SNS 225 Part 2: Weld Bosses for Table Legs

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[Music] these are going to be the table legs for the big steel table that I'm building for the shop here and what I want to do on all six of them like I've got six legs is just machining one end square so that it sits nice and squirrel on the table with just make it a little bit easier anyway just because I can and another another cool job for the shaper right here so they're four inch square tubing so we've got three of them stacked in that's going to be a 12 inch long cut right there we're gonna make use of the automatic down feed on the tool head they're nice feature that the shaper has just a real simple operation nothing much to it just have a little fun with the machine these were pretty rusty I've still got a wire brush the other three and just clean them off with the wire wheel outside and I've got some CRC rust converter ordered and I've seen I seen some guys using it on some other YouTube channels it seems like it works pretty good so I'm going to try it for these these table legs supposed to convert the you know the rust into a a prime surface that you can paint or probably just leave it just like that turns it black so that's it let's go ahead and get started on this is the tool we're gonna be using we found in that corner radius we got some back rake and you got some side birthday see how that would be I got the machine set up on 76 feet per minute running twenty-eight strokes a minute with a 13-inch link to cut there we got everything set i've actually touched off and we've stepped it over 60,000 so we're gonna be moving sixteenth of an inch or 60,000 from the side actually at 62 but there and about and we're gonna use a 20,000 down feet we're ready to go I've got everything set so let's go [Music] beautiful car [Music] do it good they can't quite work at that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so when we were doing this in the first video I showed this new tool from edge technology it's the Chuck stop and what I had learned by setting this up is that I'm not too fond of having to take these parallels off and switch them out every time so I had suggested to edge that what will be nice is if you could actually get a spider for each one of the parallels so they supply the full set of parallels whenever you buy one of these all right and it would be nice to just have them all set up so that you save time on switching these things out okay so they have sent me out nine more of these spiders so that I will have a complete set of these parallels already set and ready to go I don't have to take them on and off and they actually like the suggestions so they're supposed to be making these Chuck stop spiders available for purchase on the website separately from the whole kit so anybody else that might be interested the centering ring here on mine that's a three inch bore and I just take and file that I think it's just the corners that was hitting and I got a good fit now so now that you have you know now that I have an extra spider so I can just pull one out and by the way it just got magnets there to hold it on and just stick the other one in there get it centered pretty close on that centering ring there it goes okay so I wanted it a little bit taller parallel so that the the work pieces would actually stick out of the Chuck a little bit more because I I want to turn an inch on this and it was right up close to the jaw so I'm going to go ahead and and finish setting all these up and I'm gonna have them in my equip tail cabinet down there so that I can just grab them and go and I don't have to reset them every time I also found that it's best just to hold in on it whenever I was doing this job anyway and not come in here and bump on it just push it in tighten the Chuck and you should be good to go all right so now we're gonna get started turning they're approximately two inches long so what we'll do since they're up against that parallel I can just put my scale there and I'm not worried about being exactly one inch of debt but we're going to do about half I'm just lining it up with my scale right there on that one inch line and that's close enough I'm going to set a zero on my doll indicator right here I'm going to spend the Chuck to make sure that it clears good and we're ready to turn measuring the inside of the tube it's getting approximately 3 inch 30 thousandths and inside the walls this is three and a half inch stock right there so we've got what four geese about 470 thousands to come off of that right there I may just make five even cuts on it and see how the Machine reacts all right that's a hundred thousands 12,000 feed rate [Music] all right that should be yeah that's going to put a sash so we got fifty sixty five thousandths chip got in there and scratched it but this is all going to be hidden so three-inch 30,000th I'm going to go ahead and chamfer that and let's go test it on the tube and see if it fits I don't think I'll be able to use this one up on that shoulder let me come up here and look yeah it's just to just to close set up armstrong holder with it and pull that tool out a little bit get in there with this one break that edge that's what we want right there just a little bit of wiggle room go ahead and check all of them make sure it'll fit I could maybe give it another ten thousands on the diameter to tighten it up that's a that's a good fit right there so that's the plan that's our feet that's the pad and I'm going to weld these on and then this is we're going to drill and tap it after I have them all turn so I'm going to go ahead and finish turning all six of them just like this and then we'll move on to the drilling and tapping alright it's time to get these things drilled and tapped three-quarter 10-4 our machinery pads to screw into we're gonna make use of our three jaw Chuck again perfect job for a scroll truck right here alright we're also going to be using my 20 in Jacob's Chuck well what I'm going to use is this drill to spot it to get it started and then we'll use our twenty one thirty Seconds to drill it and it will chamfer it and then hopefully power tap it as well also going to use that one of the new Eagles that picked up while on my road trip fine tip it's the number 33 Eagle and it works great so let's see how our alignment looks since I've aligned the headstock in the tailstock a little better you see it pick up just a bit side to side looks great though I'm just spotting it there swap it out for we're going to use we're going to go straight in with our tap size is a brand new brand new drill I haven't used it yet should have an ice factory grind on it slow it down got it in 370 rpm now drill didn't want to Center up very good sure didn't I'm gonna use a sinner drill and see if I can improve that got it Center drilled now kind of true that hole back up new drill but it's not ground very good probably cutting oversize that's one of those zero flute weld and tight countersinks we're going to use just use it to chamfer it lightly I'll be about good right there so my buddy Barry that I bought this chart form right here this Union chart he had made a suggestion that I should make some video of actually how to use this for some of the guys that may not know so this is my Union twist drill chart that already had and we're about to do some three-quarter tin tapping so on these charts there see this is a decimal chart on this side decimal equivalent and then this is going to be your your tap chart for tap size and so what we want is 3/4 of 10 that guy right there and this is an interesting chart because it gives you two different drill sizes to use it gives you the decimal equivalent size of the drill and then this says probable hole size which I find very cool because anytime you use a drill bit it's always going to drill over size and then this is going to be your percentage of thread this this line right here so that drill is going to give you about 80% and then this drill here is going to give you approximately 68% and what you're usually shooting for for most threads is 70% of your thread so we're gonna use let's see where we a 21 30 seconds is what we'll use right there and I got my drill index down here and we'll just fine 21 30 seconds which is that guy right there and this is going to be our tap size for 3/4 10 we're going to try my gun tap there's a 3/4 10th gun tap this is in a an adapter that I had made I believe I had to use this in the middle of machine don't I don't really remember where I had to use this but it was probably for the mill but since this is a 20 inch Chuck just to hold up to one inch and this is a 1 inch shank so we are going to try it in that right there and we'll torque it down good get the two that I can reach out there and let's go for it I'm sorry with drill or the tap good that should be pushing the chips forward keep it well-oiled we're still going just about like we got just enough all right cool feature on the victor there's a reverse jog button down here I can just hit it with my hand and reverse it out of there so the tailstock is just floating guys for those that are wondering it's just sliding along the ways there the thread is what's pulling and pushing it and then once you get that to the end I put a little pressure on it and slide it on back by hand well the threads look pretty good I don't have my arrow on to blow it out but it looks like it did a fine job after doing another one the the center drill providing an actual pilot hole for the with a tap drill to follow is a much better than what I did the first time by just using this drill here because the center point because of the angle difference this being a split point it's got a different angle of the drill the jabra drill just come in there and was only touching on the chisel point so it wasn't there wasn't anything to support the drill to keep it centered so I'm using a center drill like I usually do just like that now this will allow it to [Applause] stay centered as it's going in there alright we're going to tap one more and by the way Abby came in here to watch this tap a halt you probably see her feet over here with her osha-approved to open toe flip-flops on zom machinist well almost got the tip stuck in there all right that's it reverse it out of there okay we've got all six of the Weldon plugs finished turn drilled in tap and that's what it looks like right there on this one this is another one right here that will screw it down on there I've got a lot of thread engagement there so it should provide a nice contact area there's what the the feet look like so this is what will be sitting down they all have this hex nut there so that we can kind of lock it in where we want to once we get it leveled there we go turning out pretty good making some good headway on it so well I'll walk you over to where the tube is and we'll we'll stick one in there so you can see what its gonna look like and then from there the next step is to go ahead and get all six of these welded in alright so there's our tubing which I believe you've already seen we've got the seams ground and that's what I was talking about so clear this turn diameter there and then we're just it'll look like this once these are welded in there just like so they're gonna give you a shot of them stand it up so you kind of look like so you see what they'll look like once they're once they're there and I'm just I'm looking forward to having this thing together to actually see what that's like I've never I've never used the table that has these rubber pads on the bottom like that to kind of isolate it these are actually machinery mounts anti-vibration machinery mounts is what they are and whenever I've seen jack had those things and he didn't want a lot of money for me I just thought hey let's go ahead and use those for the table I think it's gonna work out really good [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 83,782
Rating: 4.9501867 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, lathe, lathe work, manual lathe, victor lathe, engine lathe, turning, drilling, tapping, facing, turning steel, shaper, metal shaper, g & e shaper, shaper work, manual machinist, job shop, work table, heavy duty work table, weld bosses
Id: aDoc5BFkAbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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