HORNET VS SPIDER Bald Faced Hornets Nest Build Time Lapse Yellow Jackets Nest

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welcome everybody the channel this is my spout ness daughter time lapse film so this is the Hornet versus the spider so what had happened here unbeknownst to me I've been watching this this Hornet while I'm setting up my camera shots and things and I noticed as she started getting really agitated about this one side of the nest and I was like what's the heck is she doing she looked like she was like chewing at this this part of the envelope here so she had an outer layer that she had built down and I'm like what is she doing like a because all I saw was doing this like it she's like jabbing at the one part of the paper well I couldn't see that there was a spider in there and so it wasn't till after I had filmed an entire day worth of film and I went and was watching it on my software and then I saw these little tiny legs peeking out from underneath the envelope and I couldn't believe it I thought at first I thought was another Hornet I was like well maybe another Hornet got in there or whatever and like skipping through and like watching the whole bit and finally it just unfolds like I would I couldn't believe it there was a freaking spider in there so I wanted to go out and I wanted to remove that spider so I waited til the next morning and I actually was able to see which I'm not sure you see too much of it here like it's the way she laid it but in between the n-word was fire and actually I started to weave her silk between the two parts of the envelope and so I guess she was starting to make it mess well you can kind of see her legs peeking out now so now you'll see that the Hornet here is actually like jabbing trying to bite the spider and then the spider like lunges back and like tries to Fang the Hornet I mean Kylie goes it gets really intense towards the middle here I did cut out a good bit of it because this would hit going on for hours I mean this is just like this was day one so this is the the footage that I was watching initially before I realized it was a spider and so this is the first day then when you see the second day you'll see that the envelope is too bright where she's standing you'll see that the end of the envelope is actually chewed in like she had actually started trying to cut it out to try to get back to the spider and then you start to see her the following day start ripping the silk so you'll see like her start chewing on the self and then the spider starts getting agitated like what what are you doing messing with my nest well listen dude you're trying to make a nest at my house and that's just not cool you know that's what she's saying so a couple things you notice here there is only one bald faced Hornet so what I went on vacation to the beach somewhere between those couple days she disappeared I don't know if it's because of the spider or for bird got her but something happen already now you started to see the spire look at that thing what a monster so she kind of like gets it gets the spider out start to see I forget what's at the top left on the top right you see the spider like crawl that would up top of it like in there she yeah there it goes yeah that's pretty wicked then at another point here so everything seems like it's hunky-dory she got it out of the nest she checks it a couple times okay the things gone I should be good in the hood and then she flies away to go forage for larva and the spider comes back and tries to find its way back into the nest I think it's this part here yeah the top left creepy little thing that turns it faces and you see like these like turquoise fangs like that what a monster but that Hornet nose man like which was as soon as that that spider start walking on the nest she can hear it like she can sense that sound things at the top right you see the spider again start to come around the side of the nest yeah that's pretty intense just seeing those legs oh my gosh abdomen it's huge it's anyhow so we did have three adult Hornets in this nest or Yellowjackets if you want to be technical we'll just say Hornets from time for the time being I don't know what happened to her the Queen isn't in the nest anymore so this is probably going to be kind of a short-lived colony because once these adults hatch out of here there's really I mean there's there's no one's gonna be laying any more larvae so that's the state of the colony so what will probably happen is they will you know try to tend to the new larvae as long as they can and get sustenance from them and then they're gonna get pretty aggressive features enough native food source and they're gonna be trying to going out and foraging for nectar and things so right now we just have one of the daughters so that's why now this videos called the spout nest Hornet daughter or Helen I worded it there because there's no Queen I tried to I did a couple shots where I was like tapping on the nest trying to get some stir up some activity in there thinking maybe the Queen was up inside behind the comb but she's not behind the comb so I don't know so either she's gone completely and she's just yeah been eaten by a bird or whatever or where the spider got her could have could have been that two Nets players got a big out and on it's been eating something so here comes the spider again I did a bunch of shots of her crawling or he she just crawling around I'm assuming it's a she she's probably pregnant that's probably why she's trying to make a nest in this Hornet nest because she wants to have some easy access to food and I think at this point she she actually climbs in between the envelope now an envelope is the term that is used for the paper so I've kind of got some ridicule by a couple of the the experts that that watch my videos and telling me to use the the charm envelope for the paper I just used paper because it's a term everybody understands but she goes so she's climbing up into the it's actually the full term is actually but people want me to use the proper terminology tell you how so she's climbing up in there now you see it's cut away at the top left here so that's what she had been she been lunging and chomping at it and I don't have any audio on this video right now but you could hear that paper a crunching its nectar she's White Knight now that little stringy stuff that's the silk that the spider had weaved whoa however you want to wear that - then like barring to make a nest so that would have been like a little cocoon thing that she probably would have her babies in and you start to see her lunge cuz now I mean it's it's a battle the the Hornet is trying to protect her nests which is the original nest and the spiders trying to protect her nest which is that silk and it's like I mean the spider really can't be upset with the Hornet for one but not the corners not one her there you know I mean so she's been she starts attacking they they really kind of go out of here the next nice the next little bit so I know that I said that I was gonna let this nest be as natural as possible so if there was some sort of demise to the colony I was gonna let it happen I was gonna film it but I wanted it to happen without me knowing about it so when I started watching this stuff when I sort of see this freaking spider in here I couldn't just like let it happen then I already knew about it so I had to do something so I did intervene after the fact and maybe I'll get some ridicule for that but I kind of wanted to see now that the Queen's already gone I kinda want see how the rest of these daughters maintain the nest and what actually happens from this point because there is a much documentation on what will happen outside of a queen being gone I mean I've read some things about there being queenless nests and colonies and things but not this early stage so I'm for some from a scientific perspective I want to see what happens here so I let them kind of I mean this isn't between like me figuring out like how I'm gonna get that spider out of there without being attacked by the Hornet he's gonna be like a freaking you know I think I'm helping this the Hornet by getting the spider the Hornet thinks I'm trying to attack the nest and now she means she's stressed man you could see that she's stressed she does climb in here at one point she just goes in here like regroups a little bit you know pets herself down it's a silk out of her mouth and then she runs right back out to start like don't have for that spider I need you just see how stressed she is like she's like lunging of this thing it's like man Oh what do I attack it and get bet do I just like yeah like right here like that biting she lightens up the paper everyone [Music] and then at one point here she's like starts flapping wings at this point she flew off and I was coming down the driveway and I saw her fly off so I had already gotten a clothes hanger and I like unraveled it I mean just like a piece of wire and I had a plan to just shuffle that thing up inside so I can this is me putting it up into the paper envelope between the layers and trying to get the spider out I couldn't see the spider but knew she was in there and then here I get to one point the spider runs around jumps out and I had a little medicine bottle there and unfortunately it wasn't on camera but I scooped it up into the up into the medicine bottle and planned to let it meet its demise not by my hand though there it is got the but I say some choice words about it and I decided you know what let's let it meets demise at the hands of my chicken so ginger was the candidate because she was going one close by that's the spider and that's ginger going to town on it no fear look at that what a raptor and just like that and a couple stray sure good luck alright guys thanks for watching this video if you enjoyed watching this please like and share if you haven't been here before and you're not a subscriber already please subscribe to my channel and I usually have a video posting about once every week or so alright guys I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Hornet King
Views: 757,991
Rating: 4.632679 out of 5
Keywords: Bald Faced Hornet, Hornet Queen, Bald Faced Hornet Nest, Nest Build Time Lapse, Hornet vs Spider, Hornet attacks Spider, Yellow Jackets Nest, Dilichovespula Maculata, Paper Wasp, Hornet Nest build time lapse, Bald faced horent fights spider, Angry Hornets, Hornet Stings, Spider eats hornet, Bird eats bald faced hornet, Wasp Relocation, Wasp Nest Relocation, Hornet Nest Relocation, Bald Faced Hornet Nest Relocation, Hornet Nest Removal, Yellow Jacket Nest Removal
Id: woWIDPbQ4Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
Reddit Comments

Just came across Hornet King's channel recently. He seems like a pretty cool and chill dude!

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