'So Corrupt And So Rotten': Harriet Hageman Shreds The FBI At John Durham Hearing

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the gentlelady from Wyoming is recognized Mr Durham in reviewing a report I sincerely wanted to understand the work that you did and decipher the various investigations that we have been discussing the origins the history the back story The Whos the whys the what's the what ifs and the how I desperately wanted to figure out what happened to what was once our Flagship law enforcement agencies the FBI and the doj to determine what went wrong and to evaluate how we can go forward from here I have listened with great interest hoping to find some answers to the burning questions of the day and I have reached a few conclusions that I do not believe are subject to dispute or debate now I truly appreciate your regard for the agency you have dedicated your career to I am sure that as your investigation progressed you must have been truly saddened by what you found what you have exposed however is that we are dealing with something so corrupt and so rotten that no amount of face paint deflection or whitewashing can fix this you have been asked lots of questions about predicates protocols the steel dossier the Australian connection Mr Papadopoulos Mr Carter the fisa court in crossfire hurricane among others your responses have been enlightening but let's get to the brass tacks none of those people or documents or reports were relevant to the FBI when it identified Donald Trump as Public Enemy Number One what do I mean the accuracy and veracity of the steel dossier was irrelevant to the FBI the accuracy and veracity of the reports coming from the Australian Embassy were irrelevant to the FBI the fact that the Russian experts in the CIA FBI NSA and other agencies had no evidence of any kind of relationship between Mr Trump and Putin or Russia was irrelevant to the FBI and the fact that there was no verifiable evidence such as testimony documents videos or recordings of Russia inclusion was irrelevant to the FBI nothing and I repeat nothing that the FBI did was designed to show that Donald J Trump was a Russian asset that wasn't the purpose of the entire charade how do I know this is true because they told us so the very people who cooked this up and the ones who ran this entire Opera operation strzok Lisa Page Andrew McCabe Klein Smith Steele the DNC Perkins Coy it was never their purpose to prove Russian collusion and in fact from the very beginning they knew that no such thing actually existed they knew that the entire Russian inclusion narrative was fabricated by the Clinton campaign to deflect attention from her mishandling of classified materials and destruction of official emails but they didn't need to prove Russian collusion they just had to keep the investigation alive and so long as they had a complicit press and so long as they had people in this very body who has been here one of the gentlemen who has been here much of the day who would go on TV every night and lie about the Smoking Gun they could further their personal and personal and political agendas I know the purpose of Crossfire hurricane wasn't to prove Russian conclusion it was to destroy Donald J Trump and they told us that with the text messages that are set forth on page 49 and 51 of your report 49 and 50 of your report and then if they failed at blocking Mr Trump from being elected as president well they had a backup plan they had their insurance policy to use Strokes terminology which was to make it impossible for him to govern to use whatever tools were available to taint his presidency the legitimacy of his election his ability to work with foreign leaders and to make everything about Russia Russia Russia and how has this corruption and rot manifested itself in our everyday lives in our national culture and our ability to solve the problems we are facing it has destroyed some of the key foundations of this country a foundation-built on equal protection on the belief that Justice is blind on the belief that you will be held accountable if you commit a fraud of the magnitude of what we have been discussing here today on the belief that due process Justice and constitutional rights are more than mere words it has left a smoldering hot volcanic mess where the soul of this country used to be all because a few people in the FBI decided they wanted to destroy a political candidate and ultimately a president and anyone associated with him while these folks set out to destroy a presidential candidate and later a presidency the fact is that they destroyed so much more and that will be their ultimate Legacy one casualty is America's faith in our institution and another casualty is the erosion of a justice system that is supposed to apply equally to all Americans but that has been what weaponized to protect the favored few Elites the clintons the bidens while targeting political enemies that is the current Legacy of the FBI and doj Mr Durham here's my question how long do you think that this country will survive I am in the uh time is expired you can't ask a question a two-tier justice system that ceased to persecute People based on their political beliefs witness May respond generally as time is expired I I don't know I respond sure I don't think that um things can go uh too much further with the view that the law enforcement particularly the FBI the Department of Justice runs a two-tiered system of justice um the nation can't stand under under those circumstances well said generally yields back uh this concludes today's hearing uh Mr Durham we thank you could I put with you data misconcept could I put two documents into the record take that back that the hearing is not over the gentlelady may make her unanimous consent request don't miss the most damning Durham finding and six documented instances of systematic pro-democrat FBI corruption that objection so uh so um again Mr drum thank you thank you for your work thank you for long time being here uh six hours is is almost six hours is
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 874,344
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Id: pZQEIU6qscc
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Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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