What could it be? K10 Square body has serious steering issues!

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[Music] how about you I'm Hank welcome to hamiltonville farm today the first thing we've got to do is get their 1975 project truck turned around and put in the bay so who's driving um me yeah all right so we got to get in here and get down I'm going to take the tym t574 and get it uh we're just going to push it on the bumper and see if you can uh get it put in the bag we're going to make we're going to go around our our elbow to get to our wrist so to speak but so get in there turn turn the key put it in neutral and then I'm going to push it around and just go just make a loop all the way around and uh get the back all right Dove you want to drive the tractor sure yeah all right come on you can drive the tractor okay turn your switch on this one no this one yeah key this push it right push to the right I'm trying there you go right we going to put the truck in that Cole bar beside my black truck oh okay and so we're going to go around this tree right here okay yeah my steering okay where the heck is she going get out okay I was trying to turn the thing off what she do c [Music] him what's your name [Music] perfect the light still works okay so first thing we're going to do is get that steering column out of there all right so let me show you the it's not very difficult at all it's only a few bolts and nuts and uh we can get it taken care of now let me get a I'll get a step for you as well okay the first thing we want to do uhhuh somebody needs to get in there and take [Music] that that bolt right there so this is a steering column right and so there's there's a bolt right there that has to be removed so let's figure out what size that is and new it let see let me see what size it is and then we'll get you started okay I don't think we're going to need like any TV Blaster [Music] but 5 yeah it ain't that but I I got uh 3/4 is too big so what's that lettuce EX 3/4 on this side it's still still too big 1116 okay that's what it is on one side or both let me see both like yeah yeah but we'll have to try and on one side well maybe um so let's go with no not that um Kurt let's let's get um so there's a ratchet you want to do a/2 in drive on this and a short extension that this side looks a little stripped good job gra that way to go there one that just don't feel that a that ain't for some reason that ain't right that's too big is that not going in there right let me see so there's a button right here that you push so push the black button all the way oh there you go good job all right all right so we'll take that out so remember does it matter what side I start on yeah we're going to right here that's the size we need can you reach it I think there you go maybe try to get you there you go all right so we probably need a long there's a need a breaker bar let's go with a if you can go with a/ inch Drive there's a breaker bar yeah right there here Dad there you go all right now you probably that's what I was it it was hard though I couldn't all right now you can use that you got it good job come on driver how the heck did you do that I am going down yeah like that below the M let me get you this get it on there and I can get it maybe all right try that now before it comes off and falls in the floor try to see if you can get it with your finger after it you know you can feel with the you can feel with the ratchet if it's loose enough to get with your finger well no it's not yeah that's okay like you can feel how extremely loose it's starting to get M yeah there we go there good job all right so now we'll take this out now let's what I like to do is I like to put the the nuts back on it so we don't lose them okay and then uh Z there's a magnet tray on the side of the red box on the on the on the side of it there you go good job okay so now we just take this off here all right that that will let me get a uh let me get a bungee cord because oh we got two more I'm sorry we got two more screws to take off we got this one here and and this one but we don't need two ratchets or we don't need two sockets because is molded into that little collar um let me see what size that is I think it's smaller than 116 yeah it looks small you don't mean try and put it on this side yeah you got a got a smaller socket uh Z let's look for a it might be a 9/16 that's 9/16 I don't know say that [Music] now yeah that's what it is MHM I'll get this one and you have the other one okay is that it I need a s go from the top straight down top straight down working too well wobbly are the best go straight down that's not right there yeah y all right get on the get on there you go oh go [Music] backwards yeah come on with hit it hold on hold on stop let me get this other side while yall working down on it get enough Down On It Get Down On It I need swi uh yeah they're in there on I think they're on the right side where the black oh you found it just so I can get straight on it 10 F try that now I can't I just can't see that side [Music] come on here hold this Z give me that there you go all [Music] right you're not down on it uh I can't of course there's always more all right I'll get the other side I can't reach it I can't I don't think I hold that I don't think I need to swiv on this one I think I just need the wobbly where's the where's the other extension give me that right there so they call this a they call this a wobble right cuz look at the see how this end of it is kind of rounded yeah and that'll watch see it yeah you know wob it a wobble that's crazy why they call it wobble I had no idea that's why ain't that crazy and so sometimes wobbles are better than uh uh get on it why is it not why are you not going in I think it's just shaking the dirt off of it you should put your hair [Music] up try just don't strip it let me try yeah that would not be good you were moving it by hand W you're not on it enough I don't think cuz on this side it's like I uh I need a shorter socket see how long that socket is just a shorter socket please Simply the Best Mel proo ratchet please there you go eight of an in at a time that's right May the spark plug wires wouldn't in the way yeah we need to know one of these this is custom yeah very oh that's awesome here Z what's a brother got to do to get that you're almost done yeah all right now let's put the nuts back on there so let now we got to go on the inside so let's go get the I got the stuff in there all right you need you can actually use this okay all right so we're working on the steering column right so this is this is what we're taking off right here okay so move this out of the way here and then we're going to this wiring harness we need to take this we need to unplug this wir and harness so uh Z I mean dub on the drawer right there says screwdrivers there's a some orange pics where'd that flashlight go yeah what you need uh an orange pick yeah does it matter which one um I don't think so is this too Cur maybe the 90° angle one is that the one I have in my hand no that's this one so underneath here underneath here there's a uh um like a neutral safety switch that you have to take off and then there's a so this is what we got to disconnect here see that little tab right there yeah that's what I got pull down all right so that part's connected or disconnected I should say all right so this is actually still attached to the steering column which is okay because these wires go back up into here okay so we we're okay with that now some people say go ahead and drop it and then release the other side which we can do that all right so look here see these see this bolt right here all right so let's get this one out there's five of them total there's one two three four five okay so let's go we can start with this top one up here you want what is so let's see if that your daddy's your daddy's hooking you up with not not giving you a without giving you a dwall that's what I said use I said use that dwalk yeah push that black button on top please grab that dwalk with a long extension yeah behind you you got it's in the seat it's right there grab that DW put on this micro Pro Tool socket make quick work of it all right push hard there you go now let's get this top one up here first can you see it there you go good job yep come on with it all right good all right so now we need to keep track of these cuz we're going to use them again magnetic F it's on the right side of the okay here number two get that magnetic Fel Tru put all them screws in listen you can hear it big or small if it's stepping you can hear it okay you might have to go on the other side so let's bring bring come on this side of the brake pedal and see what happens there you go little straighter shot there there you go can you feel the different no you get come on with some more there you go yep all right oh right there you see that mhm your hair smells nice hold on something you here I got it you get that gold oh you got it all right so that should be all that [Music] you go really good all [Music] right okay so that's ready to come out now the only thing we got to do is get these out of the way think this guys like some or something we might yeah the radio doesn't work so okay so now we need this okay look up under here and you can see this this one with the blue paint can you see the blue paint on that yeah right here mm and then there's another one over here yep okay so we got to get those all so what size is that you think I don't either I have no idea um yeah can you get that there there you go good job all right should be off good job okay now oh shoot where'd it go oh snap now we got to get actually don't know where it went it's in here somewhere though oh it's right here goer just got me from my KN you go a come out all right hold on we got to do some more wiring little bit of wiring issue here so we got to take this m so there should be okay that's all and then that's there should be a clip there two back here you got to take off you're not um that one don't even have a there's a zip tie so we got to definitely take these off right here uh in the tool box yeah the whole truck is a tool [Music] boox I don't know can we spin this this way no I [Music] guess [Music] oh to have good eyes again how y' got them good eyes all right now I think I think it's ready no there's two clips in the back side you got to get off on uh on the inside of the engine compartment yeah really mhm it's like a little C clip that holds it on all right then there's a go to your left yeah I got to spin it um that ain't going to fit yeah I promise it'll come out keep turning the whole thing left keep going left keep going left all right there we go pull it out all right you got caught in every single thing coming on the way out all right so a couple things about that good job girls here Dad okay let's take a look at this explain this is where your steering column goes right and then over here e why does it look like that in front this is where your transmission hooks up to right here and the one that's in the floor we're going to get rid of that put put it back onto this so when you when you shift this it turns this all right so also uh this connection and this connection and but I didn't see a connection on this one so that might but it crank I what's confusing me is it that it cranked and so I don't I don't know but anyway nonetheless um the other ones will hopefully have have this so but that's how you take a steering com out now we'll go get the new one and uh are the the new to us one let me see at my guy's home bigger it's a half inch I got this one it's a half inch whatever the heck oh that's just the part why yeah that's not that don't fit it's too small you're D this too small yeah why we got to replace the U joints so our Drive we're driving which side it should Mark it should be marked on there what 12 and this is 13 okay so let's try you actually need a uh closed in or clockwise right so you going push up on it can't get it in there oh not no it ain't fitting between this and this okay let me see no uh no it's that a fit I mean yeah but it's really tall like see yeah but it'll it'll catch it enough oh yeah it is yeah you got to open in Kurt I didn't see that door yeah it's all now just got remember what them go to Just bum he w't he's just looking for some wood dring Z we got to do this other side too but we got to put the transmission in no you can these are size back here uh we need to put the transmission in neutral to spin this around did she put it neutral trying I can't you need a half 716 for the back side yeah all [Music] right we go B Double D get that start with him all right now put it back gear please these ones right here yep use the other end that didn't fit go with that in oh you got to uh go up with it you got to put it back in gear now that we can reach it put it back in gear oh my God or in park got it Dad I need your help it's moving with me so it's not making that any easier here yeah put it back in part got it yeah I got it did you get it I think no I went in the World here let me get just started on for me now I don't know if that rear end's going to need to be shimmed or not he says it's got a knocking noise on it so I'm just going to check the U joints here I mean I bought new ones so might as well replace them but like I got some Rust in my eyeball yeah you need some safety glasses just close your eyes do safety Squints work by Braille work by bra you got some rat ranches yeah and the uh white cabinet under the on the very bottom drawer here put that on there make your life a lot easier oh other one there you go does it fit yeah thanks to Michael Pro Tools oh my arm [Music] tired brother you can't hook a brother up with a/ inch dry oh you want one of take care of the girls I see how it is know we take this whole little thing all the way out take it out mine don't fit huh my ratchet in did you get this side already no not that side just these two oh golly I know there snow you want I don't want G falling out how in the world do you get this out it didn't come that's probably as far as we go yeah once you get them all loose it'll slide oh I need that DeWalt it just won't get in there um that won't it it only go so far then we'll slide it and it'll is that it's on there yeah you fell out you have to spin it around yeah it's leaning my way yeah hold it tight okay there you go well there's still a bol on the top of okay oh yeah there you go all right so let's uh I just need to lean the whole thing like no you just put it in neutral then it'll okay D you want put uh Z you want put it in neutral cuz I got one more Bol up here I got to get up it's like like pushing up on it it's not coming out I've spun it all the way out yeah I spin the drive shaft around oh and it's moving with the drive shaft yeah it'll pull that one we there go yeah there you go all right all right careful this is going to come out hold them little needle oh yep all the needle pins will fall out that's all right we replacing it but there's still a bolt on this top all right take this take this right here and let's turn it like that perfect all right watch yourself he be careful nle bear everywhere yeah they are you can't use them on the new one uh where to my half inch it's on the well I didn't know something was going to just start dripping out all over me so those are called needle bearings you you want to guess why cuz they look like little needles what do they do U and U joints mean universal and it makes the drive shaft to be able to flex with the uh suspension of the truck so that it continues to be in a straight line even though the truck is yeah the truck is moving your M outb BJ very good see all right all right so lift up and pull towards you pull towards me waye these you joints were shot and I'm sure it's you go Dad have I'm sure it's because of the angle of the Jos these are nasty all right so let's [Music] uh how many needle pins are there supposed to be a lot do what why are there not those things on the back one uh cuz it's a different setup you drive on the back of the truck all right there you go grab it no you're good put it's kind of hard to move on these things now let's take this that gra this box perfect bring it where and we're going do the J shaft y'all doing great okay want me try and wiggle that top part out yeah keep [Music] going and then your new U joints will come with there you go [Music] yeah all right now we got one more side to do you want to do this one no yeah do this one so this this side and that side there you go how I do it you're going to squeeze as hard no squeeze them together there you go try that see look here see how it's got a there you go look at that oh her hers came out [Laughter] easy all right so now you take this thing I want to like clean everything yeah no it's all like nasty so this is a ujoint press right okay and essentially you yeah sock it all right it's probably a so what's going to happen is this right here this screw dirty all that 7 eight maybe give me gross ewes so n see that I know I want to like clean everything okay hold on sec let me get this out all right here this this is the fun part so I'll let you I'll let you girls do that so tighten her up and this will press this can I hold this part yeah okay toward that I got to go toward that I'm not good with my Lefty Loosey right you're doing fine this side yeah this side be easy dep on which way you're going you want the fat part oh you want this the nerve part going the way you're going yeah now come up got to up what's the point of this it's going to push this that way so that the it falls [Music] out come on squeeze keep going keep going there you go yeah it got easier now now you put this is this is ratcheting so if you want to put that box in on there no this is easy I just lied but this side [Music] mhm oh that's not disgusting at all well oh you got to take this probably got a hammer a hammer got a wrench bottom bottom right drawer just hit you want me hit it with this wrench there it went I got it oh they all fell out that's okay lose all them what is the point of those so it runs so I'll show you when we look at the other one so those barings run on this this see look this one has all of them in there they rotate yeah um okay now it need to come back the other way oops oh I didn't work and run it tighten that up see but tighten that up here well you can do it with your hand until it until you can't all right now put your wrench on there I literally rented this tool for $137 that's crazy ain't that crazy why did you rent rent cuz I didn't know your daddy had one keep going why was it so much to just rent it uh they give you your money B cuz if you don't bring it back that's how much it cost to buy it okay back her up so flip the wrench over back her up why am I backing her up y yep now you probably in your hand it's so much more fun to use the tool yeah I know I don't want why okay what you let me go put this in the vice just the inside yeah yeah all we need to push these two together well I did it didn't work so then I went put an easier there you go there you when not works when you ask me of course that's how that's how it normally goes right all right let me turn the uh let me turn the dry shaft [Music] over it's pry clean cleaner than it was yeah it was good you're doing fantastic fantastic job thanks I'm trying you me how you like it that look good to you yeah yeah way better than it did there you go I think you're the official snap ring puller outer satisfying look at me I can pull a snap ring out there you go you're almost done do I need to keep doing it from both sides or that there you go you got it good job all right so all right you want to do this yeah there you [Music] go oops put some of that varsity cheerleading arm into it there you go okay see sometimes they're they're easy like this one where they just come out you know we just take a pair of pliers or something pull those out let go see if that's the same size as the other one we oh here I got it right here what's your daddy say yatsi yeah Bingo okay now listen this is why you have to be super super careful to put these back in right because if you pull these you got to pull this off without messing these needle bearings up right mhm mhm what happens if you do then you messed up big time now now you take your um how you doing there the pessure blocker thing and press these back in here now what I like to do and that's been years yeah is I put a piece of tape over there because we don't want these to come off for what we don't want these caps to come off uh-huh okay there you you go yeah all right yeah well let's turn it over let's turn it over why so that your this is on top no let's turn the whole drive shaft over perfect okay now that might be a little easier um okay which way does it go uh tighten so we're going to put it on that way yeah this way NOP nope and now you're going to want that thing to seat down in there so we can put that new snap ring in there cuz this we need to put another snap ring in so you want it Go just beneath the lip there so that when you put that ring in there okay let's this a little more there is no way that's just like no like triple the thickness of that right there all right now let's back her off there you go all right good job now take your your needle nose pliers and squeeze it together like between these two yep like between these two like between why you sound so scared I'm a grandma okay well you need put it down in there a little bit there you go like squeeze you might need to go up a little cuz I think you're pushing on that straight piece okay now go ahead yeah see these Pliers are too far like they're not letting me push down enough so hold on that back part yeah you need to push them together again I'm just trying to hold it for you should have went with the back first there we go yeah it's in there I think yeah I think that looks a little good A little good M okay so let me get some tape and I'm going to run some tape around here and this just kind of keeps these from coming off because if those comes off and those needle bearings go yeah as my Spanish speaking friends would say no bueno all right going put this one in trying to clean it look how dirty it is it's so dirty polish her up let's get the other one this is called a grease fitting right or grease zerk grease fitting grease zerk then uh we'll put that like we did the other one take it out very carefully y make sure you don't lose any of the things mhm oh we going to do it this way oh come on we going to have to take both of them out may have take both of them out okay here I'll hold this one all right got it yeah and that's why they pack them full of this petroleum jelly so that it doesn't go anywhere [Music] oh all right oh Lord so we're going to go pick up a steering column from my buddy Braden Cooper who's got the YouTube channel called Coop's house and he's actually going to paint the truck for us as well so go check out Coop's house I'll put a link for his channel in the description below and uh subscribe to him watch his content he's a he's got some good stuff going on oh oh now let's shut it that might be enough go I take that's one now um you and your good eyes I mean I see the lip but I kind of think it should go a little further down you think cuz this metal piece is over the bottom part of the lip do I need to get my telescope out no yeah looks good to me see it's kind of yeah I can see the lip part but I can also see where the part is underneath the [Music] lip does that look like it's staying in there or no you want to go down a little more I don't know I can't let's get down a little more dis well let's try the other side no it's definitely not in the lip I can see it and then basically you just got to give it you just got to give it some surgery and stand them up mhm and just try your best not to lose any of them and then they can't be on top of each other they have to all be let me try you need to go get the other pick that has the more curved part actually maybe not I'm professional professional needle needle bearing install put her in her yeah you need the little one that has the more like curved hooks you can grab them without knocking the other ones over there you go fantastic now you might be able to use your fingers to press it in there it's the bottom part not going in that little lip thing I don't know what the he I don't know if that one's far enough well when we push it on here it'll all right they're all back in there you know what I'm saying signed seats I think I think we're good okay let's Center it up a little bit back it off just a little bit okay now come on with it there you go that's much good her yeah all right see the Li and I think that's it yeah that's good all right let's back this [Music] off oh gosh this thing is heavy M I think that'll work maybe should like it oh there just click yeah I thought it Hur or was that your glove grabbing no that was it okay cool all right he is that and see how nice and snug that is that's where it's supposed to be all right let me put the uh um yeah that's in the little lip uh I'm dropping stuff these are top and I have the bottoms on this thing all right thank you roll if those things come off that's an issue don't lose the little cap yeah I'm trying to find and the tape and you don't have to just cut the ones by the cap you'll be fine leave it you leave the tape on the rest of the what what I need to do lean to the left hold on right there right there hold up just one second okay then we're started okay all right it way uhoh uhoh oh my Lord hold on hold on I still got it neutral I know but the Chalk's behind the back one more darn it let's go go back no I didn't thank you Jesus all right a little more no oh wait we're off hold on all all right hold on right I going to let it roll back get yours up in there I'm trying this side's like wiggling out oh really bad hold on this side's wiggled out really bad on the bottom the bottom part it's like going to fall out all right there we go that needs to be tightened up I'm it's kind of really heavy if you wanted to know I got I got it with my knee as well where's the wrenches where's all the wrenches do I got right nuts for yeah I feel like it's way too high see not straight yeah I I know that that too that'll push up on the G shaft it ain't moving am I am I hurting or helping yall over here just hold on um I think it need this hold on I'm trying to get these pins out cuz this thing is going to wiggle itself out it's got hold on my arm needs a break where the other two all right you're right there let me get them started hold on ow whatever you were doing go back to doing it cuz it just crushed my finger you on me yeah like that yeah make sure you make it even now don't pull one side tighter than the other side see right here yeah make sure them are even when it goes tight uhuh don't pull it oh you just pushed that really far that way oh God push it back in ow you get them out for all right cool I'm just waiting to tighten mine down now hold on let me start on the other side get this one tighten down some more there you good under there I don't think it's going anymore with me get under there all right slide out the back yeah I think mine's in there pretty good too I'm tight Jack all right should have P how's it sh uh shake it yeah I think that back that rear end needs some shims in it I think well we're might to pull all this back out and pull this yolk out and replace that seal in there yeah get this leaking shaft's done we're going to go get the steering column now and uh get it taken out go to cp's house remember subscribe to him if he's putting a 12 valve cumins in a square body and uh so we'll go check that out get his uh the steering column out of it put it in this truck and we'll be done for [Music] today all right got over here to cp's house this is the 12 valve that I was talking about earlier in the video this is the one they're putting in their square body you also made it a duy didn't you yeah so it's actually duy converted it was a just old Fleet side truck when I got it yeah it's going to be an awesome project so go to cp's house follow this project is pretty awesome and we're going to go take a uh steering column out and put it on my truck or the girl truck I should say hear this [Music] a little bit [Music] of I'm ready to drops I know you are I know you is yeah that's that's pretty dog on cool right there dude we got so much stupid time in this truck man yeah yeah well cool and like I say Coupe is actually the one that's going to be painting our project truck so you're going to see a few more of him a few more episodes with him on our our Channel as well so all right C let's take a steering column [Music] out [Music] [Music] all right so we got uh an ignition switch which we may or may not need what we're going to do is we're just going to try to hook this back up we thinking maybe the neutral safety switch was not was not connected but I don't know so maybe they tried to bypass it I'm not sure but maybe we kicked it off with the foot somehow cuz it cranked you know earlier in that last video it cranked so I'm not sure but we nonetheless we got if we need to if we need it we got a new ignition switch we got a hood latch uh to fix that and um I think that might have been all we grabbed but we have a partch truck that we have some access to you got to need a flashlight or anything uhhuh this purple wire yeah that's not fooling around little Tom Foolery but it looks better all right good but it need to look we're going to try to plug this in and just see if it works I like this thing it likes you it does what your head FR I'm making sure no fuses are blowed did you get [Music] it which side's the the wires go on I think it's the front side probably well I don't know now that I look at it all right she should work huh nope I'm telling you I don't think that switches and is pluged what see there's we got two we got two other connections down there that are not connected yeah there wasn't nothing to them this this is you think that feels good no [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you didy doing I don't know hold on hold on where my Phillips head go right there blue and black yeah if you can just get in there you don't have to take the thing off there you go that's the ignition mhm really that's crazy but I think you had to pull the screw out yeah what your name to help you do I don't know what I'm doing what are you trying to accomplish you just inverted that like no other ow too much like I didn't just say that I need this side to go in need a back at another there you go there you go just like that there it is yeah that's what I'm talking about now you might have to help your dad with that what do he flat screwdriver he's taking that snap ring off right there and him and get see that ring he's trying to take off a little great bright green one oh that thing right there yeah what do I need to do I get it around here where I can see where see it that comes off it's like I'm in the strike zone what you need I don't know another flat head [Music] maybe are you on another pick I got another pick up here it's like halfway [Applause] up save that tool oh you got it mhm oh yeah big deal no big deal I got it I got this now putting it back together maybe another store I would think it'd be easier don't L [Applause] it seems like there's a spring in there it's just look at all the I mean it ain't been off in 40 years yeah got Give a Little Love Give a Little Love want some more of this I can't see that's buer aggravate me not seeing I ain't doing a whole lot of seeing either yeah but this one looks [Music] different [Music] all right the girls have gone home but I went a 4H hour round trip got to connect you can't see it maybe you can but uh I put the steering column in but I connected it I didn't connect it here cuz I wanted to see if the switch worked and so I got this new steering column in and so now we just need to see all right so far so good oh perfect perfect okay so that was our problem and it cuts off all right just a couple things here I was we put a test light on the uh starter and when we turned the switch uh we were getting voltage to the starter and the starter selenoid down there but it wasn't enough to turn it over for some reason I checked all the wiring looked like we did have a skint wire in there somewhere so maybe that was a problem but nonetheless I think the clock spring may have been jacked up in the old steering column but it seems to work now the next video we'll have the girls doing like old changes and things like that so I appreciate you guys watching click on your notification Bell and uh follow along go watch the video where we actually pick this V uh pick this struck up we appreciate it God bless you guys
Channel: Hamiltonville Farm
Views: 94,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heavy equipment, will it start, tractors, diesel, will it run, will it crank, old heavy equipment, abandoned vehicle, chevy, chevy sqaurebody, square body, twins, twin girls, old chevy truck, pick up truck, project truck
Id: e3i8F2KVEHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 44sec (4004 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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