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good morning or afternoon whenever you're watching this video i'm sitting in the nursery right now per usual the reason why i typically start out videos sitting in here especially at this point is because to stand up and hold the camera and talk at the same time is so tiring for me i know that sounds silly but it is i'm so out of breath lately my body hurts this third trimester is really kicking my butt and so i'm just trying to like do as minimal as i can because by the end of the day if i've done a lot which i always say that at the beginning of the day i'm like i'm not gonna go too hard too hard today i'm just gonna like you know take it easy and try to sit as much as i can totally easier said than done especially when you have three boys to take care of like yesterday i spent way too much time on my feet and was like folding laundry and walking back and forth and like i really want to start organizing this room obviously and i wanted to do that on video but the more that i'm on my feet the more that i hurt so for that reason i'm actually going to the chiropractor today i'll take you guys along with me i don't know if he's going to be okay with me filming i've never seen this chiropractor before so that might be kind of weird just be like hey can i pull my camera out right now while you crack my back i'm going because i am desperate at this point for anything to bring me some kind of relief anyways that's the reason this is my extremely long reason for why i'm sitting down and placing the camera right here because holding it and standing and talking is like a workout for me right now um i am going to clean up the kitchen a little bit because we have a new dishwasher being brought out on saturday our previous dishwasher that came with the house was awful it was like the cheapest crappiest dishwasher you could put in a house so we ordered a new one because it just it was defeating the purpose we were having to wash dishes multiple times so um i have a lot of clean dishes on the counter that need to be put away and i just need to clean up the kitchen before i head off to my chiropractic appointment but i wanted to show you guys i know i've talked about these before because they're so good but what i usually do when i do chores around the house whether it be laundry um cleaning vacuuming um i mean cleaning vacuuming kind of the same thing putting away dishes just stuff where i'm constantly moving around the house i wear my raycon earbuds um the case is is uh is looking loved but this is where this is what they look like and of course they're super cute rolls rose gold and then let me open them for you so these are the everyday e25 earbuds they start at about half the price of any other premium earbuds on the market and the sound quality is just as amazing probably my favorite feature of these is that i don't have to charge them often at all i have other earbuds that have to be charged way more often than these and these um hold a charge for an extremely long time which i love because i am the absolute worst at plugging remembering to plug in my earbuds to charge them so these have like six hours of playtime the base in them is amazing the sound quality is amazing and they fit into my ears really really well which kind of creates like a nice noise isolating fit these are something that is going to be used every single day they are affordable they come in all different colors they have red black blue um get some for your husband get some for your teenager get some for yourself the rose gold is so cute but these are what i wear back to what i was originally saying is these are what i wear when i do like you know chores around the house so anyways the link to order these will be in the description box below they also offer a 45-day return policy so you can make sure that they are the right earbuds for you but anyways i'm gonna pop these little babies in i'll show you how i do that real fast so this is what they look like when you take them out you can push this right here when they're in your ear to start and stop them so that's really nice because when your kid comes up to you and it's like hey mom and they start like talking and you're like trying to pull your your butt out you just tap this little button on there and it comes right out they also say right and left so let me let me make sure i'm putting this in the right ear right so my camera is like flipped upside down right now so there's that one so this is what they look like and i'm gonna go ahead and get some tunes playing and go and clean up the kitchen now that i'm looking back i can see all the signs [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right so i cleaned up the kitchen a little bit and i changed my shirt it is 12 o'clock um i just changed into nothing fancy but um i wanted to get out of my hoodie because that's just what i threw on this morning to go and drop the boys off at school so this um zip up is so old it's from old navy i do actually think that they brought a similar one back so you might check old navy these tanks are from walmart these are like the best maternity tanks and these are seriously the best maternity leggings these are by zella from nordstrom these are the best um i have tried so many really none can compare they come all the way up here so if you don't like that they might not be for you uh but they are so good i'll link those below as well um but it is 1204. i still have my earbuds in i am jamming out right now i'll probably keep them in the entire drive over there it's a 40 minute drive to this chiropractor so hopefully it'll be worth it we'll find out but i need to leave now because i'll probably have to fill out paperwork when i get there and then um yeah we'll see how it goes okay so i'm here i'm about 15-ish minutes early because i need to go in and fill out some paperwork um i have high hopes for this appointment because i'm desperate for any kind of pain relief but i don't know i'm super leery because i've been to chiropractors so many times and it just doesn't help i had back surgery in the past because i had a fractured vertebrae and it was pretty bad and it feels like what i had back then um which is the worst because i do not want to ever have back surgery again so hopefully just pregnancy is making it really unstable and after being like when the pregnancy is over hopefully it will go back in place i don't know all right so just a quick little update i am at the kids uh well at cooper and cash's school about to pick them up i am just a couple minutes early and i picked up some panera um i just finished eating my sandwich i got a sweet tea and then i got a chocolate chip cookie because their chocolate chip cookies are so good but i my stomach was like growling at the chiropractor's office so let's talk about the visit for just a second i have been to countless chiropractors honestly um they never really seemed to work for me probably because i had like real serious back issues that needed surgery and i've been to a chiropractor when i had like when i was pregnant probably with all of my kids honestly because i've had back problems with all of my kids this one just seems to be like the most extreme but i don't know i like just it was just weird it was like voodoo or something i mean sometimes i just feel like they're making stuff up which this is not dogging chiropractors because i personally like if i was to pick another career i would you know i was a nurse before this is what i do now but i mean like if i was gonna do something else i always said like i would be a chiropractor because i am obsessed with popping people's everything like i pop my neck i pop my hips i pop my back i pop my fingers and toes all of it regardless whether you think that's gonna give me arthritis or not um i just enjoy like and i do it to other people and for some reason it's so satisfying i could totally be a chiropractor anyways like there was one point where he was tapping a spot on my cheek and asking me to think about the pain at its worst level and he was like i know this is weird but it works for some people and i'm like you know man at this point i'm up for anything but this is really [Music] weird and like he did a lot of tests like with like so if you push back on your arm like this and your arm is strong so my this arm was strong so he would test something at the same time where i'm like doing my arm and if my arm was weak then that area was also weak seems to make a lot of sense to me but sometimes i felt like he was like pushing harder on the spots that he wanted to be weak and like not pushing back as hard on the spots that he thought should be stronger because i told him where the pain was at so he was like oh yeah definitely in that area and i felt like he was like pushing harder does that make sense so um yeah he did the thera gun which i have at home i have a thera gun at home he said i should feel some relief in 24 hours so if in 24 hours i feel like a new woman i will take back every word that i said what color is that what black kind of looks brown to me is it brown it looks like blue it looks like blue looks like you have a frosting mustache you cut icing on your lips ah what color is that good job what did you guys learn about at school today yeah what'd you learn about um your backpack what letter does a backpack start with that's what you learned about today letter what letter did you learn about today that's right makes the sound like britney do you know whose name that is can you say britney britney no mommy mommy that's right i'd rather you call me mommy the boys are just enjoying a little after school snack carter's chilling over there in the corner carter can you say hi everybody had a good day at school yeah yeah guys [Applause] okay good job babe we're about to put coop in gymnastics he's gonna love it well if you want to do it you can do it baby you got what i thought mommy used to do gymnastics you're right i'm gonna take you so they can teach you how to do flips mommy used to teach people how to do flips i used to be a coach whoa whoa what what place is it i i coached at an old gym it's closed now but i used to coach girls and boys do i see this no there was no lightsabers there so one of the first things that i do when the kids come home is check their lunches and see what they eat what are you doing and see what they didn't eat so cashy must have just drink water instead of having apple juice which i don't think my kids like this flavor very much every time i pack these they're like not it must be the flavor i don't know i'm totally fine with them just drinking water for lunch because i take water bottles with them and then let's see what cashew ate okay so looks like he ate most of his sandwich three quarters of his string cheese um some goldfish and i also had a yogurt in here so you must have eaten this yogurt i guess just a couple of animal crackers not too bad that's a typical typical lunch for cash she's kind of uh picky at lunch time what are we doing and carter ate everything except for his nutter butters do you not like nutter butters no okay well then i won't put those in there anymore and then let's see what cooperate look at cooper cooper ate almost everything but three animal crackers and one piece of orange so he ate almost his whole entire orange his yogurt his goldfish his sandwich almost all his animal crackers good job coop good job eating your lunch today what's up on this and then whenever it's no no no no i don't want any tell them what it is what are you eating it's pineapple flavored on the outside and then the inside there's chili powder yeah sounds delicious i wanted to show you guys this mobile that just came in that i ordered the other day i saw it on anthropology's website and i knew that i had to have it because these are little llamas on here i just love the entire look of it but if you um have been following me for a while you know that llamas remind us of crew and so this has little llamas all the way around it each one is different i just thought these little llamas reminded me of crew and it's like big brother is watching over him i swear every time i set up a camera it is so janky it's like i'm too lazy to go and get my tripod and set it up so i just try to find like somewhere to set this look at the pile on the crib i think it actually looks worse than it really is i promise i just need to hang up some of that stuff right there and those two are my clothes and then inside of there is like a stroller attachment and a couple other things so it really looks worse than it is but i plan on doing like an entire video on organizing the nursery and then a nursery tour so um i'm kind of just saving that to just do it all at one time in one video i did just open one little package i ordered this from brave little ones this was from the madison vining collection she's actually one of my favorite people to follow on instagram i just love i love her family i love their way of living um i aspire to do that one day i would love to have land and just to be able to live the way that they do is very inspiring so she's also a fellow mama who has lost a child as well she lost her little girl so it's not my place to speak on that right here but she did lose a child i think a few years ago so i ordered this from her collection it says all we have is now and got fuzzies from the rug on here but i love this mustard color i really want like some of these for all of my kids to match i might just have to i'll link this below but all we really have is now you don't really think of it that way until you lose a child and you're always looking towards the future but um your future could change in a heartbeat so you just you just don't know i think i got a zero to three months that way he could wear it like right away and then i got some swaddles from um little unicorn i ordered these the other day so this one is like a it's almost like a farmhouse looking um swaddle it's red like a maroon red and a blue and then i got this one this one has llamas i actually have the llama blanket which is back here but i also wanted to swaddle just in case i want to swaddle him with this llama blanket in the hospital but anyways i'm gonna go in here with my kiddos they're watching a movie and having snack time we do not allow ipads during the school week so the ipads are put up it really hasn't been an issue at all my kids do not ask for them so yeah we don't allow ipads during the week only on the weekends so right now they are allowed to play their switch games but only for a certain amount of time once that time is up then they have to do something else so that's the rules around our house right now they're they're they are watching a movie um it will hit witching hour here in a little while where things are going to get crazy until bedtime that's just how it is that's how it goes all their bottled up energy from school just comes out and then they start arguing and fighting with each other and it's really fun times so i'm gonna go back in there with them it is the next morning i put the camera down yesterday uh towards the end of the day i always feel funny like ending vlogs is always so weird because by the end of the day you look like haggard and tired and the lighting is always terrible so sometimes i would rather end it the next morning um but i did a little bit of organizing yesterday i didn't really plan on it and then um i just kind of got this wild hair like i had planned on doing a lot of organizing in the house but i wanted to film it all however sometimes i just like get impatient and i just want to like do it instead of waiting to like make a whole video on it which is totally selfish because i'm sure that you guys would enjoy seeing like the before and after but i wanted to show you a couple of things that i did do i haven't done much i'll try to film the rest of it but i did do my um like for not first aid um medicine cabinet and then i did our drunk drawer and then i did our silverware drawer so i wanted to show you guys that before i get off for this vlog so let's go take a look at that real quick so the first one that i did was the medicine cabinet and you can find these clear turntables and the little boxes you can find these at places like home goods you can also find them on amazon you don't necessarily have to get those at the container store in fact these i believe i ordered from amazon so i'll link those below just in case those are still available these labels are from the container store these are the home edit labels i really like those but they do have a couple on amazon i believe i just don't know if they have any that are like specifically for the medicine cabinet but i'll link what i can in the description box below but these are just um so i categorize them by um like daily stuff so this is stuff that i would pull out daily mainly just vitamins and the kids vitamins and then this is frequently used medication and kids medication i just used my label maker for this one and then this one is wellness um it has extra vitamins that we don't take like daily um and a few other things and then this one is first aid and then on this side i have the allergy medicine um digestive medicine and other medicine my care of vitamins and then essential oils so unfortunately i didn't get a before of what this looked like but just know that it was a huge disaster and so everything looks so much better um this is the drawer that needed it so badly and you guys you should have seen them before it was so bad you could barely open this drawer um everything is so simplified i didn't realize how much stuff just really needed to be thrown away in here and anything extra i moved to the office a lot of it was paperwork i'm in like user manuals so i moved all of that to a different place in the office but now it is all nice and organized um these containers are from amazon this one is from the container store but i'm sure that you can find one on amazon also so i'll try to link those below as well and then here is the silverware drawer and this was pretty messy also i got rid of a couple things that we don't typically use and just kind of simplify this in here um this bamboo tray is from target and then the black flatware is from amazon i'll link that below this is really nice i really like that um the gold straws these are also from amazon um and then all the kids utensils and then a few of um cooking utensils i have a separate drawer for that that needs to be organized but so far this is what i've gotten done so i just wanted to show you guys since i didn't get to capture all of that process on video um just thought i would at least show you the after so i am going to go ahead and end the vlog right now that way i can get it up start editing and get it up sooner rather than later but don't forget to check out the raycon earbuds i'm going to leave the link in the description box below if you use that link you can get 15 percent off your earbuds um they would make an amazing gift this holiday season also so definitely check out that link if you guys are interested in purchasing some of those and i hope you guys enjoyed this vlog don't forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and i will see you guys on my next vlog bye standing
Channel: Brittani Boren Leach
Views: 74,605
Rating: 4.9176917 out of 5
Keywords: Day in the life, Brittani boren leach, Raycon, Raycon code, Mommy vlogger, Mommy vlogs, SAHM stay at home mom, Ditl vlog, Pregnancy, Pregnant
Id: qTfRpyCQyW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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