So I Hacked Aphmau's Minecraft Account...

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listen son everybody knows waffles are better than pancakes they've got little tiny holes for syrup oh there's somebody behind me aphmau hey whoa dude in this video i've hacked aphmau's minecraft account to protect it from secret agents and security guards appearing in the minecraft world and i have no idea why okay so guys this is really weird but she left behind a portable login device whoa which teleports us here and then we have to enter the username of the person we want to log in as which is obviously aphmau and then she left behind an account card that allows us to enter into her minecraft account permanently oh this is so strange what's that sound whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on who are these people oh man they're just flooding inside hold on what is going on they're even coming upstairs these guys are literally everywhere all right we gotta get out of this all right so we've got some agents on the outside and it looks like they dropped something on the ground hold on if we can just not make fall damage sound and get to those items we're going to be fine would you be so freaking close to me or we gotta go come on we didn't make any sound all right now that we're a safe distance away from those guys we've got a book about the athmo hacking plans if you want to read this and then secret agent classes so i was reading the book again and if you've noticed something i highlighted it's saying they're looking for her account card which we have in our hand all right so what happens when we put these glasses on wait the glass is disguised this is one of the agents this is perfect so as you can probably tell that purple house is actually aphmau's minecraft house and because of the glasses we put on earlier we literally slide right in to the agents finally someone to replace me i need to take a break make sure no one gets access to this panel uh boop whoa hold on oh this is whoa dude one of those just went right by my nostrils okay if we just look cool like this i think we'll be fine oh except for the fact that you have to connect the wires i'm so dumb all right come on green oh just gotta connect this green wire to the green and lastly purple to purple dude purple's like one of my favorite colors okay i honestly i love every single color let me know down below in the comments what your favorite color is i just love them all someone just disabled the electric fences everyone look for the imposter this instant nobody knows who the imposter is because we literally all look the exact same what inside of aphmau's house is going to help us i don't know but man i'm feeling hungry for a chicken sandwich from chick-fil-a right now oh wait this has got to be a computer oh no emergency key card required agents returned in 50 seconds what is aphmau's favorite color it's got to be purple okay perfect what's in here oh there's no key card in here what is aphmau's favorite game it's gotta be minecraft yes nothing in here as well what is apple's favorite mob oh no i know this one it's gonna be a fox or a wolf i i'm going with a wolf yes okay this is perfect wait there's nothing in here oh my gosh hold on please what is that mal's original youtube name challenge accepted inc bro literally a buzzer beater on getting this key card thank god hurry outside the agents are returning oh my gosh that was like this close now we've got the emergency key card and the password recovery and all we have to do to recover her password for her is to go to these locations easy oh we found the museum location and i bet we can enter this yes oh i'm telling you getting bell's minecraft account back is gonna be easy peasy oh wait hold on we've got agents inside of the museum all right we're gonna play this very very delicately i do have an idea though if we can get enough of these iron ingots we can make an anvil and drop it on the agent's head we just have to be really quiet about getting the iron okay the coast is clear oh okay now we've got to use a crafting table come on we can do this yes okay we've got two anvils that should be enough thankfully there's there's only one agent so we should be able to take him out oh gosh i really hope he doesn't hear me climbing like a lion waiting to get their prey don't even need to make two anvils that just gave us a screwdriver which we're apparently going to need for something else inside of this place when we finish saving at mal's minecraft account i bet you anything she would do a collab with us if you want to see that you've got to let me know down below in the comments so this door doesn't need the screwdriver to open it which means we're gonna need it for something else we just can't let the agents see us oh wait oh i bet it's to disable these lasers oh what is this a fireball breaker yes oh oh oh no whoa whoa hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on dude yes okay oh my god do we get like literally i've got a half a heart right now come on break the firewall yes oh this is perfect okay in the middle over yes and look at this one of the papers i think this is part of the password recovery process let's go the next location is underwater so we gotta have ourselves a little bit of a scuba do mask this looks ridiculous and i love it now my mom told me not to touch spiky balls so i'm not gonna touch these spiky balls but because i know you want to see what happens when i touch them i will show you that is what happens wow they did eight hearts of damage yikes all right sheesh i do not want to be touching those oh look at this whoa whoa hold on this isn't what it looks like no no no no no i'm not an intruder no no no please please don't do this oh this is bad oh my gosh there's freaking sharks in the water dude this is terrible hold on hold on i have an idea all right how did i know this was here don't think about it okay we've got a swim fast potion sharks we're gonna put the sharks on freaking leashes if they don't kill me first oh this is a lot of sharks i have never thought about putting sharks on leads okay yes perfect we're gonna attach them to this fence there we go all right that's perfect now okay so i didn't get to see this inside the chest we had an emergency lock pick and i bet you it opens up this little safe vault come on open up baby and the next piece of paper is hm i'm starting to see a little bit of a pattern here so there's a lot of people that are afraid of clowns and carnivals i am thankfully not one of them but you have to admit clown agents are nothing but scary and terrifying seriously why would you ever want to be a clown agent i don't even like the name and he like literally just vanished like into thin air we're on the snake going to the next part of this oh this is weird this is weird this is weird it's okay i used to do parkour maps like this all the time back in the day this is so much fun i'm just not looking forward to the clown at the end i know there's a clown oh boy oh boy all right and we're going in how are we supposed to do this i'm literally just gonna pray to god that we don't die i mean this is ridiculous oh how have we made it this far though this is impressive all right every time and honestly we can do this i'm not as worried as i thought it was it is still very difficult i'm not gonna lie though there's more come on look at this it's a fake block if it wasn't for that i could literally look at you guys while doing this parkour i'm not kidding like i mean i've done a lot of minecraft parkour but some of these blocks are hollow so you literally phase right through them if it's a real block you can punch it if it's not you can't so this one is fake i'm jumping right past it oh no dude i literally do not like these fake blocks no no no no thankfully all of them are real what is this all right i officially may or may not be afraid of clowns at this point whoa oh wait they're not even real they're fake what no this is too much for me dog how do you know which one is the real one are they holding something it's got to be this one in the corner i knew it give me the paper that's what i thought go and run away you clown that's the third piece of paper so right now we have this app now but that's not the full password we are literally at the next location right now we have to go into the sewers and defeat rats in order to get a prison key because we're sneaking into a prison in order to get the next page i just need to okay come on rats you guys are being ridiculous one of you's got the prison key you ate it thinking it was rat food come on little ranch it's got a dude i know this one you got it don't you come on oh we finally got one yes oh oh okay oh i'm so excited see look if you didn't have the prison key then how are you supposed to open up this area if you didn't have the prison key you could not open these and voila literally like magic were in like flynn uh this president is so excited about us opening an escape pass he just gave me the prisoner outfit later summer is almost here and in honor of my birthday month we are giving away a nintendo switch every single week including a merch box if you want to enter you just have to visit this website and if you buy a hat hoodie or any piece of fire merch from you get 10 000 extra entries this key that the prisoner gave us goes to cell a2 which conveniently is literally right in front of us yes oh a pair of bolt cutters able to break locks and open cell doors which one of the cells do we need to get inside of though i think one of the cells is gonna have something in the chest that we're gonna need to get the next piece of paper for the information oh my gosh there's so many doors though to go into i don't know which one it's gonna be this is like it's like a random little mystery game bingo diamond pickaxe yes now i just gotta find out what we're gonna be using the diamond pickaxe on and then we're gonna be golden oh never mind found exactly what the diamond pickaxe goes to the next piece of paper just says get aft now get get what it's aphmau get blank and i have no idea how to complete i i don't know what it means i literally have no idea oh man stan this is not gonna be an easy one to sneak into we got security guards out the wah zoo here's what i'm thinking we're gonna bust through this old gravella over here all right it just feels weird being dressed like this okay oh this is not looking good ladies and gentlemen that entrance is exactly where we need to go but when are we gonna have time to sneak past these freaking security guards i mean they're literally they're everywhere all right listen i have an idea all right is it the smartest idea no but you know the gravel we got earlier here's what i'm thinking okay we're gonna break this with our fists of fury why do the security guards you think about it right like this is the entrance you know why don't they patrol to that entrance they they only go to where they i'm not gonna explain it whatever fine cool i mean it works in my benefit technically so i'm really not frustrated oh we're in to a hollow empty room with nothing inside of it are you i'm ready to get back to my minecraft account all right i don't like looking like this and of course we break on top of an iron fence wait honestly it might be a blessing that we did because if we hadn't landed if we had laying on the ground this guy totally would have hurt us without a shadow of a doubt he would have heard that all right the coast should be clear oh beautiful beautiful here it is this is exactly what we needed okay this safe right here is uncharged and if we can manage to charge it we will literally be able to unlock the note and get the next set of password recovery phrases why am i talking like a smoker if we can collect enough of these gray wools we can get on top of the roof and there's a drone up there and with that i know you're like what are you gonna do with the drone listen i'm gonna use the drone to charge the safe to get the next set of codes oh man i really hope this is enough dude these security guards they saw nothing okay hopefully this is enough i think this block breaks up to the roof i'm really hoping right now this is not break to the roof we're gonna have a long painful stay [Music] it does oh my goodness yes the energy drone ladies and gentlemen this is i love the description this bad boy collects electricity from nearby power sources my drone be free alright this is where stuff actually gets fun so here's what we're gonna do all right yes we are a flying drone all you have to do is fly above these towers charge them up and we'll be able to unlock the safe wait how's it at you might see that it's at 109 what it's too much percent what do we say look at this you see this it's charged now and ready to be opened which means we get the next code which is h4c so we've got aft malget h4c i've got a bad feeling about this behind us is the garage of where we have to go and in order to get in we're going to need the security key to the lab that they so conveniently just leave outside for us you know what a bunch of great scientists to leave us the lab key and literally directly outside listen up there are three rooms in this laboratory and each one of them have a very specific challenge that we have to complete if we are going to get the next part of the recovery phrase this one is probably my favorite because all we have to do is flick levers which is so easy while doing basic parkour pretty sure the water beneath us though will literally kill us so i'm not going to touch it okay five levers have been flicked it's it isn't flick a weird word all right stranger danger brother i have a i don't know why there's something weird about this one there's like a bunch of flowers we gotta give them a level two security lab key which means whatever is in here we're probably gonna have to find otherwise why would we be getting a wooden sword so far so good whoa okay something about this is weird there's no way there's a free key laying on the ground what was that sound i knew it i knew something had to be in there it's a giant plant monster oh i don't like this and he's spawning more and more of whatever these are he's just spawning them like over and over again oh my goodness gracious holy cow there are so many of these plant babies i've gotta take out the plant monster oh thank god they all died oh that could have been so bad if you think about it so wait the level three security key which just one thing i love about these security keys if you if you didn't notice um level one is green and then level two is orange and then level three is like a dark red just letting you know that the next challenge is gonna be the most difficult or not i'm gonna say everything in here looks totally normal like what's happening just a bunch of chests wait no no no no hold on this is this is one of this this has got to be the next note it matches the color scheme that means there's one more piece of the recovery code missing and we are in like flint this is a big moment we've been working for this the entire video to save mal's minecraft account and it's about to happen well at least i hope so but at the same time i'm gonna be honest i'm also like really scared so look at this there's an atomic belt that when you say the word shrink or grow you literally shrink or grow and then yet again another key man this is wild let's see if it actually works oh that was so cool you can get bigger and by bigger i mean you can get really big all right we're going back to tiny i'm telling you something right now i feel like we can sneak into so many areas being this small oh my god look at the tiniest half mountain you've ever seen in your entire life oh this is the wait hold on this is suspicious looking what is this wait use the key oh this is scary i don't know oh this is real wait wait maybe they can't see me because i'm tiny hello gentlemen okay they're definitely looking at me but for some reason they're just ignoring me is it because i'm so small i have never seen something like this in my entire minecraft career i mean look at this we literally can just slide right past them so if i was a pickle where would i oh the air shoot oh dude see thank god we're tiny enough look at this stair piece it's like there is there's no way you could go through this if you weren't this tiny it just physically it just wouldn't even be possible i see some name tags we've got three agents and a mastermind agent whatever that means he must be like the ringleader or something oh they're laughing wait we didn't manage to get access to aphmau's minecraft account using her account card however we successfully hacked her password and changed it most of the clues for her new password have been stolen but we have a lead we will find the thief and the account card to get back her account not if i can help it boys dude stepped on yeah you better look at this way oh come here no no no no don't think you can run away from me oh dude i may be big and slow but i literally can just step over these creepers look at this i'm literally a monster where do they go come on dude this is amazing i just punched through that freaking wall look at this i can jump onto them wait can they explode i mean let me see if i take any damage okay i literally do so much damage wait can i break diamond walls do i got diamond hands baby that's right hello there mastermind agent do you have any last words that's what i thought wait he had the last bass code it's aphmau get hacked lol really we did this entire video just to figure that out that is ridiculous okay we are going to shrink a little bit back down there we go all right oh that's not good oh wait the computer is malfunctioning wait wait wait hold on oh my gosh the computer is literally on fire listen i've been building computers since i was 12 years old i know i still look like i'm 12. i'm 27 and let me tell you something if you've ever seen a computer like this not a good sign you don't want your computers to be this hot you definitely don't want them to have spiders that are on fire hold on there's only one way to take care of this let's get big if we get big look how easy it is like when you just get out of here bro i'm literally too big for you also it's a lot easier like when you're bigger it's easier to put the fires out last one yes okay back down the shrink wait this is so when the spider got out get out of here please enter minecraft name okay we're gonna go once half mal get packed yes fmel is back on the server we saved your minecraft account
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 3,164,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: WuRsjcqFwLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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