so we read a court of mist and fury | dbbc

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hello welcome back to the I'm Chandler and I'm Hayden and today we're going to be talking about a quart of myths and fury by Serge a mess yay I am just so [ __ ] thrilled to be able to talk about this book I read this back in the end of January shortly after we had finished a quart of the Fox the first one called thornoids and roses and you know what I'm just feeling it I was feeling that like Reis fair a connection and I felt like like at the time at the time yeah and I just needed to dive in and I'm not saying I regret being excited but it definitely didn't live up to my previous enjoyment which was a little disappointing to me do you like this one or the first one more this one for sure like you were looking forward to it for that reason like you were like I know it's better than the first book well yeah and I knew who she got with in the second book so for me it was like okay finally we get to get there but I didn't realize how [ __ ] sloper in this book was I just seemed to remember the first 30% them getting together but that's just not the case and first part of this book really [ __ ] dragged I don't know how you felt I mean I spoke to you about this earlier today because I was reading this book up until a couple hours ago yeah as he does wait until the last possible second you know oh I like to keep things fresh yeah it's all top of mind right now but yeah I spoke to you about this earlier that I felt like at least 50% of this book could have not existed and it still had been the same book I mean the whole thing was kind of slow burn I think that's a fair assessment I really I do think the beginning like angsty very [ __ ] could have been cut down considerably with the same effect to the slow burn of high burn okay um moving right along I guess we could just dive into this muhfucka imply I am excited to start and just talk about all the good things good things I think you can see where I've met it here today I know it wasn't that bad I would agree with you like I enjoyed it more than the first kind of the only thing was that it was definitely much more of a chore than the first book because of how long it was it took more work to get there if it would have been close to the same length as the first book then like a hundred percent yes this would have been better book yo you want to cut it out Pepe get your ass over here we'll show everybody the culprit it's bastard no respect for the pod oh Jesus I'm afraid he's gonna tell my god he's a rat I obviously took notes back in the day for this it's been a couple of months and the first thing that I had is that Farrah just starts out mad depressed with a big ol dose of PTSD for what happened to the mountain and that I really liked it because I felt like one of your complaints at the end of the last book was that it was just all kind of like sunshine and roses no I complained that she was uh uh the whole time that she was poor me maybe I'm ugly all I know how to do is haunt but I don't even want to do that no but at the end of the last book when she gets turned into a Fae it's just like oh my god yeah at the end you don't really get oh yes so yeah the depression and then in this book it's like Oh from killing those people yeah yep you're right about though she definitely gets that in this book and I at first was here for it because I was like okay well finally we're addressing the fact that she's been through it and then after a while I was like calm the [ __ ] down yes spoiler alert she doesn't get less depressed in the next 600 pages and I assumed I guess wrongly that her relationship with Reese and kind of getting saved by him would increase her happiness or like enhance her mood in some regard but doesn't seem to really do that like she thought behind it by the dick for sure but that was pretty much the extent of her I don't know emotional capacity beyond being depressed and then the fact that it it doesn't end on high note either I mean I know we're getting a little head but uh the whole thing was um was really something getting back to the beginning Farah is obviously super depressed at the events that happened under the mountain and she is simultaneously having to prepare for this wedding to Tamblyn and she is increasingly noticing things that are kind of worrisome to her we find out pretty quickly that Tamlin is a bit of a Republican I tweeted that like months ago and y'all really seem to like it cuz it's [ __ ] true the way that he's characterized it's it's honestly astounding how she could go from having him be kind of affair as Savior to being this guy he was like kind of a piece of [ __ ] yeah I suppose there were like tiny hints at that in the first book but it wasn't enough to really like raise any red flags beyond just like the kind of alpha male mists of him you know stuff but now he's like you know this isn't your place cuz you're a woman and I mean you know I'm sure that will cover it in a little bit but during the tithe when she asked why do these things he's like I don't know it's just tradition but my parents did it and so I'm doing it and my children will do it I think we can talk about that right now honestly because I think that it is pretty early book pretty book I think to me all of the beginning is sort of a blur in that she's really depressed the whole thing is just like start to make Tamlyn look like a real piece of [ __ ] basically so one of the kind of pivotal scenes at the beginning of the book as Heaton just mentioned is the tie of scene where basically I mean it's reminiscent of I would say like medieval England when there's like serfdom and [ __ ] like that and you would have to come forward to your I don't know thief who's in charge you told me I don't know nothing about those it's been a second okay I was a history major but it's been a [ __ ] second basically you have to come forward teary Lord and be like hey there's like a percentage of my money that I'm giving up to you or percentage of my crops or grains or whatever the [ __ ] you have I mean it's [ __ ] taxes taxes essentially basically in exchange he provides protection to everybody so that's sort of like the way that works Hamlin I think oh is it like a water notice right but water Wraiths water rape comes forward and is like do I don't have anything and fare is like we don't really need anything we're like self-sufficient anyway the whole taxes thing is kind of [ __ ] like let's just let her live well not only does she not have anything but all of the fish in the water or [ __ ] dead we can't even catch food to eat much less catch enough to like give to you and tamilyn is basically saying there can be no special exceptions or exemptions for anyone and d'affaires like that's [ __ ] stupid like we're fine we really we don't need any of this stuff anyway that's really I think where we're starting to see two monster colors if we haven't already seen them before and also I think another big thing that kind of stood out to me was the fact that the whole idea of like them getting married comes up and he says something to the effect or I guess she raises or poses the question what will I be when we become married yeah will I be a high lady and he's like there's no [ __ ] hi ladies you'll be like my consort essentially yeah which I [ __ ] hate that word I've always hated it all throughout history what does that even really mean you were married into a royal family you are not part of the royal family okay yeah like you were married to the King King consort Queen consort well you learn something new every day that was another like just nail in the coffin and I think obviously the the final straw in the scenario is when Hamlin tries to lock up Farrah yes and does not allow her to leave and that's something that recurs throughout the beginning of the book literally Beauty and the Beast to this extent you know he's like a shape-shifting I can turn into a [ __ ] beast with claws and [ __ ] and then he locks her away yeah I guess that's kind of a fair comparison he essentially locks her up because he doesn't think the lands are safe still because even though amaranthus been defeated there's some [ __ ] that's kind of boiling and we don't know exactly the extent to it because Tamlyn did not want to share with Farrah at all and he I think he's going out and hunt or something or like going to defend the lands he's like you can't come and he locks her in the house knowing how much PTSD she had from being locked away he's having nightmares every night she's throwing up yeah eventually she gets saved which is nice I guess well because you know in the in the end of the first book she makes this kind of contract with Reese where like he can take her for how much amount of time every month I think it's two weeks a month or something I think it's just a week but you know she says that in the first like three months after her return like she never heard anything so she was like maybe he was just making the deal symbolically just to mark her with these tattoos but he's never really gonna like take her up on it yeah yeah he really does but I mean to be fair she was calling out for it we're actually getting a bit ahead of ourselves because I'm just remembering now that the first time that she gets taken is actually when they are about to be Wed it's not when she's locked in the house that's the last time that she gets taken away the first time is when they're about to be married she's doing the same thing where she's like kind of calling out for help but like in her own head unbeknownst to her there's a mental bond between the two of them that he can just hear these calls for help and so he I don't think he said that that Reiss ends up coming to her rescue and it takes her away it to the Night Court that's where we get our first taste of it it's super interesting kind of the side note that one of the the biggest things to me that I remember from her first time in the Night Court is the fact that she gets clothing basically Jasmine's outfit from Aladdin what's funny is I that's exactly what I pictured in my head I mean that's exactly what they're going for and it's fascinating to me because Sarah J Maas says absolutely nothing to have any sort of diversity in any of her books there's pretty much no black people or brown people or Asian people like there's there's no [ __ ] diverse so yeah I just say that's fantasy but there's literally no diversity so for her to co-opt that outfit mmm and put it in like the land of the movie white people it's yes a choice but but I will say this I mean the her descriptions of the Night Court I didn't feel any of this in the first book when she talked about the Supreme Court but in the Night Court I felt like this could have been really interesting to see adapted to like a screen or something you know yeah like just all of the descriptions in this book and the way that it unfolds actually made me say like I want to see this visually like it would be interesting to see in a movie where it's the first book I was like can you take it or leave it yeah really could not care so anyway she arrives at the Night Court she gets into her Princess Jasmine outfit she is mostly left alone for this first trip there does she meet if she meets more the first time but for the most part she's left alone which is not really what she's anticipating I think she thought that Reese would be very forward and would try to irritate her and while he does tease her a little bit he definitely allows her space to kind of recover I think he understands what she's gone through more so than Tamlyn possibly could and I think that's where we start to see like oh okay we might actually like him well in I think that he also understands her fear of the unknown Night Court and everything that's been said about it because I mean as he admits multiple times later on in the book everyone thinks the worst about his court and like thinks that they're all torturous and he let's them believe that in order for him to maintain this air of intimidation and and power against other people other people think that he's evil and he lets that happen but he doesn't want that to happen with her he wants her to see what's really going on here exactly and so he's letting her use into it so did you question his motives at the beginning well when they first met I was pretty sure that he was just capturing her the same reason at the end of the last book because he was attracted to her and or liked her in some way or maybe thought that he loved her or something like that he was drawn to her so I thought it mostly had to do with that that's not really wrong but you know we learned pretty quickly that he has other that's why I wish I could remember how I felt the first time reading this because reading it a second time it's kind of hard to ascertain like what his feelings are because first book it's clear that it's it's all for him and he very much like he is attracted to her but he it's it's for himself like he's not trying to help her for the sake of helping her whereas in this book he obviously like he's leading her alone and that's not because he doesn't want anything to do with her it's it's for her own good so it was interesting I guess to see how his motives are potentially changing that we find out later on in the book is that his motives really aren't changing he had time but anyways that first time he believed her alone and then the second time I believe when Ferriss locked in the house and he saves her that second time because I think she flashes out does she explode with one of her powers yeah exactly and in the house and Reese takes her again and I believe it's this time too that he starts teaching her to read I think it actually was the first time that he takes her that he tries to start teaching her how to mention it but I think it's the second time that he actually well there's there's a time or two in between those times when he takes her like he comes back and actually takes her on more scheduled times after the first time he's like now you're gonna come here you're gonna learn how to read and then during one of those times he mentioned stir like hey have you never thought about these powers that it seems that you might have and then kind of tells her about impending war that he believes is gonna happen and then lets her go back to Tim when one last time - I guess it ends up being one last time but it's not planned that it's one last time he lets her go back and try to explain some of these things to tan when hoping to persuade him to assist them meeting all of the allies of all of the courts this is true is it bad that I don't really give a [ __ ] about any of that what I just don't care about the plot of this book I what do what do you care about in this book just her and Reese getting together yeah oh that was the least of this book for me well I guess that's just me I knew I knew you wouldn't care about that but just trying to recount all of the leg details of what happens like I don't care about where I got you family I don't care about that my new shows what I'm saying and I don't know that we want to bore other people with it more yeah we want to talk about her feelings about the details that were included well I'll tell you let's get into the first detail here because then one of the times it's the time when he's explaining to her this impending war right there standing in front of a giant map of all of the courts and he's pointing out you know here lives Night Court here's the day corps the summer court you know all of the seasonal courts right and she says something about you know it's daytime in the night court at the time I'm just gonna say it's gonna give us a [ __ ] science lesson here not really I'm just gonna say I think that Sarah J Maas is either really [ __ ] stupid yes or they're trying to say that the fairies believe in uh in a flat earth it's daytime in the Night Court and she's like how does that work and he's like well the seasonal courts can control the seasons but we're just fairies with magic we're not powerful enough to control the Sun as if seasons aren't related to the sign and or as if like the solar system is earth centric just want to throw immediately when I read it I came in into the bedroom inside the gym where uh I think that Sarah J Maas believes I'm flattered no you said the fairies are flat earthers and not that was pretty good yeah so thank you for the fodder but yeah that's the man that's the follow-up there that's what that's where my mind was at we talked about her her newfound superpowers at least at this point in the very beginning in my in my mind when they first brought this up I was like oh yay not only does she get transformed into a hyphae yes now she supposedly has these hidden [ __ ] superpowers that would make her possibly the most powerful - to ever exist with like training if she trains them I was just like no super super coincidental is awesome I love all of these plot points in this story it's I don't know how you can be shocked it's centered on a female main character in a young adult fantasy and you don't think she's gonna have all the [ __ ] super like I don't know I don't read these this is new to me too powerful of tropes our version for the main character of any of these books to have no powers and to be powerless and yet somehow like save the world by light Bella has power in what you had around all the books you don't know be the dumbest [ __ ] alive I read [ __ ] two of them don't she is good for nothing in both of those books well you have it read the other two so whatever no disrespect in this house okay back to the task at hand also just another I'm looking at my notes here and a couple of these points happen very early in the book so as we mentioned earlier you know she asked Hamlin about what will happen when they get married and he says you know she's like yeah it will I be out hi lady and he says there's no hi ladies and I was like thanks for the [ __ ] spoilers sergej mass now I know exactly how the end of this book is gonna go and I was I read that it's a sworn never said spot-on foreshadowing well but that's what I'm saying if she foreshadows anything in this book it is going to happen sometimes people foreshadow something to try to make you think that it's going one way and then miss direction in the end of the book you're like oh I totally thought because they said this thing is gonna happen and it was gonna be a mess I don't know these things I'm new to it but I mean obviously I know these things now and I guessed it at the very beginning of this book that that's how I was gonna go anything that she brought up was a hundred percent going to happen okay so moving on I guess kind of to give some more context for the plot as we tear this book apart it's the central I would say premise of this book is the fact that there's an impending war coming and the way that they're going to stop this war is by getting this magical book that will in some way deactivate a cauldron that the king of high burn has the high not a cauldron Chandler the [ __ ] cauldron okay cauldrons be damned side the cauldron I honestly can't even remember the name of the what's name in the book do you know the name of the book element it's the book of breathing's I believe I put the book ebook I do believe it's the book of breathing's I that sounds right so the whole point basically is for them to retrieve the pieces of this book because it has been basically like torn shreds and they get it together and it'll be magical and it'll do you activate this cauldron that was gonna I don't know hurt the world so the premise from there the plot from there is that there are different like missions that they have to go on it reminds me a lot of barbie and the magic of pegasus because there's little quests you know have you seen that it's excellent no I haven't but I was going to say I was gonna say it reminded me a lot of like the last two or three books and Harry Potter series where they're like they finally figure out yeah they're trying to they're trying to get all the Horcruxes and they have to go on all of these little different missions that are all just very dangerous and each time they're like oh you're kidding me I have to do what but it's like six or seven times and you just get tired of it exactly well and there's also some like side quests I would say the the time where Clara has to go and pick up the ring from the weavers house yeah speaking of the Weaver like when I read this story so essentially they're trying to test whether or not she can detect objects that belong to other High Lords or like objects that are like exactly what specific magical battlers yes and that's important because the whole like the book is magical and they think it could potentially be hidden from other people yes so they need someone who can you detect it that's kind of fair is usefulness in this situation there's a whole gang of people around Reese which is important kind of later on and we'll talk about some of those characters basically yeah for from here Farrah is her usefulness I guess in fact that she could potentially detect these powers because she has the powers of each of the high Lord he potentially she can find the book so her first task is to go to the weavers is to go to the weavers house and you know they're like oh we're going to see the Weaver and they're like oh my god that we were she's like all right whatever how bad could it be and they're like very bad so they take her to the middle of the woods and there's this old blind lady or no she's not old she's like kind of youngish looking she's blind lady that lives in the woods yeah and she and she like it keeps treasures almost like almost like an old dragon she just Oh hoards all of her goods she's blind but her senses are super heightened and every other aren't she's quiet yeah not smell she's supposed to like sneak in oh she also can't bring in anything that doesn't belong there so she can bring daggers because the Weaver has like knives on her dinner table but she can't bring a sword because swords don't belong there I honestly couldn't remember that but congratulations you've got a fine attention to details now I have a fine memory you always told me that I am ministry yeah that I don't have an attention to detail essentially Farrah breaks into this lady's house a blind woman living in the woods doing nothing to Farrah just wanted to point that out again because I'm Pro Weaver story so she breaks into the Weaver's house she the Weaver is just in there like weaving some [ __ ] and she's like singing some white hacky tales not really they're like the scary old death like [ __ ] tunes yeah but they're for children kind of like ring-around-the-rosie uniques that's exactly what I was thinking yeah so she has to go in there she has to like she doesn't even know what she's trying to steal she's gotta find what it is like it's gonna like magically glow for her yeah so she finds it the ring she picks the ring up she's about to leap and the Weaver's like who the [ __ ] in my house she doesn't say anything and the Weaver's like yeah I know you [ __ ] in here like what's up I'm gonna make all the [ __ ] doorknobs disappear and the latches on the windows you're [ __ ] trapped in here then Farrah uses her crazy new powers to set all of the weavers threads on fire so her whole walls like smoking up and then she starts climbing through the chimney to get out I can just I can just remember it because there's apparently like fat on the yes from people it in Greece people Greece she's climbing up this like lubed up chimney and the weaver comes in from the bottom and Farrah uses her powers to take a brick free and launches it at this lady's face and busts her face all up and she's all like bleeding black blood and then she leaves but I'm just thinking to myself like this was a test Reese was thinking I'm gonna test her with this to test her powers but really the whole test was let's go break into an old blind lady's house steal her [ __ ] set her house on fire and then smash a [ __ ] face with a brick and then leave I mean when you put it like that that's why I'm Pro Weaver she wasn't doing anything I mean sure she captures people and like turns them into thread and like you know eats their flesh and like eats their bones but those are only people that are coming to steal her treasures she's just an old dragon type person where she's just in there to like hoard her goods if anyone was wondering what the comparison is to apart being the magic of Pegasus there's a scene where Barbie is captured by an ogre or a very large man and she's put in a cauldron and is going to be eaten and I just remember playing I think there was a game for the PC and he were like in the [ __ ] culture and he's like carrots and stuff and you had to like try to figure out a way to get out of the cauldron and out of this man's house so well see the difference there you know was Barbie trying to steal from the ogre I'm sure she was [ __ ] thieving [ __ ] oh okay well then there's no difference it's completely her look at the whole point of that of that lore if anyone was curious is she's trying to find components to this like magic staff mmm I think so she's trying to take over the world - yeah I'm saying they're the same story they really are you're I mean I'm a you don't have to convince me I'm I make a strong argument for this the next task the next journey that we're going on to the creepy dude in prison bone Carver yes my man bone Carver so we're going to him to ask questions about hi burn and hybrids plans I believe I remember the details the details are fuzzy so fill them in for us okay so yeah that that is why they're going there they know for some reason that this is what I don't understand this is how the bone Carver just knows things oh okay I know exactly okay I remember now brain blast they don't know he doesn't just know things like the cereal he knows things about bones he's the bone Carver but they know that he doesn't really like talking to that many people he only wants to know he wants to see people he's never seen before and asked them truths that he doesn't know already so that's why they bring Farrah to the bone Carver is they know that he'll be interested to talk to her because she is like the only one of her kind and also he's never met her before so they take her into the prison which Farrah is scared to do and turns back at one point they have to bring her back another day which I was like really they brought her ass all the way out there and then she's like no I'm good let's come back tomorrow anyways they get her inside the prison which apparently Reese is the only one that owns he owns the prison by the way hashtag Reese is the most conservative private prison prison reform private prisons they go down into the prison and they talk to the bone Carver and the reason that they talk to the bone Carver is because they have heard that Heiberg wants to use the cauldron in order to resurrect Jerian yes he was a famous famous warrior guy they don't know for sure that jurian can be resurrected and they want to know if it's possible and to what would be necessary because they know that they have a finger bone and his eye that was in amaranthus ring so they want to know if it's possible and because part of it was a finger bone they don't ask the bone guy and you know he asks fara to tell a bunch of of truths about herself and in return for all of these things he asks for her bones at one point tries to make a deal with Reese saying I'll give you the information that you want if you promise me her bones when she dies instead they end up giving him the bone that she used to like slay the Midgard worm and he tells her as she's leaving I'm going to carve your death into this bone like a depiction of your death honestly I thought it was kind of [ __ ] cool I kind of like the bone Carver like everything everyone was scared of him but he didn't do anything that I thought was that scary like dude she's just kind of into bones like it's not like he's into making bones like he doesn't want to kill people to get their bones but he's cool with having that bones after he's a paleontologist that's all he is the bone Carver it's just a paleontologist and an artist in one change one one one of the components of what happens one of the questions that they ask or that they get the answer to is the fact that half of the book that they're looking for well this is where they find out about the book yeah probably whatever semantics they figure out that half of the book is in the mortal realm and Farrah thinks that it's a good idea to loop her sisters you know the fact that there's an impending war well here's the thing she actually doesn't want to but now they need to contact the Queen's of the mortal realm who had in order to do that they think that the only way to really do that is to have a safe space for both of them because they think that the Queen's of the mortal realm might be scared if some fairies just show up you know on their doorstep they also know that the Queen's won't come to the fairy lands so they're like let's set up this this DMZ in-between what a demilitarized zone okay it's a spot between I understand thank you I was not familiar with the term DMZ okay her sisters or her father's estate which I guess is just sir I'm very confused as to why we don't see her father in this book like they just decide like well yeah I know but why was that a choice that they made guess I thought about oh man me maybe well did that do that no man we don't need him like why don't we need the sisters they're important later but yeah so they go they go and have a run-in with the sisters and this is kind of where we get the beginnings of the interactions between like Cassie and enesta and Elaine and everybody else I guess I mean I think the real story the show here is the whole cassia nesset a relationship yeah this whole enemies to lover situation that's like started starting to form and work doesn't form is that too much to give away or Sara Sara J mass to know that she mentioned it so it will happen yeah everybody straight and white and they're going to end up together okay everybody ends up together yeah so her sisters are all I mean no particulars not super [ __ ] thrilled about the fact that very same now right [ __ ] bruh it's in the [ __ ] name bish learn but yeah Nessa it's just real cold she's kind of a [ __ ] and I like Reese's reaction to sisters he is really sad that Ferris sister sucks so bad and he kind of understands a little bit more about her by being around her sisters and Kassian like snaps at one point like snaps at her she's like he's like looking at Nessa and that's just like the [ __ ] you lookin at and he's like if you expect me to keep my mouth shut about the fact that you were such a [ __ ] to your younger sister who had to go out and literally make sure that you got food day to day then you know you can go ahead [ __ ] shove it cuz I'm not gonna keep my mouth shut about it hey man and she just doesn't say anything about it like she's just like nine and so after that after the kind of the groundwork is that we don't revisit them until later on in the book but now we're gonna go to the summer court and betray some [ __ ] so here is where I want to talk about Sarah J masses attempt at diversity okay so first of all how do you say his name is it Tarkin or Tarquin means which one do you want to go with which one do you say in your mind when you read it I'll put up to you I'm gonna say Tarkin just because it's it's easier on the mouth that's our Quinn Tarquin is the you'd said Tarquin so we're going with charcoal now Tarquin is the the king of the summer court correct he's a high Lord High Lord yes when they first arrived they described everyone in the summer court as having dark brown skin yeah so don't they have like white colored eyes or something so I think that they were described as like either like silver or purple or so it's not like their [ __ ] face so that's what I'm saying this could not be a true race of people who are you to decide what a true race of people is and that's what I'm saying there they're fairies yeah so are they also supposed to conform to our human idea of race and if not then what is diversity in the fairy kingdoms I know that this is getting a little philosophical and deep here but it's hurting my brain do you do you want them to be diverse in the fact that there's - and lesser Fae or that there's things such as water rates and a door and stuff that are you know obviously a different like race or is she's going so far even as to say that the summer court has dark-skinned fairies that's true I think for me some so I think she's really trying here yeah and I appreciate it since like you know closer to the equator or if it's like a summer court any sense to have darker skin people I just I I think she could have done more besides this because these are the oldest herb that have brown skin but also how often does she describe the skin of other people a fair amount or at least describes the hair which you can kind of infer like if someone's bigger so it's very wise you can assume that they're probably not darker skinned because it's very cuz it's also the the sexual diversity or you know the LGBT miss is quite lacking moving along at one point here and I don't remember the exact context but we find out that race is claiming that because Farrah is now part of his administration I guess if you want to say married man yeah that she is getting paid I really liked that she asked how much why the [ __ ] wouldn't you well because she's been in a Night Court for a very short amount of time right how the [ __ ] does she expect to understand what the number that he would say even mean like she's never had to [ __ ] buying anything in the night or they're saying the fitness a currency how how is she to know what the treatment what the value of the currency is even if he gave a number and said like three trillion a month or something like that that could be like the same thing is one could assume it would still like you would still be like oh that's that's likely I think that's a fair question I also think it doesn't really [ __ ] letters so that could the task at hand so now we're in the summer court to retrieve half of the book readings we assume it's at the summer court you don't honestly remember why we think it's fair but I think that they've been told by someone like I think it's probably part of azrael spy network or something has discerned this information either that or it's part of legend so they go oh no wait the bone carver tells them that makes the bone Carver knows this [ __ ] for some reason he tells them the whole tale of like supposedly as legend goes the cauldron was too dangerous so people took the feet off of it and hid them in these different temples which already got ransacked which is why they fear that this was happening in the first place and apparently for some reason Reis already knows where it is - because the bone Carver says like come on let's be real you're just coming here to confirm your suspicions so you already know he says you know who has it so why they know I'm not sure but they do know I mean there's not really much to say about this whole expedition into the summer Court except for it's sort of a dangerous endeavor when they actually have to go and retrieve the book physically and it's Farrah and Ameren that end up doing this Ameren is part of the inner circle I think that's what they call it they're saved at the last second by I think is it amaranth powers or is it ferrous it's neither it's the water rates yes the water race end up saving them because a fare is bravery and standing up to the curmudgeon that is tamlin's the generosity actually like gave the the water rate that couldn't pay her debts her jewels that she's wearing like took like all of her jewellery off and like gave it to her and she was like I will never forget this debt or whatever and it comes in handy and I you know I can appreciate that good job for Sarah Daymond yeah and then when they save her they say like our sisters debt has been paid or something like that and so they're they're able to retrieve the book it's pretty [ __ ] up because the entire time third they're they're betraying the generosity of the guy who is basically taking them and like dark wine is pretty nice and he gives Farrah jewels and [ __ ] too while she's there so around this time after the whole betrayal of Tarquin we find out the tamlin's family killed Reese Anne's mom and sister because we're finding out a little bit more about the winged people that [ __ ] they called Illyrians illyrians yes so we're finding out a little bit more about visas history in his past because we're finding out a little bit more about as as real as you and Cassie and I always forget the one Parker's mom and so yeah we find out that tamlin's family killed Reese Ann's mom and sister and then Reese and and his dad killed tamlin's whole family and all this feels for the vents hamlin killed Reese instead yeah and that's how both of them became high lords in the same moment at the same time we just go and then apparently Reese just ran away like once that happened once like Tamblyn killed his dad it was like [ __ ] I guess we even now or something and then like left so that's fine then from there the only nose I really have are really about the relationship that starts to blossom at about the 70% no it's not like the 85 [ __ ] percent of this book because I feel like the rest of the book is not really that great other than the relationship no I mean because like the ending isn't very climactic and all pretty good Celeste well it's not lackluster it's like it is the build and it seems like it's kind of still building when the book ends so there's no real release there it's just like a continuous build all the way to the end that's got again sexual innuendo there but I will not so basically what happened [ __ ] first let's just get out of the way what happens at the end of the book essentially they do meet up with the [ __ ] Queens from the other realm and then they get the other half so so essentially just a very brief and overrun of this they go to meet the Queens the Queens are like we've heard bad things about you Rhys so you gotta prove to us that we can trust you with the half of the book and so I end up she ends up showing them Vallauris Valeris Valeris the secret city which is like really nice and good but they have to go to the nightmare Kingdom or the nightmare city a nightmare what are the coordinates the court of nightmares do they call with that I don't think that they call it that because it would make itself its own Court and it's not they have to go to get this like orb in order to show them and in in this travel just I really liked this part kind of not really but it just kind of came out of nowhere because Moore's dad lives down there yes and he calls fair a [ __ ] who's just immediately turns around in breaks like more than half of the bones in his body in front of everyone and it's like anyone else want to try that [ __ ] and they're like also if you go to see a healer I'll take all the bums out of your body and bury them in different places Jesus I did I did like that detail let's let's wrap it up quick they got the orb they got they were you next to the queens and they show them as the queens are like it's actually only like one queen that's like there to see it and she's like I'll confer with my sisters and they're like yo what the [ __ ] like we don't have time for conferring with your sister and she's like I don't care I have to go confirm with it she gets up and leaves she had actually stolen the book and had left it under her seat so when she got up it was just there and there was a note there that was like yo Rhys I read your letter about being a level 2x human [ __ ] and like I believe you and you know some people aren't as good don't trust the rest of the Queen that's the one that wasn't here because she was sick [ __ ] yes she's a lying-ass [ __ ] so they get the second half of the book and then Ameren has to translate it because apparently it's written in Amer ins language like I don't know what kind of creature she is and I wanted to to ask you if have you read all of the books that have come out do we ever find out not really [ __ ] that's so depressing that's like one of the only parts of this book that I want to know does she ever like some stuff happens yes okay cool that's all I wanted to know we just keep getting hints about like the fact that she's not what she looks like she is and that she's probably the most powerful being in the [ __ ] universe or something it's written in her language she's gotta translate it you're talking far too much about [ __ ] that I don't care about so anyway Ameren translates these these books the book in her language and then from there we essentially get a like mini showdown I guess between king of high word and then all these [ __ ] and in the process I think the most like lasting impact of what happens is the fact that the cauldrons put back together and we find out that the cauldron can make Fae and we know that the cauldron works because we get to see both Nesta and Elaine the way thrown into the cauldron and they come out much changed but not very happy about the changes yeah they never really wanted to be faced okay you know who is happy well [ __ ] Lucien go get him an ex human girl - ma'am its handling got some stuff in common if she agrees cuz no did you not hear the way he said it you are my mate well that's the way things work in the spring Corbin I don't think you understand that it actually that's not true so they're a red state so anyway that's kind of the end of the book and nothing really happened well barely almost being a book the last thing that happened in order to save everyone else fara acts like she's been brainwashed the whole time and is like oh my god what did Reese do to me please king of high burn break the bond between us break the bond between me and Reese and so I can go back to yeah and not have to come back with him every month so he breaks the bond or so he thinks and then she goes back to the spring court with Timlin the sisters go back to the Night Court with reason and and the friends and the book goes back with them as well Reese and starts to prepare for war fair run goes back to the Supreme Court and starts like preparing to be a spy for Reese and and takedown tamerlan's kingdom from the inside out because [ __ ] Tamlyn sold all their asses out and so did i ant the [ __ ] ass [ __ ] yeah and that's how they captured her sisters and turned them into a face so she told Pamela and like [ __ ] you for everything you've done I'm going to destroy your kingdom from the inside out and then all of a sudden she's like oh my god I had amnesia I was being mind-controlled I don't remember anything of what happened but I will try to help you the best that I can with the bits that I do remember that he instantly believes it too it's like yeah Darren you're back I know none of it was you I need to get you home to rest where I can keep you in the tower forever but I think now that kind of is a great transition because we can talk a little bit about how we got to this place of Farrah being so on Reese and side we can talk about the romance but everybody's been like excited about I guess this whole time I've been excited so at about the 7080 percent mark we get into hints that Farrah and Meese might want to bone just the part where he starts like touching her coochie and then it's like all right go to sleep I'm gonna rub your back so we get the first hints of their relationship kind of throughout the book I I think they're supposed to be the sexual tension although I have to say reading it the second time I didn't think that there was that much lead-up to the sexual relationship there is there is you do you there's a lot of lead oh yeah it's the whole book I like it the very at the very beginning he's like forcing her to you know write Reese is the handsomest high all over the land la blah blah Greece's the best lover a woman could ever wish for and then you know he'll say stuff like oh I bet you look great in those little scrappy pieces of lace talking about her underwear at one point I'm saying I think I think Cassie wants you to ride him that's obviously like just uh I guess kind of like a jealous comment kind of thing yeah also the same thing with Tarquin there's many many many references to licking each other throughout the book they just straight-up say that I don't really know what more of a lead-up you would like I think there's a lot of jealousy obviously before they end up getting together I just don't think that there's enough in the way of relationship building a friendship I feel like should have formed I love his hot body in his hard wings mm his impressive wingspan considerable length and considerable [ __ ] like they say that too many times so many times but the first kind of run and they have is after we learn a little bit more about the illyrians and their camps and I think everybody gets all kind of like wet and muddy and they end up staying in it's Farah and Rhys and in this situation he ends up rubbing up on honoured who she is well she [ __ ] asks for it essentially yeah she said it like it says it in the book in quotes like please like multiple times I think well and I think the way that it got started is because of the jealousy kind of did not even jealousy but he's like yeah well Cassie and want to she's like okay well I'll go after him and then they're like you know what we'll we both we both have a sexual desire why don't we just do you like why don't I just stick my fingers in your Kochi and then taste it you know oh I do I do think I have in my notes that fara tastes finger you're looking good yes you got that secret blend herbs and spices does it can't see your Popeyes it's finger-licking good I think it's pop mmm caps a visit let's look it up we just looked up finger like it good KFC suspends iconic finger looking good campaign amid coronavirus Spears I am NOT someone who thinks you should make light the endemic but this shit's funny as [ __ ] that's funny that's good don't lick your fingers at this moment in time but depends on they don't even [ __ ] then they don't [ __ ] them he's like let me rub her back and go to sleep nah honestly I read that scene and I was like you were like that sounds like heaven yes I'm a woman of simple tastes allamanda exquisite tastes okay I hate that anyway um we do end up getting a sex scene in this book though so how did you feel when you got to the sex scene were you like where you tingling were you excited for this to happen like give me give me your feelings honestly what I wrote down during the sex scene time.he that they said considerable link so many times and specifically she said he was preferred massive [ __ ] boner I really I I undid his pants and released his considerable length the side of it made my mouth run dry wouldn't it make your mouth water wants to keep you dicks up by it like just for sandpaper also my other note to make was she said [ __ ] a few times in this book wish she hadn't said previously like I thought that she was trying to keep it more like pg-13 and especially what they liked considerable ink you assume that she's not gonna say a big old dick yeah but she says [ __ ] a couple of times I saw his [ __ ] like like twins with a sigh excitement or something like that I think it's what she said it was gross also my other note was just wonder who's going to be her mate in the next book seems like she's got a new one every book so I'm looking forward to the new the new boo in book three well I don't know why you would think that why what why you would think she would have a new boo I think it's happened twice now I'm pretty sure it's clear this and and they had the same exact kind of buildup where she thinks that the person is an [ __ ] and then slowly and she's like oh my god they've actually been so helpful and I've been so stupid as to like all of the things that they've done for me I'm gonna [ __ ] them so you're saying it fair isn't easily no I'm just saying she's predictable no uh that does not happen she stays with homeboy because they're like actual mates that's what we thought about Tamlyn no we didn't we didn't think they were mates we just thought that they were people that were going to be mated but like they weren't actually mates because mates that's how it worked no mates is like a physical bond that you can't manufacture mm-hmm I don't know also how do you feel about that mountain shaking orgasm did you notice that the mountains shook whenever he came on roar no really yeah I wasn't paying like super being like really a heart attention to that scene I can't tell if you're being sarcastic no I'm being dead serious well it's a good thing that I'm here to provide the details for you yeah good thing that I knew what happened in this book whatsoever but I'm also glad that you noticed the mountain shaking orgasm this this book could have been three pages for you and it pretty much was overall that's my feelings and thoughts what what what are you gonna read this ten out of ten for predictability give me a good reading cool I was honestly I was going to be surprised when like I was surprised when like kind of towards the end she hadn't become a high lady and then at the very end they were like yo psych we didn't tell any of y'all but we snuck out and made her a high lady this is like literally the last like three pages of the book they're like psych she's the high lady of the night Corey you thought that she was just my mate but she is my equal she high lady for the first time ever so what do you think it's fair to say that Reese and the feminist that he perhaps invented feminism is actually far behind they are I mean I think it's pretty clear by the way that Talman reacts we still got boomers in our time so tamlin's the original [ __ ] boomer Tim ones the boomer what like I said what what would you say your good reads 1 1 2 5 stars how are you feeling at the end of this I don't remember how I rated the last one I think you gave it three stars thanks I'm gonna have to rate this one probably three stars as well and here's my reasoning stuff so in terms of the plot of this book I liked it more but it was [ __ ] at two or three times as long you know it's not two or three times this long is considerable length bar being the magic effect assist you under watch that after this no ultra reset yeah but it was way too [ __ ] long and just like the first book fifty percent of it could have just not exists in and then it would have been the same book and it would have taken me half the time to read it was a chore to get through like I said she of Rights I don't know if I said this in the video last time but she kind of writes like a senior in high school who's trying to fit a bunch of SAT words into a paragraph but first 600 pages okay so it was yeah like I said it was just kind of a chore but like when I get to the actual like plot points of it like I said I was kind of interested actually interested in what some of these things would look like visually I think that it was more appealing to those parts of me the the parts that were interesting were definitely more interesting than the first book for those reasons I think I'm gonna have to read it the same because it was just too [ __ ] long so when it comes to your interest in the third book would you say you were more interested back in the day and reading the second book or do you think you're more interested now in reading the third book because I have to tell you I was interested to read the second one and I just kind of don't give a [ __ ] about reading the third one at this point maybe the opposite like part of me is interested to know how the story ends because I'm so far into it at this point but also how long is the third book long like longer I don't know it's it's written on Bible pages so it's it's yeah I don't know roll them into a joint like joint paper-thin yeah yes I don't smoke marijuana I don't that's the thing that makes me not interested to read it it's like how much of a chore it was to read this book I'm afraid that reading the next book will be more of the same we're like there will be so many points at which that I'm like can we just [ __ ] keep it moving with the story I don't care that much about your your continuous depression and inner struggle about killing - I want to say like I get it I get that it's a struggle but like try not to mention it every chapter if you could that would be great I I think the third book definitely has more plot I don't know that it's a satisfying conclusion to the series so I'm not really personally interested in reading the third book if I had my say and what we would read next I personally want us to read Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi if you guys are interested in saying that please let me know let me know oh brother you've got a big storm [ __ ] coming it's short so I oh okay like that it's like childlike that seems like 250 pages Oh sound nice so I'm thinking that's probably what we're gonna do but I would love to hear you guys feedback in the comments down below let us know what you want to Street next is the third worth reading I don't really want to read the third book and if we do it's not gonna be the next book that we read so let me know if you guys have interests in watching a screenshot or me cuz I feel like I have a lot to [ __ ] say about that book that I I think you would do I think you would have what to say okay that's right so that's pretty much it thanks for watching love you guys so much and until next time until next time all right okay no one can say you're ugly cuz it's inside Jesus Christ I'm definitely gonna use that for about this [Music]
Channel: chandler ainsley
Views: 42,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CUZIHOnwias
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Length: 51min 13sec (3073 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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