All The Stolen Motorbikes Recovered From The UK Canals - Magnet Fishing Compilation

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welcome to the trusty channel this is compilation video of all the motorbikes I found over the last three years [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] over there less than 10 minutes out the river leaking oil petrol [Laughter] [Music] tax on it justices 14 2004 yeah Wow that's fine today but best fine so far nice little quad bike um Jesus and there's a best fine self I've only been there five minutes yeah doing what that but I'll bet you could you know it so it's not cleaner often it yeah definitely going to you so I said he was a 2-month lift so on my list saying that I'm the size of like half a month so I'm gonna get the rest of it we'll see we can get this mop back out one month that way so I changed the swear words to a rubber duck squeaks week somebody complained that the squeaking with C loud yeah yeah I thought itself hopefully get all your weight on the back here David the template coming slowly but surely let me stand there while you take a video okay sure you see yeah but different angles are not sweating from yep nope that's my fault that's my fault if you ask them further backward David yeah right you you so long the but still my only thing it for ninja yes cuz it's digging in the wall so it's lifted me weight you can lean back on me be anything because this steaming up here get a misty me drop it turn it down we'll drop it no no that one just turn it quick between us that's it we'll try and get it from like while trying to do is get it from somewhere in the middle of the bike with the middle up you know so we're not going as high isn't it found magnet fishing yeah there we go because we use the kit Korean power that now yep okay Kim look you just put your weight on the back so I get on the very back course like it very much here so all of the guns game I guess watch your fingers when you duck noises in this no idea there we go and let's get dad on the bucket list it's literally owned by a brick hose that's not good I first saw him a channel called drastic G because if his buddy drastic yeah be careful cuz up we go Jesus kind of be in a gutter from that unnatural frame so anybody frame there what is wrong where can you just hold up in the up position just because it's an attention I can't at the register fear is where things can go wrong it's another Honda might be another CBR 600 does anybody wanna give us a what's ours you're just gonna lift it up and try and pull this one saying if I twist it the whole crane is gonna go with it he's too either practice right what it's good right woman it want it you all right there I know that's all right right in fact we're gonna let the whole thing drop no no won't it one really really really but I got this drunk girl first ready drop ice all right yeah boy I got a sweat dripping down your eyes and everything we got it up finally got it out Wow it didn't quote the way I fund it but hey come on I am sweating ooh nuts girl kill somebody else has tried it sorry last another girl so much vigor somewhat like [Music] yeah [Music] good but trained conservative it down this idea one lately [Music] your saw the back of a bike [ __ ] while biking it you come back a bit whoa she's trying to lift it up what's lack of a bike yeah so the Telegraph walk try get on from nice nice hello talk to a minute for dragging it along [Music] [Music] yes well Jessica we missed it yeah so beginners all up yeah baby yeah why not you doing Wow yeah Honda it's a Honda CBR something yeah oh yeah let's go be stolen up it's gotta be progress Yahweh on it you don't know already slick and pull but come on bike so you can kick it away from the wall have you come so we've almost got it smart back out but with all the pegs and stuff it's just to get it to the wall there's only one option for it that's getting in gonna be getting in is because I know it's shower and I've got help with me you can't say ok difficulties but let's do it thankfully it's not ID he says go be careful when we it's getting deeper just have to be put into fora commit any further hardy when it who we gonna I'm sleepy I know I being underneath it I've got the weight of it just now my kids might drop hey our bikes gonna drop uh-uh well yeah I think we should just go for it like you stand up and pull from there and I'll push if that drops just leave it I'll get out the way your way from India yeah backends gonna drop but don't let it call you in no inside well we're not gonna let it defeat us we're gonna tell that far so we're gonna do we're going to try and drag it down will you see me shallower and so you can get out there and try and stop it for you in the water because as you can see it's a leaking fuel so let's get it out which we do it that's a switch at all it can't do to get the crowd yeah we're trying to stand up first and then it might yeah and then trying it right cost at Wallops heavy bikes ease up probably the worst bike recovery ever you know if we had abstract autumn allow some tie off to on the top yeah we sure would would have had me a engine Queen well I need a bun start dragging that on that might dig into the wall I know as we yeah cuz I might dig into the wall stop it we're not trying dude boys what's it yeah cats wouldn't follow you great Wow Oh CBI this CBI he go knowing you really Wow well this it's out and not like you fuel well then I will check the registration number on the internet so it's stolen if it's not if it's stolen yeah well you bring them in they tell the insurance company it's right off to pick it up so the police weren't coming kites it yeah yeah so the bikes turned out to be stolen so we're gonna ring the non-emergency police number and then they'll ring the insurance company and they can collect it it's done for mark bike in the middle of nowhere well obviously you've ever pulled it out I wasn't took your with them or put it near a bridge for a scrap metal pipes so I can see this being here for the foreseeable future well you might walk back Sania I've got that one on camera hey David nice to get that one look at that Wow that's my best find so far today lies my obviously yeah but you know plate someone's bikes obviously yeah [Music] it's just sweet thank you that's fuel smell it yeah she get anywhere from the water I've got a makeshift grapple from last time Wow pardon bottom a nice work yeah Jesus Paul more bikes the font get somebody to come and get them because it this head getting complicated this is Rob's everywhere oh what a me Oh Viking number four oh that's bike number five now stop OOP hey hold up by this bar thinking oh that I'll get it in the middle the buyer in the middle what are you training put it away from the yeah well well secure it there with a lift in the front yeah through the trochlea sad news but it yeah yours both on the vehicle now doing this on the chin again and I just liked it one on without picking up in fact me yeah not just use this one when I can get this on the under bus there's a gap here Guerra in this side hold up what this okay folded bit ma but okay photo that now yeah yeah please
Channel: Drasticg
Views: 74,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every Motorbike I Have Found Magnet Fishing, drasticg, drastic g, gareth bryer, magnet fishing motorbike, magnet fishing motorcycle, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing, uk magnet fishing, drastic, magnet fishing motorcycle recovery, cbr600rr, cbr 600 f4i, cbr 600, cbr motorbike, cbr recovery, motorbike recovery, all The Stolen Motorbikes Recovered From The UK Canals - Magnet Fishing Compilation
Id: Gf5lTPGeW8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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