SNS 229: Infinite 3D Printer, Gearbox Shaft, 3 7/8" Drill

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the shop no other week of SNS so this week I get started on the 3d printer I've got some footage to share of that I have a part that I helped one of my co-workers get printed it was something that they tried to print and they kept failing or their printer kept failing at it so as soon as I got the printer hooked up it was a perfect time to try to help them out and we had a successful print so I've got some footage of that I want to share with you I've got another component for the shop that I want to try to print out real soon and I'm going to show you show you what that is and I'm having a lot of fun with the printer I haven't got to spend a whole lot of time with it yet but I have spent a few evenings messing with it tweaking it working with Alan over that revolution 3d printers helping me try to get the settings correct on it and get everything tweaked so that we can have some successful prints and he has been helping me directly with modeling and getting some things that we can print out for the shop so we got some of that footage coming at you I've also got some viewer mail that I want to share I've had it I've had a lot of things starting to like pile up again that people have sent in and always like to give recognition to all those viewers that send in tools and whatnot so we're gonna show a couple of those things this week and I think I'm going to share with you some short clips of some stuff I've been doing at work nothing nothing out of the ordinary but some more heavy machining working on the pacemaker building shads and some component parts and things like that so we're gonna share some of that stuff with you too okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I haven't had a chance to really dive into the akhirnya trekker yet to pull that motor I just haven't had time because some of the since last week I've been out here doing some machine work I'm working on another bar for the shaper and you know I got some footage of that and but I did make one one step of progress on there I did find the belt for it I got that there in a box so I'm going to take you over there and show you the belt and share with you where I bought that so maybe help some of you guys out there I was really thinking that was going to be a difficult find to find the original belt but it really wasn't you know I used my work motion industries and they sourced it for me and it wasn't that bad at all so we're gonna take a look at that as well and after this SNS I've got another episode of the bar project the internal shaping bar for the shaper we're gonna get started on a hex nut that's going to retain the bar to the clapper so it's actually going to be shaped for work and then I've got another episode that's going to follow up after that that'll be the internal threading of that nut getting it getting it threaded to fit the bar [Music] [Music] [Music] I wanted to personally thank everybody that's been taking notice that I've dropped a few pounds and I've had a lot of comments every week that people have noticed that I'm starting to drop a few pounds and slimming down and my they said my shirts are looking a little bit bigger and I have I have been losing some weight and I I had shared it's been over a month now since my last weigh-in but I had shared you know my weight loss and total since I started it I was at that point I was down 51 pounds and I haven't been the doctor since then so I've got to make another appointment this month it'll be probably another two or three weeks and I'll do another weigh-in and hopefully I'll have lost more weight but I'll I'll keep you guys informed of that of my progress my weight loss and everything is doing really good my health is is doing fine and it feels good to lose a little bit of weight and again just thank you everybody for all of the well wishes and and taking notice and giving me the inspiration to keep this going I want to slim down I want to get a little bit healthier and I want to be able to fit comfortably in a in a plane seat for a change so I can go do some traveling and see some more folks out there but I'll give you some more progress as as I get it okay I'd like to share with you some more some more developments as far as some goals that like to accomplish around here you know we're still working on 2018 goals we still got a lot of year left but I'm actually already working on some possible goals for 2019 and I've been kind of excited about this and thought I would just go ahead and kind of share some of it so if if you guys that's been watching awhile you might remember I had some concrete poured out front the beginning of the year got videos of that and my my plans or my hopes was to eventually be able to use that as more work area space out there you know covered work space so what I would really like to do is be able to actually extend that concrete out further I wasn't able to go any further because I I just I did what I could afford to do at the time and now I really have it set in my mind that I would like to add another building out there in the front 30 by 3,900 square foot and put a building out there take it out a little bit further than it is make it even with the front of my house and have more space for some more machinery and one of those machines that it's possible that I might build a work out a deal with is the horizontal boring mill at work you know the the Kearns that I've shown a lot in my previous videos that that bore mill we've got plans at work motion has been working really hard on trying to get another building built at our facility there it's still in the works but they are working on that to add a 70 by 150 I'm sorry 70 foot wide by 180 foot long building and that's gonna give me a new machine shop area next to where I'm at now and one of the plans is to purchase a big horizontal boring mill much bigger than the current most likely a getting's and Lewis because that's what I've been looking at is the GLS and there's a couple of them out there that we've been looking at and getting some pricing and trying to get everything just kind of lined up you know as far as the purchase of a mill the accessories TRUCKING to get it down here and then having a company come in and actually install it and inspect it you know level it align it and all that kind of stuff so whenever that happens which is probably going to be sometime next year maybe spring/summer we really don't know yet at that point boss is already kind of determined that he's probably going to let the currents go and he offered it up to me if I'd like to buy it so me and him been negotiating and we'll see right now it seems pretty strong that's a possibility but if I can if I can swing it I would like to purchase that back from Ocean and bring it home and have it set up right here on the slab out there so as I said really working on some goals for next year already I think it would be a great to be able to bring that Kern's back home and have it back with booth machine shop and be able to put it out there and that would also give me room I've been wanting a bigger lathe for a long time I just I don't want to cram a big lathe an here because it's just gonna be too tight of a fit but having a 30 by 30 building and right in front of my shop here with giving me a lot of room for a bore mill on one side that big lathes in the middle and then maybe what I'd like to do is see about a nice 360-degree gantry not not gantry I'm sorry jib crane put a jib crane in the very center so it can rotate all the way around and build to put the machines around the around the jib crane so those are some visions that I have for next year and I'm really working hard to try to get to that point and I'm very excited about that so we're just going to keep working hard I'm gonna doing everything that I can to be able to keep improving and building on and improving the shop so just some exciting stuff that I wanted to share with you okay so last week in a week before I had a Machinery's handbook that I had given away it was donated by one of my viewers and I ended up giving that book to ross bear and sending it to him so hopefully by the time he sees this he's going to have that book but anyway I had another viewer that contacted me and he also had a Machinery's handbook that he did not want anymore and wanted to forward that to somebody else because I was mentioning how many people emailed me saying that they would love a chance of that book so here it is the 27th edition Machinery's handbook and this was given to me by Lynn Chevalier and in his letter he says that the print is so small in this book it's really hard for in the sea and he wasn't using it much anymore so he would rather pass this book on to someone else they could use it so I am gonna be going through my list that I said before I've got a lot of emails and a lot of people that asked to receive the book I'm gonna be going through that list this week and seeing about picking out another person that I could send this 27th edition to okay but thank you very much Lynn I was going to tell you what he said in this letter right here as I mentioned my eyes are shot and even with the cheaters I can't read this small print but I guess it needs to be small to get this huge amount of information in one easy to handle place and also thank you and others like you on YouTube who generously share their time and knowledge your passing on the skills for those who came before you from those who came before you and I'm sure they would be quite proud sincerely Lynn Chevalier so thank you very much Lynn we're gonna see about picking somebody to send this book to real soon and I will let you guys know next week okay all right so this is the old built off the gurney and trekker mill there and you can kind of see the condition it's probably very old starting to get somewhere and this most likely is being caused because of that bad motor in there with the with the bad bearing fit on the end so anyway that's the old belt right there and we got the box with the new belt alright so there's a new belt and so this is where this belt come from speed controls incorporated I believe they're up in North Carolina yes Simpsonville North Carolina is speed control and you can order from motion industries this is where I bought mine from I just gave it to my coworker Devon he works the counter and I said hey I need a belt can you hook me up so he found it and before that looks like it's gonna be just right alright very cool here's your information part number off this bill so that's it this is this as far as I got on the Korean trucker this week I'm hoping that this coming up week I'm gonna actually try to spend some of these evenings over here it shouldn't wholly take more of one evening but I'm gonna I'm gonna get over here and get that motor pulled from the housing there and try to get that thing down to the motor shop so that they can do some inspecting on it so that's where we're at right now though so I was really happy to find this and now I got a little peace of mind that I've actually got a bill to put back on the machine [Music] all right this is something that I wanted to share with you that I'm gonna be working on hopefully this next week and another reason why I've been trying to get the internal shaping bars and everything set up the way I need for the shaper because this is one that I want to attempt to cut in the shaper this is one of those gear hubs that I'm doing at work and the the keyway size is 22 millimeters and we don't have a broach that size so I offered to try to get this done in the shaper and that's what we're going to do so we already got it laid out they're 22 millimeters wide it's going to be about seven inches deep and I don't forgot what that bore size I want to say it's 80 millimeter bore so I'm trying to get everything done set up all my bars done I got to get over there and get the buy set up so that I can actually get in there and hold this bill to hold it in the vise and that's some more fixturing that I want to work on in the future too I want to have all the tooling and fixturing I need to build set up a workpiece like this not even like this but something larger it's got a flans on it what I'd really like is some kind of like angle plate system with a hole in it so that you can clamp things like this to an angle plate slide it out away from the shape or towards the end of the table and be able to get in there and do do your internal shaping so anyway I just wanted to share it out that's gonna be something coming up real soon that I'm gonna be sharing on the channel hopefully doing our very first internal keyway [Music] hey guys welcome back so we're gonna go ahead and start one of our first 3d prints we we've already done the little key fobs as our first samples but we're actually going to make a part I've got a piece right here that I'm helping a co-worker with there's a there's one piece of this that they can't seem to get printed so we're gonna we're going to try that on the new affinity 3d printer here and we'll talk about that here in a bit so you're in my office in my house right now and this is where I decided to put this printer for one is to build it quickly just monitor this while I'm inside you know we it's uh I don't have to worry about the dust and the contaminants of the shop getting onto this unit right here so I had the spare desk in this office here that wasn't being used other than just piling junk on so I cleaned it all off you know and I feel like this is gonna be a really good spot for this printer right here and so that's why we're inside here so please never mind my mess back here as some of my stuff I don't have anywhere to put it but like right here so anyway well we'll talk about this piece a little bit and what we're gonna do we've got a I also want to do a print out on the Jeannie cam plates George Huffman one of my viewers there he helped with the file for that so we're gonna give that a shot printing that out and see how our first print goes anyway so I imagine we're gonna be doing some tweaking and some changing of some dimensions and stuff like that so we'll see as we get into it I do want to point out that the filament that I'm using this is the brand is poly maker and this is PLA it's called poly plus PLA this is the blue color called true blue alright and now PLA all the all the 3d print guys that's been kind of following and leaving a lot of comments there's a I know nothing about this stuff okay I'm just this is just something new to learn it's just something fun and different and I'd like to build learn a little bit more about this and eventually start getting into some of the you know CAD programming as well learning how to do CAD drawings that kind of stuff so a lot of people had mentioned the the base plate right here the table whatever you want to call it about you should build a magnetic removable tray and this is exactly how this one's designed right here you can you can pick this sucker up it's got magnetic strips magnetic strips there so that you can actually remove your part from there all right and we also have this adhesive spray 3d Lac adhesive spray that they provided with it as well and I've already got the the the plate was already cleaned and then I resprayed it just it's kind of like hair spray to spray it on there and that allows the base of the print to stick so just stick that back on there and then we'll have to we'll have to realign the printer up here in our settings so let's go ahead and discuss what we're gonna print now so this is a piece that belongs to my my coworker Lisa this is something hurting her husband I've been trying to get printed and it's a it's a turntable used for photography and what I understand is that by the way all the pieces are not here so it's not complete but a camera mounts on this thing somewhere and you put an item or a widget here and you turn it with a crank handle and you take a bunch of different pictures of it and then upload that to your CAD software to make a 3d drawing of a component part alright so they they have printed all this and they did a good job they they said that they bought an inexpensive printer and they've been using it for stuff like this and it's working pretty good so anyway they've got this and you see we got a worm right here worm gear on the bottom of the turntable and we have the crank handle right here and then you have the actual worm screw so this is the part that they haven't been able to complete because it's been getting too hot and it's melting as it gets up there to the top this is going to be the area where the threads are that match actual crank handle right here it'll actually screw in there just like so so this worm shaft is gonna fit in there like this you're gonna have this handle that's going to go through and then that's where it actually connects together it'll screw together right there and then of course you put your turntable on there and you're supposed to be able to turn this to turn the turntable there so they sent me the file for this where they got it and then I forward this to Alan Alan is the associate there at revolution 3d printers and he has been helping me with these prints to make sure that they're sized right he's been helping me get the settings right on this printer and these are these are initial test piece you know we're just beginning this okay so I've got the file ready for this and Alan actually printed it out twice over on his n1 he printed out one time with the support structure that actually holds it because we're gonna be printing it vertically starting from the bottom up and he made a second print with it just just the piece without a support structure and it did great so we've adjusted the printing settings and we're gonna give it a shot without any kind of support structure so this is what we're gonna get started with right here on our touchscreen interface right here what I want to do is home.the the printer we're gonna go to controls movement okay movement and we're gonna hit all and it's gonna it's going to home all these back to its original location we're hit all [Laughter] so yeah this is a double extruder I'm only using the one side right now using both extruders is something that we're gonna get into later at another time so I'll just reselect this filing let me go through here and show you go to library and where right now I'm in my cloud library I've got a few things in there already and we got worm gear at the bottom so we'll click worm gear let's go ahead and hit view and you can see kind of what it's going to look like all right so there's sort of like a 3d view of what it'll look like and and how it's going to print okay so we're gonna close that and we got worm gear up top let's go ahead and click print so it'll take it a minute or two to get ready and it also has to heat up the bed and heat up the extruders so our print is now beginning it's going to start off by tracing a area outside of the print and then it's going to move on to the to the actual print in the center so what I'm gonna do is set up another GoPro with time lapse and try to get a pretty good time-lapse video of the the whole print and hopefully we'll have enough battery life to get through there and see most of that so it won't take very long in real video time for you you well it looks like we had us nice successful print so let's go ahead and pick the part there and you see a little bit of the plastic still tested the extruder and hopefully this should just pop right off I had a little bit right there on the end but the rest of it is great just that one little spot right there even the threads I know you can't see it on GoPro but the threads are in there amazing that is cool it's just so cool to you know get to see this finally for myself and it makes them make some prints so let's go ahead and see if it fits the part now we'll see if the crank handle will screw into this there's a look at the there there print versus the a bomb print just amazes me that you can see the threads inside like that and then on the crank handle you have the mating threads there look at that and it got a little snow guys it got down in there that's amazing wow that's just totally cool man all right so it's gonna fit it's gonna fit right there and what we'll do is bring this one through here looks like we got a little bit of a little bit in play there so we'll need to maybe maybe we'll grab some washers and put on this part right here just hey it's working you that it's actually working yeah I see the employee right there let me see if I can find some washers and we'll space this end out right here and that way we kind of keep it to one side that's very cool that's just neat all right so yeah I just found a couple washers and put there and that that'll help keep the backlash it's actually fitting in there it's on this journal here and we're also still in that journal right there well looks like it's gonna work as design I would assume that it needs to be like fastened down to a substrate you know so it's not moving around but as I said before this is not they said there's other pieces to it there's camera mounts on there and there's some kind of cam mechanism that goes on this square end of this handle right here that's pretty cool by the way they did say that they got this off of Thingiverse well I was hoping to have another print this year with you on this segment but I've been so busy in the shop and getting some other stuff done around here that I haven't had time to get the second print done in order to get this filming but I wanted to go ahead and follow up and mention that I have been working on the model for this Jeannie cam plate and we we're trying to make it look as original as we can as far as the shape goes and we're also tweaking the size to make sure that whenever it prints hopefully what we'll be able to do is take it straight out there to the shop and actually fit on the machine and work that would be really cool to to see a 3d printed part to actually function out there on the shaper it's just something that we're playing with you know I want to be able to utilize this this printer for some prototyping type applications maybe some molds where we can do some castings you know just things like that the the way wipers on the shaper I would like to want to pull those off measure mount and model those and see about printing those on on this as well so that's going to be another printing project that's going to be coming at you so maybe next week I will have some footage of printing out this guy right here I've got some more fine-tune and tweaks that I need to get in here on the settings and and do I've been working with Allen he's one of the main associates over there at revolution 3d printers and he's been talking to me I get I get on the phone and he talks me through some of the settings and he's really been a lot of help with this printer so thank you Allen for that but we've got our little worm screw finished up right here for my coworker Lisa and I think this is exactly what they need and so I'm gonna go ahead and take this back into work tomorrow and give it to her so that they can complete their little rotary table here for their photography that they want to get done so this was a neat little project that got to do on the printer alright so I wanted to mention this that these this infinity 3d printer there's two models of this right here there's this one and there's another one called a tallboy it's twice as high as that you can really do probably about two feet inside of that thing but these are available through KBC tools and way back earlier in the year whenever I had mentioned that I was interested in a 3d printer KBC had reached out to me and said that they have this demo model on the floor that they use at their showroom just for demoing purposes and they offered to send it down here for me to use for a while so they did not give this printer to me there it's on loan and so I'm just going to keep it for a little while we haven't really determined how long you know a few months six months or so and just see just see how I like it and see if I have some fun with it and maybe if it's going to pay off and you know put the use for around the shop doing some industrial 3d printing so that's what this is about you know it's just a demo model and and they offered it up for a little while so if I end up liking the printer and I think that it's going to be a valuable asset to me then there they they'll work out a deal with me if I want to buy it you know give it to me for a discount but speaking of discounts revolution has been working with KBC on some discount pricing for not this model but also the tallboy version available over KBC so they've got both models marked off $1,000 right now this one right here this size is on sale for $39.99 and then the tallboy version is on sale for $59.99 and again available through KBC so if you guys out there that are interested in industrial quality printers maybe for your business or whatever you know yeah some interest is give KBC a call mil and they want that price okay so thanks again everybody / KBC for hooking me up and helped me out and also Alan over there revolution for you know showing me the ropes and talking me through these programs and helping me with the 3d printers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 87,801
Rating: 4.9452353 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, infinite 3d printer, 3d printer, infinite 3d, revolution 3d, revolution 3d printers, heavy machining, heavy turning, shaft turning, american pacemaker, lathe, manual lathe, 4140, machining 4140, taper shank drill, big drill bit, large drill bit, 3 7/8, machine shop, machinerys handbook, job shop, repair shop, hydraulic shop
Id: 4ot9bmFTqpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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