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[Music] good morning happy valentine's day to all my little boys [Music] you got a rocket yeah [Music] wow it's a daredevil flyer the kitchen mom look at the videos they're chocolates yeah they come with free and chocolate [Music] you love valentine's day yeah you do and that's where i'm at coop's working on his legos yeah and there's this big car i want to make let's see it oh that's awesome i wanted to make it with my mom well you're doing most of it because you're super smart but i'll help you yeah what are you doing kashi you're working on your car too yeah i was trying to look up in my hand so cole just woke up from a really good nap didn't you bubba i wanted to show you guys my thrive order um i got a thrive order and thank goodness like right before um all of this like icy storm stuff in texas hit so i wanted to show you guys what i got if you haven't heard of thrive market um i have been using thrive market for gosh i don't even know how long if you've never heard of thrive before it is an online membership marketplace where you can go and buy a bunch of different healthy products they have um like a filter or a quiz that you can shop by so if you want all organic food if you are gluten free if you eat a paleo diet all the different diets you can kind of filter by and then pick out your foods from there on average i think most people save about 32 dollars per order compared to when you would buy these things like at a different store and then they have two membership options you can either sign up for the month-to-month membership which is 9.95 or you can sign up with a one-time flat fee of 59.95 which comes out to five dollars a month that's um the one that i do or um right now you can use my link in the description box below and you can get 25 off your first order and then a free gift also i've never offered that to you guys before um so if you like what i got here like i said they have tons of different stuff i get a lot of cleaning products from there those are some of my favorite things to get from thrive i love to get cleaning products i also like to get diapers and white okay so i got a gluten-free pizza crust i thought one night the kids and i could do um homemade pizza as you could say this has already been opened i wanted to keep it in the box so that i could remember to show you but pretty much every morning my go-to is oatmeal and this is a really really good oatmeal this is apple cinnamon by nature's path organic so i've been eating this one and then these are some of our favorites here in our house um even jeff really likes these and he's not a big sweet potato fan but these are sweet potato chips i know a lot of you probably tried these i mean you're lucky there's actually some still left in there these are the dark chocolate almond butter cups i see you are in those i see you i know these are so good oh oh so i've been wanting to try this out this is the grass-fed collagen peptides this is the thrive market brand also i believe you just kind of empty this like into your coffee or your drink whatever you're drinking and it just kind of dissolves but i've been interested to try this the ratings on this were really good also um i oh yes pizza sauce i got some of this classic pizza sauce um to have with our uh pizza night hopefully we'll do that soon i've been looking forward to doing that then i got these drinks these are aura or abora and the packaging on them is what got me this is peppermint watermelon and then this one is cactus rose i've also been taking this um i've already opened it and been taking it but i stuck it in here um this is organic elderberry syrup um this is by well made by thrive market so this is the thrive market brand i also have um some more some more oatmeal in here this one is just flax plus i haven't i haven't busted into this one yet i have tried this before i've tried the i think it's the orange one this stuff is really good i have loved this this is the sweet lemon flavor so i've never tasted this one before but it probably tastes like a lemonade what do you think like a lemonade so anyways that is my thrive order here is my my box here i get so excited every time this thing comes in the mail or they place it on my doorstep i love getting new things and trying out new things every time i shop there i buy a couple of like old faithful products that i know that that we're gonna love that we keep on going back to and then i throw in a couple of new products so like i was saying earlier if you're interested in checking out thrive market and placing an order you can save 25 off your first order i'm using the link in the description box below or visiting www forward slash brittanyborn leach and that should save you 25 percent off and you'll also get a free gift so i think that's a pretty good deal what do you think do you think that's a good deal look at his onesie it's got x's like kisses all over it for valentine's day doesn't it you are so cute big [Applause] [Music] they like the cold they always come out when it's cold or maybe because we're the only place that has food that they know of but it's cool i added a little bit more i didn't fill it up but i ran out there and added some but it looks like it might be gone already i think it's gone it doesn't look like there's any up there there's it looks like there's something in the middle of it oh he's in the little patches so this is what it's like with my wife on valentine's day she picks up the first first gift and she'll go hmm the disappointed the disappointed voice or or sound you know it's like like that right and then she opens it and she'll go she'll pause for a second she'll go like that [Music] all right you know one of those like sadness that it's not just like she's just opening up a big like box of money or something you know and i'm just like you know and then she just kind of puts the cover back on real quick and you know opens up the the calculator app on her phone she's just like okay so that was like forty dollars and then she just starts adding up the next item you know it's like you know 30 dollars so so far you love me a hundred dollars you know stuff like that you know and then she's when she gets all of it and she's disappointed she's like are you willing to risk your life to go get me starbucks you know like at that point she doesn't care if i live or die so it's just like you want to go slide around on the ice to bring me back some starbucks so i have some enjoyment on my valentine's day you know that's that's basically a summary of my morning here in the house on valentine's day with my beautiful wife i'm sitting in jeff and i's room right now this is like as much lighting as i have in the house it is so cold here in texas we are getting some kind of winter storm everything is iced over they are recommending that we don't leave the house because people here in texas don't know how to drive in freezing temperatures with ice on the ground and so we're pretty much stuck in the house all day today for valentine's day jeff and i originally had a date planned for today we were gonna go have an early dinner because we would take cole with us and he has like a strict seven pm bedtime so we were going to have like an early dinner about 45 minutes away and that was just too dangerous to drive so um yeah we luckily luckily i have a very smart husband who picked up steaks yesterday and some wine and some chocolate covered strawberries and just all the things that we need to have like a date night in so that's what we're gonna do this evening we canceled our plans and we're gonna have a date night in which i'm not mad about at all because i don't have to like i know this sounds terrible but i don't have to you know get dressed and get out in the freezing cold and and take coal out in the cold it'll be a really nice relaxing valentine's day it has been so far um valentine's day happens to be one of my favorite holidays um not my favorite favorite but like one of my favorites i mean i like all holidays let's be honest um i just i love decorating for them i love surprising my kids with little fun things and just making the day really memorable for them it's something that i hope that they'll remember as they get older about how i made holidays really special for them and something that i hope that they will kind of pass on to their kids but anyways i just wanted to catch all up um on the day because it has gone by so quickly and we had our little red cardinal visit earlier which was so nice our little um our little crew cardinal as we call him and he came to visit us on valentine's day which is always so incredibly special he always shows up um at the perfect time jeff's very sarcastic when he's talking about me he's making fun of me um that is so natural the only thing that is true because i never do that i never care what he spends that's just he just likes to make fun of me the only thing that is true is i was like do you think it's really unsafe to go to go to that's not the cardinal was it i swear i saw like a little red bird anyways i was like do you think it's not safe to go to uh starbucks and he was like uh no because it's just right up the road um and the temperatures are getting like it's getting worse as the day goes on so that was earlier this morning anyways they are saying that it is supposed to snow this evening or overnight so i may wait and end this vlog tomorrow morning that way if it does snow i can pull out the camera and get a little bit of that footage because snow in texas is super rare and i mean we went like 20 years without having snow here and all of a sudden it has snow this might be twice in the same year and then it snowed like um was it two or three years ago so it is kind of crazy all the amount of snow that we've gotten because i grew up my whole entire life here in texas and never saw snow hit the ground once so my kids are so excited and i really do hope that it snows i know this is no big deal for those of you who see it all the time i understand that but for us um it is a big deal and so i hope it does snow for them and they are already off school tomorrow um they are on winter break technically so they don't have school tomorrow but texas did close schools tomorrow i believe um that's that's how crazy it gets here whenever we get ice or snow like we just shut down because nobody knows what to do here so jeff got me in these glacier chocolates for valentine's day i have seen these before like on instagram i always wanted to try them but um of course chocolates are not necessarily something you always buy for yourself i think this one is birthday cake and then cookies and cream cinnamon roll i'm just remembering these off the top of my head but what is the zebra one they are so cool looking look at these those are the coolest chocolates i've ever seen um i'd be interested to see like what they if they actually taste good like this one is eggnog strawberry i think that's like a blood orange this one was s'mores blueberry cheesecake you must have ordered i think this is the valentine's box see the little hearts on there so this has lemon limoncello s'mores cookies and cream strawberry champagne lavender cabernet red velvet pb j key lime creme brulee mediterranean sea salt caramel and these are all so pretty so i haven't tasted any of them yet i'll have to taste them here soon all right i thought i would taste a couple of these chocolates really quick my kids are so loud upstairs but i figured if i'm down here by myself they won't try and take them away from me or take take them and eat them so which one should i eat i think i'm gonna have birthday cake next they're both good so tonight we are having date night in i don't even know what is on this can we just also clarify that i did have dinner plans i did i talked about it earlier we were supposed to go to dinner today but texas is frozen over and so those were canceled and so he was already way ahead of me and picked out everything for dinner wagyu beef have i ever had that before it's super super waggy we got some parmesan crusted green beans that looks good and asparagus i like asparagus there's no grass there's no street there's no there's no road you're not these are mommy's gloves jeff got me these for christmas but i didn't think i'd ever get to wear them in my beanie we are all as snow geared up as we can we don't have snow gear here in texas because it never snows so we put on as much layers as we could i only have three hats everybody has on at least and two four layers of clothes on and two pairs of socks and then we can't find our gloves so the kids are wearing socks on their hands all right let's get cashy some um hand socks and then we're gonna head outside and go check out the snow [Music] yeah this is the first legit snow we've ever had yeah we're used to having like well not used to it but we've had sprinkles of snow but we've never had like like this inches of snow this is great feels like we're not in texas it feels like we're on vacation yeah yeah i will say that i live through the polar vortex in wisconsin negative 25 so i feel like i'm kind of you know oh brother expert she's big it's hard to tell where the street goes i can't believe someone drove this way they're brave careful this curve is slick you okay bubba [Music] we're gonna go ahead and enjoy this snow and i'm going to go ahead and end the vlog so i guess we'll see you guys in our next one i know this is normal for so many people so they're like what is the big deal but this is texas let's remember this is south texas and so this doesn't ever happen three times of snow since 1985. never in my lifetime have i seen this i hope you all are staying warm where you're at i hope you guys are enjoying the snow we will see you guys next time say bye
Channel: Brittani Boren Leach
Views: 37,909
Rating: 4.9304476 out of 5
Keywords: Snow day, Texas snow day, Day in the life Brittani Boren leach, Thrive market, Thrive offer, Thrive market favorites, Texas snow 2021
Id: eFphMgYTqss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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