Sofia Franklyn On Hooking Up with Nelk, Leaks Logan Paul’s Net Worth & Her Body Count - EP. 398

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I will bring it up on a first date how much they have in their bank account yeah what's the max you've seen in a bank account 30 million oh that's a pretty St you said that I once tried to kiss you and you curved bro you snuck up on me oh God that's why I've been a notorious cheater in the C notorious cheater for sure now I've like now you asked the guy to see his bank account and he says if you tell me what your body count is I would tell him what is it I'm not going to tell you I was kidding I don't want to know that why the fck no would you rather marry a guy who is but cheats on you or marry a broke dude and he doesn't cheat I'm going to say the first guy and here's why more like so fire cuz your hair is looking so straight damn you must have just got them dry um dead ends cut off I actually did and that's kind of crazy that you would even notice I just noticed those ends is looking so clean right now yeah that's can you give me a different compliment I can't because I have a girlfriend Sophia so I can't compliment you at all she told me the farthest I could go would say that your dry ends look better this time shut up does your girlfriend have an issue with me no no not with you with all no actually well your lip quiver we all women are we filming yeah are we are we yeah introduce us hold on is that true I need a thumbs up I need two thumbs up I got do you like the headphones on or off it's a podcast how are you most com yeah I'm comfortable right now it's more like a show I'll be honest it's more like a show you don't have to wear the headphones if you don't want I kind of think do they not look good you're about to fix my hair no I wasn't I wasn't do you like sitting crisscross applesauce on the couch right now cuz this is crazy that's that's crazy I just move this pillow you could do really anything you want this is your Show Sophia I'm going to sit crisscross applesauce Stoke yeah I feel like that's cute okay all right I I would do the intro but there's not there's no cameras pointed at me swing it how you doing welcome back to impul to the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing and subscribing if you're not subscribed don't even don't you don't have to probably not this what I'm going to say actually yeah we're losing Subs is that the true I don't know I think so no uh oh oh sorry no I got excited I I got a coffee coming Sophia I'm a little low energy I did uh Rumble boxing this morning okay that gives you low energy when I work out thank you thank you bro I'll actually introduce myself by the way my name is Sophia Franklin Sophia with f Franklin with the Y from the Sophie with f podcast hi everybody yo yo no no I have an intro for you you guys just started I'm cruising in you started the show by saying damn we're going to lose subscribers this is not the show that people are going to subscribe to in front of me by the way no no no I'm saying regardless of you we are losing subscribers okay nothing to do with nothing to do with you no no no you're gonna you're gonna we plan on sucking your audience no actually dude I'll be honest my girlfriend is team Alex she is okay I just say it flat out but no hold on it's not a mean way but her gay best friend Max is 100% te team Sophia like well then we're fine well I want to ask you this question do you notice that like a high percentage of the gay community rides with Sophia over Alex like is there is there like a a I don't know if that's the case but a lot of my close friends are gay maybe that's why and I've had them on the show I'm sure that translates I just think it's cuz you like you like wow out like you're still like like she like Alex I feel like became like almost like a political uh debutant okay of of sorts and you still talk about the real is is she is she in politics now I don't know I don't want to start by talking about this yes yes you do you just did it I'm sorry I'm like last thing I saw was uh her interviewing offset if that's politics I don't know it is you let me know why do you got to start with the divisiveness I still do an intro have like I don't know I'll well we can get right into it if you want sorry Logan it's your show no I just have an intro yeah I know take it take it away you guys this this woman Sophia um with an F by the way well are people going to spell it with a pH if you don't tell them that yeah for sure really all right for sure so Franklin ladies and gentlemen our guest today has a very popular podcast in which she's extremely open about her personal life in fact she was just in the news for demanding to see a guy's bank account on a first date you might know her from call her daddy and now host with Sophia with with an F it's Sophia Franklin thank you Dylan wrote it thank you so much for having me why did you throw the last part in I love thata I like jylan he's nice he's cool how much you like him on a scale from one to 10 I'm gonna give it a eight oh [ __ ] D where it go Dylan damn Dylan all right all right yo yeah like I do have some bones some boners to pick with you dude What's your guys' deal you boner no that's disgusting let me explain it to you like this I went on your show probably about a year ago it was a great episode people really loved it highly viewed great engagement people in the audience were like yo we like this combination and everything was fine until then we spoke from time to time but I watched a clip from a podcast with you and Jeff Whit yeah from like a couple weeks ago where you were disgusted about the fact that t me and tana once kissed and you said you Sophia with an F that I once tried to kiss you and you curved me and and I dude I saw this clip I saw this clip and I was like how do I navigate this how do I how do I talk to her about this cuz I want to know was I there was I actually like where did this happen you're denying it that that ever happened you're saying you're doubling down and saying it did happen yeah where were for sure where were we at a birthday party for one of our mutual friends who cares who is that like a crazy thing to say if it didn't happen it's insane we've always been flirty it wasn't weird that you like went in for a kiss you said they weren't looking at me in the clip you said you weren't looking at me what I [ __ ] came around the side like a [ __ ] punch and a Floyd Mayweather fight like what happened bro you snuck up on me oh God here we [ __ ] go here we F no that was a joke excuse me that was a joke there was you were being very flirty who's birthday party like like dude we go back I'm I know Lola like like we're tired you're going to bring my mind to thisit I have to and and the way you presented it was was on some like oh you know like he tried to kiss me but like obviously like I like I wasn't going to do that type [ __ ] and I'm gonna be honest with you listen I don't have a an award-winning hydration brand I'm not a boxer okay I ain't got $20 million I can't buy this apartment uhhuh but when it comes to this women [ __ ] I'm the Dada of all this [ __ ] Bro from a YouTuber standpoint back me up back me up you're my boy do you know the last time I was turned down for a kiss never never in my [ __ ] life bro let me say like this let me say it like this I'm like the Jose cono except my juice is bluechew okay I do this [ __ ] bro okay can I defend myself please I think I'm defending myself from you no no no no no no no no that comment came after you went on Jeff wix's show and said dude I think Sophia's like trying to date me or something Michael Dam why did I say that publicly why did I say that because I was texting you like asking if you were in New York that was literally it finish no no no no ask me what if I was in New York why to record to what to what it's early in this part excuse me wait wait wait are you talking about like to hook up which by the way was a joke okay but I'm saying that was 100% joke sentiment goes you think I'm going to call someone and be like I'm not that type of girl no shade to be like um can we hang out just so I can [ __ ] really quick and mean it seriously well I don't know it happens to me sometimes and people do mean it seriously you don't know what happens to you what do you mean is that what he just said no he said it happens to him I don't know what happens to me yo I'm gonna be honest I'm gonna shut all this down this was all kind of just a joke I don't I don't care at all it was funny I think it's funny too what I will say is this the the one like Crux that keeps happening and causing the problems between us seems to be Jeff ick he is a common denominator do you think he's trying to stir [ __ ] up yes why because that's what he does he's a [ __ ] stir really yes can I have one of these yes of course that was that was I mean I I did feel a little bit slighted I I mean I did you started it first of all I think that's very important to point out well now how does that make me look oh my God so he's like trying to date me or some [ __ ] are you saying like and I quote is that did I actually say that pretty pretty like verbatim cuz sentiment is like a you know like intent sent there's a lot going on there what did you say to Mike do we know can we say what did you say to Mike that made him think that you were trying to date him I think I did have a phone call with him where I was like oh my God I'm so horny I haven't hooked up like let's hook up but it was 100% joking so my question is how does he know that you're joking yeah dude I didn't know you joking like dude me dude listen because that was the day after you tried to lay one on me and I turned down it wasn't it was not and it got even deeper dude it got Yo it got straight tactical there was a reason why the hookup wasn't going to happen on the night that you called me joking around and it had to do with something that was the color of the bottle you're holding oh right I said something about being on my period that's got trickle down tactical that's how you know I was [ __ ] around because if I was on my period to hook up with a guy for the first time I wouldn't be like calling him begging to hook up yeah only thing period stops is a sentence so I mean I have sex on my period but for the first time how did we get here no no I want I want to preface one more time this is like funny conversation also Sarah babe this happened a while ago I'm we just had to cover this conversation you know you're my girl and I'm and I think that like one time I did reach out I'm assuming you were with Sarah I don't remember and you were from that point on like very I don't even think you would respond to me thank you for that thank you for that that's very nice I don't as there's yes a lot of people can test do you have a are you seeing anyone right now I'm not Loosely but just casually dating you you told me one time I think you said that you're you're generally always in a relation in like some semence of a relationship I usually am what's stopping you right now I'm 31 and I just like want to break that pattern of staying in [ __ ] for three years longer than I should honestly why do you stay in relationships longer than you should I think it's just the comfort of it that's why I've that's why I've been a notorious cheater in the past which I've talked about I didn't know this I've heard that notorious cheater for sure now I've like now you guys are really making me look like [ __ ] on this show I like no no no I want I want to I want to back it up cuz we're going to get out of this this rut but I will say this I am going to make you look like [ __ ] one more time before we do that I'm sure you will that's what you do best no stop right you're you're great but but can you at least agree that I could and maybe you could back this up to that there's a reason for me to see some disconnect with a phone call like let's hook up from a girl that's a Serial cheater we mov on Michael you're going you're going right back what are you doing to stop your serial cheating not doing it as simple as that checks out and not staying in relationships longer than I should cuz that's when you get unhappy and start doing it for sure and I'm too [ __ ] to end it do men fear that if they do get in a relationship with you that these old habits will come back up out of all the things they fear I don't know if that's like one of the main on what else do they fear about you Sophia I think they feel you know what this happened to me the other day I mentioned a story that had happened to me between me and this dude that I'm Loosely dating didn't mention his name nothing we got in the biggest fight I love how I'm repeating it now too we got in the biggest fight yeah because he was claiming that I was using him for content and I'm doing it again so so okay so I'm 100% single but um wait wait I have a question though is he allowed to pick a big fight with you you if you're just Loosely dating him like like what grounds does he have to stand on you don't owe this guy anything he's a little bit neurotic like I am it wasn't it was like half joking but I could tell he was genuinely upset I mean I guess if you're if I'm talking about someone to the public they can comment on it so then this begs the question because for someone like you and even for people like us our lives are the content that's the material that we we speak from experience mhm does he expect opposite from a person who has a podcast and talks about her dating life and is Sophia with with an f i I think so yeah what or or you know what he said it it was so early on that I don't know regardless like I don't really give a [ __ ] however I feel like you guys don't really divulge your relationships on the show we try to I mean we used to back in day I think we made massive strides to try to keep them Al I mean obviously like I we I talk on my mind Loosely he's had his girl on but anytime like you you throw a person that's not used to this community and this lifestyle into this world it's always a shock because they think they know what it's going to be like but once that wheel starts turning and those comments start happening and they start trying to figure out who the guy is what does he do and they find them and it turns into this thing it's always more than they expected if you try to hold my hand again we're GNA have some problems I'm trying to put a ring on it well blue Nile's the perfect place for you is there anything you can't buy online I once bought a rubber Pig I saw on Tik Tok you threw to the ground it flattened like a pancake you can find just anything online buy it more easily and conveniently than ever you might think that's not the case when it comes to something as personal as your engagement ring but blue Niles build your own ring option and overnight shipping options will have you wondering why you ever thought that blue is the original online Jeweler since 1999 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$500 or more with the code Logan BL that's $50 off with code Logan BL BL back to the program him and I are going to New York because um Prime has sold its billionth bottle that's insane which is a lot of bottles that's insane dude and we're doing a massive activation in New York uh called the ticking Prime bomb as it as it stands and uh and London lended so essentially what we've done is we've created uh a popup store with a box inside of it that contains a prime bottle that is solid gold it's worth half a million dollars y it's encased in bulletproof glass and over the period of 48 Hours people will get to go to this uh shop in London and New York enter a code and try to win the gold bottle if no one gets the code right in 48 hours the gold bottle will sink into a vat of acid and dissolve completely dissolve completely no one gets it $5,000 disappears Sorry Sorry God what yeah what are you talking about man what what 1 billion bottles uh we're sending out cryp texes with gold bottles and again one in London one in New York and the Machine this is the most exciting part about it all the machine was built by that Mark Rober I love him Mark Rob YouTube scientist Guru best YouTub he created a uh nin course for squirrels that's that's the one you oh I love that guy dude he's so great he built he him and his team built a box so non-controversial no he so wholesome yeah fantastic guy um I I met him at the Mr Beast challenge thing and he he was just such a good guy and he wanted to help on this project um because his whole mission statement and his whole team's mission statement is he genuinely wants to teach kids about science andir and squirrels and um engineering he's really into it and so he helped us on this project and uh I think this is where I I will tell you I love Mark's mission in general when I was growing up I wanted to invent things I wanted to make a product that would revolutionize the world my degree in college before I dropped out was uh in industrial and systems engineering and so I I've always in another life I would have done what Mark robber's doing and I think his mission is awesome um he's got this thing called the crunchbox it's like a it's like a a sciencey type educational thing that um isn't it every month yeah like your subscription service that you pay every month to get uh package package yep um uh uh with crunch labs and uh for anyone who's interested in science engineering uh knowledge uh learning from one of the best in the world right now Mark Rober I'm going to put the link for his his product here because I think it's actually awesome especially if you have kids it's great for them as well yeah yeah perfect for them just you for them to like learn new ways so what's the code of science I know the code do you know the code I don't wait how do you know the code uh we were brainstorming what to make the code and my God I wonder if I could give a hint I I give a hint don't tell me the code so it's funny so I told my girlfriend about this uh she was like oh what's the code like I don't know I have IA I would never tell you that here's what all of a sudden this random girl just happens to win half a million dollars yeah Kevin my videographer was asking he's like so what's what's theod my cousin was wondering what theod so wait there's two of them there's two of them and there a one in a million chance to win there's a million codes to choose from six digits dude but that's it but so how do you stop people from just standing there just they have 60 seconds each but how do you how do you manage oh so wait so can you can do as many times no no one guess how do you manage the line the line is going to be just filtering throughout the shop but what if one person just goes through like 12 times no you can't you have one guess who who manages the people bro we have a team they wear prothetic masks and [ __ ] and do biometric hacking no no no biometric hacking Mark Rober gets it Mark Rober is not going to using a squirrel I'm just asking the what if I come from a brand background and I I you know what happens I do think it's going to be chaos really yes why bro this is going to be a [ __ ] huge event the amount of people are like you might as well just go and try it yeah it'd be insane to show up and win $500,000 I'm going to the London one I was going to go to New York City and then I found out that Jon Jones wasn't fighting and I was like yeah I'm not going that [ __ ] uh I will say this if no one gets it in the last hour the odds of getting the code increased to like one in 10,000 and then in the last 10 minutes it's like 1 in 10 and so like someone will win and I think if one city gets it before the other I think the other one is burned as well yeah I think it's like a competition between New York wait well you should have said that wait oh sorry oh is it just a one day thing two two days two days oh two days oh okay that makes me understand the only one person thing sorry I thought it was a longer thing oh yeah got it that's going to be ridiculous man want to say this right now for the person who gets the gold bottle I'm willing to buy it off of you same I I'll buy the gold as well yeah because cuz you know people might want cash I think I just put this in the episode that's coming out that that's this week that's coming out next week so that might not be in this episode a come on sorry why do we put it in both why am I hit twice yeah yeah all right so back to the real episode question coming out of that if somebody today maybe that guy offered you a fruitful meaningful relationship like with with as you said like you're 31 with with a real possibility of longevity but the only question or the only ask is that you give up your lifestyle of content creation would you do that no so listen in the past I would be very graphic about how I would talk about the guys I was dating down to like dick size like I was crazy now I keep them a little more close to home this story I talked about was about a argument that wasn't that big of a deal I can't wasn't that big did you say was are you doing little hints you still do it his dick is Tiny no now it's really over now it's really over wait is it actually no I'm [ __ ] around but I can't I I wouldn't tell someone I promise you I will never speak about you during a show or an interview or anything can you promise that no no I wouldn't do that if if it put the entire relationship in jeopardy though potentially but then I would just wouldn't do it if it's a if I'm given a black or white and the relationship means a lot to me I I could I could but that seems like a kind of a shitty partner to give you that kind who I mean maybe be private but at the very least like offer very Supreme guard rails on like what that conversation looks like like like dude you're going to go on shows and somebody's going to say oh I saw you just got engaged what you're going to say sorry I can't comment on that that's you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying like that's crazy that's a crazy conversation my my question kind of uh piggybacking off of that is uh as a woman who who makes content um and especially like you know sexually forward content sometimes dating content do you feel safe walking around living your daily life I don't think any woman feels 100% safe in that way but you're famous you think I'm more of a Target is why I maybe not I don't know if Target is the right word but you you definitely grab attention and and um are you asking if I have like any stalkers no not necessarily I'm just like kind of I'm like what are you asking Logan I'm I'm really aware of the fact that when content creators put themselves out there they invite some weird energy into their lives even just in the comments like no humans AR aren't designed to take feedback from thousands of people online like that's not normal to go into a comment section and see hundreds of different people commenting what they think about your life that's not that's it's unhealthy that's extremely unhealthy it's toxic and and humans aren't designed like that so when you're going through the comment section you're seeing mean comments about you I'm sure you've developed an extremely thick skin but does does does do these things affect you and then does it translate into real life I definitely have gotten spooked I don't live in the comment section the way I would have in the past um I just I feel like every woman feels a little bit scared but I guess you're talking about my situation where there's so many people who have access what do you mean by the weird energy you go out to a restaurant there's a group of guys staring at you at a table because they know Sophia Franklin okay uh and and maybe one of them has even like dm'd you in the past it's late at night we're all getting drunk they get a little ballsy if you're with the guy they approach him and and say some smartass comment to you or him do the comments on social media ever translate into any uncomfortable real life situations um not too much if anything I would say me being and I hate using this word term public figure would protect me in a way however I will say I've had people come up to me and divulge [ __ ] that was not meant for me to hear like complete strangers because of you know they think they know you yes and the subject and like the content that I talk about that's wild is your response like hey I don't give a [ __ ] about you're nice I'm nice to a fall I'm like oh my God come sit at my table shots all around you want to come back to my place like it's I just go crazy what that last part really threw me through a loop that was an exaggeration but I will go I will see I never know with her do you finally see what I'm [ __ ] saying dude I never know I'm like I tell them I'm on my period but like I really want to have sex I'm so sorry for having started it so aggressively I just I thought it it was like a little bit annoying but I thought for the most part it was a joke and then your Vibes walking in I was like oh [ __ ] this is like not a joke well we're just no of course it was a joke can I can I build off of uh his question a little bit I want to ask you this and and see if things have changed at all because we had you on the show April April 2019 so what's that four over four years ago so like in in today's day and age from a longevity standpoint like you're kind of a vet you know what I'm saying like like people come and they go it's it's a very short-lived social media world you look at some of these people coming up today they may be gone tomorrow like you've been in this [ __ ] you know you're not OG like our other guests today Casey niep but you're close you know and I wanted to ask you like we survived a wave of like cancel culture around that time like being led by like the likes of like Trisha pis who maybe we'll talk about your guys relationship a little bit later on where you could get pretty much smoked cancelled just for looking at a girl the wrong way right yeah and now we've seen this insane pendulum swing in the complete complete opposite direction with red pill where women are being [ __ ] shamed every day you're a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] if you've ever posted like a picture with a bathing suit on you are a you are not you know able to get into a relationship or be married by a man with any kind of brain right like it's it's a the pendulum swing has been wild and I wanted to ask you have you noticed either from a Content standpoint or in real life scenarios that has affected anything in your life so are you saying a few years ago we were very liberated sexually as like a culture and now it's the oppos it seems from a social media standpoint like that's the direction a a percentage of the audience has swung to especially as it pertains to what's viral you did a podcast with someone and they and they kind of pushed on you a little bit as being like this like imagine what he imagine what he said to you being said in 2019 you're 31-year-old W ran through through ran through whatever like bro he would never be able to put a show out again four years ago like he would be Trisha pis would have a army of burning cros holding women Maybe not maybe that part doesn't seem that sounds like a little blur it's Halloween you can't that was not right but there would be a major push back now that clip went viral because people were like oh [ __ ] this dude's right like bro theying it well no it was but but it was a mixed bag back in you know four years ago it have been a dramatically different reception to that clip so what I'm ask you is have have has that affected you at all this new wave of like like for example we saw it in a major way with his fiance with the fight the support of the of of what happened by way of of Dylan danis for that approach towards a woman there say what you want there was a tremendous amount of support for that type of activity right and and oh this is funny yeah get her get her get her aggressive Behavior which four years ago like I said never would have happened see I disagree with you I think that that's always been there I don't think it's gone away I don't think it's gotten more intense really that's wild that's a wild I don't I think it's always been there I think maybe women are more in tune with it um I haven't seen this huge shift I personally feel like it's just always been are you on Twitter not really that's why well that's a part of it but also you see you see on Tik Tok and you see on Instagram Clips go viral of of this [ __ ] I mean the podcast world the streaming World certainly is is chalk full of of that type of yeah conversation I'm going to be honest with you I live in a little bit of a bubble I don't really read the comments I don't spend that much time on social media to a fault where I'm like oh I didn't know this was was trending or this is cool um but that's just kind of how I've always been however I think with that person you're referring to and people and I no he's he is Logan's right but it's can I say person you're referring to of course and people supporting the [ __ ] shaming it's yeah it's it's always been there and I think I used to get it worse no come I got I got this is crazy it's you're WR you're wrong you're wrong Sophia I'm sorry are you guys mansplaining no I I just I don't think I don't think there's a woman watching this right now a woman watching this right now who would I don't think there's a woman watching this right now who know who would agree that no I would love to ask do you guys do the women in the room do you guys feel like it's way worse now than it was four years ago Maddie answer correctly I like talking well I mean dude like I mean it's I mean it's kind of similar to what we were talking about yesterday like the P the pendulum swing um saying we were having this conversation yesterday like if you go so far in One Direction you end up coming out on the other side correct and that's okay so it's like a counterculture it's it's it's it's cyclical and it'll go back the opposite direction but you'd be crazy to say it's not the worst it's been in a decade just use the term red pill if we don't want to talk about individual people it's a movement it's a real movement that has garnered billions and billions and billions of views globally there are a ton of men who feel inadequate who are um unsatisfied with themselves their position and hurt people hurt people that I agree with yes that I've seen and and also just to add quickly onto that too and a and a large push for conservatism as it pertains to religion that we've never seen on social media before which kind of came out of left field I didn't like right like four years ago as you said that very sexually liberated front was holding strong it was like the high pressure system that was kind of dominating where you know we were caller Daddy was having sexual conversations now it's now it's very like that's Haram there's Christianity is kind of having showing its face a little more and I'm not good bad whatever and different I'm just saying these are these this is true yes okay that I agree with and I have seen that Trend I came into this business giving step-by-step instructions on how to suck dick right so I think I'm a little bit immune to it I was also working at bar stool where the fans are commenting every day telling me they wish I would get etc etc so I think I kind of am jaded now and I probably don't take it in the same way you know Fair someone else it got it well that makes sense I I I think uh I think like I said I think a lot of men are feeling inadequate I think a lot of men and just people in general uh today feel lost like really lost and so to turn to someone on social media who seems like they have it figured out and to listen to what they have to say it's really easy for um young impressionable people to just do what Their at the time favorite social media Creator is saying or doing even with religion like religion is great because it gives people something to hold on to to hope for to be optimistic about and guide their lives religion is is a is a code on how to live and um certain parts of it are fantastic certain parts of it some people don't agree with for sure but I think I think we're definitely in a in a in a weird time where uh men specifically need need need better Direction need better role models um they're just following like honestly they're just following a very unrealistic model for what for what life looks like like like I I I believe what we're seeing right now is the the pre prence of this like Guru mentality which is basically like this is how life should be lived in this very linear and vertical path especially the way that I'm seeing it now explained by people who really haven't lived like like the there's a couple of them that have but there's a lot of them that are just kind of cornballs that sit in a chair and they're like dude don't do this do this don't do this to me to me Mikey they're all cornballs you can't you can't sit at a computer and comment on everyone's life and not actually do anything go outside go live a life go experience things like do with instead everyone else people how to live what have you done what have you experienced I want I want to piggyback this and kind of like maybe wrap up the conversation or go into something else with like like when those comments are made to you what goes through your head do do you question yourself do do you go am am I ran through like why is why is this guy saying this and is is he right um in that that particular example no um I almost made my bio like 31-year-old been ran through um in that example no do the comments ever get to me not really no I mean you guys have to realize I went through one of the biggest bullying like online bullying scenarios you can go through was wild you know talking about your breakup with Alex yeah I mean that was me against bar stool all all their fans Dave poro yeah you're actually tough as hell you're actually tough as like Kudos do you a good job for surviving that that that shit's not easy at all and and and like I said like I think I maybe this is like sexist in a way but I have more empathy for women who go through online bullying and controversy cuz I think you guys are obviously more emotional like it's easier for men to just kind of turn off and be like [ __ ] everyone [ __ ] you I'm a man right but did that ever affect you and you survived I'm still affected to be honest like I'm not a 100 I mean I've came so far and I've done so much healing but in certain ways like it does sneak up on me right and like manifest in ways like I wouldn't even notice but of course women are going to get it worse cuz there's you know for every five things you can say about a dude there's 500 things you can say about a girl no one's going to care if I comment on a picture of yours and be like you're such a [ __ ] and you [ __ ] but like a girl you can bring that [ __ ] up all day man there's going to be certain parts of the audience that think I'm like so soft for this but I really do feel it it's tough to be a woman I'm so glad I'm a Gody that's true that's not so glad that's not like a a a a hot take like yeah but there's be guys who are like no well DOD life you were born into a woman's body too listen no you listen Mike y'all go through a lot of [ __ ] y'all through a lot of [ __ ] a guy can do the same exact thing as a girl and the girl is going to hear it a hundred times more than the guy doing the same thing in the same position you know and on the flip side I think for a man you guys there's a lot expected of you too in in different ways but yeah listen women are called the fairer sex for a reason they they they do deserve our empathy they do deserve our emotional support they do deserve some level of leniency there like back not to go fully back to the red pill side but there's been this push lately for like oh equal rights equal fights if a girl slaps me I'm hitting her back I'm not I was I was raised to never hit a woman I will grab them or or or hold them but I'm not going to P how crazy has the world gotten that that's an an option on Tik Tok or Instagram or whatever that's insane to me yes women do deserve our our our tenderness and our love and and a little bit of a feminine side from the man to to get to that level it's yin and yang that is what yin and yang it is men and women and us coming together to meet at a a common ground to understand and show affection and love each other that's what that means right but to say that men the men who have you know settled this [ __ ] land who have died who have gotten off peab boats or or or or you know storm the beaches of Normandy the men who have made scientific breakthroughs to to to solve this and solve that the men who are are pressurized and expected to provide at all times for the family like if you come home and there's no food on that table cuz you didn't provide it that that woman's looking at you like you didn't do your [ __ ] job as a man there's a I'm with you brother but there's a lot of pressure on men as well and I think I think the biggest thing coming out of even this this microcosm of conversation right now is we we got to all look out for each other we all got to look out I got to look at Sophia and say I know you're going through some stuff that I could never understand and I'll never be able to truly empathize with but I could at least empathize with that that you're going through that stuff and and we just have as as an internet as a society have just started doing such a terrible job of looking at our brothers and sisters and saying like yo I want to I want to approach this conversation in a respectful way because maybe I don't get what you're going through today yeah like it's just that part upsets me so much and it's just so part can you explain that again just just people's lack of empathy and and lack of taking one second or five seconds to add a little bit of care in how they approach a conversation with someone else and not and and understanding of the things that I say to this person today could really have an impact on their life and on the productivity of our friendship and our civilization yeah like if we were all just a little bit more understanding and a little bit more careful with how we approach the lives of others I bet your society would be in a much better place I I agree with that and and you think this shift though to go back to one of your other points where men are kind of like pissed at women right yes because years like a few years ago it was the feminist movement like having another uprising like equality all those things which are great great and you think men didn't like that and so they're they're going the other way I think a couple people spearheaded a movement that was in the opposite direction and a bunch of young impressionable people Then followed and picked up on it and and that's that's kind of where we're at now and mark my words it's going to go in the opposite direction in another four to five years and we we'll be having the exact opposite conversation and we'll have you on then as well I feel like I'm the Antichrist for those for those young impressionable men who hate women well it's like why are they a why are they angry is the other is the other question is it is it like I think I think I say everything that is that type of dude's worst nightmare literally right literally right are what what what do you look for in a guy when When selecting a mate is it their bank account can we go can we please talk about this really quick this clip went pretty viral the Beyond viral I mean they had a Fox News a panel of people talking about it that's crazy why out of all the crazy [ __ ] I say that she went went International I think it was just said in such a matter of fact format what wait so what did you say she said she said that the last three guys that she's dated she asked as all of them was it the first dat on the first dat yeah how much they have in their bank account yeah you're crazy do you see why all like the incel type dudes [ __ ] hate me and then I'm also like oh my God have as much sex as you want like they hate well is that is that portion the bank account portion content or is that true I'm gonna go ahead and say tell the truth no I am I will bring it up on a first date genuinely you'll you'll say what exactly I have to know can I see your bank account are you rich are you rich how much money do you make how much money you have in the bank and do you guys see how funny that is you're hysterically laughing if he'd not into it I play it off like a joke and I just seem like a crazy fun [ __ ] no no wait wait wait I I think it's kind of valid you you got to date some broke [ __ ] I'm sorry that is that n like if you want to do with money if that's a thing that you want and you want to live a lifestyle that is luxury if that's what you're looking for fair [ __ ] question I don't I don't see the problem with it like if you wanted to live in this apartment so for me which is a Ryan sirant represent an apartment and is for sale right now if you have $15 million and you want this apartment hit up Ryan sir who lives here Sophia is interesed yeah who lives here um listen do you guys take a girl out on a date without thinking she has the hottest B and the hottest face thinking it but have I ever said where yo let me see that [ __ ] on the first day no but you're so lucky but you're so lucky that you can just see it right okay it's it's the same [ __ ] but do you understand why that would make certain people call you out as potentially being superficial because that would because listen like if if that's because because if you went into a date knowing the only Reon the guy was there to date you was because he thought you had a nice box or a fat ass or whatever I know that's the only reason no it's not what there's a lot of guys out there who are looking for partners right so so so it depends on what type of world you're in if you're looking to just [ __ ] and go on a couple fly outs then that conversation has Merit but if you're looking for a partner for life and your first question from them is how much money is in your bank account can you see why that would be looked at as a bit as a bit strange okay this is this is the thing is I am so sick of people taking like a 10 second sound bite sure and [ __ ] using it and rolling with it and just not including anything else headline culture no content first CL culture it's easy it's so [ __ ] annoying I when I said that I meant it if they don't want to show me their bank account I'll laugh it off and if I really like them we'll go on another date I wouldn't even know how to do that see your phone I'm sure I was pull it up so I was going to ask you do you want me to look at your do I get a second dat do well now listen now listen now listen this is now listen this is in combination with a very nice home which I'm sure you know about CU you probably do your research investment so on so oh my God see no excuses she knows you do I get a second date how do I know this isn't photoshopped yeah I would give that a second dat do I it's it's in the top right you got to like Zoom yeah oh there's no way you can say yes like that the same way to both of them his should have got a more his should have got a more resounding you asked me such he should have got a more resounding yes you asked me well what I am shocked I am shocked what how little it is no no no I'm shocked that her reaction was so oh so similar because this is the no I think maybe because no you know what what kind of kind it no no no are I'll jump on the couch for Logan's response no no no no no for both for both both both of you guys what's the max very successful what's the max you've seen in a bank account on the first date actually scratch that Max you've seen in a bank account let me see your bank account guy how much did they have I I honestly 30 million maybe that's a pretty stuff checking okay but this is this is the thing it comes off like I am superficial as [ __ ] to me I have a very probably not healthy and skewed view on men right like I grew up with a single mom like I have daddy issues I've talked about it I think if I'm going to get married which I want to do there is a great chance that it doesn't end up working out he like cheats on me and goes for a for a younger model I know it's sad but but it's true but it's true or maybe like I you know find someone I it's a realistic thing oh I'm sorry Mike marriage lasts forever I'm with you I'm with you but the way you are presenting this is great okay okay okay okay cuz cuz you had me in the first inning there you had me in the first half did I did I lose you okay when you said like you grew up with a with a single mom the switch in my brain said okay so she's looking for a man that certainly can support her and I get that because you've probably had to deal with like my mom had to work three jobs to pay for my braces you know what I'm saying like I smile every day mostly because of that because I don't want my mom to have wasted that time and money right we love you Rob so I respect that but then it sounded like you started skewing in a weird territory when you're like well I want to make sure I'm set up because when that divorce happens I need to check the [ __ ] out bro I got I need my back son I need stability for my kids because because I want to have kids got it ask that's where it's coming from and I don't think you can call someone who has a very successful career in their own right superficial I Me Maybe you can so what do you so so counter that man we talked about earlier who said you're how can you demand that CU you're a 31-year-old ran through what are you bringing to the table me what I mean you want to give me you want me to give you a list of all my best qualities I mean that was a pretty valid answer if that shows you're very confident I would like to hear the list successful kind funny goodlooking and a good person I'm a i a really good person even though I say wild as [ __ ] I think that's really important those are those are all things I believe yeah uh what am I missing actually can you guys let me know because I I'll tell you one thing that I could you got rid of the split ends problematic for you you don't have any split ends no uh the one thing I could see being an issue is how public you are about your life and dating and sexual history right you're going to need a real confident man and maybe Mr $30 million man is that guy yeah if he turns around and says let me see your [ __ ] bank account you said you were successful what do you say to that that's a good question equality does not belong here not in not in this okay what if what if what if what if this guy is that confident man bde takes you on a second date third date fourth dat you guys are going steady you guys get so involved no and he's this is $30 million man okay and he goes you know Sophia I think you're my life partner I'd like to marry you uhhuh as long as you sign this prup she look a million per. you would I yes well wa hold on you guys aren't going to have have Aina doesn't that negate everything you said well no but the prenup will obviously still what if no what if there's a good what if there's a good chance that this is the other thing men are scam artists that's a sound bite that's going to end up being a [ __ ] sound bite watch there's a lot of dudes that Flex so much and have nothing yeah that's the no that's 99% that's even most of the no it's even most of the red Bill people that claim to be the leaders of the world thank you that's another reason why I'm like let me actually see the bank account because you could be out here dropping you know 1K on dinner and picking me up in a super nice car least but then why is it important to you if you would also sign a prenup because what if I end up being the one with all the money oh well not if Mr $30 million man verifiable bank account shows up what what if you know he gets in trouble for tax evasion and he [ __ ] me and like I have to give up 50% of my assets like there's I just there's always a chance at something this seems like a that seems like a wild scenario he turns out to be Sam bankman freed the majority of billionaires or multi multi-millionaires I don't think tax evasion is that crazy of a scenario do if they have money are you willing to sacrifice your requirements in some other categories what do you mean okay like like like if they're beat this dude's like a five mhm but he's got 30 million in his bank account if he's good in bed then we're we're fine wow mhm cuz I have a scenario for you okay but I think you may have already answered but I wrote this down would you rather marry a guy who is Rich buys you a ton of fancy [ __ ] like Birkins brings you on dope trips but cheats on you or marry a broke dude who can't buy you [ __ ] but his tongue is called the clipfinder 4,000 he beats up your [ __ ] cuz he's mad at the world and he doesn't cheat no forget to cheat and just shut up Dylan did I ask you it wasn't your problem Dylan okay so the the second one does not cheat no he don't cheat he he loves you like literally he sends you flowers on the most random days with little teddy bears that are holding like a tiny balloon I'm going to say the first guy and here's why and here's why here's why this is why the red po Community exists know listen okay my mom has been the bread winner shout out Lola and not just cuz she's in single so she would she ought to be the bread winner she's been married a few times right and those relationships didn't last for various reasons one of the biggest ones being that she was the bread winner that it's like a very hard Dynamic yeah it is for that is a weird d it honestly is do you think oh [ __ ] do you think most men prefer a supportive woman woman or a leading woman supporting really MH I think that's true too yeah I can't is it intimidating when a woman can stand on her own two feet and kind kind of wear the pants in a relationship you tell me I've I've always girlfriend would does wear pants I've always found it attractive when a woman is independent and can leave me at any second whenever she wants because she's her own person personality and yeah that is is independent uh I I always thought that was kind of cool it makes it makes it makes me feel like we're we're both in it I'm not a I'm not a I think a a typical guy in the sense of this is my household these are my rules you will have the table clean the house every like I really think like relationship should be 50/50 um and and and men are better at some things women are better at something and you got to find out where you know you guys compliment each other I agree with that but but let me ask you this if and I don't know what the situation is but your partner made significantly more money than you would you be to would you be totally fine with that I think we'd buy this apartment so you'd be chill with it of course are you sure like if your if your fiance was I don't know why I thought of Elizabeth Holmes I think cuz you're wearing a turtle nech but it was Elizabeth Holmes right and she had just come up with crisper and she's like and she comes up to and she's like Logan cuz she had that deep ass voice yeah she's like Logan tonight we're going out for sushi be ready at 8:00 p.m. cuz you always take too long to get ready and then she just went and shouted and came out and like [ __ ] grabbed your hand you'd be cool with that it's it's what's happening tonight we're going to Polo Bar MH Polo Bar she's taking me on a date cuz I've been so lazy on taking her on a date she kind of she's like yo be ready this [ __ ] time we're going out I'm going to get the Uber she's doing everything it's fantastic you don't pick up the bill every time I I insist I ins okay of course how would you feel if she got up to use the restroom gave you her credit card and was like here baby like it's it's happened and I feel incredibly grateful no it's kind of cool it is kind of cool occas occasionally I I like that I think you know we should be partners I'm not so [ __ ] crazy jaded I want to be partners with someone I think though you guys have to be somewhat on the same level how about that is that fair I think I think with the paying stuff like the right balance is like I'm doing the majority of the lifting but if we go to get coffee sometimes you just jump in and put your car to the machine that's like where I'm at and if they never if they never offer like if they're like invoicing you for Ubers no you know what I'm saying when you flew them out on a trip and they have to get from the airport to the hotel you spent $4,000 and they they're like yo I took a $100 Uber can you pay for it you got a problem like the girl should throw in chip in just from a standpoint of like yo like I just want to show you that I'm I'm invested in this as well from from the start that's what I agree with and that's how I date like the the the quick first date rule just for anybody watch this because a lot of this should turn into value and I think we should try to deliver as much of that from a dating standpoint is like if I bring a girl to a nice dinner for a first date when you go for round of drinks afterwards just like two drinks they buy the drinks afterwards I've always thought that that was like a cool like little just one round like you buy a nice dinner you go out you spend six five who cares Apple bees 100 50 whatever if you go get two beers at the local pub after she she's like yeah I'll get these that's a cool little first date Dynamic I I mean I think that's cool I think on the first AE you want to pick up everything that's cool too yeah for sure but I think it's just more like a convenience thing because you and I are both fortunate and both have I just think it's a I just think it's a cheat like lowkey a cheat code for the women listening to this like on that first date if you like Yeah just something small like just to be like yo like you know like let me get this one like I'm telling you the dude might not let you but either he's not going to let you and he's gonna be like that was cool or he's going to let you and be like that was cool like there's no you girls cooler if she did that if you were super it's just a show I just think it's just like a show of like yo maybe like here's the answer I'm going to answer for Mike the answer is yes is cool Al doesn't [ __ ] matter at all completely irrelevant if she didn't who gives a [ __ ] he's going on a second dat with the girl that that's what I was going to say oh yeah what you can do what you can do and there's another thing that like went viral and I think the headline Daily Mail was like embarrassing girl gives you a trick about what to like I don't even remember love you know that headline oh oh it was the headline was so embarrassing and this is what a girl does to show that she has options which is why I like release that whole I have options clothing line whatever is to have the bartenders send you a shot or when the guy goes to the bathroom have the bartenders send a dream wild you're a mindx are you toxic are you toxic no why did you put your tongue into the roof of your mouth when you said that like that dude cuz I want to answer honestly that's wild but I probably am toxic without realizing it which is really scary and worse which is worse subconsciously toxic just said it you might be a little a little aware of it but that's that's crazy cuz that's when do the games end that's insane yo yo like you have to sit there and act like someone sent you a shot you you said it to yourself I think that could be a fun thing to do why not cuz it only the only reason is cuz if the person comes back from the bathroom and you're like yeah that person sent me a shot you're now lying you have entered a lie within the first 30 minutes to me a person on some thing that didn't need to happen you because you have options need to fake it it's just okay if the date is going South it's a little trick that you can do would it not well that's cool to get out of a to get out of a I'll I'll tell I'll tell you what it would make me do I would say that's great who sent you the shot oh [ __ ] where is he [ __ ] I didn't think this he really would do this and then you then you go it was that guy over there that table I'd approach him he'd say what the [ __ ] you talking about and now we have an issue Sophia I don't I don't know it just checks out okay you know what I'm taking the whole thing back well no no in this at this age I would never do that [ __ ] ever when's the last time you did it um I don't know if I've I actually have done it like in my mid 20s I was out of control well but but here's another strange part to it it also depends on the dynamic depends on where the other person is a at in their life like you would do that she might not do that to you because she might know like yo he might go press these dudes be like yo you see I'm on a date with this girl you send her a [ __ ] shot like but I mean if she's on a date with steiny like it might work the way you said steiny no I don't mean Stein I love steiny I don't mean it like that but I just mean like he's not going to go up to the table and be like yo dog like he might actually he might actually don't discount Stein but but it is but it is a and I want to talk about in a second but it is a semi- dependent on the dynamic and stages of Rel of of people's lives and the relationship because dude like I'm in a okay I'm in a weird place in my life right like just overall content career everything like in terms of who would actually want to date me like I had a conversation with my girlfriend a couple weeks ago yo this weekend I can't hang out with you because I'm going to October Fest with Karina cop and anal princess like though that's sentence came out of my mouth yeah so like our relationship based on that just individual portion of D Dynamic is very different than Logan and and Nina's or yours and and and whoever has $30 million in their bank account by the way I'm not out here only dating someone with $30 million M Mike is taking out of Contest no I didn't it was just an sorry it was just an it was just an example so isn't it somewhat dependent because because like I've had girls say things to me like even even more detrimental than just getting a shot that was kind of like subconsciously inferring that and be like we'd get in a fight and they would just be like yo just so you know like you're not the only [ __ ] that could do this [ __ ] for me like really like say it like flat out but but question yeah that's [ __ ] toxic to me you know that know that know you're being a pretty girl guys would love to be with sure my question is at what point does like a certain level of toxicity from one side match a certain level of incon consistency or strin Stranges on the other do you know what I'm saying like sometimes they're the same category no they're not they're not the same category but but she could be strange it's like it's like red Flags passing in the night like two ships and those red flags drive up and hop on each other's boat like yo I'm [ __ ] up are you like you you see you're one of those guys that I'm talking about like you have you're very kind of like as much as people think you are fully Illuminati like drinking children's blood which you know whatever you're a very normal [ __ ] you actually are a very normal person bro like you've you've really continued to embody in your personal life a lot of normaly I agree with that and so like I I went to rumble boxing I know I'm not talking about that individually like a normal experience but I just mean like dude you're like caring and you you're very cautious of like not upsetting her and she's the same with you which is like very emblematic of like a very normalized relationship I do weird I'm a bit weird the first time I met you guys however many years ago and recorded with you I sense that right like you were a little bit you and I were a little bit darker well we were always the matchup and then him and Alex were the match up yes yeah yeah and I and I went on to date a porn star which completely [ __ ] supported your thought and he went on to own a business and and have a a fiance that was very a very semi at least normal situation you're very much in a boat with me send having fake bartenders s shots I swear damn I screwed myself by bringing that [ __ ] no but I just do do you regret ever saying too much online I mean it's way too far past I can't you're into de there's way too many things like I can't even regret it when you go on dates with guys do they know that you have a podcast do most of them know you're Sophia with an F yeah and every single one and does that excite them or concern them I'm gonna say 99% of the time excites them yeah for sure I I I just wonder if you know maybe like a private a private especially maybe sometimes wealthy guy would be scared that his he could be exploited online yeah I I mean I'm sure that's brought up but I would say the majority like it and think it's cool do you think they're intimidated when it's time to throw down the card no throw down the card yeah throw down the card throw down the card toay for the meal that's not what you meant wait do you think there okay I've never to throw down is that how you I didn't know how to say look I'm married so like this whole conversation weird Nuance but like I yeah no I'm like do do you intimidate men sexually that was a that was fine um no I don't think so no but I think of a dude super super into me he'll be nervous the first time hooking up but that's not because of my sh I don't I did I disagree with that I think anytime you I think anytime you put a certain level of conversation around your sexuality and and by the way also create almost like a vertical for yourself which you had all the way back to like luuck luck and all that [ __ ] like like even the same for me like when I show up they're like oh my God like you had sex with all these adult stars like they you know you have created this whole like entity for yourself like I feel pressure to [ __ ] show up and so do they you don't you don't feel that pressure to perform yeah like what if you get what if you give like sandpaper Dome you know what I'm saying like dude like what if like it's like a meat grinder and they're like damn this whole Gluck luck scenario was all just fous yeah I don't walk to Walk no I don't feel pressure I really don't just straight up and that's and that's not me saying like oh my God I'm so good at giving a head that's not it at all I just I'm not going to hook up with you unless I know you are really into me and I just the sex will be great do girls think they're good at giving head most girls I think so is that true no I don't I don't think I'm great I think I'm like if I'm really care about someone I'll make it a good one you ever get feedback um no well that might be a sign I mean what do you mean that might be a bad sign oh like him moaning like that's no no no no like conversational like a debrief yeah like that was so hot yes of course well didn't seem like 5 seconds ago yes yes they it seems weird to me that there's such a problem like you guys tried to help all these girls and it's it's crazy to me that there's such a problem it's such a mechanical scenario I think I think honestly I'll be honest I think dry mouth is the biggest thing that people are up against these days there needs to be more I think we're we have a little bit of a we're at a bit of a standstill in society right now something needs to be done about the hosis in the jobity I just throw it out there it's like dude it's like no well no but I think no sorry that's not what I meant by that what I mean by that is I believe it's the easiest solution to turn your Camry [ __ ] into a Lambo [ __ ] I really mean that it is a saliva based solution if you try to drive a sports car with no oil in it that car is going to cause friction and explode like my dick would if there was do you understand what I'm saying I agree with that I learned that in my last relationship like the more saliva and the wetter it is is equals how good of a blow I really didn't know that until like years ago do you know they make pills this is crazy Sarah Sarah sah make you salivate she doesn't like when I get this into the convers this has nothing to do with me by the way I just know about this through research Sarah why do I feel like just by association like I'm the [ __ ] that's like no are you sure I've been a [ __ ] in my life I'm talking just from P now I'm locked in I am so locked in I'm buying flowers with little teddy bears with tiny balloons like you have no idea but there are pills that you can take or a woman can take I mean I guess a man could whatever there are pills that women can take that creates an excess of saliva and I'm talking about a real thick uh like uh WD40 style saliva in your mouth I don't know what a w whatever for it's a oil it's a lubricant okay like you could blow a bubble literally literally literally what is it called I don't know and I don't I'm not we're not going to promote it but like like all I'm saying is like it just seems like that's the missing factor in a lot of I like what you said Mike um it is it feels like a mechanical thing it's a it's mechanical well that's and what when girls give H it is you know besides the the enthusiasm and the passion for [ __ ] uh it it is you can get tactical with it you could you could learn and improve whereas whereas whereas I don't think you can I just spoke about this on a show recently where I don't think it it's the compar comparatively with intercourse I think intercourse especially for the woman but also for the majority of men is a very chemistry driven uh uh Psy social sorry psychological or uh physiological connection with the other person that creates this beautiful harmonious experience right that's smart I like that and and like certainly for the woman that WD40 that could be provided via pill from an oral standpoint is not just you can't create that outside of a romantic harmonious experience that is physiological right so so like to create meaningful sexual intercourse is a much harder thing to do than to create a good [ __ ] if that makes sense yeah yes you can't really you can't fake chemistry and a [ __ ] does not require chemistry correct it just requires mechanics you got to GL the yeah just I'm here to make this incredible I have a question like I'm going to give it my all it this a pretty straightforward question okay okay so what if you're out on a date first date you ask the guy to see his bank account and he says okay I'll show you my bank account if you tell me what your body count is I would tell him you would mhm for sure just like that yeah what is it I think like I'm not going to tell you I was kidding I don't want to know that why the [ __ ] would no why would that stop think wh I think it's irrelevant it's so irrelevant who gives a [ __ ] what do you mean you just you just said you tell the guy no ass that's a totally different scenario um bro we're adults who gives a [ __ ] is it oh let's put it like this is it more than zero yes okay then that's the only thing that matters like why are we sorry I no sorry sorry let me stop I'm speaking from a bubble I'm speaking from a bubble I I I told him yesterday that guys that's funny for me cuz I'm almost contradicting my statement that I don't care about anything that happened before right now I don't I don't give a [ __ ] I don't care what you ate for dinner I don't care who won World War I don't give a [ __ ] we are living here and then tomorrow is tomorrow but anything that happened before like I'll take learnings from but like what is it Ma okay what if you fell head over heels for someone I mean you were you loved them so much that all you could think about all day long was them they made you laugh they supported you they were such a great partner and then you found out that they banged Dylan danis in 2013 do you know what I'm saying like are you just like oh [ __ ] camp Camp date this person now are you asking me I don't know I'm just asking the world I'm asking like are you that [ __ ] you're going to be like all right I'm going to just that one's crazy that one's crazy yeah all right that one's CRA yo yo if you were with a girl that did that she gotta go but I just but I just mean but I just mean okay here's my question you fall in love with me and I tell you yo there was this time back in Cancun it was like 2009 where I paid a young lady whose nickname was chaita to give me a [ __ ] in Cancun and then I did have anal intercourse it's like do you just say like oh my God like loved you before sorry I don't know it was a bad day but what I'm saying is this like are you just yeah it was a great day are you just like oh you know what actually you know I don't really love you anymore no but it's completely different for for a dude and a woman it just is and you can sit here I mean Mike maybe you're different I can tell like Logan if it was a really high number like you would not he def he would care you would not like that that is true you I don't know so much what do you mean of course you know my last so you wouldn't give so you wouldn't give a [ __ ] not to say it again because I'm not going to say it but let's put it politely you you see my my dating history what do you mean if what I care it's like a circus act you could still care you could still care and date someone it could still be something that bothers you in the back of your mind that that might be that might be true that might be true yeah did it a little bit I don't know the relationship didn't work out it could have been for various reasons but you because because like I said I I don't I'm unable to track anything that's happening in reality so I don't know how to answer that I don't know what that means but okay I don't know what's going on right now okay like you don't know where you are no I'm using trans cranial magnets to shock my brain did you ever bang steiny no would you why what's his main downfall I don't want to hook up with a guy in the industry and he's like a really good friend to me I don't know how he sees it also he's a sociopathic like he's he's really is a lunatic why he is wild like I will speak to him and 20 minutes later be speaking to a completely different person oh so he's like skop get a friend Dr jaal and Mr Hyde oh did you see that video I sent you of him walking around my house in his underwear at 7 in the morning yes yes it was like a camera that why was he half naked in your house well we had like a night where we like went out and I just for clarity I I don't think there's anybody who in real life doesn't like actually enjoy steiny like he's he's funny he's the best he's like a he's like a character you know so he came out and this was pre uh my my current girlfriend and I was out with a it was just me with like an Entourage of adult stars and we were seeing karaoke and he he like that's like kind of his thing now he's like trying to move into like the space that I crafted with my hands for this industry now he's kind of going there which is I don't [ __ ] know just like hanging out with chicks adult stars yeah adult stars or or whatever but just like the the girl angle of it right so he was he came through and and we had a great time and then he was like dude like I'm going to stay like I was like yo you can crash in my guest room if you want and he just he did and then he woke up the next morning and just went fingering through the cabinets in his underwear looking for Prime and it was just I I I got an alert on my phone at like 7 in the morning and he was like walking through my living room picking a wedgie and he was wearing like tidy whes it's a good hangover drink his oh yeah for sure his tidy white yeah he was wearing tidy whes I love him and when I say he's sociopathic he is in the best way it's what makes him him he's great I love him but no we have not hooked up what's the best way for a guy to get you to like him toxic traits only have I not named 20 so far I don't think it not from the guy's perspective like if a guy is like this you you go I'm kind of into that toxic traits only [ __ ] that could be one of them does he like a finger in his butt what if he likes a no no hold on I would say maybe mansplaining only because I think it can come off very confident not talking to me like I'm an idiot which is what that means yo why don't you put that mic in front of your face like like that no no no it's fine it's fine I I realized some I haven't moved no it's it's fine when their hairs sometimes they block from that but would you like if a guy said that to you if he said what like put the yo we're on a podcast popular form on YouTube no no no like that no no I wouldn't like that maybe mansplaining is the wrong word toxic trait like if you go to paintball and he's like here's what you got to do take the safety off your gun you hide behind this pillar until someone comes out when you see them see that's not how I imagine man mansplaining to me mansplaining is he's like I'm about to order something off the menu and he's like don't you know what don't even worry like you don't even need to finish I'm going to order for us oh my God that's me oh my God I won't even let a girl have a menu that's that's like oh my God bro I think that can be hot and I know it's probably not good no no girl well I'm cuz I made I'll leave this here no you don't have to I'm leaving I can't something made her excited it's gonna get me in trouble that's cool that whoever not me doing that would make you interested in it but obviously I would never have no menu uh I can understand how how an overly com but I feel like and you you probably can agree with this it has to be rooted in true authentic confidence like there's a lot of guys out there who try to throw off bde and it's not it's not justified totally yes 100% I like like if he orders the food and like he he Ord like sushi at the Italian restaurant do you know what I'm saying like his confidence k at a sushi place yeah well the Teriyaki if it's Fusion chicken teriyaki can slap yeah if it's Fusion but if he goes to lavoo and order sushi if there's like an Omas situation and you are like I'm just going to do the chicken teriyaki with white rice that you can't do that no no you got the chef pick so I think that's hot but I feel like there's there's got to be some other toxic traits H I feel like I only date toxic dudes so oh here's a really good one love bombing coming on way too hot way too fast getting a tattoo two weeks into dating me which is something that happened and I ended up dating him for a long time what the tattoo say my name with an F for pH with a [ __ ] f are you joking I can't I'm not supposed to say the f word right for you too have you not been on this podcast today are you [ __ ] serious I'm kind of I don't know where I am thank you cuz you also answer you also need about three to four answers to any question before we all agree and then you agree that it was the answer you wanted to give the first time like that's how I like in real life too I have to hear like you ain't standing on business dude at all bro but yeah the love bombing what about the opposite o he's done okay that's been a tricky one with me and I have a lot of and I have a lot of respect for girl I'm I'm I'm slow bro play is hard to get no not hard to get but I'm just like um you know the water are we conversation that we all either want or dread or you're probably the one p for I never and I by the way women watching this do not be the one to bring up that conversation they always do tough they do yeah yeah for sure or or because if if if men are dragging it out especially a player like Mike how dare he eventually the girl is going to want to know like what the [ __ ] am I doing here they either they either do it verbally or through action and they TR to make you jealous no uh no or I love that that's where your head goes yes they yes what they do is sometimes but that's toxicx instinctively yes when they want to have the conversation they have the fake bartender send a ghost shop yes that's exactly what happens but what else do they do if they're not trying to make you jealous they no no the opposite they will start to tighten a leash that has not been that has not been said to exist yet so I'll be at a club we haven't had the the conversation I'm standing a little bit too close to a girl that I don't know we leave the club the girl I'm just started talking to is a little bit pouty why are you pouty who the [ __ ] was she that's the same as a what what are we conversation that's the same thing you're just doing it in a different you're just doing in a different approach okay you understand what I'm saying I think I've done like a version cuz if I say like cuz I'm either going to respond in two ways I'm either gonna say babe I don't know that well I'm not gonna say babe if it's that early I'm going to say like I don't even know who that girl was like I'm here with you I'm leaving with you what's the problem or I'm or if I'm going to draw the line and not be about about the relationship I'm going to be like yo what gives what do you think in your [ __ ] mind right now gives you the right to ask me that question okay so that would be the mansplaining crazy oh and then as opposed to Turning you off you would be more turned on by it and it would work against them no I don't like if a guy uses the f word when he's raising his voice what if he puts a finger in your face oh my God absolutely not what if you're at dinner and you're talking you're in the middle of a story a good story that you guys had last night you and your boyfriend like and he covers your mouth to tell the story for you jokingly jokingly joking jokingly jokingly jokingly like okay say say you started say you started telling no not the finger in the face no not the finger in the face you did the finger face to my girl what's the finger cuz she did it to me first what are you talking about that's the reason it all started at Guitar wait she said like this what are you talking about I thought you put no what I would never do that I was the no I just we were arguing and then she put her finger in my face and I said don't put your finger that was the opposite I would never do that would you put your finger in a guy's face no would you put your finger in a guy's butt yes but not in the middle of an argument what about in the middle of the street yo that actually is not a bad time to do it it would really diffuse the situation not with me of course I don't like that kind of thing [ __ ] would it diffuse it depends how heated the argument is okay I you try to deescalate when you get in fights you're going for it God you're going for it amplify you unless I'm tired you need a therapist she has one how many one get more and a psychiatrist that's good that's what I'm talking about yeah have you thought about finding Jesus maybe maybe I think you guys are just as crazy as I am 100 well I am he's normalized no no no I want you guys to tell me the three craziest [ __ ] things I've said during this reporting on the first day you ask a guy to look at his bank account no no no no no no no I caught that one cuz Logan didn't agree so I disagree no I'm just kidding no I'm just kid I I I dude I like I said if you ask me about anything that happened before the exact moment I can't tell you we do have this thing on the podcast it's so bad you have a podcast you can probably relate uh we don't remember a single word that's been said by any of our guests we don't even remember the guests we've had on this podcast in 390 shows I couldn't tell you one thing any single or even one guest there has to be one guest Mike Mike Tyson had a pigeon that's the only brought a pigeon he had a pigeon on the show and that's the only thing that I can tell you from any episode okay and the pigeon just stayed on his lap no he petted him was it alive he was on mushrooms yeah uh I think I remember it being alive yeah okay the F the fake shot is crazy the fake shot's crazy but but but respect that's the game you're going to play go for it I I don't think I understand back in the day the young me now I wouldn't do it I also don't think I understand you asking a guy to see his bank account but you'd also be willing to sign a prenup that seems completely because there's always a chance that I end up having more money or he's a scam artist craziest thing you said on this podcast today was that you don't think that culture has shifted dramatically crazy that's okay but did I think you guys I don't know why I asked that question that was the worst question I could have asked Sophia I think you're very I think you're very funny I think you have I think you have a lot of I think you have a lot of WR yes and I think people really I I think your audience specifically really appreciates you and I remember when I went on your show and it was a very fun experience I think you're a great interviewer I think you asked very good questions and I don't think people give you enough credit I think you are unfortunately victim to some of the Wilder things you say which I can relate to very much though and so the tonality of your voice oh the the vocal fry and that's not that's not a making fun that's but 100% take the one don't look at the one thing at the end look at all the other things I need to work on that I think you were you were going to a voice coach yes I am how did you forget what I remembered I don't voice therapy is crazy you're going to a voice I lost my voice for 3 weeks almost and I would lose my voice constantly why I think because I started to speak in a certain way when I started the show like Elizabeth the way that you're talking right now is not how you would talk to Mike off the mic correct and Camera correct you would talk in a way more chill yeah unless we're arguing yeah unless you argue sometimes he slaps me I slap hit him I strike him he does [ __ ] I have never I've never sh we actually he's never actually strucken me is that it's not a word uh but I just want to say that and I also do want to just take a second to I didn't like how he started things it was that was crazy well I just don't want your fans to get upset because I I it was it was it was just a joke a whole joking thing it's it just though cuz I thought like there was little I felt a little bit upset by by being called a maker outer no you try to sneak kiss her she you snuck up on that didn't she's saying it happened there's no sneak up kiss dude that like maybe you have maybe you have eyes like the guy in Mr Deeds and I didn't know which way you were looking like the guy that Skittles on Pizza you tiptoed up behind me and came in okay now you're making it now you're making it seem like wiin seed first and foremost and second of all Logan will Logan will support me in this scenario right now if there's anything in this world I cannot do it's tiptoe that is I have the flattest feet in the world how the [ __ ] am I going to tiptoe up behind that was a wild claim I did not try to make it sound like it was a wine I know that you did you you you cleared me I just don't and it was me firing back honestly at you looking at your phone and discuss like Sophia's trying to date me trying to I didn't look at it and disc I didn't look at it in discuss that okay well saying Sophia's trying to date me is insinuating yeah that's got not into it oh let's let's let's squash the the there was no beef but the the um the vegan Patty today and join our forces to both take aim at the Real Enemy Jeff Whit yeah yeah we need to sit down with him and talk to oh let's do a show with them let's do it let's do a show with together but but me and you verse him okay let's do it okay cool where do you find these men that you're dating that question I need to know um I feel like it's hard I feel like it's hard to to to find suitable yeah dates I think I just find them through friends I'm kicked off a certain dating app forever uh which one Rya same are you for what uh back what probably four years ago obviously I'm married now uh but back in the day I well I asked this question how funny is it that we both have to like preface our you guys don't even say anything that crazy and like you're instantly like because when you get into a good relationship you you you become a little bit overprotective of the relationship you got to also like like you know if she watches this how does she feel about it and I don't want to make me saying anything or exploiting my past life make her feel uncomfortable that would be unfortunate and it's so unnecessary but I'm going to do it here uh uh I I asked the question because I was curious I always found it like hard to find people to date I don't I never really like dated to be honest right I I never went on dates um but I tried that app Ray Ria um and within 24 hour I got some matches and within 24 hours I was kicked off the app with a like put together user interface message that said you have violated Community guidelines because of this Riot has decided not to not to and then that's it that's how this ended I believe they hand selected me to get kicked off and banned forever from their platform I didn't do anything is the answer to your question I didn't do anything I think I pissed off one of the founders cuz I we we found them a friend of a friend was like connected to them and they're like what what yeah ironically we found the founder and we're like why why did you ban me from this app you you know like at the time I was like how am I ever going to meet anyone ever what if he just told you in real life we've just decided not to that'd be tough and just left there's no pun the the sentence ended on Ria has decided not to I said how can this pass like that's the graphics team that's it was insane for doing nothing right what did you do though that's crazy oh I released an episode and said that anyone who subscribed and send me a screenshot to my DMs I would give them my friend passes on Rya oh so it was like a promotional thing or something and I got thousands of people and they didn't like that they're pretty strict they are you had a guest on recently who is semi- recently who was pissed off that you got access to Rya and she didn't yeah people went crazy over that yeah well because yo no disrespect to that woman but I don't know who she is right and she came on acting Reckless towards you bro she said you said that you uh you said that you were very like not obsessed but you cared a lot about uh about success and she said clearly not cuz you let a $60 million bag pass you by she dude this chck I'm like yo who is this this woman she said a lot of wild stuff I do want to say we spoke for over an hour before we recorded and built that repertoire and she was really cool because Brooke skolfield came to your defense is it crazy that I know so much about these things I try to study so the GU you spend a lot of time on you do do you no he doesn't I'm I'm kind of like you I create I don't consume much but it's only good I I consume the [ __ ] like I right the funny memes the sent to my girl the nonsense just Mindless cont not the drama not the I don't give a [ __ ] about anything or anyone's saying it is so dumb but I am but I do like we don't generally touch on it much but I do like that I'm packed and ready to bring it to the show if needed if that makes sense like I'm always I always represent that like cultural side of things um but I but I would prefer to be where he is which is kind of just like not involved in any of it I also would PR prefer I'm just gon to throw this out there do you mind if I go pee right now I'm almost 40 and I have a BL my bladder small you're almost 40 go pee okay and maybe you guys can I I would like to ask you a question okay because I believe I I I believe I'm I could be Captain Sao for me Sophia sa Sophia that's what I wanted to ask is what where should I be finding these guys what should I be doing I don't know the answer on where to find the guys I really don't cuz I I I I stumbled across Nina at how uh we both got hired at the same event like randomly and I and I was going to work with her for a project I did called 99 Originals it fell through like it was it's really like a a lining of the stars that I'm not even sure like maybe was supposed to happen maybe it was I don't know but I don't have the answer to your question on where to find a suitable partner but I think if you have a more defined picture of what you are looking for and treat yourself like be kind to yourself give yourself the opportunity to like meet a nice guy cuz that's where I that's the issue that's the issue is I think I am so jaded and trust issues and whatever that we all have but I think I take it to a level where it's making it so I am not finding love honestly that's what exactly what's happening I'm not I'm not I'm not a therapist I I actually could be a [ __ ] therapist but but I feel I feel like you might need to do a little more soul searching or self self defining and find out like who Sophia is and what you value what you value about yourself what you're looking for what you provide once you get to know I think yourself a little better you're going to get to know what you're looking for a little better I agree like I had a this is this is funny and some people have this I had a list of what I'm looking for in a girlfriend oh like you wrote it out I wrote it out like specific qualities there's like 18 of them unrealistic as [ __ ] no chance any woman ever check every box literally impossible and I know this cuz I would I'd attempt to like find a person that was right for me I I I I found out who I was I was ready for a long-term relationship I I I yearned for that I think I'm kind of built for monogamy a little bit for whatever reason um and so I made this listen like time and time again women were falling short like every time cuz your expectations were unrealistic very and I'd have times where they'd fill out 15 of the qualities and then one of them could ruin all of them and that particular trait is self-awareness if someone's not self aware I'm out that's the most unattractive [ __ ] thing in the world yeah they just can't read a room don't know how loud they're talking in a restaurant like like be be self-aware right um but then I found someone who failed every single [ __ ] box by the grace of God and then and then I started adding qualities to the list wife qualities because this person was was was so great for me that she has qualities that I didn't even knew that I wanted or maybe even needed so I was able to make that list because I did my own soul searching and I knew what I wanted but you need to be a little kinder to yourself I think first wow that's that's deep that's kind of crazy that you could pick up on that but I I agree with you CU I think need to stay single also no I'm serious when you're always in a relationship you like lose well it's very hard to do it's very hard to do soul searching or exploration of any kind when you have another person in the Rel yeah that's why they say like wait to find love until you love yourself until you feel confident about your about your life and and but how can you tell I'm not kind to myself also how long do you guys we probably W up soon I just think there's a I think there's a lot to talk about it's we never when are you guys coming on my show yeah should we come on simultaneously like we're on no we're on your show right now that's what he's saying like we're using can we record mine for 30 minutes after dude we have another guest after this Sophia what did you just try to do here I'm asked for you to come on the show but but back to what you were saying how can you tell that like I don't because when Mike was going on his rant gassing you up about all the positive things about you I agree I think you have a lot to offer but you I think you lower Yourself by by maybe having these not so not so like healthy qualities yeah that I think can easily be cut out of your life you know what I'm saying interesting so I'm toxic because I'm afraid I don't know I'm this is where my therapy is but but but but you you're you you have toxic traits for sure but those are easy those are easy to cut not I don't they're not always dude no I think I they're not always easy to cut that's no no no no no no because because because I I I was and could be in relationships an extremely toxic person however I also knew that if I found the right person she would activate only the best parts of me and that happened I got in a relationship where I wanted to be with her so badly that I decided to drop my toxicity CU it wasn't worth it why would I I want to be with her yeah and it it does come down to finding the right partner but you're single enjoy your life find out more about about yourself find out what you're looking for that's ke I agree I agree with those things and I think that my like view on men still needs a lot of work I think I am extremely confident but I think deep down there's elements that are really lacking self-love honestly that are deep that I need to discover and work on why every like show I've been going on lately I people are like telling me so much about myself well it just depends on what it also just depends on like you you give off energy to an extent of especially by the way of the stuff no not at all but but especially by way of your content material that is someone who like wants love but can't find it right or or like wants love but like can't figure it out or whatever my question for you is like do you want love like do you actually dude my dad I've been I've had some commitment issues major commitment issues which I'm sure you can sense without me even telling you that and I would always go talk to my dad and the first question he would ask me is like can I ask you a question do you want to be in a relationship and I would always be like oh [ __ ] I'm like trying to push myself into a relationship I don't even want to be in a Rel I do is like are do you want to be in a relationship or do you just so much enjoy being independent and alone and having your freedom and all things I do no I do I want to be in love I want to be in a healthy relationship do you love yourself I do I do but I think there's certain elements that are not I mean does anyone love themselves 100% of the time and like constantly feel that you guys are both like no no I dude not me are you serious do you not all the time I'd say I'd say the majority of the time but I've done a lot of work I've been do a lot of [ __ ] I've able been able to course correct a lot and I'm continuing to do that and the answer is not always yes but you know I got to a place where I was able to know that I did want a relationship and know that I was ready for relationship cuz I I I I figured out who I was you did you put the work in I haven't put the work in Period I'm in I'm GNA give you some traits to start with on this list that I think you should make okay I think you're going to need a nice guy like a nice [ __ ] guy not a toxic [ __ ] who like plays the same games that you maybe used to steiny like steiny Okay um think he does need to be ambitious ideally that also means successful um I also find for women in the industry like that it that those kind of go hand inand like he's got to have his own career I think he should be uh kind of private [ __ ] maybe not um and and and and extremely confident extremely confident I I agree with all of those those four things exist that's my like write those down when you get and build off that I think the nice one is and by the way I do think I come off very toxic and out there and that's not really me to my core there's elements of me that are like that but I don't want someone that's toxic I don't send a shot to myself to make a dude jealous well it's only weird cuz you had just said that because I said in the past I said I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I just like I like joking with you I'm big jokester uhuh and you're just and Sophia like one more ACC you're just ton of fun you're ball of fun I remember me you and your mom we went out on the town we were on the bar yes we on that was so fun we were on the bar singing Nirvana playing air guitars like literally standing on theat like we had a great time tun it was a really good night and then we couldn't get in somewhere and we tried to buy a pair of pants from a homeless oh yeah because who had shorts on I did I [ __ ] cannot believe yall haven't slashed thank you for watching this episode of impulsive guys we love you Sophia Franklin ladies and gentlemen thank you go listen to her podcast Sophia with an F Sophia thanks for coming on thank you so much everyone a robot a total robot uh we love you guys hit that button bye see you peace
Views: 679,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, logan paul, call her daddy, sofia franklyn, sofia franklyn sneako, sofia franklyn podcast, alex cooper, dave portnoy vs sofia franklyn, why did call her daddy break up, woman body count, logan paul bank account, bedroom tips and tricks, 31 year old ran through, serial cheater, sofia and steiny, dating tips, red pill community, raya dating app, logan paul fiance, men red flags
Id: p9WDc4tXcQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 6sec (6126 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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