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hey guys it's ashli and today we're going to be talking about a coda vicinity Revis Arizona's like I did with my arrow fire talk I need a lot of space to just like walk around and pace and move I don't want to say that I didn't believe you guys when you told me that it was as good as it was but I just I didn't take it and that it was as good as it was until I read it until I am complete taraj for this series holy five stars very very great story I literally cannot stop thinking about it after I've read it it starts off good and it just keeps getting better and better and better and better and better and there's literally no other way to explain it so if you guys haven't hopped on board the series yet don't be like me just hop on board please do please because the third one is coming out and it's going to conclude the trilogy to the first part of the series and I just hop on board please so that's going to be the end for the spoiler free section come back when you've read the book and if you already have read the book this is gonna be a very very long ride let's get started I'm going to put the book down because it's massive and very heavy so we start off with Farah in the spring court so everything under the mountain happened three months ago they were still in the spring Court of Hamlin they are in love I used to be very very very lightly and Farrah is pretty much suffering from PTSD like I feel so bad for her at this point because every single night she has nightmares every single night she gets up and throws up and Timlin I know is dealing with his own but like help her help her please like she was just human three months ago she just deal with all of this while she was human yes you might be dealing with your own too but you have been fade and have had more power for far longer than she has she has never had to deal with this before please help her but of course he doesn't and I have just a little bit to say about Tamlyn really fast and you guys are probably going to hate me for this but I don't hate him as much as a lot of you guys seem to I do hate him I'm not going to say that I don't I despise him during certain parts of this book especially toward the and I absolutely despise him for everything that he's worth like throughout a majority of the book I didn't have this overwhelming hatred toward him because we didn't see him for a lot of the book yes I hated him in the beginning but once she left for the Night Court for good I kind of forgot that he existed and I was so focused on Reese and Farrah that I kind of shoved Tamlyn out of existence and so my hatred only comes back when he's in the picture I can love Reese and Sarah but I don't hate Hamlin unless he's there you know what I mean but don't get me wrong I still despise him anyways so she's suffering from this and they're going to get married I'm just like no and then I find out that Reese has encashed in his bargain like he put this tattoo on her with the eye and we know that he's watching her but he hasn't cashed in the bargain from the beginning of the book because I had taken so long to read it I knew that Reese was going to be her mate I knew it I knew from the back of my mind I knew that that's what was going to happen but I had just been waiting for him to cash in the bargain and once I heard they were going to get married that's when I thought oh wait that's when it's going to happen and damned if it didn't happen she's like crying out in her minds like somebody help me I cannot do this and he comes to the rescue and it's so great because at this point I don't know anything that's going to happen in the end and I still slightly hate him but I don't hate him as much because I know that something's going to happen in the book that she's going to start liking him and things are going to happen so I'm forcing myself not to hate him as much as I really do and he cashes in the bargain and he takes her back to the Night Court for the week and it's amazing so while she's there for the first time he's teaching her how to read even though we found out toward the end so the reason that Reese was teaching her to read was so that she could read the words from the book to destroy the cauldron it wasn't fully for that like you knew somewhere in the back of your mind that Reese was doing this out of like the good of his heart so that favorite could not feel so shitty about herself for not knowing how to read anymore it was so adorable and knew that Timlin would never ever have done that for her let her not have ever found out that she didn't know how to read and then leash tells her that he wants her help because she's caught the serial before and he's tried twice and hasn't been able to do it like okay you're the most powerful high Lord in existence how have you not been able to catch a serial before like unless the cereal wanted to be captured by Farrah you know what I mean like what is a cereal in the back of his mind had like this plan that he was going to be captured by Farrah just so that like the story would root for her the first thing the Farrah does when she gets back to the Supreme Court is to tell Tamlyn Ellucian and I ins everything she knows about the Night Court when she did that the only thing that I could think was like you have to know that Hamlin is not a good person at this point you have to know that he's stepping all over you and he's like everybody else step all over you and why are you subjecting yourself to this everybody pretty much hates Hamlin when he locks Farrah inside the house that is the final straw for us that's the final straw for Farrah and I don't understand what he was thinking and I also don't understand how Lucian can't stand up for Phaedra in that moment he's just like yeah well it's just it's Hamlin he'll be back he'll come around to a census soon don't worry about it and of course that's when Moore comes and saves her and brings her back to the Night Court I hate that scene but I also love it because it like Terrance the whole plot around so when favor finally goes to the Night Court and actually decides she's going to stay in the Night Court that is when she meets his inner circle now I've heard things about his inner circle so when I finally read about them honestly it was better than I could have ever imagined it's just so funny how different things are versus the spring in the Night Court you know like Reese and his inner circle they're so comfortable and casual with each other and I know that it's because they've been with each other for five hundred years and I've fought in wars and stuff but they are so so great like Halcyon and Ezreal they just talk back to him more even though she's his cousin she just has like this really casual you know feeling even though am earnest like like you know not today she's kind of like something else entirely but even she is like just so comfortable and casual and Beira has such a hard time believing all of it a little bit later we find out how recept Valeris secret from amaranth oh my god that would really just like tore into me and broke my heart he's under the mountain and when he realizes that all of his power has been taken he takes every last ounce of power that he has and heat the Rose it over Volaris and he throws it into the minds of his inner circle and he tells them you are not allowed to leave you stay there until this is over with everybody that he brought with him from the court of nightmares he erases all memory of villars from their minds and the entire time he keeps a Maratha distracted from questioning him by becoming her nobody would have had the guts to do that but Rhys the bone Carver stand was really really weird his favorite imagined him as like this 8-year old boy and so the entire time I'm like trying to imagine that this eight-year-old boy is like this unspeakable thing down in the prison and when favor spills the secret that if a Maratha had not killed her and under the mountain Farah would have killed herself and Rhys just like freezes and like now that I'm knowing what happens at the end now I'm just trying to imagine what it was going through Reese's mind at this point because he had to have been thinking like if she would have died I would have died like I'm mmm when he makes Farah ambassador to the human world my heart just swelled because that is something that Hamlet would never in a million years have ever let her do even though his court is the closest to the wall it just makes you love reso much more the fact that Hamlet would not let her train her power to control it it's just literally common sense her whole argument is that what if there's a time when you can't protect me I want to learn how to protect myself and tamerlan's like now that's not going to happen there was a time when you could not protect her and she had to protect herself Hanlin but then when restarts like training her and getting her to help her control it and understand it that was like a true test of you - or meant to be like even if you weren't made to - or meant to be he's just genuinely a really really good guy and despite this facade that he puts out that he's just this horrible evil torturer it just makes me so sad to see that everybody else already has their opinions of him and he you know doesn't try to put that out of their minds because as long as they think badly of him they won't come to his court to see him and the first time they all go to the human world so much happen okay they meet with the Queens and the Queens are they're I hate them so much in addition to that cassia and Nesta are so freakin adorable especially because I have the target edition and so it came with like a short story in the back of Cassie and Nesta and if they don't end up together I'm going to be really really pissed like unless one of them ends up dying which I'm not looking forward to at all Farah and Rhys go out into the woods to practice her magic and then she tells them that she can't concentrate when he's here so he leaves and then they start passing the notes to each other oh my god but then she gets captured by the adder and you're like oh my god and the scene when they're back at the Night Court and Reese is having the nightmare the blackness and the darkness is just swirling into ferry's room so she rushes to recent room and she shakes him and she's screaming at him to wake up and he wakes up and he's like stark naked but like that doesn't matter at the moment because she's there for him and he's there for her and they both understand how it feels to have the nightmares but they're there for each other where Talan wasn't and it's just so so great and I can't get over the how it's so great so when they go to the summer court for the book that whole part just like threw me off because we were in another court with another guy it was really weird there I was trying to get in with Tarquin and I was making Reese jealous and my Clara was trying to make me jealous but the same time she was trying to get the book so she was trying to be really nice to talk went but then that scene or fara finally gets the book when they were at the dinner and Sarah mentions the little like building that she sees like go under the water when the high tide comes in and you see Tarquin like glance over to the girl and the girl glances over to Tarquin and the Miglia over to the other guy and they're all glancing at each other and you're like oh these are not accidental glances this means something mayera and amaranth they go to that building and they find the book and all of a sudden but water starts rushing in and the alarms go off when the water rates show that was a really good part because as soon as they started drowning I would like okay these water rapes are gonna have to repay their payment right now like right this very second and when they did I was really happy about that because that just meant that nobody died in the summer court is also where we find out that arguin is just like Reese where he wants to kind of diminish the boundary between the lesser fairies and the hyphae and I really like that about him I think that he's a genuinely good guy and he wants nothing to do with any of the horrible things that are going on and then of course the one seen her fair and reached on the balcony and they're drinking and they toast Farrah's like says something to the stars or so and then Reese's like to the stars who listen them the dreams that are answered and a lot of the times I really felt bad for Ameren because we find out that she's not from this world and she was put into this fey body so she like understands farah and the point where she was mays again you know but at the same time all she wants to do is go home and I feel so bad for her a lot of the time because she can't I hope beyond hope that she can go home the one thing that really confused me just at least a little bit throughout this whole story was the Miriam Drake and durian story so Jerian was like the admiral or the general or something from the human world and Miriam was like made again and durian fell in love with her but then Geryon went like bloodthirsty and went after amaranth I'm an Emer antha killed him then Miriam went to Drake it and then they ran off together on an island and everybody thinks they're dead but they're not except for like the inner circle they all know they're alive I still feel like I have it wrong I want to know how any of that is going to play out in the next book because the only person that we really saw is durian at the end of this book I wanna know who they are I just like I'm just really curious the scene in the court of nightmare that was a snoo you seen Rhys has to like put on this show because they need to get the orb from more father to be able to show the Queens that they're telling the truth about Villars because the orbits like the orb of truth or something but in the middle of the scene I completely forgot that we were supposed to be getting the orb because what was happening between recent era was so see me when Israel finally did get the orb and the whole thing stopped I was like wait wait what just happened I hate that favorite had to be like subjected to that like you know demeaning kind of position that she was in and we had her back all the same time and she was only pretending to be that role so at the same time I hated seeing that she was kind of demeaned in that position but then afterwards this Starfall scene favorites like I don't understand what's so great about the star fall and everybody's like just wait you'll see and so Reese and her they go up to the balcony the stars start falling and they look absolutely incredible but they're not actually stars they're like other souls that are traveling from like one point to another but they look like stars and all of a sudden one comes in like hits you right in the face and they both start cracking up and then also the other one hits Reese right in the face and I crab up some more and it's so so great Aaron smiles and grins for like the first time and forever and Reese tells her that she's exquisite and then she was smiles again and she asks him to dance it's so cute I wrote her my notes I was about 450 pages into the book and I was so focused on Sarah and Reese and that had no idea what they were doing plot wise honestly forgot that this whole entire thing was to get at the king of high burn it was just so focused on recent favorite that like as soon as hybrid was mentioned I was like hi who when Lucien comes and finds Farrah in the wood and he tells her that he's been hunting for her and she's like oh like I'm some animal you've just been hunting for me like he just demanded he's like you're gonna come back with me and he was like are you kidding me so she he tries to grab for her and she windows the hell out of there and then Reese comes to stand by her side and she's like if you said anybody else after me I will hunt them down and I will make sure they regret it Aleutians like whoa who are you and I'm like yes and then in the same scene she makes those illyrian wings and briefs meanwhile like oh my god you look so good with wings and then recent favorite are flying in the sky and those shoot him out of the sky and like my heart is racing because his wing have just been shot through like multiple times and he constantly says that like illyrians wings are like the most important thing in his whole life and if anything happened to in illyrians wings like the person would literally want to die and of stupid people who shot him down they take Reese and Farrah goes added she goes ham she she windows in windows and windows and then all of a sudden she finds them and she tears them to shreds she grabs Reese and she brings him back to that cave and so she goes and immediately captures the serial and the serial oh boy the serial if you want to speed up your maids healing process my what and your what like I said I knew that Reese and Farrah were going to be made from the beginning just because I waited so long to read this book and now that I finally have like I knew that that was going to be something that happened I didn't expect it to come about in that way I didn't expect cereal to tell her that they were made like I didn't know of course they are being Sarah you know people are keeping secrets from her she goes back to Reese and heals him with her blood Lera takes him back and leaves him in the frickin mud and she flies up to that cabin she stays there for days on end and then she starts painting and then one day she gets a visit from Reese he showed up and he's apologizing and you know that she's not going to be able to stay mad at him you just know it you know that she's not going to be able to that's scene out of all of the scenes in the entire book that scene where Reese sits down and explains everything from the moment he was captured in the war from the moment that Emma had that took his power from the moment that he first saw her at the kalam I from the moment that he got back from Emer entha Andrea lashed the favor was made that was my favorite part of the entire book because you glad to know everything that happened from Reese's point of view and out of that whole see the one part that really really stuck out to me and literally made me cry like I was cheering up at this point and I'm literally tearing up right now thinking about it and I need to stop it was the part where he said that he had been constantly dreaming about this girl and he's human hands and he's under the cotton with amaranth ax and he's in this horrible horrible place in his mind right now and all he sees are these dreams of this girl and it's the only thing that's keeping him alive and the only that's keeping him breathing after all of that he convinces amaranthus let him go - Callum I to find her like not even to bring back anybody for amaranth Oh like he said he would it was to find her and when he finds her and that first scene that we meet him in in a Qatar the very very first scene we meet him in at calamine and he sees her and the first thing that he says is there you are I've been looking everywhere for you and you realize just how much that sentence is packed with meaning and how much that sentence is to act with raw emotion and feeling and and just devotion that part that one one revelation had me in tears like literal tears you guys she was his salvation that is what he said I think that that one sentence I've been looking for you thank you for finding her for me it just seems so simple but it's packed with so much meaning and I just cannot get over it and no matter how many times I reread that scene over and over again and by this point it's been three times I've read the scene three times I can't stop I'm sorry those two sentences will never ever ever lose their impact because it is just so so meaningful and then everything goes to hell so the Queen's tell hiren about the Lars for Lars gets attacked and then they decide they're going to go infiltrate hybrids castle so they all go to hybrid and they take the parts of the book so that fara can read the spell to destroy the cauldron when they get to the cauldron durian stops them and Jerry inside and you didn't think you'd get this far did you and then they cut off all the magic so nobody can leave and nobody can use any of it it bring them up to the king of hybrid and high burn is there with Cameron and Lucian and sure Ian everything just goes to hell in that scene because I'm thinking oh my god if somebody dies if something happens I just I cannot think at that moment so Tamlyn is there and Tim was talking to Farrah like she's dog and Pamela ended up making the deal with hybrid that went all of the inner circle if Reese and his friends and Feyerick came that hybrid would give favourited Hamlin and hiren would get to kill everybody else and then we find out that I am sold out favors family so Cathy Ann's wings are shredded and the magic is snuffed out the Farah it to use enough of it to break the boards down and Farrah gives like honestly the best acting scene of her life because if if she had been no good at acting none of this would have been played out very well so she pretends that Rhys brought her there against her will and begs hybrid to break the bond Rhys is just like like you can't tell if Reese is playing along or if he's truly scary out of his mind Ivan breaks the bond but he ends up only breaking the bargain Farrah says I will go with Hamlet but you have to let all of them go so Rhys and all the inner circle and Nesta and Elaine who are now - and don't even get me started on how Elena's Lucian's mate like that that is going to play out in a whole other part oh my god Sarah goes back with tamlin's saves his people and high burden of what I don't even know what hi burns doing like everybody just went their own way what where does he even surface like it's like Taylor Lucian and Sarah they're all in the spring Cornell at Rhys everybody else nested a leader in the Night Court where does that beep hybrid like what is she going to do I am like devastated at this point we're in recess point of view and when I first see that we have recipient of view I'm thinking oh my god recent Farah are in two separate parts of Prothean which means that they're definitely going to have multiple point of view within a kawar now I don't know if it's just recent Sarah or if it's multiple forum interviews from everybody but if it's just recent Farah I am screaming right now when we find out that riesen and Farah went to the priestess and they made her high lady of the night Court and she has the tattoo on her right hands mouth and he says that she will not be used for decorum she will not be used for breeding she will be my equal and equal in all parts we flash to Sarah in the spring court and she's playing along with Hannah and she's like oh my god thank you for saving me I was so scared out of my mind I'm so happy to be back home and Lucian meanwhile is like how do you get out of his control like completely questioning her the very very last line of the entire book and so Tamlyn unwittingly led the high lady of the night court into the heart of his territory I'm so ready for aqua I want to know what's going to happen with Nesta and Elaine I want to know what's going to happen with nest and Cassian I want to know what Lucian is going to be willing to do to get back to Elaine that is the biggest thing that I'm questioning I want to know if anybody is going to find out that Farrah is high lady in the Night Court I want to know what everyone's going to do when they find out I don't know what Reese is going to do to get her back I don't know what they're all planning I want to know if Aaron's going to go back home I don't know if Israel more ever going to real together I don't know who's going to die because somebody if not multiple somebodies are going to die and so that is my long book talk for a court of mr. theory thank you guys so much for watching I know I didn't even come close to naming all the scenes talking about all of my feelings for everything I didn't talk about my feelings for Israel more I don't think I ever mentioned a Israel to be completely honest I know a ton of you guys have read this book a ton of you guys have been waiting the for my book talk so please let me know your favorite scenes and your favorite characters and what you are most excited for and scared for and accord wings Andrew and just talk to me because I am so so so excited for this book and it comes out so so much I'm so excited and I cannot wait so again thank you guys so so so much for watching and I will catch you later bye [Music]
Channel: a dash of ash
Views: 48,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: book, books, bookish, booktube, booktuber, a dash of ash, a court of mist and fury, acomaf, booktalk, review, sarah j maas, maas, a court of thorns and roses, rhysand, feyre
Id: x6AF45l0n3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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