So I TROLLED My Editor...

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yo how's it going guys welcome back to another video so in today's video I'm going to be trolling my editor G me what are you doing what I'm uploading the video what are you uploading have you seen the video now you may be wondering how exactly am I going to do that well you see it's simple I'm going to send my editor a video like I usually would except the recording is going to be super scuffed and when he sends me back the final video I'm just going to keep asking for ridiculous changes now I don't know how this is going to go I've never really pranked my editor ever before the part that you just played it was better on the first version I didn't change the schedu and I'm a little bit worried cuz I don't want him to like quit or something after this so right now I'm just going to play Minecraft and record a quotee unquote normal video okay let's do this okay so I just recorded the absolute worst Minecraft let's play I Am uploading the video and it's just called new video so I'm going to copy this link right here and message my editor hey so I got a new video to send you are you free to edit right now come on respawn oh he said yo yeah I'm free okay epic what are you cooking it's this really new cool idea I came up with I honestly think it'll be a legendary video he said ooh let's go we're making a banger for real oh let's go here's the link I'm super hyped tell me what you think okay got to get back back to you soon okay perfect now all I have to do is wait for him to open up this video that's 5 minutes bro this video makes no sense what was I doing I just don't know what he's going to think all right I guess we'll find out whenever I get a response I will start recording again okay so like an hour has gone by and I have just got this message hey um I did the cuts and I'm wondering did you send me the right vid could you check please yeah it's the right vid what do you you mean this is clearly the Right video all the videos I make are at least like 30 minutes long and this is just 5 minutes really I don't know it's just kind of short looks like a failed attempt to record bro what failed attempt no I'd say it was rather successful I wanted a normal Minecraft let said question mark could you like give contact what's the vid about it's a Minecraft video I said bro give me something to work with here I did I set the finin oh my God so you want it to be edited like a let's play or I'm just going to say yes all right it's just a minute and a half long please send it when you can so I can watch got to I'm being so annoying please don't quit after this okay so it is the next day and I have received a preview I don't know what could have been edited out of that monstrosity of a video that I sent it's basically done but I left in only one moment where you were asking me to do something but I didn't quite catch it I know exactly what he's referring to okay let's see if this is a banger y how's it going guys welcome back to another video okay okay I look the music and the effects so far today's video I am playing hardcore M okay cook wait this is kind of a cook how is this a cook this is supposed to be bad so yeah I'm just going to play Hardcore Minecraft let's go wait he kept me in mining stone when I said stone stone stone stone mine mine mine M okay uh editor for this part can you please uh make it so that I'm going like yeah he left that in that was the part where he said where you're asking me to do something but I didn't quite catch it can you please uh make it so that I'm going like yeah can you make it so I'm going like yeah hey yeah what did you not understand about it okay let's keep playing this dude he actually put an effort I feel so bad we got zooms we got sound effects and another hoe I figured in in case I do a lot of farming later it might be necessary oh see it was necessary me mining the flowers it's farming let's go it was necessary and there's a lot of mobs around this is the worst Minecraft hardcore let's play of all time I jumped down this Ravine and I had no food okay I'm a little bit low right now which why is this good I was expecting to be so bad dude why are there so many moms well is here where I die I'm pretty sure I die here oh my God oh my God oh my God this is bad wait it's about to end I just want to live and be okay no no no no no no are you kidding me subscribe and what did I just watch just watch the video dude I can't even say I didn't like it cuz I did what do I even say I was honestly hoping it would have been longer I was going to quit oh he said why the part where you ask me to do something I don't know I rewatched it many times I don't understand what you are saying I sorry for my English I did please uh make it so that I'm going like yeah can you please make it so that I'm going like yeah how long did you want this video to be maybe I could add some more moments like you farming stuff oh oh my God are you available to call so we can discuss more I don't even know how to respond to his questions oh yeah sure just give me 10 minutes I'm going grab a coffee all right in 10 minutes I will call him to discuss the video okay so he just messaged me and said he's ready I'm going to call him right now and just tell him what I think about the video yo yo what's up I'm good what about you I'm good uh I just watched the video there's just a few things I wanted to to go over with you yeah sure do you want me to screen share yeah all right perfect um I really like the music you pick and the effects and stuff but I was thinking for the music if we could change it so that it was more intense music cuz it's like Minecraft hardcore right yeah so just like make it more intense with the music I guess I like having explosion sound effects in my videos if you could add more explosions I mean yeah there's a few but but like I was thinking if we could do like more okay yeah that makes sense the last thing I have written down is if we could make the length just a little bit longer cuz it's like under 2 minutes right so we need it to be like longer um yeah sure uh but like how long do you want to be the raw foot is just like 5 minutes let's just say that it's going to be like 2 minutes is that going to be enough for you as long as it's longer it should be Improvement so I'd be happy if it was a bit longer yeah um all right okay I'm going to like try to push it to 2 minutes but it's going to be hard what if you put it in slow mode like when I was fighting the mobs and stuff slowmo cuz that would increase the duration I mean yeah but that could be kind of weird um I'd like to see it I could try it right now and show you oh we're about to see it in slow mo no no no no no okay I really like that you you like that no no no no no no yeah are you kidding me okay I say we keep it like that which will increase the length a little bit what okay uh let me replace that I guess wait can you make it a little bit slower like 10% more 10% more uh sure are you kidding me all right perfect is is this the style you're aiming for right now or yeah pretty much uh there was one more thing I had written down so you said at 19 seconds yeah so this moment right here please uh make it so that I'm going like yeah okay so I left it in uh because I don't understand what you're saying here like so that I'm going like yeah like what are you saying there so I'm basically saying if you can make it going so I'm going like yeah what um sorry I I guess I like wait actually let me try something um I could probably like make the software like T it out for me editor for this part can you that I'm going he got subtitled generated captions I don't get it did you say that yeah that I'm going like yeah what does it mean to edit it like that um all right well I guess I I did that didn't I uh sort of okay so I got a head out right now that's pretty much it all right I'm going to send the next preview in like an hour if that's okay all right thank you so much all right bye oh my God bro's going to quit bro's going to quit he's going to quit dude okay so I just got this message a little bit ago and it reads out hey are you available to call I've been messing with the vid and trying to figure out how to make it good enough for you oh my God but I'm struggling a bit maybe we could hop on a call again and discuss what to do next sure I'm always down I have no idea how this is about to go I'm excited to see the new version with the intense music and all the changes so let me just call him yo okay I'm going a little bit insane here I'm kind of struggling right now I'm just trying to figure out how to look it exactly how you want let me show you okay um okay the first thing I did is change all the music so it's it is a little bit more intense now so in today's video I am playing Hardcore Minecraft I did add a couple explosions like here all right there we go now that we've done that it is time to get there is no way yeah wait can you play that clip again with the stone exploding oh yeah sure dude when I mind the stone it just explodes all right there we go now is that what do you imagine yeah it looks pretty good but I was wondering for that specific part if you could add like two or three explosions two or three I mean I can try to copy it and show you oh wait we're getting two or three explosions over the St something like that now that there yeah that looks really good okay I was also wondering if you could make my voice more higher pitched at this moment yeah just right here with the explosion this is so ridiculous I mean it's going to sound weird what do you mean like my voice sounds weird no I didn't mean that it's going to sound weird in the contrast like let me show you all right there we go now that we've done that it is time okay that's honestly perfect that that is perfect could you play it again all right there we go now that we've done that it is SK it that is stupid I'm sorry let's just leave it as that and we'll come back to it later if we need to but it looks ridiculous it sounds like an error it sounds like something that shouldn't be there like all right there we go now that we've done that all right yeah let's leave it at that for now I have some other changes I was wondering if we could get to yeah I was meant to show you something else uh so uh remember that farming part so it is a little bit more intense what yeah so what do you think I think it's really good but I feel like it should be subtitled what do you mean like you breaking stuff should be subtitled yeah I feel like this part should be subtitled um imagine for the subtitling it was like breaks sugar cane breaks leaves like that oh like that yeah yeah yeah yeah with the star thing okay yeah that's that's what I imagine okay can you add it right now yeah sure um let here we go break your ass this is so stupid so I don't really like the font that much can you like do a different font wait really we're always using this font yeah but like I feel like because we're always using it it loses its like authenticity you know what I mean so we should like change it up what does that mean like a different font is what I want to try and go for oh wait that one was good that one this one skip it you can't read that can't you like draw the text draw the text like a drawing pad I could probably just I don't even know what I'm talking about Pro can you like draw the text yeah let me show you um so I mean I could drw it like that you know like wait that looks so good this looks good are you kidding me can you no no no no can you do it in all the Caps oh um yeah sure um I feel so bad okay it this looks terrible no I feel like it looks good dude we can come back to this later honestly don't you prefer that no not really damn um what's next then okay well can you revert it back the music at the start what the music change it back to what it used to be oh how's it going guys welcome back but I mean you wanted it to be more intense yeah but I think it's just too intense now all right um yeah I can I can just oh never mind never mind never mind do you want me to maybe try to find another song yeah honestly I have a song um that I just sent you that we could try and use okay this song just has nothing in it it's just FL yeah let me take a listen um SK it I don't think there's anything what do you mean like I can't play it cuz it doesn't have any audio uh it must be your side cuz it works for me okay maybe just tell me what the song is so I can find it no it's okay we can move on to the next thing wait what I'm just kind of curious what the one that I sent yeah yeah yeah it was uh Carefree by Kevin McLoy what oh no he's going to look it up no don't look it up no no you don't need to look it up oh it's fine I I can check it oh okay [Laughter] wait you want this one it's okay I like it how it is we don't need to do that okay I was wondering if you could uh up the vibrancy throughout the video uh yeah sure just keep going and I'll tell you when to stop okay I don't think we can't go further are you sure we can't go more I mean just a little bit I guess but you can't see anything what is that what if you um change the color you mean like that isn't what I meant we should probably put it back to how it was like remove the vibrancy yeah that's better okay that whole vibrancy thing just made it look silly well I mean you just told me to do that I was just experimenting every great artist has to experiment how the end result will okay um skip it I'm trying to figure out how do we like make this video good can you play it from like the middle again okay can you pause it can you pause it the part that you just played it was better on the first version this part what just skin yeah right there but I I didn't change this Sky I just think on the first version it turned out better does that make sense um I mean no it's the same no it's not we changed the vibrancy we added new music we literally removed every single change we did like we literally wasted time right now what how is this time wasting we didn't do anything skapier yeah I know but we changed the music no the the music is literally the same I didn't change no it was an intense song on the second one the inent song was at the beginning the new one yes so we changed the version of it yes but the version for this exact moment is the same dude on the first version it was better bro oh my God you can just go back and watch it it's literally the same do I need to show you yes I don't know what you mean okay here's the original video okay that exact moment what that fart sound effect wasn't there dude play the first one right now it wasn't there sorry I'm going to put down the fart again I did not know that was there well no it's different now what is it different about it's not the exact timing of the first version dude I can literally pay the freaking park right now like let me get that cut it out and place right here now it's the same it's literally the same one in one all right yeah thank you that's perfect bro okay that still doesn't fix the video SK we're still like on the 2minute video can you make the video longer yeah that's what what we're trying to do I slow down but it doesn't make sense like look at it hey no no no no no no how does that make sense how does that not make sense I hope you guys enjoy because listen to it people will Lally click off I was just wondering if you could add a few more minutes to it and then perfect it what exact time do you want this video to be because I don't think we can stretch really much uh probably around the 8 Minute Mark 8 minutes yeah like eight more minutes how do you plan slow-mo makes the footage longer bro I can slowing down like 2% of the speed okay how can you watch something like this I don't know what you mean no one is going to watch this G it wait can you leave that in after the outro dad I have an idea what if you took that part can you press contrl + C yeah and then press control+ V and then hold it down this is not the answer dude it's 15 minutes now oh that's perfect that's even more than eight how do people got to watch that scy well they could find it like a meme or a joke keep [Music] going he's still playing wait can you keep playing it till the end dude I can't even listen to that just breaking my ears well I know what if we added like an Easter egg in the middle of it K do you plan to upload it like on the main Channel or uh yeah why it's just not good content I worked really hard on it okay you worked really hard 5 minutes of footage it was actually more like 5 minutes and 40 seconds if we're going to play an E egg no one's still watching the whole video my audience would surprise you I don't know I'm just not getting the right vibes from the project anymore and I'm not not feeling it as much that's what I'm saying like we need to figure out how to make it good pretty good near the end here why don't you just take what we have so far this and just put that at the start remove all that stuff at the start this no way you mean that all of that yeah the entire video yeah I'm just not feeling it you're not feeling like those 3D effects for Minecraft you think that's better than this I just want to see can you just move that section to the end for now I just want to see how it'll look dude okay imagine this you're like going through YouTube you you see a skape a video and you start the video with this honestly I know how it looks but I've definitely uploaded worse so you want this to be an intro and then like 4 minutes of this same thing and then we get to an Easter egg that we haven't even decided on no we'll just leave it like that a custom title ke it everybody is going to like look weird on me that I edited that what do you mean and then goes like this yo how's it going guys welcome back okay I have to head out now but if you can just send me the version what do you want me to do then I'll let you know for the final changes I just don't know what to do okay I'm render the whole thing out and send it to me yes uh sure you'll see it in an hour okay can you send it to me like faster bro um whenever it finishes all right sounds good bye okay so I got a message and it says Hey so here's the final version we left it at let me know when we continue tweaking this so I'm just going to go ahead and click on this link and let's see what we got ah I can't even listen to this 15 minutes of the same thing he actually s this to me oh wait no we have the actual ending which should have been at the start all right I'm going to just call him right now hello yo yo didn't expect you I just watched the final video and I love it and I think it's ready it's not final like I don't think there's anything that could be changed to make it better I like it a lot I think we just upload it no we supposed to like continue working on it like tomorrow yeah but I think it's perfect already so I'm just going to upload it today wait what about that like but we but we didn't finish it like we we have absolute garbage in the beginning like there okay the video is not garbage what do you think we could do to make it better cuz I honestly can't think of anything literally like cut out the first the intro that we have like I I can't even call it an intro this is literally a part of nothing just sounds what do you mean you're going to upload that yeah I like it though I'm downloading it right now as we are we actually talking about the the Right video cuz I did send you another video like one other day and you still didn't upload it so maybe you're talking about that one no no no no I'm talking about the one that's in our chat right now gy revisions omg. move no way you talking about that one you sure about that yeah I'm sure here I'm uploading it right now no way what do you mean you're uploading it dude we literally didn't finish it here look I'll screen share to you you're what the hell is this why you screen sharing me this I'm uploading the video video I just want to show you we could come up with a title together do you have any ideas I don't I just don't understand your logic right now like why are we uploading this don't upload we we need we still need to finish it we have time like are you in a hurry what's this title bro don't title like that high quality video bro it's not high quality please don't upload it I'm going to be so embarrassed by that like people are going to comment me and they just going to destroy me for this video people going to think that I hacked your what the hell what is this what are you doing SC it I'm trying to help you here this is stupid what I'm uploading the video what are you uploading like have you seen the video yes it'll turn out like this oh hold on oh it's still not playing thank God it's not playing oh here we go here we go this is garbage what is this title it's a high quality video it's not yes it is how is it a high quality everyone's going to enjoy this what do you mean it's horrible it's 15 minutes of no it's not look look look what happened yeah that's the that's the good part and I can barely call it you're literally mining stone stone stone stone dude where was the explosion well there was there was three explosions that you removed comes later I can't believe you removed it dude I didn't watch a little bit longer it's there but it doesn't change the fact that you don't need to upload this this is stupid it's the worst video that I you have ever put what do you mean it's the worst video just destroy your reputation on my reput what the hell are you doing okay okay okay fine I won't upload it for now what do you mean for now you just delete it right now you don't need it okay the truth is I was never going to upload it oh um U this whole thing was just a test test you just test what all right I got to go what the
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 81,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, try not to laugh, bedwars, hypixel, dream smp
Id: 2kGoO-ChQAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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