Cinema 4D Tutorial - Super Slow-Mo Cloth

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[Music] hey guy from new plastic and I just really quickly wanted to show you how I made my cloth simulations I've been getting so many questions about that and I keep getting asked about it there are a lot of great cloth simulation tutorials out there so I never considered explaining this but maybe they'll help a bunch of you out there I strongly advise you to check out my packs of procedural fabric materials all 100% procedural for Octane and Cinema 4D they look ridiculously good and cover a vast variety of fabric textures like satin niche weaves suits shears and much more overall there are 159 materials or even more which you can also get as a full pack for a cheaper price since they're all procedural they're infinitely tilable with no repetitions endlessly customizable and you can render them at any resolution without breaking them so yeah this is my favorite pack of mine super proud of it if you feel like it can help you I'll leave the links in the description also you can buy some of the prints and pins I made on my other gumroad so check them out as as well beyond that consider supporting on patreon or membership where you can find these project files watch these videos with no ads get free products from the store and other cool perks but mostly help me make more and better content for y'all follow me on Instagram at ojang or the channel at brand new plastic join our Discord subscribe and drink water let's go so here's the overview of what's going to happen we're going to create a cloth bring it to a more interesting initial State apply some strong forces on it bring the time scale down then bake it as olymic and reduce the speed of the olymic that's it let's get into it so I'll quickly add a plane scale is important so I'll use 2x two M which is like the size of a blanket I guess and up the resolution by a lot 300 by 300 so you can see it's pretty dense I'll just add a random primitive as a collider doesn't really matter which one I just want to quickly shape the cloth around it I'll up its resolution slap a collider tag on it a cloth tag on a plane and in the simulation settings I'll up the substeps to 30 and damping to 5% let's hit play and yeah pretty smooth let me scale down the collider and keep playing yeah that's fine it's not really important this just helps me start from a shape that's more complex than a flat plane I'll current state to object to the plane hide these two original objects and reapply a cloth tag on the new shape cool let's bring gravity to zero and add a turbulence Force at a very small scale so the noise applied is pretty detailed and small honestly I want it even smaller to get really small scale movement something like this duplicate the turbulence and make this one larger so now we're adding this really large scale movement to the cloth and it seems extreme now but it's okay let's add a friction Force which slows down the speed of the cloth set it to 100 which is applying just a little bit of slowing down against the turbulence Force and cool let's turn all these off for a second and add a rotation Force so if I hit play you can see the rotation is happening this way around the z-axis so I'll rotate the rotation Force so the z-axis is pointing up so it'll create this Vortex rotation nice and to make it more exciting I'll add a cylinder field rotate it upwards and make it a bit thinner and taller so now the full rotation force will be applied within the darker cylinder and slowly fade out until the lighter cylinder and then completely stop working outside of the lighter cylinder so now you can see the center is rotating and the outside is not rotating but kind of being pulled in by the center rotation cool let's turn on all the forces and yeah the large turbulence is really overshadowing the rotational effect let's make the rotational Force much stronger yeah this is better okay I'll turn off the rotation and hit play then immediately stop turn off the large turbulence hit play again stop and turn on the turbulence and do this a couple of times just to get some kind of a cool shape and once I'm happy I'll go to the dresser tab in the cloth tag and hit set initial State and now this will be the initial state of the cloth and maybe I'll turn down the large turbulence Force just a bit and maybe animate the rotational Force rotating to the side so the rotational axis kind of changes along the timeline I'm just trying to add all these subtle abstract variations to the cloth you can really get creative here and add whatever forces you want the only important thing is that the cloth generally stays in place it can move a little bit but generally don't make it shoot out outside of the center real fast on the other hand make sure you have really strong forces on the cloth it may look extreme now but we're going to slow it way down so whatever seems extreme now will seem much more subtle once it slowed down and maybe also key framed rotational Force getting weaker along the timeline okay let's say we're happy with this I'll go to the simulation settings and bring the time scale down to 0 2 there you go I think I can turn up the small turbulence Force to have more wrinkles okay let's say I'm happy with this now what I like to do is to bake this cloth as an olymic cool and now we got an olymic object let's disable and turn off the original cloth and actually I want to turn off the Fong shading so the cloth will be smooth but the Fong shading tag is locked on the Olympic so I'll remove the Fong brakes from the original cloth and bake it again I know I can unlock the Fong tag from the Olympic settings I forgot about that but it doesn't matter baking takes like 30 seconds okay cool now in the Olympic settings I can slow it down even even more so let's do like 10% speed and this works smoothly because our limic has a green icon on it which means the verdict count on it is not changing so we can stretch the timing without making it choppy or posterized some simulations like fluid simulations will constantly have changing vertx count and order so when you bake them as a limic they will have a red icon and slowing them down will look choppy now we can play with the speed without having to recalculate the simulation and get really quick responses offset the timing of the animation to find different poses that we might like better than others and most importantly get the real speed of the cloth within the viewport so we can sense how fast the animation is actually going because it's much quicker to play the Olympic than the actual cloth simulation and honestly that's it you can experiment with different cloth settings and forces but the main idea is to have strong forces working slow the time scale in the simulation settings and then bake as Olympic and slow the Olympic even further with the Olympic big speed settings which will give us much better control over the speed for the final look and now I can add an hdri add one of my favorite procedural flannel materials for my procedural fabric pack add an area light for some strong directional lighting and that's it that's how I would do my cloth simulations for those videos so yeah nothing crazy here just wanted to get this out of the way again check out the procedural Fabrics pack on my gumroad or the prints and pins I made on my other Gum Road consider supporting on patreon and a comfy blanket of to all my ravishing patrons and members you see on the screen right now I love you have a great day [Music] peace
Channel: New Plastic
Views: 30,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, c4d, octane, tutorial, how to, animation, models, 3d, blender, render, Materials, abstract, textures, pop, advanced, noise, rough, noises, cinematic, procedural, imperfection, imperfections, bump, air bubbles, imperfection maps, fabrics, garments, procedural fabrics, jersey knit, procedural knit, octane knit, 3d knit, knitt, procedural octane, octane t-shirt, t shirt, cloth, procedural cloth, weave, 3d weave, silk, sheen, royalty, velvet, cloth simulation, fabric simulation, cloth sim
Id: RtjQ0RilAQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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