Which 3D Scanner is best?! The Pop2, Einstar, CR01 and Lizard compared over 20 different scans!

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we've got the most popular consumer grade 3D scanners and we're going to test them all back to back oh yeah it's a scan off [Music] welcome to making for Motorsport where we make more spend less and go faster so like I say we've got a load of 3D scanners to try out we've got the CR scan 01 we've got the CR scan lizard we've got the pop2 and we've also got the einstar from shining 3D so we're going to compare all four scanners across a variety of different scans so we're going to do car panel we're going to do the ubiquitous Hub you've seen before on the channel and we're going to do some very very accurate one two three blocks and slightly less accurate face and finally we'll do a small figurine to see how these scanners get on with small objects and find details so I only know how to operate a couple of them so we've got Dave here from dc3d who uses these guys a whole load more in his business and he's a he's a bit of an expert so over to you what's DC 3D do DC 3D makes car parts for interiors working on exterior Parts currently running a small website that started as a hobby move towards a business and got into these sort of budget scanners and it's been a lot of fun cheers to that let's get stuck in yeah great first up it's my ugly mug but before that I just want to talk about the process of the video because we've got a lot of scans to do here 16 in total and that could take us a really long time if we were trying to go for Perfection for every single scan so instead what we're going to do is show you what a competent person with each scanner can do in a relatively short period of time so each of these scans can probably be improved upon but that would take a significant amount of time more so this will show you what you can kind of expect out of the box but we will show how much time we spent on each scan on the video so you can get an idea for how long it takes to process and how much time you have to put towards it what we will do is call out where the software doesn't work if there's any problems if there's any crashes but we will leave the final judgment to you guys I'll put the scans on the screen and hey you've got eyes you can check out the results for yourselves and make up your own minds about which one you think is best write them onto the cro1 and it did a great job it didn't lose tracking much but where it did it picked it up again nice and cleanly we got the whole scan done in about 90 seconds but it did take nine minutes for the scan to process which is on the higher end of the scanners we have here but we will talk about the laptop specs later because of course a better laptop is always going to help the processing time so now onto the CR scan lizard which uses the same software as the cro1 now this took slightly longer to scan three minutes and that's due to the smaller field of view that the lizard has but processing time seven minutes was slightly quicker it did start to struggle tracking on the larger areas of the jumper that tend to look all the same and that's down to just the lack of features in the field of view but on the whole did a good job so the pop 2 was up next and that was going great until we got onto the hair where it lost tracking and then picked it up again in the wrong place and made me look like a Picasso so we ditched that scan had another go at it and the scan was completely done in 90 seconds then it took 11 minutes to do the processing which is a pretty long time fortunately we have beer last up it's the einstar and thanks to the big field of view we had no tracking issues and we got a lot of scanning done in only two minutes processing on the other hand was a bit of an issue because this happened so then we had to go get the desktop out now for the rest of the test we will use the desktop for the einstall but we'll stick with the laptop for the rest of the scanners and I will talk about Hardware required and the kind of PC rig you need to run these later because that is very relevant so then we had another go with the iron star and it did another good job on the face no issues with tracking whatsoever took about two and a half minutes to do the scan this time and only three minutes 40 for the processing so let's have a look at the scan so we've got the pop2 the einstall the lizard and the cro one now I can't really see a huge amount of difference here so I'll let you guys pick which one you think is best so please put in the comments which scanner you think has done the best not just for this but for every single trial we do now personally I think each one of these is pretty good and very useful as a scan but also bear in mind that pretty much each of these could be improved upon if you spend a bit more time and effort as you would do if any one of these was your only scanner however for this trial to get this video actually made inside two years we've got to go for whatever the scanner gives us pretty much straight away and with that in mind let's move on to the next test next up we've got the upright now this is from a Vauxhall Corsa and regular Watchers will have seen this in most of my other scanning videos now I have scanned this already in great detail with the lizard and the einstar but I'm going to throw those scans away because as I say I'm trying to give each scanner equal opportunity so we're going to do a quick scan with all four scanners to give ourselves an equal and fair footing first up the iron star so unlike the review video for the einstall we only did a single position scan for this one but it took us about seven minutes and we'll focused on getting everything as green as possible however the scan ended up with a misalignment error light you can see here so we ran the optimized processing and that cleared up the model quite nicely so that took about four and a half minutes and then we removed all of The Unwanted Point Cloud points with the in software editing tools and then ran the full meshing and 90 seconds later we had this so now we have the creality cro1 and the first scan we did was yeah disappointing and Dave was sure this scanner could do better and being structured like we tried it with the lights off and that worked a hell of a lot better so on this second attempt we spent about three minutes scanning again only doing a single position just to see how much we can pick up in that one go round and then we spent about five and a half minutes processing we had very few tracking losses with the cro1 and any we did got picked up again really quickly by the software so we did end up with a decent scan but it's worthwhile remembering this was our second bite at the Cherry which brings us to the pop too now Dave has spent a lot of time with this scanner so it's quite comfortable with it and everything seemed to be going pretty well but this was the result that we got and yes it's recognizably the upright but it also looks like it's got leprosy so just like the cro1 we broke out the scanning spray and turned the lights off just in case it was the garage lights kind of interfering with the scanner we spent two minutes scanning the item so it's really quick and only three minutes processing however this is what we ended up with still got a touch of dragon scale so then finally on the upright we've got the CR scan lizard and yeah well this was going well and then we had a misalignment error so we have to start again and again it was going well but then we had another misalignment error this is mainly to do with the circles on the drive flange and the scanner just losing its way in terms of rotation so to try and help the lizard we put on some Ace of blue dulling spray and when we were scanning really made sure to try and keep a feature in the view of the scanner that wasn't purely a circle had rotational symmetry and that worked out pretty well so overall we spent four minutes scanning and three minutes processing on the winning scan but this was the third go so there is a little bit more to talk about for each one of these scans so I'm going to go through them individually so this is the cro1 and okay not so much detail in this as maybe some of the other scanners but you can certainly see it's captured the character of the part and yeah there's some holes but a lot of these would get picked up with a second scan no problem so you can see in here there is the potential for again a really nice scam so next up we've got the iron star and we know how well this can do from my other videos and it's done quite well here you've got the character of the parts more than enough information here to reverse engineer from and a lot of these holes we picked up or fixed with a second scan or with a little bit of post processing in the software but overall it's a good scan and you know perfectly usable so next up we've got the pop2 and as you can see the surface finish is terrible but it's got enough geometry so actually it's recognizable and it has missed a lot underneath again a second scan would fix a lot of that but it's just not a good looking thing clearly it struggled here it's then looking at the lizard scan which it looks pretty good yeah there's the odd rendering issue around the the speaker on the dry flange that yeah a bit more work would help but one thing it does stand out is just how much of the model that has been picked up in one scan only and how well also it it's rendered the holes and how well the scanner sees down into those holes which is always a difficulty for 3D scanners so overall that is a perfectly usable scan if you wanted to reverse engineer from it so just like before guys get involved down in the comments and let me know which scanner you think has done the best job and why you think that so before the next scam I'm just going to talk briefly about the hardware requirements so as you can see we've had to take the desktop out of the warmth of the man cave down to the garage just for the iron star but we're still going to use the laptop for the other scanner so that might not seem fair but I shall tell you why so that's because the einstall has much higher Hardware requirements than the other two scanners do and if you look here on the website it's quite weighty it needs quite a rig an 11th gen i7 and 32 gig of RAM and six gig of vram now if that's what shining 3D is saying this scanner needs then it's not really fair to test it on anything that's significantly less so the other manufacturers Revo point for the pop too say that an i5 with 8 gig of RAM is fine more is better but you know you can use it with a mobile phone so you know it clearly that doesn't need the power and I struggle to find clear answers on the on the creality lizard but both of the for the software for this cro1 and the lizard we're talking eight gig of RAM two gig of v a ram and a USB 3 Port so clearly they're not asking for the world so in my opinion it's fair to test these scanners with different Hardware because they're they're asking for different Hardware they need different hardware and I'll put the specs of my two computers up over here but maybe not quite so fair to compare processing times but even so if the manufacturers think it needs more power then they should tell you that you need to have more power but the upshot here is guys that if you're looking at the Einstein you will need far more powerful computer than if you're looking at any of the other three scanners worth bearing in mind because whilst everyone's got a mobile phone to run the pop a high-end computer well they're not cheap anymore now we're going to scan the front of the mini a completely different Challenge from the other two scans first up we've got the CR scan lizard and this one didn't go so well the lizard was fine as long as we had really strong features to work with but as soon as we tried to go on to any of the the actual panel itself it really struggled and this is what said as an advantage no tracking dots required becomes a bit of a disadvantage because yeah you don't need them on every scan but they'd be really useful here if we could put them on so yeah fair enough lizard you tried but not so good so sticking with reality we'll go to the cro1 next and this did fairly well it lost tracking occasionally but thanks to the large field of view and the silky skills of David it picked it up again no problems and we got all of the scan done in one go in one shot in three minutes however it took 19 minutes to process and when we got through the processing we got to the repair stage which we'd unwisely left on and the scan did this however with a few more tweaks of the settings and editing the point Cloud I'm sure we could have got a much better scan something that would be really useful next up we had the pop2 and this also had a few issues so first off we tried just scanning as is and it struggled now we could have used markers but Dave tried a trick that has used before where we put a crumpled blanket just off to the side of the area we want to scan that means that we get a non-repeating mark of the scanner can latch onto so we don't get tracking issues but we weren't getting a Clean Skin as bad as the paint is on the mini it's not that bad so Dave wasn't happy about that so we gave it another go and put loads of Acer blue scanning spray on and moved the rug down towards the wheel Arch so the pop 2 would have a better chance of tracking now Dave has used this technique many times instead of the tracking dots and had great success so we really should get a better result out of it this time and there you go it's a definite Improvement on the previous scam and finally on the mini scans it's the einstar and to be fair we've left the best till last there were a few tracking issues on some of the planer pieces but the einstall picked up tracking no problems no issues this was the first scam we tried with no markers no scanning spray no nothing and it just ate it up we spent about seven minutes on the scanning seven minutes on processing the point cloud and then five minutes finally meshing it and it was worth every second no need for voting this time guys the answers are pretty obvious in fourth place is the lizard just not the right usage case for this scanner in third place is the pop2 it's a useful scan you'd definitely be able to use it to get some Contours some shapes off but again it's not particularly pretty in second place it's the cro1 this was the type of scan that this scanner is meant for large field of view and it's done very well to be fair most of the issues you can see in the kind of the pink and red hatching they're mainly from processing if I still had this scan data I would reprocess it but I don't but you can still see in here another go a bit more care and you're gonna get a useful scan off this right then final part now and we're not really going to focus on the scanning process we're going to focus on the part and what came out so this is a one two three block so called because it is one inch by two inches by three inches precisely these are used by Machinists to very very accurately set things up off beds and and fixture them so they are known to a very very high degree and these are very very accurate even the cheap ones and this was a very cheap one so accurate well let's see what Mr mitito says of it you know 76.2 precisely three inches caliper is not accurate enough let's try a micrometer go so let us not question the size of this let's use this as the standard to measure the scanners and seeing as we're talking precision what's more Precision than a German it's time for the Stein good now I don't want to really talk about the scanning process to get the scans of this because quite honestly it's a nightmare there is no reason why you would 3D scan this other than to test the dimensional accuracy so I'm not even going to talk about it so in order to be as accurate as possible I'm going to use Gom inspect which is full-on pro-grade inspection software which makes it very powerful but it also makes it rather complicated so I was going to talk to you guys through every step of me doing the measurement here but quite honestly it's long-winded and a little bit boring so I'm going to bypass that step and put this measurement process with Gom inspect and also another slightly less accurate one with mesh mixer on the patreon page you can see the address here and it will be completely free and available for everybody in the meantime we're just going to head back to the results and you're just gonna have to trust me that I've done this as accurately as I possibly can right then so I've done a bit of maths and you can tell that because I've got my glasses on and I've got this spreadsheet so this gives all the measurements that I've taken um aligned by the nominal Dimension that I was measuring in X Y and Z and we've got the measured Dimension here the error to the nominal Dimension and the percentage of the nominal the error represents so so starting with the einstar we've got um 0.2 and 0.07 and they both represent about 0.3 percentage error and that's that's pretty good I think that that's I'm quite happy with that that's well within what I could measure myself on anything but flat surfaces and I mean this is less than the thickness of a piece of paper and obviously across the smaller Dimension it's it's what's that human hair it's that's really good I'm quite impressed with that the cro1 we only got one measurement away because the scan was quite honestly such a mess again this is a challenging part so I don't really blame the cro one but it still tells you that we got within you know 0.4 millimeters of the nominal Dimension so actually although it was a mess there was still some underlying accuracy there the lizard which gave us probably the best aesthetic scan actually gave us the worst dimensional results so we're 0.5 and 0.4 of a millimeter give or take out and and that varies again across the two Dimensions so is that a com is that just a general offset issue that we have in the software because the numbers are fairly similar over a vastly different dimensions we don't know I can't actually recalibrate the lizard standard that comes set from the factory so maybe maybe that's part of it who knows and finally we have the pop2 which gives us over the three inch Dimension a storming result of um 0.1 percent error 0.07 of a millimeter that's fantastic that's like three foul um but on the Y Dimension we've got nearly twice that error over half the over two thirds of the distance so did pop get lucky or is it just a bit more inconsistent but it's got some good accuracy I don't know if I talk about three different scans of the block and did this analysis I probably have a bit more science but quite honestly ain't nobody got time for that but this gives you a really clear idea of where you're gonna land with accuracy on these scanners straight out the box so the last thing we're going to scan is a little figurine so plenty of detail on this a lot smaller than a normal scan and purely aesthetic how big is it well banana for scale so first up we'll do the CR scan lizard and pretty much all of these scans are going to be from the turntable and tripod so we've got the Little House on the turntable and the lizard is just eating it up it's done very very quickly one circulation and it's got all the points it needs I do a second scan by laying the house on its back and that gives me just a little bit more coverage again the software is taking care of all of this once I've done the two scans I just put the two together the plates will automatically recognized and I clicked a line and the software just did the job for me it was very very easy this whole scan took me two and a half minutes to do the two individual scans and then only two and a quarter minutes to do the alignment and the processing and it just worked first time and it gave a pretty good result I'm happy with this then we've got the cro1 so it's took overall a long time because I'm not that familiar with this scanner so it took me probably half an hour to get a half decent scan off but that was more about making sure getting an idea for what affects it and learning it once I've got a good idea of the scanner it didn't take long to get a decent scan out of it and generally two minutes of scanning and two minutes of processing is all it took to get this now quite honestly I could probably get this improved a decent amount with some post-processing but at the same time you're running up against the limitations of the scanner of the resolution because it's just not made for things with this amount of detail so unfortunately somebody forgot to turn on the screen recording for this so I've not got a huge amount of footage and the camera drops out so you should have to take my word for it that this felt like one of the longest scans probably about 10 minutes because the iron star is really Gathering a lot of data at point one millimeter resolution and it takes a lot of rotations to get to that green on the data quality indicator but the scan itself came out pretty well considering that small items aren't this scanners Forte and then finally the last scan of the review and it's the pop two and much like the lizard this really did a great job it took me only 40 seconds to do a scan and it took a couple of minutes to process and the pop 2 just you know made a good job of it I only did a single position scan but that still gave plenty of detail missing a little bit of data under one of the overhangs but to be fair that's not a major issue because another scan a little bit more care and this would clean up very nicely but I don't think you're going to improve on the overall level of detail that you see within it without some serious faffing around the software so it's the last comparison of the test and first of all they do the pop two so you can see we've got a little bit of missing data there but it's not too much of an issue you can see we've picked up some of the detail in the windows and that really is fine detail stuff so overall that is a pretty good representation of the little house I'm quite happy with that it's next up it's the iron star and that almost looks like it's got better detail certainly in some of the windows but equally You've Got Some Noise around some of the Returns on the windows that you know isn't great there's a bit of noise around so not quite as clean but potentially you know you've got a bit more positivity around the details who knows but again you know that with a little bit of time and effort to tidy that up maybe take another scam that's looking pretty good then on to the lizard so we've got all the details are captured nicely it's a decent mesh there's no gaps all done automatically by the software you see there's a little bit of detail right in the window for those really small features possibly a little bit soft on some of the edges but overall again you've got to be happy with that that's a pretty good representation and then finally we've got the cro1 which we know is not going to be doing quite as well on this piece there's a bit of noise around here on the right hand side and along the back area but still it's picked up a reasonable amount of data on the front and actually you know that could be cleaned up to some extent but it's nowhere near as as highly detailed as the other three scanners so there you go guys again please put your comments in the comment section which one do you think is the best model here which one's done the best job at the little house so I'm going to talk really quickly about the software because the software is critical without the software you can't talk to your scanner you can't point it at a different piece of software and expect it to work the scanner and the software are equally important and the software is more important to the user experience now first off the CR scanner one and the lizard use the same software CR studio and so we've got three pieces of software to look at and I'm happy to say all three are functional and they are being regularly updated by the suppliers so we've got improvements coming through all the time and quite honestly I think that's likely to continue however the three softwares are very much not created equal so see our studio which is the creality software for the cro1 and the lizard used to have a reputation of being quite buggy uh used to crash a lot that's not so much the case anymore it seems very stable on my laptop it runs perfectly well now and it scans beautifully um however it's a little bit Limited in terms of extra features so modifying the mesh um dialing in those uh repairs and the noise you've pretty much got one slider for everything and it it feels very lightweight um it does the job it's perfectly usable and relatively intuitive but it it feels like it it it's for a cheap scanner it doesn't have all the options and the bells and the whistles in there the Riverpoint software has kind of two sides to it so there's two individual applications one is focused on the scanning and the other is focused on modifying the mesh and cleaning things up which is a little disappointing it would be better to have them in one package but the revo scan software has one big Advantage which is the ability to pause the scan and go back in time so you've got an undo button which is really really useful so if there is a misalignment or you're getting to the end of a really good scan and everything's all in line and then it goes wrong magic button undo and that's really useful you don't see that on any of the other software however that's pretty much the only positive I've got for um for the revo scan software it's it's a bit clunky it's not very intuitive and and it just looks and feels cheap and finally we're on to the iron scan software so the x-star software package is quite honestly guys it is a different gravy it's a different League than the other software packages you can tell that this is essentially a hand-me-down from the five seven ten thousand pound scanners that are part of the iron scan range it's got so many fun so much functionality it's intuitive it's easy to use and it does pretty much everything you want it to do so put simply this software helps make the einstall scanner the most intuitive easy to use user-friendly and just the the best user experience of the whole group big news the channel now has a website well it nearly does because we're about to launch it but Dave has done all the hard work on it and it looks fantastic there'll be inside information from all the videos just like the scans from this video so once we worked out how to do it we'll upload all these scans there so check out the description for the link so when it goes live we'll put it down there and you guys can enjoy it so everyone's going to want to know which one is the best scanner and there is no answer to that it comes down to what your budget is and what scans you're likely to do so we've done a wide range of scans for this video those are the results yes they could be improved but it'll show you what each scanner is generally capable of so for Price we'll put the the prices the best prices I can find anyway down there and they will change things will get cheaper but you can see the cro1 the lizard and the pop are kind of in the same ballpark but the einstar is significantly more expensive plus it needs a more expensive Hardware so you know is that worth the money well I'll leave that up to you guys but there's no need to listen to me who's been sent scanners for free we've got Dave who's owned four scanners and paid for all of them so what's your take on it after owning the CR scanner one Revo point one uh part one part two and now the iron store I've realized that you need more than one scanner Really to cover all bases uh obviously you've got your long range with the iron star and I've got the pop two for short range um certain items I'm scanning but you do need that short range so based based on what I know now just decide which ones you think are best and uh go from there personally I'm Gonna Keep My lizard and the iron star and you're going to keep your pop 2 and your own star so yeah I mean that that covers everything pretty much they've all got pros and cons they're all very good good thing is is if I think his laser is going to do a better job at something I'll pinch it off him so it's up to you guys which scanner you think best fits your needs and your budget but if you do want to buy one of these scanners and you'd like to support the channel then please go down to the description and check out this we'll have a whole load of affiliate links depending on your location and what scanner you want to buy so thank you very much for supporting the channel okay guys keep your eyes peeled for the next video because we're going to use 3D scanning 3D printing and maybe some carbon fiber to make something pretty for the mini and on that note Dave I've had enough I think it's time to go to the pub Pub it's been a long scanning video well guys thanks for watching hit the Thumbs Up And subscribe cheers [Music]
Channel: Making for Motorsport
Views: 218,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D scanner, einstar 3d scanner, Shining3D, Creality Lizard, Einstar, Best 3D scanner, Pop2, Revopoint, Revopoint Mini, Creality, creality lizard, 3d scanner review, 3d scanner for 3d printing, best 3d scanners
Id: mYplfztpmxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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