I made noob Girl TINY in Minecraft!

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okay parker so why are we out here in the middle of nowhere well i wanted to show you guys a new invention of mine and i'm not sure how this is gonna go uh this is called my potato it's a potato that makes you shrink check it out and then the more i eat it the smaller and smaller and smaller i guess look at him alex he's adorable can you go even smaller whoa oh my gosh look alex is obsessed and you can go all the way back to normal size too yeah yes if you just keep eating you should go back to normal my only fear is is i haven't tested on somebody else i feel like if alex she might just grow to huge size and break the world and we're still in the alex a new world i'm just afraid that she might crunch the world all right it's fine fine fine here have the potato here you go that's that's not is that it she's on to ya i wanna see if she'd eat it i tried to prank her all right alex now be careful don't eat too much of this and don't eat it all at once you have to make sure and keep it in your inventory do you have any more of those things yeah yeah you wanna try one too yeah yeah let me give it a shot okay hold on a second let me try first literally do anything crazy alex all right let me see so then if i just oh boy with the water all right so then if i just oh wow oh look at me look at this oh that's sweet okay i guess i got one smaller let me see dad help me son i believe in you even though you smell bad and i hate you oh wow just like in real life it's like you guys are my parents my terrible parents that don't care about me hi guys let's go over and see the new one you're like a little tiny baby you're so small this is the best i could see you guys that's so funny you could literally drown in this amount of water oh that would not be a good idea at all here i don't think i want this thing that is just too much teensy teensy power all right alex you give it a shot go tiny let's see oh my gosh oh this is the best you're like my little kids oh man oh wow look at her zip around and you are moving so quickly they can jump to because they jump normal block heights but it looks like they're jumping like three times the size of their body right she's like ant woman this is really cool all right well as fun as it is parker only has a limited amount of potatoes so why don't you go ahead and toss it back to him okay we can carry on with our what do we know are you shaking alex come on i gotta squint to see her alex give the potato back it's okay we'll be able to play with it with my two fingers be careful not to accidentally step on her i know give the potato back you gotta be good give it back perfect could you throw it oh yeah she gave it to you okay great wait like where did she just go oh no oh no she went in the middle of the forest i think she's headed right there oh man alex wait wait she could be anywhere well i mean she wouldn't run away right i come on parker you know it's alex that's true she's long gone oh no oh guys we're gonna have to find her i think oh no oh guys get your magnifying glasses ready this is not gonna be good get your eyes peeled we need your help yeah peel for the potato oh man okay well she could be literally anywhere she could be in the middle of these random ferns all over the place she could be hiding in a flower petal and there you are there you are she's not here destroying her there you are very much i know we have to destroy the entire place over here have you ever seen the movie the borrowers no it's a movie of where these people are living underground in a person's house maybe she's living underground oh don't tell me she went underground that's not what i want to hear at all we'll never be able to find her and she's that small and in the darkness she might be able to walk under slabs too oh wow yeah she could get anywhere guys this is this is kind of a problem oh wait i think i just i think i just saw her didn't oh no way that's just a cat wait they could eat that the cats could eat alex oh gosh okay okay okay okay this is not good alex oh it's getting sun down too we gotta find her asap parker alex um laughing at us oh gosh this is not good at all okay well i've i found a village um there could be food oh she could be in here nope she could be anywhere literally and it's getting nighttime too we gotta help her yeah oh gosh i see you what do you mean you see me she can see us a minute wait a minute do you hear that oh wait a minute of course tyler we got her oh man alex look at this yeah i'm gonna get rid of this as soon as possible please please give the oh no oh no she's running away nope you can't you can't lose us alex you need to use the potito to get back to normal size we went for you to use it and then give it back to parker dangerous game of hide-and-seek oh gosh you just launched her where'd she go i have no idea stay away from the iron golem this is not a good look i think the golem can see her oh oh maybe the golem is facing her maybe it's over he's over here i don't know we gotta follow the golem he's got better eyes than we maybe we can check out he was hiding in like the corn earlier or whatever it's called carrots the carrots the corn oh oh yo the golem's got eyes okay alex be very careful where is she hold on oh she's right there you can see the dirt trails behind her oh yeah yeah i think she did okay alex oh she can't reach the oh there she goes she's going to water alex alex is she trying to hide the chest oh well if there's one time you can actually fit in there now would be that time oh man okay i got a funny minute alex how about this i think you just jumped out the window great alex i've got a fun game for you i know you like games okay you gotta play with us we have damn it's gonna be a fun game yes cam okay so alex we're right outside the house you were bi come join us okay wherever you are oh my god she's right there oh hi there looks like the pig wants to be involved too all right alex you want to play a game that's right look at your head okay fine first thing you got to do though go back to normal size give her your other potato if you could mr parker here you go it might be a little big for you so watch your head right right right and so once you use that looks like the pig almost ate it go ahead and go back to the normal size and we'll much better okay there you go so how about this actually parker how about you make the rules for this one huh okay okay hmm how about an interesting little play how about we play hide and seek and we have 10 minutes to find you and you can hide as a small person you can go anywhere you want to but if we find you you have to spend a night in the hallway of horrors oh wow scary stuff although although if we can't find you then you get to keep the petito oh perfect okay yeah she now she wants to play you just got to give her a little reward first okay so go ahead and shrink on down alex and then once you're all the way down to your tiniest size we can start mistake this is going to be impossible what if she keeps it forever and just trolls us hey there's worse things than losing track of alex and her never showing up okay that's true well she's just as strong as she normally is all right guys ten minute timer on screen in three two one go hiding all right parker oh she's she's gone okay okay we gotta look around we gotta we're gonna give her 30 seconds make sure that she's got some time to hide and you can go anywhere i like where your head's at okay take something where would i hide wait a minute okay so this is my test here so if i break this block i walk underneath it ouch oh wow well maybe i have a large pumpkins huh apparently so oh so i can walk i just i just hurt myself apparently maybe if you go even smaller i think you can go one more time smaller oh no try one more time good shrinking down maybe that'll do it one more time okay okay there we go i'm tiny tiny the very tiniest okay yeah i think it's your pumpkin allergy acting up wait a minute wait a minute what happens if i place a slab we go to that this is okay well this is good to know that means she can hide under a slab we're never going to find her all right it's been at least 30 seconds it's time for us to begin the hunt all right parker should we stick together or should we split up um i i think it's up to you i think we might do better together and just kind of keep our eye on the left and right all right we'll keep our eyes peeled okay let's look for the forest and see if we can get our hands on her no no no no that's not how you spell banana yeah she's getting better at it but still got some work to do on the spelling alex you won't need to spell anything when you're back in the hallway of horrors getting her scared yeah i wonder if she'd be underwater probably not okay how about this i think we should split up you search the forest i'm going to try and find alex in a cave system or something ooh okay okay maybe maybe we should we should have said only in the village or something right that'd probably be a good idea alex can you give us maybe even just a little hint as to where you are so we can i mean it's a big world out there big world little alex sounds like a show hi is that your hint does that mean she can see us oh man maybe i don't know yeah can you see us from where you're at alex yes okay that that is like not helpful at all but really because also i don't know if she could see me or see you right she might even she might be on the roof she might be in the trees she could be anywhere it's just bode well for us man i don't know i i can see her anywhere man but let's look out for maybe there's like clues or signs or something wait a minute tyler come over here what there's a some interesting blocks around here oh wow yeah look at that there's dirt in the trees yeah that seems like it was placed by someone that we know the only thing is it's grass so it was placed a while ago wasn't placed fresh well here's some dirt in the trees yeah i think we're onto her oh okay don't say anything don't say anything okay and yeah you found her no i i thought i thought it'd be oh oh no she might have been gone she might have played us hmm typical alex never put my finger on her i suppose now i could more than ever but she's still nowhere to be seen squish to be honest yeah that might be a good idea actually parker all right maybe we can try some other place actually look there's pickles here they don't normally spawn in rivers oh that smells like alex pickles very briny and acidic yes she always likes to keep pickles on us for some reason okay okay it's my midnight snack too oh there's some dead stuff over here there's like some rotten flesh although that might have been just a zombie i love that stuff okay um wait a minute what i see a bell she's ringing it okay we gotta be quiet we gotta be quiet we can stick up on her okay okay let's see let's see here where let me see over here wait a minute she stopped ringing the bell she's gotta be close though she was just ringing this bell right here oh no okay okay oh we just had her keep an eye out this is the constant moving hide and seek it's awesome just trails come over here okay did you see where she went i lost her but there's an open cave right here which might be where she'd be at it's gotta be okay i've got some torches okay oh wow and she could easily fit through this hole oh okay i think we're on to something at least oh man and there's just nasty cave sound effects playing and everything oh and i think i see oh that's a spider i thought i saw something else for a second okay easy does the spider is she pointing at alex no no um alex alex got some cactus for you i sort out this is a little creepy i probably shouldn't be doing that yeah oh see oh she heard us nope wait set in dead end unless you slip through an even smaller crack that we can't see true oh gosh oh gosh she cracks me up oh easy does it parker please think of the chill the only thing the only thing i could even think of is she like replaced stuff with dirt and made a little hole somewhere like honestly she couldn't have wait a minute wait a minute we just block here before i don't think so she escaped she somehow got out behind us oh man we're running out of time too and no how much how much time do we have um enough yeah exactly i don't even want to think about it she's leaving a trail we definitely don't know where she is at all we're going uh towards the house again she's a bell-ringing sheep killer the saddest type of villain oh man it looks like it's about to be sunrise too did did the wolf say anything uh yeah he didn't say anything but i think we're just gonna keep on going this way okay what what do you have chop down tree is that normal i don't know alex i see some dirt i see dirt appearing there she is she's back up she's packing up okay okay all right your time is near alex what she's not up there oh wait wait you stay down here because she could easily jump off and get into the water so i'll climb up there and then you you stay down here all right sounds good oh yeah she's still up there i'm seeing dirt up here okay now's the time oh look she just fell oh oh where is she i knew it i knew it come on we're gonna tag her somewhere where'd she go she's gotta still be swimming i see her where is she so tiny oh come on oh man no she just went into a tiny cave oh no look tyler it's a water cave oh man and i'm about to start running out of air run out of the air oh no i gotta get to the surface oh no park anything but that parker oh okay we made it okay don't laugh you killed parker she lived i don't know maybe maybe her lung capacity tripled for some reason when they're ten times as small i guess so okay we're almost out of time oh wait hey look there's some signs up here ah okay okay alex playing sneaky i am ship ah what what does that mean i don't i don't know what that means i'm a sheep wait hey parker wait right over there there's something do you see that yeah i see it can i see it okay gotta be very careful oh gosh okay okay almost died okay um yeah i don't know where alex could possibly be yeah i'm pretty sure we're not going to find her time is almost up after all up yeah absolutely i'm so afraid she's going to keep that potato forever that would be the worst wouldn't it oh there's some sheep over here never never find me she says oh hi little sheep how are you just a bunch of totally normal sheep yeah i'm having trouble climbing right now parker keep an eye out let me see oh something that was just a bunch of normal chief random sheep definitely not yeah oh something look at this this cute sheep over here oh totally normal sheep wait hold on wait a second can i i can't hold on parker hold on hold on hold on gotcha she's down here [Laughter] surprise you've been found alex in the nick of time that was a good hiding spot you thought you'd get us with the fake sheep but i i have my eyes peeled very convincing alex but we found you and so you know what that means you're gonna have to go back to normal size so that you can head back to the hallway of horror come on tyler we can't play these little tiny ones cheers well okay i suppose so this is cool the tiniest of all wow even i'm tiny and i'm still like twice your size oh my gosh guys well you're gonna have to subscribe so that you can see alex take on the hallway of horror because to be honest i didn't lose so i go back to that place a little too scary for me this is alex alex alex no why are you oh is a noob in fact she's alex dunno and this is her world yeah i know you also wants it based on the popular youtube series featuring her and log.zip you can now be a part of her survival world by actually playing it crazy they might relive all your favorite moments get up get get up be careful alex alex you just blew up visit all her favorite places collect all her favorite blocks nice there you go or maybe you want to take on the width just like that we got to finish him now oh we got him we got him so what are you waiting for you noob get the map today out now on the minecraft marketplace
Channel: Alex the Noob
Views: 504,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, tiny, minecraft tiny mod, minecraft tiny house, minecraft tiny, tiny minecraft, hide and seek, minecraft hide and seek, tiny mode, tiny in minecraft, shrink, shrink ray minecraft, shrink ray, small minecraft, minecraft small, survival, alex the noob, logdotzip, minecraft bedrock, secret hiding spots, secret, hiding, hidden, prank, secret prank, minecraft girl, girl pranks boys, pranking friends, noob girl, parker plays, minecraft prank, pocket edition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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