So What if I want to bag a Billionaire? Response after my interview on "This Morning" iTV

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so i want to talk about my latest features in media today i was being interviewed in this morning show on itv uk on saturday i was in the times magazine i was featured in a seven page long interview about myself and what i do is the school of affluence and also now i've been featured in the daily mail and let's be honest the feedback is mixed i have thankfully and i am so blessed for this i have a big community that is holding my back in this journey they are supporting me they are sending me love they are sending me their voices it's a mutual collaboration me and my community i am listening to them every step on this journey but then of course i do have a few haters but the haters i don't really care so much about because i know exactly why they're hating it doesn't really bother you so much their voices means nothing but i do want to talk about the fact that people do react when we speak about such topic that yes i am a woman who want to have an affluent lifestyle i am a woman who prioritizes love as much as i prioritizes the financial aspect or the financial quality a man can offer me i prioritize them both equally much because yes in this world you can have both it's not easy but you can but in order to achieve that a woman has to also make sacrifices and that's what i was also mentioning we have to adapt to the level of high society we have to transform ourselves we have to be high caliber women we have to raise our own status if we want to enter the high society if we want to have a wealthy man that is the basics okay but of course i am getting bashed left right and centered by people who accuse me of not being a feminist of going against the principle of what we have been wanting to change in the recent feminist movement and the thing is that i feel like feminism is getting very much to the extreme feminism have reached a point where for me it's no longer feminism anymore for me feminism is all about equality it's about empowering other women for me feminism is not about bashing other women and dominate one another and thinking that you are bad and i'm better than you because i am like this and you're not like that you see for me this is not feminism but apparently women in this society think that there are super feminists when they're dominating and trashing and bashing a fellow woman now okay it's fine you don't have to agree with everything i say but you don't have to judge i think that i personally do not judge other feminists who don't shave their armpits or feminists who decide to work i don't shame them so i don't understand why they have to shame me so this is basically what i'm trying to explain now if you ask me i'm actually proud of what i'm doing i am proud that i'm speaking my voice that i'm saying the truth i am proud that i'm able to say exactly what i've done and who i've dated and all these personal details that normally will shouldn't admit but i'm doing it for my community i'm doing it because i want to normalize certain aspects i want to stand up straight with my back straight and say yes i have a man financing my lifestyle and there is nothing wrong with that and i'm not ashamed of talking about it the more we speak about things that are so taboo the more they're going to become normalized this is why i want to do it this is why i'm putting myself outside of my comfort zone so that i can speak about things that are actually important for me and what is important for me this fact that women are able to be whoever they want to be the fact that nobody should judge us women i am making a female issue around this because men never get criticized the same way women do so for me this is an issue that has to do with feminism why do women get attacked as soon as we do x y is that why can't we just do whatever we want to do with our lives without having you know people there harassing us and doing a witch hunt of it i am not telling that everybody has to go out and seek out a luxurious lifestyle of course not this is not in the interest of everybody but this is of interest for some women so why shouldn't these women have the ability to do this if they want to why do women have to hide why do women have to feel ashamed or embarrassed to admit do you know how many women in my community have to have secret private accounts where they follow me from because they are embarrassed to show to their family to their friends of what is actually their interest because they know how they will get judged and they don't want to deal with it and i totally get them because it is a headache people judge you like you are a piece of basically that you worth less and i hate it and it makes me so angry it makes me frustrated the fact that women cannot be just who we want to be and you know what makes me the most upset princess at this tv interview who was giving me a hard time was it the man it was i actually thought for a second that it would be the man who would give me a hard time because i was in a way prepared that they would challenge me but for me it was a bit surprising that it was the women who was giving me a tough time i guess i was just naive i guess in my little bubble i still believe in the better of everybody i believe that women should hold each other backs and support each other and empower each other i always thought that the man is our maybe biggest enemy but now i'm starting to think maybe it's us against each other we are our biggest enemies the fact that we cannot be supportive of each other the fact that our jealousy have to tear each other apart it makes me angry you know it makes me also very sad in a way because for me this is such an important cause the fact that us women back each other up and i just find it so sad that in our society we cannot walk out on the street and say i am a woman who loves the finer things in life i love having a man spoil me i love having not to work and have a man take care of me financially i love being a woman and i love reaping the benefits of a woman because finally for once a woman has a benefit and that's what drives people crazy and that's what drives people to jealousy and this hatred and that's why they are shaming me left right and center writing evil comments they call me prostitute they make fun of the way i look anything to try and dominate try and put me and bring me down you know it doesn't work first of all because i'm strong and i have a very strong community behind me so i don't feel any of that but what makes me sad is that that's what you get for being a woman for having my certain life choices it seems like i cannot make any life choices it seems that society wants to keep you in a certain way society wants to package you in a certain way and have full control of you if you don't do what the society says then you're a then you're a then you're a wish and you're a horrible person you're a gold digger you're an escort you're fat you're ugly you're a that's society for you and i don't know who's the worst men or women in this society i am amazed how far behind we still are in time even though they claim that what i'm doing is going back in time i just feel like this is the right thing to do i feel like if a woman can finally benefit of something in life if a woman has for once an advantage in something why should that advantage be taken away from her why there are so many disadvantages already being a woman why should at least this advantage the little few advantages that we have be taken away from us the advantage of a 50-50 society doesn't exist because the man is not capable of going 100 50 50 with a woman for biological reasons a man cannot carry a child half of the time a man cannot have to deal with hormones menstruation and all kinds of things half of the time that a woman has to deal with that is the brutal reality so let us women have at least one advantage if we want to benefit from a man let us benefit from a man why does it have to affect you so badly if that's not your life choice why do you have to feel so upset isn't it only fair that if that's something we want to do that we can take advantage of that all this time i have been hoping that feminism is about having a choice it's about not being forced to have to work or do something or look a particular way i thought feminism was about choice the choice of being able to choose the choice of being able to be whoever we want to be not having to be shamed and also don't forget the biggest reason to why women actually prioritize finances in a man and stasis is because it's in our instinct it's a biological thing it's something that research has proven it's something that has been with us for millions of years for survival reasons so please don't come and shame women just because we have this instinct if you are a true feminist then you are holding women by your back and supporting them and not bashing them so if you support what i do please do give me a like and subscribe and also follow me on instagram that's where i usually hang out so i will see you in the next video thank you so much for watching
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 417,014
Rating: 4.9055624 out of 5
Keywords: school of affluence, jetsetbabe, anna bey, luxury, luxury lifestyle, itv, the times, daily mail, rich men, billionaire, bag a billionaire, how to bag a billionaire, the woman who teaches how to bag a billionaire, millionaire, school, online finishing school, get a rich man, benefit financially, wealthy men, affluent men, sponsor, sugardaddy, golddigger, luxury woman, elegant woman, tv interview, this morning, this morning itv, interview, level up
Id: HXOS4tonxXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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