Trying to clean BULL GATOR PIT!!!

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what is going on beautiful people welcome back to my wild life we were back at the Everglades outpost on the last cleaning and egg collecting video we're in this pit over here thing is this pit flows into this pit which is split saw an alligator that in the past he was a he was actually captured out of a neighborhood and they found him with a broken bottom jaw they prompt to the marathon veterinary office and they actually fixed his broken jaw they used the phone back together using metal and screws and that is back to normal he's healthy he's big he's dominant this is his personal pawn because he's becoming a bull alligator you will kill any other alligators that comes to this pond unless they're cute female so basically we're gonna start this pit clean out all the sludge let's uh he remembers me hey buddy he's a good alligator he's really pretty too and as you can see his jaws look like nothing ever happened to him that's so amazing work they do here at the Everglades outpost they take the time take an animal that might not want the help spend the money put money down to actually get this animal face looking looks like he's never injured and you're about to see he's pretty healthy too [Music] you can see they didn't mind a gymnast water nice and dirty again we told them one out that sit over there we're gonna start pulling the water again strangle it really excuse you we're gonna try and get all this murky water cleared out even though if you like it so that's split jaw as you can see he looks like he was never injured or split in the jaw ever in his life he looks perfect he's super defensive we want him to stay in as well muddle for now usually this pit is filled all the way up to here with water but it's low right now because we gots to bet all that muck and mud so let's get started over there the other day he was launching up a lot now hitting alligators territorial really poke just let me know just stay warned allow Taylor okay no no tailor works very hard here make sure you guys II need your cages are clean [Applause] [Music] she's in the water to sweep all the mud into the deeper part right now while tailors spraying down behind you you just keep your the viewers at home just keep your eye on this alligator four more to go around nope nope nope how'd that work out that's okay how're you guys doing today enjoy yourself you see the big cats my back [Applause] I'm wearing contacts you've got a duty not in my eyes I'm still getting an eye infection now all that Dukey water in my contacts [Music] [Applause] [Music] taylor's trying to clear up some muck out of that drain over there make sure that was a kid would that hurt me let me see look that way now it's on the other side of your face yes there was one time where I just didn't know how I ended up naked in that chick-fil-a bathroom but I was there wait what I was there and that's why I can't go to all the chick plays on court Myers area wait [Music] spicy meatball [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hose is off soon as I and you just wiped your hand on your face as that water tastes Weis your hand off before you wipe your face again yeah Spiderman was really good I saw that the new spider-man movie was so good just pull that through his mouth it looked like you pulled it through his mouth from this angle yeah this is fun everybody's gonna wonder how Chandler died with the evil laugh are you filming Oh Martha and Kelly are here Martha managed with the outpost Kelly we can manager and Taylor struggles here [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're doing it today ah no lower lower it's the same space fun whoa this is
Channel: Chandler's Wild Life
Views: 3,731,910
Rating: 4.8857279 out of 5
Keywords: cobras, snake eggs, monocled cobra, chandler's wild life, hatching eggs, all my pets, cobra, reptiles, reptile, reptile keeping, venomous reptiles, crocodiles, alligators, wildlife, snakes, snake, king cobra, turtle, travel, ALLIGATORS, bull alligator, gator, Crocodilians, bite, bitten, charged, nature, chandler, florida, zoo, Sanctuary, everglades outpost
Id: Ohba71xf1fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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