So I Trapped the World's Strongest Man in an Unbreakable Box...

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we have robert o'burst one of the world's strongest men back in dallas texas for another video rob's only gonna have 30 minutes do you think you can break out of this unbreakable house i was much more confident before i jumped in here and felt the walls okay robert the timer is starting now please leave a like on this video i'm scared [Music] bruh my ears are ringing he's already gotten fast like four inches of the wood who gave this man an axe first hi robert you know it's only been 30 seconds i want to see that whole wall be shredded [Music] no he tore fast what is that some fencing he's past the first layer of fencing he's past the wood you got a rebound here [Music] hey listen we can't tell you all of our surprises this is crazy this is insane if you didn't know robert is training robert when is worlds november he's training for worlds right now and i think we're giving him like extra workouts while he's visiting us bruh i gotta see what he did to the other side as you know we were spending a lot of money on this video so a big shout out to state of survival for sponsoring this video and making it possible in addition to sponsoring this video they are also going to give the first 50 people who download the game using the link down below in the description 50 amazon gift cards if you use this code prestonplays sos they're going to be giving away highly valued in-game starter packs state of survival is free to play on ios and android this is a one-of-a-kind zombie themed survival strategy mobile game basically there was experimentation a catastrophe happened we have to survive rebuild our homes and then fight off zombies behold my settlement i need to join an alliance because you can do pvp and pve and once again the game is absolutely free to play so there's no reason not to download it there's also a lot of events going on in the game so you can get more rewards survival of the fittest perfected horde these are just a few of the events i've also been fighting throughout the game there's a ton of hidden secrets and obviously it's a mobile game which means i can take it anywhere i go make sure you download the game using the link down below in the description you don't want to miss out on the free amazon gift cards or the free in-game starter packs using my code prestonplays sos thank you so much this is the other side i can just it's weird i can hear him but like i can't see what's happening i don't know man so this is welded together on the outside it's going to be a challenge even for robert you can see like parts of the outside of the corner is welded there's a little open gap but even then i don't know if he can get past that this is going to be tough man this is insane i am i built this myself yeah i didn't i'm a master builder you see that on the back of this shirt robert is proving that he really and truly is the american monster one thing to notice we're all speculating at a safe distance a very safe distance how you feeling robert how are you going to get a little breath all right let me check i'm checking the timer we've got uh it's it's been three and a half minutes honestly probably i don't last half that long for three and a half minutes you have done a great job for three and a half minutes i mean look at that that's insane i know but i'm looking at the rebar oh wait it's loose no you can just pull that it's bending um robert is bending the rebar with one hand i don't think that's supposed to be scientifically possible okay well that's not good for us we might lose the challenge i thought we truly built something that was going to keep robert close for at least 30 minutes like i know he wasn't going to be here for more than an hour but if this ends in 15 minutes did you just [Music] it just spat out rebar at me look at this oh this is heavy steven try to pick this up it's actually not light at all is that heavy that is heavy like this robert yeah you're just here is that your strategy tear out all the rebar and then go to the steel yeah i think this is that's next but hey wait hold on go ahead robert come to the window real quick you want to make this like a design for you wait can you actually turn that into like a pretzel or something yeah oh no wait yeah have you well i mean have you ever seen like the uh the balloons you get like what are they called animal balloons yeah like the animal balloons but it's the ring bar it's an s is it what is it s4 so this sucks that's actually a pretty good s he did a fantastic job oh that's a chunk know he's going to tear up this precious piece of rebar we really need he might be able to get through that though i also have to appreciate robert ruffin's preston style sunglasses like a true quality man wait hold on robert i'm gonna go on the other side of the steel can you pound it with a hammer for sure i want to see what it feels like i might regret doing this all right robert right here ow hurts my knuckles he unplugged one of the lights look he's just hitting the nails out wait no wait a second wait robert you're overpowered i barely left the dents on this side okay you blew out my ears on the other side and wait a second you can't see this i'm seeing if i can take a picture for you the nails outside of where the steel is are popping out yes no stop stop being happy you can see scott he spent all this it's like time days like five whole days with like overtime like the whole this you're insane wait we paid you overtime frick uh as you know robert is one of the best wrong men ever and he does have a youtube channel we'll put it down below in the description if you guys want to subscribe to it and subscribe to our channels as well what kind of content are you posting on there right now we do a lot of fun stuff food challenges you know different things like that like some weightlifting stuff but i try to keep it more on the lighter fun side so that's kind of more i feel like what we have to do like if you're down for this we need to get matt stoney roberto burst here in dallas for a foodie in competition that would be so sick i'm also totally not trying to burn time no no no i'm gonna get through it no i tried i tried it's not even been nine minutes yet it's looking rough for us right now guys this is insane just like watching this is it makes you want to go work out a lot because then if you if you work out a lot you can do crazy stuff like this he's definitely got the power of god an anime on this side 100 hey robert how mad would you be if i told you that this is the wall you're supposed to be breaking uh i don't know what to say about that i mean at least you're in a box right now so you you could hurt me but you know are we saying that we got to switch over to this other wall i might actually make you switch to this wall this one's more reinforced than this one but you can still break both it's a two for one listen i'm just saying i'm a master salesman all right can we see like how are you feeling right now you look like you are sweating a bit you look like me after like a five mile run like that's how like much power you're putting into these things it's uh it's been work you know it's it's awesome to know that all the work i put in means nothing so far but uh i got some i got you thanks bro i should be your beard trimmer i could travel with you and i could just that'd be cool hey i could just you know groom his beard professional beard groomer do you remember that we did this video with robert was it back in february february i think it was yeah yeah in february we made him break into an unbreakable box that cost two thousand dollars to make and it was the size of what your arm yeah about that and he's like half this window he got into it in like 40 minutes we were told like unbreakable and unpredictable no no we pregnanted it listen at least you have learned right yeah i took all my energy and learned how not to do it see this was a great learning experience for you because now you know exactly how to break the other wall oh boy here he goes he's thinking about you while doing this i can't live you better not be thinking about me while doing this did you just pull up the chicken wire and the chain link at the same time no just the chain links to this part robert's the anime protagonist i always wanted to be he's like sailor moon from sailor moon can we get a like down below for the fact that robert he hasn't broken one light or one gopro that's very impressive [Music] i'm glad i was wearing the glasses it i hit my open eye are you okay yeah no i was wearing the glasses it was good coming all the way out here robert i feel like you're getting tired i am slowing down it's working 16 minutes left it's totally not my fault or anything oh we're good we're good what else do we have for tools angle grinder and ankle grinder angle grinder the thing that you cut out the bee with in breeze video yeah yeah yeah give me that just give me the ankle grinder the what you want the what the ankle grinder we have a tool called the ankle grinder well he called it the angle grinder but i purposely misinterpreted it i'm pretty confident we're going to lose i think it's very very high chance we will not make it she's pulling it off with his hands i bet you if robert put all of his energy into one anime style kick he could probably kick that steel wall down i i saw it wobble a little so oh dude it's wobbly like i could probably pull it like even i can pull it and that's how you know it's weak [Music] if my mom saw what we were doing right now i would not exist in this world i got a safety first-time mom and this is not safe well it's safe it's safe yeah outside we have we have professional strongmen that's very sick oh that's some spot robert over here celebrating july 4th late if it gets down to uh five minutes left i'll let him break down this wall robert are you okay oh what if you use the back of the axe and you use it to like a crowbar but you pull that off that's a good call oh man here you take this one thank you michael i'm not i'm not this is robert's most overpowered weapon right now i'm going to safely deposit in the back of my suv that weapon's overpowered for him he's way too strong with it it smells like fire smells like something in here okay can i take the ankle batter back what you want you want it back yeah what do you mean you wanted to go or give me the battery for the saw i i really am just worried about that piece of metal at the end oh my god i can't wait to see him bust through this side of the wall it's gonna be so sick some of the nails have started to come out on the back of this side too okay i don't think it's gonna last for much longer oh no well how does he get through it so fast i sooner after worlds i put all my money number one number one i feel like i'm not doing a great job at talking but i'm mesmerized this is like it's just like watching the world's strongest man competition in person is there some strategy over there robert trying to get wedged behind this thing find a hammer i could pry it off but that's a hammer i think i got a hammer whose idea was it to give him frying pans as well you can bend this one oh is it like one of those fake vending pants no it's a real pants just cheap oh oh my what is that you don't think about telling me about that first what if i put this all over you ew don't you no absolutely not but i'm your boss no no no not at this current moment matty you're supposed to be filming uh robert not me [Laughter] i got a hammer for you bro i can't i can't hand you the hammer physically i grabbed the drill bit on accident for the jackhammer not a smart idea i'm just gonna oh maybe we have a blanket just leaving my handprints it's the last thing this wall's gonna see giving him a hammer was a bad idea jesus you guys have three two buttons [Laughter] right next to somebody hey listen wait wait did you see the chainsaw they were sitting they took my chainsaw because i was doing no it was the ankle banker or whatever hey if you want to blame anybody blame scott he's the one who built this yeah i'll take the battery the battery from the ankle grinder he wants the battle okay i gotta go back to my uh medium range the van i was trying to hide it so he wouldn't find it okay who thought giving him a hockey stick was gonna be good but this isn't gonna do nothing all right he wants the battery from this yeah all right pop it out look at what he did to the saw i don't know if you guys can see it's it's almost like it's it's the edges are completely destroyed on the saw look at that double filming double filming all right take one of these hey handsome i got you something [Music] oh no oh no what have i done maddie's like in the fire you know like she's like so close to the pets you're doing great maddie don't you dare start this shipping spree don't you dare not bad we're gonna do a quick time check all right there's seven minutes left the beating on the other side of this wall is insane giving him the chainsaw is a bad i can send the battery i mean i guess i enabled him but i did not give him the chainsaw rob you have uh you're looking so you're looking pretty as always uh hold on i got to beer check you again good job a little bit of that one it's the sparks really i gotta worry about you have a great beard you get it from my mom [Laughter] [Music] you're doing great you got six minutes six minutes and you are impressing me every single moment this is a really close race if you guys have made it this far in the video do me a huge favor make sure you subscribe to both my channel and robert overs because this is insane is that another piece of uh another piece of rebar no no i'm trying to take the whole middle piece off oh no dude i have five minutes time is ticking no way oh my god it's ripped it out of the wall i will take i will i'll take your leftovers delicious thank you this is all rebar that used to belong to the house and now belongs to the trash can oh no is he thinking no he's going he's going for the sledgie see what we got sledgie's coming in i think it's i think this is it oh my i think this is about it's about to break out let me check the screws it's oh i mean i don't know about that it's budging should we let them do this side it's we got like three and a half minutes so what are you thinking we're thinking we're thinking maybe at the uh at the one minute mark we let you potentially just break through this side what do you think we have three minutes right now i feel like you could break down this wall section right here in one minute this section here is different than that yeah i don't know what's on that side but i think they put multiple pieces of steel over there because this one is one layer okay that's one layer and you've already but like the screws are halfway out you're talking about this half of the yeah yeah this one this half right here okay well here t how about this when it gets down to two minutes i think you got to go just like crazy okay and then i want to i think you can bust out no problem scott you got 30 seconds all right robert hold on let me save the time you officially have two minutes and five seconds to get through the other side let's go baby you don't want to see robert mad oh it's coming down i'll get this side stephen it's coming down it's coming down let's go baby oh my god watch out oh my god it's coming down the top parts almost completely out look at the dents come on he's so close oh my god how's this moving he's pushing on it now it's the bottom oh i kind of consider that broken out this is the time when you see bears pushing on a little tree when you were pushing that wall i could see your hands clear as day you know bet's a bet though you didn't break out you got to stay here for the full 24 hours i do got any pizza robert it was a great attempt i hope this feeds you for at least half a snack thank you so much for two days enjoy i don't think that's gonna be fun for everybody thanks for watching guys
Channel: Preston
Views: 9,903,032
Rating: 4.9159818 out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: mp9YOLtkRts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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