SO IT BEGINS • Baldur's Gate 3 Honour Mode Playthrough • Ep.1 (Act 1)

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hello hello welcome in I'm sir bogit or bogs for short and this is the first episode of what I hope will be a series where we will be playing balers Gate 3 on honor mode for the first time uh so this is a new level of difficulty that was introduced with patch five which at the time of this recording was released a few days ago uh there's also been a ton of new content content added so I'm very keen to experience this game again with all the new stuff added in and I hope that you'll enjoy our journey together on in Faun uh so yeah get some snacks get your drinks get comfy and let's jump into it I'm super I'm I'm so Keen I'm so excited uh to get on this so yeah we'll see what surprises lay in store for us uh so I have completed the game on tactician before um so there we go that is I love that illustration uh and it has an overview so we get an explanation of what honor mode is I really I'm really loving this uh illustration here for Honor mode all right uh honor mode is an intense campaign recommended for experienced players stronger bosses the most dangerous foes in the realm are more powerful in this mode with new abilities and legendary actions stricter rules alongside tactician modes regular difficulty increases action economy and damage bonus rules are made stricter towards the end of the game single save file this is the kicker you cannot reload older saves in honor mode if events go arai your choices and consequences always stick if your entire party is defeated in combat your honor mode run will end you will be able to continue your adventure in custom mode should you desire but finishing it will not count as finishing honor mode if you are Are Victorious and beat the game in this mode you will be rewarded with a bespoke diece set to use in game for future playthroughs good luck honorable Adventurer you will need it um yes I very much will need it thank you um oh my days look at this look at this uh look at that Tres him he's so cute um but yes we will not be doing custom today today we will be tackling honor mode uh so let's jump into it and see how we Fair think is cross that everything uh goes well or as well as they can go I've uh I've actually not seen this cinematic in a while so it'll be nice to watch this again for a who are you all right let's get into it character creation my favorite part of the game as a chronic roller um where I really can't resist the urge to just keep rolling new characters and new files uh there have been many an hour spent in this uh in this screen um I think we will make it a bit spicy and do a dark urge run because the dark urge narrative and campaign is actually such an interesting one uh and a really fun one uh that being said if I'm understanding onor mode correctly we won't I think we will still be able to save scum but I'm going to I'm going to do my level best not to uh reload my saves if something goes wrong and accept the consequences because that is not something I've done before I uh am very much a uh participant of um I don't actually really like that phrase that much saves coming but um I I very much am someone who enjoys saves coming um and I don't personally I my opinion on games is play how you want to play uh as long as you're not ruining someone else's day especially in the single player game um live your best life do what you want if you want to reload reload you know I don't think there's anything wrong with that um but yeah let us jump into this character creation here I will be playing with the Avatar that I created for my second playthrough as I've gotten quite attached to her I've for context I have completed fully completed the game twice uh like from start to finish with as many uh oh God why can't I hit 50 okay with as many um side quests done as well uh uh as many as possible anyway um I think I may have missed one or two in my second play through uh but I tried to be as thorough as I could be in my first play through um I don't know why I'm suddenly getting really nervous for this honor mode uh as I've mentioned earlier I have finished the game on tactician uh but I think the idea of the consequence of you know things going wrong being somewhat permanent cuz this this is at least for me it's quite a long game so there's going to be a certain amount of time invested in to the playthrough and I feel a little bit crummy if things went wrong and then it's like all right your your honor mode runs dead and yeah we we'll see hopefully fingers crossed that things won't go too badly um I've done a run with a Bard and I've done a run with a sorcerer um and I really enjoyed the sorcerer run so I I am going to just do that run again uh and and yeah we'll see how that goes I think I'm going to just kind of take all the advantages I can get the description for this difficulty was a little bit daunting and uh I I have done like challenge runs for other games um before but definitely not this game I I do not mechanically I do not minmax this game at at at all uh I'm very much just someone who enjoys the uh the story and um like the writing and the acting which is phenomenal so we'll see um the dark uh I am bogs okay let's continue to our Dream Guardian so in my actual first like a prop my proper first playthrough I actually was in the multiplayer um campaign where I was playing with someone uh unfortunately we actually couldn't finish that playthrough because of scheduling conflicts um so that's technically my first play through but I never completed it I think we got up to late act two um and in that run I actually ran with a forest gnome um and he was a b so I've uh many others have done this as well I've I've decided to make him my dream Guardian cuz I thought it was it was a nice little like um not an Insight joke but like a a little Easter egg just for myself kind of like a personal Easter egg which I don't know I thought it was a a fun idea uh and again I'm not I'm not someone who I'm not the first person to think of this definitely there have been many others who have done this where they use their first uh their first have or durge to be the uh the dream Guardian so we're going to recreate our original [Music] Avatar uh let's get his hair going and of course the Glorious beard and there he is okay I'm paranoid now and I have to go back and check my my character and make sure that I've done all the selections that I want for her uh yeah I think she's good to go anyway we can we can magic mirror we can use the magic mirror if we need to let me double check my spells and cantrips and my skills yeah I think we're good to go I think we're good to go here God I don't know why I'm so nervous I I guess I'm nervous because well we'll continue that thought after this cinematic [Music] [Music] for a a [Music] [Music] h [Music] I'm sorry about the first thought I had in my my mind at that last scene was look at all the Bing bongs uh but yes to get back on the train of thought uh that I was that I had before the Cinematic was I'm really nervous because I have had um instances in my previous playthroughs where I've just everyone's like died in a fight like I've had a game over so the blood in your head thrums and pounds that pounding blood obscures who you are an overwhelming loss of memory how you ended up amidst these hellish Flames is just as hidden you have nothing in your skull besides your name and a headache but you are in danger oh boy of course I decided to make it spicy and do a darker run hopefully I'm not going to regret that um all right take a deep breath shake your head and start a new time to get out of here and then you can shed light on the Dark of the matter of yourself yeah sorry I keep interrupting myself my head not an uncommon occurrence uh oh boy uh yeah I'm I'm pretty nervous because I have had instances in my previous playthrough where I did have to reload um a safe State cuz it was uh a full wipe so hopefully that won't happen um again whilst I'm not uh like entirely new to challenge running games I I I've definitely not done any challenge runs for for this game um and I would say I've not been utilizing all the mechanics either so maybe this is the push that I need to to get there maybe maybe honor mode will be the reason that I um actually use sorcery points as a sorcerer uh also I can I turn that off it is off okay well comic off as well which is what we want but okay I did have to do um I don't know if I mentioned this earlier in the video but I did have to do a fresh install I didn't have to Visions project into your mind an aoid hurtling through the plains resplendant with psionic energy I could have just downloaded the patch and um please dis patched it but when I did do that and uh I tried to start like a new game the game crashed so um I figured it would be good to just do a reinstall so now the tutorials are kind of popping back up so uh bear with me as we kind of shuffle through re redoing some I did do it before I start it the playr like kind of went through the key binds and everything again but there might be some things I have forgotten dead good but yeah we'll see we'll see how we F we did not what did we get there uh okay that's all right now whilst I've only finished the game fully twice I have uh uh I have what I like to call chronic rrolling syndrome uh I feel better so this this room I've done like a couple more more than twice I will say it's safe to say more than twice um what's in here we're going to go rescue us so I think we get just this one save file you cannot reload a previous save while playing in single save mode oh okay so we literally cannot reload so it's not just that we have one save file we can't load oh my oh oh uh well yep here we go images of goblins their habits and hist oh okay um well I was if if I was nervous before I'm really nervous now naid flashes into your mind nerves sinuse as much living being as ship because I realized that we may oh and it's oh and it's dark urge uh okay you know this will be an experience for sure A Feeling penetrates your mind an anomaly one like ourselves unconnected from the hall caution Cur to put my hands on everything worlds Beyond worlds Flash before your eyes empires of a grand design traversed by ships just like this I feel like these runes slates did I read this one uh I feel like these run slates do we oh we don't actually have a record of those being red do we uh what what is what is elas Elis oh is that like a location I've actually never opened this up before um I'm just going to click it just in case because I I I have a theory that reading these actually play into certain dialogue options later on images of goblins their habits and histories FL into your mind it's a minor thing but a thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarves humans and more flash behind your eyes with how they with how meticulous they've been with this game I wouldn't be surprised if reading all those actually makes a difference on the flip side reading all those could do nothing so you know but it's still nice to listen to narrator's voice uh okay so there's no reloading it's sinking in it's sinking in now so we may not even be able to save us which is which would be really sad so Rel let's see what happens yes you've come to save us from from this place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers in expectation please before they return they return okay my hands are sweaty I'm not going to lie I don't know why I'm putting like high stakes on this but uh as someone who has definitely reloaded into uh the game and previous save states this is nerve-wracking uh all right let's go it I think you're past the point of saving tell me what to do remove us from this body from this case free us please continue okay a newborn born new from this husk you know no creature like this one that is more brain than person that was interesting let me open up the dialogue history here okay so that was like uh I guess you would maybe a bug or something cuz I definitely did not choose this it was continue so um it's okay it's good to know what he is even though I failed the Arcana check uh I'm going to go with that's intelligence strength and I'm going to go with dexterity cuz I do get a plus three bonus from it uh okay the the tutorial popups um so I need a seven and there's no reloading here so let's see what [Laughter] happens uh that's the first role of the game part of me wants to say uh that that's a good sign like a good omen uh the other part of me wants to is thinking more like I've just used up like all my luck to get this roll Oh my days the brain lifts from the skull but you notice an opportunity you could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat your fingers twitch with the desire to rip its tender moist meat to shreds and that is the dark urge talking okay uh sorry I still can't get over how the first roll of this run uh isn't that 20 so anyway uh we are not going to hurt us we're going to spare the creature any injuries might weaken it also come on he's so free our freedom is ours friend the creature pauses listening something behind your eyes seizes in recognition we must go to the helm but the helm we are needed uh oh I think there is an option to hide names in the uh subtitles but I'm just going to go with the um I'm just going to imagine that my character doesn't know what their name is um so what should I call you us we are us all right let's go to the hell will we go we are going to the home oh uh uh that's new I don't think it used to do that uh see patch five delivering [Laughter] already oh my days this is going to be fun this is going to be interesting for sure Abomination this is your end your head drops and your skin tingles Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes my head what is [Music] this SAR you are know all blacki blesses me this day together we might survive who are you who am I your only chance of survival all right what do you suggest first we exterminate the en then we find the helm and take control of the ship as for that thing it will remain tame as long as it believes we are THS it may be of use in the fight to come [Music] all right first combat of the Run let's see if we can start off strong uh what have we got here three enemies all right let's get rid of that ooh I forgot to cast Mage Armor on myself but I think we'll be fine for this fight okay come on us you can do it better than a Miss I will Ascend laselle all right you b or you break nice stay away from us oh my days should I go for this guy okay let's let's go for this guy and see if we can actually knock him out uh no but we'll take it theyel could finish it off potentially Victory awaits uh can she actually get there oh she can let's go t my Fury brilliant awesome you prove surprisingly adequate in battle I appreciate that LEL uh to the hell all right uh okay so let us loot we will loot everything I am absolutely a loot Goblin uh is it because this is interfering with it huh okay that's interesting it used to be that oh worked for that one sorry I was just confused cuz usually if you take all the window eyes before me the window will actually close off so maybe it was just an exception with that one imp uh all right let's we'll we'll heal up why not us took a little bit of damage so the ship won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late it's kind of insane that we're just like cruising through a [Laughter] verus and dragons are attacking and I think the uh the demons are attacking as well we will uh get rid of these two THS here G Machinery I can make no sense of it we'll place lasel there and us will be placed here to do activate this She Made Them hostile I think I'll go for I don't know why I put LEL that actually oh no it's it's about the same let's go for this guy lovely come on L out that's actually pretty good let's actually I'll I'll use this why not I should have read what it does but okay uh that was not my intention it's fine okay let's just get us to uh finish this one off a bit of an Overkill there with a crit but we'll take it on my [Laughter] feet oh boy all right let's so let's Free Shadow heart you get me out of this we have no time for stragglers uh okay well it's safe to roll this just because we do have a backup in case this roll fails so we'll see how we Fair here we need a seven lovely awesome you love to see it warding ruins you feel them drawing energy from the console near to the Pod are you satisfied we need to go uh this thing's magically linked to that console let me see what I can do hurry please all right we should be able to oh good lord what if we fail this role the console appears dormant do we lose Shadow heart forever inscribe the device with the glyphs you sensed from the pod's warding RS oh look at the little the console H to life uh place your hand on the console suddenly you feel a hideous squirming in your head the parasite then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you connection Authority all right uh this is actually a pretty low DC but I may have just jinxed it by saying that let's see all right it it wasn't even that good of a role but thankfully it was enough you feel the biomechanical brain of the console process your command and yield to it a shiver runs across your mind you feel sated at lost thought I was done for oh bless I do I do love Shadow heart she is she's such a great character I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches into her thoughts her gratitude is mixed with weariness because you have a GI with you you keep dangerous company you know I've always picked option one or option three let's since we're trying new things let's try option two got a problem with GI Yan more that G have a problem with everyone else but there's more important matters right now survival let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way oh sassy Shadow heart you love it uh all right then let's get going I'm bogs Shadow heart one moment I am going to ask what's that it's nothing trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now she's right lead on lel's just had it lel's done she she is not a speed enjoyer unfortunately I think she's very much let's go take action I can't blame her to be fair we do have Tad PES in our heads okay so I'm gonna close this off don't judge me I do this every time because the animation for this is horrific and glorious at the same time uh as you place your hand on the Pod you hear something a presence connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to change we need to get out of here before it's our turn yep all right let's grab this I okay so I know that this can come into play later on I guess I will pick it up might unlock those controls next the PT good thing we did it already all right let's just uh we're going to clear the loot from this little uh table I want to call it a table um we're going to just clear the loot here and we'll get LEL to rejoin us faint images appear in your mind mind a brain a GI Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness pick this up okay we are encumbered but worry not that is why we have strong companions uh Shadow heart if you will please carry all these chests for me um and I think we'll just leave that death now but this is actually a good reminder cuz I should give shadow heart a crossbow and uh I think I don't think that there is a better weapon for her because yeah she's not proficient with a short Sword and the axe is the same so we'll leave that there for now um oh yes they added a new feature okay we'll test this new feature out when we escape the not light which is you can actually manage uh non-party companions in Camp so I'm going to cuz I usually move these over but we're going to hold on that to kind of test that out now this is going to be interesting because usually um you can um very cheekily save scum this next thing that I'm about to do but since we can't actually reload in on a mode uh we will really have to see how the how the dice kind of play out and uh and hope for the best here this is okay that's ranged I like to have all my can trips I I don't ask me why I do this when I end up just kind of respecing her and having to rearrange it later on anyway it's just something that I I can't help but do it I just I I have to in my mind it just works e for battle even with even with companions that I may not necessarily want to take with me uh adventuring if I can I will just do this kind of oh no and then that happens as well uh thanks tutorial um I will just kind of organize our hot bars a little just cuz just cuz my brain says I need to really um and I've done that incorrectly but yes it's a a promise that it makes a difference to me anyway all right now that that is sorted let's see if the uh let's see see if command drop pulls through we are nearing the helm once inside do as I say who put you in charge I'll Trust my own judgment kyank the spice all right when you have these two in a party traveling together it just it gets so spicy [Music] the Bing bongs draw connect the nerves of the transponder we must escape now do it we will deal with the G after we escape connect the nerves nerves we will connect them now I've got Bing Bong brain okay which is nothing to complain about to be fair uh okay so we need Shadow heart to kind of get the oh the initiative here uh we'll be all right all right let's take these guys out awesome great start lus please okay nothing [Music] there do we want us to actually get preoccupied with this guy H why not well that was not worth it Fury I am death okay LEL help us out a little amazing thank you lasel bless your heart all right fast Shadow heart go here and I think this is an action okay we're going to cast guidance ability checks I don't know if guidance is going to help with command but since it's a c trip we're just going to do it uh in preparation for that nice nice nice nice that played out really well uh and then we're going to hopefully annihilate this imp that was a bizarre animation well it makes more sense but it's definitely different from uh how it used to be when you miss an attack [Music] take okay uh us we're going to see if no we can't get that can we can you hit him oh we are so close okay it's fine laselle can she get oh she can dude all [Music] right that's okay that's okay he probably has insane AC yep he does okay so here goes we have two shots at this um otherwise not that I need his sword but it's definitely good to have so here goes oh that is lovely that is actually lovely let's see lelle can pick it up I am death oh she can oh my days this is playing out amazingly come on can't stay idle okay let me enter here that went brilliantly I love that I love that for us amazing uh nope sorry I misclicked because the camera shifted a bit but that's okay we are in a good spot ignore the devil we must take the transponder not a great miss but lasel you're going to come through right lovely let's go uh okay lar is going to basically be here to distract the cambion that will be coming in let's finish this and we will now what might you be hiding we will actually continue on I should have actually used that on fine dead hurry before they strike okay let's get rid of these guys awesome oh my days kill them for your spine is m i I really hope that other like thought in my mind of like I'm just burning all the luck on the tutorial like need to stay focused I really hope that's not the case oh I should have looted that it's fine uh we'll go with that what is what are these hits dude what are these hits I'm not complaining I mean I'm I'm just pleasantly surprised uh okay let's see we can actually potentially get rid of this guy or I could just magic Missile I don't remember if we get our spells refreshed when we land but we will find out that was okay well you know we had brilliant roles before that oh please don't hurt me that's okay that's okay that's okay um Shadow heart that's about the same that's worse okay let's try this oh brilliant brilliant actually brilliant actually so good awesome loot there I don't think I'm can I actually Dash to that hopefully I can cuz then we'll end the we'll end this encounter uh let's see let's find out to put my hands on everything amazing amazing the Helm's alien transponder you made it in time that was such a good tutorial fight honestly that was as good as I could hope for it to [Music] be [Music] [Music] I would not have the upper body strength to do [Music] this yeah if it was if it was up to me I would have flown off that nautiloid a long time ago is this a new loading screen no it's not I don't think it is oh yes I'm so excited because we can potentially recruit Menara now with patch five and the updates they've applied to um to her [Music] so I'm very excited to see how that's going to play out [Music] [Music] we did it I should actually put a cont on for how many times I've escaped the not Al L you half expected your memories to return once you were free of the Mind flers ship your past is still an aching void if you don't find a way to remove the tadp burrowed in your brain soon your future will be as blank as your past your head Whispers Vengeance you cannot wait to slice your way forth seeking whatever wrought this tragedy upon you all right dark urge in full effect here okay uh so we do get our spell slots back awesome I'll have to remember that uh okay these boots have seen everything loot this guy you drink in the pungent corse since you awoke on the ship your mind has been cold and empty but something stirs with your hands close to this body you know nothing of why but you find a half smile flittering across your face okay let's um you know what for the fun of it let's just try the uh let's just try the roll okay that's [Laughter] fine oh boy you see flashes of Flesh all lumped together in a mass grave no single image sticks out there is something unknown and unspeakable deep within your heart okay well that's okay we will uncover the truth as we go uh so the last session that I played I actually went ahead to recruit Gail and asarian before coming back for shadow heart uh though given actually let me because I wanted to get the dialogue from Gail and shadowart uh sorry Gail and asarian for meing shadow heart but uh let me Scout ahead she can enjoy her nap it's been a it's been a long a wild ride I think she deserves to have a couple moments you know before the chaos of this run begins I'm just going to Scot ahead and see if I can sneak past um nice um if I can sneak past those intellect devaras and pick up Gail and asarian because essentially what we can do is fresh water there must be a settlement somewhere nearby indeed um essentially what we can do is we can end up sneaking back around shanties for the [ __ ] Queen uh my intention with this play through was also to read all the books because the some of them are absolutely hilarious uh but I think we will skip this one since it's a shanty and I actually don't know how it's meant to be played so well we will send it to Camp though I will start our collection of books and things in Camp oh I can read this though sigh I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and again and keep on saying it till we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to balder's gate I know it's risky but so is staying here the last few months have been hard but they're always a little easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge bring whatever you can carry we'll make do without the rest don't be late love Anna oh no no oh no uh I don't know where Anna is but is that is that them no it's not well that is unfortunate that is maybe that's them either way rest in peace sigh ooh we did not get a um that is not it we did not get a potion of animal speaking here which is unfortunate but oh wait I need to actually change that in the settings hang on I do want to have this on by default yes I'll pick this up that's a new sound as well this is this is great because um like i' I have spent a fair amount of time playing this game because it's such a long game just by just by that alone uh and hearing new sound effects and things is has kind of uh given it like a fresh new take again like made it fresh again which is really cool okay so we do have two intellect devaras here I could have sworn there was a third one that used to be here um on my way more of those wretched things okay but there's no saves coming so if I die here that will make for a hilariously short first episode uh but I think I'm safe wait where is this cone coming from is he facing oh he is [Music] oh I can't tell which way is front and back if I'm going to be honest uh okay we're good we're good but yeah I could have sworn there was I'm not complaining that being said that there isn't a third Devourer there because that means we can absolutely go we can go get Gale um let me send this to Camp I'll send I think some of you watching this may end up being horrified at how I uh how I manage my camp supplies or my Camp the the chest in Camp but you'll you'll see it when you see it we won't be going to Camp just yet no traps please but yeah I don't know where the uh the third Devar went either way we're going to have a uh three versus two situation because we are now able to get to uh Gail and uh asaran what's hiding here and then we'll go pick up Shadow heart after that Footprints there may be even more that surviv the crash I just realized that we have to roll for this [Laughter] I will be quite heartbroken if I can't save him what's going on with that looks unstable somehow you approach the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically as if malfunctioning it looks slightly dangerous and no we will not be giving in to the urge uh especially not for this instance uh let's touch the sigil a hand anyone what we will not resist though is we have to slap the hand you have to perhaps I should have [Music] clarified helping and [Laughter] anyone I'm sorry it gets me every time um so yeah that first option that we see here is uh to fantasize about hacking off the hand and um if you know you know we will not be doing that we're going we are actually going to pull him out of this uh situation who are you just your average traveler stuck between Realms pull me out we'll get properly introduced all right this is a roll uh so we'll see it is charisma and we do get a bonus for it so okay we just need a fall all right cool I would have been I would have been proper upset if I didn't actually pass that role whatever you're doing is working wonders now a quick little pull should do the trick if it isn't already obvious uh we will be Romancing Guild this run I it's virtually impossible for me to romance anyone else so that is what will be happening hello I'm gaale of Water Deep apologies usually better at this no need to apologize are you all right a bit shocked but friend it's a relief and a pleasure to make your acquaintance say but I know you don't I in a manner of speaking you on the norid as well never mind the nautiloid how did you get stuck in that stone I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in freefall as I was plummeting to certain death I spied a glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than Savory propulsion recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were how about you how did you survive the fall I love this answer the second one uh I took control of the ship landed it safely and saved the day that vast burning wreckage behind you somewhat contradicts your story but here you stand so who am I to argue still swash buckling heroics aside I have the unfortunate suspicion your survival is still very much in Jeopardy back on the ship you two were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome in Inson in the ocular region will you not go on the inserty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gation it will turn us into mind flares it's a process known as ceremorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a Doctor Surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle uh okay we we'll go with the class I I tend to lean towards class uh if there's an option that ties into my class uh just cuz you know to get the most experience what am I trying to say you get what I mean you get what I mean uh I possess many gifts but tadpole extraction is not one of of them I can't cure our parasites I suppose few enough can not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together sounds like a plan you're welcome to join me most excellent a parasite shared is a parasite hared or something to that effect Oh but before you think you're about to embark on a Journey with most ill-mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone was an act of foresighted kindness I assure you I have the feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor lovely and we get a level up at the end of that as well uh now we can't really respect anyone until we get uh with us in Camp so we'll just make do with what everyone has for now and I do have to say as much as I love Gail uh his the his starting spells aren't the best in my opinion but that's just me and and you know of course we all have our favorite spells but I definitely wouldn't have picked some of them but I could I could very well be missing out on how good these spells that he has actually uh but and when I say d spell I do mean the whole spell book here [Music] um you know what let's level up first and figure that out after we level up O Okay uh I think I will go for shield it's just such a handy spell to have and okay so this one I remember I had trouble picking oh the ones that I wanted the last time I played a sorcerer uh twin spell is a must but the next option I feel like careful spell is the way to go just because of like I feel like that would make uh make her a bit more like a like we' be more like an evocation wizard which is which would be awesome uh so I think I am going to go for that otherwise I would have gone for distant spell um which is actually really cool because then melee spells get like a 9 M range which is huge to be honest um but I think I am going to go for careful spell unless oh God now I'm going down a rabbit hole unless I pick spells that don't have like an AOE then in which case distance spell would be more useful here decisions I guess I can resp like like change this later on if I want but uh I will go with careful spell for now distance spell might be better I do get to pick another later but I think I use that for I think I I I think I use a different one or I pick a different one so it's not like I can pick careful again after know what we'll go with be careful let's not overthink it definitely we're going to go with evocation and this doesn't really matter too much for now because we are going to uh Respec Gail like he'll stay a wizard but um we are going to switch up his like ability points and things like that um I don't know if I mentioned this earlier in the in the uh in this chapter but when I in my previous runs I generally don't respect anyone um if like especially the companion characters as cuz their dialogue ties into it as well so I felt a bit weird respecing them into a different class uh but I definitely think that I will try to do that in the future we did do a stream um like what a week ago or two weeks ago where we made everyone bars and that was hilarious and awesome so I am getting to be more open to the idea of like respecing and multiclassing but I've personally never multiclassed either cuz it just feels a bit overwhelming for me um so we're just going to see if we can pull through on a it's on honor mode approach with Extreme Caution injured mind flare is still a dangerous one indeed uh let's actually let's actually do this uh encounter and then we can pick up aaran over there you approached the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion compassion this isn't right step away you can't move can't think thinking is mercifully done for you it will be a joy to serve to die for it and honor it's possessing your mind forcing you to love it but then the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere take advantage of the laps and Break Free the monster lies exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice I'm trying to think about an encounter that happens later on and what the consequences are here uh I think I will just go with option one and close Those Eyes Forever Gale did not seem happy with that monster death is too good for it uh I don't know if he was unhappy with me or with the fact that there's a mind player here I'm going to just say it's the latter oh we haven't even spoken to him yet actually you're not first in Magic are you I love that he just starts off with that uh of course I am I have have as much magic in me as you oh I do apologize I meant to ask are you studied in Magic namely are you a wizard which you are not if you meet any Elder Wizards let me know there is a matter I'd like to seek advice on from a master that zoom on the zoom in oh good lord he is quite full of himself go ahead I'm listening but I do love him for it uh ooh okay we do have dark urge speech options here I've actually completely forgotten that um for the sake of like I'm not going to fully role play this but for the sake of a little bit of RP uh I am not going to I think I'm I'm willing to talk about option two but not option three um because I don't feel like that's something you would tell someone you've just met but let's ask him about himself first uh tell me more about yourself let's see I hail from Water Deep city of splendors I am a wizard of considerable Acclaim and Scholar of exceptional accomplishment I have a cat a library and a weakness for a good glass of wine and if the mood takes me I'm known to try my hand at poetry there never spoken to him in this um kind of little area that red lighting looks phenomenal on his hand um don't stop there you must have many stories to tell AB your adventures as an arch Mage didn't that paint enough of a picture he's so upset uh let's change the subject here and we'll we will actually talk about option one my memories before the nautiloid are shrouded in darkness memory loss isn't usually a symptom of ceremorphosis if it is they've forgotten to write it down in any text I've read on the subject then again our case isn't exactly usual perhaps whatever's causing our tab poles to remain in stasis has also affected your mind if ceremorphosis takes place all trace of your former self will be subsumed into the Mind Flare's Hive so to still be here if I might forgetful still a win in my book fair enough uh all right we will I think I know when I can bring up the violence thought uh dialogue if it's still available at that point in time so let's leave it here for now and let's go pick up everybody's favorite vampire aaran hey I need some help sure you do I do want a specific set of dialogue uh to trigger here so I am going to go with a very specific order of things let's just put it that [Laughter] way please please hurry I've got one of those brain things cornered there in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others uh all right so I would actually pick option one but there is a chance that I succeed the uh perception role which stops me from getting the dialogue that I want so I will go with option two uh kill it yourself you look capable enough I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry and we will do nothing here sh not a word let's try to keep that lovely neck of yours in one piece H and you keep your distance no need for this to get messy couldn't agree more but if you use that knife I will incinerate you and your friend with me hardly now I saw you on the ship didn't I not uh okay here I I think this is a strength roll ooh why do I have a plus two for melee proficiency see I don't know what the DC is for this I'm you know what just to just to be cheeky I'm going to shake my head don't lie to me I your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on okay here maybe I have a shot I could just reply to him but I think it might be fun to try the cantrip roll uh whisper a cantrip to burn his hand sorry aaran just a little just oh maybe maybe I won't succeed I need a nine brilliant sorry aaran just a little singe you you be all right you'll survive damn it I SAR into your mind they took you just the same as me and to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your inits apologies um okay so since we are Romance uh Romancing gaale we will not be doing options where he disapproves uh where you get the Gil disapproves uh um effect so we'll pick I think Gail will disapprove with the this is a dark urge answer can't blame you I was looking forward to seeing yours no thanks uh we're going to pick option three glad to see we're all caught up now indeed we are please allow me to introduce myself my name's aarian I was in Boulder's Gate when those beasts snatched me I'm in quite the state but I think I'm bogs a pleasure so do you know anything about these worms yes unfortunately they'll turn us into mine flares turn us into of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time his eyes are so round here uh control it we need to get rid of it well yes of course but first things first you should travel with me our odds are better together you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea and you seem like a useful person to know all right I accept lead on as he joins your side your mind dances with thoughts of a perfect pretty corpse the dark urge got no chill all right uh yeah I think now would be the time to start talking to our companions about the fact that I have like messed up thoughts uh another joins our merry band we'll need to keep our wits sharp around him I think mhm maybe you need to keep your keep your witch sharp around me uh I have violent thoughts depraved thoughts ones that refuse to go away we all have those from time to time I once wished a most impure demise on a colleague of mine who bought the last remaining copy of eel's En kyian of enchanting easements it's first edition too as regards to your own morbid little fantasies I'm sure they're nothing nothing to worry about so long as they remain fantasies okay that's a that's a cute little response oh we have not even read our Journal oh God we have got to catch up with this uh I I thought that was a pretty relatively I I think Gail at this point in time clearly does not understand the grab ity of the situation with the dark urge um all right main quest we escaped the nautiloid we did all that find a cure find a way to remove the Mind flare parasite we've escaped the hells on the noroid and crashed somewhere in back in the material plane we need to explore the area and find a Healer okay the urge there we go I love this be yourself think dirty thoughts special yes special aren't you don't fight it you know what you need to do take up that knife do what you do best easy as breathing you'll feel better after I highly doubt that but I love that um okay the pale elf uh we met a strange elf who had also been infected with a parasite he was hostile at first but agreed to join us when he learned we were infected too The Wizard Of Water Deep a wizard named Gail joined the party he claims to have been on the noite which means he's infected too right and then these are uh completed quests and then we have Shadow heart which is a good reminder that we should go and uh wake her up from her nap uh but not before not before leveling up here and there's nothing to do except except so you know the drill hot bar organization I think it's slightly different for aaran cuz I do leave a space here for him and I will be honest there are many buttons that I actually don't end up using at all uh that I do keep on the hot bar but with asarian I think it's actually fine just because um he doesn't the way I play um him is uh he doesn't end up having that many skills on there anyway oh this encounter okay I am going to save that for when we get Shadow Hearts Let's backrack here because I realized that if we had actually recruited Shadow heart first we would have had guidance this whole time to help with the rolls so maybe it is worth recruiting her first uh how do I get breathe deep where am I I'm trying to okay that's kind of going back to where asaran was so I lost my footing for a moment there I'm not too concerned here should I un I think I'm going to be safe and like ungroup everyone just to sneak past these uh little guys and what forth with we all know how much Gail loves sneaking oh the I was so worried that that was too close to the fire all right we're going to we're we are going to be able to tag team these little dudes grave with four of us as long as our roles aren't like crummy uh we should actually be we should be good all right the sneaky sneaky is done don't want to think about why my eye is itching how much further can I go sweet all right let's go hopefully she's she is still here all right awesome see we let her have a little bit of rest all right no maybe she's disagreeing Shadow heart I bought friends I brought friends over Shadow heart wake up uh yeah we won't reach for the artifact we're going to wake her you're alive I'm alive how is this possible I was hoping you might know that I remember the ship I remember falling the nothing I usually go with do you have any idea where we are but let's see what happens if we ask about U LEL what happened to our GI friend you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us we should look for her she might be injured or Worse you're more concerned for her than she is for you clearly we need to take care of ourselves first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads M we you want to stay together we need each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company all right let's get moving one thing just before we go I want to thank you again for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I remember that lead the way cool oh we forgot to talk to asarian well we'll just get his opinion on Shadow heart first I suppose Shadow heart Shadow heart I'm sure her parents meant well but the name's a little ominous isn't it unless she chose it herself which is even more worrying honestly saying it right in front of your face okay tell me about yourself oh what to tell I'm a magistrate back in the city it's all rather tedious okay let's leave and we will talk to him again you have a manner of ir isable desperation about you I like it the delivery of that line dude uh all right Gail beneath her forbidding countenance I sense this cleric will prove quite the companion a wise decision to let her join us he doesn't seem very happy about it uh Shadow heart something the matter what's the story with that odd little artifact you have there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it okay uh my memories are all gone is your tadpole Playing Tricks on yours I understand why you ask but memory loss is not as uncommon as you'd think there may be other causes okay um she I I'm not going to push her on any of these options for now we'll wait till we progress a little bit more on our relationship with her because she will get proper annoyed with us if we try to push that okay we shouldn't have to do anything here we can prep our spells though um Shield of faith is probably going to be good here bless is also really good to be fair but it is a Conant oh but so is Shield of Faith um we do bless why not let's rearrange her hot bar a little we put bless here actually I can just put that there and that looks good all right looking ahead let's go take out these uh these little dudes finally we can go and get this fight on so we've recruited pretty much everyone we can in this zone for now o we have aaran with us no way to step wait have they gone oh oh oh they've moved okay that's fine that's actually a that's actually a much better position than than than being here carefully now uh that's actually great Swift as my feet can carry me time to press ahead I don't know if that's something that used to happen but I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth uh because we can get such a nice Advantage here from being on The High Ground yet another you know it's all the little details that maybe I'm just being very forgetful and this happens every time uh but I I genuinely don't remember this happening I I I assume they would always just hang around where they were uh let's go for this wicked little beasts they'll down you in one strike what now that would you're making it to be a lot scarier than it is aarian but you're probably not wrong nice all right get Gail to also do a sneak attack I forgot to do Mage Armor again oh that was that was juicy all right keep Focus let's go with this to fill some Graves did she just say time to fill some Graves [ __ ] hell all right Shadow hot calm down what's the plan oh I've not heard that one from her before you fight well perhaps our survival isn't such a distant Prospect lovely all right another really good encounter uh let's actually do some Inventory management here because I realized that I did not actually prep for this I am going to give him double short swords for now just cuz I think that does do more damage than a dagger it does although does this have more crit on it I don't know well I guess we will find out maybe or maybe not uh let's do some Inventory management here because po Shadow heart has been carrying these around for a long time we are going to just send everything back to Camp um just cuz how how I usually handle it is um I will be the main one looting everything and then I'll just move things around so and I will I will actually take all these Resurrection Scrolls I will leave their potions with them though we'll send all Scrolls to Camp um I did pick up this pouch and what I do to keep it neat is I put everything that I essentially want to sell into that pouch um I don't know if I will use this cuz I do like Shadow heart having a shield so let's send this to camp for now uh and then do we have a shield for Gale we do not have a shield for Gail okay we can send these items to chemp as well um and we'll give this to assarian and let us we we will be selling we will be selling all of this I actually don't know if the difficulty like this honor mode um or I guess difficulty level in general uh affects like Merchant prices but need to find a way forward either way we still need to sell everything and get some monies so that we can my first my first kind of objective for Merch in terms of merchants is uh to get a loot not a loot sorry uh my first goal with Merchants is to get a hand CR like two hand crossbows for aaran sorry I got so distracted by that loot um you can tell I love playing BS uh all right let's lock pick this should be easy cuz there's a helmet in there I believe oh and we have to go pick up that chest as well um there's a I think a halfer chest I'm actually not sure I think it is a half a chest um that's down there and I will also actually just deactivate the helmet um visuals here I'll keep Shadow Hearts on for now you can have this no one stopped me yet lovely with so ah yes we actually skipped this earlier now we can do this I do wish I had a potion but I don't all right let's go with the uh animal handling raise your palms to calm the ball and a guidance would be great here we need a nine at least oh even this not even the defa couldn't save us uh I am not going to waste an Inspiration Point on that so we'll just let it go okay well that's a shame although I'm pretty sure you only gain like a single approval point from the companions for that encounter so no no big loss there hopefully we pass the nature check here deep grooves in the mud around that rock I do love how Shadow hot is the only one strong enough to uh to move this rock I believe in the party we'll pick this up and send it to camp and we will read this a Ted collection of reports held together with a moon and harp seal it is a Harpers cach There Is frequent mention of a sacrilegious activ of sacrilegious activity among a local salite sect okay and a map the stained ragged map has passed through countless hands a little heart marks an area called moonrise towers with a small Inky Crescent sketched in the nearby Forest below the Crescent is a more recent scroll cache okay so I think I know where that is my way it's further further along I think near the blighted village if I'm not mistaken also we will I think I I think I would like to actually kind kind of clear the fog of War as much as possible in each uh in each Zone uh I think this I'll consider it cleared uh we'll go here and kind of Move Along East uh where we can pick up lelle might be useful oh before we pick up LEL actually we should go get the uh we should go get the way point for the emerald Grove which is arguably one of my least favorite way point I mean I understand why it is the way it is but every time you have to get into the emerald Grove you have to wait for the gate to open and all that ja shouting up ahead uh yeah let's we should check get out but be careful let's pick this up get the Waypoint and we'll hop back to uh go go pick up L alen we'll probably we'll we'll most likely I I will most likely try to keep to these four party members uh but depending on how the situation with Menara goes I might swap her out um because I think that could be interesting uh since I've never played uh a paladin I know I'm not playing her as her but you know she is a paladin and I know nothing of that class really I know I have like a vague idea of the general kind of concepts of what how it is to be a paladin but yeah um I think we can swap her with Shadow heart if things go well with the rescue if she can be rescued uh uh right LEL yeah we'll probably just let her chill at Camp to be honest but we will pick her up here zoru was right yellow as a toad twice as ugly the thing's dangerous leave it for the Goblins to kill and if it escapes how will you oh a guest your skull pounds in response to the prisoner's white Haw stare as lips don't move yet you hear her voice get rid of them um you know what let's actually let's actually have a conversation why should I help you your words flow to her though you never speak them aloud I know what grows inside you and I know of a cure remember how Keen she was to leave me to die in the nautiloid we we can't trust her I'm sorry I just had like a thought where if you from the GetGo had a preference to Shadow heart and you were to follow through with this statement that she's just made you would just actually not pick up lelle um but we will pick her up just because I would like to see uh what new content that is for her with the new patch so um we are going to roll for deception here this creature is danger should we call her a creature this creature is dangerous get out of here leave it to me uh because I think the other option will end up with the T flings dying so we'll do that with uh guidance we need a six so we could potentially fail this and we'll figure out what happens if we do all right no worries we got that she's right let's go we need to check out that blast why would Gail approve of a deception role is it cuz it's a w witty thing a blast I could use more specifics you didn't hear it shook our camp good so we came for a look I'm in D need of healing where is this camp we need a two we're good Northwest look for NTI whatever your wound she can mend it and be careful there are goblin traps everywhere Nessa I've not seen any well we enough gawking get me down we've seen a couple of broken ones I do love this uh say please never I'm sorry it's hilarious when aarin and Shadow heart are like they approve all right I'll get you down LEL calm down the tadpole hasn't yet scrambled all your senses auspicious but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crash you will join me careful she obviously sees your kindness as weakness don't let her take advantage oh I don't remember this option uh you're clearly no friend to T flings we'll go our separate ways I think uh I don't know we'll we'll let her we'll let her go to Camp um but but we should she should she should say thank you a simple thank you wouldn't go a this you may as well suggest a wyver bow to worms The Cure I offer will suffice as thanks all right LEL you would have one stuck in the cage not us uh all right we'll we journey together let's find this Crush you are full up dismiss your weakest Warrior technically you since you haven't leveled up yet uh wait at my camp we can speak there very well but heed my words the horned ones mentioned a camp one there this zoru has seen githyanki a crash must be near I must interrogate the zoru our very lives depend on it I will be at your Camp do not keep me waiting okay LEL okay a woman of action she is okay uh actually I just notice something before I forget let's do this perfect and oh I have the Magic Touch did I not give him long St I did not oh boy okay that's fine uh you don't need M armor uh that's fine we will just make two um have a lot on my mind I should have picked on trer F I had a out of holding we will do that once we get Withers let's clear the fog of War here um to be cautious these boots have seen everything so I think you can actually speed your way out of this but I want the loot so we will we will Ambush them I don't know we going aaran all right so asarian and Shadow heart such an undignified position to find on we'll station them here secrecy above all so that they can go after Warren once the combat starts and I light on my feet will place myself here and GA along uh yeah I think Gail can actually come along and wait here waiting with seen anyone but us oh does she actually go down a little further I might actually wait for her to patrol again uh quana kilana quana uh let's see how far down she gets I should have attacked then I waited too long um but yeah pity you aren't as good at grave robbing as you are at excuses just being careful like my mom always said Fools Rush In oh bless I feel kind of bad for this Ambush now but hey no this go for sorry to on well that's one less greedy bastard to share the loot with gods look at that just going to HDE my next move I think this is a safe spot to be over with and we're going to wait for oh where is he oh there he is okay he's back perfect okay oh no he's patrolling oh good lord that was not actually how I intended it to go uh okay she's back off to patrol I'm going to prep aaran here so that when he's back up we can do a sneaker pack on him quietly let's see if we can get a uh I can get this off too slow too slow on my part can't afford to stay idle and now I can't get the sneak on her too I don't think we'll try let me strike true okay I think that was something at least oh now of God okay I think I can actually flies before me ooh hang on I could actually get behind her okay we'll we'll get me up you we'll send the magic we'll send it's a magic fight Battle of the Mages I don't know what she is is she a wizard or a sorcerer uh I think she's a wizard but oh no Gail did not pay attention there that's my fault okay that's fine because I lost oh no I was how did he get spotted that little sliver oh God all right well that's fine because we get a little sneak attack here crit well I'll take it I'll take what I can get uh is everyone in combat everyone is in combat so let's we can't get Advantage anymore so it's fine delicious o I do not want that to happen both at once actually I don't fancy their chances Okay g I think we'll do we'll do a ray of Frost on her if he can hit can he not hit R Frost head shot technically oh okay night night Gil uh okay um let us oh she doesn't have any my way actions here aaran okay we're here oh can we can we actually shove him off oh come on the trajectory was there all right well that's that I suppose uh let's use a shop grasp on her blood follows me everywhere oh that that was terrible that was great oh he's he's retaliating he is retaliating he did not appreciate our attempt to shove him uh let's try again though time like the present oh what a shame let's hit him he's got two HP uhoh oh no oh no that is not how's he got 10 damage when did he take the damage [Music] uh oh no I need a I need a rescue over here over here I'm not doing so good let's see if can Shadow heart heal me from there oh she can oh it's going to come in clutch here we need everyone alive o that was a great heal Shadow heart that's brilliant uh unfortunately we can't get to her okay it's fine we are going to that's also a voice line from Shadow heart that I have not heard before that was really cool blood comes easy these days uh I might just Retreat a little bit here on my way Gail okay he's woken up don't don't [ __ ] hell what on my way oh no this is not playing out it's not playing out very well it's fine we'll figure it out this wizard is Wrecking us my favor do we just magic Missile I think we might have to and hope for the best okay and the best happened salutations all right short rest for sure lovely little p me up uh that was I mean it's not like I couldn't have revived myself but that was a lot tougher than I thought it would be uh but we survived we survived all right let us uh let us loot everything here o a sausage let me actually clear oh don't stand so close to the bins dude I'll just clear these Vines just for the sake of uh it's just such a bummer when you get trapped in them my hand oh am I going to burn myself no okay we're good uh okay yeah cuz there is loot here he absolutely crushed that crate when we were in combat just then we've looted him okay so the other guy fell we will get to him later as we get as we go perfect this is what I need I I needed this uh this arm kit going to pick these up and we will pass them over to estaran and we'll hand one do they need Rock sex to be honest like I did where did I where did I drop that rock off to did I just lose one I think I might have uh send this back to Camp give these to estaran we'll give one shovel to him as well and we've read these this one Talis divination without magic a well- loved book describing the meanings of the different Talis cards as well as how to use them for fortune telling the pages with the comet death and the Ten of waves are carefully marked each page in this illustrated book describes the meaning of a different Talis card a message has been penned down on the title page my dearest kanana while you were sleeping I did another Talis reading I half expected to draw the fool because that is what I feel like and what is your Venture if not Reckless instead I drew these the 10 of waves meaning Divine love Bliss or Illusions the Comets meaning riches found or fulfilled wishes death meaning New Beginnings the suit of waves resembles love and I know what we have is still frail but can you blame my heart for beating faster when I saw these cards I've been staring at them for an hour and I need to go the cups aren't going to clean themselves but I know that when I come back home tonight you will be gone but when you return will you tell me if you feel the same or if this is all just a blissful illusion I love you Alice uh well you know sorry Alice but I guess you will never know kaana is no longer with us uh thanks to my very cheeky Deeds but she was really mean to us and she almost killed me in her defense it wasn't self-defense but hey potato potato uh no we're good we're good we're good all right let's go I believe there is a uh treasure Mound here and there should be one over here as well so we'll dig these up and then we're going to go get wither which is very exciting because then we will be able to kind of Respec everyone's uh ability points all right pretty not so good but that's okay oh I was trying to save it then but then I realized I really don't need those Scrolls something over there ooh and another trap disarm tool kit getting spoiled here I don't know why but I at least in my experience I found that the uh disarmed tool kits are really difficult to come by um the the the lockpicking ones are much more common okay so oh where's Gail oh there he is um we have how many shots do we have at this we have five shots technically six if we're willing to spend an Inspiration Point but ready for you I believe in aaran I believe in the skill crooked touch it's a dc2 so we need a 12 that is definitely not a 12 let's go again hopefully it will work this time four more tries here nice a 14 awesome thank you asarian no time to rest let's go down into this Crypt here moving in Dan Crypt I forgot that's what it's [Laughter] called very than armed scries no sign of a struggle I wonder what was so subversive about their words that they commanded protection oh my base you got to love the location names here don't actually need those Scrolls uh and then we're going to go I think I will do the book first before we begin this uh fight here but let's let's loot everything off the off the skellies J scribe of the dead I didn't think anyone still woried him well death comes for us all open up all right let's go pick up this book just a little La bit here and I believe we can potentially get two inspiration points from doing this looks like someone wanted to bury their secrets a strange coin I wonder what it's worth uh how do I check my inspiration points here okay oh wait how do I check how many I have uh here okay I have one okay so we're fine I think in a run like this so we don't have the safes coming we will probably be pretty we'll be using those a lot uh all right we'll get Gil to do this cuz it's intelligence based I think unless it's wisdom based then it should be Shadow hard but we'll figure it out this book is far lighter than it should be with such a massive lock okay cool uh knock the lock open with a spell yep guidance we need a six perfect as the lock opens a loose page comes with it magic Pulses from the parchment what was once script is now an obliterated scroll you have a sense these are names a list but of what all right let's do the uh religion check here examine the book more closely we need another six lovely Gods these are the names of gods once lost but now restored after the second sundering the last three names in this book sit close together but are so devastated by the scroll is to be unreadable entire pantheons have dwindled and been reborn silently recorded by this book awesome okay we we passed all the checks there we'll send this to Camp we're going to build a tiny little at Le things stay Library another step forward that we will never use well technically we'll be reading all the books so we would have read our whole Library our whole collection uh okay let's set up for this fight what now we're going to place asarian here and put him into sneak and let's me actually make sure I turn this off yes and then we're going to put is ripe with magic we're going to I think Gil can stay right here my faith will guide me shadow heart's going [Music] to kind of face this guy I will go push the Bon let's St this and start it the uh the safe scumming habit is the muscle memory of it uh hitting F5 is such a Temptation here but it's kind of useless to do it so uh yeah let's see how this goes fingers crossed excuse me oh hells something just woke up all right well the initiative roll here is brilliant I am not complaining at all um I might save my spells why have I used two I might save my spell slots here for the next encounter before we long rest I think so that was not bad at allce oh crap I forgot to put him in the sneak well you know no it's [Laughter] fine we'll figure it out ooh can you do it though can you actually do ooh we need five brilliant oh that was so good quickly all right let me recite their device very good very good uh let's go for this guy with Glee This that was not uh so good my faith will protect it's okay uh should we try sacred flame or 2 to9 2 to 7 I think sacred flame is actually our best bet here we are going to go for this nice awesome that's fine I'll take a fog Cloud over damage that's also fine also fine not so fine fine that's okay uh I think I think we'll actually get up here one day I'll catch a break and do this that's oh that's a great hit actually uh an aaran you can go in nice hit go again o less nice but we take it no bloom all doom take it of a miss you know uh I think I'll go after this guy now nice got to focus and yeah I think it has to be sacred flame again lovely that is actually great that's so good oh well it's fine we hopefully we can get rid of him lovely lovely lovely oh no okay it's anyone Oh my days what was that Gale all right okay 10 10 damage for an opportunity attack oh okay I don't think I've ever seen Gail do that much damage uh with with melee like a melee oh my Bas okay uh is this uh no we can actually stand here can we actually is the pathway blocked or it is uh I could get away with this maybe it's fine oh nice a rough Tempest I will raise okay okay okay flank how smart take this oh what a shame ready uh let's go for the sacred flame again I am going to give her a potion just in case because it's a bit scary there ooh don't do that please uh let's go for this nice Goen throat we'll go for this [Music] that was a shame but it's fine we go again okay allow me to down state holy [ __ ] over kill at the end there Gale uh but we take it oh I should have actually thrown the pot hey ready it's fine we'll have more than enough later on we know what to do with so but we'll do it now we'll kind of top everyone up a little I am saving my short rests for Wizard's quite worthless with a tired mind sleep beckons I know I know Gil but you know we got we got [ __ ] to do don't waste a step uh empty empty empty I I recall having loot for these guys after the fight but I guess not okay let's go get Withers and then the party will be started because we can um we can resp a lot of effort to hide one sarcophagus something over there uh oh it's just the Bon all right with us [Applause] so he has spoken and so thou standest before for me right as always what a curious way to awaken now I have a question for thee what is the worth of a single mortal's life uh I'm I'm so tempted to pick this option uh little spooked by the crawling out of the Tomb bit what are you I am not the same as those thou Hast slain if that is what thou askest wilt thou answer my question I'm glad I picked that that was a whole new dialogue uh that I've not heard before uh yes ask away so I ask again what is the worth of a single Mor mortal life um okay we have some dark urge answers here if I'm not mistaken like these two a single more so you know the thing is I know that these are the dark urge options but I want to resist the urge and I don't really like that first one here so I'm going to actually pick uh option three no one life is more is worth more than any other we are all equal in death that is so very well I am satisfied we have met and I Know Thy face we will see each other again at the proper time and place farewell Withers is the best I love it I do love with those how long has it been uh let's get this stuff and then I think there's an amulet here perfect these are all probably empty yep okay let us ooh if I do not pass the perception check in the uh the room after this one that will be a bit sad how delicious let's lock pict this door guidance so we need oh we need a tool which is basically an instant kind of yes or no situation lovely this place wasn't built for the living crusty musty tomb definitely not too heavy oh that was weird it said too heavy for a moment then then allowed me to do it after okay I will send these off to camp and uh oh I have two a bunch of stuff to Sender Camp sender Camp here um I'll hang on to that amulet sorry let's do a bit of clean up here um we'll actually be selling all of not that all of these and uh we'll send that back to camp and we will give Gail Gail will be our juice man our our pot man he'll hold all the potions all the [Music] pots and then I'm going to go in here here and hope uh that we pass the uh perception check because the item that you get in here I will most likely feed it to Gale that's already a terrible sign uh oh fingers crossed cuz we can't like we're not going to be able to scum this wooo let's go bless your heart Shadow heart heart all right let's uh how many shots do we have at this tool I think there are traps about okay we should be fine awesome oh my days that was a bit too close for comfort still alive so that's progress you love to see it though you love to see it minimum requirement pass better be careful not to trigger that thing okay and we had it's a new chest's hiding here this is not here before is it oh they had they give us a is this a new thing we'll take it I don't remember that chest being there stuff here how considerate is this uh actually I need to see the icon for this oh I want to I actually want to use that for Camp organization so let's actually take that and send that back to Camp as as it could have okay so we do have I'll catch a break a big encounter coming up here and this one this this one if it goes wrong um is actually one of the scarier earlier uh early encounters so I think it's best that we resp before we jump into it yes um let's clean up shop before we do that give gaale you can hang on to this and have it later you can have this Shield okay our AC is looking pretty good here that doesn't give any AC what a shame um and is this an upgrade for shadow heart it is oh no but she okay wait no when we resp her she can absolutely uh have this and a shame she's not proficient in this um actually we'll do that after respecing okay let's move so uh we'll start off very well there you are with us ah another thy name has been recorded I shall be here in my camp for whenever thou Hast need of my services okay uh oh I have not spoken to him yet um we're just going to go what kind of services can a skeleton offer amending of the threads between life and death should thou or any of thy compatriots perish I will cleave soul to body once more I'm not going to do it and look very ugly doing it that is so mean um that's incredibly powerful magic why is it so easy for you because it is my calling there is little else to explain uh all right can you help me change my class as thou desire perfect okay so uh Gail we'll change his can trips up because my character has me Chan so we want a melee can trip as well he does not need Mage Armor cuz we will do that so we're going to have this this this uh actually we're going to have long Strider come up first and we will pick up a ray of sickness here and uh I do like chromatic orb because it just does so much damage ice knife is also brilliant um I think chromatic OB might be the play here and it's EV and yeah it's an evocation spell spell yeah let's go with that uh yes okay so abilities this is the important part we want the bonus to be here we'll take all the Charisma off I think I think this is it um maybe this might be good because then once we start getting Feats we can upgrade both of these to go up to the next tier and it also gives him a bit more like Health like it increases his health p a little bit yeah yeah okay I think uh I think we that let's see if we can give him some perception we can't give him perception can we why is it negative one oh it's on wisdom oh ooh but I do need him to stay alive I think we're just going to go with that uh yes okay so we level up here and we'll pick uh I'm so tempted to get tashas but I've never had good luck with Tasha so I am just going to go with burning hands and Ice knife here just full aggressor okay Gil you're done aarian up next we're going to change his specs up as well uh we'll keep him again I do want to see how far I can go ah another thy name has been recorded uh I shall be here how far we can go without m but thou Hast need of my services can you help me change my class as thou desire he will stay as a rogue but this is the main thing I'm looking at uh I don't think I'm going to try Arcane trickster for this run uh so we're going to go with a thief subass which means I will actually remove all of these bonuses and push his strength o that's I don't know if well well this could be the play cuz he can then he's got the melee and the range covered so why not [Music] right how I yeah no let's yeah I think we might go with that let's let's let's do that you can be our strong our strong man in Camp asaran he'll be the strong I think he's probably going to be the strongest one amongst us Among Us uhuh what to do and I'm ready Shadow heart is up next and we'll do um whatever the I think it's called Tempest subass ah another thy name has been recorded I shall be here in thy camp for whenever thou Hast need of my services let's change her class as thou desire okay uh can trips here I will actually take this off and put lights on instead this could be good though produce flame this is I don't know what the range is for this one what is the range the aura here produ FL might I'm trying to think of like act two and produ FL might actually be enough for us so I might actually go with that because that has some utility to it as well right so uh Tempest domain that is the one that I want and of course her ability points uh we're going to get this to plus 16 and I think I will give her a little bit of strength here uh and I might not worry too much about Constitution is because she will be using heavy armor so can she get perception oh she already has a perception of plus three perfect awesome let's yep everything is set let's go with that and we'll level her up and we prep our spells I actually think we're fine uh that's a c trip we'll move that there Let's Just sh shift some things around here just to make it look a little bit prettier uh yeah I've got a long road ahead all right oh no I have to recast and I don't have oh cuz I use the sorcery point you know what I do oh but if he but if he does not survive the fight we do get little bit of a whole cinematic thing you know what it'll be fine we have faith in [Laughter] ourselves even though I said earlier that this encounter is a little bit of a scary one uh we will we'll we'll believe in ourselves it'll be all right uh do I not have sh I do okay so could let's finally put on Long Strider here and we'll do Shadow hot perfect it's not blood all right no never uh maybe we can actually get her to bless us who requires the most blessings Okay I hold your taste okay wait uh oh God I'm pretty nervous about this BL okay so saving throws and all that I think that shadow heart you're going to be a very generous cleric and bless everyone but yourself okay whatever comes I'm ready let's get going all right let's uh let let's get going indeed seems simple enough so I have absolutely been merked by this uh encounter before um one's back this so hopefully don't mind me we'll come through through all right here tolerable shall we the element of surprise should have worn better boots this isn't something's coming out of the crypt all right uh did we get anyone oh boy okay that's okay that's okay okay we actually need to move in because down if these break will get locked out which is not ideal uh who should we take out here Barton Mari oh there's no one I can actually take out her I'm going to actually do this here we go again the damage isn't great there but that's okay uh o my initiative isn't great either this is no fun at all uh okay what do we do here I think we will have to I did not equip the right spell here um yeah we're going to oh we we can potentially take her out though fingers crossed oh perfect amount of calculate like actually calculated [ __ ] hell uh all right Shadow heart still sneaking which is perfect we'll get a sneak on uh Barton here what would be the best way to do this yeah let's just go for that nice okay not bad at all not bad at all all um can you get to him you can brilliant and there's a we can potentially like absolutely end him too let's play oh can't complain can't complain at all uh let's actually tuck ourselves away here death is but a word away Gil I need you to actually hop out in case the door gets gemmed this and am I Go From Here able to oh yes okay we can I think we'll tuck ourselves away here wonder the gods are watching me can't give up and Shadow heart you can kind of stand here maybe maybe not Clump together like that yeah oo that was s of big damage no [ __ ] way oh they are rolling they are rolling well death's close at hand yeah it is nice hit asarian that was great all right um the L board is set you're fine what do we do here do we double down here I think we have to get R rid of uh H but he might save that's the thing magic Missile went in doubt just magic Missile we'll do one on her and two on him nice all right we'll do a heal what should I do and uh Shadow hot I think we have to get rid of ooh but she could do this this could actually be pretty spicy amazing awesome um sometimes the only way out I'm just going to have a little sippy sip here and and we will long rest after this so may as well go all out on her don't do that oh ma'am please time to move amazing a tale for the ages uh yes we are long resting so this is going to be Overkill but why not time to get going great all right okay that was uh not as bad as I thought it would be it got a little bit scary at a certain point but uh we made it through so I'm very very pleased with that be on my way okay I'm going to read all the literature that we pick up uh Journey Through the Jungle The Adventures of One Baron V Baron von Baron and his Goblin guide jaw as they Brave the thick jungles of CH I'm going to CH I'm going to say chal um the sun had just Fallen below the Horizon when I first heard its call a thousand readed pipes at once whistling a single beautiful terrible song ULU salong said jaw it's coming jaw dropped her pack and scurried up the nearest by fter with a bit more effort I climbed a tree of my own and the two of us surveyed the grassy ground beneath oh there it was again above and beneath and all around so close my skull vibrated from the sound the ferns and foliage under me rippled and swayed jaw held a finger to her lips to demand my silence and in one motion it snatched her a Vine a tentacle it hardly mattered the hunter had found its prey Jaws screams swelled and Faded as ULU talong dragged her away I leapt down to give Chase but the creature left no mark behind the grasses were untrampled the shrubs unbroken I had only the memory of that heroin call to guide me damn dude all right no that's certainly an adventure in the jungle uh Sant Camp we're going to read we'll read all the uh we'll read all the books from this little Library there are there are crap ton of uh really really interesting books here to loot uh one in particular ties into a fellow companion that's traveling with us we'll see if we can actually we actually have not found a copy of it um so I don't know if we will find a copy of it here yeah we haven't found one yet actually two books here if I'm not mistaken tie into our fellow companions wow we have we actually I usually find a couple copies of that in life her service had been impeccable daily did she devote herself to the lady of loss daily that she free herself from the tyranny of memory all in time was lost to her her relations her preferences even her own name upon the altar of her devotion placed she placed she the ultimate offering her emptied mind and when she died when she awoke in death and found herself standing in the pale and Faded city of judgment she waited for the Lady of lost to retrieve her a million souls and more passed her in colorless gusts but no hand materialized in her hand no voice whispered instruction in her year no guidance profited itself from the bleached and Barren Sky time immaterial time passed around her like air coming and going and still the goddess did not come for her devotee kvar pied her as much as the lord of the DAT uh the dead is able but could not intervene this cleric of the lady of lost unclaimed despite her worthiness might yet have one more lesson to learn that not of forgetting but being forgotten damn man that's uh that's lady sha for you we actually did not pick up a copy of uh the curse of the vampire that is interesting I think well I guess we'll find one later okay Chapel records the annal of the Dead listing hundreds of departed Souls find thus quotes the pages of this weathered book beneath the bone white powder hundreds of short obituaries are recorded in tiny scripts uh grobian Tipple ilmor drowning oh no aane arkinson ogma internal rot de dein Stout saluna fever all right unfortunate death and Divinity a Godly guide the spine of this heavy black book is Inked with a chain of Silver Skulls death is too powerful a force for even a single God to contain it is a duty that has been passed from hand to hand splintered into smaller pieces disease War funeral rights but there are but there must always be an overseer of the cycle as life Falls away for countless aons it was jurgel the lord of the end of everything presided over mortality with his unblinking stare until even he grew weary young Bal Wayne and Merkel must have thought themselves conquerors when they came for the god of death yet he used their Ambitions to free himself oh Merk claimed Primacy over death from juro's bargain but even he does not rule death alone what is murder if not the most violent of deaths seized by Bal in his incessant greed what need would there be for Noble kenfor to judge passing Souls if one deity could hold the process entire even Gods can die after all those who worship death should remember that Above All Else very cool very cool uh the Mortal view eyewitness accounts of the ball spawn crisis this mass produced book has a cheap imitation of ball symbol sted onto the cover I wonder what that what's that trying to imply The Guild seal on the inside of the cover belongs to a printmaking collective in balers Gates of course I remember new the second that girl was walking that she'd be trouble little thief always in everyone's business and that ward of G Oran went right along with her no surprise a wicked God's blood was running in their veins an anonymous person from candle keep sarok and his lot are always the first one that come to mind you know this all started with a bit of iron in nashal everyone thought their weapons would rot out of their hands back then I thought the problem was bad trade never took the man for a son of Bal an omnian mercenary interviewed on his death bed all my days what a what a thing to be talking about your death bed and you dare speak that name to me my mistress was turned to Ash fighting those forsaken wretches I curse Bal I curse arenus and I curse you a hostile vampire at catas slums uhuh okay the five tore Ted to pieces I don't think anyone expected more ball spun showing up would fix the war that a pack of them started then again they were all inclined to killing each other a good riddens he is hoping every last one of them has been wiped of the face of fyon a retired Merchant I'm not authorized to be talking about any murder with someone like you take it up at the sea Tower if you want to argue but honestly who cares if a ball spawn got it stuck to them their fathers The Killing Type after all a flaming fist gone with several hundreds more interviews follow most of them T cool and we've read the unclaimed earlier uh all right actually we didn't read the description here the St the the sturdily bond story of a cleric of sha whose Soul was never claimed from the city of judgment all right there we go um neat I uh have played tabletop DN but I am not actually that familiar with d and d law I would like to be um so I think I should find some time to try to like read up more about it because it is very very very interesting and I and uh I also had have not played the previous balers gate games either oh wait hang on before we do that uh let's give shadow H this um sets okay yeah that's fine not the drip I was looking for but we and also not sell I I have this like sentimentality when it comes to their original armor pieces I try to keep them um but yeah I have not played the uh the previous borders gate games but I do know roughly and when I say roughly like a really really tiny amount uh of what happened like renica and things like that but that's literally based off the stuff they tell you in this game ready I can only kind of enough whoa oh no oh that scared that scared the crap out of me oh my okay I'm sorry Taman you really had a delayed reaction there um but yeah okay there we go we got the uh the curse of the vampire we picked this one up so we can read that as well uh let's actually read it here hearken close and beware the vampire beware it's called Beauty beware its charm beware its curse above all beware the pale Noble for the vampire cannot bear to be the to be of the common folk how does one protect from the Beast walk not in Blackest Night for the vampire loves these nights more than any other if you must walk do so by the light of our moon and take care carry the blessings and marks of your God at all times but remember your home is a fortress if protected well if you hear a knock in the night be wary let no stranger into your home if it be a friend look upon them do you find them palet and W see you any Mark upon their neck see you any dirt upon their clothes unless their need is great turn away all but the most trusted and if the Beast finds a way into your home flee leave love and family behind oh good lord you will not save them if you fight you will not see them again but they will see you pale and smiling calling them into the night I actually really uh enjoy this book in the game um it's a really good read so oh let's actually loot this chest sorry that that death elevation still that was pretty funny not not not seen that one before I think there must have been some kind of uh delay or timing issue there book of final breath let's read this one dense row of scrolled text the few legible entries seem to detail the names and final words of numerous individuals come see this it's moving oh no it's a lab explosion uh that was his last word oh my you're blocking my light perfect lovely going to take that great souvenir there uh let's we are almost done with this and this uh this area and then we can do a nice long rest so that I can replenish my spell slots here I'm so sorry andon but you do have to go since you are not willing to speak through no fa of your own obviously should why am I doing this girl ooh that was a miss that shadow hot oh two misses that's a real shame what okay we'll take it nice job aaran uh okay so we've cleared out the Crypt only dust and silence who are those prayers for normally the patron guard is obvious not here not hear any words jgo isn't it I could be wrong o lots of things to sell okay let's grab all the food on this table for more and we'll get pick up this wine these sausages cheese o I could do a bit of cheese I could do with a Cheesy snack okay perfect perfect so now that we've sorted all that and we've pretty much done cleared off this uh Crypt we will head to the uh Waypoint here and head to camp now some of you may not enjoy this bit some of you may not be bothered like maybe of a neutral opinion and some of you may enjoy this very very much but we have gotten to the point where we get to organize our camp storage I I get very excited doing this I'm not going to lie to you I'm not even going to lie uh this gives me immense satisfaction so we're going to take our time and uh and do this bit um i ooh oh wait we didn't test a new feature um there we go camp companions oh okay we get okay we get access to LEL stuff that is oh I love that uh let's send to Camp here and I actually I'm going to try to unequip this because um I don't know if it will make a difference but basically laelle has this grindstone here and when we long rest she starts using this grindstone and I don't know I think it's a bug but it doesn't stop and the sounds of the grindstone start getting in the way of like Camp conversation so I don't know if unequipping her sword will actually do anything here hopefully it does I love that though this new feature is amazing I it's a a big quality of life uh boost for the game and I am here for it um let's toss this in here okay so we did pick up a variety of uh chests during our adventures I will use this to store all the Scrolls I will actually take this one and then we are going to store I could give this to Shadow heart but there is work to do cuz she can can wield it 4 to 17 but it is two-handed so she has an AC of 16 right now what happens if she equips this an AC of 14 but she does more damage ah you know I'm going to I'm going to keep to the uh I think I will keep keep to the sword and shield there in it okay and then we have read all these books I'll get to the books in a moment let us put some other things away first we have a weapon chest and an armor chest and we have more Scrolls here put these in um I'm going to I'm only going to need two that are out for these and we have the heavy chest of which I can stall the other chests chests within chests chests for days you love to see it uh I will take these and we're going to save all the like OG companion outfits here oh it's our loot um I'll leave the loot out for now actually and then we have The Rustic CH I don't know if I want to use that one um I think I'll just use this temporarily I'll probably find another chest soon and we will use this and this to build our library little Camp Library don't ask me why I'm doing this I don't that's there's truly no Rhyme or Reason I just I just like to to do it basically like hoing behavior um sent to Camp loot gobblin Behavior really uh oh oh we have got uh we've got the animal speaking potion here featherfall flying not too bothered I know that this Elixir is amazing but I'm not someone who uses items very much when I'm playing this game so I'm going to see how we Fair without having to use that for as long as possible not like not as a means to intentionally make the game more difficult or anything I just my mindset is not in that place where I'm like okay how much again it's like um I'm not in the state of Min maxing mechanics just yet so we'll just see how we f um if things start looking bad then I may just start like chugging all the potions um okay Gail is our potions master so you can hold that except for animal speaking I will actually hang on to that uh and I think that's it actually I think our packs are sorted and we can organize our library a little oh Alo this painting I'm not going to sell because I think this is a unique painting portrait of Fain uh excruciatingly let's see if we can open that up excruciatingly precise lines bring this portraits Undead subject to life despite his empty eye sockets you could almost swear his gaze follows you judgmentally uh let's see if we can examine this yeah uh again I'm not like very familiar with DND D law but or maybe it might even be be a Divinity Easter egg uh either way I think that's a unique uh item so I keep it and the loot is out for now let's see what we can do with our camp supply packs okay so I'm going to put one I don't know why I did that that was inefficient um I'm going to have one pack for each kind of item here uh again I hopefully I would have had the time by the time I've uploaded this to time stamp the video I realized now that this video is like 3 hours long I'm so sorry this is truly speed behavior um but hopefully I would have time stamped this and you guys can just not those who aren't interested you don't have to stay for this segment but if you're here um I appreciate you being here and enjoying the um organization bits because I do actually genuinely enjoy doing stuff like this um okay so we're going to have one that's just for camp supplies we're going to have one that's just Meat and Fish I think we'll have one that's like veg and mushrooms that we find uh I think the sausages can go in this and then we're going to have one with it's like meals and like processed food and one full alcohol we'll find a ton of that in the playr so um we're going to separate all these out because when we do the Auto Select I don't I have this thing where I'm like please don't Auto Select like 100 camp supplies I know that by the time we hit act three we have more than enough like camp supplies like we don't even know what to do with the camp supplies that we have but don't worry was to step at this point in the game uh they're still pretty hard to come by so I try to keep a tight ship on that uh all right I'm going to save my game here there's no loading of the game but we are going to save the game here we will do a um I think we'll do a long rest yeah we'll do a long rest our first long rest so far and have some conversation with our companions ooh okay we can't actually like save scum load um I am going to talk to Gil first I know lelle wants to speak but I am going to just speak to Gil first go to hell and good evening to you too H you're a good sport go to hell an everyday expression so trivial it's almost meaningless but we've seen hell it's real and it isn't trivial they've changed the cam clothes they've this is new the color sorry I got distracted um what's in your mind Gil Devils dragons mind flares they used to be abstracts pictures on a piece of paper What A Difference A Day Makes now we have tab poles slithering through our heads like carniverous fi that's not abstract we're in deep you don't what uh brooding will get us nowhere action will no that feels kind of harsh this feels kind of like uncaring so yeah optional I'm not too worried we'll find someone who can help us that's the spirit let's be up with the lck find a Healer before the Wei one gets hungry all right uh okay so ladies all exclamation did go away which is a shame but we'll speak to asarian your magician seems D tonight must not relish the idea of sprouting tentacles understandable can't say I'm a fan either it's just hard to join in when all of this feels so new the night normally means bustling streets bursting taverns curling up in the dirt and resting is um a little novel give it a try we'll need to be fresh tomorrow I'm in no place to rest yet today has been a lot I need some time to think things through to process this you sleep I'll keep watch thank you I'll sleep better for that the pleasure is all mine sweet dreams we got the little approval okay um uh we'll speak to Shadow heart you know I'll go down like whoever is actually in my party and then we'll speak to other people after I think doing the rounds are you you'd better get some rest what were you two talking about susing us old man what do you mean you and Gail I think going to go option three here we were just discussing next steps I see I'd be careful with Gil the little head Bob you don't trust [Music] Gail yeah I'm going to go with number one he's a wizard all they care about is power let's hope we rapidly find a Healer you seem reliable I think you know how important it is that we find someone who can cure us best if we focus on that agreed the sooner we find someone to help us the better yeah I think we'll go with that one good we might even get lucky and find one right away as I see it we're overd some good fortune rest well what a Stern good night all right let probably not as thin as LEL though let's see what she's got to say a monster forms inside us yet you waste time with idle chatter oh no okay she's not happy we didn't speak to her first uh also I do oh wait she's got a trophy there uh I do love their little like tents that they've all got set up um and I love how if you if you've seen game if you're not new to Bald this gate or this game uh we all know as a vampire and there's just a splot of blood here it's like oh I have something to tell you I'm actually a vampire like yes aaran we know yeah everyone's everyone's tents are like just so it's so well designed and really cool and reflective of their personalities I actually want to see if I can get Peak into asarian yes he does have his his blankie there which is very very it's like very Bittersweet sort of thing uh lel's is hilarious and I love it like the little training dummy that's like using tree roots to look like a mine flare um Gils is just I mean I love him but it's very much what you'd expect really oh man I actually never noticed the amount of books inside the tent oh God okay no noticed that all right time to go to bed better not be cursed off this like here yeah perfect we didn't get too many over okay uh save successful Perfect all right so I I think let me make sure actually let me save again to make sure uh not that I don't trust it but uh I think that that is as good a spot as any to call it for this episode the first episode of our honor mode playthrough um yeah we're going to call it here for now let me just hit the main menu we're going to call it here for now holy moly I just looked at the uh recording time it's been 3 hours um but yeah if you are still here with us thank you very much for watching that episode and for adventuring together uh I can understand like not well I would say that I I I enjoyed that I enjoyed it I would say there were quite a few exciting moments there uh and I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did I will be posting the next episode soon hopefully I don't have um I can't commit to a consistent um posting schedule for now but I will do my utter best to post at least once a week because I also don't want to leave uh the playthrough for too long I will most likely end up forgetting uh what we've done or what we haven't done uh and I'm not I'm really really bad at like taking notes but hopefully it won't be too long before I can continue the playthrough again if you're interested in keeping up with this play through then you know you know the drill you're you're welcome to hit the uh subscribe button and all that all that good stuff but no worries if not if you want to just come back here uh manually s bogit is the channel name so feel free to do that too um either way I hope that you enjoyed that session and I will see you hopefully in the next one all right uh yeah that's it for now so thank you again for for watching take care be good and don't forget to brush your teeth bye
Channel: serboggit
Views: 17,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3 Honour Mode, BG3 Honor Mode, BG3, Lets Play, Baldur's Gate 3 Let's Play, Let's Play BG3, Let's Play Baldur's Gate 3, Full Gameplay, Gameplay, BG3 Patch 5, Baldur's Gate 3, Honour Mode, Honor Mode, First Attempt, First Try, BG3 Let's Play, Baldur's Gate 3 Gameplay, BG3 Gameplay, RPG, Role-playing Game, Game of the Year, GOTY, Commentary, The Dark Urge, Gale Romance, Single Class, No Multiclassing, No Multiclass, Speedless, Cozy, serboggit, Boggs
Id: LXy5td9xX1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 52sec (10852 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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