READING VLOG | historical romance, home decor, haden q&a

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hello welcome back to my channel happy friday it is the first day of the historical romance readathon which i'm so excited about and i thought i would just take you guys along with me this weekend and kind of show you a weekend of my life i asked you guys on instagram what kind of like vlogs you like to see from people during these like i don't know readathon vlogs i just i don't know i always am insecure about my reading vlogs that aren't super specific and aren't you know secret tbr videos always just been like i have no idea what else to put in here but i feel like it could be kind of fun to show you guys what a weekend and my life looks like i have a lot of filming that i have to get done for other videos and thumbnails to take and i don't know i just thought it would be fun i like seeing other people's creative process so i thought that might be a fun thing to do so i'm just gonna show you guys and like take you guys along on my adventures over the next three days i'm gonna be filming friday saturday sunday but anyway it is 10 30 and i just got my starbucks i don't go to starbucks like every day or anything usually on the weekends i like to treat myself especially if i've got some work to do and i do have some work to do today that i know is going to become strenuous so i just wanted to start the day out right i guess i guess it's already kind of 10 30 so i'm not really sure that i'm starting the day but for those of you who are curious my starbucks order is a tall non-fat chai latte hot always i don't like cold drinks from starbucks pretty much as hot drinks and i say just hot this is the only this is the only drink that i drink from starbucks if i'm being completely honest i'm not a coffee girl at all and i get the tall size because let's be honest this is just like sugar syrup and that's also why i get it with non-fat milk because it's too sugary otherwise but i love these these make me so happy it's just the right amount of caffeine it's great on my throat my allergies have been out of control lately so having that is like perfect and then lately i've been getting a sausage egg and cheddar to go with because i used to get like danishes and but again it's just too much sugar and i cannot eat a lot of sugar in the morning anymore really i'm getting old my game plan for this morning is to eat my starbucks get some work done and then i need to film the final clip that i'm doing for catherine house it's not like a dedicated vlog but i'm reading catherine house for one of my videos that's coming up so i need to get that done before i really hop in on our historical romances i guess i should probably tell you guys what we're reading this weekend uh we're reading the duke who didn't by courtney milan so excited for this one i think this is probably my most anticipated historical this year i read hold me by courtney mullen last year and just adored it was so good i think it was an honorable mention for one of my best books of the year writing was so smart and witty and i'm curious to see how she writes in a historical setting i know that's like her niche but i love her contemporary so i'm hoping this is really good and both of our main characters are asian which i think is cool and i'm just like so excited to read this then i'm gonna be reading tempest by beverly jenkins this is going to be my first beverly jenkins which i'm super hyped about but i picked this one specifically because it was mentioned i'm pretty sure in taking it danny brown zaff reads historical romance and i want to say this is one of his favorites in the book so i'm assuming that talia hibbert likes this book and it just it seems like right up my alley i think this is like a male order bride situation the guy who is like you know requesting a bride his wife has died and he wants someone to like take care of his kids and his heart died with his bride or his like first wife or whatever so i'm sure it's gonna be him like softening to this new romance super excited about that one and then the last one i said last one i might read more than three books this weekend i don't really know this is the last one on my tbr and it's a joanna shoot book i've never read any joanna shoot before mostly because i'm not super into us set romances historical romances but i'm trying to like change that this weekend i'm hoping that i have luck with tempest in this book but it's the duke on fifth avenue by joanna shoop and this one i think is about this like up and coming like titan of industry kind of dude and he falls for his client's daughter so i think it's going to be kind of a forbidden thing i don't really know i don't know much about this one i'm so excited about it and i've heard really good things about this like uptown girl series i think that's what it's called but um those are the books that i'm reading i don't know i have other things that i need to get done today i need to like just sit down with my planner and like figure out my day but i know like i said that i need to get my work done for work i need to film that clip for catherine house i need to do a little cleaning around the house i did some cleaning yesterday like in prep for this readathon but i need to do a little bit more since i've got my new vacuum which we'll talk about later and then i kind of want to go to target because i have a diy project that i want to do with you guys i mean i guess like you're not going to be doing it i'm going to be doing it but i'm going to do a diy project i'm trying to like spice up my bedroom okay that's not what i meant i'm trying to spice up the decor in my bedroom and i bought this really really pretty like a vessel vase big ass like ceramic thing from goodwill a while back and it just needs to be painted so i'm gonna go get some paint from target also maybe some mighty patches because my skin's acting up it's been a whole thing guys i it's so funny you guys are so sweet to me in the past couple of videos that i've posted you guys have like hyped me up but my skin is the worst that's ever been i'm on some new medication that has made my hormonal acne just horrible i mean i'm someone who suffers from acne anyway like i always have some sets going on but lately it has been out of control and it's not what i'm used to i usually just get like forehead stuff but i've been getting cheeks and it's just not it's not good and thankfully i've been able to cover it up and you haven't been able to notice it but it's been rough so i'm gonna try some mighty patches i have like something coming up right here and i have two videos to film tomorrow so i'm like i need to get this taken care of squared away before you tell me that i can use hydro quality band-aids i do know that i've used them before they haven't really worked for me so i'm kind of hoping that the mighty patch works better i don't know maybe well maybe it won't but we have a lot on the agenda today i need to go sit down and actually plan things out but it's gonna be it's gonna be a time thanks for watching this long ass intro i'm gonna go get some done i'll get back to you when i'm done with kathryn house and maybe i'll tell you how i feel about that even though that's like not part of this vlog okay bye okay so it's like three o'clock i have gotten all my work done today which is awesome and i got to use my vacuum you know i never thought that adulthood would bring a love of cleaning and or a hunt for the best possible vacuum but having two cats and a dog and a fiance who's really messy when he cooks i needed a good vacuum my issue with pretty much every other vacuum that i've used is the brush roll at the bottom of every vacuum gets clogged with cat hair and no matter how much i clean it it never stays clean for long and eventually like the belt on the brush roll just like gives out so this is the lovely vacuum that i've purchased i was watching this channel called vacuum wars i'll leave a link to his review of this vacuum in the description but i was watching his review and i was like i've been waiting my whole life for this not only does it pick up cat hair with literally no effort it's got a removable brush roll so if anything was to ever happen i could clean it but i haven't had to do that since using it it picks up litter on hard floors which is impossible for most vacuums i don't know why but every vacuum i've had the only way that i can like get cat litter off the floor is by detaching the hose just a regular vacuum typically won't pick up glitter it just kind of like spreads it around it's amazing it works on carpet it works on hard floors it's just i want to make love to this vacuum she's amazing i got some cleaning done around the house is really the long and short of it i'll also leave a link in the description to the actual vacuum i'm talking about i think they have a cordless version too if you're like into that but this is the upright corded one that i have i also finished catherine house which let me tell you sucked i really wanted to like this book but it just did not work for me in any conceivable fashion the listening experience was totally fine in fact part of it i was kind of enjoying but at the end of the day the book just said nothing our character was going on a journey but she ended up in the exact same place that she started so it was just like not a good time but i am glad that i got that done actually i can now mark it off of my to-do list for today and also on my video planning notebook i'm gonna just like flip this so i can show you guys what this looks like because again i'm like showing you guys today what my planning process is like i bought this online this is a b5 stylogy full year that's a lot of words for people who probably don't know um the planners i'm talking about because i went down a rabbit hole during quarantine but essentially this is just like an undated grid planner and um i ordered a smaller size and a half year but they sent me the big one so no harm no foul not a big deal but essentially i printed out these clear stickers and i have one page for videos that i have uploaded videos that i'm working on and then other videos that i'm working on for like next month and then i have another page for tbr again like another clear sticker page but this is my tbr and i get to mark off catherine house i hear a nugget okay he does this like once a day he will grab a stuffed toy put it in his mouth and then scream all the way upstairs to bring me the tough toy so hi how did you bring me this time oh is that a bird oh you're so good you're such a good boy okay so back to what we were talking about um yeah so this has just been a nice a change of pace because i had been he does not want me to talk today come here okay come see me to hold you so essentially yeah i have been trying to revamp the way that i plan for my videos i mean my like thought process on how i come up with ideas is definitely the same but it's just been in like a million different places and i wanted to have like one book of reference for all my video ideas for my current like tbrs this is like how big it is for reference and this has been really nice i just got this yesterday and i'm already transferring stuff from notebooks and from my notes app on my phone it's just been nice to have it all here at the front of my notebook i have video ideas which i'm not going to show you because it's a secret it's just nice to kind of see what i have going on and i just love being ahead of schedule so having videos to work on that i am going to be posting in march is really nice bathroom house which i've been reading for a video is actually like that video is going to be posted in march and i'm just working on it now i have one more book for that video so that's super fun he he's literally a baby he just wants to be held all day on the one hand yes i'm glad that i trained him to be like this on the other hand it's a little irritating back to the topic at hand i'm all over the place so i'm very sorry but i vacuumed i finished catherine house i filmed the clip for it and edited that clip already i got to mark it off of my to read list now i can tell you a little bit about the rogue fifth avenue the whole reason that we're here is to talk about historicals oh my god nugget okay you can't be up there this historical romance is actually really really solid i didn't know if i would like the whole new york setting but it's actually very much working for me and giving me like slight boardwalk empire vibes i know the time periods there are like a little different cat hair on my mouth i'm always like picking at my face in videos and it's because i have cat hair on my face at all times but this book is about our hero frank who is an attorney who was basically tasked with keeping his clients happy and one of his clients has asked him to track down his daughter who is kind of doing not shady things but she is a little bit of a troublemaker and her and her sisters are all three troublemakers he finds them at this casino essentially and she is basically cheating men out of their money she is pickpocketing she's just being a general like bad and he ends up like carrying her out of the establishment because she's not supposed to be there she's supposed to be like you know in high society and not into this like shady underground world but he picks her up and um brings her and her sister's home sitting on my keyboard he picks her up he brings her home and then he basically asks her to go on a date with him and right now we're getting a little bit of his backstory and a little bit of her backstory and kind of what is up she is engaged to a guy and she's been engaged to this guy from like birth because her father was saved in i think i'm assuming it was i don't know what war he was saved by her fiance's father and they have this like pact that now their their children will become engaged and we're going to join these two great families and she doesn't really like want to do it but she's like you know my duty or whatever she's basically balancing like her duty with her desire to rebel and i think she's like falling for frank they've kind of struck a bargain i don't really understand what the bargain is this moment because i can't remember it i'm enjoying the book it's good there's definitely really good banter i like how quick this book is in terms of it being very action-packed from the beginning you already have our hero and our heroine interacting and i like that we are already getting them kind of like talking about their lives up front i feel like so often romances just kind of rely on attraction to make you care about the characters and how they get together but in this book it's definitely a little bit more about the personalities which i'm appreciating so that's sort of where i'm at what time is it i said what time it is it's like 3 15. i think what i'm going to do is read a little bit more of this and then head to target and ulta i forgot that i need to pick up concealer from ulta so i need to do that otherwise these sets are going to go uncovered tomorrow i also probably need to get food when we're out because hayden's making short ribs tonight and i don't eat beef that's sort of the plan i will probably do like a little haul like a little target haul because i'm sure i'll end up buying more from target than i need and i get back so hayden's doing dishes i hope it's not too loud i did close the door but who knows i'm in my bedroom and i thought i'd give you guys a little bit of a target haul i ended up not going to ulta and i'll show you why but overall it was a successful haul as it always is because it's target hi you're going to help me too i swear to god it doesn't matter what i'm doing you always want to be a helper you want to sit up here with me okay this is kind of the boring stuff but i ended up getting a multivitamin let's be honest my nutrition is really just not all that in a bag of chips so i could definitely use a little bit of help especially when it comes to vitamin d since i'm not going outside that often so these are also pretty good too if you're like looking for like a multivitamin that has good stuff in it that also like tastes good doesn't like super expensive i also got okay this is actually like it's not exciting but i love this stuff it is the raw sugar hand wash it's the pineapple mucky berry and coconut scent and it's not it sounds tropical but it's really not that tropical i don't know what i would describe this scent as but next time you go to target you should smell it because it leaves your hands super soft and smelling good i use the body wash as well in the shower because i'm just in love with the scent hayden really likes it too and he's like so picky about stuff he doesn't like anything too fruity or too floral it smells expensive so i like this and i just put this into a nicer container next to our dish soap in the kitchen so it's kind of fancy i'll show you guys that tomorrow some hand towels because i have some like cute holiday hand towels but nothing like absorbent for the kitchen so i got some of these and then i got some more like little bar mops for washing dishes or for like drying dishes and then the last stuff i got white acrylic paint which i was looking for i didn't find the zit stickers or like the mighty patches which i was a little upset about my target's kind of like not the best and i realized that i saw them at a different target so i guess that's on me for like not remembering super excited about this i if you guys are wondering what's on my nails 99 of the time it is one of the essie gel coutures i feel like i i mean i always paint my nails and i pretty much always have but i feel like most nail polish just does not last on me this stuff certain shades will last like two weeks without shipping it's honestly wild i really love this stuff and i was dying for them to put out like a true red they have pinky red and orangey red and then they have like this that they just put out it's called bubbles only i'll probably be painting my nails tomorrow before i do videos so excited about this and then instead of going to ulta for concealer i decided to just try some of the elf camo concealers i use the tarte shape tape but i really hate the packaging of it and i end up throwing it away before it is completely finished because it just gets so gross on the outside it feels like very unsanitary solution to that temporarily had been getting a little like travel sizes which i really like but it's not like super cost effective so anyway i just decided to try these gave me a trip from ulta and hopefully i like these because six dollars is opposed to 27 but i got fair rose and fair beige i've already opened them fair rose is definitely my shade it's like the pillar of the two and then i decided to try the elf camo cc cream i already swatched this too unfortunately it is too dark for me but it's like the right tone it's very neutral with like a hint of yellow which is what i am i kind of look really pink right now but like the rest of my body is very neutral and slightly yellow my face is pinker i think i'm just gonna get a white foundation mixer for this and for my like go to bb cream they reformulated my favorite bb cream that i've talked to you guys about before i'm really sad about it in the reformulation and repackaging they made it too dark and now i like i just don't have any face makeup that like matches my skin perfectly i've just had to deal with really ugly foundation lines i think i'm just gonna get white foundation mixer it's funny because i feel like on video i don't come off like that pale but i'm like pale pale i have not found a foundation that works for me the fenty palest shade is technically a good match but it's a matte foundation and i have dry skin so just struggles all around that's pretty much it i also got like seasoned curly fries and mini cheese sticks like the peel kind you know like the kind that you peel string cheese that's what they're called they got like mini string cheeses i like that they weren't individually packaged which you know good for the environment that's it that's what i got from target while we're here i guess i can give you guys like a little room tour a lot of you guys were wanting like the whole house tour which i don't think i'm gonna do but i'll show you guys my bedroom because this is the space that i'm really working on right now in terms of trying to get it to be a little bit more aesthetically pleasing so let me just show you okay so this is where we just were i just got this mirror from target i saw it on halfway holistic i love i'll link to all i say i'm like i'll put two pictures like right here of like my home inspiration but i really like halfway holistic and crazy wonderful those are like my inspirations for home decor i just really like how i don't know not super trendy their stuff is i mean i guess it does follow trends to an extent it's like contemporary it's not too specific i like that it's not to farm house or two boho or whatever and that's kind of what i'm going for in my own place so anyway there's peppy and there's all my target haul but this mirror i just i love it and i think what i'm going to do is we're doing a diy project for like a big base that's going to go right here with some faux olive branches and then i want to get like a small piece of art to kind of layer over this mirror like she does in the picture where she has this i was debating getting rid of my dresser but i think i'm going to keep it maybe switch out the hardware maybe keep it but i do actually like my dresser it's from ikea but it is just kind of classic and i feel like styled correctly it would be nice i'm going to move this mirror somewhere else as much as i love it just i mean i don't need two mirrors in here and i feel like it doesn't really go with the vibe so i'm thinking of putting this in my office or my closet there's the windows i might do curtains up here my mom said that that might look nice debating on whether or not i want to do that those are the shades that we have and then this is our bed situation again bed and the nightstands are from ikea what i'm planning on doing with the bed is just switching not switching but here let me see if i can get close up for you guys they have like gold detail on them and i didn't hate it when i first got it but it's so like shiny brass and i think i want something a little bit more simple so what i'm planning on doing temporarily at least is getting black electrical tape and just kind of covering up the gold just to see what that would look like before i do anything more permanent but i like the bed frame i like metal because cats can't scratch it up and i just like the look of it so i'm definitely keeping the bed and then nightstands i think is what i'm gonna get rid of that's a uh scrunchie right there that looks interesting but what i'm planning on doing is switching these out for something with like a natural wood that way it just kind of brings in the wood from the mirror and then the blinds i just think it's gonna look nicer i want some that are a little bit lower a little bit wider and that way i can switch out the lamps as well i'm planning on doing sort of a large chunky ceramic type vibe and then i'm going to get some like throw pillows and maybe instead of using this like white quilt getting like kind of a creamy quilt i want it to feel more earth tone and like natural in here overall it's just like not super cohesive and super my vibe in here i mean we're doing a diy project to kind of help some of that hopefully i'll get everything squared away in the next couple of months here i've been kind of saving up for some of the things i want to do thankfully the nightstands i found are only like 99 each which is so cheap so it's not going to be super expensive to like switch things out and that's kind of why i was like on the fence about certain things in here because i was like i don't want to spend a ton of money when we just moved in and like there's other things that i'd rather spend my money on but i do want this to feel you know homey and cozy so i will be replacing these nightstands and getting new lamps and i think that's just going to transform the space that's for that i'll i'll show you guys tomorrow my living room situation too it's changed so much since the last time i showed it to you guys i like it a lot it's very much more my energy and i feel like once you see it you'll kind of understand what i'm going for in here in here like it doesn't have to match exactly the rest of my house but i want it to have kind of a similar vibe i just want my whole house to feel really cohesive and homey i mean part of the reason that we even bought a house is because we love being at home you're such homebodies i think as you become an adult you realize how valuable it is to like have a sense of home whether that's you know the people you're around or the place that you're at just want the place that i live to feel really really comfy and homey i think now that i've talked your ear off i'm gonna read some more of the rogue on fifth avenue it's like six o'clock we had dinner like separately obviously but like together like different dinners but together just gonna read i think the rest of the night and just kind of keep you guys updated as i read tomorrow is gonna be kind of hectic because i need to film the intros for two videos and then vlog a ton but i'm gonna take you guys with me as i do that i'm gonna have to go somewhere i'm gonna have to like actually leave my house to go take a thumbnail for one of these videos it'll be fun adventure so i'm gonna get reading and i'll update you guys once i have like more to say about the book okay so it's 10 30 obviously and i am 60 into the rogue of fifth avenue and i am enjoying it but i don't think it's gonna be like a new favorite it's reminding me a lot of a book that i can't remember the title of it's by loretta chase i'll put a picture of it right here plot wise they're almost identical in in my opinion i think i just liked that one a little bit more i think loretta chase is probably going to be one of my favorite historical romance authors i've only read a few of her books so i don't want to say definitively but i just love the way she writes and this book by joanna shoop i'm liking how succinct everything is it's not overly flowery or descriptive you're not getting a ton of plot that you don't care about everything that happens in the book brings our characters together which is definitely a good thing i just am not entirely convinced that either of them have a lot of personality so i think that's sort of like the only pitfall and that could be good or bad depending on how you look at it i guess it depends on how much romance you read and if you care about that some people i don't want to say some people don't care about characterization but sometimes when you're reading romance you just don't give a you know it's like if the sex scenes are good and if the build up's there like it doesn't sometimes matter how great the characterization is but in this book i'm just noticing that it's kind of falling flat for me frank comes from a poor background and that's something that he's trying to hide and that's why he's scared to be with our heroine so i mean that's a convincing reason and then she is betrothed to someone and she doesn't want to piss her family off so i mean they both have good reasons for like not wanting to be together but like wanting to be together i just i don't know besides her like wanting to help poorer people besides him having this kind of poor upbringing i'm just not saying a lot of traits in the present that i'm like super drawn to in either of these characters it's just there's just something missing and it's kind of intangible and i can't really put my finger on it but i'm not hating the book i did get a little distracted though i started looking at pillow covers online i bought a couple of like hand woven pillows from turkey which i'm like very excited about now and i think they're gonna look cool in here i'm exhausted i have like i think an hour left in this audiobook like it'll take me an hour to finish the last 40 of the book so i think i'm gonna do that tomorrow morning or while i hop in the bath because i'm gonna go take a bath but i will check in with you guys tomorrow morning i need to get up not early but like early-ish for a weekend so like nine probably to get pretty do my hair and uh start filming video intros that's like how most of my saturdays have been going the past couple of weeks and while it's something i kind of dread doing i mean i love filming videos don't get me wrong the intro parts can be a little much i mean it's nice because once i film an intro for a video sitting down and like deciding what books i'm gonna read or telling you what books i'm gonna read it's easy for me to just like film clips from there and i can have like five or six videos going at once but i kind of don't like to get into the vlog portion of the video before doing the intro so it's a lot of pressure i put on myself to get that intro done for videos and also to like make them look nice and then also have a good thumbnail for the video and i just saturdays are good especially if they like go well when everything gets filled in case you're wondering like what my filming life is like that's usually how it goes film my intros on saturdays usually lately and then just vlog throughout the week and it's been working really well for me i'm not someone who likes to really batch film i had to do that for my like best worst and most disappointing books videos i didn't love it you could probably tell because i was talking so quickly in those videos but intros are a little less a little less work so i'm rambling at this point i'm gonna go take a bath i'll see you guys bright early tomorrow morning i feel like i'm probably gonna have to get another tea hello happy saturday i'd say good morning but it's actually not morning i woke up at like eight and i got some stuff done but i didn't have really anything to like update you guys on before you know i started filming i ended up painting my nails with that new nail polish that i showed you guys yesterday ended up finishing the rogue on fifth avenue which i will talk to you guys about before i do like a mini get ready with me i wanted to talk to you guys about the book while i was getting ready but like realistically i'm not great at multitasking so i just figured we talk about the book first and then i can show you guys my makeup routine for like filming i'm gonna be honest with you it's not different really at all than my normal uh everyday makeup but i know you guys have asked for it so i figured i'd just throw it in here especially when my skin is like i don't know this camera makes my skin look so good but you can't tell but right here i'm just it's bumpy and red and i'm just my skin's in a bad place let's talk about the book first and then we can do makeup related things but i think i'm gonna give this book four stars i did end up actually really enjoying it i was sort of unsure if it was gonna be too similar like that loretta chase book that i referred to yesterday but i feel like it differentiated itself enough ultimately while i don't think the characters were like the strongest thing in this book i don't think that they were totally flat and i really did like seeing both of them grow as characters now i kind of talked about this in one of my end of year videos can't remember which one but i am a little bit irritated when i see characters have to kind of compromise on what they want in life and i couldn't tell if our heroine was doing that because multiple times throughout the book she said she doesn't want to get married to her betrothed but that she also doesn't want to marry the guy who she ends up with and she does end up marrying him and i i couldn't tell if that was just her changing her mind and that she kind of always wanted to get married but like just didn't want to given the circumstances initially or if she really just didn't want to get married and that just kind of was her fate at the end i mean they always obviously try to romanticize things because it's a romance but that part i was just a little iffy on i'm not saying you can't be an independent woman if you get married i don't really know what i'm trying to say but there was there was just some times where it rubbed me a little bit the wrong way i guess in the character interactions and our hero's inability to fully embrace our heroine and like what she wants out of life but i think at the end he sort of figured that out i mean it was cute it was really cute i liked that plot carried on throughout the entire story i like that we got a good culmination of the end of this court case and it was just it was a good book i highly recommend it honestly i also think i want to carry on with the series so i think overall it was a good choice that's that let's go ahead and get cute for the day i can also try my new concealer and we can see how it is when i swatched it it felt kind of like thick and paint-like so i'm hoping that i end up actually enjoying seeing it no harm no foul if it doesn't work because it was only six bucks so first things first we're gonna go in with my foundation i didn't get conned into using this but do you ever like go to nordstrom or sephora and you get someone helping you and they kind of convince you to buy something you wouldn't buy otherwise that's how i felt about this it's the lancome renergie lift makeup it was the only one that remotely matched my skin tone this woman that was helping me we were like going around to each of the different little stands in nordstrom like laura mercier and like all the different ones and we just could not find a foundation that matched me this one still doesn't match perfectly it's like a little too you can't really tell it looks more beige on camera than it is in real life but it's it's a little too big for my skin shade wise it kind of works because it's pale it's just like not not the right undertone i like to consider myself like a flat white paint with like the tiniest drop tiny shop of yellow paint that's me and this is just a little too pink but it's fine i've been using this i like the the formulation it's very thin liquidy and it stays pretty dewy on the skin i have such like when i say dry skin i mean dry skin my skin produces absolutely no oil it's mostly flaky all the time doesn't matter how much lotion i put on so i need something that's not going to cling too bad i just apply this directly to my sponge and since this isn't super high coverage i do like a pump on each part of my face this is a real techniques sponge i don't really care what sponge i use sometimes i will actually use a foundation brush but lately i've been into this sponge i think it's pretty good um and i swear by the little mini sponges from real techniques for under my eyes like they're honestly the best i mean the coverage as you can see is pretty good it doesn't like cover up that zit perfectly which is fine because my concealer will do that but i think it gets rid of a lot of the kind of redness and discoloration that's going on right now usually i don't have a ton of that but it's just been rough out here i'm kind of starting to figure out that it isn't necessarily my skincare that's been the issue it is just the medications i'm on and how dry it is here just sucks all of the moisture out of my skin and makes it kind of difficult to get anything keep my skin hydrated i will say like i know that i kind of complained about having acne yesterday but i don't i mean i don't think it's the worst thing in the world like i have acne all the time you know and it is just something that i feel like some people deal with more than others so i don't think it's like a pad i have to get rid of it at every cost kind of thing it's just you know sometimes you're like more used to your skin being a certain way sometimes it's not about how good you take care of your skin it just stuff happens we're looking pretty good and in person this looks just very like natural you know in pers it's just not it's not super full coverage or anything and now we're gonna try the elf camo concealer okay i'm excited about this and i'm gonna use my little blender sponge that i just cleaned i clean these every day with cetaphil it is amazing at getting makeup out of beauty sponges without getting too sudsy i feel like if you use dish soap that should get in your sponges and if you use cetaphil it just trust me it's good let's apply this how i normally do i don't want to apply too much of it because it is a little paint like i don't want this to like clog my pores i will say right off the bat the packaging is like not any better than the tarte shape tape honestly let's go one at a time because i don't actually know how this is going to blend out the shade is a really good match though obviously wow i'm especially pale today hey this is not bad it is thick but i do think that it's blending out okay i don't think the finish is like the best thing ever but again my skin is so dry that it's kind of hard to tell wow okay that's actually pretty good and it reminds me a lot of the shade that i normally use in the shape tape which is like eight i guess i could just honestly grab it from in here 8b porcelain beige so this is fair rose i think yeah that's like a pretty similar match so overall i'm not hating it it is clinging to like dry patches a little bit more than my my usual concealer but honestly no one's gonna be able to tell when i get my big camera out because my ring light just obliterates any any form of anything i'm not gonna put this on my blemishes because i have a slightly more yellow slightly more skin toned little tart shape tape 12 and a fair neutral i know i don't want my zits to be lighter than the rest of my face when i cover them up so but this replacement i feel like this could probably replace my my shape tape if i you know had really really moisturized skin this is very thick and paint-like but i mean it has the same overall coverage levels which is what i need i have pretty bad dark circles again like you're never going to be able to tell on this camera but it is pretty rough out here and then we can go in with 12 n i was so impressed with how well i could cover up this set yesterday it was really really red and angry but i was able to make it almost indistinguishable which i was like so happy with because i can always like go in on my thumbnail pictures and correct that but you know i'm gonna be filming so you're gonna be able to see whatever's on camera so obviously that's like super vain and it doesn't really matter that much but i just like everything to be as perfect as i can make it you know whether that's like my skin or my thumbnails i don't know i'm not like the best of thumbnails or anything but i try to do what i can yeah i think i did a pretty good job on that one again today i feel like you can't see it and i covered up some other little blemishes then we can go in with a loose powder i have to set under my eyes otherwise it gets too creasy and i just have been using the laura mercier translucent lately a loose powder is always better under the eyes so i take my sponge i dip it in my powder and i scrape against the side of my powder container like this until i have like the thinnest possible layer of powder on there i don't need it to be thick and then i just kind of stamp it under my eyes just to fill things in again it just helps to brighten under the eyes and i do the same process for other under eye area i think there's definitely cheaper powders too out there that you could use instead of this one but this works well for me and then i'm gonna go in with a colored powder this is the mac mineralize skin finish natural in light so so pale and i go in with a little like shading brush and then i'm going to put this directly onto my blemish i think that you can do translucent powder for sure but i like just the added coverage that this gives i think it's pretty i think it's pretty nifty go ahead and do that over here too i think we're looking good it's hard to tell but i think i think we're in a good place so next we can go in with our bronzer i have been using the ambient lighting bronzer in nude nude bronze light from hourglass if you're super pale like i am i don't know i always assumed that i shouldn't use bronzer because i'm too pale and i'm not trying to look tan but when you use something like a foundation it completely whites out your entire face and you don't have any natural shadows anymore so you just like you look like a moon and i like looking like a moon sometimes but not really on camera so i'm going in with this bronzer and i'm just going in on the perimeters of my face to kind of just add a little bit of shape and dimension i'm not doing like a harsh contour type situation because that's a bit much for me and i'm kind of lazy but i think this adds just the right amount of color it's also a good formulation it's not shimmery but it's also not super super matte so you know it doesn't make me look dead as you can see it's just it's adding adding a little bit of pizzazz a little bit more life into my skin so i do like this but i mean there's much cheaper bronzers out there i think for me with makeup like obviously there's cheaper alternatives and i love a lot of the dupes especially like colourpop and stuff like that but since i do my makeup the same way every day and i really know what i like in terms of formulations i like kind of like indulging in one nice bronzer one nice lipstick that kind of thing it just makes the makeup process feel a little bit more fun that's why a lot of the stuff you're gonna see me use is probably not like the cheapest you can get the same look with other products it really doesn't matter if you're you know trying to copy things we need blush we have to have blush blush is a must i really like these blushes but i don't know how to feel about this company anymore the company is saint they used to just like direct sell on their website kind of like glossier you know how glossy is like not in sephora but now they have this program where they have like artists and it's kind of mlme so i just don't know if i'm gonna repurchase this product but i thought i'd show you because everybody asked what my blushes are and um it's these so they're just like these little cream blushes this one's frenchy and this one is nude i think and i usually just use frenchie because it's i don't know just it lightens things up and these are kind of the only blushes that i have right now i didn't want to just throw them away but i really do like this stuff i love a good cream blush again my skin is so dry so if i can incorporate moisture in any way like that's what i'm gonna do and i just feel like they last on the skin so much longer than something like a traditional powder blush oh actually i do have one blush that is not these ones it is the m cosmetics pink nectar i really like this but i don't really like pink blush that much this was just the only shade that they had available i wanted to try the formula i do like this and i do wear this in videos but i'm hoping to get my hands on maybe like the nudish pinky one called rose milk that way it can replace my uh trusty saint blushes that is kind of the game plan once i finish these up i'm gonna buy some more from m cosmetics if you didn't know michelle fawn like our og makeup girl she has her own line so i would love to support her even more all of the products i've used from her have been fantastic i feel like my blush is looking a little bit clowny on this camera but trust me it's gonna look better on those bright bright ring light uh videos so that's how i do my blush i just use a little beauty blender and then a little cream thing if i was gonna use this i would just apply it directly with my fingers this is actually really awesome and actually would recommend this i'm going to link this if i can but it doesn't move any of your foundation once you've already set get this i think i'm going to do a little bit of highlighter today i'm always kind of hesitant when i have like texture going on but i just i don't know i think it looks nice in videos so i'm going in with the only highlighter that i have and it is in the film star bronze and glow palette from charlotte tilbury but i'm using just that pale highlight shade i'm like where's my mirror because i've been using this as a mirror really like at the tip of the nose it doesn't it's not like a lot i'm not into like super like glittery highlights and then i'm gonna go in with this bronzer in here and like a big fluffy not big fluffy it's kind of small this little fluffy crease brush because here's the thing i like eyeshadow but i don't really like applying eyeshadow every day i pretty much just go in with a bronzer shade in my crease and call that a day i just like i can't be bothered to do eyeshadow on a daily basis and in every video pretty much this is what you're going to see me do and uh i don't know i like it whatever okay i think that looks pretty good pretty even i could probably put a little bit more right here that's it that's pretty much my eye look all i have to do now is apply my last three products i always just grab them at the same time from my little makeup container i use the stila stay all day eyeliner i buy one of these twice a year and that's it the anastasia brow definer for my eyebrows and then the lash paradise for my eyelashes and that's it that's the extent of my makeup look i am very very simple i do use pretty much the same lip products every time i film two this is my holy grail this is everything to me anytime you're seeing me with just like juicy glossy lips it's this it is the colourpop ultra glossy lip and champagne mommy i love this stuff like i i would die if they stop making this it's just my favorite it just looks so good i don't know i really gravitate towards kind of peachy things i'm not super into pinks which i think is evident by my cheeks and by this anyway i'm gonna apply that and then i will show you guys my setup for my filming i already bought my ring light down but i need to bring down my umbrella lights go get my big camera and kind of set things up the two intros that i'm filming today are very much um computer heavy i have to do some screen recording so i need to get my laptop out as well i do screen record as i am filming so i gotta get that all set up and then obviously i have to do my hair i would film that but i feel like that's not gonna be that exciting i do my hair the exact same way every time eventually i'm probably going to do a more in-depth formal sit-down video where i show you guys all of my makeup and skincare and hair care but i'm waiting a little bit until my skin kind of evens out and i figure out what skincare products i like that's sort of where i'm at for the day the lighting gets really good in this room around three o'clock so that's kind of why i always end up doing my intros later on in the day but after i film those i'm planning on doing my little diy project and listening to tempest by beverly jenkins so that's sort of the game plan for today hayden's not here he is recording for one of his bands completely like isolated he's the only one in the studio but he's been doing that for the past few days so it's kind of nice to have the house to myself and be able to do things but when he comes back i'm thinking we could maybe do the q a i asked you guys on instagram like do you have any questions for us so i'm gonna try to do that tonight today is gonna be the most jam-packed day compared to all the others for this vlog but i'm excited i think it's gonna be a good day excited to get this stuff filmed i like i said i've needed to film these intros for a while so i'm gonna do this and then i will be back hopefully with like nice hair and like an outfit and we'll see hello it's 6 20. today has been really rough i'm just gonna put it out there i didn't get really anything accomplished that i wanted to get accomplished today i was gonna film those video intros i was going to do my diy project but i didn't have super glue for my diy so i couldn't do that and then when i sat down to do my video intros uh my camera is broken i haven't used my big camera in a while because i've just been doing vlog clips for other videos and when i went to put my sd card in here it said it wasn't working i was able to diagnose the problem but this camera it's broken so i'm really sad this camera has been with me through so much it's the canon sl2 i got this in like 2017 i want to say so i've had it for quite a while but she's just been so reliable she's like very lightweight for a dslr she the quality the quality i just love this camera i kind of hate the camera i'm filming on right now if i'm being honest this doesn't work anymore i can't do video intros today or for the foreseeable future i think i might look into getting a different um big camera at some point but they're expensive so i don't know like when that's gonna be i don't know i'm just sad i cried a little bit i know it's like super silly like i have this camera to film on and in the big scheme of things like it doesn't really matter but i definitely derailed my day because it felt like i was overcoming so many hurdles to like actually sit down and film there was some stuff that came up during the day that like impeded my ability to sit down and film and then when i did like my camera just it's just broken so i think what i'm gonna do for the rest of the day though is read tempest and then maybe do the q a with hayden i feel like that's kind of the only thing that i'm in the mood to do i've got my vlog camera i can do that hopefully that'll cheer me up being around hayden and like answering questions with hayden should put me in a better mood so i'm really sad i shouldn't be this sad but like you know it's like this is what i started booktube with but um i think i'm gonna go i'm gonna start tempest and i'll be back to you guys probably with a q a i cut him off mid thought so we're starting this over i asked you guys for questions to ask hayden because you guys are always asking for more hidden content we're doing a dumb book club episode soon on for blood and ash which hayden has lots of thoughts on but she's gonna save for the live show yeah we're gonna answer some questions in the meantime you guys had some some juicy ones mostly just about wedding stuff but we'll start from the beginning this one i like this is like semi-deep probably not the best one to start with but i don't want to like forget about it i have an answer so if you don't have an answer it's fine okay um this question is what do you think is the most challenging thing about growing from teens to adults in a relationship and what was the hardest part of growing together instead of a part oh so i'll go first and you can formulate your thoughts yeah i was thinking about this recently actually i think it's not so much that it's like hard i think going being a teen to being an adult i mean like that's hard obviously but it's not that hard in a relationship except for i think for the first time you actually have to start thinking about what you want your life to look like with another person if that makes sense because i guess you kind of do that in college but you're kind of just like finding time in your schedule to like hang out with the person you're with whereas i feel like after college you have to actually think about what you want the relationship to look like even more so if that makes sense like for example i think it really plagued me early on that we didn't spend very much time together after we graduated i was thinking about like my parents relationship my parents are married and thinking about how like they're constantly spending time together and like is our relationship okay if we don't spend all this time together so i think for the first time you kind of have to like actually sit down and think about what you want your relationship to look like long term and not even like the big life goal stuff because i feel like that's pretty obvious you know like if you if one of you wants to move across the country and the other doesn't like that's pretty obvious but i think the smaller things are kind of the most challenging part and i think you just work through those as time goes on also you know what's acceptable um in college isn't necessarily acceptable afterwards like staying out really really late like i wouldn't care in college if he was out until 2 a.m but when you're grown and you're like going to a job every day having someone come home super late is not necessarily like my favorite thing so i don't know i think that was kind of the hardest thing it wasn't really us having to figure out how to work together in a relationship because we'd already been together a while but i think that was like my hardest thing yeah i don't know about you i don't know if i have a hardest thing but to like kind of piggyback off of what you were saying if there was a hardest thing it would be honestly just figuring out what you want personally there's i wouldn't really say that we worked on necessarily growing together i think it was most important that we grew ourselves and then see if our like grown selves were compatible with each other which they just happened to be i don't think that we really we didn't forced trying to like grow together at any point and i think that that's kind of an unhealthy thing to do as well yeah to try to force what you want to to line up with the other person and try to get them to be on your side because ultimately i think that will just lead to resentment but i will unhappiness later and also i think it's like incredibly important during the stages in life that we've been together because we're you're actually like forming your i was actually gonna say i think that sort of worked in our benefit because regardless of if you're forming your thoughts and opinions by yourself it's not 100 by yourself when you were with someone since you were 16. that was a question that someone asked what how when did we meet how did we meet we'll get to that later but um we've been together since we were 16 we're both 26 now so it's been 10 years and um yeah we definitely have different visions of where we want our individual lives to go but a lot of the stuff that we want long term has been from finding that out together it only really becomes i think healthy whenever you are post-grad and like considering marriage and stuff i don't know if if that made sense but yeah here's a non-serious question do your cats have favorites between the two of you and then on the reverse side of that do we have favorite pet oh he's trying he's getting pepe to come sit next to him right now i mean i see obviously i have to answer the dingo is my favorite like so some of you guys don't know that we have a dog dingo's not in any of my videos because he's literally always with hayden but yeah we have a dog and then two cats pepe and nugget pepe is the smaller of the two if you've seen them in videos i would say this is gonna i don't know nugget's obviously my favorite i've had him the longest and he was the first pet i ever got i got him at 18. it's like i'm 26 now i feel like i don't know he's just been through so much with me but i also like that pepe is like ours we both raised them together and i think in terms of like who our pets favorites are dingo likes hayden best nugget likes me best and then pepe is kind of even between the two of us like at night pepe likes hanging out with you but then during the day he's with me so well and it's also kind of funny because like you say dingo likes me the best and like i'm sure that he does because like he's he's been with me longer but the way that i see it is dingo feels like you're like fun mom and i'm like disciplined dad you know cause like nobody talks yeah but i'm really the one who has to like put the hammer down if it ever happens another pet related question a lot of people asked if we were gonna get any more pets i think some of those people didn't know that we already you know have three pets no right now i just like we have i mean i obviously always joke about getting more cats because i love cats so much but i just don't think pepe would really handle a smaller kitten like he's sort of a little he i think only likes nugget because he was a kitten like a tiny baby kitten whenever we brought him home and he really sees nugget i think he's like a dad the funny thing is like nugget and dingo both would not care if there was another animal in the house but pepe probably would wedding questions a lot of people have asked if we started wedding planning all that stuff hayden's like i don't give a about any of this oh no i was looking the lights flickered for a second so wedding planning i had put it off for a really long time and i'm glad in hindsight that i did just because of everything that's happened with covid but we do have a date set we have a venue picked have some of the details picked out i haven't found a dress yet i'll let you guys know when i do i won't show you what it is probably but i'm very excited the venue is like my dream venue and a lot of people also ask like what's the wedding vibe like i'm going for like tuscan villa like classy type not like super cheesy ornate mafia boss kind of stuff but i mean like you know though i am going to be wearing an oversized tuxedo a wedding in italy vibes um and you'll see with my venue uh we both really really liked it that was one thing that i was like i didn't know how into wedding planning hayden would get i mean he i haven't had to ask him to do a lot um i have someone else helping me plan we both toured this menu together and we both like fell in love with it so 2022 is when we're getting married i'm not gonna tell you guys the date and someone also asked like if i would vlog my wedding that's not happening either i honestly don't even know if we'll have a videographer because that's just not something that i care a ton about i'm more of like a picture person oh someone asked if you're excited for the wedding planning i mean i'm more excited for the wedding than the planning like who's excited i'm not even excited for planning to be honest i'm excited for the wedding now that like the date set and i know where it's at i'm more excited but i was handling catering stuff last week and i just keep putting it off like i've gotten proposals from people and i just like have not set up tastings because it's just like added stress on top of covid like i don't know i just don't want to leave the house to do this right now but i would like to get this stuff squared away i would say i'm less excited and more curious to see what kinds of things that you're going to pick like i mean yeah i mean i have decent ideas but obviously i don't know what the final things are going to be for any of the like visual parts of the wedding so yeah i'll be interested to see what kind of stuff you're looking for a lot of people were asking about how we like our house and also for like home buying advice so do you have anything like instantly comes to mind the only real advice i think i have is kind of a tricky one obviously but i'd say the biggest thing that i did when we bought this house was to make sure that if you're gonna buy a house with someone that you can personally handle the mortgage by yourself if something were to go wrong if you are buying a house with someone like a partner or whatever i would say try if you can obviously it depends on the job market but try to make sure that whatever your mortgage payment is isn't unreasonable to where honestly like if one of us lost our job like we could still handle this and i think that's important consider like what kind of house situation you're going into and like what you want because like when we bought this house this is a new build house there was so many there were so many expenses beyond just buying like the house with the down payment that i didn't consider you have to pay for blinds you have to get a washer dryer you have to get a fridge on exciting i had to install all of the ceiling fans in this house well that might not be an issue in other places but in texas you have to have ceiling fans it's just like you know um we've liked our home buying experience and we're just such homebodies that like it has been a good experience especially since everyone's been having to stay home more now that we have our separate offices ten out of ten having like separate working space as well there was you know times in previous apartments and stuff that we lived in together where like you had a working space or we shared a working space and like a living space and so a lot of times you would end up like using the bedroom or using your car as like a filming space originated you didn't really have as much of like a concrete working space and you didn't have a working space that was separate from your relaxation spaces which i also think is like kind of important someone asked if we're married or engaged we're engaged we've been together 10 years and we got engaged in 2019 so wow almost almost three years ago two years ago i can't do math you know you ever see what i'm saying 2019. it was like a year and a half ago a year and a half ago did you guys ever consider moving out of texas and then also related to this someone had also asked why austin and not houston i think they know that we're from houston if you didn't know we're from houston we did kind of consider moving out of texas because my parents moved out of texas and we considered moving in with them for a little bit to save money for a down payment but doing some research we figured out we actually had enough saved already for down payments that wasn't really an issue it's not so much that like i haven't considered moving out of texas it's just like i don't know where i would go that's better not that like it's without issue but there's issues everywhere and it's inexpensive to live here we have his family here and where we live currently is just breathtaking like it's so beautiful here yeah not to be a dork but every time i drive into the city like from where we're at i'm just like blown away it's just so pretty here yeah so i just can't imagine living anywhere else or like living anywhere that looked as beautiful as this does but like being able to afford it i don't know yeah that's the thing you come out here and you're like how i don't know i i don't think i'd want to move and then that's obviously not obviously but that is part of the reason we decided to stay here after college we went to college here so that's kind of why we're in austin um but houston is just like it's not as pretty and um we're both from the suburbs in houston and so like you know we weren't anywhere close to downtown if like anyone watching knows anything about houston like it is giant the area that is quote unquote houston so you know where we lived i think we were like probably an hour or 45 minutes or so from like the city so i mean i didn't really experience that much of the city when we were there and at least in my opinion i like the fact that austin is organized in such a way that you can live not in the city but the city is still very accessible to you favorite and least favorite things about each other do you like me yeah i'd say so i'm trying to think of of things i don't like about you this is going to sound bad maybe maybe good i think the things that i like most about you are also the things that i like the least about same i was going to say the same thing literally and and you just find that i think when you're in a long-term relationship but i think one of my favorite things about hayden is how different we are especially in the way that we conceptualize time i'm very much a future thinker like i cannot focus on the here now that's just not how i think i'm thinking three months ahead for videos for life for everything he is very much like what is going on today what's happening in this moment and i love that because it kind of keeps me grounded and like appreciating the things that are around me but on the other hand it's frustrating when i'm like okay well we need to start saving for this thing a year down the road and he's like okay that was not a good example because he's a good saver but you know what i mean like that kind of thing we just it's nice because you know we balance each other out but at the same time it can kind of you know drive me a little nuts sometimes and then he's just super nice i don't know like that's such a vague thing to say but i don't think i've ever met anyone as truly kind as you you just treat people super well and it makes me want to be a nicer person he's a good influence for sure uh so and he's funny so like same for me i think like you know and i don't know that it's necessarily my favorite thing about you but it's definitely up there and but it's definitely can turn into one of my least favorite things about you is like how hard working and persistent you are honestly mad respect to you all the time like i think about it all the time how hard working you are and like that that's the way that your mind works kind of makes me jealous sometimes you know whatever you want to do typically you'll find a way to do it like you'll put the work in to make it happen but at the same time sometimes you're so hard-working and persistent that you either get in the way of yourself or do not have a good time if like the thing that you're trying to make come to fruition isn't you know coming with as much work as you anticipated for some reason that's just bringing me to today with the camera i freak out pretty hardcore when goes wrong definitely a flaw definitely something i'm working on but he's always just so calm he's like let me try to fix your camera it'll be okay calm down so yeah i do kind of like get in my own way sometimes but then also obviously you're funny too i would say that that might be my favorite thing about you i was going to say we have we we don't have the exact same sense of humor but for the most part it's like similar no we have different enough senses of humor that i think we can appreciate each other because i think we have the same sense of humor we might get on each other's nerves a lot more is hayden a reader what are his favorite books has he been reading lately just talk about your reading i guess generally speaking i know he he was just reading is it the expanse series yeah the expanse yeah and you are watching that too right so i watched the show first or i watched like a couple of seasons of the show first and then i started reading the series he listens to these like 20 hour audio books on like one time speed on one time's video don't understand it okay here's the thing now that i've been listening through uh whatever this book is called from blood yeah from blood and ash now that i've been listening to this one and i am not enjoying the narrator i understand listening on two time speed but that being said the narrator for the expanse book series is fantastic and i am happy every time i start a new one and it's the same guy these two questions were asked back to back and i thought it was hilarious who's your celebrity crush and then have you watched queen's gambit and i was like yes celebrity crush is definitely hillary i'd say right now you love her she's amazing because like i don't really have a celebrity crush i would say because i'm just not that kind of person like i don't really care about celebrities very much but it's like in the moment like if i'm watching something i'm like you're hot yeah like we were both watching it we both kept telling each other like yeah you can ask like i was literally like dude what is up with this girl's face it is so nice she's so beautiful so yes definitely her for both of us how do we deal with arguments people have asked in the past like how we have stayed together for so long really and i think it's kind of the same answer it's just once you start to grow up and like mature if you're raised around the right people you'll start to understand that communication is like literally the most important thing of all time such a vague thing i feel like that's common advice you hear from everybody is like communicate like what the does that really mean and that means like putting your ego aside putting your like fear aside and actually just talking things out most arguments are really just you being too scared to let the other person know what you actually want getting upset and then lashing out i think if you're just up front always about what you want and how you feel then you don't argue as much and even if you do have discussions and disagreements it's just not the same thing yeah because i mean there is such thing as like a healthy argument yeah like it doesn't have to be angry argument doesn't mean fight and like angry bearing teeth yeah yeah i think arguing sometimes is important as well i feel like the word has a bad connotation to it we definitely don't like screaming each other or anything we used to get in like bigger fights when we were younger but now not so much we're good at communicating and i think someone asked like how the quarantine has been together i think we've gotten even better at reading each other's cues and stuff we used to get a little bit like offended at each other sometimes when like one of us would be doing something and the other person was like hey you wanna hang out another person was like no i'm busy now i just feel like that doesn't happen yeah and in general yeah we're just like good at you know if i'm saying hey will you get out like i'm doing something right now he's not like you know offended at that because we just know no harm no foul kind of thing there yeah there was definitely a period where i wanted to hang out a lot more i'm i'm a very he's so extroverted i'm a socially stimulated person like and that doesn't mean that i have to like be going out and doing things but i just like talking to people so once we moved in where it was just the two of us and that wasn't happening for me all the time there was a lot of times where like i wanted to hang out just so i could yeah get my energy out or whatever uh i did i just had to learn how to entertain myself i guess that was something i definitely had to work on but like ever since then you've been yeah yeah i've been perfectly fine and so have you like you know there's also been period of time since that i've been uh entertaining myself too much you know and you want to hang out but you know sometimes i'm busy too yeah and i think that's something we definitely like kind of need to work on i think you can get a little too comfortable and quarantined by the fact that you're always technically together but you're also never really together so i think we need to do better probably at like setting time aside to actually you know hang out but yeah anyway back to the subject at hand arguments we don't argue that much anymore because we're just like very honest with each other we just talk and obviously there's a lot of like privilege in being able to say that because we don't have a lot of trauma both of our parents are still married i mean obviously everybody's parents are like not necessarily the best communicators i think that's something we've definitely learned as we've gotten older but um yeah that's how we handle arguments quick rundown a bunch of people ask this relationship timeline how did we meet that sort of thing so we've been together since we were 16. we met in high school so our freshman year we had a history class together and we had like a pear project i guess i thought you were really annoying but you loved my swoopy hair i did i loved his swoopy hair i thought he was cute but i thought he was like kind of annoying and kind of dumb so i was like about him and he got you got moved into that class like you weren't in it the whole year with me during the summer i remember seeing you at the movie theater with and i just i remember thinking like he's so cute and i was like i really hope i have a class with him and then we did end up having a class together sophomore year i actually got moved out of that class after a couple weeks and i literally cried about it we weren't dating or anything but i just remember thinking he was so cute and i was never good to see him again but i had like gotten your number right before i got moved out of that class then we started texting and then we started dating and we've been together ever since we did bring up freshman year of college for like a few months uh we were going to different colleges and we weren't really sure if we would i don't know if we were on the same path i think that's pretty normal and then sort of by a strange like twist of events we didn't like plan to go to the same college basically but we ended up at the same college so yeah that's we've been together for way too long so to answer another question that i just saw it was not love at first sight at least for her yeah this is a question that i got asked kind of a surprising amount but a couple people asked do you ever compare your relationships to book relationships and i think people ask that because i read romance but the answer's no not in the way that you would think at least i don't read romances and think like damn i wish i had that i will read romances that are not perfect and think i've got it real good honestly why don't you guys just talk like it's not that difficult like reading normal people i guess that one's not a good example because it's not technically a romance but i was just like can i just talk it's not that hard yeah not in a in a i want that relationship sort of way yeah i don't know i mean i love reading about love don't get me wrong but to me there's nothing better than just the security of a long-term relationship in terms of like the comfort that it brings you i don't really crave that like honeymoon phase or like that falling in love thing that is really present in books um and actually that's kind of why i tend to prefer romances where like it's a married couple or i don't know what is our favorite meal to use together oh to eat together because okay here's the thing i'm really picky and i only eat chicken which makes it difficult for him who loves cooking so anytime he's cooking it's pretty much exclusively chicken for me i mean he doesn't just cook for me he cooks for both of us but try to think what would you say your favorite meal that you make for us i don't know i think probably the favorite but it's because it's your favorite would probably be my alfredo oh his alfredo is it's damn good it's been a while i mean i'll do it for you soon i wouldn't even necessarily say that it's like my favorite but just how much you enjoy it that's true like makes it my favorite meal that like we eat together and the fact that you said it was better than chazy is just like warms my heart to a degree that i can't really express there's a local restaurant called chazy and i it's like the ambiance of an olive garden that only really old people attend yeah but the food's excellent so hit her up if you want some good alfredo but yeah i would say i don't know if that's my favorite dish that you make though what would you say is you've only made it once you need to make it again soon really what is it what do you made of fried chicken sandwiches oh okay those were so good i have a picture of them if you want to if you want to like include a little i will but that's it thank you for answering questions i hope you guys enjoyed this i hope you enjoyed these horrible camera angles for me i'm i'm not he also needs photogenic a haircut i have a mullet check it out but we're gonna be doing a dumpage book club soon on for blood and ash whenever he finishes it i also need to read that i listen to the audiobook but i'm gonna three times beat that so jesus 3x that's how i that's what i listen everything on andre 3x anyway i'll talk to you guys probably tomorrow i said i was going to talk about tempest but like i'm honestly just going to eat a bag of sour patch watermelons and go to sleep happy sunday i am in the car at my favorite little car picnic spot i'm about to eat my whataburger breakfast i got a sausage taquito which i'm going to stuff with the like potato sticks that come as the side love whataburger breakfast not so much a fan of their other food like during the day just because i don't eat burgers but their breakfast is a1 and they serve till 11 which is perfect because even though i get up at like eight every day for the most part getting out of bed is sort of a struggle i i don't normally get breakfast like three days in a row but i guess i can justify it because of the vlog but also i posted uploaded whatever my taste test of nitty i'm just so excited that it's like out in the world because i've been working on it since like october but for videos that i get super excited about i just can't watch the analytics for like the first couple of hours because i get too stressed out about it i don't know i'm not someone who really stresses too much about numbers for the most part but whenever i get super excited about a video it can cause me like a little bit of anxiety just to like watch the performance at the beginning so i kind of try to step away and i don't have the youtube studio app on my phone so like if i'm out of the house i can't see anything so i decided to get breakfast for that reason and i just wanted to like start the day out right yesterday was just i don't think i could fully express yesterday how upset i was i know that it's not a big deal in the scheme of things and i'm just lucky to like have this camera or to have a phone that i can film on in a moment's notice but i was just like so ready to get those intros filmed because they're too really exciting in my opinion secret tbrs and this this camera just doesn't have the same like lens situation going on so i just i didn't want to film my intro on here so anyway i know it's like very first world problems but i was just upset and i don't want to be upset today today i just want to have a really really good day and read some books with you guys because i feel like we haven't done that much of that i mean i have already finished a book surprisingly this weekend but two that i need to finish and i can tell you right now that i am about 50 into tempest by beverly jenkins and i'm really liking it i don't know that it's my favorite book ever but i do think that our heroine is really making up for any sort of like lacking issues in this book i will say okay the hero's not my favorite his name's colton he's a doctor and his wife died wife was very prim and proper was you know very much cooks cleans whatever and i know in historical romance like that's more expected but he is unwilling to accept in this like wild west setting that his new bride is very much like not rough and tumble but she likes riding horses and doing things like that and he's like excited for his daughter because his daughter is going to be able to like have that influence and yet he's not excited for himself because he wants someone to just like lie back and take it literally he basically says that to our heroine and um i just don't know how i feel about him but our heroine reagan regan i don't know the audio narrator says regan but it's spelled right again and i just i want to say reagan i just like her she's got a lot of spirit and you can tell that she is very willing to just hop into whatever situation she's put into she is down to marry this guy even though he's like honestly kind of the worst the beginning of the book yeah i don't know it's good i mean the story is really just about our hero colton kind of figuring out that he likes our heroine and her like zest as of right now they just got married and i think they're about to have their like spicy scene why am i saying spicy soup they're sexy they're about to have sex for the first time reagan had actually had sex before she tells him like prior to them getting married she also tells him that she enjoys sex and as long as like he's wanting to pleasure her she's like down to like have regular sex with him and he's like just really shaken by that because the woman that he was with before that never talked about her sexual desires so i don't know mixed feelings i'm hoping that it quickly turns into him really respecting and understanding this woman and not him like really being upset that she is not you know what he expected because i don't want to be too critical of romance because i love it so much but i just feel like lately i've just been picking up these books where people are having to compromise a little bit too much people are not being appreciated as much as they should be and i know that like eventually at the end of this book i'm sure all of that's gonna be resolved that's how romance works but it's rubbing me the wrong way and this book and it kind of rubbed me the wrong way in the last book maybe i just need to take a break from historical i'm still like i'm enjoying it and it is my first beverly jenkins so i like her writing a lot i i'm enjoying that and i definitely want to pick up more books from her even if this one doesn't turn out to be like a perfect perfect read so i'll definitely keep you guys posted i'll probably just update you guys one more time on this book because i really want to get into the duke who didn't first two books that i've been reading have been audio and then this one's i'm going to read physically so i feel like i'll have more updates as i read i hope you guys are having a good day wherever you are i say that as if i'm i'm going to leave and never come back but i'm just trying to hype you guys up because i'm trying to hype myself up so i finished tempest by beverly jenkins i thought we could come into my living room to do my little wrap up actually let me i am all over the place tonight let me show you my living room i told you guys i was gonna do that yesterday this is my living room i feel like you can get a slightly better idea of like what my you know style is so i got a new couch i'm in love with it this shades right here is a double shades is what they call it so it's so comfy and you can just curl up and watch tv i i love it and i also got this coffee table from wayfair it was like open box or whatever so it was super super cheap and um surprisingly the cats haven't like messed it up yet so i'm really liking that i don't know these are just throw pillows that i already had but i'm not sure if i'm gonna like keep these here or not but i just i don't know i like neutrals i like cozy comfy i'm not like super fancy i know a lot of people like you know mid-century modern stuff but it's just not very texas to me so this is kind of my vibe i did just purchase a my christmas tree is here we're still trying to find the perfect place to put this i did buy a piece of art to go right here and it should be here in the next couple of weeks or so so maybe when that comes in i'll show you guys but it's going to take up pretty much this entire space and i'm so excited because i like picked the art specifically i didn't want to do like mass-produced art up there so i'm very excited about that i think it's just gonna make the space like feel a little bit more cohesive and complete oh and then on this wall my kitchen's really messy so we're gonna ignore that we wall-mounted our tv and we got this little fireplace situation which i'm really loving i've showed it to you guys on instagram before i don't know how well this is showing up but it matches our banister really well and yeah it's just a freestanding fireplace you can get them online and um it does heat up the space so i do like that there's my beloved vacuum oh there we go there's good lighting okay so hopefully that goes not too terribly bad but i did finish tempest and i'm not entirely sure how i feel about it overall it was good i liked the writing a lot i liked our heroine but our hero just never really convinced us of his love for our heroine which was really frustrating because she was a badass and she deserves someone who was just enamored with her i really think i would have preferred this romance had he been so into her from day one and then maybe she had like i don't know some hang-ups but i didn't really understand like what his hang ups were because he wasn't even with his wife for very long before she passed away and i'm not saying that that takes away any sort of like love but that was mentioned in the story by a couple of different characters that like he didn't know his wife very well i just didn't understand why he was so reluctant to kind of fall for our heroine because she was so so cool there were a lot of sex scenes so if that's something that you like you will enjoy this book but i just like to have a little bit more build up to those scenes and or i like a little bit more i don't know like banter between the characters i just didn't get the banter that i was really like searching for so it wasn't bad it just like wasn't my favorite and i did see some other reviews saying that this isn't their favorite beverly jenkins work either so i think i'm just gonna have to read some more of her stuff to really find like my faves but this was i feel like a decent introduction into her work and i'm excited to read more from her so that's that i think though this is where i'm gonna end the vlog i feel bad i know that i said i was gonna read the duke who didn't i am going to read that and talk about it in my quarterly wrap up i will tell you guys that here i guess but i am planning on doing quarterly wrap ups for books that i don't talk about in videos there are books that i occasionally will read for just pleasure for fun not the secret tbrs and stuff aren't fun but sometimes i just want to read a book and it doesn't really fit neatly into a secret tbr video so after about three months i have a good amount of books to talk to you guys about and i'll be doing wrap ups like that i actually have my first one coming pretty soon because in october november december i read 30 books total that i just have never talked to you guys about and i'm excited to do that so hopefully that'll be sort of like a good answer to some people who are looking for more wrap ups from me i can't really promise that i'll do them every month because someone's i just don't read books that aren't for secret tbr videos and i don't know i don't know i just feel like it's a little repetitive to do wrap ups for books that i've already talked extensively about in videos i don't know maybe that's silly but that's just kind of like my perspective it feels boring to talk about them again so i just like to do wrap ups for books that i haven't talked about so i will be reading the duke who didn't i'm actually i'm so excited about that one i was surprised that my library had it because it's i think indie published thank you for watching this vlog i know it was terribly long and not that exciting but i'm trying to get better at doing these and i think the only way you can get better at doing things is practicing so i don't know if i'm ever going to be like the queen of b-roll or anything i i will probably never have vlogs as aesthetically pleasing as like olivia from olivia reads latte and zoe from zoe delany i'm gonna leave some recent videos from them actually in the description so go check those out but i'm hoping you know that i can get at least a little bit better at these because i do like doing them so um thank you guys so much for watching i have another video coming on sunday so if you're like this sucks but you somehow watch the whole thing there's something better coming on sundays i love you guys so much and until next sunday
Channel: chandler ainsley
Views: 30,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wG9OlS8Ty9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 29sec (4049 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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