World's Strongest Man vs $10,000 Safe! *unbreakable*

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behind me are five different sinks the world's strongest man is going to be helping us figure out if the more expensive the safe the harder it is to break so this is our cheapest safe and we're gonna try to see if you can break it with just your hand i'm gonna start a five minute timer that's all you get three two one [Music] you gotta destroy it do some more damage i lost the instruction manual no honeywell rest in more is breaking that's beautiful one minute 30 seconds oh what is that there is like dust in there ten seconds remaining on the clock robert do you feel safe holding this safe yeah for sure i mean i think with me and the safe together we can protect your money two one that is utterly destroyed i hear you i hear you timer say you had insurance right yeah and you wanted to make it look like you got your stuff taken or whatever this would be the perfect safe i'm just insulting canada i love canada i do too that's why you can insult them you're allowed to if you like them so robert we're going from 25 doll hairs to 825. okay how confident do you think it is called building value right bulldogs i can't read english parents all right the last one was canada i want to slam it against the ground first solid see how it goes yeah and then from there uh sledgehammer because there's no real way to get in here so i would say sledgehammer would be my next move why that's a bulldog value it's hard to get into three two one i was not ready for that it looks like a microwave oh i think i made it better actually yeah dang it it's now very safe honestly though like could you get the door open i think it's pretty tight we're getting close toss the sauce oh my gosh the door fell off but still look the lock is intact it's the box that's the problem yeah yeah the lock this is the bulldog guarantee this is that canadian stuff no do you think you could sledgehammer this thing i'm going to let you guys know this is heavy this is 10 pounds in one hand and it actually is kind of tough for me maddie help me before before he does this next one um you took the hard part why did you give me this part this is not the part that i should have there we go just rotate i once made a wedding dress out of toilet paper we need caution who cares that robert's running out of time you know what i what matters is it's already open this one was actually easier you're making it harder for her yay i feel ready and very dizzy just from that one turn okay we're ready oh oh that was satisfying what's in here chips chips i want some chips what is your verdict do you think the first one or this one was harder well i'd say they were both really close to each other they were both like if if we're saying a scale of one to five they're both a one one of them's like a slightly harder one okay but that just meant one more toss onto the ground which was like nothing now we gotta move on to the centennial that's not what it says sentencing centennial what's a synthetic sentiment please put a dictionary description down below from wikipedia that's my only trusted web source are you stealing it we don't know what it is he can't be seen okay you have five minutes to throw the sentinel starting now where are you throwing it right here be careful of your feet oh my gosh that looks kind of nice i would pay extra for it if it had that waveform going on it's lovely i find it satisfying i thought you were going to cut your leg you need to get the door open this way you can't get it out of there what are you thinking we have the crowbar yeah we can crowbar it out you have a lot of options here we could just start with these or this let's go big way okay go big or go home this is texas can i assist you just one second i don't want this to pop anywhere let's help him out let's hit that subscribe button down below make sentinel on um safe is that what it is i'm saying unlock there goes the lock there goes the lock that's kind of nice you have two minutes and 30 seconds he has used a crowbar before i think i really want to assist him but i physically cannot it's good enough you know like that door is hefty now i just want to see if i can fit inside how did you feel about this one i'm way more disappointed with this one than the little ones the little ones it's like it's pretty obvious they're not going to take a beating so for almost 200 bucks i mean my four-year-old could probably get into this oh wow you have a strong foil there's only like a couple inches taller than you closer to a two it's about a two so the first two were a one yeah this is a two so we're up in the game now we have to try out cabela's let's see what all you could use we have a chainsaw we have a plasma cutter we have a sawzall which i still cannot pronounce you got it got it what do you want to use first i want to smash it with my hands first it's the same weight as the other one really it doesn't feel heavy that means bree could lift it let's see let's see let's see lift with your legs hug me cabela are you trying i'm not okay so robert this was actually the same price of the sentinel one okay so it's 175 but it looks beefier it does and also i'm gonna be really careful like it's it's blast for me to say bad things about cabela's when you're ready they rocked i think they purposefully have like a lower end safe for people who don't want to spend all the money three two one i'm moving oh my gosh oh oh god hey how heavy do you think that is like 70 80 pounds i'm gonna beat it against the floor instead of throwing he keeps coming closer he's gonna bend against the floor oh well cabela's is going strong i think it's better than the cincinnati close yeah yeah let's go to the door with the sledgehammer okay [Laughter] [Music] hey that's actually way to go how do you feel wow how are you feeling good do you feel like this is actually way tougher than the sentinel we're growing over here should i like hold it down comment down below what would you put in a safe if you had one i would put chuckles in there because nobody can take them he's on you should check him out he's beautiful very valuable i'm trying i'm encouraging you you want to stay on the other side sure it won't stephen do you want to sit on the other hand oh it's gonna it's gonna no it's just gonna pop this up it won't it won't come back and get you yeah i don't know how much longer we have abandoned post you have one minute robert one minute hit it bree no you put it back in hit this part okay my aim is great why is this soap it's 10 pounds [Music] that wasn't it i i'm gonna walk away we're down to mere seconds and cabela's is still holding us pretty strong encouragement encouragement literally as my alarm went off so much harder i'd say this one's like three and a half almost almost a four oh yeah we're only going to five so it's gonna be a three the other one's more like a one and three quarters is serious because this is the last and final safe i don't think i'm going to pick this one up no i want it um this is like a bank vault you know like you know it's a big serious safe when it has this what is this called a safe door this spinny thing has to have a name no okay we have sawzall chainsaw baseball bat plasma cutter jackhammer and apparently something else that i don't know the name of a concrete splitter something serious uh we can hit it a couple times with the sledgehammer just see what it does i don't think it's going to do much this it's ridiculous this yeah i mean i i really don't think this is going to do much but i do want to see what it does you have to put on safety goggles because it says warning always wear safety goggles user and bystanders it only counts if you read it goggle up for safety you get you guys need safety goggles so we went from 1 25 to 2 grand or 175 that's a big jump stephen what the heck i think i should give you ten minutes instead of five on this last one ten minutes five or ten i'm i'm down for ten but i really i don't think the extra five minutes is gonna do much i really don't have a lot of faith that we can break into this first hit [Music] oh wow it did nothing just a little dent inspection tough one oh my gosh that did nothing hasn't even sunk the door so when when you hit the other ones the door would sink so there's no easy ways to get in this is still the exact same okay so robert now has what's called a sawzall and he's going to illustrate how it is used yeah well i think it's a good comparison we'll see how it works on this one and then we'll see how it works on that one yep oh wow okay that just crushed scale of 0 to ten do you think that's gonna saw through the brownie i do not i do not think it's gonna get in i mean it would be awesome if it did well i think it would be terrible trying to we're trying to see we can yeah i don't know once you're in place ready three two one i didn't expect that me neither hold on respect this is the straightest line i have ever seen he used a ruler guys i think we could be able we would be able to cut the outside metal uh-huh and if we had all day long and as many blades as possible we'd be able to cut it down to where it was just the inner core but this is not going to penetrate the inner core and the blades are like disintegrated almost they're definitely not as sharp do you see that the keypad is like paddy wampus all of a sudden that was quick yeah i don't even know what did that to be honest it was just sitting on those are we taking bets do you think it's gonna open i think it's gonna open it does oh wow oh it's smoky in there it is see what i'm saying i can cut i can cut the outer core yes but i'm not it's not going to break that inner core the inner core is way tougher plasma i say it's plasma time it's plasma time all right you think i should try and go for here or should i try and take the top the latches on hinge hinge i was decisive for once oh so it's turning off so why do you think it's turning off because we're running a 110 plug off of a 210 required that's a lot of numbers exactly since we're running out of time robert we have a concrete splitter we have a jackhammer in other situations which one's more serious the concrete splitter or the jackhammer i have never seen a concrete splitter in action so the jackhammer's less serious i don't know you're the boss i don't know what a concrete splitter does it doesn't it so robert i think we're gonna start with the jackhammer cool because apparently that has some tonnage behind it okay so robert has two minutes and we have two tools left so i'm ready just stand up here just stand up here have you ever been on those plates from the 80s that's supposed to make you like lose weight by just shaking you yeah you're losing a lot of weight i think i got in i can't hear anything so we have to like back up a long way because that is going to topple over it's unplugged and this is a concrete splitter have you ever used one of these i have not neither neither we we have one minute i'm starting it and i'm pumping it you should stand clear for what i don't know oh it doesn't have like i thought it was gonna you know yeah yeah oh it's cracking open now yeah let's get it going we only got a minute we only got a minute is it really that hard i want to see you try it is cracking okay one handed really really opening we have we have 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 one wow this thing is hefty browning way to go okay we are going to try to get ourselves out of a sticky situation y'all have a blessed day i will see you in my next video and also make sure and check robert out
Channel: Brianna
Views: 5,531,274
Rating: 4.8124275 out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston
Id: kz7gHA2N6nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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