too much though but considering that i'm going to be 3d printing this um pretty small i think we need to work with with this kind of a gap or maybe this this edge will be the five centimeter edge or sorry uh the the one centimeter edge and all other edges are going to be like incisions are going to be five millimeter incisions but that that looks fine right okay so we just need to do this for the whole car okay let's do it uh so i will undo it a bunch of times and we will find the front fam as the wrong edge come on come on bam there we go that's the edge and we do what is this going to be uh it's going to be a flying car hopefully someday um still got a long long way to go did i use ten or five there i think i used five right sure yeah that looks like a five okay and now select i just select the edge chain here yeah i can that's nice insert edge down by five so we sharpen it notice how i don't use seams at all uh or creases not seams uh the reason why i'm not using creases right now is because i keep forgetting that um insert uh i keep forgetting that i used a crease if i use one and then i just kind of spent a few hours just trying to fix a thing that wasn't a problem in the first place so instead i prefer to have double edge to contain sharpness and also i kind of by using a double edge um i'm able to control the let's see the fillet of of the geometry which is uh which you can't do with a crease but of course there is a lot of manual a lot more manual labor involved in doing it this way okay let's see how it how it behaves seems good that seems good that seems good okay so it is properly stitched now and now it's time to sharpen it up now uh zoom selected now we have these two corners okay bevel and let's give it a five millimeter bevel just take a look at it gorgeous nice okay that's done uh now this i also want to sharpen up zoom selected i mean i zoom select it and it just zooms in to the weirdest part i need to write a ticket to to mcneil about this level 5 perfect oh no not perfect not perfect not perfect at all um forgot one thing so that that and that edge right here it's bevel five now now it's perfect beautiful okay bottom bam and bam bellow sup stop right back at you okay that's good oh slowly but surely um damn this level okay that's all creased up that's a little bit of a of an ouchie can we do something about it is it possible to it's possible to bevel it here like that um it's a little bit of a little bit a little bit not nice okay let's let's try to solve this the problem with it is that it kinda or actually what am i solving this isn't there is nothing to solve here it's it's great uh yeah sorry about that hopefully that looked fine shouldn't do too much okay so we have that and then we just bevel five okay that's a panel let's investigate e-map um it's not playing that nice there is a wave there but i think yeah i think we'll revisit that wave in a little bit for now i i kind of i think that's fine and then here we have the nice seam yeah it looks good um let's check it out with truesphere and that looks fine motion sickness that looks okay yeah so there's a singularity there and it's and also a ton of singularities there but that's fine other than that i think this this looks great okay let's look at it nice nice view so there is that bend that happens which is fine what you're looking at you're looking at a car a flying car we should probably um let's do this actually that people know um okay just a second uh come on pure ref don't don't crash on me now ah there we go we're a little bit big i'll just put you there and i'll just load up this guy there we go um yeah let's just do this so that you kind of immediately get the get the idea okay [Music] so onwards we go i guess um select that insert edge one come on five you go like that doesn't give me the correct edge never gives me a correct edge insert edge [Music] five okay uh yes yes it is happening symmetrically on the other side um i'm using the reflect or whatever it's called i keep forgetting how it's called uh reflect yeah reflects of the objects uh i guess modifier on it i don't know how to call it tool on it uh not isolate insert edge so everything that i do on the on the side happens on the other side alternatively i could just kind of cut the car in half and mirror it you know that that would work as well but with this tool i don't need to which is good stitch up here that and that that's a stick stitch there okay that and that pitch click and last one pitch black okay and this one is going to be super easy to do it's just going to be a bunch of chamfers or not chamfers are they called bevels i need to learn this uh bevel five oh that's a pretty intense never mind works fine that's good bam bam nope oh this wood this might bevel let's see i think this this angle will will be weird ah it's actually fine so we will actually bevel two edges at the same time what's that that's something in russian [Music] oh yes hello i i don't i don't speak russian i can barely read russian oh level five okay that's uh we accidentally made uh pentagon here oh and it stretches out like like crazy we'll need to solve this somehow um well actually the stretching is not that bad but yeah i'll definitely need to solve this so oh and i forgot to bevel that part apparently maybe that's why the stretching is happening let's hope that that's why the stretching is happening bevel that music is a little bit obnoxious isn't it let me just there we go that should be better okay so that's actually not that bad though the way it the way it works yeah i kind of dig it um this area right here i think we need to solve [Music] at least i really wanna wanna solve it somehow and let's think so this is a pentagon can we and we just say that this edge what if we bevel double this edge like that but then it becomes a hexagon i know i know it becomes a hexagon but can we then that's so so much topology there how does it work i mean it works better doesn't it yeah it does work better i don't think we can you can solve it now for now i'll leave it there i'll leave it there for now i think it's fine let's ignore the problem yes exactly let's ignore the problem um right so we have our first two panels kind of done at least a block out of them and we will move on to the to the butt of the car that's good stuff and solve some some issues there so the main thing that i want to solve oh the first thing that i want to solve here is is the wavy wavy edge that we see here so i'll just create a line segment here i'll grab the the wireframe nope wireframe is a super bad idea let's grab ghosted view forget ghosted view and just snap to the wire uh do we do perpendicular i think we just do the clear right for now that okay that should be good yeah that's better okay we have that going on that could be a little bit thinner are there shortcut keys for selecting the face edge and vertices not really i mean the way i i select the the face the edge or a vertice is by just holding down ctrl shift and clicking on a face edge or vertice and that kind of um it kind of kind of just works um lining safety vertices is fully business we need a tool for that oh yeah yep yep yep yep yep but i don't know what kind of i mean yeah i guess if you if you gave it a guiding curve then yeah it should probably work like assembling them all on the seam by casting rays but that seems like a lot of coding if they didn't spend so much time on freaking stuff that doesn't really work for instance cycles then then maybe but now for now we're we're stuck with this so that's not really like that topology there but that that's fine okay so what do we do with the ass there is this guy that i looked into let me just find um crap i forgot the name um i think i'll find him on instagram yes uh ashtorf uh just a second i'll show it on the screen open it up there we go let's look at ashtorp for for a second so ashtorp does this cool stuff with cars uh not just with cars he's excellent like look at this batman let's look at this batman that's some that's some nice rendering skills illustrator cgi texture character design and also he he does great wait these are not videos i wonder why he didn't upload the video but basically he does cool graphic uh graphic works and works with cars and movies and goes in the shell and all of that jazz a really interesting artist but this image right here i really enjoyed that's that's a nice nice back of a car not just that i mean the the front as well considering that this is a render right so let's take a look at the back and i'm thinking of doing something similar to this but the problem is that my poor poor 3d printer will not be able to keep up my 3d printer will not be able to print this out this kind of a horizontal detailing odd but at least we can kind of try doing something similar to it so then we look oh my god this is so depressing you know kind of 3d spending hours 3d modeling a car and then just looking at instagram at that thing and then kind of switching back to your own creation and going like crap okay i guess i need to do this huh um so how do we do this okay what if the whole thing this whole ass of the car is it's inside of a panel okay so i i know i know sound weird but so let's say if we if we say that um i'll just work on this side uh this area here come on just give me there we go this area right here is actually extracted bear with me not extracted but rather it's it's actually somewhere here like that i know it's a little bit just a tiny bit too late for a blockout right now [Music] but my answer to that is i don't care so we have or actually no once we sharpen it up it's gonna be good it's gonna be good because then we can kind of make a lot of details it um in the back like horizontal details and it's gonna it's gonna look good okay okay so now i've convinced myself i don't need to convince you so we have that and now all i need to do is to straighten out these lines easier said than done okay let us zoom into this edge here and see what we are dealing with so of course you're not flat why would you be flat so all of this needs to be in the same plane and well first of all the question is are all of these polygons here or all of them flat if they are then that's good oh i have an idea what if we what if we select this ribbon here and we delete it and we completely butcher it and then and then and then we mess around with this whole thing until the topology is correct and then kind of restitch everything together that that should work right right i think that's gonna work we'll see it's all about experimentation here so now i am going to make an extrusion i think is there a way of how to separate by the way this this surface from the rest of the car jesus christ selecting stuff is great just just let me i'm just trying to figure out the fastest way of how to select the back which is right here there we go that should do the trick okay um extract srf okay okay that didn't didn't help at all but this can be moved now huh and this one is separated isn't it yes it was separated so i don't want to extract that one though join it up uh that's a delete button i don't want to delete it join two sub d's were now joined that's that's that's nice join okay joint sure whatever okay so we have that um i know it doesn't look that good now but now at least i can isolate this and i can work with it separate separate from the rest of the the rest of the car so it's not gonna get in the way that's good um right ass of the car so first things first i want this duplicate let me duplicate border nope let me let me draw out the border better like that and just check planner surface okay so it is a planner so uh it it is a planner um planner curve meaning that all of these faces are in the single plane and that's that's good so that curve right there is going to be precious i will use it to make sure that i haven't changed the border itself and now it's all about realignment of the vertices or all of the edges rider so if i move this up to somewhere here you can see that immediately i messed up the border but that's fine um so i need that i need that edge there in the top and i need and i need this edge right here oh you are bending inwards it's not good that's fine i need that edge to be somewhere there and that edge to be somewhere here okay jesus that this looks real sketchy trust me it's gonna be fine i i almost know what i'm doing [Music] my seaplane is wrong so let's jump to seaplanes and choose this to be world top and now we will draw a bunch a bunch more helper lines like that that that's fine and like that okay that's good and actually i only need to work with half of the half of the geometry um so let me just mirror it to the other side and for now let me do this there we go okay jesus um we are we're getting there but definitely slower than i would like to uh okay so now we move the points back to the intersection between our guide curves and our border x there we go bam okay there we go okay now they are back in normal to being normal uh that's good this means that we can kind of continue continue sorting everything out and i believe all of them are are horizontal let's check it out in left view for instance [Music] that is not horizontal at all so we need to fix this one other edges are fine-ish yeah that's good okay so it's only this edge that is that is wrong and we need to fix it but that is not going to be a huge problem we just simply select all of the points here and scale them along the z axis to zero so they all get flattened out and then we just simply move this point right here and that point right there jesus i i need to this is getting tricky okay you move in good good now you move back not to the midpoint uh there we go okay should be good there we go okay so crv okay so that that part is fixed so everything is straightened out and everything is kind of clean so the boring part is over um now on to the interesting bit of actually creating geometry so or rather sorry the horizon the horizontal lines were straightened out the vertical ones are not so we'll still need to revisit the vertical ones it is what it is um that just wondering how we can how can we make it nicer so if i select this edge and just delete it and i actually select that edge and unselect oh come on select and select and select okay fine edge edge edge edge edge edge edge edge edge insert edge inwards there we go and i just specify um 20. that's good that's our new new line which we will use and now now we can actually take this edge here and scale it to zero like that so this gets cleaned up and all we need to do now to rebuild the clean topology is to get rid of this delete get [Music] get this edge here like that and then get this edge here like that and type in bridge with two three segments okay that's clean that's as clean as i can get it i think that that is fine at least looks fine and now let's see um so i want this whole area to bulge out right yeah so so i wanted this whole area to bulge out so i will x extrude sub d and i will extrude them out along the x axis by i have no idea crap uh we need to look at the car show so that is a pretty let's let's let's move it back to here um so there is a there are a few mistakes here that we will need to address not right now right now we are gucci here we move it back by uh 300 or 30 centimeters 30 more 30 more so that's 90 centimeters oh that's 90 millimeters that's 9 centimeters um so let's do 10 so minus 10 it's more oops minus 10 so that's -10 centimeters yeah that's good it's okay um so that's done and now we know that this gap is 10 centimeters so what i need to do is i need to take this bad boy oh my god this is going to take forever to select and extrude sub d extruded out by 10 no not 10 god damn it 100 oh no i need to select it again really oh my god let's it is what it is okay um extrude sub d along the x axis by a hundred okay so it does that that's good that's what i wanted to do and now unlock show this will need to move into here and all of these edges will need to be aligned to this curve here but that's going to be done later for now i'm just work i'm going to continue on working on this so this is how no battery come on webcam can i make you love rhino no you need to make rhino love you or else you'll have a really rough time so it's it's not you you who needs to love the program it's the program that needs to love you or else yeah that's not going to be a pleasant experience if the program hates you so don't don't don't forget about rhinos feelings as well when you exchange it to blender right so we have that that looks okay um that that doesn't look that great but it is okay and now we can start start messing around with it so that's good um isolate this this guy here and let's let's work it so this area right here i think needs to be straightened out like that i know i know i just finished i i literally just finished cleaning everything up and now i'm messing it up again don't worry we will we will fix it so we have that i'm thinking of having this whole part going in did you know that you can set the gumball to snapping pick the white circle on the gum wall snappy dragging and what's and how does that work dragging oh my god oh yeah i got it right right um that's cool wait what's what's the good what's what's a good use case for it basically if i need to move it and snap it to that edge right so it's it's going to try and snap to every single every single edge huh uh let me just turn it off i mean uh when you don't have a lot of edges that's that's a great great great thing when you do have a lot of edges it sounds like hell that snappy dragging thing um do we yeah let's flatten this one out as well zero okay so we have that and i think [Music] um [Music] yeah i wanna flatten that one out as well so let me just do this the problem that i have with this is that this is a very steep angle for this kind of topology what if i rotate it like so well it's gonna mess everything up of course but maybe that would look good not sure let's think so that's at an angle at the same angle is here then we kind of start here and we end right here that's that's bad so i do want it to be this this awkward they have that awkward look huh yeah sure let's keep it like that that's fine okay um let's insert more edges that always works out yeah let's let's do it this way [Music] well that or do we do we already use yeah let's let's attach it show you guys get joined up yep we're not joined uh oh right because i need to join it back up here okay sure let's let's join it up properly and then we'll continue working on the ass of the car for now let me delete that oh what why was there stuff selected in the bottom what are you you're an edge oh that's the curve hide the curve hide the curve we try again uh we go again bam delete okay what are you no delete what are you no lit that uh that's clean right it's fine that's fine it's fine okay um so we have that going on and now i'm going to stitch it together and then we will mirror it and continue working on it when i try to scale old copy a face yeah rhino creates a separate copy when i want to inscribe a smaller face into the same face to extrude it afterwards how do you achieve this property i've been doing this for the past um hour and a half so uh you'll definitely see me do it uh again that's been my struggle um while pressing ctrl you can reposition the gumball relative to the selected object how did i achieve the the grill yeah well the grill was kind of easy because for the grill you just kind of select the faces and you just say you write inset 10 sure something like that and you for instance you can just move them in right and you get something close to to with the grill um so so that that was how i i did it there it's it's there's a recording of it in in my channel so you can check that out um but the problem happens when you need to insert multiple faces that's that's the that's the main issue um and it's it's a really tricky one for now let's isolate these guys and let's clean this one up as well um which is not that bad except here here it's pretty bad so move here or actually i need to move both of them yeah i need to move the edge not the vertices like that the edge moves to perpendicular it's great edge close to perpendicular that's good edge moves two you guessed it perpendicular okay so that's the bottom is done now for the top uh yikes how is the top looking not that great huh so the edge moves you here and why is it now complaining it's not or is it it's christ i need to zoom selected to no it's fine okay this edge moves here is close small stuff small stuff baby steps of cleaning okay we are done with that and now we will select this edge opening here oh my god it selects so much no i don't want to select the whole damn opening i just want to okay sure so we'll do it the old-fashioned way just going through the whole thing you know what rhino needs rhino needs a freaking um shortest path selection and by that i mean let's say i select this edge right here right i select this edge right here and i want to select this a whole chain of edges until this one there needs to be a button that i press and hold and click and then it will select the whole chain in the shortest path um that that would be perfect right now rhino doesn't doesn't have that and i absolutely hate it uh because this i because then i need to do this kind of crap that i really really dislike doing my god and how hard is it to code in a freaking shortest path algorithm in edge selection you have the whole freaking topology you have the whole freaking [Music] oh my god no you have the whole freaking graph mapped out right so just just freaking implement it i know that people from mcniel are watching i know that you're watching okay bridge bridge segments um how many segments one uh or or no segments at all one segment join uh sure okay that should be good enough right yeah that's good enough smooths out that's good enough i'll i'll call it the date not a day but i'll call it finished there and then we sub the tools and we do reflect reflect i think it's reflect i don't know if it's reflect reflect yes it is start of reflection plane that's going to be x-axis yep pick a point to keep that point automatic snapping tab yeah okay now it's clean scripting a button like that would be a nightmare i mean and would it would it though i mean there's if if there is literally a grasshopper node there is a grasshopper node called shortest path right and basically this um a mesh or or or this kind of a nurbs uh not nerf bath sub d sub the object it does have the whole connectivity laid out right so so you do have that information it should be pretty simple saying that you know from here just find the shortest path to here and it's basically just just goes here i know that it wouldn't be perfect it wouldn't work all the time that that's not the you don't need it to be perfect you just need it you know if i need to just select between here and here i don't need to do this right anyway that that would be i don't know anyway let's continue on working with with the car instead that's that seems like a good thing to do um my topos tutorial saved you from your what was it mechanical mechanical design course that's good glad to help ins uh insert edge glad to have helped um so let's think about this for a second i want a grill there and here i'm just inserting the edge is that wise yes it is i think it did then i will have but actually i need to insert an edge here or no no this needs to be beefy right okay so that's good um pump insert edge let's do 10 millimeters ah that's a little bit that's a little bit much isn't it let's do five let's have it sharp insert edge five like that insert edge uh five that now we select these bad boys insert edge five okay up now we turn off the gumball because that's in the way and we stitch together these two points and we stitch together these two points okay so now we have this this panel marked out which is perfect because now i can what can i do what what what can i do what do i want to do i want to delete this that's what i want to do i want to delete this and then i want to bridge it back together [Music] okay bridge and i want to give it one two three well wait one two three four it took four segments so now this is this topology is clean again and i can use i can i can stitch these two points together now stitch okay point selection you and you get stitched you hear you and you stitch here we continue cleaning pitch here oh man i wanted to um to clean up the back of the car uh since day one so finally finally we are finally we're doing it okay so we have that going and now um i think [Music] so let's say that gets inseted do we do one more yeah let's do one more instance okay so just give me a loop just give me a loop just give me a loop yeah good good extrude sub d inwards by 20. okay so we end up with something like this which is not ideal but that's fine it's it's it's not great though uh let's try a line uh vertices uh zero point zero zero one over this is adjusted okay align vertices 0.1 now where this is adjusted come on camera okay while camera is being a dick i'm gonna talk to the chat isn't that command already implemented ctrl shift pick the subs edge line start and end the double click image instead wait wait please please i really really hope that you are you're correct okay do you just ctrl shift pick the sub edge line start and end [Music] okay now it's moment of truth let's just i so hope that you are right so i click here right i select this edge i let's say select some awkward edge here let's see this edge right so i have two edges selected and then i just double click an edge inside okay let's try again that that and then nope don't troll me that that that edge inside um double click nope okay um doesn't work for me i don't know hey where were we uh this this this this once we sharpen it up it's gonna look nice i promise uh for now we just have to deal with it maybe this these points could move down a bit oh wait are they not the hell is going on there are you two points not joined up oh it's inside out of course it's inside out okay an edge on the same line ah yeah that's well actually that's let's see if that then it would be double click no that that that super okay so it does work while you are working on the same loop within the same edge loop so the way it's coded is that it's not looking at the overall topology but rather or graph but rather it's looking just at the uh at chains of edges or loops of edges which is okay i mean it's better than nothing oh i'll i need to remember that thanks for that i need to remember to to keep using that so that's -20 let's see now it's insets better that's good um we can sharpen it right now let's sharpen it later so now i just need to select all of this good stuff and i don't know what i want to do with it i forgot do we need one more yeah we need like a frame right yeah we need a frame so i will um i will repeat the inset again not well the manual inset [Music] i've oh that's uh that's my bad i need to do the bottom first need to do the bottom first insert edge five five new keyboard by the way not used to it so so the buttons are all weird insert edge no here five there we go okay and now just go to a corner so that's gonna be a stitch and you also go to a corner stitch okay okay we are getting there so this is this seems to work quite quite quite well we have a sharper corner there that's perfect maybe we should even do like one centigrade rather than five millimeters but ah who cares okay so now on to this so my plan is to have more one two three four so that's four right now what if so we have four edges here uh horizontal edges i mean here two three four right these four edges what if we bevel them to midpoint no we need to figure out now let's see something like that so now we have eight right and then we can bevel those eight the topology is going to be crazy here though but let's just try or maybe what if we no uh redo okay that that that i'm just going to try on one bevel like that and we bevel by five i guess like that so that's the topology here in the corner that's that's that's some topology that's not good how do we solve it there's no way to solve it huh [Music] good job well i mean doing my best failing at it as well okay we have that can we okay can we do a double bevel with double inset then this is gonna be tricky guys but i will make that beautiful grill i promise um okay so let's try coming back and doing that bevel bevel don't snap no it stops don't don't don't snap there we go something like that okay so it messes up that area a bit but that is okay because now we are going to mess it up even more insert edge five more mil like that insert edge five insert edge five this is turning out to be quite uh quite a topology exercise all the four for easy fix um can't run away from all of your problems in in your life sometimes you just need to oh my god i forgot to add edges here sometimes you just need to paste them head on inspirational hour with your teacher get the minus um not stitch uh that's that's bad um escape escape out insert edge bam okay so now we should be able to nope i can't do it fast so we need to do it slow i guess uh-huh slow as it goes so we have that okay now we bevel double that and we bevel it by 2.5 that okay and now now we should be good to go come on that that that that that that that that that thank god for this music okay so we have that selected extrude subd so we extrude it in negative and we extrude it by just um let's say 4 centimeters minus 40 like that so it looks like this right now okay and we then we will extrude it once more i know what i'm doing trust me i got one just just select there we go getting hyped okay extrude sub d uh inwards by minus 100 so that's 10 centimeters and now one last time for selecting all of these i really really know what i'm doing i promise i'm pam there we go almost almost yes okay we have that gumball turn on the gumball look at it from the back side view set view nutset view wireframe view and we move it up like that rotate it like that no we don't rotate it that was bad rather we just move it up so now we end up having something like this so all of them are kinda ramping up okay that's good that's good now let's clean it up we have the bases now it's time to make it all pretty so the question is can we chamfer this i think we can we should be able to like that that that that oh that's a lot of chamfering and then it goes up until here that's perfect that's what i want okay so we have that chamfer going on here we have that chamfer going on here um we don't need any chamfers here right at least i don't think we need any jumpers here we'll see we will see for now chamfer not chamfer bevel come on chad why didn't you tell me that it's that i need to bevel not chamfer okay we do it again go again go again one more time bevel knight chamfer bevel bevel bevel bevel we will bevel well level there we go level and then we say um that's five let's say three millimeters okay looks like that oh yeah that's a sharp looking bevel i really want to see the e-map of it or or wait no let's let's do one more thing and then we will look at the e-map slowly but surely chad oh no i i i first need to add an edge loop there crap crap uh okay ctrl z that's my life right now okay so i need to add an edge loop which i forgot to do right here we will insert edge maybe let's do it this way like that insert edge and it's inserts inwards that's interesting okay so we don't insert it there we just insert it here okay that's fine as well insert edge um this one is going to be rougher so that's 10. it's going to be a straight up 10. why is this and this different or am i blind no no it's it's definitely different um insert edge that's absolute offset value and it's so how would you work with proportion proportional offset value then and proportional what proportional is fine and absolute is wrong yo that's a bug that's that's uh unless i'm mistaken but that seems like a bug let me straighten this out while i'm thinking i mean that feels like like a bug yeah for now let's just ignore it i guess insert edge i want to keep this this party going so not proportional absolute 10 good enough insert edge 10 okay we will fix that in just a second and fail insert edge why why are you doing this uh move enter vertical enter from here snap to here like that stay stay there okay so now we need to figure out this area right here which is a little bit awkward and a little bit obnoxious um so first of all release tension there a lot of tension at that point right there moves like so these two edges move in like so i'll fix it later for now that's that's good enough [Music] yeah so absolute is not absolute uh that's yup yup yup yup um how do we solve this though do we square triangle square triangle i think we do so we need to or do we triangle no okay let us redo just redo redo redo did i keep i kept pressing redo didn't i okay that delete get rid of that and let's see uh duplicate edge u and no duplicate edge you and come on you and you give me uh and select them delete that let let's fill the let edge u not edge sorry uh just fill it with radius of zero u and u get fluttered so i get that reference point and now i will create a sub d patch right here that's my first sub d patch that's my second sub d patch that's my third sub d patch hmm technically i could do [Music] one two three four that's that would be my fourth sub d patch and the only problem would be that single point that i can fix right right so okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay wait yes yes maybe that needs to be somewhere here and then it's fixed okay got it so we join up our crappy patches into one big happy family we select crv to get rid of the curves we get that point right there we get that point right there and we move it in like just like that and then we join everything up clean see just need to think outside of the box ah let me read the chat a little bit got tired hey man i found the series two days ago and watched it all the way through really enjoying the content super helpful for getting to know the new rhino functionality i'm really glad to hear that that that's what i'm aiming for with this content uh to fill it edge to get people interested in new rhino content as well as kind of just learn learn the basics of it myself because i i'm not good at sub d i'm actually really bad at sub d so let come on not full kill it by the way new keyboard if you haven't noticed let there we go um but this is just something that i i use to both let off steam learn the new content myself and actually also show other people the content so that's that's that okay that that that and that is one that that that and that is true oh this is clean so crv delete at least i hope it's clean join looks clean right oh that's a seam uh why is why is it a sim shouldn't be a seam oh crease remove crease punch remove crease okay align vertices 0.1 okay so this is weird remove crease so that got removed but this one is still there why are you priest okay because there are two points there and i can i stitch these two points together can i hello point um etch no not edge point point point selection u and u ditch for some reason they got priest other than that oh there's a crease there so this is where it becomes weird this is where rhino starts making mistakes uh so i assume they're like a breeze there as well okay first let's let's stitch this to that yeah stitch bam okay no more creases no more creases there everything seems good is there like a why is this creased and this is not okay starting to become weird it's breaking apart no no don't break um i will i will save the file by the way the file is only one megabyte which is also kinda cool um that's that's pretty pretty nice um boom reflect um current reflection automatic did it solve it seems like it solved it yeah it solved it okay we're back to cleaning up the ass maybe i need a break now let's let's continue okay so we have our boundary surface here or our boundary edge loop here that we managed to create and i will do one more before finishing up here so i will do one here insert edge like that and here it does it again okay let's do proportional and see if that helps okay so proportional helps um so it just the the lodge you got flipped uh that's fine we will just use proportional editing uh rhino fix your or mcniel fix your uh 10. okay that doesn't work didn't work rather we try again go again now um or do you actually need to with proportional editing do you actually you can't yeah with proportional not editing but um mode of inserting edges you can't just specify a number so i need to actually click with my mouse which is a okay [Music] insert edge ew what if we do absolute also you that's actually not that bad i mean it's not great let's do absolute whoa it fixed it ah man i i don't know i don't know what the hell is going on all i know is that it just fixed it stitch um and then we kind of move it awkwardly right here i mean you didn't see i did everything super precise and very very very accurately and didn't didn't cut any corners whatsoever let's move on insert edge are you breaking now again yes you are that's great but i think if we change to proportional and back to absolute now it behaves in a slightly different way i don't know um let's just do 10. yeah sure sure whatever you could actually be a little bit stop snapping to weird move from here just to here okay took a while but i think we are we're at the finish line so now i said i'm gonna do chamfering and we god damn it we are gonna do some chamfering let's do some chamfering hey are you not you not you you're not gonna get chamfered at least for now you're not maybe you will in the future if i feel like or rather no i will not chamfer these i will probably give them how is it called uh um a crease i will crease them see if that works out or not that's a chamfer that's a nice champer [Music] ah almost almost almost messed up again chad didn't help me we are not chamfering we are beveling that's a different thing from chamfer even though it's the same thing but it is a different thing and we bevel by three millimeters just like that and then we press tab to check and we see that it's actually good it's perfect exactly like i wanted i wanted it to be yep looks solid okay we're gucci here um that means i can i can chamfer bevel not chamfer bevel i can bevel this edge right here and this edge right here by five millimeters just to give it that nice nice look we have that going on and then this this this this [Music] no and that's it right yeah and that's it so this or maybe without that maybe just at that that that um extrude sub d we extruded by 30 at bevel yeah i caught myself um doing that no maybe not by that much what if we just say these three and then this row here and this row here like that extrude sub d and we extrude it out by did i do 30 i think i did 30. let's do one centimeter 10. that just bumps time for some emap glory okay okay okay okay i dig it okay what do you guys think good well can't really see it here can you brushed gold let's do a goldy boy so we we did a panel here and we did that the back here [Music] how is that that tool called that i keep forgetting turntable time for a coffee break and then we will continue what a day what a day so before i head out to to to make some coffee and to the toilet let me just uh let you know that i've decided that i'm going to make it do a giveaway for my patreon supporters people who support the channel and that giveaway is going to be this this car that's once it's finished right i'm going to 3d print it out i'm going to hand paint it and i'm going to [Music] send it to i don't know how many maybe five you know just random five patreon supporters who will want the the model uh off of this car and later down the line once once that the model is even more finished maybe i'll do a few more of these um i think it looks looks okay for for for what it is right now um there's still a lot of things to do so i've only started doing paneling uh panels on it but i think they look great um there is one part that i want to fix before i go to before i go go and and grab grab some coffee uh this edge right here i want a bevel level this edge [Music] like that come on nope just let me bevel like that i think this will give it [Music] a little bit more um a little bit more it's going to be a little bit more lively here and the bend is not going to be that visible or maybe it is i don't know that's a lot of edges here what if we slide but if we slide this edge a little bit here that doesn't help about this edge here glide here is it smoother now i can't tell need to remap it no it's still making that that thing i'll probably make a cut here because it it see that bend so it makes that bend here uh maybe you can see it better from from this angle it makes that bend here that's um that's a little bit awkward um i'll need to investigate how to how to fix it yeah later later okay let's uh let's grab some coffee and then we'll continue um so come on e-map here we go um turntable there we go nope turntable there we go okay so that's doing this thing and now i just need to write where's my text there we go that text is fine let me just change it up to say that i'm not getting ready but rather coffee okay coffee [Music] five min there we go beautiful uh so that's that let me turn off my camera down and let me turn off my microphone so see you in five minutes [Music] so love you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no so [Music] [Music] okay so okay okay okay okay is done let's continue uh i i think i still have like 30 minutes in me uh just to finish up four for today and then we will i will just call it a day continue on time later so what we have so far is a pretty good back i like it i don't know looks looks good we have some two front panels and we have this this part right here that i kind of want to work on so if i check it with e-map without looking at the edges this doesn't have the same language as the rest of the car which i don't really like so i want to somehow fix it and and and make it more more fluent with with the rest of the rest of the vehicle so i wanna i wanna wanna wanna work on it let me just see what what i've been doing here to just see what kind of topology we will need okay so this is extruded outwards that's why the language is not there [Music] and we okay can we say that this yeah this is where it gets a little bit tricky okay so that that's a precision here then there needs to be one more incision right here just like that and it needs to go all the way through until here and it becomes a little bit tricky how we solve it here right but it's doable okay so let's see first things first i need to stitch all of this into these points i think do i okay let's let's just try let's just try it let me save first leave the document and let's just see how how it can stitch so that stitch bam then these two stitch bam like that this and that stitch send that stitch okay that's good these two up these two stitch stitch bam so it's a little bit more fluent we can make it even better by stitching here like that that would mean that many like that that's that that's becoming a little bit troublesome maybe that means that this and this need to be stitched together like that yeah that's a that's a better curve okay stitch okay that's what we have that's how it looks like check it with emap as per usual yeah that's a good bend i think that's a much much softer softer bend so i do i do like it let's have it let's have it as it is and now now the tricky bit figuring out the paneling on this thing so i think what we will do is we will say that that the the top is okay and then we have like a flat part here and then [Music] this needs to lift up a bit yeah like that that's good oh [Music] it's good we i need i need i need this edge go until here so it will start from here and it will climb up and it will kind of continue on from here and that's going to be our incision um but that kind of crosses the whole logic maybe that's fine sorry i'm just thinking out loud uh make making design decisions what's that that's a car flying car um bam goes down lifts up goes down crosses do we want so basically the question is the main design question is would we like now i'm going to show it in a very ugly way but do we want to cross this this kind of wave that's going on here do we want to cross cross it with a panel line usually panel lines don't do that do they they follow along with the form so maybe i can get away by saying okay maybe i can get away by by saying that this surface right here select by brushing there we go i have no idea what the hell is going on okay uh that that at that okay so we have now i'm just selecting it really like freeform or basically this surface and then and then this surface which goes right through the middle of this break will have streamed like stitches there i think that's fine i mean it makes absolutely no sense for for a car but i think that's gonna look good let's do it let's do those two and then we will call it a day and then see how uh how the car looks like then we'll continue on working on it later so now i need to insert edge um fail nope nope nope nope nope select this edge that's the trick that we learned right i select this edge and this edge kind of continues on until here and then continues on until here right that's going to be our first edge which is going to be inset inwards uh not thinset uh what's the name what's the name insert insert edge that and [Music] perfect okay so we have that then we have this edge here or wait is it this no it's actually actually going to be this edge here okay and then this edge here that kind of goes on to being this edge and then it it's pretty sharp here we will need to fix that before we insert a new edge but maybe maybe we can get away with it for now we have that uh double click inside of there select that and select that double click inside of there that's great uh double click there okay we have this whole edge and i'm curious about how this will treat treat it insert edge upwards by 10. okay that's that's actually good uh how come you prefer modeling in rhino over blender or max um these are very different programs that you're talking about you can't compare rhino to either blender or max because they work on different oh no so this is in inserts inwards okay we need to undo it and we need to do it manually a little bit so you can't compare uh rhino to blender or max because blender and max and maya and so on are used for visuals mostly they're not used for production right which means that they can cut corners where other kind of programs can't manufacturing oriented programs cons such as fusion 360 rhino um what what others are there um katya solidworks trying to remember more of them so what what's that saying comparing apples to oranges or something like that so you can't really do that with rhino nested up with rhino you are modeling for production which means that all of the geometry that you get as infinite resolution you're not dealing with meshes this is not a mesh [Music] said that i am working with it as if it's a mesh and i'm complaining about the lack of functionality as if this was a mesh but it's not [Music] am i planning to 3d print or actually make this uh yes i'm planning on 3d printing it um actually i would love to see and see mildest out of uh even wood would be cool you know having it like yay big right something like this milled out of out of either wood or aluminum is kind of expensive but the problem with that is that my uh university is kind of shut down uh in which i work and you can't really access the cnc router these days the facts oh and invalid input geometry what the hell hello oh uh why are you okay so apparently i messed something up but i am going to 3d print it uh so it's it's not liking that point there why are you not liking that point there um seems like everything is fine align vertices 0.1 are you okay now with me kinda stitching it further yes okay so that was weird sometimes it gives that error i don't know what that means just some topology issue probably [Laughter] having a midnight life crisis in junior uh that's that's too early man that's that's way too early to have a midlife crisis um at least wait until grad school uh but yeah sure you can ask a question that's fine um so we have that going on um which seems fine i think we can we can make this into a panel now uh if i managed to select the whole ribbon somehow just let me click click click yeah there we go there we go okay so that's our ribbon can i just extrude sub d and i just extrude it in words or do i need to be kind of fancy about it that is going to be a negative y direction of 20 millimeters tab it okay made an incision that's good um no no you can ask a question it's it is a chill stream but uh i do enjoy talking no not just listing the commands that i uh that i'm using but actually talking with the with the viewers that's that's a little bit nicer we will need to add more scenes it seems see what i did there um that's fine we can we can do that we can indeed do that so here to make it proper proper sharp i'll select that edge there i will select uh this edge right here and then double click on here and then it's going to chain those two edges together insert edge um like that and then we just say 10 as we always do and now we just need to [Music] rebuild this part so there's no split tool which i don't really like that there is no no way for me to split this with an edge at least to my knowledge fills up the whole append merge faces yeah there's there's no sub d option so i actually need to delete that face and build my own uh which is not great but is what it is just do it by the bing bada boom but that's that's taken care of and then for the for this area right here do the same thing delete uh and we just create our little patch here um join it up done yeah that's good now um here i think here we are gucci right here okay here we're fine kinda blends nicely but then this needs needs an edge loop for sure okay so i will select this edge here and kind of carry over here and double click on this there we go um insert edge 10. as always we use one centimeter for tolerances [Music] um zoom selected way too close there we go stitch it's the same tool over and over and over again stitch that and that's good and now we just need to fix this area right here which i think we will just fix it by doing that um selecting these two edges here connecting these two edges here and bridging with one segment it just makes a bridge between those two uh two edges [Music] shiny okay so this became a little bit sharper that's nice that is nice okay and now it's on to beveling like oh no no no it's not no it's not we need to do the thing for the interior of the panel as well but that's going to be much faster so i just select first edge like the second edge there double click there okay [Music] oh but notice how i how faster how much faster i became [Music] compared to the other the previous live streams that's thanks to honestly that's thanks to the viewers you guys told me a lot of cool tricks and tips on how to speed up the process oh thank you for that so that goes up by 10 oh when it go gets really way too close to this so i'll actually i'll be sliding that right yeah i'll be sliding that edge right like so actually that point as well needs to slide those those were way too way too close and that's the wrong direction there we go okay let's check it's good this is a little bit awkward but that's fine it's so there's a there's the whoa that's a long question that's that's like a whole full text um just give me a second 10. [Music] i just want to finish this up and then i'll answer your question maybe someone will also find it useful because i do like i do find a lot of students getting uh crises so they say in in terms of their education and so on these days that's because you have a lot of time on your hands and you have time to think due to covet you know what helps you not overthink things working working helps okay so that's stitched uh that's that's good to go yeah that panel is looking sexy so let me just do an e-map on it yeah it's good that's starting to look like an actual car and not a blob um [Music] completed my part one in architecture currently done one years an industry as an assistant got six months left not sure if i wanted to return to masters i like architecture huge amount of stress and dedication it takes yeah that's that's a problem i kind of want to explore more of the motion graphics coding etc i'm really interested in gaming 3d modeling and expedition side of design do i have to do masters for it as a career most places expected uh it feels no no no no you don't you don't um i immediately my my answer to computational computational side of design uh gaming 3d modeling uh four games no you don't need a university diploma for that it feels so weird i have committed to the masters i can't imagine myself as an architect i can imagine myself as a computational designer what do you recommend um i enjoyed school but not the instances so far i didn't find school i learned a lot and it was cool okay um so i'll answer it while i'm working on the model and just a short question from robin loft is bridge is basically the same thing as loft only that when you do a bridge you're able to say how many how many subdivisions so imagine this bridge is basically a loft that has additional subdivisions along the surface right and you can determine how many subdivisions you have that's basically it um so where do where do we begin with this so you enjoyed school but you don't like the industry due to the stress yes um that is that is a huge problem in the architectural field uh the the distress i mean anything that kind of tends to work with money uh a lot of money has stress associated with it that's just how it is so it's not just architecture you will get that in computational design you'll get that in a video game um design i guess you'll get that everywhere once you go to high stakes company you will be introduced to a lot of stress and deadlines so video game industry has there's a lot of stress there in terms of kind of being able to deliver on time and a lot of stress in terms of being able to quickly that's i'm not sure if i like that maybe i do that's actually cool so you won't run away from the stress by by changing the subject at least i don't think so in terms of being a computational designer um you need to be a pretty good computational designer to not need any additional skills and just be you know the computational designer guy right in your comfort company or anywhere that's usually that's a very high bar try to bubble this and see if that helps out that's actually not that bad okay so even if you are aiming to be a computational designer you do need to find a thing that you in in the whole on on the whole design spectrum you need to find the thing that you want to focus on so it can't be just computational design it can be either motion graphics it can be product design it can be architecture it can be urban design and so on you can't be just a computational designer there are people who do that but they are the best in the industry for instance i believe danielle the guy who created kangaroo is just a computational designer but you know daniel he does what he wants um but in terms of of of choosing the right career path i would suggest first figuring out where you will focus on that that i don't want to call it side side direction or side vector that's that's a bad way to phrase it but you do need to uh be true to yourself and then and say that yeah i'm going to be a computational designer with a focus on graphic design for instance oh continuing continuing the talk about do you need a master's degree to go into the gaming industry or the movie industry or anything like that no you need a no sound is there no sound wait let me check their sound on my uh there there is sound on on my end write one in chat if you if you hear me right too in chat if you don't hear me well well well i'm waiting okay mistake no problem okay that's that's good um what i would suggest you do one good good would be funny to see a few twos there um two kind here you couldn't hear what you said um i i suggest okay this is my suggestion learn squared this this website right here is an alternative to university education right it's basically people from uh the graphics industry um the graphs are graphics industry what am i saying video game and movie industry uh giving out courses right so of course the courses are paid for blah blah blah all of that jazz but here you get um really high-end uh really high-end courses that you wouldn't get in the in the university uh which help you build up your portfolio and what people care about in the in other industries rather than architecture actually in architecture as well when we are hiring we are not looking at if you if you have a university diploma or what kind of university did you finish that's that doesn't matter what we care about is your portfolio and your experience right in the field so that's in architecture in in video game design and in in movie industry it's even more loose than that so i would suggest checking out learn squared and actually not just that but um let me learn squared on youtube so they have um on youtube learn squared um yeah so there is learn squared channel on youtube where they do podcasts and so on and they just talk about about that particular problem uh that that you've described and i think you would benefit quite quite a bit from from listening to them uh to that and also to another really good podcast which is arts art cafe which is also on youtube check it out and i've been i've listened to all of them and watched all of their episodes and i enjoyed every second of it it was so nice yeah that's that um let's continue [Music] i'm just thinking how how will we how will we continue uh do we just say that this whole thing this whole thing right here is a big ass panel i think that's what we say right that's a reason like looks looks fine has a long long panel hmm yeah let's do it um i misunderst oh uh wait there's there's more questions you love my videos thank you uh i have a question i did my advanced architectural masters two years back and now i am finding it difficult to relate between traditional architecture and parametric design any suggestion on how to bridge the gap start simple start super simple so there is um in in terms of parametric design and i'll come back to you in just a second in terms of parametric design uh it's super expensive so it is what it is right it's it's super expensive you can't um and also it's super hard to manufacture in in a [Music] traditional environment so the same or or to sell the client right so you need to start simple uh and and fight your way through it through the manufacturing hell so to say um the way i and the way we tackle uh this problem is my my wife uh has this company very good architecture company um and and and she did a few projects way back when um and and and for instance shell house right this project right here um it's it's a super simple super simple building right uh which just has kangaroo um relaxation uh script attached to it right it's basically generated with with kangaroo relaxation right so you get get this kind of nice nice roof uh just like this and basically everything else is just a box right but that was uh that was enough to get a few a few clients interested in in this kind of stuff right and as long as you get you know really simple uh stuff going then you can go and and do some more or more crazy stuff but trust me if you manage to build this right if you manage to make a technical project and find the the the not resources but source the builders source the uh manufacturers uh and and figure everything out figure out the seams and and whatnot uh then you're locked not locked but you're you're good to go in terms of curvilinear uh concrete casted shapes once that is done then you can move on to another thing and slowly but surely you will build up your knowledge base on how to produce these parametric models in real life at one to one scale this is something that's uh that's been bugging me for for quite a while it's the the fact that when you when we do parametric design and when we do computational design it's usually um second it's usually just so so easy not so easy um or actually yeah it's so easy to create complexity right with parametrics you just kind of go to town with your script and everything is super complex and uh honestly only 3d printable so that's a problem that's always a problem um so starting once you are starting to actually work in the field doing it super simple and starting with baby steps i think is the best way to go um the way i've started was parametric walls right just c and c milled out parametric walls and even then seeing that oh okay i can't do this because the drill bit will not reach and then and so on so there's a lot of a lot of hoops to jump before you actually can uh produce intricate designs like uh stuff that you see on your screen so to see um right i hope that answers the question um so i've misunderstood you dev uh you're you don't want to get into gaming industry oh using those types of tools in architecture okay okay okay got it so in in terms of architecture and and using those kind of tools like uh unreal engine and so on uh that's doable that's doable but uh the thing is that okay um it's doable to a certain extent so once manufacturing starts come coming into play so once you actually need to produce the building then there's no you know the video game tools they don't work for you right they don't work in in in that field so then you would need just to do the the regular thing and then just work with what what's called uh revit or or archicad or something like that um so that's just that's just a given um but in terms of selling your idea to the client sure i mean you can uh you can use unreal engine for that for sure you know um if if you produce something super cool but you are not sure if the client will see the it's the full potential of the design then you do an interactive environment and show it to the client you know you you give the client an oculus rift goggles and make him walk around your design so that that kind of um implementation i think of of video game engines and so on into architecture i think is super strong also there has been quite quite a bit of weight i need to concentrate here uh 20 no that's negative 20. so uh there there has been quite a bit of um talks about what's it called um using unreal engine and using real-time environments for using real-time environments for collaboration between an architect and an engineer right so basically an engineer lays out all of the pipes and he sends you a link you click on the link you get you put on the goggles you know oculus rift or whatever htc vive uh 3d goggles and you actually see you can walk around and see how the pipes are going to be laid out in your maybe this could move in by then i think that looks better okay that's cool uh so you you can actually see how your your design is going to be affected um by the pipes in real time and you can kind of have a discussion then in real time as well uh which is nice i want to keep this one soft maybe i'm not sure ah let's keep it let's make it hard edge as well i'm not sure if that that helps but yeah the construction site compared to um just designing is a whole another a whole nother demon to or dragon to slay uh to say the least um right now uh i i'm i'm just getting you know to to understand it just to understand the complexity of it rather but it's great fun it's great fun to actually see the designs being built once once you finished it and i think it um it pays off it pays off you know that stress that it introduces i think it gets paid off once you see uh the design you know that that you drew actually being built and the client actually you know someone actually living in it and actually using it that that's that's a wonderful experience that's a 10. but um i'm just trying to zoom in but that's not not collaborating with me that well here we go there we go okay good okay in just a second i'll continue reading the chat if i'm interested in the digital design side and architecture like computational design environmental side game engines i don't want to be a visualizer cad monkey is it possible um you can't uh you can't skip steps if that makes sense you can't you do need to be a visualizer and a cad monkey for at least a few years just uh just to grow into your your your things that you're uh you're you're capable of doing right so you need to grow um later down the line once you have experience for sure you will not be a cad monkey if you are capable of not being a cat monkey right that's something that i always notice uh with uh with people as well is that um people who are stuck in being cad monkeys have no ambition to grow and don't try to grow and rather they they find it soothing to to to to reduce their their they try to reduce their stress levels as much as possible uh which i don't think is is the correct way of of looking at life in general you don't want to smooth sail through life right that's that's really boring if you think about it right here lies gadiminis he lived a peaceful life and nothing eventful happened but at least he wasn't stressed you know i don't know sounds sounds rather boring um so you do need to grow uh you do need to first be a cad monkey in terms of computational design and do someone else's uh designs and just sprinkle a little bit of parametrics or a little bit of of unreal engine on top of someone else's designs but once you once you're really good at that part then you can always um redirect your attention and redirect your growth to being a better designer to being a better politician right to being a better salesperson to um to get your own designs being made and also to get your own cat monkeys doing the the cat stuff for you um that looks good doesn't it i like how how it turned out let's see yeah that's good that's inserted and so on there's right now it's it's everything is kinda neat and tidy there are a few bends here and there but that's fine okay that's what we have here i'm gonna stop uh modeling for now i'm just gonna talk with the chat a bit and then we will call it a day um software development is happening a lot and i see architects going forwards going towards speculative architecture when do we stop and be okay with what we want what we have learned there is a problem with that with that question when we do we stop and being okay with what we have learned is a bad point of view i think uh you need to find pleasure and and learning and then growing and one upping yourself every every day every week there needs to be pleasure in that or or an alternative so that's if you want to be competitive in the field um that's one type of of of people another type of people who who find happiness in in my experience is people who just don't give a right they uh i recently started watching this guy who took a motorcycle not one wait there's a bicycle and there's the a bicycle with one wheel monocycle no not not monocycle i forgot the name of it it will come back to me basically guy takes his mono cycle for now i'll call it that and just travels the whole uh globe right so his his aim is to go around the the world and he did it unicycle yes thank you so and he did it right which is amazing um so that's another way of how to be in my opinion successful right um right so if you want to always be a better professional than you were before always growing and always kind of increasing your potential uh then yes you do always need to learn uh the tools uh the new tools you always need to read the books uh like look into newest papers and check out what's been what people are up to and kind of learn from from them uh but that's uh in reality if if that is not interesting for you maybe re-evaluate what what you find interesting in life right and there's there's no problem with that i think um the design looks already awesome i'm happy happy to hear that it's getting there it's for sure getting there there are a few a few things here and there that i want to fix but i think like most of them let's look at it in a nice nice nice light so to say uh where's my fluorescent tube so i'm all about these uh these edges here right and zaha did style edges on a car just wanna see uh wanted to see if i can pull pull off those kind of fillets on a car with subdi tools and i think i think that looks pretty damn good um right pretty happy with it the back looks good as well okay few more questions and then we'll we'll stop for today um can you get far in terms of position money made without a masters in terms of digital design just as part one and then experience um yeah of course of course you can uh that's that's that has nothing to do with a diploma i honestly i don't think i've ever shown my diploma to anyone i have no idea where my diploma is but then again i i wouldn't say that i'm kind of doing really really good in terms of money and maybe that's my problem um what's what's the website i would recommend to learn advanced level grasshopper um depends on what you call advanced and what you call intermediate um for me wait is it not reflecting on the other side oh it's it crashed the reflection i need to do it again so advanced for me would be being able to implement c-sharp uh code into a grasshopper script which kind of and take away libraries or take in the libraries into grasshopper that were written just in c-sharp somewhere externally right and being able to produce plug-ins for grasshopper that's advanced for me um and that doesn't have uh i don't know i don't know any websites that do that for fancy scripts uh i would say my my youtube channel does pretty fancy stuff um in terms of scripting i don't know um other channels um do how is it called junichiro horry cava i think yes so uh genericiro horikava does really good stuff i wrote it in the chat it does really good stuff with both grasshopper and um and and and houdini other than that everything is kind of a mixed bag you get some simple stuff you get some advanced stuff nothing nothing too fancy um let's call it today um do you think there's any way average more architects than don't burn out can earn more money uh i mean being an architect and even having hobbies is difficult seems very stressful um you need to make architecture your hobby that's that's yeah yeah i think i i think you do need to make architecture your own hobby or your hobby to be successful in it because it depends if you build your own company then that's the only thing that you do is you do architecture and you talk with clients and you kind of that that's the only thing you do right day in day out so it needs to be you do need to get a lot of pleasure from it in terms of um in in terms of sorry i'm i'm just thinking out loud in terms of working in a company i don't think you need to be that extreme you can get a hobby for instance okay so let me tell you about myself for a bit so i am a teacher in a university right in london university and i work there full-time so you know every day of the week eight hours per day blah blah blah full-time teaching i teach four six eight i teach teaching eight courses throughout the year and it takes up a lot of my time i'm also a researcher so i do research for urban pro an urban project and that also kind of takes a little bit of my time i also work in a company turntable no turntable now i also work in a company uh that very good architecture company uh i would say part time right so that that also kind of spent a little bit of time there so now everything like these three jobs that i do all relate to architecture so of course architecture needs to be my freaking hobby and my passion right but if i were just doing those three jobs i would get burned out really fast i mean it it would be a mess so the way i mitigate that is by doing a youtube channel where i kind of just you know talk with you guys relax do a car rather than a building for for a change right and all of that good stuff then i i do 3d prints so let me just a second [Music] well you know that's the second there we go so i do you know i i do sculpting like that um come on zoom in there we go this kind of sculpts so 3d printing is kind of my hobby and and and doing you know small small sculpts of of of characters and and and whatnot just uh come on zoom in not not zoom in but rather focus yeah so character design and and and whatnot um then i really like doing gunpla models [Music] i really love buying stuff from from from japan and assembling these kind of uh robots and crap like that uh this this is just for me it's super lovely uh to to do and what else plants you go yes zoom in come on focus there we go lens okay battery dead battery just died on me come on battery don't don't don't you dare die so i i do a lot of this that's uh that's very ugly i do a lot of side stuff bit by bit to keep myself fresh and interested in in in my [Music] you know in in my main work right so that's just something that i i spent time blowing off steam with webcam has battery no but the canon eos 250d dslr camera as battery um when you apply for jobs especially in uk most people look for masters or to be fully done with architectural education that is because they expect you i believe in uk to get a license an architect license to to become an architect you need to have a master's diploma and that's a actually that that is true that is true for most most countries so in that regard yes you do need a master's diploma but i would say that a licensed architect is not i mean every company can have a single licensed architect that puts down the signatures for every project and instead everyone else is unlicensed and then they just do the work right so it's just the guy who puts down the signature so it's it's a mixed bag i i don't think if you really need a master's diploma still but it definitely is a benefit i will not argue that it's a huge benefit especially in architecture maybe in other industries not as much just because of the license um really chill session yeah it's it's a chill session i i do a few theory talks but most of them are in the format of lectures i think i have recorded a few of them i will have more i'm i'm trying to get a guy who's uh how is he what's his name oh my god it's going to kill me i forgot the name of the guy but the guy who created a parametric plug-in for revit to to come in and kind of do a podcast with me that's going to be fun for the channel is there a chance to make her beauty like we send you our work and you evaluate it uh yes i think there is but we would need to i need to think about it i that's a good idea but but but i i would need to think how can we actually do it how would we actually do it let's do let's do true sphere or maybe brushed gold there we go um so i'll come back to about that uh later don't know yet can you make one time a tutorial for parakeet for rhino let me just check it out i don't remember bam parakeet jewelry huh wait or did i okay that's that's cool [Music] yeah that's cool so it's it's basically a venetian based plugin plus some tiling huh oh that's nice gilbert tessellation is always cool um tilings primitives pattern generation kermesh asher utilities sure um i will let me just type it in eric keat so i wrote it down i will i i didn't use parakeet before so i will investigate it and i will probably make a tutorial about things that i found interesting within parakeet for sure that's that's [Music] cool no problem deb um no problem if i may ask can we see your architectural world work we'd love to see it um do i have any here uh crap let's see what's that uh let's see ah command is running can't drag and drop okay sure so that's done let me just save it um be uh be prepared to be super amazed at the design of gedimenas open file so this is something that we are currently in talks with the clients you know um and and then it's still in in progress why is this crashing hello pachyderm yeah whatever um just load it up oh it's open read only sure okay cool huh this is uh yeah this is actually you know how uh like a typical day in an architecture office of office looks like for for me uh just making some buildings and this is like just the basic uh planning phase we are still kind of talking about the the design of it as well um i do have a website um that's my wordpress website with uh where you can see my really old stuff because i haven't updated this website in ages but basically here i have my a little bit of my research uh laid out that's g um i have a little bit of my my my research i have a little bit from my students works in terms of teaching and what we do in in lindy university link it sure there's a link um tutorials but i stopped uh putting in the tutorials here because i got lazy um some workshops that that i've organized and that that i've participated in as well my master's thesis which was great fun to do we did this kind of a tenth structure back in the day in beirut um it was more it was less about the geometry it was more about the idea of the why do we need to build tender it's it's called architecture in misfit environments so environments that are not fit for architecture uh competition entries um tai chung baskets with this one we won the second place it's actually being built at least they promised us that it's going to be built in taichung which is super fun these kind of woven baskets in which people or artists can live what else i really love this project here which is called tower of life me and my wife did it it's basically a cellular automata tower and i did a series of tutorials on how to how to make it how to do it um so so this kind of silhouette automata tower which we kind of just sent in to avolo skyscraper competition i didn't win anything but it was great fun uh just you know just working on it oh and even a donation to make a tutorial on parakeet okay that that solves it i will make a tutorial on parakeet thank you thank you for the donation um but that will take a little bit of time because first i need to investigate the plugin itself probably by the end of the month maybe really early next month i'll have something interesting to show um i have seen the project the the line in saudi arabia i think that's great i think it's cool to look at new uh typologies and be very um kind of outgoing in terms of of the design trying to push it no thank you thank you um parametric camp teaches some great stuff in computational design delves into architectural subjects like writing components oh cool parametric camp so guys who who wanted some advanced stuff from parametric camp is check it out um so yeah it's it's it's basically uh from uh this kind of stuff you know as competition entries uh both so this was done with me between me and my wife and this is done between me and my wife um from uh two to two workshops where we just have like uh i really like this render by the way it's it's [Music] um it's it's it's a lovely lovely render to very good that's that's uh that's the company uh in which uh we work right oh there's me and there's my wife um right and and we do we do houses so this one is currently being built really really cozy we cut cut open a few side table yeah that one as well so so that one is currently being built that one is being built um some of them are already built have been already built um we do jewelry so this is the same what's called the the parametric tower tower of life only that it's printed 3d printed in iron uh in in metal some other variations of it it's actually you can see you can buy it in an etsy store no one bought it it's pretty expensive to to manufacture 3d printed jewelry apparently um what else just to finish up one more competition entry that we did this one was for bargiel a museum of modern arab art i'm pretty happy with this one we basically uh took a took a very simple form and used a ton of boolean [Laughter] boolean difference objects to carve away the arcs in it so the interior spaces is pretty pretty intricate pretty interesting that that was a great find to do we ended up with that um and yeah some some realized uh projects here we haven't updated the website in in in a while but for instance this is our realized project and oh actually speaking of parametric design so we did this was inspired by japan our trip to japan and you know we made an onsen and we [Music] we kind of tried to to to get that kind of japanese aesthetic across in in lithuania um i think some some of it got i really enjoyed this this this design and then i made a dragon uh wait is there like a better yeah so that's that's whole cnc milled really really flashy my wife i designed the railing which which i also really like the design of and yeah that's that's the bedroom with the glass bricks and so on it was pretty cool uh what was was a really really cool project to do okay enough uh we enough talking this is not a talk show this is a car modeling show so i will i will stop here i will stop here i want to eat so let me close that i don't want to save let's open up the car model yeah it i do i do like it i do like that um glad you enjoyed the stream i will finish up for uh for for today and we can kind of pick up the the talk later down the line i will probably stream sometime in the week uh during the week in the evening you know regular hours okay enough's enough hope you enjoyed it and i'll see you next time bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: Gediminas Kirdeikis
Views: 4,304
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rhino 7, sub d, subd
Id: 53VN_pBiy7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 44sec (13724 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.