SNS 273: Fixture Plate Modification, CRC Smart Washer, Viewer Gifts

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to this shop for another week of Saturday night special so today in this episode we're going to do a little bit of machine work on my fireball fixture plate we're gonna make a modification on it I want to make it a little bit more user friendly if I want to put this in a three or four jaw Chuck either in the middle machine or the late so we're gonna go ahead and get that knocked out and we've also got a new CRC smart washer in we're going to get that unboxed get it all together and and check that unit out and I'm real excited to have that I've also got some some really nice and generous gifts from some of my viewers and some of the other YouTube creators out there so we're gonna check that stuff out as well alright and I want to give everybody a reminder that we have our upcoming good of the land Fest it's going to be over in Temple Texas next month and the following weekend I'm going to be going to the Soleil steam festival and Meridian Mississippi so information on both of those events are going to be in the video description down below all right well you guys might remember this guy this is my fireball fixture plate that are machines and I'm gonna make a modification to it today so what we're going to do is the the mounting plate right here on the back side this plate right here I'm going to go ahead and bore a hole in this and a couple of reasons why I'm going to do that one I want to be able to chuck this in either a 3 or 4 jaw Chuck so I want I'm gonna I want the to be able to go to the lathe and be able to chuck this in a lathe and use it for facing operations in that way and so you can just go straight to the chuck and be able to hold it on the ID of this this hole right here in this plate and the other reason let me pain you up a bit this guy right here I've got my my rotary table and I've got this Chuck on it as a three jaw this is what I call a low profile Chuck that you would use on a mill I got another one over here a smaller one and I want to be able to put this fixture plate up on here and just chuck it and hold it and be able to use it for indexing okay so using this this three jaw on top of that rotary table would make it extremely easy to be able to just take this and just set it up here tighten it up once I have all that centered up with the spindle and then you'd be right in the center of it well go down to the mark lay then we'll use our four jaw Chuck it up in the Forge oh I'm just going to leave it mounted right - we're just gonna leave it mounted up to this fixture plate right there chuck it up and we'll get it indicated and drill it and bore it we've got our jaws preset there I'm gonna use some of these brass shims there to protect and keep from marring up the side of the cast get two of them tight that way we don't have to worry about it falling out all right so let's get this let's get this thing indicated in pretty close right there already on those two so what we're gonna do is slide this indicator in 180 out from you know each side and just rock it like that and then take note of where the indicator is so this side is lower so we're at 43 for our low and we're at 42 so that sides good let's go to this side right here that one's a little bit lower so we're about 28 on the dial there so this is going to be kind of high yep so we got a high side there we're gonna have to loosen this side here that's the low 45:42 still a little bit high so tighten that high a little bit maybe that'll get it where we need 43 just looking for the lowest spot on the on the dial so that's 44 let's see where we're at on these two sides again about 42 and a half so I think we're we're there 43 so we are in the center right there let's go ahead and check our face and make sure that we're running running straight with the face of the Chuck here look at that that was just pushed up against the jaws we are good to go I hadn't bumped that at all looking good alright so I'm gonna go ahead and get its inner drill and bringing back and we'll use our taper st. grills and get a hole in there and it will just bore it the size and I'm not sure exactly what diameter I want yet we're probably going to want at least I'd say three to four inch diameter hole board in there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now you can see I just did get to go in there with the two and a half drill it started touching the cast iron there that's why I stopped so we've got our nice boring bar we'll go in there and go ahead and clean that up so we'll take it out to either three and a half or four inches I've got a I got a test piece over there on that three jaw at three and a half inches it looks pretty good this is gonna be my finished cut through there was taking ten thousands so I'm going to make the whole three and a half inches all right so that's our mod we got a three and a half inch hole there well we'll go over there to the to our other three jaw Chuck and see how it looks the other had had benefit to doing this that I found out is that it allows the chips if you're doing any work up there chips come through these holes it allows you to easily clean that out and get the chips out of there just like that yep there we go now I can use my fixture right up here on my rotary table very cool I wanted to mention why we were talking about this is that I still plan on building some of these things I've got I've still got ten of these raw castings over there stacked up against the wall that I that I plan on building you know the identical units right here and I'm just trying to get to the point to where I can start working on them without any kind of interruptions and and work through them and get them built but I'm also trying to you know work out exactly how I want to build them because I knew had a couple design changes that I was going to implement as well one of them you just saw we were going to put a hole in this plate right there so that's one of the design changes and I think we're also going to change up the size of this plate as well not not the thickness I think the one inch is going to work well for what I want to do because I believe what we're gonna do is instead of having a perfectly square shape it's going to be more rectangular so on two sides it'll come out further and we'll have a couple notches milled in there much like you see a standard milling vise so that you can you can use a couple hold down studs or bolts or a couple flange nut to actually hold this plate down to a machine table such as a milling machine table I had a few guys that were that had mentioned that back whenever I built this about you know being able to mount it directly to the table instead of just being able to clamp it in a vise so if I did that you'd have you know two parallel faces that you could clamp it in a vise or you'd have these two sides that's made so you could set it directly down on the table and then bring your studs in there and hold it down that way so I'm just trying to I got to get to that point to where I have my design drawing up on paper on how I want it cut out because I'm probably going to have I'm gonna have all of these plates actually burned out probably on a plasma and and then I'll do the machining from there so anyway that's just a little update on the on the fire ball fixture plates there we got a brand new tool in the shop today and I'm getting ready to get this unboxed and get it all set up so what we've got is the model SW 23 by remediating parts washer it's one of the new smart washers from CRC now I want to point out this is this is not a paid advertisement or a paid endorsement for the channel here but what I do want to say is that I've had a long-running partnership with CRC and they've been very generous to me in the shop here and supplying me a lot of chemicals and rust inhibitors and penetrates and things like that for some time all right I've been seeing these smart washers you know guys like Justin good the land and also Ricky knew you he's got one and I've been wanting to add a parts washer here in the shop for a while I finally cleared out a spot over here in the other side to add one and I've been looking at some at at you know picking up a parts washer I've got my dad's old parts washer out there and I brought that from the old shop and it's been outside getting rained on and it's just kind of roached and I decided I wanted to go ahead and just look for something new to replace that old safety clean parts washer because it's in such horrible condition so I wanted to find out more about these so I started looking them up and then I contacted Jake over there at CRC it was asking them about how these things work and use explained to me and then he offered to send me one out so Thank You Jake I really appreciate that that's very cool of you so they sent one out they also sent some of the cleaner that goes into this is the this is the Aussie juice that goes in there so they have different types of chemicals that you can pick to go in these I picked out the SW for this is a heavy-duty degreasing solution I thought it was more of a general purpose for greases and oils cutting fluids and things like that so that's that's what I went with so we fifteen gallons of the sw4 alright and they also sent out a box of these and this is one of the most important features of the smart washer is these Aussie mats you have to use these and you have to maintain them like like the directions say so you have to change these out every 30 days so you have layer filters in this and you you take the lid off and you pull one of these filters out every 30 days and that's what helps keep this in good working condition and work as this unit is supposed to be working so we're gonna be learning all about that though aren't we so let's get this thing on box and get it all set up what do you say there's an easy hunting boxing one of the things I love about this this unit already is the fact that it's on wheels so you can actually move it anywhere in the shop that you want to it's not it's not limited to wherever you set up the parts washer so if you need to set maybe you want to go outside one day with it you got some kind of cleaning that you're doing outside you can just roll it out there and plug it in and use it out there so pretty cool we've got another pack of the Aussie mats in there this is probably gonna be the that's the wrench for the jugs we've got a spout right here and we will hook up this is uh I know in the videos I saw you can actually you've got you've got a brush that you can use to do your cleaning and put fluid out and you've got another spigot right here that you can use to keep the fluid flowing over your workpiece as well pretty neat okay now let's go ahead and get the filter installed in there and I was going to point out something I made a mistake earlier when I said that you changed out this every 30 days you know the the filter that says every 30 days but that's for the complete ozzie Matt right there okay so they've got a tag hanging on there that tells you right here that you remove one of the white filters there's four of them on there okay so you get four filters and you remove one each week so like every seven days and the way they've got this they got these little nice tags hanging on here so you can use these if you want to remind you to change them out every week or every Monday you come in and for me that's gonna depend on you know how often I'm using this thing because this I'm not a shop that's using this thing every single day cleaning parts well I want to point out that's how they recommend you you replace these filters to keep the the fluids working as they're supposed to work I was going to point out they do send you a nice manual a nice easy read easy to read manual and gives you all your information that you need to know on all of the products the Aussie juice that goes in there how it works okay and then the you know how to properly change out the Aussie mass there's a breakdown of the system there is a heating element in this right there and that's part of how this works so once you plug it in and turn it on it's actually going to preheat the fluid and you keep that on and it keeps the fluid at a predetermined temperature all the time so there's all your parts break down and how does how to take it all apart okay so there's that let's see we're gonna go ahead and remove this tray here and then we're going to also remove this tray all right so here's our filters we've got these little pull tabs right there so this is the one that's important that we make sure that's changed out every month so we will make sure that put this side up this is the one that is saying that you you change out every week so you take this and you pull that out and you remove it and this catches a lot of your solids and contaminants right there okay put this tray back down on top of that so and then this catch pan just like that all right so this is the the spot that I had cleaned out for a parts washer here I had some other material stacked in there up that I've moved out to the garage and the perfect place I got a receptacle there too as well so this is where it's going to stay whenever it's just being parked unless I need it somewhere else we'll move it so we're gonna go ahead and start getting turned getting this stuff poured in there they supply the wrench there so you can unscrew the cap had me a little vent so some of the benefits of using this type of system from what I've learned talking with crc is the obviously that the bio remediating technology that is in this this type of cleaning system right here but the other thing that that the they want people understand is that this fluid right here in this cleaning system is non hazardous it's not flammable it's not corrosive and it's not polluting either and the other great thing about this type of cleaner versus your more traditional type of parts cleaners like say you know we used to have safety clean at the at the old shop and my dad paid a fee every single month for the safety clean truck to come by I'm pretty sure it was once a month the safety clean guy came by with a new drum and swapped that out and I remember what it was but it wasn't cheap it was around it was it was less than 100 bucks but you know every single month you're having to pay that or if you if you're just handling that yourself you're having to swap out that fluid every so often and get rid of it and dispose of it so with this system here you don't have to swap out the fluid and and change it you just keep reusing it because of the the by remediating that goes on in there it continues to clean itself and rejuvenate the fluid and I wanted to point out that if you want to I'm not a scientist and I'm not good at explain how that kind of stuff works so if you want to know more about how that actually works if you go to the CRC YouTube channel they have a bunch of videos on this system and how it works and on the cleaner here itself there as well but getting a little bit of a little bit of drainage dressed there but so you don't have to worry about swapping this fluid out every month or even every few months or whatever as long as you maintain the filter that the how they recommend you know change that pull that layer that filter off every week and then every month pull that blue filter out of there and then put a brand new Ozzy map down inside there and if you do that it's supposed to work this like it's instructed that it should you should have any problems with it so hopefully we we won't have any problems ourselves and so you're saving money by not having to dispose of that fluid or change out that fluid on the monthly basis or by monthly basis or however often people do it now and I did I did ask Jake about how often you do have to change this fluid you know if it's is it something that you do have to eventually change out and there's instructions they have a website they have a video on their youtube that talks about how annually you can you know clean the system out and then put new fluid in there if you like and as far as disposing of any kind of safety clean or a parts cleaner type of cleaning fluid oils and things like that what I do is I personally I keep everything in the shed in the garage now and once a year about once a year what I do is I make a run to our County landfill and they have a place out there where you can dispose of oils fuels paints electronics any kind of hazardous material you can take out there as long as it's not a on a large scale you know you can take a certain like you could take these jugs out there full oil and leave them there if you wanted to so that's how I was planning on doing the the other conventional parts cleaner if I was to use that was once I changed it out I take it out to the and Phil and put it in their their waste oil tank so this one requires 15 gallons when you first set it up so that's what we put in there and now I'm going to go ahead and plug the thing in all right here's our on switch here we're gonna go ahead and power it up that light shows that it's got power and then you've also got an indicating light right here that that will beep red and it'll shine red indicating that you need to add five gallons of the Aussie juice heck of a stream coming out there got a switch on the brush here that's nice you just pushed out whenever you want to use your brush to do your cleaning so the switch the on and off switch is on a 10 minute timer so if you if you walk away you know if you clean something and walk away after 10 minutes the pump will automatically shut off all right and then to turn it back on you just flip the switch off and and turn it back on there again and also once you actually plug it into the receptacle as long as there's power going to it it's automatically going to start heating it up so it heats it up to approximately 105 degrees Fahrenheit and that's the proper temperature that they've got this designed that to be most effective at ok so it's uh it's ready to roll I don't actually have anything any jobs right here that need to be clean but I'm looking forward to having this now because there's been so many times that I was needing to clean something just like the other day when I clean the gears for the for the Victor lathe I ended up using the industrial cleaner and just soaking it and scrubbing it with a brush but now we've got an actual proper parts cleaner in here and I'm very happy to have this alright I want to test this thing out today it's been plugged in for about 4 hours now and we're we're starting to get up to our our temp I don't know if we're at 105 yet but it's I could definitely feel that it's warm so these are a couple of the precision stones right here the precision ground stones and I want to see how this stuff does on cleaning them all these things are actually in need of good cleaning and there's actually another way to to clean these with a different type of cleaner but I want to see if this will actually work and see if this fluid right here I've got another little brush right here I can use to try to help agitate it and let's just see what it does I'm just gonna it's just more of an experiment really you know I don't know until I try I can definitely tell that it's warm it's a it's very warm now but let's go ahead and get them go ahead and wet them down it seems like it's it's getting it usually when you're using the stones if you if the surface is kind of dirty you'll have a lot of grease built up right around the edges right there and that's where it kind of concentrates as you're as you're using these stones so a lot of that really is just grease that's kind of buried into the material there of the stone let's try this more aggressive brush right here seems to be working pretty pretty decent I think we're definitely getting close to our temp that's it's a it's a warm fill and solution there it's doing pretty good I still got a little bit in there I got to do but I think this is going to work so this is a batch of indicators that I had sent out to mark Borkowski mr tool repair and I've used mark several times for the past few years and he is an excellent tool repair anything involving precision tools such as indicators calipers or any other kind of metrology type equipment mark is your guy he does excellent work and he'll work on any kind of high-quality precision tool so these indicators here all of these indicators are some that I had purchased a while back at the the auction that I had went to when I bought all that all those different tools from that auction locally and some of these needed work and then some of them just needed a little bit of cleanup like now this guy right here this is a peacock dial indicator and he put on there beyond economical to repair so this one was not economical to repair so he did not do anything to that now I'll point out these two Fowler test indicators there was nothing wrong with these except they were just a little sticky they were a little bit slushy there so I'm sure all he did was just take these apart and give them a proper cleaning and get them working like they're supposed to even the crystal you know is not was not replaced they're still in good shape now I will say that he he does not take in like made-in-china type precision tools and I think these Fowler's may follow in that classification is made in China but again I showed him these before I sent him and he said yes cinimon because they weren't damaged in any way they were just a little bit sticky so I think he was able to just take those apart and clean them and get them working like they were supposed to the peacock indicator here test indicator we've got a brand new crystal on there and he did some repairs to get it working just like it should be and same thing with the tech lock right here he got this thing working working good and I don't believe the crystal was replaced on this one right here though and then we've got two more dial indicators so one is a one as a peacock I'll take the little cover he ships them with these little covers to protect the crystal and you can see just how pretty it looks brand new is a tense indicator here and then we've got a mitts of Toya right here that he did some fixing on as well another tense indicator put another crystal under the doll face on there and cleaned it all up so we got some good indicators fixed up that did not have to be throw it away and also mark thank you he sent a little swag back we got a sticker for the toolbox we got a little kuzey a pen and he also sent me one of his t-shirts as well this was his swag pack from the bar Z bash he had one left over so he give that to me so thank you mark for that so again if you're looking for some good repair work on these types of tools you know you can often pick these things up for a reasonable price used and a lot of times we find these things for you know nothing you know pennies because they're broken or damaged and you can give call give mark a call or an email and ask him about doing repairs on these and these are usually pretty reasonable pretty affordable I'll point out that indicators like this just to just say a regular standard everyday dial indicator it's probably gonna run anywhere between forty and sixty dollars depending on the size and depending on what parts need to be replaced in there but he has said that's a you know that around forty to fifty dollar mark is a good average across the board for a dial indicator repair that's going to be different you know some of these test indicators may be a little bit more but that kind of gives you guys an idea so anyway mark thanks again for the tool repairs I appreciate it and we're gonna put these up in the cabinet and I'm sure gonna appreciate having some more good indicators in the stash here for our collection I want to give Adam over at Buckeye engraving a thank you for the t-shirt here and the little swag pack so we got a nice t-shirt with his logo looks really neat very comfy shirt I've already tried it on it fits good we've also he sent me some of the stickers here so we can put a couple ease up on the cabin and so Adam over at Buckeye and raving is the one that made me my stamp all right I ordered this from him earlier in the year and he did a swell job making this stuff he does a awesome job in engraving these things right there so if you if you're looking for somebody that can make you a stamp of your own with your company logo or whatever you want he's the guy to go to okay does awesome job he's got a nice Instagram page where he shows his work on the weekly basis and another fun fact is he's also done work for Jesse James let me show you so I got this keychain here that I bought from from Jesse whenever he was from you know promoting these it's his 30th anniversary for West Coast Choppers and he makes these himself over shop in Texas and on the back there at Stan's hell yeah it's handmade by Jesse James so cool interesting fact is that Adam over at Buckeye engraving actually makes the stamps for Jesse that he uses to stamp these keychains right here so very cool I thought that that was a cool little fun fact there as well but Adam again thank you for the shirt and we'll put your stickers up on the cabinet and you guys check out Buckeye engraving if you need you a good stamp okay got a couple more stickers to add we're gonna go ahead and put up marks sticker and then the Buckeye engraving up here and I just want to show that all you guys have been sending me channel stickers I am getting it up on the cabinets you might see yours up here as well as the list over here I've been filling up the cabinet with all the stickers that I'm getting and I'm always looking for more so if any of you guys got a cool channel sticker and you watch the show then feel free to send me an email and we'll touch base with each other and let's get your sticker up here on the cabinet so let's get marks up here we're gonna we're going to put him right next to the next to the a bomb sticker all right by the way here's a I don't know if I've ever shown you this couple pictures of Stella way back whenever she was just a little brand new puppy long time ago I keep these up here mom had made those and give them to me she found them in her closet so that one right there that one right there let's see maybe we'll put it up maybe we'll put this one over there you guys can tell what state that is right put this one right next to the a bomb sticker here on this side there we go two more cool stickers or three more cool stickers for the cabins so again y'all got some channel stickers send them my way we'll put them up here there's your a little better shot of the list uh and a lot of the ones that I've been adding on here to the cabinet lately I've been I had a little stock pile over there on the bench that I was holding onto and finally one day I just gone through and started putting them all up there so so maybe you see yours up there all you guys have been sent them to me I want to give a big thanks to Scott Conte and all of the guys up at the industrial heritage museum in Greenfield Massachusetts they just sent me one of their brand new shop aprons right here and I love it I love it's got some nice pockets for tools you got some more pockets there you can put some things in but it's a nice apron and it's made in USA - it's got the it's got the tag right here on the side made in USA love it so this is one of the items that the museum is going to be selling there on their storefront to try to raise a little bit of money just for the for the program they're in museum and I wanted to give them a big thanks for sending it out it's got a very cool logo there Massachusetts tool Greenfield Massachusetts there I really like this little patch that they sewed on there so I'm still trying to get used to wearing aprons I've never been an apron guy all the years I've been in the shop recently this year I've been using one that I bought from Duluth and I and I use it a lot but it's not as nice it's not really set up for machinist and toolmaker 's and things like that I think this is a lot closer to what it would be a lot more comfortable aware of this apron around the shop and I definitely going to start putting it to use we need to start getting it dirty it's too clean right now and I love these pockets right there so you can use these over here to put your scales in we're gonna have a put a couple scales there look I haven't got enough room to put put a metric scale in there and you know this one over here we could put our pencils and our pens we've got our scriber right here we've got a center punch we can put that in there so all of the tools like that that you're using all the time you know you always grab it for your scale and measure something or you want to scribe her opinions right there on the front of you there and you got more pockets I'm looking forward to using it I really am so Scott and all the guys up there Museum thank you very much for the apron I really appreciate it and I'm looking forward to getting up there and visiting with you guys I don't know when that's gonna be I'm hoping next year is gonna be the year for that we just got to get that plan in the works okay so they got a couple of little goodies that Scott sent me I want to show you those two all right so Scott he has a business as well it's called SBD tool and you can find him on Instagram as well but he sent me a little just a little care package right here with some different things and we got some starett pins and we've got a little steric notepad okay that's cool and then we've got a couple of these guys right here so he actually does work for Wells Tool Company they're still in business up there in Greenfield they make taps and they're they're still do an old school man they've got some old old machinery in there that they're using to machine these taps and grind them but that's a company that he worked for well I think he worked for them part time if I'm not mistaken and I believe Scott SPD I believe is his own personal company there as well so we've got a couple of those looks like we've got we've got some more stuff in here let's just dump that out so we got two of the wells tool Decimal charts so these should be some classics right here that you can tell they've kind of yellowed a little bit on the paper and a couple more stickers so here's these are some postcards from the industrial heritage museum right there that's that's their logo that they use and they're big supporter of Millers Falls and these are just these are just postcards that they that they sell up there at the museum they probably got a lot of different ones so if we got a sticker right there we can put on the cabinet we got his note that he left me so anyway Scott thank you very much and be sure guys check out their YouTube channel they've got some excellent videos of old school videos movies that they made way back in the day and they've been reproducing them and putting them on YouTube for for your enjoyment and very informative on tool making there as well so Scott thank you again very much I appreciate it man another big thanks to another cool YouTube channel Texas Barnum idioms for sending out the the cool hats and the the drink mugs right there these are arctic brand drink mugs with their logo put on it so Texas Barnum minions is owned and run by mr. Erik Cortina I had the pleasure of meeting Eric a few years ago he come over here he actually purchased a milling machine from someone here in Pensacola and when he come over he stopped by and visited with me and saw the shop but he runs a business over in Texas where he builds my dream home and my my dream Home Slice dream home in shop but he builds metal buildings into what they call barn minions over there and it's a it's a very unique style of construction that I love and I don't see it it's not common over here we're on that but out there where he's at it's very common so they take metal buildings what you would consider it what looks like a like an industrial or a commercial grade and metal building and they build those into an actual home and I just love them because they're just like a stick built house they're completely customizable where you can you can design this layout any way you want you can have part of it as your home and then the rest of it is your shop or part of it your home and the other part of bigger odds the sky's the limit on the way they build these buildings and Abby and I just really love it it's a dream home for us and I would absolutely love to be able to hire Eric to build us our dream Texas bar and main him over here in Florida but he's over in Texas and I don't know if I could get them all all the way over here in Florida to build one of his buildings but regardless Eric thanks for the Hat and the mugs there and you guys go check out his YouTube channel it's very informative and shows you know the life of a construction worker building those metal buildings and doing concrete work and things like that all right Eric thanks for the swag man I appreciate it [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 185,530
Rating: 4.8957272 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, crc, crc industrial, crc smart washer, smart washer, lathe, monarch lathe, machine shop, taper shank drill bit, drilling a hole, how to drill a hole, how to use a drill bit, job shop, fixture plate, fireball tool fixture plate, fixture plate modification, indicator, mr tool repair, indicator repair, indicator repair service, industrial heritage museum, shop apron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 49sec (2869 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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