If Life Was Like Video Games

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foreign [Music] would you like to start the tutorial myself something really weird has got this random glowing chest just appeared here candlestick sword and three thousand dollars yes I don't need to get a job so does that mean everything is now like a video game ow Friendly Fire is on everything was normal yesterday what did we do to cause this who cares [Music] [Music] face why would anybody create a character like this outfit [Music] oh yeah this is the vibe oh my God oh my gosh okay the craziest thing happened to me yesterday that was powerlifting skip custom this dude comes over and he's just a mountain of a man he's like so Mom really needs you to do that for her can you do that yes yes I can great she's gonna be so happy did you just skip Elijah's whole story I think so video games are the best [Music] come off your bike again huh here eat this cheese [Music] heals you and we can have as much as we want this could never go wrong ever [Music] Judah what are you doing building a tree house that where's all your tools and supplies in a video game my friend all you need is a hammer asking price is a million dollars I'm building a mansion me too [Music] oh another check [Music] oh my inventory is full how much stuff is even in your inventory uh let's see a broom oh a puppy Gonna Keep you [Music] I fell off the cliff and respawned here you good I think we're immortal and I need to change my pants Micah it's getting dark we should head inside we're fine besides the house is right there we can go inside Anytime on second thought let's go on for our lives like babies exactly why in order to be done with the video game you have to complete it right start it today then that just means we have to complete today let's just go to sleep and be done with this whole thing I can't sleep with monsters Journey bye [Music] what I can't go into the kitchen whoa I totally see it so that means we're either not high level enough or kitchen DLC not purchased why is pay to win I knew it oh dude I seems like our problem has ever happened to anyone else ever ah you must have changed or not Spanish in your game settings you don't know how to change it back see I don't know what that means but just go into your settings and change the language yikes happens get done we Clinique that's German yeast I think you forgot to do whatever I agreed to do okay seriously how do we get things back to normal wait most games haven't and boss you have to be in order to complete it so we just defeat the final boss and things go back to normal how hard could that be yo it's just something okay so this is our life now how do we complete life graduate get a dream job start a family travel the world nice retirement plan and damn life completed no oh I was gonna name my kids Judah Judah and Judah too Judah what were you doing yesterday that might have caused all this nothing much I ate breakfast took out the trash bought a Chris video game from an old guy in an alleyway it's definitely that one there it is wait who's sealed by CD copies of games you'll just download it from online hey hey don't judge my video game buying habits see I put it in and it just shows this you know what we have to do flew to a different country and have fake IDs that's Plan B we destroyed the game [Music] oh there's on the game going I really should have done the tutorial destroy the disc I'll distract him oh what is that oh my goodness they're gonna be so much more than you what is your deal oh you missed out now prepare to feel a rap of a thousand ah dude I'll hurry wow that thing's cleaner than it was before I hurry he destroys everything I used and I'm out of cheese he destroys anything this can't be destroyed it destroyed them both everything's back to normal how'd you know it would work honestly I didn't I thought it would create a paradox which would open up a black hole and suck us all in but boy am I glad that worked
Channel: Nelson Boys
Views: 634,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, video game, fun, funny, real life, summer 2023, shiloh, shiloh and bros, elijah nelson, shiloh nelson, battle royal, discord
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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