Sodom and Gomorrah: Book of Genesis Explained Bible Study 44

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it's time for us to move on to Genesis chapter 19 in Genesis chapter 19 describes the destruction of sodom and gomorrah and how Lawtons two daughters escaped the story is divided into four parts the first part explains why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed you know there's a lot of false information going out you hear pastors make the comment that if God doesn't judge America he's gonna have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah but the truth of the matter is very few Christians realize why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed so the first part explains why the second part reveals how lawton his two daughters were saved or were rescued from the destruction that came upon Sodom and Gomorrah the third part describes the destruction of Sodom Gomorrah and the fourth part which is the last part is an epilogue to the story now does everyone know what an epilogue is now sometimes we think we know what an epilogue is or we think we know what a word is but we really don't so let me explain what an epilogue is an epilogue is a section at the end of a story telling you what happened to the characters after the story let me give you an example to illustrate what an epilogue is how many of you have seen the movie Rudy one of my favorite movies in fact I went to South Bend Indiana been there twice and I had to walk on the campus of Notre Dame and I had to walk around the football field and you know just being a guy I actually had to run and act like I was Rudy but anyways Rudy is based on a true story it's about a young man who grew up in a blue-collar home every man in his family worked at the steel mill and so when he graduated from high school his family expected him to go to work at the steel mill but he didn't want to his dream was to go to college and to play football not just any college but he wanted to go specifically to Notre Dame and to play football at Notre Dame the only problem was he wasn't very book smart he had a hard time in school and he wasn't very athletic he was small he was slow and he didn't really have the coordination that he needed but he had heart and if you seen the movie you know what happened he ended up going to Notre Dame for his junior and senior year and he actually made the practice squad for Notre Dame they used him as a blocking dummy and actually to put him there and he got beat up all the time but he was part of the team he was part of the practice team and on the last game of his senior year the coach actually let him suit up and he got to play in the game for the last two place and you know when you're watching that story this is a great movie but after the movie it has an epilogue the epilogue tells you what happened to Rudy after he graduated from Notre Dame and then he goes further it tells you what happened to his family and how fulfilling his dream and getting to play at Notre Dame and getting his college degree actually inspired the rest of his family to go on and to do what they had always dreamed to do he was the first in his family to ever go to college but after that all of his little brothers and sisters they went on to college and people that's what an epilogue is it tells you what happened to the characters after the story so if you like to read novels you know many times after you finish the story all of a sudden you see another section and it says epilogue and it tells you what those characters went on to do well my point is this the story in Genesis chapter 19 is made up of four parts so as we go through the story we can actually dissect each part of the story so let's do that now to be honest with you every time I read the story in Genesis chapter 19 I'm reminded of what Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verses verses 11 through 15 if you don't mind go ahead and turn there with me and follow along as I read it for no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ If any man builds on this foundation using gold silver costly stones wood hay or straw his work will be shown for what it is because the day will bring it to light and you need to understand when it says the day not a day but the day what day is he talking about he's talking about the day of the Lord Judgment Day it will be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality of each man's work in other words your life's work what you've done with the gifts the talents and abilities that God has given you if what he has built survives he will receive his reward if it is burned up he will suffer loss he himself will be saved but only is one escaping through the flames now in my opinion LOD is a great example of this though he was saved from God's judgment everything that he had built in his lifetime was burned up he lost everything but his life and for many people that's the way it's going to be on the day of judgment they're going to be saved from God's wrath because they believe in Jesus Christ but everything that they've worked for on this earth is going to be lost and they're not going to have any rewards the good thing is they're going to be saved the bad thing is they're not going to receive any rewards in heaven now hopefully most of us are going to learn from the story of lot and we won't make the same mistakes that he made you see lot was a believer believe it or not he was a believer in the Bible says he was a godly man you can be a believer and a godly person and still barely escaped and not have any rewards in heaven now let me show you how I know that lot was a very godly man and that he was a believer look with me if you would in the book of 2nd Peter chapter 2 I'm gonna read verses 7 through 9 says but God also rescued lot out of Sodom because he was a righteous man who was sick of the shameful and morality of the wicked people around him yes lot was a righteous man who was tormented his soul by the wickedness he saw and heard day after day so you see the Lord knows how to rescue godly people now this is a reference towards a lot from their trials even while keeping the wicked and her punishment until the day of final judgement so lot was a believer he truly believed in God and he wanted a relationship with God but he also wanted what the world had to offer he wanted wealth and he wanted pleasure you see Sodom worth resented what this sinful world has to because Sodom was known as a city of wealth and pleasure kind of like Las Vegas today when you think of Las Vegas what do you think of Vice in gambling women what stays in Vegas stays in Vegas we refer to it as what City Sin City so I want you to understand that Sodom was the Las Vegas of that day they were Sin City and it represented what the world has to offer which is wealth and pleasure and whereas Abraham wasn't willing to become a part of Sodom lot was and he sacrificed and compromised his faith in his values in order to get what the world has to offer but in the process he lost everything that he owned and most of his family members and that's kind of sad so what I want to do tonight is I want to go through Genesis chapter 19 I want to go through this story and kind of look at the highlights I don't want to get bogged down in the details because to be honest with you we could probably spend 4 to 5 weeks on this story but we don't want to do that so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go through each part remember there's four parts and we're only gonna look at the highlights so look with me if you would in verses 1 through 3 that evening now not any evening that evening just notice that that evening the two angels came to the entrance of the city of Sodom lot was sitting there and when he saw them he stood up to meet them then he welcomed then he bowed with his face to the ground my lord she said come to my home to wash your feet and be my guest for the night you may then get up early in the morning and be on your way again oh no they replied we'll just spend the night out here in the city square but a lot insisted so at last they went home with him lot prepared a feast for them complete with fresh bread made without yeast and they act now as an FYI Sodom was located at the south end of the Dead Sea do you remember in fact let me just show you this on the slide this is the Dead Sea Sodom and Gomorrah were actually located right here so there at the southern tip of the Dead Sea and where was Abraham he was at Hebburn also known as mem remember it's right outside of Hebron but if we want to just generalize it Abraham was at Hebron now how far is Hebron to Sodom and Gomorrha does anyone know it's a distance of 40 miles so it takes about two days to walk 40 miles so how quickly where the angel is able to go from Hebron to Sodom and Gomorrha or actually a Sodom does anyone know they went that evening so the question is how in the world did they get they get there that quickly because it takes two days to actually walk 40 miles but if you remembered the story the last time we were in Genesis chapter 18 you know that the Lord in these two angels actually ate lunch with Abraham they spent time and it tells us it was about mid-afternoon so we're talking about somewhere between 1:00 and 3:00 o'clock and from the time of 3 o'clock to that evening all of a sudden these two angels are walking towards Sodom how in the world did they get there that quickly well of course they were angels which means that they were transported much like Philip after baptizing the eunuch in Acts chapter 8 verse number 39 they were translated they were actually caught up and went to this other place now because they were angels no big deal they have the ability to travel from the physical to the spiritual to do all types of things if you remember when Jesus was resurrected many times he just appeared in their presence able to seem to walk through walls he didn't have to go through the doors he was there and then he was gone and that's the way it was with him they were walking towards Sodom if you remember Abraham was walking with the Lord and to the Angels the Lord stayed back and tared with Abraham and he's telling them what he's going to do but the angels move on and so from about 3 o'clock to about 6 o'clock boom they're there they're translated now when lot saw these two angels approaching Sodom he invited them to stay at his house for the night and at the end of his invitation he added something that I think's very interesting look back at verse number 2 my Lords II say come to my home to wash your feet and be my guest for the night you may then get up early in the morning and be on your way again in other words lot didn't want them hanging around he wanted them to get out of town before the men of Sodom found out that there were strangers in the city now you have to notice that because that's not really hospitality someone comes to stay at your home you invite them say but you know the thing that I wanted to unseeded up for real early and and leave about 7:00 7:30 we just don't do that we allow people to stay as long as they want to stay and to move on when they want to but not lot he says stay at my home and then I need you to leave you need to get out of here very early now here's what's interesting if you noticed the angels actually declined Lots invitation and they told him that they were planning to sleep in the city square look at verse number two again my Lords he said come to my home to wash your feet and be my guest for the night you may then get up early in the morning and be on your way again oh no they replied we'll just spend the night out here in the city square now I want you to notice how long responds because at first we think well you know maybe he didn't mean anything by that maybe when he said you can get up early and go on your way you know Alan you're reading into that no no no no he says oh no we're gonna spend the night in the City Square and then lot responds in a specific way look at verse 3 but lot insisted so at last they went home with him and then he talks about baking some bread and feeding them with a feast but I want you to underline the word insisted insisted is translated from the Hebrew word putz R which means to not take no for an answer in other words lot didn't let up he insisted in fact what's kind of interesting many times this word is translated as manhandling how many have ever wanted someone to do something they didn't want to do it and before you know what you're grabbing them by the elbow and you're kind of forcing them there many times this Hebrew word is actually translated as manhandled lot gets so nervous because no no no we're not going to stay with you we're just gonna stay in the city square dancin and then you got to go home with me and the indication or the implication is he grabs them by their elbows and he's pulling them along with them until they fire all right all right we'll go with you now why in the world would Lotte insist this way why would he not take no for an answer because Lotte knew what would happen to them if they stayed the night at the city square he knew that the men in the city would come at night and gang rape them now I want you to remember why the Angels went to Sodom in the first place how many of you remember why we taught on this two weeks ago why they were going to Sodom and Gomorrah the first place well they went to see if what they were doing at Sodom was as bad as the outcry was against them now you remember the word outcry is actually a judicial term it means that a victim is crying out for justice and so the whole purpose for going to Sodom was to see if the outcry against Sodom people who were victims of the men of Sodom if what they were crying for just as about was as bad as it was turn back to Genesis chapter 18 verses 20 and 21 then the Lord said the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sins so Grievous that I will go down and see if what they had done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me if not I will know and we talked about this we talked about the Lord being omniscient this is a Christoph and it's talking about the Lord here a revelation of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament and we know that Jesus Christ is part of the Trinities part of God the Godhead therefore he's omniscient he knows whether or not they are guilty so why in the world is he saying this why is he saying I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna find out if it's as bad as they say it is well basically what he's telling us is this is a test one final chance not to be destroyed what the Angels were going to do is they were going to go to the city of Sodom and they were going to spend the night in the city square and if the minute that city tried to sexually abuses them to gang rape them their fate was going to be sealed no more chances God's destruction would come upon them you see homosexuality is an abomination it's not just an abomination in the Old Testament you know today there are many ministers that try to say that homosexuality is not an abomination you know the culture has changed God looks at things differently we're all inclusive and I actually did a series of four week series on homosexuality and we looked at what the Old Testament had to say about homosexuality we looked at what the New Testament had to say about homosexuality and then we talked about what our response should be and what we found out is in the Old Testament and in the New Testament under the New Covenant homosexuality is an abomination it's strictly forbidden it is a and I'm gonna say this because most people don't say it is a worse sin than others not all sin is the same now as Baptist we were taught that we were taught that all sin is the same but that is erroneous that is not right not often is the same there are different degrees of sin and homosexuality is an abomination but the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah actually had taken it a step far further they were gang raping travelers anyone who stopped at their city was molested by the men of that city and that's why I lot insisted that they stay at his home during the night he was trying to protect them from being gang raped now look at verses 4 through 11 let's quickly read through this but before they retired for the night in other words before they even went to bed all the men of Sodom young and aute it had a it affected every generation not just the younger men but even the older generation so all the men of Sodom young you know came from all over the city and they surrounded the house they shouted to lot where are the men who came to spend the night with you bring them out to us so we can have sex with them that's kind of interesting because ministers today try to say that homosexuality is not in abomination that is acceptable to God they'll go back to this Hebrew word this word no and they'll say you know that can mean many things but not when it has a direct object not when a man or a woman is the direct object of that Adam knew Eve it doesn't mean that he understood her feelings when it has a direct object like that it has a sexual connotation and it means sex they wanted to have sex with these men so they shouted a lot were the men who came to spend the night with you bring them out to us so we can have sex with them so a lot stepped outside to talk to them shutting the door behind him please my brothers he begged don't do such a wicked thing look I had two virgin daughters they never slept with a man before let me bring them out to you and you can do with them as you wish but please leave these men alone for they are my guess and are under my protection stand back they shouted this fellow came to town as an outsider and now he's acting like our judge will treat you far worse than those other men and they lunge towards lot to break down the door but the two angels reached out put laden in the house and both to the door then they blinded all the men young and old who rest the door of the house so that they gave up trying to get inside have we got another problem here we're blind we can't see anything so no sooner had they gone to bed or were actually getting ready to go to bed when all the men of Sodom came to Lots house and they demanded that they bring these two men out for what purpose to gang-rape them so lot went out and he closed the door behind him to try and reason with his men and he begged them don't do this wicked thing and then he did something that to me is despicable he offered his own two daughters his daughters had never slept with a man before and he offered to them in the place of these men now I'm not gonna make excuses for lot because as I've already said to me that was very despicable but I think a lot knew that they didn't want women they wanted men you see the men of Sodom and Gomorrah were so perverse they were so hardcore homosexuals that women did not turn them on so I personally believe that lot knew that those men would not want them when he offered his daughters to them so why in the world did he do that I think it was part of his bargaining or his reasoning what he was trying to do was to say you know I'm willing to offer my daughters I want you to see how important this is to me if you have any respect at all for me don't do this because I believe in his heart he knew that they wouldn't want to have his daughters they didn't want women they want him in but they didn't care I want you to notice what they said to law look at verse number nine again stand back they shouted this fellow came to town as an outsider and now he's judging us now did you catch that lot was an outsider so let me ask you a question if the men of Sodom were gang raping every traveller that came along and stayed in the city why didn't they gang rape lot when he came to Sodom anyone no well if you remember in the beginning lot didn't move into the city of Sodom the Bible says that he pitched his tent toward Sodom he never actually went inside the city and then when the four kings from the North attacked Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them they plundered the cities and they took all the citizens of those cities captive and because lot was in the vicinity when they came to attack the cities they took him as a captive also so what did Abraham do someone escaped and came and told Abraham what had happened these four kings had come from the north they'd conquered the city Sodom and Gomorrah the cities around them they had they had plundered all of their wealth and they were taken away the citizens and lot was with him so what did Abraham do they gathered up his warriors and he chased them and he attacked him and he actually conquered those four kings and then he did something very interesting he came to the Kidron Valley right out of what we would call the city of Salem Jerusalem today and the king of Sodom was there I don't know how he escaped but he possibly was not one of the captives because it acts like he came from his city to meet him there and of course we know the story McKesson it came out and he offers certain things to Abraham and Abraham gives him a tenth of everything not of the spoils but of his own things and then he gives everything that was taken his plunder back to the king of Sodom and back to those cities because he doesn't want anyone to think that his wealth has come from that he wants everyone to know that the reason I am so wealthy is because God has blessed me and then he returned all the citizens let them go home so in gratitude to Abraham and his a favor the king of Sodom took lot in and accepted him without doing what without molesting him and that's how law was able to move into the city without being molested like every other outsider and as you read through the story and do it in one setting don't just read Genesis chapter 13 and then 14 and then 15 and then 16 and then 17 no no read it all together and you see that when he was taken captive his tent was just pitched outside of or towards Sodom but he never went inside but after he is he is set free and the king of Sodom is so grateful to Abraham he realizes that the whole reason he win is because of law law it becomes a very powerful man and he's invited to come inside the city but here's what's interesting when it comes down to this their beastly feelings and desires come out and when lot denies them what they want they go back to what they know you're an outsider how dare you judge us and so when he condemned them for what they were doing they decided to gang-rape him - along with the men look at verse number 9 again notice this stand back they shouted this fellow came to town as an outsider and now he's acting like our judge and notice what they say we'll treat you far worse than those other men and they lunge towards a lot to get him and to break the door down so the two angels grabbed lock they pulled him inside and they both threw the door and they struck them in with blindness so that now they've got a different problem now I can't see they forget all about that and they go home but this is interesting this was their last chance remember the whole reason these two angels were going to Sodom and Gomorrah was to see if their wickedness was as great as the outcry and we know that the Lord is omniscient he already knew that it was basically what he was saying is we're going there's a test I'm sending to my angels we're gonna go into the city they're gonna sleep in the city square if these men come out to sexually molest them that's it final chance they're doomed and of course this is what happens so now God's judgment is going to come upon them so now we go to the next part of the story look at verses 12 through 14 meanwhile the angels question lot do you have any of the relatives here in the city they asked get them out of this place your sons-in-law sons daughters or anyone else for we are about to destroy the city completely now why would they have to ask him are they not omniscient no these are the angels this is not the Lord they know why they've been sent so they asked you have any other relatives in the city get them out of this place your sons-in-law sons daughters or anyone else for we are about to destroy this city completely the outcry against this place is so great it has reached the Lord and he has sent us to destroy it so a lot rushed out to tell his sons-in-law quick get out of the city the Lord is about to destroy it but the young man thought he was only joking lot sons and unmarried daughters would have been under his patriarchal Authority they would have lived at the home so he wouldn't have had to rush out but his son in laws wouldn't have and that's why he had to rush out to warn them but of course they didn't believe him they actually laughed at him underline the word joking because it makes it sound like oh we we thought he was joking no no that's not what this means that's a really a bad translation you see the word joking is translated from the Hebrew word to suck to suck which means to laugh at they actually laughed at him you're crazy you're not you think God's gonna judge because these people are so wicked so they laughed at him now if they laughed at him and they did that means they didn't take his advice they didn't leave the city and they are his sons-in-law so if they are his sons at all that means his daughters or some of his daughters are married to them which means that lot had to leave some of his daughters behind and that's a critical part of the story especially as we read what happens to Lot's wife now let's look at verses 15 through 22 at dawn the next morning the Angels became insistent hurry they said to lot take your wife and your two daughters who are here why because they had a chance at night he went out he rushed out to go warn a son of the sons-in-law and because we know he had sons he would have gone out to warn them you need to come we're gonna have to get out of the city so what happens is at dawn the next morning the angels become insistent and they say hurry take your wife and your two daughters who are here get out right now or you will be swept away in the destruction of the city when lot still hesitated the angel ceased his hand in the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed him to safety outside the city for the Lord was merciful when they were safely out of the city one of the angels of order run for your lives and don't look back or stop anywhere in the valleys escape to the mountain so you will be swept away oh no my lord lot begged you have been so gracious to me and saved my life and you've shown such great kindness but I can't go to the mountains disaster would catch up to me there and I would soon die see there's a small village nearby please let me go there instead don't you see how small it is then my life will be saved thinks he knows better than God that's kind of interesting because we're like that many times God's trying to warn us he's telling us not to do something but guess what we know better so we started arguing with God and that's what lot does now let's go ahead and pick this up alright the angel said I will grant your request I will not destroy the little village but hurry scaped to it for I can nothing until you arrived there this explains why that village was known as O R which means the little place very few people live there now I want you to notice in verse 16 that lot hesitated the King James Version says that he lingered now personally I believe that the reason that he lingered is because he was having to leave some of his children behind and people that would be very hard to do but people that's one of the dangers of wanting to serve God and at the same time wanting to have what the world has to offer many times when you want everything that the world has to offer but you still want to serve God you end up losing your children because they are raised in a very worldly environment vironment so they go the way of the world and people that's what happened to lot lot loved God any one of the things of God and he wanted to have a relationship with God but he also wanted the wealth and the pleasure of the world so what he did is he moved his family into this very worldly environment any thought he could have both things but the problem is his children were raised in that worldly environment and it affected them so when it was time to escape or to leave they were not willing to leave this worldly environment and that happens many times you know I see it all the time I see parents who've got their feet in both places trying to live a godly life and trying to live the way of the world and what they don't realize is as you're raising children they're being raised in that worldly environment and it affects them and though you might be saved they're not and here he went out and he rushed out he went to his sons-in-law because of his daughters that were married he went to his sons and in the morning they're not there and the Angels tell him too late we got to get out of here it's coming or you're going to be caught up in the destruction - now when lot lingered when he hesitated one of the angels grabbed his hand in his wife's hand and started running within and actually pulling them and the other angel grabbed the hands of the of the two daughters and they rushed them the city when you see that rush them out of the city again it goes back to that same Hebrew word that we talked about about being miss manhandled this is where you can't say no they grabbed them and said okay you've hesitated you've lingered we've got to get out of here and they're strong they're supernatural beings they're angels so one of the angels grabs lot's hand he grabs his wife hand and literally pulls them out the other angel grabbed one of the hands of the daughter of one of the daughters and the other hand of the other daughter and he starts dragging them out - and they're running out look at verses 16 and 17 again when lot still hesitated the angel seized his hand in hands of his wife and two daughters and he rushed them to safety outside the city for the Lord was merciful what a mean merciful you hesitated and you're staying in the world you're choosing your family over me and there comes a time when you can't do that Jesus even said and of course this is a hyperbole which means an exaggeration to prove the point but he said if a man hates not his father and mother he can't be my disciple and what do you mean the Bible says were to let them know he's he's using that as a comparison in his exaggeration when we compare our love for God and we and we compare that to our love for her parents or for our art wife or for our children we need to understand something our loyalty our love to God must be greater than that and assistant the Lord was merciful when they were safely out of the city one of the Angels ordered Run For Your Lives and don't look back or stop anywhere in the valley scape to the mountains or you be swept away so once they were outside the city the Angels let go of their hands and they told them run for your lives and don't look back now what do you think Mama's going to do if some of her children are left behind in a city that's going to be destroyed mamas what would you do if you were running from a city that you know is going to be destroyed and your kids are left behind what are you gonna do look back aren't you you're torn that's what mama did that's what Lots why did liberal verses 24 through 26 then the Lord rained down fire and burning sulfur from the sky on Sodom and Gomorrah he utterly destroyed them along with the other cities and villages of the plain wiping out all the people in every bit of vegetation but Lot's wife looked back as she was following behind him and she turned into a pillar of salt mama looked back because my babies are there my daughters are there my sons are there but you see she had done the very same thing as lond she wanted a relationship with God she wanted to have this intimate relationship with him but she also wanted all the wealth and the pleasure of the world and she raised her kids in this worldly environment and then when they don't come and they don't heed God's warning she's torn to stay back there in the destruction or to run and obey the Lord so she looks back and of course she turns into a pillar of salt and now it's just lot in his two daughters and they ran to Zohar which was spared because again if you remember he begged the Lord to spare it but the people of Zohar would just as wicked as the people of Sodom and guess what lot feared for his life so he took his two daughters he headed for the mountains which is where the Angels wanted him to go in the first place isn't that funny sometimes the Lord tells us to do something and we argue with him well can I do this or can I do that and finally the Lord says fine do that you know why he does that because he wants you to see how foolish you are to argue with him so he let you have your way and lot gets to go to Zohar and as soon as he's there and all this destruction come he realized these people are just as wicked and I fear for my life here so now he goes and he takes his two daughters and he runs to the mountains he goes to the place where the Angels wanted him to go in the first place now if you were one of the two daughters and you saw everything and everyone destroyed with the exception of a few people as oh are what would you think what would you think I know what I would probably think I would probably think I along with a few people of ZOA are the only survivors at least in this area everywhere else everyone was destroyed everyone in everything which brings us to the epilogue because really the story is over this is all about the destruction of sodom and gomorrah and so we saw why it was destroyed and we saw how lot his children were saved and then we see the destruction but now we come to the epilogue and what's the epilogue what happened to lot in his two daughters they escaped they got out just the story in here no no we need the epilogue we want to find out what happened to them so let's look and see let's find out what happened to them turn to verses 30 through 38 afterward lot left is o r because he was afraid of the people there and he went to live in a cave in the mountains with his two daughters one day the Oder daughter said to her sister there are no men left anywhere in this entire area dad won't leave he's afraid we think were the only ones here so one of the day the daughter said his sister there are no men left anywhere in this entire air so we can't get married like everyone else and our father will soon be too old to have children come let's get him drunk with wine and then we will have sex with him that way we would preserve our family line through our father so that night they got him drunk with wine and the older daughter went in and had intercourse with her father he was unaware of her lying down or getting up again the next morning the older daughter said to her younger sister I had sex with our father last night let's get him drunk with wine again tonight and you go in and have sex with him that way we will preserve our family line through our Father so that night they got him drunk with wine again and the younger daughter went in and had intercourse with him as before he was unaware of her lying down or getting up again as a result both of lots of daughters became pregnant by their own father when the older daughter gave birth to a son she named him Moab he became the answer ancestor of the nation now known as the Moabites when the younger daughter gave birth to a son she named him Ben Emmy he became the ancestor of the nation now known as the ammonites so now we know where the Moabites come from and the ammonites we're going to see the descendants of lot through this ancestress relationship he has with his two daughters but here's what's so sad because Lotte wanted a relationship with God but he also wanted everything the world had to offer and rather than being separate like Abraham Abraham could have gone in lived inside the city of heaven but he refused to do that the reason he was a nomad is because he did not want to become ingrained within the culture he did not want that to affect him so he remained separate and that's one of the things that God wants us to do even in this New Testament time where in the world people were not but we're not supposed to be of the world we're to remain separate doesn't matter what everyone else is doing everyone else might be going to movies and they're showing naked men and women there and just write it are we're not supposed to do that everyone else might get a little drunk drinking is okay but drunkenness is a sin but you know everyone else is getting a little tipsy then the Bible says we're not supposed to do that there are certain things the Bible tells us we're to do more what we're not supposed to do but you see we're just like lot we want to have this relationship with God but we also want what the world has to offer the problem is with our children because they were raised in this worldly environment and it's not so much what you're teaching them but it's what you're preaching to them through your lifestyle and they don't have the faith that you do and because they grow up in that worldly environment they become very worldly and you end up not only losing all of these things when you go to heaven you stand before God one day but many of you end up losing your children and that's what happened a lot now here's what's interesting Lauda's never mentioned again in the book of Genesis this is it you want to know what happened to him this is the end result of his life but not Abraham Abraham remains separate he's going to raise his children in the way of the Lord God has chosen him because of that and he's not only gonna bless Abraham but he's gonna bless his descendants and that's a promise that God makes to us if we'll remember to be like Abraham and not like lot
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 4,333
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Keywords: book of genesis bible study, book of genesis summary, book of genesis free, book of genesis small group, book of genesis, genesis, cain and abel, noah, creation, babel, creation of good and evil, tree of knowledge, sin, noahs ark, adam and eve, creationism, cornerstone fellowship, allen nolan, genesis sermon, genesis series, introduction to genesis, introduction to bible, book of genesis explained, book of genesis guide, sodom and gomorrah
Id: 5bicYHzS8G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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