Soft Body Tetris in Cinema 4D - C4D Tutorial (Free Project)

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hey it's Dave from CG shortcuts today we're answering a question from one of our YouTube subscribers we wanted to know how to create a soft body Tetris animation you can get your c4d questions answered as well by becoming a CG shortcuts member at cgsh or over on patreon now let's hop into Cinema 4D and see what we can do so let's start by modeling our Tetris blocks I'll bring in a cube and make it 15x 15x 10 cm then zoom in and so we can edit the faces we need to make our Cube editable so with it selected we'll hit C on the keyboard to turn it into a polygon object and from this we'll create our shapes so I'll make a few copies of our Cube we'll need one in the shape of an l a t-shape a zed or Z and an i shape and finally a box shape so I'll hide these and St start with the L we'll switch to the polygon face tool and select the top face here and if we hold down control and drag this up we can extrude that face out and holding shift as well will allow us to snap two increments so I'll make this section 15 cm high as well and we'll make another section like that and we'll do the same out this way to create the L shape so that's one down let's show the next one which is going to be the t-shape so we'll bring this up 15 cm then this out 15 cm and same over here to create the t-shape then we'll move on to the Zed which goes up here out this way and out this way then we'll do the ey which is super easy just three extrusions upward like so and finally our box shape we bring this up one and both of these faces can come out here so let's show all of these now and switch back to object mode because we modeled all of these from a cube they've all adopted the access point from the original Cube which is here but I actually want to move the AIS to the bottom left of each object so we can easily line them up later so I'll grab all of these and hit shift C to bring up the commander and I want to grab the AIS Center tool then to move the access to the bottom left of each object we need to shift it along the Y and X Direction so we'll slide this fully to the left and same with the Y AIS and hit execute and now each object will pivot from the bottom left and that's going to allow us to grab one and holding shift snap it into place along those increments as well which to make organizing these blocks nice and easy let's hit n and B to show the lines and so we can see each shape a bit easier I'll bring in a null put them all inside there and add a bevel deformer and now each object has a beveled Edge which makes seeing the outline a bit easier and it also makes them look a bit more interesting as well I might also turn on the Fong brake down here as well to make the beveled Edge look a bit nicer as well so now holding shift again we can easily slot these into place next to each other so using just these six shapes I'm going to copy and arrange these in an interesting way to build a completed Tetris puzzle and we want to build a rectangular final shape like you would get in Tetris so I'll just go ahead and position and rotate these around to get something interesting so feel free to copy me or make your own design and now that we've got those stacked up to build our final shape I now want to make the individual blocks Dynamic so they can fall down and rebuild our final puzzle shape so first we need a container roughly this shape to catch all the pieces so I'll bring in another Cube make it editable and set it to x-ray mode so we can see through it and I'll just reshape the polygon faces to be nice and close to our final rectangular shape so something like that should be fine I'll then delete this top face to create a hole for our blocks to drop down into and I'll move this down below everything we'll also need to reverse the normals of our container so our Dynamic Collision will work correctly so we'll select all the faces right click and reverse normals so let's make these Dynamic let's grab this box shape here which is at the top of our list and the first object I'd like to drop down into our container so to do that we'll add a cloth tag from the new cloth Dynamics engine in Cinema 4D 2023 and above and so our container catches the object as it falls down with gravity let's first rename this then we'll give that a collider tag and in the tag I'll set the bounce to zero to stop our blocks bouncing all over the place and we'll hit play to see what that gives us it's definitely not bouncing but it does look a bit rigid at the moment so let's see if we can make it look a bit softer so we'll rewind this and take a look at the cloth tag I'll remove the bendiness so that it keeps its shape and we'll increase the stretchiness for a more soft body kind of look and I'll also decrease the friction so the blocks can slide over each other a bit more and bring the mass up to 10 to make them a bit heavier and try that still not quite as squishy as I'd like so we might actually need to subdivide our objects so they can deform a bit better so let's rewind this and we'll just try this on our box shape first we'll hit shift C again and subdivide this and we can see some extra options if we click here let's try two levels of subdivision and now that block has quite a few more polygons so hopefully if we play this it behaves a bit more like a soft body cool so I'll grab the other blocks and run a subdivide on those as well and at this point our bevel is being applied as a deformer so it's not affecting the simulation so we might want to bake that into the shapes as well so if I right click on the null and choose current state to object it creates a copy of the null and applies that bevel to the mesh of each object individually so we'll use those for the simulation instead so we can delete the old ones but for some reason some of the objects have been put into their own nulls but we can get rid of those by filtering our objects by polygons and if we double click this it'll select all the polygon objects in our scene and not the null objects and if we close this I'll deselect the container and I'll drag all the selected objects to the top of our list which pulls them out of any nulls they might be inside and we can just delete all the nulls that we don't need so we're left with just our blocks which are subdivided and beveled like so so let's continue working on our Dynamics I think it drops to the flooor and bounces around a bit too fast so if I hit control D to bring up the scene simulation settings we'll try increasing the substeps for a more accurate simulation and we'll improve the collisions as well by increasing the Collision passes and under scene to slow things down I find lowering the time scale can make things look a bit smoother so I'll drop that down to 0.5 and try that okay I'm liking how that's dropping now so let's increase our timeline and we'll have our next block fall down so when this first block hits the ground about there that's when I want the next block to fall which will make this L shape so I'll click that to find it in our list and drag that up below our first object and copy the cloth tag to that and if we go to the basic tab to have the Dynamics kick in on our current frame to send this dropping down as well we can key frame the enable setting of the cloth tag so I'll set a key frame with it enabled on this Frame then go back a frame and set another key frame with it disabled so we're basically just switching the tag on as soon as the first object hits the floor so let's see what that looks like all right so from here it's just a matter of applying the tags one by one to have the blocks fall down one after the other to rebuild our wall of shapes so let's play this again and do the next one so when the second block hits the floor that's when we want the third block which will be this one here to start falling so I'll move that next in line in our list and copy the tag from the previous block onto there and we just need to move the key framed activation to our current frame instead so now if we play this we get our first three shapes falling into place but we just need to make sure they finish in the correct position and orientation so it can be a bit of trial and error to make sure each piece lands correctly so we might need to tweak this guy a bit so let's rewind this and I might rotate this block around and see if we can get it to settle on the right angle so piece one and two drop down and this time it almost flips onto the right angle so let's try again I think if I just move this over a tad and try that hopefully it'll bounce all the way over perfect so now these three blocks match the original position from our grid so we just need to do the same for all the objects and try to make it look as interesting as we can so we'll rewind and I'll just do a few more pieces just to make sure this makes sense let's do this Zed shape next so I'll move that next in the list and hit play and we want this to activate just as block three hits the ground about there so we'll copy the tag to that and move the activation key frames to about frame 99 and play that okay so that's activated at the right time but I don't want it to fall further than the other block and have a slightly faster velocity so we need it to start at the same height so let's go back to the start and just shift this down in line with the first three blocks and we want to make sure we do this with all the remaining blocks as we go as well otherwise the higher blocks will travel further and move faster so we'll play that and the first three pieces work perfectly still but we might need to tweak block Four's starting position so it slots into here so we'll rewind and I'll just try moving that over slightly and see if this is going to work and that's better so we just need to go through each piece one at a time adding the tags and making sure they land in the correct position and you don't necessarily have to pre-build your block and have all the pieces match up with that you could do it more freestyle if you like but I found it a bit easier to to do it this way so I'll go ahead and do the whole thing and we'll come back when it's done so now that I've gone through all the remaining blocks and added all the tags and also made sure they all fall from the same height I've then given each block a different color and we now get something like this so that's pretty much it for creating a soft body Tetris animation you can download the project files at the link below and if you found this video useful feel free to leave a like or a comment as well and if you need a bit of extra help with Cinema 4D please do get in touch or become a CG shortcuts member which gives you access to all of our premium c4d training and resources just head over to cgsh or visit us on patreon so that's it from us this year don't forget to check out our Christmas sale that's on until Sunday and all the best for the holiday season have fun with the tutorial and I'll catch you in 2024
Channel: CG Shortcuts
Views: 12,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c4d, cinema 4d, tutorial, softbody tetris, soft body, soft body tetris cinema 4d, cinema 4d tetris, c4d tetris, c4d for you, c4d soft body tetris, mograph, tutorial animation, motion graphics, octane, cg shortcuts, cg, free project, template, cinema4d, animation, 3d, motiongraphics, motiondesign, 3d animation, cgi, rendering, design, graphics, dave bergin, c4d tut, cinema 4d tutorial, c4d tutorial, maxon, cgshortcuts, animated, render, intros, 4d, cinema, blender, effects, 3dsmax, model, models, Animate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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