So Satisfying | Animation Tutorial | Blender 2.91

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hello guys and welcome to another blender tutorial so today i was kind of messing around with a little motion graphic scene and blender trying to make it kind of satisfying so i made this and it's super satisfying i like it i don't even know what to call it but i really like it so i'm going to take you through the whole process of making this you don't need any sort of plugins or add-ons you just need a fresh scene and blender 2.91 which is free and then i'll take you through the whole process now if you are on my patreon you will be getting access to this blend file here and a ton of other stuff that i put on there monthly so if you want to check that out in the description you can and if you want something else like discord like where we have the pixel community group where you can chat and stuff it's also in the description below you can join that so um i've talked enough now let's get into actually making this so go ahead and open up a new cinema blender i've just gone ahead and deleted all the default items in the scene i'm using blender 2.91 and to get started i'm going to go shift a and go to my mesh options i'm going to add in a cylinder and with the cylinder here selected we're going to tab into edit mode and in edit mode we have all this geometry active we're going to go s z and we're just going to flatten it on the z axis we're going to flatten it down about this much and then while we're still in edit mode here we're going to go while we're in our front orthographic view so make sure to hit one to go to front office graphic view and for this geometry active we're going to go r x 9 0 and we're going to hit enter so now it is flattened and we've rotated it 90 degrees on the x axis so let's go over to our face select mode select this face here x and delete faces select this guy here hit x and delete faces now we're just going to hit a to select all of the geometry to make it active we're going to go e to extrude and then we're going to go right click to let go and then we go alt s and we're just going to scale this in so alt s like that just a little bit and that creates our kind of doughnut ring looking thing i'm going to tab out of edit mode to go back into object mode and in object mode we're going to go we've just selected and i'm still in my front of graphic view i'm gonna hit g to move it and then z and that's gonna constrain it to the z axis and if you're holding control or command it'll snap it in increments we're gonna snap it till it's sitting right on the floor here you can see this red access line should be sitting right on top of that so now we have this guy up here we're going to get a modifiers tab and let's make it look a little bit nicer by adding in a bevel modifier we don't want it applied to every edge so we're going to go to our limit method and make it angle and we're going to come here to the amount and just bring it down this is just creating a bit of a bevel and then bring the segment count up and let's add on top of that a subdivision surface modifier to smooth it out go to object mode and enable shades move so now we have this looking really nice but to make things easier for us to see during our animation what we're also going to do is we're going to with this guy still selected i'm going to go over to our materials tab and we're going to give it two temporary materials let's click new let's just call this one so that's our first material and let's click on the little plus here click new and let's just call that two so let's call that two okay so let's just click on the first material and just come down over here to where it says viewport display with that first material selected and just make it a color so in this case i'm just gonna make it yellow or something it doesn't really matter i select the second color and i'm just gonna make that a color in this case i'll make it blue or something just so we can see the difference i'm gonna make that one blue i'm going to tab into edit mode and i'm going to go into my front orthographic view and i'm going to hit z i'm going to go into wired frame mode and i'm just going to click here on my screen and select half of this geometry and with that second material selected i'm going to hit assign so now we can see we have these two different shaders applied to this object here and now when we rotate it we'll be able to see that in the viewport much easier so let's start with some basic stuff here so let's bring up this frame this bar over here just to bring our timeline up a bit the end frames here are way too much we only need about 140 frames i'm just going to type in one free zero over here in the end frames that now gives us 140 frames down here in our timeline and what we're gonna do is with this guy active we're gonna go to frame one and on frame one if you actually hit your properties panels if you hit n that's gonna bring up this properties panel go to the item tab here and we're gonna go down over here to the rotation vectors and you're gonna hit i hovering over this hit i make sure to do that on frame one and i'm gonna come over to frame 130 and we need to come to this y value here because this is the y rotation axis we wanna mess with so we're going to come here on frame 130 and we're going to come to the y value we're going to type in 3 6 0 and we're going to hit enter and then while we're still there hit i it goes yellow so we've inserted a keyframe so we can now see we have a keyframe for here and for here and that's going to allow to rotate over this if we come to frame one and play the animation we can see between here and there it's going to do a full rotation 360 degrees but at the moment moment it's not linear so select both of these keyframes make sure to active and then you can hit the t key and you're going to make it linear it's important we don't want a bezier curve on our animation graph over here so let's just have a look at that so now it's just one if we hit spacebar it's just one consistent a linear rotation which is going to make it more seamless so with that done let's add some other features when it comes to frame one doesn't really matter i'm gonna go shift a just add in a circle and tap into edit mode with that circle and just select all the verts and hit e to extrude as to scale just bring it in as much just keep scaling until it's small like that and tab out of edit mode and what we need to do is with this guy selected we don't want this guy to be rendered so we don't want this object here rendered we're going to go over to our object properties go to visibility and turn off render and then we're also going to go to our viewport display and we want to be able to see through this so go to display as and make it instead of textured we want to make that wire so now it's not going to show in the render and we can see through it but i'm going to hit free to go to the right orthographic view and then with this guy here we're going to hold it in and we're going to hold select g and hold in um control and we're going to move it up and snap it to the middle of our cylinder here then we're going to front or graphic view and we're going to go rx90 and we're going to hit enter and then we're gonna um go ctrl a and just apply the rotation then tab into edit mode hit a to select all of this geometry and then go g y and move it toward the end here just like that just so it's touching the edge and we're going to go shift d to duplicate and then y and we're going to move it along the y axis to this side here so just so it's barely just touching the outside here and this is going to be like an invisible kind of cage or force field that's going to keep our rigid body simulation confined to the space in here so let's tab out of edit mode and let's just go to frame one and you could parent this to this um you could take this guy and actually parent it to the this outside part and parent it to this wheel in the middle but the problem is it gives issues with the rigid body so we have to also animate this guy um in fact we might not even have to animate as long as this wheel if you're if you're not planning to move this wheel and only plan to move to ground underneath it then we could actually just leave this one here as it is that's probably what we'll do in this case so we only want the animation to be on this wheel in the inside and this is just going to kind of constrain our little spheres to the inside of this guy right here so that's all good but it doesn't look like it's moving anywhere so what we need to do is add in like a kind of a conveyor belt underneath us let's go shift a add in a cube oops another plane add in a cube and then go s z to scale it down on the z axis about that much and then we're gonna go s x and we're gonna scale it down on the x so we're just creating kind of like a belt part of our conveyor belt so it's just something like this i'm gonna go g z and just move it down a little bit so it's kind of just sitting right underneath this um cylinder and then we're gonna go ctrl a and just make sure to apply that scale so just roughly something like this should be fine then we're gonna go to modifiers give it a bevel modifier bring the amount down here we don't want a really big bevel just like that bring the segment count up a few times go to object mode and enable shades move then to duplicate it just come here and give it an array modifier and then bump the segment count up to something like 60. it could be really long it doesn't matter too much just gives you plenty to work with so 60 of those you can make it more if you want so now we have this conveyor belt that we can move along with our animation so a simple way to do this would be because we need this to be loopable so let's hit seven to go to our top orthographic view and we've just selected this conveyor belt and our top off graphic view i'm going to hit g and while we're holding control or command we're gonna just move this and snap it so we're gonna you should see it's snapping in increments we're gonna snap it to the grid about here so right there we've snapped it okay and we need to mark where that edge is there you can see if you look at the the spacing here we've got one two three four of the grid spacings here so we just need to keep an eye on that so let's go to frame one and if this conveyor belt selected we're gonna hit i and we're gonna insert a location keyframe then we're gonna come to frame and we're going to go g x and we're going to move this along the x and we need to make sure that for example just so you understand so you can see this edge here is perfectly snapped to this line here so wherever we move it up to the edge of we've got to have one of these edges perfectly lined up there so to make it a bit easier let's actually add in a cube and just move it along the y or the x just so it's kind of lined up right next to there so we have a reference point just like that okay so we're going to select this conveyor belt and then on our last frame 130 we're going to go g x and we're going to move this and i'm holding in control to snap it incrementally and i'm gonna move it up to i don't know about there okay so that should be enough and you can see here if i hit gx i've moved it up so that where two of these meet here is perfectly on the edge of that cube then i'm going to hit i i'm going to insert a location keyframe then i'll select that reference cube hit x and i'm going to delete it select the conveyor again and then select both of these keyframes hit t and make that linear so now if we actually have a look at this and we go to frame one and we hit the space bar we can see it kind of has this conveyor belt underneath it which makes things a little bit more realistic and believable let's quickly add up a camera in here so i'm going to come roughly about here in my viewport i'm going to go shift a i'm going to go add in a camera hit 0 to go into camera view g middle mouse button just to pull back so you guys should know how to use a camera if you don't there are a lot of tutorials out there so i'm just going to move my camera like this and then i'm going to go to my output settings i'm going to make the x resolution 18 1080 so make it 1080 as well leave the wire 1080 so that makes it a square aspect ratio then go to your camera settings let's make this 95 and um focal length and i'm just going to zoom back once again just like this and we're like well we still got our camera selected just go over here to the viewport display and go down to this slider here just drag that up a little bit until you can see the outside that's just going to make things look a bit better so let's go to frame 1 and hit the spacebar and it should look relatively loopable so you can see here it should just look like it's going to loop forever okay so you shouldn't see any kind of jumping or anything funny going on so don't be too precise with it even a conveyor belt seems a little difficult but it really isn't so just keep just kind of follow my steps and get it till it's all looking like this that should work just fine now we can um start adding in the next part which is going to be little spheres that are going to kind of simulate in here then we'll add some rigid bodies to everything so let's start by adding in a sphere so i'm going to go shift a i'm going to go to my mesh options i'm going to add in a uv sphere and we're going to come here to the add uv sphere down here and let's change the top to 12 and let's change the rings here the ring value to something like eight we don't need this to be too high poly it'll slow things down so something like that should be fine then we're gonna go s to scale it down and we're gonna go g z move it up just place it in here roughly somewhere maybe scale it down a bit more go to object mode and enable shades move so now we have a sphere here so what we can do is we can go shift d to duplicate this guy and just move it over to the side scale it a little bit then shift d to duplicate it and then scale this one a bit just make different sizes in there like that in fact before we go too far i'm just gonna hold and shift and select these three spheres then i'm gonna hit the m key and i'm gonna go new collection and i'm gonna call these balls or whatever just call them what you want hit okay now you can see we have a new collection here so now we can actually turn off everything else so it doesn't get in the way so um let's just keep duplicating so if these spheres selected i'm just going to go shift d and keep duplicating them making different sizes and just kind of placing them around inside of here making really small ones scaling them down and just placing them somewhere shift d to duplicate that's all i'm doing just shift d and i'm just repeating that so just fill up the space in here as much as you want like that and then you can just select everything go into your right orthographic view and then just move it all over to the side and then go shift d duplicate a whole bunch more put them over like this as long as your duplicate your duplications fill in the space and they don't extrude or stick out anywhere of this kind of cage that we set up in here so just hide everything else and just select all of these spheres make sure they're all active we need to apply the scale if we scale them so go ctrl a and make sure to apply the scale and um by the way so if we just turn this layer off and we get the other collection layer here we're just going to select these items here make sure to select everything control a and just make sure to apply the scale whenever we're working with physics or rigid bodies whatever we're working with we do need to apply the scale so now we can um just bring these guys back and if we want this to work we need to add some rigid body so let's select the actual cylinder here and let's go over to our physics give it a rigid body we want this to be passive we need to if you don't take animated it won't work so make sure to tick animated because we've animated this object we're going to set the shape to convex from convex hole to mesh it's going to be a bit better quality though it's going to take a bit longer and i'm going to come here to the surface response or the sensitivity and just make it .001 and then we're going to also just select this guy out here give it a rigid body as well make it passive so just this outer part make this convex from convex all to mesh and then set the margin here to .001 so just like that and you don't have to tick animation because it's um that's not going to be an issue so now we hit you know if we play it hit our spacebar nothing's going to happen because we need to add rigid body to the balls as well so let's get rid of that this is untake the first collection so we can select these spheres and select any one of them go to rigidbody this time you're going to leave it at active make sure to make it mesh over here as well and come to the margin sensitivity make it .001 and once you have all of that and we know you know which one that is so in this case it's this one that has that to add it to everything else just disguise selected hit a to select everything else so this one is still the main active one and everything else is also selected if you hit f3 and you type in here copy you should see something called copy from active so click on that now if you select any one of these spheres they're going to have the exact same physics property so you don't have to go and manually add it to all of them so now if we go over to and add in our other collection here and we go to frame one and we hit the spacebar there you have it now we have this nice awesome looking simulation and we're going to cash it out in a second so um in fact we could probably do that now so i'm going to show you so let's go over to our just click on this scene properties here go to the rigid body world obviously just make sure to save as well so i'm just going to save this before we do this and then over here on the rigid body go down to the cache we're only working over 130 frames here so let's make the end value 130 so we don't do unnecessary bake here and then we're just going to click on bake and this is going to go through here and it's going to bake all this into this blend file so it doesn't lag or slow us down so once this is done i'll come back and we'll continue okay so here we have it now it's all cashed out and you can see if we play the animation um it's not lagging it's nice and kind of in real time you can add more balls if you want and a mess around the things but what i'm also going to do i'm going to select outer cage we don't need it anymore so you can delete it but what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit m and i'm going to click new collection and i'm just going to call it junk this is stuff that we're not going to use but we might want it at some point so i'm just going to hit ok and now over here in our collections if we just drop all these down if we go we can see one here called junk i'm just going to untick it and we're not going to see that anymore and as far as the hard part go that's it now we have it here now we can start adding in some more features so let's go shift a and i'm going to add in a plane i'm going to scale it up about that much and then i'm going to go s x and scale it along the x like that then i'm going to tab into edit mode go to the edge select select the back edge here so you can see the camera is pointing here so that's the back edge there we're going to go e to extrude z and just constrain it to the z axis up a little bit and then we're going to go e to extrude and we're going to hit y and move it back a bit and then e to extrude nz and move it up so it's creating kind of like a nice fancy little backdrop with a little taper here it can be anything really just use your imagination pretty much and then i'm going to tab out of edit mode i'm going to go ctrl a and i'm going to apply the scale and i'm going to go to my modifier so just give it a bevel and then bump up the segment count here just to make it nice and rounded go to object mode and enable shades move so now we have this nice backdrop here if we go into a camera view we can see we have this so now we actually have like a it's not just floating in empty space as far as these guys over here and we might have to bring the whole thing down here so it's not intersecting with the conveyor belt so just something like that should be fine okay so there we have it now we have a nice looping animation it's we've got a scene so the next part um actually before we get to the next part let's um add another little feature here that i think really is going to make this look cool so what i'm going to do i'm going to take this cylinder here i'm going to go s y i'm just going to scale it into y just a bit like that i'm going to tab into edit mode and i'm going to come over here with my edge select still there i'm going to go ctrl r in the middle here and you can see it's adding an edge to here so double click double g and just slide it to the front here and then what i'm going to do is if that edge still active okay you can see here that edge is active i'm going to go ctrl b so control b to bevel it i'm going to create a bevel like this okay and then i'm going to go e to extrude and i'm going to go alt s and i'm going to scale it in like that just a little bit and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to my materials tab i'm going to click plus i'm going to go new and then i'm going to go control plus just once to grow the selection so all of that is selected and then i'm going to go i'm going to assign that new material i'm going to call this material metal okay so it just makes it a little bit easier and then i'm going to go control minus or command minus just to shrink to selection so all we should have selected are these faces inside of the cylinder so we can scale it later on so we're going to tab out of edit mode and let's quickly add with the cylinder still selected let's quickly go over to our object out of properties click on the shape key button twice over here so we have our bases and our key one so if the key one here is selected just quickly go back into edit mode and then go s to scale that in like this and then tab out of edit mode and now we have this value slider here we can control how cool is that so let's quickly do that i'm gonna actually come over to frame one and on frame one i'm gonna make this all the way up to one and i'm gonna hit i to insert a keyframe on frame one then i'm gonna come to about i don't know frame 24 or something drag this down to zero and then just click on this little button here or hit i to insert a keyframe and then come over to about frame 105 insert another keyframe and then go over to the very end frame and then drag that up to one again and then click somewhere on here to add a keyframe or hit i so now if we go to frame one go into a camera view and we hit the space bar we're gonna see we have this and the reason there's two reasons we have this gate closing here because we didn't have it every time it loops we would see everything else looping seamlessly but these spheres would just fall again and it wouldn't look loopable so this is a little way to kind of cheat and get around it but it also just adds a really satisfying element to this which i feel just adds to the animation so that's why we're doing it like this and now we pretty much have everything done and we can get into our lighting and the materials and just kind of adding in some depth of field and rendering this out as a final animation so let's do that now so let's start by adding in some lights into our scene so i'm gonna go shift a i'm gonna go to my light options add in an area light hit g z move it up to about here hit s to scale it up like this and then s x and scale along the x so just something like that should be fine come to the power here let's make it 160 and once we've done that we can go to our right orthographic view hit shift d to duplicate it move it towards the camera and then rotate it in towards the subject here and then we're going to go shift d z move it up a bit and then take this new duplication and just scale it a little bit and then just move it like just around there so just have that little light there so now if we go to our camera view and we go over to our render settings and because we're using ev which can enable ambient occlusion screen space reflections and if you're working with refractive materials like glass just make sure to enable refraction which i'm not going to do because we're not making glass then if you hit z and you get rendered you should see this now we're ready to start adding our shader so let's go and get started with that so let's go over to our shading workspace obviously go into camera view hit z make sure you're in your rendered workspace in your rendered mode and let's select these um this conveyor belt here and let's go over to our materials tab let's click new and let's just call it um belt and what i'm going to do is i'm going to come here and you can make whatever color palette you want but i'm going to kind of go with like a bit of a yellow like this orange yellow and i'm going to bring the roughness down a little bit then i'm going to click the plus again i'm going to come to the drop down i'm going to make that a metal material that same metal material we created earlier i'm going to tab into edit mode and we're going to go to the first one here because that's being duplicated and just make sure you have face select enabled select the end face click on the metal material and assign then tab out of edit mode go back to camera view now we can start working on that metal material so you can see here we have it selected let's come here and drag that metallic slider all the way up to one and bring that roughness down a bit so now we can see that's looking nice and metallic and let's start working on the actual environment or backdrop here so let's just select this big piece here let's go new and let's to add some visual interest interest let's add a texture so i'm going to shift a down here i'm going to search type in noise and get a noise texture and then plug the color into the base color here and then you can go shift a search and just simply get a texture coordinate so type in texture and get a texture coordinate i'm going to take the object and plug it into the vector of the noise here and then what we need to do is we need to go shift a search and type and color and click on color ramp place it over here in between the noise and the principle and now we're going to drag this black value all the way up to about here and then drag this white value down a bit and then obviously you can just increase the scale here if you want to make it a little bit smaller what i'm going to do is i'm just going to adjust these sliders by dragging them till i get something that i like so now we have nice black and white values here we can use as a mix so i'm going to grab the principled and the material output just move them over a bit and then i'm going to go shift a search and we get one more node so we're going to type in mix and we get the mix rgb now we can take the color output of that plug it into the base color of the principle and then take this output from the color ramp and plug it into the factor and now whatever colors we use here will be mixed so if we're going to come over here we're still in rendered let's grab the top value and let's make it something like a dark green that's what i want to go for and the bottom color will be the rest i'm going to make this kind of like a bit of a lighter green and once i've done that added in those speckles i'm just going to come here to the roughness and just bring it down to make the whole surface more reflective and that's it now we can grab all of this these nodes here so i'm just going to select all of these nodes i'm going to right click and i'm going to go copy and now if we select the actual cylinder we did earlier itself and you can remember when we first got started we added the two first placeholder material so let's go to material one let's select these two nodes hit x to delete them then right click and let's paste so now we've got that same material there all we have to do is come here to the mix and change that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the top slider here i'm going to drag this value up i'm going to make kind of more like a lighter green and then i'm going to come here to the bottom and i'm going to make that a darker green so i'm just kind of flipping it around almost and i'm going to come to the scale here i'm going to make it smaller something like 8 and i'm just going to drag these values down a little bit here just till i get something that kind of looks cool to me so something like that and then i'm gonna go to the second material here i'm gonna delete these two notes right click paste in that note setup and what i'm gonna do here is i'm to go with a yellow theme so i'm going to click on the top color input here and i'm going to make it something like this kind of like almost like the yellow the orange yellow underneath it but not quite as orange and then the bottom value here i'm going to kind of make like a grayish dark kind of yellow like that and i'm just going to mess around as well here of the scale maybe make it eight as well and just drag these slider values down a little bit and it's completely up to you what you want to go for just mess around with things until you get something that you like so i'm kind of just making up this palette um there's a green palette so i haven't fought this out too much so i just kind of like the way this looks and i'm going for it but you guys can spend as much time with colors and shaders as you want and then obviously if you want to get everything out of the way just untick the top collection so we're just left with our spheres here in fact you select the lights and the backdrop hit m and just move them to that first collection as well so they're out of the way and now we're going to select our spheres over here so select any one of these spheres click new and just call it spheres or balls whatever you want and then hit a to select everything and with that main one still active we're going to hit ctrl l and just link the material so now all of them have that same sphere as material so with any one of them selected just come down here and if we go shift a and we search we can get um this just type in um object so just type an object and get an object data node i'm going to take the random input and plug it into the base color here and then if we go shift a search we can get another color ramp just place this one over here and just move these two nodes up here at the front and then we're going to go shift a search and just get a mix get a mix rgb and then we're going to use this as the color ramp as an input in the factor and now if we hit z and we go into rendered view bring back our collection this year as well so we have everything else back in the scene with any one of these spheres selected here you can kind of try this out so now if we change these colors here so i'm going to make one like a bit of a green and the other one i'll make a different kind of green like that you can see now we have kind of like this variation of colors it's kind of creating these random shades for us automatically so you can see you can change the color here like this and that kind of just gives us a shader that has different kind of colors in it at the same time i'm just going to come here to the roughness and just bring that down as well to make them a bit more glossy so you can see here for me the color theme scheme here is obviously um going to be as you can see green and yellow and then we have obviously this metal shader here so now if we hit the spacebar to play the animation and we pause at any frame you can see that's what it looks like so that looks pretty cool but to make this look even cooler what i'm going to do is i'm going to select my camera and i'm going to go over to my camera settings and i'm going to go enable depth of field i'm going to come to the drop down here i'm going to go to the f-stop i'm going to make it 0.5 hit enter so now if we go into camera view we can see it's kind of like a nice depth of field and we need to also click on the eyedropper and select the cylinder itself as the focal point so now we can see we have that depth of field i might actually even make it .6 like that and if you untick the depth of field you can kind of see the difference here that that makes it's going to take a bit longer to render but i just think it adds that extra little detail and um yeah that's looking pretty cool another thing we can do is we can select our camera we can go to our constraints and we can add a track to constraint click on the eyedropper and select that cylinder and now it doesn't matter where we move the camera so i've got the camera active i'm going to hit g to move it and it'll always be following or tracking that object there so i'm going to go back to my layout and i'm going to go to frame one and frame one i'm going to move my camera over to the side a little bit i'm going to hit i i'm going to insert a location keyframe then we go to frame 130 i'm going to hit i and insert a location keyframe so now we have a hold but anywhere in between we can kind of move the camera a little bit and we're going to hit i and insert a location keyframe so now if i quickly just go into material preview instead or just solid you can see we have this kind of like camera movement like this which looks cool and um this is a nice little satisfying animation and i'm going to show you how we can render it out so spend as much time as you want i'll quickly show you my original here um that i've spent a little bit more time on put a little bit more effort into but you can see here this is my original and it looks pretty cool and i just kind of did the exact same thing i just showed you guys but what i can see here of my original i also selected the wall at the back here on this guy and in my materials just click plus you can add one of the other materials like the belt for example and assign it so now we have that kind of yellow at the back to break up the green a little bit for us so now i'm going to show you how we can render this out as a final animation so let's get our output here and we're going to go to our output folder here click on it select anywhere in your desktop i'll just select my oh anywhere on your computer i'm going to select my desktop so that's the destination enter the file format make it ffmpeg video go to the encoding and i prefer to make the container in mp4 and then once you've done that just hit control or control s or command s just to save it's always super important to save your work and then you can go render and then render animation and once you do that it should render out a final animation so i've already done that with my original and i'll quickly show you what that looks like if i can get it playing here that's my original here and i'm going to be putting this on patreon so this blend file is going on patreon and you guys who are on patreon you can check that out so i hope you've enjoyed this little tutorial if you do check out some of my other things if this isn't for you i do cover character anime and character courses how to make characters rig them and i've got all sorts of stuff on there you might want to check out so i'll see you guys next time and stay safe
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 5,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9
Id: Qa_jqmNB5NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.