Magic Marbles | Blender | Satisfying Animation Tutorial

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hi guys and today i have a super fun little tutorial in blender we're going to be doing some physics stuff and you can see we have all of these marbles here and we're going to be making this simulation where we have all of these multi-colored marbles kind of falling through this grid and they're all going to miraculously just land in their own little color groups and i'm going to show you how he can do this in blender and it's just some little cheat tricks this is not going to be a lighting and materials i'm just going to show you how to do this like make this little scene here it's super simple you're going to learn a thing or two about physics and blender and rigid bodies so if you're need to that kind of thing you're really going to enjoy this tutorial i'm going to explain it super well and i'm going to show you how to do all of that so this is it once again just showing you and it's also going to be available on my patreon this final model so you can see here all of the balls just fall into their own little slots here and it's just something about it that's super satisfying so let's get started so go ahead and get yourself a new scene open up in blender i'm going to select the default cube and with the default cube selected we're going to hit s on our keyboard and then we're going to hit 7 so s and 7 and then just hit enter so we scale it up seven times and one way to check if this has happened if you hit the n key on your keyboard you're going to see your properties pop up here just go to the items tab you can come down here to your scale vectors you can see all of the x y and z coordinates are set to seven you can also do that manually if you want but let's come in here and we want to scale it down on its y axis and y axis is the one that is this green one here and you can see up here so we're going to go s y and we're going to flatten it and we're going to flatten it about as much as you want it doesn't really matter too much it's just going to be seen from the front anyway but what we're going to do is we're going to hit free to go into our right or graphic view and once you have your thickness determined you're just going to quickly go into your edit mode so go into edit mode and involve this geometry active in here you're going to go g y and move it back till it is sitting on that blue line there that blue z axis there right so just want to move it like that there you can see and it doesn't have to be 100 perfect but we're also going to go g z and we're going to move it up till it's sitting on the floor here go into your front orthographic view by hitting one and you go g z and move it just make sure it's sitting on the floor there or roughly on that red access line there as reference you can hold in control to do snapping it doesn't really matter too much of this it's not going to be that precise so now that we have this established we're going to tab out of edit mode and now we have to add in the little pegs so they're really simple to make so we're going to shift a and we're going to add in a cylinder and we're going to leave the add cylinder settings as they are with this cylinder here selected we're going to tab into edit mode and all of this geometry should be selected and we're going to go r x 9 0 and hit enter so we've rotated it 90 degrees on the x-axis here we're then going to go s i'm going to scale this down how much you scale it down by is kind of up to you but if you look at the reference over here or the scale of my scene it's about that much okay it doesn't really matter you can have a little bit of play so we're going to go g y and also move it forward just a little bit just so we have that cylinder like that and we're going to go to our face select option and select this face down here and we'll go g y and move it forward now this also is up to you you don't have to go too far i also wouldn't recommend going too close so we're going to go about something like that for our peg and with this face still selected if you hit control or command and then b so command b or control b with that face selected you can see we can bevel it so we're going to bevel it about that much and i'm going to roll my middle mouse button up just a few times to add in some extra geometry in that bevel and i'm just going to click and that's done so now we have a nice rounded looking peg thing here so what we're going to do is we're going to tab out of edit mode back into object mode and we're going to go into our front view and if this peg selected we're going to hit g in our front view and we're going to go and just move it over to the side here somewhere it doesn't have to be precise so just somewhere roughly about there and i'm going to give this a array modifier and we'll come here to our array modifier and we're just going to take the x value here and just drag it up a bit so what we're looking for here is a spacing roughly like this we don't want to go too close because otherwise the little balls that are falling through here are going to get kind of pinned so you need to make sure you get some good space so something like that should be fine and then we're going to tab into edit mode in our front orthographic view here we've just peg selected and edit might hit a to select it so make sure all the geometry is selected so in the front of graphic view we're going to go shift d to duplicate and we're going to move this guy up and i'm going to make sure that the distance between here and here is enough for a ball to kind of pass through here then we're going to tab back into object mode and now we can go back to that array modifier and just mess around with the slider till the distance betw is the same between here as in here it doesn't have to be 100 but just get it as close as you can so just something like that plenty of space for the balls to pass through and then i'm going to come over here and bump up the count till we have it going to the other side of our pegboard here so you can see we have that and now we're simply just going to you know you can drop this array down and we'll come here to drop down and go duplicate so now we have an array.001 so we're going to drop that one down and let's make the value here on the x0 and what we're going to focus on now is going to be the z value so let's drag the z up and let's have a look at that so let's see we want to move it up till the spacing between these guys down here and the ones that the top row here are about the same as well so something like that in my case about 1.48 now the spacing looks okay but we have way too many on the count here so just bring the countdown till it's like that so now we have all of our pegs here and if it's too many you can always come here on both of these and just bring them back a notch like this and then scale them up if you want it to be a little bit less so i might just do that something like this should be fine now we have our little pegs ready to go in fact i'm just going to bring them one more down at the top sorry at the top here so go to the bottom one and bring it down one more and i'm just going to move this whole thing up like that so now i have all my little pegs here and once we're happy with them we are going to have to apply them before we can add the physics to them but let's just continue modeling some of the the rest of the set here so we're going to shift a add in a simple cube go to your front view we're gonna go sx and scale this down on the x like this and then g z move it up till it's sitting on there like that and we're gonna go g y sorry g y and move it forward so go to your right office graphic view by hitting three and then you can go s y and scale it down on the y a bit and then just move it back till it is the same as the pegs over here you can see and if that one's selected we're just going to go shift so maybe scale it down so sx one more time then we're gonna go shift d and we go x i'm gonna move it to the side and then shift d x and move one over here along the x just we have these little barriers i'm not even to like measure them out just roughly like that should be fine and now we need to add kind of like a domain so all of our little balls don't just fall everywhere in our scene so let's quickly add in a cube and we want to be able to see what we're doing once we scale this up so let's go over here to object properties when we go down to our viewport display and let's come here to the display as and let's make it wire but if we were to render this this would still render so we need to come up to the visibility as well and just untick render so we won't actually see this in the final render if it's in our scene so now we've just keep selected we're going to go sx and scale it on the x just about that much go to your right or graphic view and you can kind of see what we're doing here we're just going to create a domain so i'm going to tap into edit mode of the selected i'm just going to move it up like this and then i'm going to go s y and it just needs to be encompassing the our scene here so i'm just going to move it till the back of it this cube is just right on the face of this um board over here and going back to my right view i'm just gonna select all of these front vertices and just move them back just so it's just covering that so you can see what's going on here that space right there then we go to face select just select the top face and we'll go g z and just move it up so our simulation is just going to be taking place within this box here so i'm going to move that up to about here like that and then i'm going to go e to extrude it and then i'm going to go s x and scale it down on the x to make a little bit of a funnel neck here and then i'm going to go e to extrude up and then i'm going to go s x and scale it up along the x like that so we're just making this funnel and i'm just going to go to vertex select select all the top vertices and just bring them all down a little bit like that so we're going to have all of our balls starting at the top here so go back into solid view oh so we are in solid view i forgot i set it to wire so just go to your face select select this top face over here make sure that face is selected hit x and delete that face now we have an opening here and this is where all our balls are going to go into so now essentially when we run our simulation in here this is going to be like a domain that just keeps them all in there but we won't actually see this big contraption here in the final render so i'm going to tab out of edit mode and what i'm going to do is i'm going to select these pegs and i'm going to go to my modifiers i'm going to come to the drop down here and apply come to the drop down on the second array and apply that i'm also going to go to object mode with them selected and go shades move and i'm going to just leave it at that so i've got some funny shading going on here so if we just tab into edit mode go to your right orthographic view hit z and go into wireframe go to your vertex select option deselect everything and then just select all these back vertices to select all of the back faces hit x and delete those faces if we don't need them so now that's looking a lot better so now we're also just going to apply the scale before we get started with any physics so hit a to select everything control a or command a and apply that scale so now we need to add in our little balls so we're going gonna go shift a and we're gonna go to our mesh options and let's add in an icosphere now you could leave it like this if you want so that'll be easier to simulate but if you want them to be a bit nicer looking you could always up the amount or just give them a subdivision surface modifier but i'm going to just leave it as the default here so i'm going to go to object and enable shades move with this ball here and then i'm going to go g z i'm going to move it up like this and i'm going to scale it down like that and you can make these as big as they need to be but you got to be careful that they don't get too big where they will kind of get stuck in here so making them about the same as the diameter of the pegs here is a good way maybe just a little bit bigger then we're going to go to our right orthographic view and just move it forward so it's kind of sitting in the middle of this domain over here so we've got it like that and then we're just going to come here and place it up here in a funnel to the left we also need to make sure to apply this scale so we're gonna go ctrl a and make sure to apply that scale so now before we duplicate this guy we're gonna just add some physics to it so it's ready to go so we're gonna select this with this ball selected and we've made sure to apply the scale that's super important we got our physics setting and we're going to go to our rigid body so click on rigid body now this is going to be a moving part so it's going to be active so we're going to leave the type as active we're going to come here to the collision shape and we're going to make sure to make that mesh it's not just an approximation here it's going to be mesh to mesh interaction and we'll come over here to our surface response and i think we'll leave the friction as it is maybe maybe let's just make the friction point free i think that will be a bit better i'm going to come over here to our sensitivity the margin we should be able to get away with that so we're going to leave it as it is with this scene scale like this and i think that should all be fine so now we can go shift d in our front of graphic view if this one selected and then go x and move it over to the side so once you've finished that move you can go shift r to repeat that so just duplicating them like this and then we'll select all of these i'm gonna go shift d z move them up and just click and then i'm gonna go shift r just to repeat that action so i'm gonna add in about this many i'm gonna go more than that i think that should be fine for the simulation but if we were to go you know this is going to our front first keyframe here if i were to hit the space bar it's just going to fall right through not interact with anything so we need to add some properties to the surrounding thing so we're going to select the domain here we're going to get our rigid body we have to make it passive this time because it's not going to be active so make it passive come here to the shape and let's make that mesh and the rest of the things will leave as they are but instead of having to go through the whole thing doing the rest like that to all the other things we're just going to select these guys at the bottom so holding and shift select these three plates at the bottom ctrl j just to join them and then while they're still active we're going to hold and shift and select this back plate so now we have these selected and while we're still holding and shift we're going to select the peg so now we have the rest of the object selected and while we're still holding in shift we're going to lastly select the domain so that's now the active one and we're going to go and hit f3 on our keyboard and while that's all active there we're going to hit copy and we're going to go copy from active so type and copy from active now if we click on this backboard here or any of the other objects that are not the balls here we're going to come over here to the physics tab we're going to see that they now have that same rigid body so you don't have to manually go and give a rigid body and make it passive to each one of them but if you wanted to do that way you could so now if we go to frame one and we hit the space bar we are going to see some nice sweet interaction here so um yeah we're going to case this out so it's not this slow so before we do that though we also want to come over here to our rigid body settings over here go down to the rigid body world and i'm going to make the speed two times faster so i'm just going to come in here and type in two and it really depends on how long you want to run the simulation i'm just going to leave it at the default 250 because this frame right here the frames here are 250 frames 24 frames a second and i'm going to be going to the cache down here so come to the cache under the rigid body it's okay to start a frame one and i'll let this case through to 250 first of all just make sure whatever you do to save your blend file before you do any of this and then you can come over here and hit back so i'm going to do that and then we'll come back okay so the cache is now finished it took a few minutes on my computer so now if we go to frame one and we hit the space bar we're going to see our simulation running and look at that doesn't that just look really really satisfying so if all of these little balls they're all falling into their little spaces here and you can add as many bolts as you want i just kind of did this small sample size here just to show you the little demonstration but that looks really cool and you're going to see there are some stray balls here but i'm going to show you how to deal with that so what we're going to do is we're going to actually select our domain here because we don't really need it in the scene so we're going to select our domain and we're going to hit the m key i'm going to click on new collection let's just call this junk all right whatever you call it whatever you want oops what am i typing in junk i'm just going to type in junk and i'm going to hit ok so now over here in our collections just drop the main collection down you're going to see this new collection called junk so just come here to the eye and just untick it we don't need to see that now what we're going to do is we're just going to in our scene here select the backboard here and also the pegs just quickly hit h just to temporarily hide them also just select the light and the camera on the scene we're just going to delete them okay and then what we're going to do is we're going to select while we're in our last frame here we're going to select all of these straight balls and we're going to hit m and we're just going to come and click on that junk collection and move them there and now we can go alt h to bring back our board and the pegs and now if we go to frame one and we play the animation we won't see those straight balls you won't even really know about them so that's a little way to get around that and um there we have it and we even have this one little stray one sitting here so i'm just going to grab that and just if you have the same thing i'm just going to move it to the junk collection so now it's super simple to do the materials differently so what we're going to do is quickly grab everything in our scene make sure in the last frame and so select everything here and just hit h everything except the balls over here and then i'm just going to select each group so i'm going to select the first group of bowls by just clicking here and dragging and then i'm going to hold and shift and just select one of them i'm going to go to my materials tab click new and i'm just going to go to the viewport display which is just going to show us in the viewport it's a color so i'm going to just make it any color like blue then i'm going to go ctrl l and i'm going to go link materials so now all of these active ones here are i'm going to get the main color of this main active one here if that makes sense so then we're going to come over here and select these ones holding and shift click on any one of these balls here go new go to your viewport display make it any color just so you can see it's been applied ctrl l and link materials and do the same thing here okay just like that i might make that green control l link to materials then i'm going to click here drag all of these holding and shift select any one of them click on new make a color it doesn't really matter what ctrl l and link materials and now we're done so let's go back to frame one alt h to unhide everything and now this is where it looks super satisfying and there we have it so i'm not going to do a materials or lighting tutorial like i said because there's already a ton of stuff like that on youtube this is just kind of showing you how to do this sort of thing in blender so just to make it stand out a bit a bit better i might actually give to these things some placeholder materials as well just so it stands out but yeah you guys now kind of get the point here what's going on what have i got yeah so that is it that's how you make this kind of cool animation in blender and i'm going to be making this blend file available on my patreon so if you guys want to check that out the description it also really helps support the channel and allows me to make a lot of this content for the community so i really appreciate those of you who are on patreon and are kind of helping me out so i'll see you guys next time for another blender tutorial
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 4,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9, Blender rigid bodies, easy blender animations, Blender animation tutorial, Blender physics, Blender simulation tutorial for beginers, Blender Tutorial, Blender Tutorials, Beginners Blender Tutorials, Getting started in Blender
Id: gwVnQb98BzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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