Why Gate Directions Matter a Lot!

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Yes, i've played yesterday a single custom game and the KI placed one gate opening to the wrong side which i used to enter his base fortress walls easily and without using siege weapons.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Massder_2021 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2021 đź—«︎ replies
we all know that gates in the aoe franchise play a very vital role in setting up our defenses but did you know that you can specify the direction of the gate in edge vampires 4 so exactly what role does the direction of the gates play when we decide to wall up especially if it opens for your units on either direction just fine welcome to agent number everyone and let's talk about that in each of vampires 2 gates are very simple for both the palisade and stone gates you simply build the gate and it opens and closes as your units approach it from either direction if the gate is open all units including the enemies can walk through it overall it's quite intuitive and simple you can also build them on their own without the need of walls themselves it looks silly but it actually has some niche quick walling usefulness in age vampires 4 you cannot build the gate on its own as it requires at least being attached to a section of a wall and the unit pathing mechanics are also not that simple with that said let's jump right in all right let's first start with building the gates in the first place currently there's an annoying bug that doesn't allow you to build a gate on top of the foundations of your to be built walls hence you need a nearby section of the wall at least partially constructed for you to be able to lay the foundation of the gate in the first place once you can do that you'll realize an important detail the gate foundation hover will show a curved yellow arrow indicating the direction of the gate to change the direction of the gate simply move your mouse at the direction you'd like the gate to open towards it works the same way for stone walls as well when i first started the game i thought gates worked identically as aoe 2 and didn't even realize it had directions turns out it does have important in-game consequences so pay attention to this here's a typical palisade wall and i'll instruct these two villagers to build a palisade gate each with opposite directions the one on the left will be pointing inward while the one on the right will be pointing outward as you can see for friendly units the gate direction for palisade walls does not matter they can enter and exit from either direction without any issues you can also see which way the gate actually opens so that's a great visual cue for both you and your opponent okay now let's test the same interaction for enemy units once again the gate on the left will open inwards and the one on the right will open outwards no matter what i did the enemy unit simply could not pass through the gate i've tried spam clicking using different lengths of walls and so on but neither the scout nor the spearman were able to walk through the gate wide open regardless of the direction of the gate now i'm not really sure if this is intended or a bug but from a gameplay standpoint as it currently stands in the current patch it does not matter at all which direction you build your palestine gates so don't even bother if someone in the comment section below knows about an important interaction with the palisade gates direction that i'm unaware of please let me know and i'll pin that comment for visibility and no i've tried doing the same thing from the inside as well for either gate and using another civilization other than the english you see on the screen and they could not pass through either so yes the palisade gates seem impenetrable for enemy units regardless of the gate direction in the current patch okay now let's move on to the stone walls as they have a lot more complexity than palisade walls we'll do the same here with the left gate pointing inwards and the right gate pointing outwards once again no matter how hard i tried neither the scout nor the spearman were able to get through either gate heck funnily enough i unintentionally converted a sheep inside the walls as well and it couldn't get through out of the gate either hence the interaction is identical with palisade gates that said stone walls have an additional mechanic that we need to take into consideration let's start with the most obvious and important one which is manning the walls when gates are unlocked the direction of the gate does not matter which means any units can climb up the walls from either side of the gate when the gates are locked however then only units who are in the town within the walls can climb up the walls through the locked gate that is pointing outwards funnily enough the opposite is true if you are outside of your walls the gates pointing inwards will allow you to man the walls from outside despite being locked while the outward gate won't allow you in or on top of the walls okay but why does any of this even matter why even bother locking gates if there is no scenario in which enemy units can even walk through the gates regardless of which direction it was built well we'll get to that in a second there are a few more important interactions we do know that enemy units can't enter through the gates but can they claim up the walls without the use of siege towers well if your gate is pointing outwards then as expected enemy units won't be able to climb the walls just like your own units if the gate is locked that said enemy units can climb up your walls through gates pointing inwards regardless of it being locked or not now it's not the worst thing in the world because those units cannot jump down into your economy as they're stuck on the walls if all walls are still intact but ranged infantry units such as archers crossbows or hand cannoneers can obviously wreak havoc with their increased range and reduced incoming damage though remember that they will be exposed to your melee units because they have nowhere to run but back to the gate they climbed up from hence if this happens to you don't panic and see if you can pin them down for a quick kill if you don't have the military though you're gonna have a rough time but yes this also means that if you somehow trap enemy units within your walls and your gate is pointing outwards they can climb your walls from the inside using that gate so be careful alright with that out of the way let's talk about everyone's favorite siege unit the siege tower obviously regardless of the gate direction the siege towers can on garrison enemy units onto your walls the important interaction begins here though for gates pointing outwards the siege tower can un-garrison enemy units onto your walls and because the gate is pointing outwards enemy units can actually just head down into your town and start raiding with no issues obviously if enemy units are un-garrisoned and the siege tower moves away or is destroyed those units are stuck there forever until another siege tower comes to the rescue or somehow the enemy destroys your walls the opposite is true for the gate pointing inward this means that siege towers are almost practically useless apart from possibly taking a bit of the incoming damage from the defenders enemy melee units can already climb up the walls themselves and do not need the siege tower and funnily enough since they are stuck on the wall they cannot enter your town and the siege tower cannot help with that either in short what is ironic is that pointing the gates inward which is quote-unquote the wrong direction is actually an anti-siege tower play that said this obviously means that you'll really need to be careful against enemy infantry units as they can climb up your walls if they can reach them alive in short and funnily enough place your gates facing the wrong direction which is inwards if you've constructed that wall section somewhere far away enough from your town where enemy range units cannot really hit anything because that means that the only way to get through those walls is by destroying them hence the shock value of the siege tower becomes useless there otherwise it's often just a better idea to have your gates oriented atward so enemy units cannot climb your walls easily on their own once again i'm fairly certain that there is a bug right now with the gate direction interaction as locking or unlocking gates is 99 useless enemy units cannot pass through them anyway regardless of the direction of the gate so what's the point of locking your gates except the very neat scenario in which you want to keep your trade units inside for some reason hence if you're watching this video sometime in the future check the pinned comment below to see if i've posted any updates on this as a future patch may change this interaction once again who knows though this might be the intended interaction and not a bug so i'll update you folks if i find out more information and finally despite my rigorous testing if anyone of you have any insight regarding why someone might lock their gates at all other than not allowing your trade units to go outside then please let me know in the comment section below so we can share that knowledge with the community to wrap up the gate direction for palisade walls don't matter at all so don't even bother checking them stone gate directions do matter in which pointing the gate inward to your town means that enemy units can climb up your walls without a siege tower but cannot climb down the walls into your town or pointing the gate outward means that enemy units can only climb your walls using a siege tower but they can also head down into your town through any nearby gate hence be sure to pick wisely depending on your situation if you're just doing the typical circular wall that encompasses your town defensively pointing your gates outward is a safe bet as siege towers are already very uncommon on the battlefield well that's pretty much all you need to know about the infamous skate direction there is zero documentation or in-game tool tips that explain this mechanic unfortunately so we might find out more weird interactions in the future as always if you don't want to miss out on any age vampire's content please consider liking and subscribing to the channel hope you all enjoyed this video folks don't forget to orient your gates properly and see you all in the next one [Music] believe alone just post the show
Channel: Age of Noob
Views: 8,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Age of Empires IV, Age of Empires 4, AoE4, AoEIV, AOE 4, AOE IV, Gameplay, Strategy, Strategy Games, Gaming, Real Time Strategy, RTS, Age of Noob, Noob, 4K, UHD, Gates, Stone Walls, Palisade Walls, Direction, Palisade Gate, Stone Gate
Id: TaTquiOibwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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