C4D TUTORIAL | Creating an MRI SLICER effect [Redshift]

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hello everyone and welcome back to another tutorial I know it's been a minute but uh here we are um so this time I'm going to walk you guys through real quick how to do this kind of MRI effect that you see in the new ublo ad done by tendril uh the watch ad if you haven't seen that go check it out they did a phenomenal job um but yeah I'm going to quickly show you guys how to how to do this it's just simple plane and basically a plane and a Shader that's all it is it's very very simple so let's go ahead and get started um so we're going to work with this watch model here and it's there we go um it works best with highly complex Geo so the more things you have in it the better um it just shows off the effect a lot better so let's go ahead and create the material for for the actual object um which is very very simple it's literally just a black material so we'll just call this black and apply that to the watch and I'm going to do this all under the scene node um or scene null uh just so I can easily add new objects in there if I wanted to uh so let's go ahead and open this up and go to your standard material and we're just going to make this black so it's just a black basic material nothing else changes that's all you got to do let's go ahead and throw in a gnome light real quick just so we can see what's going on so yeah very basic nothing nothing crazy at all so let's go ahead and make the actual Mr effect so let's grab a plane and we'll scale that down just enough to fill the camera and then this is all done with a subsurface material so we'll just call this mrri and apply that to the plane let's go ahead and open this up and so we want to go leave all this the same we're going to go ahead and just up the roughness just a tiny tiny bit to three obviously that's all you can play with that do whatever if you want and let's go ahead and open up the subsurface and set the weight to one then one thing is you can't use subsurface on just a flat plane there's nothing to actually reflect or refract inside of that so real quick let's go and create a thicken so just shift C and type in thicken add that and we will drag the plane underneath thicken now it's going to be way too thick at 10 cm we're going to just drop that down to 01 just so it's still very very thin but it does have some some thickness to it and you can see that if we zoom in here just has a little bit of thickness in there just enough that this effect will work so we can go ahead and just move this up and down you kind of see how we're going to get that effect just by this clipping through but the only problem is we still see the geometry on the top and the bottom which we do not want so what we'll do is we'll go to our object in this case the uh the watch internals we'll right click and go to render tags RS object and turn on go to your visibility tab turn on override and uncheck primary Ray visible and that will allow us to basically use This Plane as a clipping mask so that we can cut the model out we don't actually see the the physical geometry so once we have that done we'll notice that it's very very dark um so we're going to go ahead and add a area lights and I always try to scale these down to be roughly the size of the object maybe a little bit bigger and just kind of push this off to the side um and then one thing we need to do because it's still very dark in here it's not really affect anything is go back to our object tag and turn off receive Shadows so once we do that you can really start see start seeing the that effect in there um let's go back to the area light and we are right now casting light onto the actual uh plane itself we do not want that so we'll go to our project tag and exclude the thicken let's actually just name this MRI plane so we'll exclude that and then now we have our effect here so what we want to do now is I this is all personal preference for this but I like to uh go to shape and the light and drop that down a little bit just to get those those lines a little bit more pronounced and go and do a test render okay so yeah you can really start seeing that effect popping in um I'm not not a huge fan of how how much it's kind of reflecting offens internals there so let's go ahead and drop this down to like I don't know 10 try that yeah there we go that's much better there go so now it's a very subtle effect you can still you get all the detail in there a lot better and if we go ahead and just drag this turn off bucket mode drag This Plane up through here now you can see it's changing clipping through all of that and you get to see all the little details you can see the numbers um numbers are are popping through looks really cool so what you can do with this and then if you change the uh colors of the lights you can adjust the the colors of just the outlines in there um because we're not projecting onto the actual plane itself we're just projecting onto the geometry so you can adjust that and do some really cool color stuff with that um if you go into your black material the one that we have on our main model actually let's go and drag this material tag up or object tag up so it's above that um so we go into our standard material for the actual object you can increase and decrease the brightness of the internals just by adjusting the roughness so we go high roughness gets really dark we go lower enough roughness ex it's lighter so that's just something to think about you can you can tweak that to to however you like um yeah I mean that's that's really it it's not not super complicated um you can get some really really cool looks by just throw camera on here let's go turn on let's go no 150 150 just get some compression in there turn on your bokeh this a handy little tip if you turn on that come up to here this little square icon right there you can use this to be your focus picker inside of the render view makes it a lot easier to find Focus um yeah so you can start playing around with kind of getting some cool cool looks with that um if we go ahead and turn off our dome light you can get the effect that they actually have in the the trailer where it's all black sometimes if you get this weird red just go refresh your Dort or your render View and it'll fix that but now we can get that really cool black and white kind of MRI MRI effect in there and then so we can just test this with some other objects and let's scale this up there we go and we'll drag our model down into our scene since we have these two there go ahead and hide the the watch object now if we turn on our render view second and grab our plane and drag it up through the model maybe it's a little bit too high there we go model is way too high there go so now we grab this let's go ahead and turn our B off off plane so yeah now you can get that that same effect that I had in that little intro video where you get the really cool look of everything you can obviously adjust where the uh where your lighting is coming from to fix some of that and then if you're not a huge fan of how you're getting this kind of glow coming off of it you can very easily fix that by by just scaling the light down um and just making it basically the same thickness as the plane so if we go ahead and drag this up here put that right on the top we go so you can set the size of it to 0.1 and then you lose that glow and you just get a very very clean look to it then same thing duplicate this fuel down control rotate do that and then bring this back in here I can get some really cool really cool effects in there and then obviously you can go in and play with color and all that kind of stuff and tweak it to however you want some cool like Retro Retro scan effects in there like I said this will work with any any geometry um you want to make sure that you remove all all materials so there's no materials on the actual object itself you want just that plain black black material in there for this to work correctly you can do it with materials it just doesn't look right um so I'd recommend having just the uh just that one one black on there so yeah if you guys uh that's pretty much it if you guys like this go ahead and uh leave a like with follow appreciate it um I will have the c45 for the patreon subscribers um so you guys can get this and just start working on this straight away so yeah I appreciate it thank you
Channel: Chris Lambeth
Views: 11,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, cinema 4d redshift, cgi, cg, 3d, 3d render, c4d tut, redshift, redshift render, cinema4d redshift, redshift glass, redshift 3.5, colourful glass c4d redshift, metal redshift, metallic glass redshift, c4d redshift tutorial, tendril, MRI, hublot
Id: JyUnSdMad1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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