Byron Donalds Details Investigations Into President Biden, Says Impeachment Articles Are Coming

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all right to John um melilli Cape Coral did I say your last name right okay uh what did when is Congress going to impeach President Biden for obvious corruption [Applause] so I guess people are interested in this question all right yes dollars anyone in here that committed that political prisoner in Washington DC in solitary compliance where this country is holding Christians in solitary confinement yes for like her trespassing I have no confidence in this government none and he's going to get away well I I would say on the last point I would say hold on to that one for a second so I get to I sit on oversight committee I think a lot of everybody in the room knows this um a couple things number one the information that is now available to the public that would not have come out if we weren't in control of the oversight committee so we were able to get to the bottom of this with everything that has come forward now everything from suspicious activity reports at the treasury Department which I've read there's about 200 of them I've read about 30 of them between the different members of the oversight committee we've read all these reports they are real reports a suspicious activity report is a report that is filed with a financial biofinancial institution with the treasury Department so this is not a political document when we were reading those it became pretty clear that many financial institutions were concerned about aspects of money laundering and concealing funds from the IRS they were concerned about it then uh we went from there to being able to depose certain individuals based upon what we read and that information led us to see that they set up these llc's which were set up that we've had the legal filings that multiple accounts were set up we have those those documents around that and the purpose was to move money through the various accounts it was because of Chuck Grassley in the Senate and people who contacted Senator Grassley that we found out about the forms that the FBI have from their whistleblower um that we when reading those forms we found out about the Whistleblower saying I'm sorry the confidential human Source saying that well according to the FBI this human source is highly valuable and highly credible and they've been paying this human Source they paid they paid him or her more than two hundred thousand dollars over the last eight years to deliver information to the FBI so they've documented on the FBI's form that the human Source says that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden both took five million dollars from somebody associated with barisma and the purpose was to get the prosecutor in Ukraine fired to take the heat off barisma I think the thing that gets lost in the shuffle is that the reason why barismo wanted the prosecutor gone is because barismo wanted to buy into a holding company in the United States in the oil and gas field to in order to raise capital in the United States and they knew that if they were under investigation in their home country they would never be able to raise capital in the United States so that's why the money was conveyed according to the confidential human source that led to the IRS whistleblowers coming forward in the Ways and Means Committee and the IRS whistleblowers one of whom is the supervisory agent on the case has testified that their investigations were downplayed or held back and that came from the political brass at IRS and the Department of Justice so I say all that to say that in my comments to the speaker and to my colleagues is that in my view we actually have a two-track process for impeachment I think the first is the first is with Merrick Garland the Attorney General [Applause] this the second is with the president of the United States now I want I want to be I want to be clear on this and and this is the part where this is really uh concerning um with with what is going on um at the political levels of the IRS and the in the Department of Justice and the FBI um there is a complete lack of trust uh with with the political brass of these agencies I think you have a lot of men and women who work in these agencies they are patriots they are good people they're Republicans they're Democrats they're Independents they do their job they follow the law but what we have seen is that is the political brass that has caused so many problems so I think that impeachment is one thing but wholesale reform of these agencies at the political level is another and that that must be done that must be done the the last thing is and even when we took the majority and we knew and oversight we knew in oversight that we were going to look into these suspicious activity reports because we were given information about it and we really wanted to follow through and even from the beginning you know people said oh okay you guys are in charge now go to not go and impeach and my state my statement's always been clear impeachment is serious this is a serious charge against an official of our government if we go to that level and we shouldn't cheapen it um just because you know of political get-backs even though what happened to the former president was wrong and should not have happened that you got to have the evidence you got to have the facts um and I'll just tell you from everything I've seen we're close to having all the evidence we need and I'll leave it at that
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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