i made my fiancé read a court of thorns and roses | dbbc

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hello and welcome back to the I'm whispering because I don't want to get demonetised right the beginning of the video cuz that's usually when they do it but really they do the I haven't yes no really just for that just for that I've seen a lot worse stuff that it's monetized you know but you know what we're waiting that today I'm Chandler I'm Hayden and today we're going to be talking about a corded or answer roses by Sarah J ass I am super excited to talk about this a few because I feel like this has been a really long time coming is this a joke that I'm not getting the surge is she's never had her ass out in public now why people have strong opinions about her focus yeah that's what I was wondering yes I am excited to talk about this book with you because this is one of the books that I originally had thought about when I was creating like at the inception of damaged book club besides Twilight I really wanted to read a guitar with you I'm just thrilled I'm thrilled to have your input on this book because it's a very divisive book in the book community some people hate this and then there is an ungodly amount of merch and whatnot around the series so it's like people love it or they really see I'm very interested to see why people hate it so much I'm not saying that I liked it necessarily but like to have such a strong responses you know controversy and or a lot of people about vehemently hate it I would say honestly if you didn't loathe the first book then you probably are gonna be fine with the series as a whole that being said I think the second book maybe has a little bit more zest to it and like things that people could just like but I personally feel like didn't hate this one you probably won't hate the rest so it's like I've I think I've just read many worse books recently this is true you did have to read Twilight which I don't think it's a worst book but I think this has more interesting blood and I also feel like this in comparison to Rey sha also much better so I think like in the writing and in the thematic elements this is true so I don't know I feel like I set you up pretty well for this one and I think it did a good job with that because upon reread I still enjoy it just as much as I did the first time so you were part of the camp that liked it oh yeah okay well I mean I should have known you have more than one of the books on your shelf I do and you know what it's funny too because you wouldn't think that I'd be the kind of person to like this book like I definitely am NOT a huge fantasy fan and I don't really talk about the series on my channel as a whole so I feel like a lot of people just assume that I'm in the camp of people among friends especially too but like you know I don't like this series but I do I do actually enjoy it I think it's fun I think for me this is such a romance heavy series and there's a lot of ass clap cheap trying to say a lot of cheek clapping yeah that's not really something that's super common in young adult fantasy so I think that's probably why I enjoyed it so I will say she she really tried to do her best to keep it PG or pg-13 so don't worry the sequel does she use any curse words in it ever I'm not sure that they talk about his throbbing member no not that I'm just saying they keep saying obscene but you know like she cursed or yeah I cursed through an obscene gesture that's something we can talk about later because I have questions about that too okay I you know I don't actually remember if it's if it's brought up in the other books but anyway that's the background kind of got here but how did you feel overall about this book maybe like your general thoughts and then we'll just jump right and to the content know what you know how I felt like I said I've read many worse books recently so it wasn't that bad I just remember I was in the first couple of chapters when you first asked me and how are you enjoying it so far and this was before I knew that it was controversial so I was like fine like what do you mean but given this was mostly first second chapter sort of stuff so this was just her like seeing the wolf and I was like that was a fine zoom I don't I don't know what was wrong with that you know there was a lot of stuff that got kind of repetitive I feel and then ending was a little strange to me but overall not as bad as a lot of the stuff that I've read recently I don't know that I would say that I enjoyed and enjoyed it enough to want to read the seriously I'm on my own you know what I mean like that's what I'm judging it on if you asked me to read it would I read it yes it wouldn't be as bad as some of the stuff that I've written but yes exactly that's kind of I wouldn't say it surprises me but I feel like having I know what happens I still feel like it was enough of a cliffhanger of an ending to where I want to know what's gonna happen next cuz I feel like there were a few things that I forgot that happened at the end and when I reread it I was like well now I want to know what happens that I'm gonna have to hear what those are because I didn't really have a whole lot of questions at the end that's very that's very anything that's kind of the beauty of the series in my opinion is that even though I've read it before and I read it in 2017 which isn't that long ago I like I still have things that I forget that make it an enjoyable experience even though that big cliffhanger or not be cliffhanger the big plot twists in the second book that happens is something that I know is going to happen I still image is feeding it and excited about it so I'm not gonna spoil it for you obviously because we might read this I can bug if you want to read the second book so from my perspective like I was saying I really enjoy this book I remember reading this senior year you know I have developed and grown as a person but not enough to not like this book okay so let's get into it get into the meat of this book how we felt the things that we learned along the way first things first I think when I opened up this book and read that beginning scene that opening scene I had remembered it I did know that there was kind of a hunting scene but I was getting a lot of Katniss from Hunger Games vibes which I'm realizing is probably a reference that you don't know which is fine but I will say it's I think it's a good setup because it does draw you in and get you curious especially since I think a lot of young adult books that are centered on like female protagonists don't necessarily have strong openings like in the beginning of Twilight it's not super intriguing except really good prologue to die whatever it's not that it's not that interesting right so look I kind of liked this and I also like that it lets you know that she is not like every other for me you know like she's different they really do have to set her up it's like different from her sisters what did you think of that of the beginning I mean like I said when I read the opening like I thought it was a fine I mean I didn't think a whole lot of it like it was like fantastic or anything it was solid I think something that I didn't realize whenever I picked this book up though is how strong the characterization is of the sisters right off the bat I don't know if did you immediately hate them or was it just me I mean I didn't hate both of them Nestle obviously beginning the book she goes she hunts for her family she brings us back a wolf skin and a deer and that's sort of like the main conflict that comes up later in the book but she brings these things home and we see the treatment of her by her family is pretty up like her dad is he's got an injury he's disabled and he is unable to take care of the family and he's not really willing he has too much pride I guess to admit to any shortcomings and just doesn't do anything to really help the family tries to kind of ignore the issues at hand I feel like Elaine again is pretty ignorant to everything and she's kind of stew so I feel like I was able to ignore her a little bit more yeah I guess yeah I don't know I didn't really pick up the like stupid vibes I just picked up young cuz like do they say how old she is eras 19 and the two sisters are older than her so it Elaine is older than her too okay interesting that you mentioned that because I always thought that fair was the oldest I'm and taking care of everybody but it gets even worse that they have her as the youngest mhm and she's got these twenty year old sister she's like don't do anything around the house Nesta is just like I want your money and I want to be rich and I miss being rich and then Elaine is just kind of dumb I don't know if she was intentionally characterized that way but she's supposed to be this like sweet like flowers sorry and since she is older than fara to me I read that as dumb no had she been younger I wouldn't maybe it seen it as my even if that's why I know I just thought you got out of stupid I hope a dad for fara although I do think they kind of laid it on a little bit I don't know no that's like one of the first notes just says oh poor me yeah I feel like they could have done it in a more subtle way and I feel like it almost would have made me sympathize with her more had her situation been a little bit tougher not like more difficult to be in but more as in like she was conflicted about her family oh like my sister's don't help out but they're like really good people or you know just something but instead we're just like made to hate everybody think that I would have just written them off entirely had I not dislike them in the beginning to like them in the end that's fair I think at least like them a bit more anything for me that's a kind of recurring theme throughout the book and I think that's why it connects so much to the series is I feel like the motivations in this book are very human and I feel like I really understand them that's so often in my critique of books and I'm not able usually to put it into words why you don't like books it's because I I might connect with the character I think they're cool but I would never personally feel the same way but I really feel like I connected with her and sometimes like you are not close with your family and they kind of suck but you have to kind of do what you have to do yes sir I really connected with her feelings and I think her motivations and her feelings throughout the story make a lot of sense you know even though she does end up going to this place that's a lot better she's still kind of unhappy and I think that if she had actually liked her family then they wouldn't have been able to really justify her leaving you know and or like her feelings her conflicted feelings on wanting to stay in wanting leave once she got to prettier breath Ian's breath Ian yes yeah I feel you so from there I think this sort of sense that the conflict of the book obviously we've got Farrah she essentially murders a fairy which is the wolf that she ends up skinning she didn't know what was fairy but she I think she kind of knew something was up as well she's really it was a very large wolf since she skins the wolf Jen's up selling the pelt but one night around the delicious venison that they're eating I did her big hulking beast just slam through their door puts its paws upon their table and starts speaking in English basically saying which one if you did it which one of you is the murderer and Farrah has his confrontation with who we eventually find out his Tamlyn she ends up having to go with him to fairy she can either die right now or she could go to fairy and she obviously decided to go to fairy so that's two fairy Phyllis like very she ends up going to you know the fate lands so that's sort of the set up for the the main conflict of the book at the very beginning so two things off the bat here one I had a very hard time visualizing what tamlin's beasts form looks like that's there I don't know I'm assuming that there's probably some kind of fan art out there or something like that since you said that there was a lot of merch surrounding the book yes I don't know that I've actually ever seen a visualization though oh really yeah Tamlyn is not a favorite character okay but still you know I wouldn't would have just assumed they would have had some kind of visualization cuz I don't really understand what he's supposed to look like I know I don't think it matters that much but I am they said like the wolf the body of a wolf I thought it said the body of a bear and then like the head of a wolf with horns so what kind of horns like I'm thinking like RAM like ram horns like a narwhal horn or Ram okay so that was your first issue what's your other issue I hate the name Tam one you know you make points it's just so dumb it's such a lie I don't know I want to say a weak name maybe he's a ham when it's even worse than the name Tammy and I'm not a huge fan of the name Tammy either he ends up being kind of a weak guy near the end of the book does he cam you know he gets kidnapped by a lady not that ladies are any less powerful but is he really weak though it's kind of a little I mean she also lets herself get captured to try to save the one that she loves that's different let's stay linear shall we but I think that's a fair critique I don't love the name Tam but it actually doesn't bother me I kind of like the way it rolls off the tongue although we don't think it's sexy nope I don't like it at all not it's not a bedroom name it Sam you want to really call you know like Oh Tim take me away Ram me Tamlyn hey that's kind of words yeah that's nice super she ends up going to the family hands and she starts to kind of see what her life is gonna be like you play footsies with me she ends up going to the spring court and she doesn't know what's the Supreme Court at the time but it's this big palatial manor it's beautiful flowers everywhere kind of crawling up this place and their servants and there's a lot of good food and the two main people that she deals with are Hamlin and Lucien Lucien is a emissary and anybody she spent a lot of time with Lucien I would say near the beginning of the book and I think he kind of reveals certain things and a sort of a plot device if you know like the beginning in the book he really I want to say dislike sir we find out later that it's not a real dislike but he really dislikes her for killing his friend which is severe yeah which is funny too because I forgot honestly that the wolf was a fairy because I feel like after this book no one ever brings that up again and you're near the middle kind of like kind of like the whole time they reference to the fact that she's killed the fairy they never let it go no but that's what I'm saying they do they keep bringing it up to her like I should be really mad it shouldn't really matter though to use since you've like you know killed so many fairies before the fairy killer human oh and you must be so strong since you'd killed a fairy sometimes I forget things things just seemed less relevant when there is love to be had I just I care less I also I don't know if you noticed that soon by Ellucian actually reveals his name before Tamlyn does know yeah I'll represent which I thought was strange think he only learns tamerlan's name through Lucien when he hears a talent don't do this yeah which interesting and I also started noticing how strange the speech was around the time that she starts hanging out with Lucien they end up going out on like horses and Lucien says something like I admire your balls Farrah and I thought that was so interesting because I feel like the speech is definitely a little bit like more highbrow throughout the book and then you get these weird moments of like modern like death balls or Farrah I'm not that yeah there's things like that I don't know I choices we're made I'm not sure that I like those choices also something that we should probably mention here and that I kept forgetting throughout most of the book is that everyone in spring court is stuck in a mask due to a curse so they all have these masks from a masquerade ball on their face and have had them for along did he say it was it's it's 49 years 49 years they've had them on yeah yeah one I just keep forgetting that everyone's wearing a mask and they must look kind of stupid and then also I'm just imagining having them a mask on my face for even a whole day and like how is funny and uncomfortable and irritating that would be well I'm kind of picturing it more as something that's like almost enmeshed in the face like you probably wouldn't feel it after a while but I do think it's interesting too because it's almost used as a device I've seen this like a couple of times and people's critiques or reviews of this book that the mask is like oh my god I don't know how hot Talan is because he's got this mask on his face but like I can see his eyes and like you know is it really obscuring like his bone structure that much like I doubt it I know every time I've seen a depiction of a masquerade ball I don't really think that it hides any ones that I've always wondered what the real purpose of the masquerade ball was because I don't think it really hides your anyway especially you see someone's eyes you can tell them your eyes and their jaw and mouth joke's on you we know who you is mean unless their nose is like really messed up or something then I think you can tell or you've got like a phantom of the opera' situation going on faces all like messed up under the mask yes but only under the mask but we could tell that it was like gilded almost and like it doesn't actually obscure his face so anyway yeah I thought that was kind of stupid I feel like they do that to kind of further the whole Beauty and the Beast plotline but I don't think it's necessary because this is such a loose beauty the mystery telling I mean besides like the mask I don't know yeah and also the fact that he turns into a beast and a man is I don't think that the mask really furthers the Beast side of like not knowing what he looks like and and you really having till you know not to get too far ahead of ourselves again but you know part of the curse as they mentioned later in the book is that she has to really see past the mask and might be able to fall in love with like the person behind the mask and like it's so stupid because he's still high yeah that's like the first thing that she says is how hot both of them are so she would do the deed with him while he's got the mask on mm-hmm so she's I won't play no I kind of forgot how boring the middle of this book is I think that's my main complaint boring it's weird because I don't think you can really condense it because I was thinking of ways in which she could have a book shorter and made it so less effective but I don't think we would have gotten as much into ferry's mind and also known like her attraction to Tamlyn over time had we not had this kind of like long boring meandering plotline yeah and I also think that it kind of had to happen because you know she spends months there yeah and most of it she's not doing any change and then or there was she would just be like so I spent months there and that was it yeah that was it like just mentioning it and passing would be super weird so the only thing I feel like she actually does is get herself into trouble which we can talk about now do you want to talk about the serial well she hears from Lucien there well does she ever malucia at Hamlin erst well she hears that there's this like fairy creature that she can capture and if she captures it then it'll tell her anything that she wants honestly it's kind of interesting because I feel like Tamlyn was fairly forthcoming with her and she didn't even ask him questions like the stuff that she ends up asking to cereal it's not like she approached Hamlin for a lot of these things and he was like you I think it's interesting that you would go out of her way to be a stupid to try to capture this thing but I digress then again she doesn't really know how dangerous it is to capture it because you know Lucien says I'm technically like tells her exactly how to do it my gifts are the tools to do it but also says don't be with but it seems like kind of a formality just so he won't get in trouble with Tamblyn for like telling her how to do it in that regard I think that she really underestimates how dangerous the situation could be either with just the surreal or with the is it the nagas or the Naga Naga eggy nogga it ends up being much more dangerous than she anticipates this is true but I do think she sets up traps and stuff beforehand and I think she's a huntress she's a huntress and I feel like she knew kind of going into this is probably not the best idea but also she that'll use her life very little and that's fair she's been through a lot she's been through the wringer and she starve to death few times back home so it's like you know what what is a fairy beast nothing ain't no thang so she does almost die during the situation cuz she ends up being attacked by creatures that actually were looking for her aunt the cereal they ended up getting away from a pack of Nagas basically so there's like four that come but there's a pack that Talon was hunting he ends up saving her from this situation but she does before that learned some interesting information from the serial and she also kills two of the Nagas she dies she's a bad so what you know bad no one else no nobody wanted to do that but this isn't the bad book club so I mean you talked about how she said how she's kind of a dog well we do find out though that she she does Tamlyn is part of that the High Court like he is he's on the Supreme Court Prince yeah before her before she finds this off from the serial we have no idea we just think that he's high faith I think we're supposed to believe oh my God he's so humble and down-to-earth from my telling her now if you got that vibe I didn't really get that vibe I just like bumped it in with all of the stuff that he's not telling her like he hasn't really told her much of anything he didn't even tell her his own name so didn't surprise me that he wasn't like by the way um basically king of this so that's that's fair yeah he's definitely not forthcoming but I I never got the vibe that he didn't want to tell her things well I mean we find out a little later that he doesn't really like that he's yeah yeah so I can understand why he isn't very forthcoming with his title seeing as he doesn't necessarily want to embrace it himself but yeah we find out that there's a lot of trouble going on all around Perth Ian's not just in the Supreme Court but that all of the courts and all of pretend is kind of experiencing this blight on magic that's making all of their powers weekend bowing some of the borders between the different courts and realms to shrivel and disappear or like weekend where like fairies gonna come in yeah you find out that stuff isn't good and essentially the circle just keeps saying well stay with Tamblyn you'll be safe and that's pretty much it before the Nagas attack and she's got a free the surreal and like run for a life and stab some fools but I do think this is kind of the turning point too because once they come home Tamblyn and her sort of find a truce he sort of tells her and fills in the gaps of knowledge that she was missing and he also sort of he's Lebanese in some of the gaps and she ends up asking for art supplies he says like oh I have this gallery let me show you the gallery and and I'll find you art supplies and they think we're supposed to believe you know what the stuff that he was keeping from her it's because he's like kind of a good guy and he's very humble and down to earth and also he's like helping her if he's not really a kidnapper yeah this is where it really starts to turn from her being completely on the defensive - I'm gonna have to be here for a while so maybe I shouldn't take advantage of this free time and like comfort that I had always searched for because back in the human realm up until this point she has really been focused on getting back and helping her family and I think it's actually kind of hard to read about for Alec for me at least because it's kind of sad how much she knows that her family doesn't need her and that they probably don't give a that she's gone Tamlyn tells her pretty early on that her family is going to be taken care of and that it was just because she's gone doesn't mean they're not gonna eat so she knows that they're probably better taken care of than they would be without her and that they probably don't miss her and I'm sure that's pretty frustrating given that they weren't appreciative of her in the first yes exactly but she still constantly it worked herself until this point where she does ask for those art supplies and she's like you know what I'm gonna move on with my life a little bit and we do again start kind of experiencing that like romantic tension mm-hmm then I think kind of sets the groundwork for the precedent book I mean this book is I mean it's Beauty the Beast it's like Romeo heavies yeah I believe after the fight with the Nagas is like when we get the first like tension from like touching between them like they haven't touched like at all before this and then they in touch and they don't you know to really share an intimate moment but she still gets hot between her legs it's what she keeps saying which I hate so much but sometimes the undercarriage gets a little overheated yeah there's a lot of touching and like subtle glances but I think the writing is a little highbrow highbrow so you kind of get this like historical vibe to it and that's alright how it was in historical times it's like oh a little bit of ankle I'm moist the thing to me was like the note that I wrote was her the hell did the romance come from we've previously mentioned before this they're very cold and standoffish to each other and any question that he asks her is met with a lot of defense as same way like both ways yes and no I think he was pretty kind from the beginning and taking her in in the first place making sure her family's taken care of he saves her and then he offers her art supplies and seems to have an interest in what she's interested in a person so I could definitely understand how their romantic relationship kinda develops from there well I'm just saying from her end I guess especially she's still she seems like put off by him you know she doesn't want to be near him every time that she's near him she talks about how scared she is the fact that you know he can like turn into a beast and like rip people's heads off which yeah she keeps saying I could never forget what he can become and the power that lies beneath this human flesh forgets pretty quick does she she takes her pants off pretty quick Dungy yeah but maybe that's just because she wants the Beast okay so I'm fair romance yeah that's the romance okay now we can move on to the fun stuff I don't know if it's really fun but from here we get more like romantic montages then you know stuff is gonna happen like it's building up right and I was getting such Edward Bella vibes I don't know if you were too but they go to this like Glenn Farah Tamlyn definitely and Lucien oh she asks him when they're in this like Silver Lake or whatever this like it's a lake of starlight whatever which I just had a comment about after this plan she yes when he when were you a boy and he said a very long time ago and I was like Edward is that word oh I feel yeah I actually didn't even like notice that but that's a good point he still looks what did she say like mid to late-20s but he's at least 500 years old because he was a boy when the war started and that got me thinking as I was reading if I was gonna give this book a tagline it would be Twilight meets Stockholm Syndrome so I star crossed lovers age gap relationship a little bit captor Roman what were you gonna say about the star star light water just what the hell what does what does that even mean she says it looks like star light and he says it is star light there's just so many things that don't make sense to me about possible it's a lake made of starlight I don't know why I just don't even understand I don't know where to begin to understand see ok I guess I'll just leave it there I was wondering about the texture of the lake though cuz she said that it's not like water but it's thinner than oil so I'm imagining like sewing through mercury or like she says she says she says it's not like water it's thicker it's not like oil it's thinner it's thicker and thinner at the same time they're two different substances I know I know I know it was weird like in between water and oil there's I'm sure lots of liquids then no no one ever sent there already but discussing teas it was just a weird description I think there are a lot of weird descriptions in this book the next thing we learn is that Lucia's girlfriend was murdered by his dad so listen killed some of his brothers and went to live with Talan which sounds very healthy that's nice I didn't really have anything to add to this I just felt like I needed to make note of it yeah me neither except that everything in this world looks beautiful but apparently is much more violent and evil than anything else so oh you have no do i annoy you from book 1 book 2 it's down and dirty and there's a lot of violence so we might just have to read book to let us know if you on the street book - do you guys make her like give me something good to read no and the only other thing that I have really for this part of the book is Oh dirty poems so there's a part in the book where he learned that Farah can't read and she starts writing words so that she can like figure out what the words mean and that she can write a letter to her family like them how she feels and stuff because she refuses to learn how to write or read from Tamlyn and she also refuses to let him write it for her like her dictate he write so she's gonna like learn herself and he finds the thing of like random words and he makes them into dirty limericks and read them to her I think we're supposed to think that he should sell charming and like delightful yeah I didn't really get it none of them seemed dirty so I didn't understand well I liked what they were doing what is it about her Oh ASA obscene gesture and we don't get to know what that gesture was because it works first or thirst and here it's like oh v limerick was the dirtiest of them all but we don't actually get to hear the longer yeah why are you holding out on us you have like Mountain shaking orgasms in this book yeah we can't have dirty limericks that's up oh and I get to the fun part we get Kalyn May which is the Spring Festival it's almost here we're preparing for it and in and during the preparations in a dur comes to visit and warns Tamlyn about his behavior and the adder is sent by a Miranda who we find out was like this evil bad who lives far away at this point we're just hearing she like this is when ferry's finally finding out that there's like someone out there that they're scared of and not just this magical blight that's letting yes evil creatures into the land so it's not just the evil creatures that are prowling the land and attacking there's someone else exactly i I don't know about you but I started to think like hmm perhaps she is the one that gave the masks you know like maybe she was to someone I actually didn't think about that at first as I said earlier I kept forgetting that they were wearing masks like seriously so many times throughout this book I forgot that they were wearing masks and then they would say something about the mask or about you that someone was from Spring Quarter because they were wearing a mask and I was like oh yeah they got these stupid-ass masks but despite that warning palin may comes around and it's this kind of sexy festival when whoever what I don't know what they call like the sacrifice guy I don't know he's really sacrifice basically we have our main guy Damon and he is presiding over this festival right he ends up having to kind of select someone to copulate with and they are going to replenish earth with their magic and everybody else is gonna like kind of - yeah I gotta save the crops save the crops with my seed Faris warned to stay back and she doesn't actually know what the intent of the festival is like she understands to an extent but she goes to a festival and she gets saved essentially or lit carried back to the house during said festival and Lucien basically tells her like yo unless you want to be ravaged by a beast tonight he tells her the whole you know way that the festival happens and because you know no one's really explained it to her so she's like why the can't I go in yeah he's like did no one explained it to you and she's like what are you talking about and he's like yo she's gonna turn into a real beast and he's gonna be on the prowl and he's gonna be inhuman you better stay here because tonight is not for lovemaking and he's like if you're out there like he's already gonna smell your scent and want to claim you but it won't be Tamron who will carry you back inside the cave to like your brains out it's gonna be in human and we actually do get this happening oh I you know as an aside I guess cuz I think it's important this is the first time that she meets Reece before she gets carried back by Lucian she ends up being saved by Rhys who we don't actually know his Rhys at the time it's just this the most handsome man she's ever seen can save him and because a couple of other Fae are trying to like basically sexually harass her and he's like oh hey I've been looking for you everywhere just like any like cool girl would do if you were out and about and you know getting harassed so I thought it was pretty cool move on his part and that's of his character kind of interesting because we get kind of not a role reversal later on but he definitely behaves differently yes and no I think that he does like say or do some semi threatening things like when he first meets her enough to where she is like afraid and doesn't want any help from him and is definitely like I'm gonna go away from you now that's fair but and wise to him about you know why she's there who she's there with we do find out that he's not from the spring court he's not wearing a mask he doesn't say where he's from though yet he doesn't so he's a mystery man mystery man the most handsome man of mystery so anyway she gets taken back I just I wanted to point out that Rhys you know was there she gets taken back and she actually does end up having a run-in with Tamils yes she does she does to get a midnight snack and Timlin is looking for a little midnight snack of his own and he smacks on her neck he dies did she ask for a kiss I just remember oh no no no no so he corners her in the hallway and like pins her I smelled you at the festival and you weren't there he's like so the other girls know the mystery place experience like forced me to pick another and she didn't want she specifically didn't want me to be gentle with her I would have been gentle with you she tries to leave and he like smashes her up against the wall like bites our neck and I'm not sure that I caught that gentle she's like telling him to get off and stuff and he gets off and her he gets off and she goes to bed and I guess he removes himself from the premises he doesn't get off you know I'm saying one thing that I will mention here because I feel like it's an appropriate time how many times people growl and or purr I really didn't like it if you expressed that to me he just he can only came about in nowhere and just arted growling in my ear and he's like which would you prefer like a growler Bert didn't like it at all yeah understand they just did you keep doing it I think it's just supposed to like just be very out fun like I'm feast after that she eventually shows Tamlyn the the paintings that she's done and that same night she ends up not luck in her bedroom door and then I think we get kind of beginning of the actual conflict of the book right so Reese comes to visit and he threatens Tamlyn and he decides to send her away but not before boning her first yeah and not before Sara J mass uses one of the more disgusting phrases of the book what would that be he sheathed himself inside me I must have missed out oh yeah you missed that one that that's the only time where she explicitly describes the fact that they are indeed and not just like figure we went around her finger bang you know like biting nips or something like that yeah because they do talk about that as well but yeah this this time she says that uh he shaved himself inside me oh that was very special he put on the glove of love my glove what you doing here so yeah basically Reese ends up coming and we didn't really like say what Ray said it was basically very scary to end up trying to like hide her from him but he knows that she's there which i think is like well he figures out because there's an extra place setting with that's like full of food and wine at the table then she went away it's not very difficult to notice with all due respect my good I see there three place settings here and he does like look her dad no I I think he can actually see through no he no like I think right when that happens the glamour my kinda boy is off like he sees her because he then I think he's just powerful and the other two are little yeah well I just know that he definitely can't see her at some point before he leaves because he recognizes her from Callum man and he also then later on is questioned on whether or not this is the same girl whenever she shows back up under the mountain which we'll talk about in a minute but he's asked very specifically if this is the girl yeah and she's like no I'm Claire yeah at that point he asks her name and she says Claire so that kind of sets up the real conflict of this book which is the fact that keep going then we're almost talking there then we move on to the real conflict of the book which is the fact that amaranth though we learn more about her she is the kind of anonymous she we were hearing about from Adder at the beginning near Kalyn May I mean we find out that a maratha really hates humans because her sister and a boning a human got betrayed by the human and amaranth dislike you don't kill my sister like that these humans so her plan was to go to prison she is a very powerful more general from a distant fail and not per thean she comes to free Thea because pre Qian is very close to human lands and she's going to kind of stake her claim and set up camp and pretty and so she can plan her attack on the humans that are close by we find out about this and we also find out that this curse that she has put on Hamlin and the Supreme Court and basically everybody is very much about power and magic and the one that specifically put on Tam Lin though is for she needs to fall in love basically he said like I would rather bone a human and bone you forever or something like that because she wants him to be her consort and she's like yeah I'd rather bone a human so she puts a curse on him saying that like you have to fall in love with the human who's like deadly and like doesn't like fan will kill Fay everything sort of starts unfold from there we'd like okay that's why she's here and that's why they're like nice to her today so yeah she gets sent back home as we mentioned like right after Tam Lin bones her for the first time she finds out that her family is doing fine and living in a mansion and like hanwen got it all set up to where they're rich again and stuff and then she just like can't stop thinking about that something is loved her yeah she tells her sister everything that happened which her sister was never fooled in the first place like she's never family yeah and the rest of her family gets on glamoured and it's like yes go fix your problems the family is pretty irrelevant I would tell you things she ends up going back to the fate lands and she learns more she learns my cameras yeah the spring court is empty when she returns except for Alice Ellis who we didn't talk about the beginning but she is the serpent basically to Vera she gives the hefty as' exposition I've ever seen in a book it was a chapter of an expedition yeah this is where we find out about all of this stuff and the only reason that I wanted to bring all this up is because as she's telling her this story she keeps a fairy keep saying things you know like my stomach turned as she you know tells her some specific part of the information and at one point she says my bowels turned watery and she said that again later in the book and I was like got diarrhea yeah I was like you got diarrhea like that's specific I mean I guess of something real bad is going to I've never I've never experienced dying yeah and also lucky just a quick mentioned later in later on in the book they mentioned some guy pieces pants and you know what that happens often no that's like not an uncommon thing is it people pee their pants I just I just pee before you go do some stuff you know who walks around like really having a pee sometimes people that's not I don't understand how that works okay well yeah like does it does it force your bladder to squeak because in my mind that kind of situations always like you lose control of it like you really had to pee but now you just like can't I think neither of those things and I think that's a discussion for a later day just as good but thank you for for making notes for watering yeah I thought it was one of the more strange lines I've ever read in a book and to be used more than once as well so anyway uh Farah decisions that she's gonna go to this mountain where amaranth ax is where everybody is basically being held captive after me seven by seven years 49 years Wow the multiplication that they made me do I think was a little unfair I haven't done that since grade school she ends up going to the mountain and to save her beloved she has to enter into a trial like three tasks essentially she gets immediately captured whenever she they're like yeah and thrown in jail you stupid she gets thrown in jail and she's basically given a riddle to solve I couldn't really remember but I think if she had solved the riddle she wouldn't have to do the trials right no yeah so she she says you can do these trials and I'll let you go or if you can solve my riddle because I'm feeling particularly saucy I'll throw you this riddle and if you can solve it then I'll let you go immediately but she's stupid and can't read and have no comprehension of riddles so question no logic did you did you guess the riddle when you first read a video ok cool that's really I mean I was just making sure I wish they would have made it more difficult cuz I think that would have been that would have been cool under sit but as I'm saying I thought she was a dumb like we get that you can't read one over here something she didn't read it to her no I know says it doers it's a book well maybe they gave her a piece I don't know I had to read about how fair I couldn't read how many is that yeah so she can't figure out the riddle she's a dumb this is so big the rest the rest of this book is basically just her entering these trials swimming through mud with the worm trying to kill people and do so she doesn't end up dying herself and her love doesn't die beater mixed in this we get her like being in a dungeon and having a lot of interactions with Rhys yeah setting up there kind of relationship you know like their interactions and how they're going to yeah in her first trial she almost dies and like afterwards it's like dying from an infection in her arm slowly and Rhys saves her but on a condition that once she finishes all of it risk its to have her for a week out of every month she bargains that down for two yes so we also get a lot of recent warn her out kind of not really about making her look at drunk exactly fair portion of the book is just trials illness and then her basically having to go to these like dance parties kind of and she gets drunk every night and she's dressed really scantily and she kind of forgets oh and Rina Rhys licks her tears away sometimes we just want a salty snack good thing I was just so much confused by that she like after the second trial she's weeping because she almost died because she can't read and like the only reason that she survived is because reason is her fear and she's like in her cell crying because he tells her not to cry in front of amaranth oh don't give her the satisfaction and then she gets back to her cell and starts crying and he comes in and like licks her tears a way to get her to stop crying I just thought that was like the weirdest I mean if someone likes my tears out of the blue that I didn't really know I'd probably start to stop crying and be like what the are you doing so I guess that's a tactic that he used and I kind of respect it I also kind of liked how complex his character was up front I feel like Tamlyn is kind of OneNote and then we get this kind of complexity from beasts because he's he has to put up this front with Ameren he wants to be more honest with her and he admits that like she is the only person he can really be honest with multiple times and so he confides in her and she's like a are you telling me he's also putting up a front for Tamlyn as well he's specifically trying to enrage Tama one more because he understands that once they break the curse Tamlyn being extremely pissed off in full abridged like to the most that he could be is the only way that they'll for sure you know be able to win the battle against amaranth air power she's very scheming very manipulative and I kind of do hope that we get to read book two because you really get to see the full effect of that hmm um which is something that I noticed at the end of the book I feel like we don't really need to talk too much about the trials cuz I didn't feel like they were all that interesting no not really there anything you wanted to like remark upon before we kind of wrap things up no except for like yeah just the last trial is the only thing that I would so in the last trial she's supposed to kill three people and if she kills three people then her love is free and that third person that she's gonna kill is actually Tamela and it's like what's the point like that honestly that was like kind of a stupid thing in my opinion making tamil in the third person she's like she's not gonna do that I think that is the point she's like I win because I'm clever hahaha and like the funny part to her is that she made her kill two people before that it took a lot for her to do that and then she gets to the end and it's either like what now either I kill Tamlyn and win the challenge or I don't kill Tamlyn I die and I killed two people for nothing it's kind of funny haha because it's at the end of the challenge you know like she already had to kill two people to even get to see the damn one was the third the thing that I wanted to touch on was she figures out that she can stab Tam one because he has a heart made of stone what the did this book just become yeah I felt like that was a bit too convenient I kind of like it was stupid I likes the idea of her killing him I wish that at the end obviously fara becomes FA that's not really a spoiler that just I mean we're talking about everything right that happens and I kind of wish that something similar had happened he would have actually died and then maybe some of the high court would have had to like basically bring him back to life I would have been more impactful this whole like her trying to be smart I don't also it was necessary especially when she spends a stupid this whole book and you believe that she's just magically oh he's got a heart down I really I hated more than anything the fact that she turned into FA at the end really yeah honestly that was my least favorite part of this whole book why where did this come from out of nowhere all of the High Lords just like sprinkle a little flick so the salt bear she turns into hi face she things in high bay you know yeah just the the stone heart thing I was like I do I do feel like the endless book wrapped up too conveniently I do want to say though I think it it does it's kind of nice in a way because I don't think you have to continue with the series if you don't want to yeah so yeah it really wraps up in a way that I was like oh okay we're done here which I feel like has happened in the last couple of books that I've read to haven't been like that cathartic and in such a way that when I'm finished I'm like oh we're done here like that was it normally that would irritate me if I didn't know what happens in the second book and how wildly different and plot twist II it is compared to this one so I think having it kind of wrap up and we kind of lulls you to false sense of security when you go into the second um oh wow I am looking at my notes oh I forgot to say that reading really is fundamental dumb also I forgot that at the very end we have the reveal and you know everything's obviously like Sundra and roses cuz it's the end of like a fairy tale retelling we get to see tamlin's face and it's just as Farah imagined it and I wrote that down too it's like of course it is yeah and of course she had to describe that halfway through the book as to what she thought that it would look and she pointed out again and she says that she has a broad brow and I was like does that mean he has a big forehead I just imagine tail look like a really like a helicopter landing pad and it kind of like comes out onto his face you know what kind of like hangs over oh yeah I know what you're talking about like where like your eyes and nose are like sunk back from your forehead and it's just Frankenstein yes exactly so I'm gonna picture Tamlyn forever like it's fine and then I just said all happy endings so yeah whatever they literally I mean I guess they mentioned it a couple times but I did she just killed two innocent people and like she's like everything just I she's like it doesn't matter I'm a hyphae now and like she literally says me turning hyphae the only thing that's allowing me to like wash my hands clean of their deaths and I'm like but what does that have anything to do with it you're still guilty did that he does talk about her she's like a mortal hurt too cuz she has but I did want to point out at the very end is she does have a final run-in with Reese I don't know if you remember kind of what the flick final do you remember kind of like what happens the very end of their interaction what happens at the very end he like looks at her in Shh oh yeah he looks at her in shock and then like flies away I didn't remember that yeah I actually have forgot to write that down then I did I have a question about that I think that I didn't write it down because I expected to like it to the end of a chapter and then have another chapter I'll be able to write my thought but the end of the chapter like a page later was just the ending and I was like oh okay and I didn't remember it and now I'm just like soft so comes up in a second book so question yet also might I add she is not remorseless for these deaths she deals with PTSD in the second book no I know I mean she's like I said she obviously isn't very touched upon that is she is my kittens very shortly after and it's like barely mentioned but so I think my only question I guess for the second book in curiosity she's - oh yes does she ever get powers oh yeah so so fun stuff what would you rate this out 5 stars 5 stars this is definitely better than Bray Shaw I'd give it a three I think generous K yeah I'd give it a three like it definitely wasn't painful to read there were a lot of things that were repetitive about it you know a lot of feelings that she had or they you know he had that ended up being repetitive and she did a lot of time just like sulking and kind of feeling sorry for her so I really hate that I'm gonna be honest the first 60% of this was I don't want to say hard to read but it was just like slow and like you said it's character-driven I'm not a huge character driven kind of person I like plot I'm sticking with my original rating of 5 stars 5 stars really I like it like I said I am to me the the characterization is very relatable a lot of the things that she went through over relatable not that I've ever been in like a Stockholm Syndrome situation or like a situation where you've had to take care of your own family or like okay hunter or like you know do trials to save your love like you know really do anything to retain the love of your significant other except for force him to do these things with me yeah like read these books but no I'd like I said I'd like to hear Jerusalem I like character-driven stories more than plot driven stories I think the plot near the end is weak I mean if we're going off of like objective goodness I would think I would give it's more of like a three and a half four star my enjoyment and knowing what comes next to me this is a five star read and also having read so much why a fantasy and more so lately there's at the top of the list of why I fantasy it's the kind of fantasy that is very like romance and and character centric I don't I just don't give a about plot that much like it doesn't excite me see I like plot and and you can tweak your point I will say like the trials at the end could have been a lot cooler I'm glad they were quick that was my life three of them were really dumb with yeah you're really thinking the whole time wait these were the trials that she came up with that she didn't think complete yeah I just I did like it was good I would not be upset to read the second one I'll probably reread it whether or not we do it for this series or not but I I need some other books in between that's all I gotta say so I guess that kind of segues us into the end of this please let us know if you enjoyed this actually don't let me know because I don't want to be sad but do you comment down below like what books you would like to see us read like classic why a with female protagonists that are perhaps kind of stupid that's the name of her book love them yeah if you would like to give us any suggestions please do and comments down below we would really appreciate that but I think that's it thanks so much for watching love you guys so much thank you and till next time [Music] we're in love this is gonna be the thumbnail do I look I have no neck you look like a frog yeah are you uh toad the toad has no neck so frogs are skinny skinnier I mean I don't know that I would say they have a neck but they have more of a neck than toad pulling out the top sloppy toppy all right you ready temporarily Express how to drink through a straw here my dad lookee what you lookie oh yeah show them your cakes I got the nuts on lock thought out what you're bringing to the table today I'm not very much
Channel: chandler ainsley
Views: 56,930
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Id: 5-T9F94KHeM
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Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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