I Built the World’s Largest Map Room in Minecraft Hardcore!

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this is a single map and did you know that you can expand it so this map is now the max level and look at how large that area is wait a minute i wonder what the largest map you can make is so i found that by placing item frames on a wall and then by getting two maps next to each other you can make a mega map now the cool thing about this is that there's no limit okay okay okay yup so today we're gonna make a humongous map of my entire world if you didn't know maps are kinda laggy and have sort of been known to corrupt worlds oh man i hope nothing bad happens the thing about this map room is that i can't just make it i also want the surrounding area to look good and that's gonna require a lot of preparation i have an idea on where to start this project but first we're gonna need to collect some items whoa so i just downloaded this texture pack that makes item frames invisible part of me kinda wanted to surprise you with floating items and stuff but i got too excited this looks so cool so first of all we need some black concrete iron blocks some beacons bobby and then a flint steel then we need to find a location to build this map room well this area already has a lot of builds and from the tests i did on the creative world i don't really want to make the map room near any of these because i'm pretty sure it's going to lag how about this place yeah it does seem to be out of the way for the most part please be surface please be surface resurface ever since the caves and cliffs update whenever i make a new portal i always end up like 40 000 miles underground anyways this place is kind of cool first of all i do want to mark out a concrete circle for the map room i definitely didn't mess that up several times from edge to edge that should be a hundred and one wide and by doing the math that means there are gonna be over 8021 maps for an entire layer this is certainly a pretty massive place but even though it's marked out it's not quite ready for the maps you're gonna need a little backstory ryan this guy yes this man he recently challenged me to dig a big hole in my world at first i said no then he told me again and i still said no but then this itching thought grew within my mind what if i dug a big hole so i got back to my employee ryan and said i'm gonna blow up a massive hole thank you for the idea oh man was that a mistake to say last i checked the game was still called minecraft and they had not re-labeled it to tnt craft all right so think about what you're doing just dig the hole with your hands okay you're an adult i i think i don't know if you are so yup i guess we're gonna get started with digging this 350 000 block hole by hand okay to at least make this as fast as possible let's set up a full beacon here and hey on a quick side note have you checked if you're subscribed these videos take a really long time to create and if you enjoy them it would mean so much if you clicked that button so you don't miss out on any future content cool next i want to set up a temporary storage that way when we're mining the hole we can save all the blocks which should come in handy later well anyways this shovel's about to break so let's go do what i do best and over prepare first of all i want to hit up the main storage yes i knew we had just a few tools here now at the gold farm we can quickly repair all of them so now that we're severely over prepared i'm going to quickly mine this entire layer of dirt out have you ever stayed up to 2 am finding thousands of dirt blocks and listening to lo-fi girl no just me hello mr donkey what i just blinked and it's gone that's so weird minecraft can be so laggy sometimes there's our first chest second third i will definitely find a use for that in the future but you know what's next all of the stone and i think the way we're gonna do this is by miming a single quarter of the hole at a time maybe we should create a trench on these first two sides why does this look so cool if we start on this first quarter will i still get the haste effect the whole time hello there mr pillager oh man that's tragic look at all the resources in these chests the funny thing is that i'm completely full on stone so and that is the final block of the entire first quarter yeah it's definitely kind of boring so i think i'm gonna change things up rather than mining this next quarter we're actually gonna do the opposite side so that means two more trenches okay that's kind of cool sometimes these mine carts will have enchanted golden apples will i be lucky nope i've concluded there are three ways to mine first of all we can do the fun way which is one layer at a time this way is perfect for when you get bored and you want to change second we got the um the two layers at a time i know it's creative this is faster than the one layer but for whatever reason it really makes you bored finally we got the third method that i like to call the efficient method here we mine five or six layers wide and then we take it all the way to the ground hey look it's a wandering traitor got anything good um the game keeps despawning these mobs okay for real though that joke is probably getting old oh look at this we got two mine carts next to each other not totally sure if that's rare or not as i finished up the second half i made sure to collect all the items for the upcoming phase of this map room yes sir that's halfway look at my stone mine stats well i'm kind of in a dilemma right now either do the small side and be lazy or the large side and not be lazy i mean it's all gotta go eventually might as well do this half yo is that a spider spawner no no no no gosh okay okay okay please ignore that overreaction i was literally still full health as i continued to mine the hours flew by until i found something amazing yo it's a pig this thing can absolutely not die let's quickly mine you down buddy careful now great good perfect if this pig dies then i will literally delete my hardcore world so the steaks you could say are pretty high or the pork chops i had to there we go the pig is at the bottom now we need to just block all the places he can die now that the pig is safe i'm gonna finish mining this third quarter and finally just block the mine shaft off one more side let's do this oh we also just got this sheep that fell into the hole i'm gonna quickly get a name tag on him and then jeb is your new name perfect so it's the same deal we need to keep him alive and this is the final block here i think i'm gonna mine this one by hand to celebrate and there it is 350 000 blocks all dug by hand before we move on to decorating this pit i want to get all these items out of here so in case you were curious about what i got from this entire place about 20 000 dirt and grass 10 000 granite diorite and andesite and like two shulkers full of iron and coal ore plus 200 000 stone blocks now we're gonna start with beautifying this mess wait is beautify even a word oh it is first of all this concrete ring can go now i need to explain the plan to you if we were to just place the maps right now it would look pretty bad because there wouldn't be any light i might have a solution to fix this but it's gonna require about five shulker boxes full of glowstone hopefully please please please back when i afk for 30 hours to get the emeralds for the emerald beacon i also made sure to save all the glowstone from the witches and that should be all we need then we can just come into the pit and start filling the floor in i just had an idea if we play some beacons around the pit i should get the speed effect which would make placing the glowstone on the bottom a lot quicker now we got four max power beacons surrounding the pit and i should be able to finish placing the glowstone oh oh gosh i just had a thought and now i can't unthink it why does this glowstone kind of look like a bunch of beans i told you and now you're never gonna unsee it we're gonna quickly take a little break from the pit and start the fun part for this mysterious fun part we're gonna need a bunch of iron redstone dust and then compasses that is a weird word now to the sugarcane farm let's grab a few shoulders of this finally we can use these materials to make some maps however these aren't for what you think these are planning maps well actually they're just normal maps but you you get what i mean these maps are gonna help plan where the rest of the world is gonna go you see the size of this pit is very intentional it's completely perfect so that it will fit my end portal transformation as well as the castle island over ten thousand blocks away well then we better get started okay i think we need to start here and go in that direction oh my wait how do i even keep these organized how about i put them in my inventory okay oh no the inventory is full let's quickly land and try to empty these into a shulker that's not too bad i guess we just keep repeating this for another 100 maps or so this should be as far as we need to go now i believe we need to turn left and then keep going yo it's the skull island let's go i cannot wait to see this on the final map but for now because we got our planning maps let's get back to the beans i mean glowstone pit and place these on the floor wait which way do they go oh here we are all right now i just need to keep these organized and these should be the last ones wow that looks insane just imagine what the end result will be speaking of the end looks this place with all the walls and everything is kind of just ugly so what we're gonna do is leave the hardcore world and go on to a creative world now i'd like to design a building that can go on top of the pit i just got a really cool idea i need to run it by you you know how maps allow you to quote unquote observe the world what if on top of the pit we make a massive observatory so instead of making you watch me build this you're just going to watch the time lapse i had to learn how to use world edit and once i did making this only took about four hours this is just the first half though because now we need the walls for the pitch so anyways now we can hop back onto the hardcore world no wait a minute so i just checked and this lower part isn't gonna fit i'm gonna need to remove an additional layer around this entire circle here we go then water hello oh no no no block it off come on okay dream where are you at that was actually a pretty cool clutch that should be it for mining the entire hole to actually make these walls look good we're gonna need to collect a huge list of items fortunately i think we actually have all of these some gray concrete deep slate tiles all the andesite we collected from mining smooth stone that we can quickly cook at the super smelter cyan terracotta polished andesite stairs stone brick walls andesite slabs finally a bunch of obsidian now that we have all the materials i want to start by making an andesite and obvi ring down here and now let's go ahead and build the walls up with a cool time lapse ladies and gentlemen whoa that's kind of an illusion do you see it too alright though now we need to build the observatory on top which is also going to require about 76 000 items the first of which is about 8 000 black stained glass how much do we actually have okay then yeah we're gonna need some more don't villagers sell glass yes they do not too shabby but okay the villagers can't trade anymore because it's night so actually let's take a trip to the end really quick and now we can take this sand and then cook it into glass then the glass turned into black stained glass and now that that's settled let's go ahead and get five shulkers of deep slate tiles and then by using the stone cutter we actually save on materials now some polished andesite oh no it seems like we need some stone do you think we have enough stone there we go stone bricks and then black concrete next we need some blackstone so first let's afk at the gold farm for a bit i'm pretty sure that's enough now to the piglin farm nice that checks off the blackstone now this one's kind of tricky we're gonna need a bunch of obsidian and i sort of used the rest of what i had for the lower walls okay i'm gonna try to do this in one breath obsidian farm thanks to enx04 for the obsidian farm design now he should start attacking and then instead of us getting hurt he breaks the obsidian doesn't seem to be working oh no no no he got out it's destroying the galaxy please follow me get away get away get away anyways now you need to die okay it seems to be working great i'm gonna afk this for about an hour and hopefully we have enough obsidian once it's done oh my goodness yup i think our obsidian crisis is solved i still need to collect a bunch more items so and finally we just need a few deep slate brick walls okay then let's move all 76 000 items to the pit so before we get building we need to clear even more trees around this pit so the observatory fits there we go now it's time to get building and that's the base just wow i was thinking that we could use the black stained glass as a floor for the room that way we could just look down onto the maps once it's finished here is the first glass and wait what in the heck is even that somehow a bush is poking through the wall okay mojang i see how it is that's it for the glass and now we can begin with the actual observatory there are the first four walls the days kept passing as i continued to build this dome on top is going to be very satisfying there are the first two petals finished and there it is that looks so good now it's time for the long dreaded part mapping the entire world to do this we're actually going to need about 8 000 item frames i decided to leave this part a secret until now but every time i had the chance i would afk at my hogland farm for leather yeah that's probably enough leather now the other ingredient in item frames are sticks approximately 64 000 sticks wait i actually think the stick farm has a whole bunch of sticks yo i just keep lucking out with all these farms and then we just need to craft the item frames and with all of these we should go ahead and start placing them on the entire floor dude i just had an ingenious idea have you ever seen a map of the world and you know how they have those like little mini circles or something what if in the middle of this map we do that same thing and inside of it we have the end dimension i am 100 doing this so we need our first circle okay there we go now the tricky thing about the end is that because everything looks the same we need it to be mathematically accurate i'm sorry i had to make that pun eventually before we begin mapping the end we need to craft all the maps back to the sugarcane farm this thing produces about 50 000 sugarcane per hour so honestly i think we're pretty much set then all of the iron and redstone to make more compasses well the time has come i've done the math and from here on the end chip we need to go 32 maps per row before we start i want to organize my inventory so we don't get lost now for the moment i've been fearing it's time to fly over the void and do this okay keep mapping wait what's my y level can't get too low wow these maps are completely gray there's land that was low-key stressful anyways let me get the rest of these quickly here comes the second row no it's the void again this is editing wumba here i just want to say how incredibly difficult this was i had to watch my y level so i wouldn't go too low into the void but also my elytra how many fireworks i had plus keeping in the correct direction making sure to map every time keeping the maps in order and finally making sure i didn't have a full inventory at any point i'm pretty sure you can see why i wasn't talking to the camera during this part goodness i think that's it for the first two rows let's quickly get back and see if it worked that looks insane okay then i'm gonna keep mapping this end until the entire place is full that's the 2000th map i've made in this world and there it is the final map for the end dimension i can't say i've ever seen someone make a map in the end and i'm seriously surprised because this looks so cool can you believe that this is only about 20 of the entire world map yeah speaking about that let's just not because i really don't want to do this literally every map will need to be perfect this is essentially an 8 000 piece jigsaw puzzle well after recuperating for approximately 6 minutes and 14 seconds i decided to start so each row from here over is 97 maps long i think if i pack enough shulkers and make sure not to mess up i could do four rows at once okay then here we go whoa that's my old gas farm i completely forgot about that oh here's spawn that's pretty cool there that should be the fourth row finished i'm crossing my fingers that i didn't mess up anywhere here goes nothing i actually did it perfectly i won't bother explaining my sorting process in this video but i will put it in the description in case you're curious because it was the only thing that made this possible as i continued to map the world i hit some pretty crazy milestones like 3 000 and 4 000 total maps there was even a random time when i found some old chunks when i first started my world almost 9 000 days ago what these items are basically artifacts i feel like i need to save these or something and after a few more hours the middle section was totally finished um remember when i said maps could corrupt worlds well i'm not even halfway finished placing maps and i'm already lagging really hard i don't want to lose my hardcore world so unfortunately we're going to end the video here thanks for watching absolutely not i will not stop even if it means my world might be destroyed let's finish this map wow look at this cave i'm gonna mark these coordinates down what is wrong with this village whoa that beacon looks really cool on the map can someone please explain what's going on here why is a desert village in the plains biome and also why does this island look like a gummy bear here are the final few maps for the first half wow what's that wait have you been watching me this entire time clearly mapping for hours was making me a little delirious but i was getting closer and closer to my goal the time was almost there and then finally after hitting the 8 000th map i was done here we are the final few maps and this is it this looks pure amazing but yeah i am kind of getting like six frames a second still though at least my world didn't corrupt you
Channel: Wunba
Views: 347,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, survival, creative, wunba, diamond, diamonds, 7000, days, challenge, world, record, dungeons, mining, 10000, ores, mega, build, builds, music, smp, modded, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, minecraft but, minecraft survival, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, 7000 days, building, let's, play, let, episode, Wunba, gaming, portal, 100, 1.19, maps, map, guiness, lag, laggy, item, frame, pit, mine, dig, attempt
Id: nBWy_ICaTL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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