Applause Breaks Out After Durham's Response To Steve Cohen Telling Him 'You Had A Good Reputation'

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yields back the gentleman from Tennessee is recognized thank you Mr chair Mr Durham you were appointed by whom um who recommended you and appointed you as the special counsel no as a U.S attorney as U.S attorney um as president Trump at the time with two Democratic senators from Connecticut supporting the nomination Mr Trump appointed you you believe Mr Trump has pretty good judgment on people their abilities and their character I'm not going to characterize Mr Trump or my thoughts about Mr Trump Mr Barr appointed you special counsel is that correct that's correct Mr Trump has called Mr Barr a gutless pig a coward and a rhino which of those is correct which isn't in my experience none of those are correct so Mr Trump isn't that good of a expert on character and judging people in your opinion he isn't because he's he's none of those he's not a gutless pig but Trump says he is that's outside the scope of my report also outside the scopey report apparently also outside of the scope of your report or was was apparently the meeting at Trump Tower between the Russians and the Trump boys where they talked about allegedly adoptions but we know is really about sanctions how was that outside of your report yeah I'm not hey I'm sorry I didn't quite follow the Trump Tower attorney Uh Russian attorney came to the Trump and Donald Trump Jr was just wonderful wonderful we love it we love it uh Russian decisions to interact with the Trump campaign and influence the actions of the campaign allegedly for adoption law but really for sanctions relief the FBI came up with that did they not I'm a meeting took place at Trump Towers on June 9th the lures I understand it was that there was information derogatory information on Clinton that was going to be provided they met and it's I believe in a hipsy report the hipsy report fully laid that out that the discussion then at Trump Towers was about adoption not about anything relating to Mrs Clinton it's totally it was totally about sanctions you're trying to get rid of the magnitsky law adoptions is a ruse should you not have gone it looked into that and seen what the Russians were wanting in return for that because that's the biggest thing Putin wanted at the time was to get Trump to relieve his people of magnitsky sanctions and I think that um director Mueller investigated that and I believe one of your house committees um explored that that was outside the scope of what we were looking at and and it was outside the scope of your authority to look at Columbia and and manafort meeting and exchanging polling data was that I'm sorry I'm not following remember manafort the crook that managed the campaign for nothing but got tons of money from the from different Russian people over the years that y'all pardoned Mr bar later got helped him with the commutation or pardoned I think pardon manafort I know who miss American Ford is yeah he met with kalimnik and they discussed polling data you don't know about that I know that Mr Klum Nick met with a lot of people including people he met with manafort and discussed polling data do you not know about that I'm aware of that all right why did you then not think it was a good idea for you to look into it and see if the FBI wasn't correct and that there was collusion a connection between Russia and the Trump campaign to elect Trump my assignment was to look at the conduct of the intelligence Community agencies not to conduct a separate investigation that was done by the house or the standby the senator was done by director Mueller you don't think that if there was the intelligence communities the FBI others came up with this information and did good work that that should be part of your ballast report yeah well I'm not I'm not I'm not following your question I apologize well tried to follow your report Donald Trump Jr would have called it a a nothing Burger you got no convictions you got nothing it was all set up to hurt the Mueller report which was correct and was redacted to hurt the bidens and to help Trump and you were a part of it you have a good reputation you had a good reputation that's why the two Democrats supported you but the longer you hold on to Mr Barr and this report that Mr Barr gave you a special counsel your reputation will be damaged as everybody's reputation who gets involved with Donald Trump is damaged he's damaged goods there's no good dealing with him because you will end up on the bottom of a pyre I yield back the balance of my time sure we presume the gentleman's undecided on how he feels about the former president yeah gentlemen the witness can respond yeah my concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect and my family and my Lord and I'm perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them sir I'll say God bless you um the um the the the chair recognizes the gentleman from Wisconsin uh Mr Fitzgerald Mr Durham uh thank you for being here today on October 3rd 2016 the FBI met with Christopher
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 2,105,638
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Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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