Snoop Dogg Creates A Song On The Spot with Jamie Foxx and Compares New Rappers to Vets

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the legendary the one and only Snoop Dogg yeah my brother's here look at him he's back he's back ladies and gentlemen he's back look at him the biggest household name in America they know him all over the world the most famous rapper ever ladies and gentlemen he's here he's here longevity Tour ability what stolidity he has it all Lady to tell him what an early snowball come on babe you know where we do snoop come on man I saw a went ham in the front row sitting next to Chamillionaire camilli look at Travis and Travis Scott looking sad oh man oh man well you do the two hands you've been around for a minute anticip it's a man it goes the neighborhood how you been brother man I've been working hard and hardly work this way I mean I'm on some completely different than I see it I see it yeah and i peep it and that's one of the things I've always admired about you you got to be able to keep reinventing to keep going to that next step but your social media game is stupid yeah I love when people try to clown me uh-huh cuz it gives me the opportunity to just dog yo ass come after you belong yeah but I can take well let me ask you about the took this is the one I want to ask you about the little girl that said a bunch of stuff did you laughs well I knew that it was mental awareness month that yeah that and in my thing was I didn't have no no larceny or no hate towards I was just like they just don't know that they don't know they don't know no better but at the same time it's my job to be humble mm-hmm and to not try to send a missile or descend somebody slapped a dog get out of yeah but to just play my role in my position and just to be uncle snoop and let my nephews and nieces their rights and right they're wrong there it is because exhibit exhibit was on Big Boy right and big boy accident you know that's our family you know a big boy asked them do you think hip-hop has gotten real disrespectful and this is what exhibits said do you feel like hip-hop is disrespectful now hip-hop eats its young right for example I saw this little clip for this little white girl with a a K and two little goof balls to a business Snoop Dogg I think that is the lines are getting blurred between entertainment and risking your life yes he said risking your life and it's funny so I'm walking you ain't talking about 200 dog is saving your life but it was funny because those same two people that were saying all that disrespectful stuff about the icon right here ladies and gentlemen he's a household name around the world eventually they backtracked and this is what they had to say and we didn't want to say that we apologize to snowed I'm not saying to the end that we respect I could see a real OG yes not just knew like I'm full I'm sorry I think I say I didn't mean right there I make people have to like do funny videos that's what I do you know separate thing I did I told you in choice everybody does which is say wherever you have somebody and say this to and I just want to say I'm sorry and I never meant to be no in what else I told you everybody on [Music] yo it's great you know but I actually I saw you you're so on the pulse of everything to me like you comment if somebody has a rant you comment on that - yah he's somebody - I think that's in the soil you know during the March you know your comment on politics the president you come in on that what is your assessment on this divide that happens in rap when you hear a lot of The Young Ones say somebody like Tupac isn't was wasn't great or you know all these different comments we hear you know I try to bridge that the same way we did in our families when our uncles would talk to the nephews and everybody in between like we got wisdom for you you know you got game for us what do you think the problem is so miscommunication yeah speaking different languages and no history you know that's what they've been doing at black people since day one not it just converted into hip-hop you're not teaching about the greats yeah how could you say he's great we know he great cuz we grew with him mm-hmm but the young generation ain't get nothing but a few pictures a couple of stories a couple of TV shows but not really the insight on who this man was and what he meant to the industry and how if he was alive right now him and Biggie both yeah this is what Snoop Dogg is I'm the living example of what they would have been because these guys were well on the way to the path that I'm on right now as far as understanding where they would be now but since they were cut off it seems like the history was cut off and the history is not being passed down and traditionally like it's supposed to to the young generation when I was a young MC everybody from New York was a that was before me I knew them I respect it two and when I ran across kool herc or kool Moe Dee go Slick Rick or whoever the I ran across it was bow down mmm now damn mm-hmm I don't give a if I sold 5 6 million records it's Batman when I first ran into EPMD me and dr. Dre did too Rosie Perez show EPMD was mine they gotta let him the debt me and Randy had deep cover and I've raced out of my dressing room to go say what's up to Eric and perish they got love you my name's Snoop Dogg I'll respect y'all bow to him you get what I'm saying like yes I was taught mm-hmm but the teaching stopped because first of all we didn't know how to teach yeah my generation didn't know how to teach we led by example the generation before us talked they taught hip-hop their 70s and 80s they taught hip-hop this is what hip-hop is what you sound like this is what style is this is what originality is when we got it please like that we breaking the rules we doing our own but we failed to teach we failed to teach mm-hmm and that's why it's being mishandled by the young generation because they've never been taught unless there was an uncle in the house somebody that was older that was like nah like ASAP Rocky yeah she raised him on these guys too mm-hmm you understand upstairs certain people mamas that just enough you finna get this yeah you're gonna get this work yeah and you gonna understand it so when you become a rapper when you run across Snoop Dogg giving me is bad Wow so in essence this part are it's our fault there it is I mean who you know you can't blame nobody else to see that's when you when you understand that the mastering of yourself you got to blame yourself first yeah and then once you blame stuff you can work on them I'm working on me right now mm-hmm so while I'm working on me when I get me right then I'll be able to dialect and highlight y'all but in the meantime I respect y'all everything y'all doing even things that people say are wack or this and then I respect it you know I'm not gonna ever put a view out there like I used to in say man that style is wack that's repetitive that's this and that because at the same time it's a new it's a new environment when I was young we had to be original I'm gonna sound like have it be like you couldn't sound like me we out of here yeah Dana Dana Slick Rick was the closest to the sound of like mm-hmm and we gave him problem like which one is which you understand I'm saying now it's like everybody sound like everybody but it's acceptable so what am I to - say well I have a problem with it because this thing will hip-hop was based on well hip-hop has grown if we was just a hip-hop was the state where it was it would have never reached me in California so let it continue to grow about Al you know it's interesting man Snoop Dogg is here when you when you came here last year last time a couple years back and I had actually about the last time you saw a pot and you eloquently and emotionally told the story you know and then the movie all eyes on me came out and they told me that that scene that they did in that movie they were able to interpret it from the story you told on this show did you know that felt like it right yeah like they listened to our interview was like we need to add that to the movie because that's that's real it was really um it's like I said I was just talking to Howard Stern man I was telling him that me and Park had a misunderstanding before he passed away and that always brought me the wrong way because that was willing my friend and I didn't have an opportunity to apologize or either to hear his apology either just to get an understanding on a middle of the street all right we cool I get that so I had to talk to his spirit as opposed to talking to him and it led me to believe that you know his spirit connected with me but I didn't get a chance to get that reaction that I wanted and that's always been like a stain in my life to where you know when you want to make sure that you write with somebody you know I'm saying even if you write and they feel you wrong you still want to give them the benefit of the doubt that you know it made a bit so wrong and what I did yeah it's a lot Phil you and I never got a chance to do that would you what is your relationship like what should I love him yeah Cole wouldn't accept calls from him trying to do something with him trying to figure out a way to do the death row story with me in him um I love him I appreciate everything he done for me even the fact that he wanted me killed all of that cuz I have to take it on the chin and made me who I am and I'm I expressed that to him I'm a forgiving brother you know yeah you try but you missed so we're gonna move forward from that mm-hmm y'all were able to discuss that out and we had to I mean you know no one in the room for about three hours mm-hmm no security no nothing just getting to understanding because this is a man that loved me like I loved him it was just a matter of people in scenarios and situations and eagles once you get past the egos because if you watch the therefore chronicles I watched it on be et yeah it was one particular moment that I watched him say Snoop Dogg was the reason Darrow make money Snoop Dogg is the reason we got cracking yeah when I came out of his mouth like that blew my mind like wow he's he's like really the hard guy to really get to give credit huh like he don't give credit unless he's like he have to give it up and it's like that wasn't forced that was just him being honest and being sincere because I healed and we healed together by me not having a attitude towards and when he was down yeah I didn't kick him I tried to help him back up mm-hmm you know said I wasn't like trying to knock him all the way off when I had him on one leg when he was trying to knock me off on two legs hmm Snoop Dogg is here man we're gonna open up these phone lines to come back I'm gonna play something from Bible love you know which is what what made you decide to do this album mmm man I lost my grandmother and uh when I lost my grandma theis to go to her house in Mississippi she's to always have Jimmy Swaggart playing on the TV and she loved Jimmy Swaggart she gay time in at least 500 oz a date what at least a day at least Jimmy got to make that three million dollars every day I didn't send Jimmy my money so I'm just waiting to see if he gonna get to that three million look at Jimmy's group they sound so good I pisang it and Jimmy's group was singing it's the sons was saying it's singing and I was coming here and see my grandmother and I was like damn you know what it's crazy that my grandmother has never heard any of my music hmm that just blows mouth one song that just blows my mind sounds like you know what I got to make something that she can listen to and her friends can be proud of all these church ladies with these big-ass hat songs in the front row you know until now I had to like pull out my bag and say look I was born and raised in the church the first style of music I ever heard was gospel music uh-huh let me take it back to the basics let me call up some gospel greats some Clark Sisters some John P cheese Fred Hammond Patti LaBelle Charlie Wilson Rance Allen etc etc and see if they really with this getting on the battle line and on the front line and bringing a message to the world that needs it right now the world that we living in right now is full of negative hate violence death so why not answer with love peace and happiness to give it an answer to the negativity so it was just a thought our plan to make some music that my grandmother would be proud of that everybody in my family could be proud of that it was a record that you could play for the whole family and not have to say well wait to Grandma leave wait am I like I hate this like that used to bother me like my music come on like Grandma granny and it turned it off yeah I want to be able to bang that for granny now I know granny in heaven running around telling everybody you see my grandson down in here's new album number one six weeks on the road not as good and I told you send a 500 gonna put the phone lines at a 7 4 2 3 3 4 5 love for God make sure you leave something in that point in Jamie Reverend Calvin Brody did and we will be serving wine with Pringles and make sure you put something in that block and result won't sink you Jesus turned water into wine yes indeed two fish and seven barley loaves that was a sushi fabric work [Music] he farts Corinne Fox they just Wow [Applause] remember when I remember when I had you shake her like that really we had a little get-together you know a man at table that's his snip shake this money [Music] have you seen that's real quick oh you don't bang what you do now as you get me with my niece like that you know what not kidding yo what the dude do what do you do no you know what he was I mean he didn't run yeah all right I appreciate but that was walked in I said I'm on your neck I'm your man got any questions so boo so pretty and just you know so smart man and just you know every time I see you you know I get misty both god that's crazy baby girl baby girls when they start growing up you feel a different way because at the same time you like you just want her to have the best yeah you wanted to have somebody like you but they'd only made one of me yeah yeah that's real my 19 now so it's crazy you got daughter daughter beautiful daughter see everything we do let her know how uncle was protecting her too for all you looking at a stop yeah I'm damn right let me throw 12 yo me this your uncle snoop I'll make sure that guy he add a gang and I just want to say 12 times I tell the story I'll tell mr. girlfriend I tell sir I'll tell you came to my house song is a Christmas inside of the blue like 97 I've been phone do my buzzer and said what's up hey what's up cuz I said who's it and I looked at my in my in my thing my view whatever the they call it and he was in a poor she had a blue Santa Claus head on with Samoa and orange juice and the night ensued he had to do to just roll uh-huh don't say nothing roll it should look like logs and and maybe smoke he was so close when he was trying to hit let me hear so about together you know my shoulder just this part I want you to get all right and remember we and we hoped we they're gonna have to do a special autopsy on this dude on how he could smoke then was we and we think that's a polite bow out so what kind of lungs the adventures of super long hey hey man have y'all done anything musically we did the song and one of us are so how we don't remember and I costume I said you remember the song what song only we did a song yeah and I'd sent him to him and it was one thing about Jamie though that y'all got to know is that he has been the epicenter for parties in Lawson he's been the safe haven for having a great party great entertainment and he's always been able to open his home up and ya gotta give him respect for that cuz when you open your home up you open your home up to a lot of things that you don't really know but he's always been a great host and he just did a party last year for his birthday well he put he put Miami in California I gotta say it you killed that dog yeah we rebuilt live because I always said on it when I died I wanted them to carry my casket duel is amazing times your lettuces so we rebuilt live and our flu from Miami just so they could see live in LA and the was could we had was named the Ice Cube said payback's a they background hey listen man the party was crazy everybody there my whole everybody and then mace came out yes Snoop touch-based it dougie fresh and all of a sudden out of nowhere I seen that black leather jacket with that head and and Ice Cube saying here's a little story about a like me never should have been let out to penitentiary Ice Cube would like to say that I'm a crazy from around the way since it was a youth huh I smoke weed out now I'm the that you read about ya later [Music] I was hoping you know hooks in the game maybe you could do something Jamie come in with a hook well sway in the morning say five exclusive [Music] [Music] hey this world we do god I'm gonna break it down it's like shade one two three four five there's no dog Jamie farts on my side I got swayed to the right Heather be but yet she no go bout to drop around I'm coming back for the scratch from the DJ see when I rock they say what'd he say it should've gone Eston double Opie Jamie you see me a week that's their evil elf boy let me break it down and show you my skills cuz I can do it for real but they're not shield they had something on the internet about a white girl but I didn't get upset I just chill hated no attention and kept up my mention on my mission it really didn't matter cuz right about now my part to getting a little fatter cuz I sat out down and I gave us some game I said don't you ever disrespect my name is number one the only the s the home and if you do that I'll leave your stony that means you'll be on the block by yourself and shot and you might not make it take your black so do not talk about testing double opt cuz you will be a EAD you feel me [Music] [Music] to wake your ass up it's wagging the moaning I brush my teeth and now i'm ionut I jumped in the Sprinter van heading down the streets trying to get to the radio station to get complete yes That's not me get me something to eat at the stone I stopped to talk to a cute little ho she says Snoop Dogg cannot go I said nut let the net net net net net no no then I kept pushing on to the spot so when I got there I had to drop it like it's hot oh I had some dope in my pocket in the cops put me over and they said snow can we have a shot oh I shot you mean a picture hit it take it real close so I can get rid of all of this funk in my pocket go upstairs but I was turning burn with this runtime the murder let me show you how we go when I'm gonna steal the show just the mone show on the radio shade fo5 is way do it up why have to be in the cup we bout to it up time you Jamie parks to the left and I'm so dead I can do this until I run out of breath my breaths no good cuz I brush was the chronic this morning can you smell that sing it to me dawg [Music] [Music] don't change careers Bible love in stores Snoop Dogg for since the Joker's wild airs Sundays on TBS 10:00 p.m. season 2 yeah thank you for having me to lay the song he put out for dedicated to his mother's in this family yeah dog I mean we don't come back with Jamie Foxx like yeah I like actually about it but Beauty gave myself a honey but I didn't want to be biased they did a rating of people know they they flows they lyrics you know biggie got 99 on you in a unitard to rate you rappers from a there's too many y'all that was too good right thank you for coming I love y'all too man what I want to say this I want to say this man for y'all would erectile dysfunction uh-huh get it together man okay there it is a full five [Music] [Music]
Views: 1,769,294
Rating: 4.9184017 out of 5
Keywords: Sway In The Morning Interview, Sway Calloway, Celebrity Interviews, Snoop Dogg, Jamie Foxx, Interview, Snoop Dogg Gin and Juice, Dr. Dre, Death Row, Tupac, Suge Kight, Smoke Weed, Drop It Like Its Hot, Doggpound, Sway in the morning, 5 fingers of death, sway, sway in the morning freestyle, tyler the creator freestyle, childish gambino freestyle, tory lanez freestyle, lil dicky freestyle, logic freestyle, damian lillard rap, megan thee stallion, riff raff freestyle
Id: v4S1vFLr2Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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