SoD Phase 2 Arms Warrior Complete DPS Guide | Season of Discovery

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this is the ultimate and only guide you're going to need as a warrior DPS in phase two of season Discovery hello my name is Javier and my goal is to make World of Warcraft a lot easier for you so that you can have a lot more fun and worry a lot less looking at our stack priority we're going to want 9% hit and that's going to get us to the cap at level 40 will be able to get here or not who is to say well I am and you may not get you know right there but still that's what you want to aim for strength and attack power are both coming out top in all of the Sims I've been running at level 40 over agility still and then after that really it's just crit that's the only thing really you're going to be getting on your gear outside of stamina Etc not that you need to worry of course cuz I'm going to be taking you through all of the gear that you're going to be getting anyway let's have a look at the build so we are going to be going with axes and we are going to be going two hander in this build I have looked at je wielding I have looked at Fury and it's just not happening right now if you really would like me to do a fury build then I can and just let me know in the comments because remember World of Warcraft is meant to be fun and not all about Min maxing but I'm aware that a lot of you do want to be Min maxing and therefore we're doing what is best of course so with that said let's put three out of three into Ren increasing the bleed Damage Done of Ren and put three out of three into improved heroic strike reducing the cost of it by free rage we're going to put five out of five points into tactical Mastery meaning that we're going to gain up to 20 we're going to retain not gain retain 25 of our rage when we swap stances we are going to be swapping stances more on that when we go through the rotation one point into anger management increasing the time required for your rage to Decay when out of combat this is generally a more quality of life Improvement and will slightly increase our DPS when we're going from pack to pack or from pack to boss Etc two out two points in improved overpower increasing the Critical Strike chance of overpower by 50% which is obviously huge and speaks for itself and then another three points into deep wounds this means that our critical strikes are going to cause the target to bleed we're then going to put two points into impale increasing the Critical Strike damage of our abilities in all of our stances that we're going to be using and then putting five out of five into two-handed weapon specialization increasing the damage that we do with our twoh handers by 5% of course we're using twoh handers specifically axes hence why we're also putting five out of five into axe specialization as well increasing our chance to crit with those axes by 5% we're going to put one point into sweeping strikes this is going to give us a huge amount of cleave and therefore increase our r generation we want to be using this as much as possible last point of course then going into mortal strike are bread and butter which is going to reduce the effectiveness of healing against the Target and obviously do a big old load of damage onto the runes then on the chest it's going to be for Raging blow a ferocious strike doing 100 weapon damage but can only be used while enraged uh Berserker rage or blood rage is active on the next one then generally it's kind of up to you and The Sims are really interesting you can go for consumed by rage and raging you and graning temp % melee damage bonus of 12 seconds or up to a maximum of 12 swings after you exceed 80 Rage which is fantastic you could if you like go the frenzy assault way and go uh while wielding two-handed weapons your attack speed is increased by 20% as well I'm going to go consumed by rage we're going to go for Endless rage on the next Rune generating 25% rage more rage from all damage we deal that's on the hand and then on the new ones which is the waist and boot we're going to put Focus rage reducing the rage cost of our abilities then in the foot we're going to go with rally and cry let loose of rally and cry granting all party and raid members of in 40 yards 15% increased maximum health for 10 second which again is one of our bread and butter abilities that Warriors have loved for so long before we get onto the biz gear let's just have a good old look at what some of the pre- biz gear we can actually get is a lot of the tiger gear is going to be very good any gear that has got strength on you can get a lot of greens as you can see here on the auction house and also for example on the waist on the right hand side here from a rafy basin honored you can get some good uh waste items and a lot of PVP rings are also going to be really good as well as expected Scarlet Monastery is also going to have a lot of good gear there's things like this fiery war axe which is a really great two-handed Axe that's a world drop could be very expensive however however one that I do recommend you do is the Whirlwind weapon Quest getting you the worldwind axe and this is a warrior specific Quest it is two-handed we are doing a two-handed axe build after all this is going to be really really fantastic going on to the actual best in slot gear then the first one we're going to want is this here the tempered interference negating helmet giving a ton of strength and stamina it's going to improve our crit Chance by 1% and when we use it we're going to reduce our movement speed by 20% but also increase our melee attack speed by 20% for 10 seconds it is on a 10-minute cooldown so use this wisely I do really recommend getting blacksmithing so that you can use this Nan peace officer talk then from nun is going to be great on the neck trog Slayer pauldrons on the shoulders again 22 attack power and the drape of Mis dismantling again on the on the cloak these are all from Noman excluding the head of course if you guys aren't sure where to get gear or you have any class questions rotation questions UI add-ons literally you name it whether it's sod retail or WL Etc please do let me know and join our Discord we have a lot of very knowledgeable members and I can also help you out with any questions you do have you can also consider joining my patreon or YouTube membership where you can then open a ticket in my Discord and I will help you onetoone in private with logging simming setting up your UI you can also import my lvi as well if you'd like on the chest legs and Boots we're going to go for the insulated lever gear one thing I do get a lot of comments on is people that don't quite understand that actually in classic it's not always Warriors wearing plat paladins for example are wearing a lot of cloth Etc and it really is more about the stats we get very different to retail just want to put that out there in case you're a bit confused while we're looking at the this kind of gear um this is a really good set we get an in increased crit Chance by 1% and it's going to increase daggers and attack power uh for Druids which obviously isn't very good for us but the 17 strength and 13 agility however for example on the chest is fantastic the Berserker braces on the wrist then are going to be from warsong out Riders exalted warsong G reputation and we've got the ferma plugs rocket Cleaver as the two-handed best-in slot axe that we're going to be using in this build Machinist gloves are the best gloves you're going to get again these are lever but it adds 30 attack power when fighting mechanical units making these the absolute best for a lot of specializations the power assisted lifting belt is fantastic for us DPS Warriors especially with this build considering it increases the damage of twoand axes by fre anything that's going to increase your weapon skill like this is going to be phenomenal with this build by the way again on the boots and legs it's going to be the insulated set that I've already shown you there's this unique equipped ring that you can get we're going to want the Devastation one it's from nomigan again adding Arcane and nature resistance and adding strength and Agility and stamina you can stay with your phase one protectors band from PvP on the other ring and the Avengers void pear same again from aame the quest line at the end there of BFD on one of your trinkets the other new one however is the 420b experiment trinket increasing your attack speed by 5% and attack power apart from that you can shove on this monolith bow adding six strength and three agility in your spare slot going on to the consumables then here is a few examples of some really good ones we can use you've got the elixir of agility the elixir of ogre strength pretty self-explanation on those and also the dragon breath chili which does stack with your other food this is going to belch out some fire at those nasty enemies you're fighting and it's on a small proc chance on the actual other food in that it does your belching is going to stack with I would recommend the spider sausage ignore this crap on the left um I just had that there from my last video the spider sausage is really good it's 12 stamina and 12 Spirit which obviously doesn't really matter for us Warriors but overall this is one of the best foods you can really get and you can Farm these spiders in the northwest region of dustwallow marsh there is like a codo stew I think it is that's the same as well I just found that the spiders that you can Farm have a really good drop rate and of the easiest ones to do and if you have taken blacksmithing and you're not sure what to take for your other profession you could maybe be taking mining of course if you have tons of money and you don't really care about having mining to do it yourself then I would go with the en chanting profession for this here this sigil it increases your attack speed uh sorry attack power by 20 for 30 minutes which is just fantastic doesn't persist through death and it does have a 30-minute coold down similar to like how the world Buffs work and you could also then take Alchemy for this on the right the mildly radiated Rejuvenation potion restoring health and Mana when needed so health for us and also increasing attack power by 40 um for 15 seconds so the choice is yours but blacksmithing is the absolute must putting all together into a rotation and it's going to be pretty simple we're going to want to go into Berserker stance when we start off and then use raging blow Whirlwind and then our mortal strike putting it all together then into a rotation we're going to use our raging blow Whirlwind and then mortal strike in that order in our Berserker stance now what we're then going to want to do because we want to use our overpower but we can only use this in our Battle Stance is dump all of our rage down to 255 because remember when we're swapping stances we are going to retain 25 rage so we're going to swap over to Battle Stance use our overpower and then swap up back over to our Berserker stance and continue so it is a pretty simple um rotation based on the builds we've got you just have to be very comfortable with your um stance swapping on that that's pretty much like the base of it I'm assuming you're probably going to already kind of know the base rotation from doing phase one if you're watching this video I could be wrong however of course but that is pretty much it you should be good to go now in arms two-handed Phase 2 Warrior DPS and like I did say if you really would love a fury guide Etc then just let me know uh this is going to be the absolute best from all the tests I've ran and practice on um in my experience but hey I'm here to serve you guys so let me know in the comments
Channel: Javier
Views: 24,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, wow classic, Paladin, druid, hunter, priest, warlock, warrior, raid, m+, classic wow, sod, phase 2, arms
Id: cQ69g2zHCWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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