SNS 227: Marschke Pedestal Grinder, Infinity 3D Printer

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the shop for another week of S&S so we got a good mixture of things that we can throw into this episode I got all kind of stuff that's been going on in the shop last week I had talked about a new pedestal grinder that I picked up from Andrew Alexander and that pencil grinder arrived and I got some footage of getting it in the shop and getting it off the pallet I think you guys might like a bit of that and we've got lots of viewer mail type stuff I got some new tooling I got I got all kinds of stuff that I filmed and and I don't know what I was gonna make it in this episode but I'm gonna try to have a nice little action-packed video here for you and we'll probably follow up with another video with some a lot more machine work for you guys that love seeing the Machine work around here I've got some new projects I've started on we've got the spare clapper and clapper box for the genie shaper there and I've got some stuff going on with that and that's that some things that I just started filming getting into that project a lot of machining that kind of stuff there so there's just all kind of stuff that's been going on the past couple of weeks and and I'm gonna try to bring you a nice enjoyable video okay I will say that so the other grinders on the other side of the wall there and the Queen City pedestal grinder I'm going to move it to the other side of the wall as well because I want all my grinder is down that one wall over there on the other side so I'm kind of getting my plans together to get the electrical run over there and which will hook up both grinders the electric press and the knt mill I'm gonna try to get all that knocked out at the same time so that's something I've been working on to but I'm trying to get some of these machine projects I got man I got all kind of stuff going around here so anyway let's go ahead and get to the footage and I hope you guys enjoy okay another new tool for me for the shop this summer I just picked up here locally found it for sale got it for an excellent price and this is something that I've been needing for a couple of reasons and since it popped up I jumped on the opportunity so this box itself is in really clean shape and five of the drawers have this carpet cut to fit inside of it they all slide really nice i wiped it off and i squirted some WD into the slides right there and whoever owned it modified this bottom drawer they put some angle iron in here and evidently they must have had another shelf sitting on top of that to hold some other goods so that was pretty neat right there but really a really nice box so the reason why I had it decided to get this when I seen it is up here on my wooden workbench I got this Kennedy right here it's come from my old shop it's got all of my dies in it got round eyes and hex dies and I've got taps here and tool bits and more taps and things like that I want to move this off of the bench because I have another machine that's going to sit right here I'll show you that in a second and whenever I found this Kennedy I was like man that's the perfect thing so I'm gonna move that other top box over here and I'm probably going to go ahead and just put it right here on this wall because that's about the best place I have it for right now and once I do that we got this guy that's going to go up on to the the workbench there it's a new 3d printer revolution 3d printers from KBC tools really looking forward to getting this thing hooked up and operating and start making some parts with it so that's what I'm working on right now I try to get this box over here cleaned up some and get it mounted over on the new Kennedy alright man I'm making some nice progress around here I'll give you another update of what what's been going on got this moved over here and I've got plenty of new tool storage here that I plan on using to my benefit and start getting some more of my tooling organized I know I want to put some of my big parallels in some of these drawers so that's looking good I still need to hang my temp concern gotta put a screw up there but that's looking good man that's a that's a nice box I'm just so happy that I was able to get that so anyway let's come back over here and there's the new printer finally out of the box and that's as far as I've gotten I haven't read anything I haven't done anything yet but there's the printer and I'm just got it set up here we've got a whole book that goes with it okay got some adhesive and then there's some polymer in there and there's some other stuff in that other box there but before I do anything with this I've actually got to get on the website I talked to one of the owners at this company he's working with me he wants to help me make sure that this is you know that we get it set up right and he's going to help me with some projects and things like that so I got to do some other stuff before I start messing with it but really excited to get going on that I got my new union chart hung up there I took some of those other ones down and really love that it's one of my favorite ones I got right there I got that from Barry Barry Robbins all right here's an old project that did in the meantime I made this riser for my computer monitor and the speakers and my pins and stuff like that so that I would have more space under here and that was just scrap metal out of my bin outside and a piece of 2 by 12 that was leaned up against the fence and I threw that all together I used mine fireball tools mega square to hold the corners together got them all tacked in then welded them up then use the the mini monster square to hold the legs clamp them in and got them tacked in and welded in so something that was on my list for a very long time to do it's making little small improvements so I'll get started on this probably this evening getting the website stuff done that I need to do for this and I will be sure to bring you back with some videos and information on this printer I'm very excited to learn how to use it by the way it is an infinity 3d and they are made in Canada supposed to be a very high quality industrial unit this lot of tools right here is some stuff that I bought from one of my viewers and they're all big and mills I think they're all 2 inch shank and look at that guy right there roughing in mill these are the these are my favorite type of end mills to have to use so I got all these I think he sold them all to me for it was like 50 or 60 bucks for everything I think he threw in a couple extras after we had made the deal so I was collecting these things because that's real cheap for these big cutters right here and we could use these on the knt one of these days I think this is the one that was still brand new Brubaker yeah nice and mill right there and then we have some that are even longer right here believe and I just left him in these boxes he did such a good job of cutting all this cardboard up and making boxes for these cutters there's a lot of time going into stuff like that so look at that right there that looks like a good at least 10 inch length of cut 2 inch in mill when these days these things are gonna come in handy around here over on that knt mill back in the earlier part of the year when I was working on the GE shaper I had shown where one of my viewers Tim sent in a bunch of parts off of an identical Jenny Schaper that he had found in the scrap yard and with those parts were these two handles right here these two crank handles that I was hoping that I could use now now this one is the crank handle the fits mine the genie squares on the on the shafts for the worm worms the worms shafts are 9/16 square this one has been so well used that it's stretched almost a 5/8 there so it's very loose on the square it was also bent probably at the scrapyard so I had straighten this up Bennett you know heated up and bent it back around straight and this handle right here I don't think it was for the genie at all I think this there was some other machines next to that shaper like some I think there was a big milling machine out there so this may have been off another machine but it's the same size it's the appropriate size for adjusting the stroke position on top of the shaper but he's sending along and so what I wanted to do is make some crank handles I talked about that before I was going to make some a modified one broach the square hole but I had these and I want to put them to use Keith Rucker when he was here visiting me one day not too long ago he was talking about a guy that he uses over Mississippi named Clark Easterling Wendy hill foundry he uses he's been using him for some casting works and for some foundry work so I contacted Clark whenever he was here and he said yeah I'd love to do this for you so I sent these two crane candles over there to Clark and he cast them for me out of cast iron and here they are so here's the here's the short short throw crank candle and then you got the longer crank candle there and Clark did a fine job of casting these things looks great I'll just have to do a little bit of clean-up on them I'll probably take my time and dress the handles here and smooth them out a little bit so that it's a little bit smoother in the hand whenever you're using them but not that big of a deal and so I had them leaving blank obviously because I wanted to put my own holes in there so I will set these up and we will get them drilled and broached for the 9/16 square hold it that needs in there and I will probably go ahead and put a coat of paint on these to make them look good and just polish up the crank handle and so I want to thank Clark I know you watched some of my videos and did a fine job and actually got them done within a week which was really surprised me thank you very much Clark did a nice job they look great I'm happy with them now they're obviously not going to be as strong as say a drop-forged or probably even a steel version of these crank handles but all you're using these for is to turn a worm screw so there shouldn't be a whole lot of torque on it so I don't see any issue with these handles breaking off if that is the case where this handle was to decide to break off then that's easy enough you can buy these handles from mcmaster-carr drill it and tap it or drill it and bolt it on whatever you need to do so that's not an issue and just like I'm glad to have them and thank you very much Clark this is gonna be another job coming up in the in the near future for the shop here all right so we got a really great new tool for the shop right here what we have is a hardness tester model 3/16 from PTC instruments and this was given to me by John Markus he's the owner/operator there at PTC instruments in Los Angeles California and I got the pleasure to meet John a couple times when I was at the bar Z Bosch and they did do a tour of his facility and there's a there's a video on Stan's accost Keys channel for PTC instrument shop tour if you want to check that out shade and hkw is Stan's channel but anyway John had contacted me and said he wanted to send me out one of his hardness testers and this is great this is a tool that I do not have in the shop already I don't have a way to check hardness around here so this is gonna be a great tool so here's just a spec sheet of what the unit looks like what it does alright and in this picture right here this is what it looks like as you're looking down the scope so you you make a punch mark with the tool in there and then you line it up in the scope you line it up with the bottom edge and then you pretty much just measure the diameter using this graduated scale and it tells you this is going to tell you the range of what the hardness is based on that punch mark there okay that's the instructions on how to use it so here's here's the tool itself let's looking in the case this is a nice case by the way it's a hand fitted in there I like how the lid stays up doesn't flop over and cause it to fall back there's our calibration certificate for the test block and the hardness measurements that they took so right at 48 Rockwell on all their measurements there this is the test block right here and this is they got the four punch marks on there and you can use this again to verify it and keep checking it if you want to all right and then it comes with the spring-loaded punch this isn't the punt this isn't a punch that you'd use for standard punching you know for laying out things like that this has got a ball tip on it and it's specifically used just for this tool right here okay so you got the spring-loaded punch and then you got the tool itself which is this guy right here alright so you have the scope that you look down and then this is a little flashlight that is attached here and once you turn it on you see it's got a little LED light that shines to that to that little hole so the way you use it will take your take the test block and then stick it on here and look down there and try to find the punch mark through the hole and then hold it Square to the workpiece and then look down it and then you just line it up you just line up the punch mark which looks like a ball or a circle and then you measure it from the bottom to the top using the graduated scale and that's built into this right here so you can do that on any of your your work pieces wherever you need to go very very nice tool John I really appreciate it thank you very much this is going to be a nice addition the shop right here I look forward to being able to use this and you know use it for jobs whenever we need to okay so thank you John all you guys interested make sure you check them out PTC instruments some time back I've made a little trade with viewer my name's Steve Freeman and I had a I had a thread gauge that was given to me when I say a thread gauge this is one of the thread gauges that I was given and I want to say the size was two and a quarter eight I can't honestly I can't remember exactly what it was but whatever size that was is for one of the late spindle noses and he's seen that video and asked if he would trade me for some for some tools I select yeah odd because I'm not using it so I sent it to him and in return Steve sent me all this now I wasn't expecting all this right here but very kind of Steve to send these things because a lot of this is stuff that I could use I mean look at this look at this end mill right here this is probably a so it's a six flute inch and a quarter saying inch and a half this is what a eight foot eight inch long flute length right there and it appears to be new it's got a nice sharp edge if it has been used that was a I mean just that right there I believe this is what we had talked about trading was like an end mill you know there's another know the big end mill there some long end mills a couple horizontal milling cutters a pipe tap carbide inserts they've got a big ball mill right here some more carbide turning tools like these guys smoked in the metal and then two packs of carbide inserts but these these are like the real Jim right here so this is a TPG insert and it's the diamond tipped so you have one corner that has the little diamond tip and those are very handy if you've got something hard that you're trying to turn or you have something that has like hard spots in it that your that's just tearing carbide up now this one this one pack right here makes the whole lot of tools if nothing else we'll sent this one insert right here is awesome so this would be a seat CMG style of insert and it's a it's a diamond tip also last time I had to buy one of these because we used to buy them and have like one or two in the drawer just just for when we need it they were around 60 65 bucks apiece I want to say so that's gonna be nice to have there's several of them in here these different styles carbide inserts so very cool of Steve to send all this stuff apparently it's things that he did not need and having that that thread gauge us and it made his day so thank you Steve oh he also sent this is just a big stack of just notepads to use out in the shop and Steve Freeman you can find him on Facebook and Instagram under Steve shop works machine works with a with an X in it right there so thank you very much Steve I really appreciate it some very nice cutters for the shop another viewer gift that has come in this week what we have is a gift from Joseph Owens he's been watching the video for he's been watching the channel for a few months and really loves the videos and he he had a book here that he thought that I might like so what he's got is the 13th edition Machinery's handbook very nice book that everybody in the shop should have one and let's see if there's a name and this one here I don't know if that's who had owned it before it says Carroll woody and Roy woody so I don't know maybe that's previous owners there so this was this was published in 1946 and it's got just about any mathematical information that you could ever need for the shop alright so good books to have so fortunately I've already got a couple of these I've got my granddad's and I have another one just like this that another viewer had sent so years ago so this will be an extra in my collection right here and what I would what I would actually like to do is since I already have some of these if you do not have one of these books and you would like this you need it send me an email and I'll send it to you I will forward this to the next guy that needs this book okay so that's what I want to do for you Joseph since I've already got one so let me know send me an email first one that sends an email you got a Machinery's handbook okay well today the new Grindr arrived just got it unloaded and brought it inside the shop I've got it right here because I'm going to use the gantry crane to actually pick it up off that pallet there and then get it down onto the pallet jack and I'll be able to lower it down from there once I get it back [Music] so we only got one goof up and it was done by the carrier I use Darnell and this was all wrapped up up here and this is exactly how it how it arrived and they hit the switch the switch box and got it knocked loose you can see some rubbing up there on this where it looks like they probably had something and loaded it up on top of the grinder and shoved this switch box forward it feels like there's maybe a bolt or something some kind of stud in there holding it down but whenever they did that push that original tag got pop one of the rivets off there and kind of bent it forward a little bit so luckily that's all it is this can be repaired and I should be able to fix that I'll just have to take this stuff apart and see what see what's moving around in there but other than that I didn't see any other damage to the machine Andrew did a good job of getting it bolted down and strapping it but those carriers pay no mind to all of these orange stickers that say fries will handle will care they don't care they just they just pile it in those trucks and throw it around because it ain't theirs and nothing you can do about it but we did file a claim with them and we're trying to we're trying to get him to handle this at least you know take the charge off of the delivery the delivery fee so anyway enough with that I'm excited about getting it on wrapped and getting it off the pallet there and get it moved back oh by the way this was a little extra that I got it in on the deal that looks to me like a big horizontal slab mill and one that I've never I've never seen one that big it's a solid cutter goes all the way across there and he does say that he told me that the bore is inch and a half so it should be for a big horizontal milling machine but he he threw that into the deal he wanted me to have it he said it was new never used so that's pretty cool we'll get that out and check that out too well enjoy being a jokester pulled one over on me apparently he's used some kind of a fastener on the bottom called a weld nut and he used red loctite so I can't get those other two bolts out of there whenever I use my drill motor it'll twist my hand off since I only got the one holding it but uh yeah all the bolt does the spin so whatever that nut is on the bottom side that's pulled up flush to the wood you can't you can't get a hold of it unless I had a forklift that could pick this thing up so I can't get those two bolts off there to get it off the pallet but I got some tools around here that'll get the job done I believe how about we just used my 9 inch wildcat and one of our new Osborne wills and cut that bolt off there [Applause] [Music] [Music] there you go Andrew one more to go [Music] there they are still pretty hot weld nuts and red loctite [Music] checking make sure that I'm not pitching on anything all right that's what's left of the bolts all right so we're just gonna go ahead and set it right back down on to the pallet jack all right so now from here we can take it on around there and I'll put some blocks under there so that we can set it down on the blocks somewhere right about there gotta get it situated Oh [Music] that's it right there so here's that big ol Kurd that Andrew sent along with the grinder the measure is just under three and a half inches and it has inch and a half hole through the center so it fits on an inch and a half Arbor and unfortunately this thing has wherever he got it from it has sat in the water on that bottom side for quite a long time and the cutting edges all the way across this one side or just completely rusted away so I don't think that this would actually be usable unless a tool and cutter grinder couldn't regrind it so I really don't think that I'm going to be using this but it's big and it's cool I think that would make a nice little showpiece for the shop right there eighteen and a half inches long so where you would actually use that would be on a mill like this now this is my vertical for all you guys watching that you know just now catching up there's a vertical head that comes off and you have a horizontal spin while going through the Machine you have arbors that go on here and you have arm supports that come out and you would set a cutter like this any of these milling cutters in a horizontal position like so on the arbor and that's how you would use it mounted on an arbor your work pieces underneath that's underneath it so I'm assuming that this is for a big milling machine but I don't know I've never seen one this big so if anybody's got any more insight on it than I do be sure to you know speak up I don't think it would be for woodworking I think it's going to be for steel or for metal so anyway a cool piece right there thanks Andrew [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 90,895
Rating: 4.9576778 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, marschke, black & decker, pedestal grinder, windy hill foundry, castings, machine shop, 3d printer, machinist tools, kennedy chest, endmills, machinist, revolution 3d printer, revolution 3d, infinity 3d printer, infinity 3d
Id: AVkcnIiK_5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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