Snowdon's Extremely Dangerous 'Knife Edge' Climb: Crib Goch

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so it was suggested that during the bank holiday weekend we head to Snowdonia camp for three nights and summit Snowden which sounded like a great idea so I said sure I grabbed my favorite pair of walking boots and headed for Wales but I had absolutely no idea what I was letting myself in for so the route we decided to take up Snowden was crib gone yes crib Goch the toughest and hairiest route up to Snowden this is only recommended for those with a head for Heights as its exposed and known as the roughest toughest and most challenging route op Snowden so we gathered our little band of merry men filled up on a hearty breakfast checked the weather forecast for the day and waited for a bus we took the bus to pedi pass and then we began our trek here we are starting on the pig track how's the sunlight 1085 and we're going up back nicely right beautiful beautiful [Music] okay so we're going up this Ridge here yes there long the top of the ridge and when we get to the top we follow that sort of bridge and spike all the way along eventually it comes around we reach top so this is where we leave the picture crib blah [Music] if you don't have to use your hands it's a walk if you're using your hands its scramble mountaineering is where the bodies stay on the rock climbing is where the bodies will fall past you those are things involving height it's definitely doing a lot for my fear look how steep someone it is so going out there [Music] [Music] and that right there ladies and gentlemen is my I'm about to my pants face alright it doesn't look that scary but let me tell you when you're perched on top of that rock and the wind is blowing reasonably hot you've got a bag on that's slightly upsetting your balance and you know that if you make one mistake then that drop on either side will mean serious injury if not death there's no safety harness there's no crash mat if you fall that's probably gonna be the end now at first it seemed that it's only me who is struggling with the height and the precariousness of our situation but watching Nicolas also very carefully crawl across the top of the mountain I would suggest that he also found it a little bit hairy but circling overhead waiting wondering if someone's gonna fall why am I doing this because the views are amazing cold [Music] and now it's next turn to be cameraman it's a gladiators gladiator fun crowds be coming in a natori be going up and this is me checking out Thank You Nicholas [Music] the summit was surprisingly busy in fact we weren't able to get a proper standalone summit selfie but then again the views weren't that great so we were happy to just touch the summit and head straight back down we decided to go back and fire the miners route nice and easy had some really pretty things to see [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] so that was my first ever summit would I recommend it absolutely would I do it again yes I would am I going to do more yes yes I am in fact I'm doing a couple more this year so if you enjoyed watching me pin my parents then please give this video a big thumbs up and click on that big red subscribe button if you have any comments or suggestions of things you'd like to see me doing then please leave it in the comments box below and I will check it out until next time guys take care happy adventures and goodbye
Channel: Anna's Big Adventure
Views: 163,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowdon, Crib goch, knife edge, snowdons knife edge, snowdonia, wales, scramble, scrambling, climb, climbing, climbing in wales, climbing crib goch, climbing snowdon, ridge, snowdon ridge, wales walking, mountain, climbing mountain, summit snowdon, walking, trek, dangerous climbs, crib goch ridge, crib goch snowdon, Anna Tyrie, Anna Tyrie climbing, Anna's Big Adventure, Gopro, hiking, This girl can, Adventure wales, hike wales, snowdons ymyl cyllell, eryri, cymru
Id: eYUxnmvigNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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